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1 | Company name | URL of guidelines | Company type | Last updated | Description | |||||||
2 | Adobe | https://spectrum.adobe.com/page/data-visualization-fundamentals/ | for profit | December 2019 | Data visualization guidelines for Spectrum—Adobe's design system. | |||||||
3 | Airbnb | https://airbnb.io/visx | for profit | |||||||||
4 | Amazon Web Services | https://cloudscape.design/patterns/general/data-vis/ | for profit | |||||||||
5 | Apple | https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/charts | for profit | September 2022 | General data visualization guidelines for application developers | |||||||
6 | Arc GIS Storymaps | https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/d19f7d4d2a9b49c7b8f68730e3cda1e6 | for profit | 2022 | ||||||||
7 | Aviva | https://standards.aviva.com/framework/element-library/components/pie-chart/ | for profit | 2021 | Some guidelines on the graph / charts styles | |||||||
8 | Baltimore City Data Fellows Project | https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/d19f7d4d2a9b49c7b8f68730e3cda1e6 | non-profit | April 1, 2022 | ||||||||
9 | BBC | https://www.bbc.co.uk/gel/guidelines/how-to-design-infographics | news or journalism | 2016 | How we design infographics for BBC editorial content and how you can make your own. | |||||||
10 | BBC | https://bbc.github.io/rcookbook/ | news or journalism | 2019 | An R package and an R cookbook to make the process of creating publication-ready graphics in our in-house style using R’s ggplot2 library a more reproducible process, as well as making it easier for people new to R to create graphics. | |||||||
11 | BBC Audiences | https://public.tableau.com/profile/bbc.audiences#!/vizhome/BBCAudiencesTableauStyleGuide/Hello | news or journalism | 2022 | Guide for Tableau Desktop users. This style guide is here to help you achieve consistent user experiences, help you make effective visualisations and make your visualisation a part of the high quality output of the BBC's Audiences team. | |||||||
12 | Carnegie Mellon Univeristy | https://www.cmu.edu/brand/brand-guidelines/data-viz.html | Education | Displaying data in a visual way allows us to tell a story that is both easily digestible and impactful. Utilizing consistent styles and formats across the university provides a uniform look and eliminates the burden on the user to interpret similar data types presented in varying formats. It also ensures that we are incorporating best practices as we consider the experience of all users. These guidelines and best practices take into account accessibility, usability, branding and style decisions. Applying these principles to your data visualizations will enhance your message and allow the data to tell a clear story. | ||||||||
14 | Catalyst California | https://www.catalystcalifornia.org/campaign-tools/publications/data-storytelling-guide | non-profit | September 2024 | A data storytelling guide to amplify your data stories to center community voices and humanize research findings. | |||||||
15 | Cato Institute | https://github.com/glosophy/CatoDataVizGuidelines/blob/master/PocketStyleBook.pdf | non-profit | 2019 | It is meant to improve the quality of data visualization in order to create a more appealing experience for the reader and to more effectively communicate Cato’s mission and message to the public. You will find graphic guidelines for each figure and table as well as the justification for each one’s design. | |||||||
16 | Consumer Financial Protection Bureau | https://cfpb.github.io/design-system/guidelines/data-visualization-guidelines | government | 2018 | The data visualization design manual provides guidance to designers, business intelligence analysts, researchers and developers to consider who their audience is, and the impacts of what they include in a title, some basics for accessibility, as well as keeping everything feeling like CFPB. | |||||||
17 | Dallas Morning News | tdmn_graphics.pdf | news or journalism | 2005 | In the following pages you will find more than just specifications of our graphics style; you’ll find guidelines that should be considered for every graphic you make as well as clarity of graphic choice. | |||||||
18 | Data Dog | https://druids.datadoghq.com/patterns/dataviz | for profit | The Dataviz teams at Datadog offer a variety of data visualizations that can be used throughout the Datadog product as React components. They offer multiple customizations, beyond width and height, so that they can be suited for specific datasets. The Dataviz Docs provide details on the technical implementation of these charts as well as specific options for customization. On this page, we’ll walk through the basics of our data visualization components and the cases for which each is most useful. | ||||||||
19 | Dell | https://www.delldesignsystem.com/patterns/chart-customization/ | for profit | |||||||||
20 | DHL | https://www.dpdhl-brands.com/en/dhl/tables-and-charts | for profit | January 2024 | Basic guidelines for shipping company DHL. | |||||||
21 | Elastic | https://eui.elastic.co/#/elastic-charts/creating-charts | for profit | |||||||||
22 | Finastra | https://design.fusionfabric.cloud/data-visualization | for profit | |||||||||
23 | Gitlab | https://design.gitlab.com/data-visualization/overview | for profit | |||||||||
26 | GitLab | https://handbook.gitlab.com/handbook/business-technology/data-team/platform/tableau-style-guide/ | for profit | November 3, 2023 | GitLab's style guide specifically for Tableau | |||||||
27 | Google- Material Design | https://material.io/design/communication/data-visualization.html | for profit | 2019 | Sections include: Principles, Types, Selecting charts, Style, Behavior, Dashboards | |||||||
28 | Government of Canada | https://design.gccollab.ca/data/data-overview/ | government | |||||||||
30 | Human Managed | https://www.figma.com/file/jixsiIT7pCeiPMk8oiM6Qb/Data-viz-system?node-id=547%3A12066 | for profit | 2021 | A style guide for Human Managed dashboards and data viz in general, with explanation on design choices and rationale. It's a work in progress. | |||||||
31 | Humanitarian Data Exchange HDX | https://data.humdata.org/dataviz-guide/dataviz-elements/ | non-profit | |||||||||
32 | IBM | https://www.ibm.com/design/v1/language/experience/data-visualization/ | for profit | 2016 | See how IBM uses data visualization to provide meaningful context and precision. | |||||||
33 | IBM | https://www.ibm.com/design/language/data-visualization/overview | for profit | 2020 | (new URL) - 2020 Brand guideline | |||||||
34 | Justice Innovation Lab | https://knowledgehub.justiceinnovationlab.org/reports/JIL_Data_Visualization_Guide.pdf | non-profit | April 2024 | ||||||||
35 | Kraft Heinz | https://delish.supernova-docs.io/latest/about/delish-design-system-lWrOQArP | for profit | 2024 | Kraft Heinz digital enterprise team's design system, Delish! There's a robust data viz section as well. We're still adding to it as we go. | |||||||
36 | Liferay | https://liferay.design/lexicon/core-components/charts/ | for profit | |||||||||
37 | London City Intelligence | https://data.london.gov.uk/blog/city-intelligence-data-design-guidelines/ | government | 2019 | A first step toward improvement was creating a set of guidelines to help us all understand the basic principles of data visualisation, provide some examples of good practice, working processes and links to tools we can all use. The guidelines are a “work in progress”, that have evolved through documenting what processes and tools have worked well so far in our work, and we hope will expand further in the future. As we begin to create more interactive data visualisation applications, built on the expanding Datastore platform, these guidelines will be important to underpin the design of those applications. | |||||||
38 | MailChimp | https://ux.mailchimp.com/patterns/data | for profit | Data should be clear; it should not be overly decorative and it should be presented in a meaningful way. Below are a few standards that we’ve set for telling visual data stories. | ||||||||
39 | Met Life | https://design.metlife.com/foundations/core-guidance/data-visualization/ | for profit | |||||||||
40 | Microsoft | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/dev/add-ins/design/data-visualization-guidelines | for profit | 2017 | Guidelines to help you design effective data visualizations in your add-ins for Excel and other Office apps. | |||||||
41 | MinnPost | http://code.minnpost.com/minnpost-styles/ | news or journalism | 2016 | Welcome to MinnPost Styles, a super-fly, style guide focused on interactive and news applications made by the MinnData team. A work in progress. MinnPost Styles is a CSS and JS framework. The CSS source is written in SASS and is extendable if you want to include the framework via SASS. The source code can be found on Github. | |||||||
42 | Monash Climate Change Communication Research Hub (MCCCRH) | https://apo.org.au/node/314650 | Higher Education/Research | |||||||||
43 | Morning Star | https://designsystem.morningstar.com/charts/chart-elements-status/ | for profit | |||||||||
44 | NZZ | https://nzzdev.github.io/Storytelling-Styleguide/#/ | news or journalism | 2019-07-24 | This documentation is designed to collected and maintain the styles and visual language of the Neue Zürcher Zeitung’s Visuals team. | |||||||
45 | Office for National Statistics | https://style.ons.gov.uk/category/data-visualisation/ | government | 2019 | Guidance for creating charts and tables and best practice for using colour in your work. | |||||||
46 | Opower | https://ux.opower.com/opattern/how-to-charts.html | for profit | 2015? | How to create and use charts | |||||||
48 | Orange | https://system.design.orange.com/0c1af118d/p/37a8d3-data-display | for profit | |||||||||
49 | Pearson | https://accessibility.pearson.com/resources/dataviz/ | for profit | Unknown | It seems to be a work in progress | |||||||
50 | https://gestalt.pinterest.systems/foundations/data_visualization/overview | for profit | 2023 | |||||||||
51 | RAD-X | https://radx-up.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/RADx-UP-Data-Visualization-Style-Guide.pdf | government | |||||||||
52 | Red Hat | https://www.patternfly.org/charts/about/ | ||||||||||
53 | Royal Statistical Society | https://rss.org.uk/datavisguide | non-profit | 2024 | Best practices and style guides for data visualisations which is written primarily for contributors to Royal Statistical Society publications – chiefly, Significance magazine, the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A, and Real World Data Science – but the information and advice within is of broad relevance and use to any data visualisation task. | |||||||
54 | Salesforce | https://lightningdesignsystem.com/guidelines/charts/ | for profit | 2019 | Chart guidance in Lightning Design System | |||||||
55 | semrush | https://developer.semrush.com/intergalactic/data-display/chart-showcase/chart-showcase | for profit | |||||||||
56 | Shopify | https://polaris.shopify.com/design/data-visualizationst | for profit | Outlines data visualization practices at Shopify and how to leverage them. By maintaining consistent styles and formats for our data visualizations, we ensure that data is presented in a truthful and accurate manner to maintain integrity with merchants. | ||||||||
57 | Sonos | https://www.agencysr.co.uk/works/data-visualisation-guidelines | Commercial | Following an initial audit of the Sonos brand collateral and guidelines, Surgery red cow agency was asked to create a new set of guidelines for their data visualisation. | ||||||||
58 | Sprout Social | https://seeds.sproutsocial.com/visual/dataviz/ | for profit | We use data visualization to represent complex numerical data and patterns in a clear and concise format. We use infographics to present simple data in a more compelling format. | ||||||||
59 | Sunlight Foundation | https://sunlightfoundation.com/2014/03/12/datavizguide | non-profit | 2014 | The pdf guide covers the common applications and provides guidance on basic design and branding principles that all company charts should meet. Templates are created to get as close as possible to meeting the specs in this guide. | |||||||
60 | The Economist | https://design-system.economist.com/documents/CHARTstyleguide_20170505.pdf | news or journalism | 2017 | ||||||||
61 | The Economist maps styleguide | https://design-system.economist.com/documents/MAPstyleguide_20170505.pdf | news or journalism | 2017 | ||||||||
62 | The Urban Institute | https://urbaninstitute.github.io/graphics-styleguide/ | non-profit | Use this data visualization style guide to create a uniform look and feel to all of Urban’s charts and graphs. This site contains guidelines that are in line with data visualization best practices and proven design principles. It also eliminates the burden of design and color decisions when creating charts. | ||||||||
63 | Trafford Data Lab | https://www.trafforddatalab.io/interactive_graphics_companion/ | government | January 2019 | The Interactive Graphics Companion provides the raw JSON for creating different data visualisations in Vega-Lite. | |||||||
64 | Twilio | https://paste.twilio.design/foundations/data-visualization | for profit | |||||||||
65 | U.S. Design System | https://designsystem.digital.gov/components/data-visualizations/ | government | 2021 | Best practices for basic visualization design, including some accessibility guidance. | |||||||
66 | UNHCR | https://dataviz.unhcr.org/assets/download/UNHCR_Data_Visualization_Guidelines.pdf | non-profit, government | Semptember 2021 | ||||||||
67 | URBAN INSTITUTE | https://urbaninstitute.github.io/graphics-styleguide/ | ||||||||||
68 | US Agency for International Development | Office of HIV/AIDS | https://issuu.com/achafetz/docs/oha_styleguide | government | Feb 2021 | The purpose of our style guide is to provide the USAID Office of HIV/AIDS (OHA) with a set of guide rails on how to present data in-line with an overall vision so that all OHA data visualizations have a common look and feel - through color choice, graphic elements, and principles. | |||||||
69 | Visa | https://developer.visa.com/pages/chart-components | for profit | Basic set of charts in a design system with a focus on accessibility. Support for React, Angular, and R. | ||||||||
70 | Visma's Unified | https://vud.visma.com/latest/data-visualisation/data-visualisations/best-practices-5eOvDdCz | for profit | VUD data visualisations are thoughtfully designed to help your users easily identify patterns and variations in data, enabling them to make informed decisions. | ||||||||
71 | VTEX | https://styleguide.vtex.com/#/Components/%F0%9F%91%BB%20Experimental/Charts | for profit | |||||||||
72 | World Health Organization | https://apps.who.int/gho/data/design-language/ | government | 2023 | ||||||||
73 | WWF | https://wwf-brand.azurewebsites.net/brand-guidelines/data-visualisations-infographics/ | non-profit | |||||||||
74 | Urban Insitute | https://urbaninstitute.github.io/graphics-styleguide/ | non-profit | Oct 2024 | ||||||||
75 | Many | https://www.linkedin.com/posts/vitalyfriedman_ux-design-activity-7142458159264067584-NIv0/ | Just think that you can find useful style guides in Vitaliy's post | |||||||||
76 | Dashboard realted styleguides | https://www.linkedin.com/posts/nastengraph_making-the-dashboard-style-guide-easier-to-activity-7104511913161584640-U3z3?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop | ||||||||||
77 | TASO | https://taso-he.github.io/technicalguide/data-vis/ | non-profit | |||||||||
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