A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | AA | AB | AC | AD | |
1 | Application | Domain | Key | Type | Profile Manageable | Supported Software Version | Default Value | Comments | Example Command | Link 1 | Link 2 | |||||||||||||||||||
2 | Other | com.microsoft.autoupdate.fba | SendAllTelemetryEnabled | Boolean | Yes | 15.x - 16.27 | TRUE | Set to false to send minimal heartbeat data, no application usage, and no environment details. This key was removed in 16.27 / MAU 4.12 and there is nothing left to manage in this preference domain. | defaults write com.microsoft.autoupdate.fba SendAllTelemetryEnabled -bool TRUE | https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/C07UZ1X7B/p1565795925296800 | ||||||||||||||||||||
3 | MAU | com.microsoft.autoupdate2 | AcknowledgedDataCollectionPolicy | String | Yes | MAU 4.12 (16.27.0) | RequiredDataOnly | The first time 4.12 or later of MAU is launched, users will see a Required Data Notice dialog. If you don't want your users to see this dialog, you can set the preference to RequiredDataOnly. Regardless of which value you set, the dialog won't be shown to your users. If you let your users see this dialog, then when the user chooses OK, the value RequiredDataOnly is written and the dialog is not shown to the user again. The RequiredAndOptionalData value stopped working in MAU 4.70. | defaults write com.microsoft.autoupdate2 AcknowledgedDataCollectionPolicy RequiredDataOnly | https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/deployoffice/mac/mau-preferences#acknowledgeddatacollectionpolicy | ||||||||||||||||||||
4 | MAU | com.microsoft.autoupdate2 | Applications | Dictionary | Yes | Register applications that MAU should update. If this is not managed MAU might have issues finding updates for applications that a user has never opened. | https://github.com/pbowden-msft/Payloads | |||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | MAU | com.microsoft.autoupdate2 | ChannelName | String | Yes | MAU 3.3 (15.17.0) | Production (Inferred) | Set the update channel. Valid arguments: Current, CurrentThrottle, Beta, Preview, Custom. | defaults write com.microsoft.autoupdate2 ChannelName -string 'Custom' | https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/deployoffice/mac/mau-preferences#channelname | ||||||||||||||||||||
6 | MAU | com.microsoft.autoupdate2 | DisableEndOfSupportNotifications | Boolean | Yes | FALSE | Set to TRUE to prevent Office 2016 end of support notification | defaults write com.microsoft.autoupdate2 DisableEndOfSupportNotifications -boolean TRUE | https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/C29PWTQFM/p1589833927118300 | |||||||||||||||||||||
7 | MAU | com.microsoft.autoupdate2 | DisableInsiderCheckbox | Boolean | Yes | MAU 3.4 (15.18.0) | FALSE | Set to true to make the "Join the Office Insider Program..." checkbox unavailable/greyed out to users | defaults write com.microsoft.autoupdate2 DisableInsiderCheckbox -bool TRUE | https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/deployoffice/mac/mau-preferences#disableinsidercheckbox | ||||||||||||||||||||
8 | MAU | com.microsoft.autoupdate2 | EnableCheckForUpdatesButton | Boolean | Yes | MAU 3.18 | TRUE | Enables/disables the Check For Updates button in the MAU GUI. | defaults write com.microsoft.autoupdate2 EnableCheckForUpdatesButton -bool FALSE | https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/C8J5E5VPW/p1525938524000340 | ||||||||||||||||||||
9 | MAU | com.microsoft.autoupdate2 | ExtendedLogging | Boolean | Yes | MAU 3.8 (15.27.0) | Enable extended logging for the MAU client. Writes to /Library/Logs/Microsoft/autoupdate.log | defaults write com.microsoft.autoupdate2 ExtendedLogging -bool TRUE | https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/deployoffice/mac/mau-preferences#extendedlogging | |||||||||||||||||||||
10 | MAU | com.microsoft.autoupdate2 | HowToCheck | String | Yes | MAU 3.8 | AutomaticCheck | Change how MAU interacts with updates. Note that AutomaticDownload will do a download and install silently if possible. Valid values are: AutomaticCheck, AutomaticDownload. The Manual value was deprecated in MAU 4.70. | defaults write com.microsoft.autoupdate2 HowToCheck -string 'AutomaticDownload' | https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/deployoffice/mac/mau-preferences#howtocheck | https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/C07UZ1X7B/p1477504848005916 | |||||||||||||||||||
11 | MAU | com.microsoft.autoupdate2 | ManifestServer | String | Yes | MAU 3.8 (15.27.0) | Set a custom manifest server. Useful for "locking" clients to a specific version of Office. | defaults write com.microsoft.autoupdate2 ManifestServer -string 'https://server/folder/' | https://macadmins.software/docs/MAU_CachingServer.pdf | |||||||||||||||||||||
12 | MAU | com.microsoft.autoupdate2 | SendAllTelemetryEnabled | Boolean | Yes | MAU 3.x - MAU 4.11 | TRUE | Set to false to send minimal heartbeat data, no application usage, and no environment details. Replaced by AcknowledgedDataCollectionPolicy in MAU 4.12. | defaults write com.microsoft.autoupdate2 SendAllTelemetryEnabled -bool TRUE | |||||||||||||||||||||
13 | MAU | com.microsoft.autoupdate2 | StartDaemonOnAppLaunch | Boolean | Yes | TRUE | Controls whether the ‘Microsoft AU Daemon’ should be launched when an Office application is launched. If this value is set to 0, updates will not be detected, regardless of the ‘HowToCheck’ preference, and users will need to use the Help -> Check for Updates menu option to see if updates are available. | defaults write com.microsoft.autoupdate2 St artDaemonOnAppLaunch -bool FALSE | https://macadmins.software/docs/MAU_38.pdf | |||||||||||||||||||||
14 | MAU | com.microsoft.autoupdate2 | UpdateCache | String | Yes | MAU 3.8 (15.27.0) | Set a custom cache for clients to use when checking for updates. IE - packages, dmgs. | defaults write com.microsoft.autoupdate2 UpdateCache -string 'https://server/folder/' | https://macadmins.software/docs/MAU_CachingServer.pdf | |||||||||||||||||||||
15 | MAU | com.microsoft.autoupdate2 | UpdateCheckFrequency | Integer | Yes | 3.9.1 | 720 | Deprecated in MAU 4.70 and replaced by UpdateCheckInterval | defaults write com.microsoft.autoupdate2 UpdateCheckFrequency -int 120 | https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/deployoffice/mac/mau-preferences#updatecheckfrequency | ||||||||||||||||||||
16 | MAU | com.microsoft.autoupdate2 | UpdateCheckInterval | Integer | Yes | MAU 4.70 | 780 | Specifies the number of minutes between checking for updates. Default is set to check every 13 hours. | defaults write com.microsoft.autoupdate2 UpdateCheckInterval -int 120 | https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/deployoffice/mac/mau-preferences#updatecheckinterval | ||||||||||||||||||||
17 | MAU | com.microsoft.autoupdate2 | UpdateDeadline.ApplicationsForcedUpdateSchedule | Dictionary | Yes | 4.13+ | Using this preference, MacAdmins can set specific deadlines perapp per version, by defining a dictionary, for example: <key>UpdateDeadline.ApplicationsForcedUpdateSchedule</key> <dict> <key>/Applications/Microsoft Excel.app</key> <dict> <key>Application ID</key> <string>XCEL2019</string> <key>ForcedUpdateDate</key> <date>2019-07-20T20:01:20Z</date> <key>ForcedUpdateVersion</key> <string>16.26.19060901</string> </dict> </dict> | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/deployoffice/mac/mau-deadline | ||||||||||||||||||||||
18 | MAU | com.microsoft.autoupdate2 | UpdateDeadline.DaysBeforeForcedQuit | Integer | Yes | 4.13+ | This preference is mandatory to set in order to use the MAU Update Deadline feature and does not have any default values. The above setting will enable MAU to enforce an update within 5 days of its detection. The same pref can also be used to setup deadline for specific apps, for example: <key>Applications</key> <dict> <key>/Applications/Microsoft Excel.app</key> <dict> <key>Application ID</key> <string>XCEL2019</string> <key>LCID</key> <integer>1033</integer> <key>UpdateDeadline.DaysBeforeForcedQuit</key> <integer>5</integer> </dict> </dict> | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/deployoffice/mac/mau-deadline | ||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | MAU | com.microsoft.autoupdate2 | UpdateDeadline.FinalCountDown | Integer | Yes | 4.48+ | 60 | IT admins can now override the default deadline time of 60 minutes | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/officeupdates/release-history-microsoft-autoupdate#june-2022-release | |||||||||||||||||||||
20 | MAU | com.microsoft.autoupdate2 | UpdateDeadline.StartAutomaticUpdates | Integer | Yes | 4.13+ | 3 | This is an optional preference, which will turn on the Automatic Download and Install mode on MAU irrespective of the current MAU settings on the device. By default it is set to 3 days or 72 hours before the actual update deadline. Once the deadline is past, the preference will revert to the value set prior to turning on Automatic Download and Install mode. for example: <key>UpdateDeadline.StartAutomaticUpdates</key> <integer>3</integer> | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/deployoffice/mac/mau-deadline | https://www.kevinmcox.com/2019/07/forcing-microsoft-office-update-deadlines-with-mau/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
21 | MAU | com.microsoft.autoupdate2 | UpdaterOptimization | String | Yes | 4.40+ | Size | If you have a security agent like CrowdStrike installed and updates cause beachballs; Set UpdaterOptimization preference to "CPU" to prefer file-based delta updates (instead of binary deltas). The trade-off will be larger monthly updates. | defaults write com.microsoft.autoupdate2 UpdaterOptimization -string 'CPU' | https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/deployoffice/mac/mau-preferences#updateroptimization | https://stream.lib.utah.edu/index.php?c=details&id=13476 | |||||||||||||||||||
22 | MER | com.microsoft.errorreporting | IsAttachedEnabled | Boolean | Yes | TRUE | Disable attaching the file that caused the crash in the crash report. If you are working in a sensitive business it is recommended to set this to false. | defaults write com.microsoft.errorreporting IsAttachedEnabled -bool FALSE | ||||||||||||||||||||||
23 | MER | com.microsoft.errorreporting | IsStoreLastCrashEnabled | Boolean | Yes | 15.28.0 | FALSE | Will store the last crash report in the following path which can be helpful for debugging. ~/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.ms/MerpTempItems | defaults write com.microsoft.errorreporting IsStoreLastCrashEnabled -bool TRUE | https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/C07UZ1X7B/p1479236973009705 | ||||||||||||||||||||
24 | MER | com.microsoft.errorreporting | SendCrashReportsEvenWithTelemetryDisabled | Boolean | Yes | FALSE | Disable upload of telemetry data in Crash Reports | defaults write com.microsoft.errorreporting SendCrashReportsEvenWithTelemetryDisabled -bool TRUE | https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/C07UZ1X7B/p1524246348000451 | |||||||||||||||||||||
25 | Excel | com.microsoft.Excel | kFREEnterpriseTelemetryInfoKey | Boolean | Yes | 16.27 ONLY | FALSE | Suppresses a temporary Privacy and Services Update dialog in 16.27 ONLY. (Was previously used for a similar purpose in 16.13.1 but the key was recycled.) | defaults write com.microsoft.Excel kFREEnterpriseTelemetryInfoKey -bool TRUE | https://macadmins.software/docs/16.28-Privacy-Consent.key | ||||||||||||||||||||
26 | Excel | com.microsoft.Excel | kFREIntelligenceServicesConsentV2Key | Boolean | Yes | 16.17 - 16.27 | Users who are activated with O365 will see a new "Use Intelligent Services?" pop-up dialog in Word, Excel & PowerPoint after updating to 16.17. The net effect of doing this will enable Researcher (Word), Translate (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Smart Lookup (Word, PowerPoint), and QuickStarter (PowerPoint). Set to TRUE to auto-accept. Requires "PII_And_Intelligent_Services_Preference" as well. | defaults write com.microsoft.Excel kFREIntelligenceServicesConsentV2Key -bool TRUE | https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/C07UZ1X7B/p1536696868000100 | |||||||||||||||||||||
27 | Excel | com.microsoft.Excel | kFRETelemetryConsentKey | Boolean | Yes | 16.13.1 | FALSE | MSA-based Key to suppress a screen on update from pre-16.13 called "Connected Services" with an Accept button on it. If you wish to suppress this new dialog for MSA-based accounts set this key to TRUE. | defaults write com.microsoft.Excel kFRETelemetryConsentKey -bool TRUE | https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/C07UZ1X7B/p1527191452000462 | ||||||||||||||||||||
28 | Excel | com.microsoft.Excel | kSubUIAppCompletedFirstRunSetup1507 | Boolean | Yes | 15.x - 16.16.x | FALSE | Controls the original "What's New" dialog and Office 365 activation prompt on first launch. Replaced by OfficeAutoSignIn starting in version 16.17. | defaults write com.microsoft.Excel kSubUIAppCompletedFirstRunSetup1507 -bool TRUE | https://derflounder.wordpress.com/2016/01/17/suppressing-office-2016s-first-run-dialog-windows/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
29 | Excel | com.microsoft.Excel | NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance | Boolean | Yes | 16.20 | FALSE | Disable macOS Dark Mode settings for application. | defaults write com.microsoft.Excel NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool TRUE | https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/C07UZ1X7B/p1544660345485200 | ||||||||||||||||||||
30 | Excel | com.microsoft.Excel | OUIWhatsNewShownItemIds | Array | Yes | 15.32 | Controls the dynamic "What's New" dialog on first lauch after upgrades. An array of sequential ints. Can still be managed, but the new suite-wide 'ShowWhatsNewOnLaunch' key in 15.34 is the preferred method to disable all dialogs. | defaults write com.microsoft.Excel OUIWhatsNewShownItemIds -array-add -int 1 -int 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
31 | Excel | com.microsoft.Excel | PII_And_Intelligent_Services_Preference | Boolean | Yes | 16.17 - 16.27 | Users who are activated with O365 will see a new "Use Intelligent Services?" pop-up dialog in Word, Excel & PowerPoint after updating to 16.17. The net effect of doing this will enable Researcher (Word), Translate (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Smart Lookup (Word, PowerPoint), and QuickStarter (PowerPoint). Set to TRUE to auto-accept. Requires "kFREIntelligenceServicesConsentV2Key" as well. | defaults write com.microsoft.Excel PII_And_Intelligent_Services_Preference -bool TRUE | https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/C07UZ1X7B/p1536170480000100?thread_ts=1536170480.000100 | |||||||||||||||||||||
32 | Excel | com.microsoft.Excel | SendAllTelemetryEnabled | Boolean | Yes | 15.x - 16.27 | TRUE | Set to false to send minimal heartbeat data, no application usage, and no environment details. Replaced by a setting in com.microsoft.office for version 16.28+. | defaults write com.microsoft.Excel SendAllTelemetryEnabled -bool TRUE | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/deployoffice/deploy-office-365-proplus-in-gcc-high-dod#turn-off-sending-telemetry-data-to-microsoft-from-office-for-mac | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office365/enterprise/network-requests-in-office-2016-for-mac#telemetry | |||||||||||||||||||
33 | Excel | com.microsoft.Excel | SendASmileEnabled | Boolean | Yes | TRUE | This key when set to false will deactivate the ability for users to use the "Smile" feature. | defaults write com.microsoft.Excel SendASmileEnabled -bool FALSE | ||||||||||||||||||||||
34 | Excel | com.microsoft.Excel | SendCrashReportsEvenWithTelemetryDisabled | Boolean | Yes | This will stop your client devices sending us usage telemetry and asking questions to your users, but if the app crashes, we'll still invoke our Error Reporting dialog and get the call-stack back here so we can see if you're running into problems. The issue here is that if you don't enable crash reporting, we are completely blind as to whether folks out there are having problems or not. Relevant for those who disable telemetry through the SendAllTelemetryEnabled key. | defaults write com.microsoft.Excel SendCrashReportsEvenWithTelemetryDisabled -bool TRUE | https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/C07UZ1X7B/p1536706447000100 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
35 | Excel | com.microsoft.Excel | SignInOptions | Integer | Yes | 15.27.0-15.41.0 16.13.0* | null | This will prevent user from signing in to any O365 service. This has the added effect of making sure users store no data online via microsoft servers. * As of 16.13.0 these options work again. 0 - all accounts allowed 1 - prevent institutional accounts - only MSA (personal) accounts 2 - prevent MSA (personal) accounts - only institution accounts 4 - no accounts allowed to sign in | defaults write com.microsoft.Excel SignInOptions -int 4 | |||||||||||||||||||||
36 | Excel | com.microsoft.Excel | TryDefaultPassword | Boolean | Yes | 16.20 | TRUE | By default, when Excel opens an encrypted file, Excel tries to use a default password to decrypt the file. This preference prevents Excel, version 16.20 or higher, from trying a default decryption password. | defaults write com.microsoft.Excel TryDefaultPassword -bool FALSE | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/deployoffice/mac/set-preference-default-password-excel | ||||||||||||||||||||
37 | All | com.microsoft.office | AllowVisualBasicToBindToSystem | Boolean | Yes | 15.31 | FALSE | The AllowVisualBasicToBindToSystem setting determines if macros are allowed to use a DECLARE to bind to the system() OS API. This API allows macros to execute arbitrary external processes and pass them arbitrary data on the command line. The default value for this setting disallows the binding, as the system() API should not be used. When this setting is set to NO, macros that attempt to use system() will fail with an error at the point where system() is invoked. | defaults write com.microsoft.office AllowVisualBasicToBindToSystem -bool FALSE | https://macadmins.software/docs/VBSecurityControls.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||
38 | All | com.microsoft.office | ConnectedOfficeExperiencesPreference | Boolean | Yes | 16.28 | TRUE | You can use this preference to control whether most connected experiences are available to your users. | defaults write com.microsoft.office ConnectedOfficeExperiencesPreference -bool FALSE | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/deployoffice/privacy/mac-privacy-preferences#preference-setting-for-most-connected-experiences | ||||||||||||||||||||
39 | All | com.microsoft.office | DefaultsToLocalOpenSave | Boolean | Yes | 15.33.0 | FALSE | When set to true will force the open/save panel to ‘On my Mac’ instead of 'Online Locations' | defaults write com.microsoft.office DefaultsToLocalOpenSave -bool TRUE | https://derflounder.wordpress.com/2017/04/17/office-2016-defaultstolocalopensave-setting-change-as-of-office-2016-15-33-x/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
40 | All | com.microsoft.office | DiagnosticDataTypePreference | String | Yes | 16.28 | FullDiagnosticData | If you don't set this preference, both optional and required diagnostic data (Full) is sent to Microsoft. Valid options are: BasicDiagnosticData (this sets the level to Required) FullDiagnosticData (this sets the level to Optional) ZeroDiagnosticData (this sets the level to Neither) Descriptions of these levels are available in the linked documentation. | defaults write com.microsoft.office DiagnosticDataTypePreference -string BasicDiagnosticData | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/deployoffice/privacy/mac-privacy-preferences | ||||||||||||||||||||
41 | All | com.microsoft.office | DisableVisualBasicExternalDylibs | Boolean | Yes | 15.31 | FALSE | The DisableVisualBasicExternalDylibs setting determines if macros are allowed to use a DECLARE statement to bind a Visual Basic symbol name to an external procedure in the local OS. The default value for this setting is to allow binding to external dylibs because many legitimate 3rd party addin vendors use this feature of Visual Basic to add and extend features in Office for Mac. When this setting is set to NO, macros that attempt to use a DECLARE statement will fail with an error at the point where the external procedure is invoked. | defaults write com.microsoft.office DisableVisualBasicExternalDylibs -bool FALSE | https://macadmins.software/docs/VBSecurityControls.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||
42 | All | com.microsoft.office | DisableVisualBasicMacScript | Boolean | Yes | 16.16 | FALSE | The DisableVisualBasicMacScript setting determines if macros are allowed to invoke the MacScript() Visual Basic API. This API allows macros to execute arbitrary processes via AppleScript by including “do shell script ...” in the AppleScript code. The default value for this setting allows using MacScript, as there are a number of legitimate uses of AppleScript that do not rely on external processes. When this setting is set to NO, macros that attempt to use MacScript will fail with an error at the point where MacScript is invoked. | defaults write com.microsoft.office DisableVisualBasicMacScript -bool FALSE | https://macadmins.software/docs/VBSecurityControls.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||
43 | All | com.microsoft.office | DisableVisualBasicToBindToPopen | Boolean | Yes | 16.16 | FALSE | The DisableVisualBasicToBindToPopen setting determines if macros are allowed to use a DECLARE to bind to the popen() OS API. This API allows macros to execute arbitrary external processes and pass them arbitrary data on the command line. The default value for this setting allows the binding, as at least one 3rd party vendor uses popen to communicate with their own code. When this setting is set to NO, macros that attempt to use popen() will fail with an error at the point where popen() is invoked. | defaults write com.microsoft.office DisableVisualBasicToBindToPopen -bool FALSE | https://macadmins.software/docs/VBSecurityControls.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||
44 | All | com.microsoft.office | HasUserSeenEnterpriseFREDialog | Boolean | Yes | 16.28 | FALSE | Volume License only. Setting this value to TRUE will suppress the new First Run Experience privacy dialog. There is no way to suppress this dialog for O365 users. | defaults write com.microsoft.office HasUserSeenEnterpriseFREDialog -bool TRUE | https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/C07UZ1X7B/p1565725927223700 | ||||||||||||||||||||
45 | All | com.microsoft.office | HaveMergedOldPrefs | Boolean | Yes | 15.33.0 | FALSE | Triggers for pre 15.32 preferences to be migrated to the new domain going foward. In most cases you should NOT manage or touch this. | defaults write com.microsoft.office HaveMergedOldPrefs -bool TRUE | |||||||||||||||||||||
46 | All | com.microsoft.office | InstallAutoUpdate | Boolean | Yes | 16.24 | TRUE | Disable the Office Suite installer from installing Auto Update. Only valid if set with a configuration profile or if written to /Library/Managed Preferences/com.microsoft.office.plist | https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/C07UZ1X7B/p1554308409392900 | |||||||||||||||||||||
47 | All | com.microsoft.office | InstallExcel | Boolean | Yes | 16.24 | TRUE | Disable the Office Suite installer from installing Excel. Only valid if set with a configuration profile or if written to /Library/Managed Preferences/com.microsoft.office.plist | https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/C07UZ1X7B/p1554308409392900 | |||||||||||||||||||||
48 | All | com.microsoft.office | InstallOneDrive | Boolean | Yes | 16.24 | TRUE | Disable the Office Suite installer from installing OneDrive. Only valid if set with a configuration profile or if written to /Library/Managed Preferences/com.microsoft.office.plist | https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/C07UZ1X7B/p1554308409392900 | |||||||||||||||||||||
49 | All | com.microsoft.office | InstallOneNote | Boolean | Yes | 16.24 | TRUE | Disable the Office Suite installer from installing OneNote. Only valid if set with a configuration profile or if written to /Library/Managed Preferences/com.microsoft.office.plist | https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/C07UZ1X7B/p1554308409392900 | |||||||||||||||||||||
50 | All | com.microsoft.office | InstallOutlook | Boolean | Yes | 16.24 | TRUE | Disable the Office Suite installer from installing Outlook. Only valid if set with a configuration profile or if written to /Library/Managed Preferences/com.microsoft.office.plist | https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/C07UZ1X7B/p1554308409392900 | |||||||||||||||||||||
51 | All | com.microsoft.office | InstallPowerPoint | Boolean | Yes | 16.24 | TRUE | Disable the Office Suite installer from installing PowerPoint. Only valid if set with a configuration profile or if written to /Library/Managed Preferences/com.microsoft.office.plist | https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/C07UZ1X7B/p1554308409392900 | |||||||||||||||||||||
52 | All | com.microsoft.office | InstallTeams | Boolean | Yes | 16.24 | TRUE | Disable the Office Suite installer from installing Teams. Only valid if set with a configuration profile or if written to /Library/Managed Preferences/com.microsoft.office.plist | https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/C07UZ1X7B/p1554308409392900 | |||||||||||||||||||||
53 | All | com.microsoft.office | InstallWord | Boolean | Yes | 16.24 | TRUE | Disable the Office Suite installer from installing Word. Only valid if set with a configuration profile or if written to /Library/Managed Preferences/com.microsoft.office.plist | https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/C07UZ1X7B/p1554308409392900 | |||||||||||||||||||||
54 | All | com.microsoft.office | kCUIThemePreferencesThemeKeyPath | Integer | Yes | 15.33.0 | 0 (Colorful) | Sets Office theme: 0 - Colorful 1 - Classic 2 - Dark Mode (still in progress as of 16.14) | defaults write com.microsoft.office kCUIThemePreferencesThemeKeyPath -int 0 | https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/C07UZ1X7B/p1528897732000348 | ||||||||||||||||||||
55 | All | com.microsoft.office | kFREEnterpriseTelemetryInfoKey | Boolean | Yes | 16.27 ONLY | FALSE | Suppresses a temporary Privacy and Services Update dialog in 16.27 ONLY. | defaults write com.microsoft.office kFREEnterpriseTelemetryInfoKey -bool TRUE | https://macadmins.software/docs/16.28-Privacy-Consent.key | ||||||||||||||||||||
56 | All | com.microsoft.office | msoridDefaultMinimumSeverity | Integer | Yes | 15.33.0 | null | Set value to 200 if msoridEnableLogging is enabled | defaults write com.microsoft.office msoridDefaultMinimumSeverity -int 200 | |||||||||||||||||||||
57 | All | com.microsoft.office | msoridEnableLogging | Integer | Yes | 15.33.0 | 0 | Set to 1 to increase logging levels for authentication requests | defaults write com.microsoft.office msoridEnableLogging -int 1 | https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/C07UZ1X7B/p1510921449000105 | ||||||||||||||||||||
58 | All | com.microsoft.office | OfficeActivationEmailAddress | String | Yes | 15.33.0 16.13.0* | null | Sets value of 'Belongs to' field in the About Box. As of 16.13 this value additionally pre-fills the account authentication field for O365 users. (NOTE: 'Belongs to' does not appear for Volume License users for versions 16.13 through 16.28 but will return in 16.29.) | defaults write com.microsoft.office OfficeActivationEmailAddress -string "jane.doe@example.com" | https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/C07UZ1X7B/p1523547599000305?thread_ts=1523547599.000305 | https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/C07UZ1X7B/p1526327108000247 | |||||||||||||||||||
59 | All | com.microsoft.office | OfficeAutoSignIn | Boolean | Yes | 16.13.0 | FALSE | Suppresses first run windows. Only prompts user for needed information like a O365 authentication | defaults write com.microsoft.office OfficeAutoSignIn -bool TRUE | http://www.office4mac.com/courses/take/mgmt300/lessons/3886727-automatic-sign-in | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/DeployOffice/mac/preferences-outlook#mailbox-settings | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/deployoffice/mac/deploy-mac-app-store#how-do-i-manage-office-policies-and-preferences-with-apps-downloaded-from-the-mac-app-store | ||||||||||||||||||
60 | All | com.microsoft.office | OfficeExperiencesAnalyzingContentPreference | Boolean | Yes | 16.28 | TRUE | Connected experiences that analyze your content are experiences that use your Office content to provide you with design recommendations, editing suggestions, data insights, and similar features. If you don't set this preference, connected experiences that analyze content are available to users. | NOTE: Attempting to use a defaults command for this preference will rarely work as the setting will get overwritten by the new roaming service. A configuration profile is required for managment. | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/deployoffice/privacy/mac-privacy-preferences#preference-setting-for-connected-experiences-that-analyze-your-content | ||||||||||||||||||||
61 | All | com.microsoft.office | OfficeExperiencesDownloadingContentPreference | Boolean | Yes | 16.28 | TRUE | Connected experiences that download online content are experiences that allow you to search and download online content including templates, images, 3D models, videos, and reference materials to enhance your documents. If you don't set this preference, connected experiences that download online content are available to users. | NOTE: Attempting to use a defaults command for this preference will rarely work as the setting will get overwritten by the new roaming service. A configuration profile is required for managment. | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/deployoffice/privacy/mac-privacy-preferences#preference-setting-for-connected-experiences-that-download-online-content | ||||||||||||||||||||
62 | All | com.microsoft.office | OfficeWebAddinDisableAllCatalogs | Boolean | Yes | 16.29 | FALSE | Prevents all add-ins for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint from installing or running, even add-ins that are admin-managed. | defaults write com.microsoft.office OfficeWebAddinDisableAllCatalogs -bool TRUE | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/deployoffice/mac/preferences-add-ins | ||||||||||||||||||||
63 | All | com.microsoft.office | OfficeWebAddinDisableOMEXCatalog | Boolean | Yes | 16.29 | FALSE | Prevents users from installing and running Office add-ins for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Also disables default add-ins including Wikipedia, Bing Maps, People Graph, and Microsoft Visio Data Visualizer. Users are still able to run admin-managed add-ins. | defaults write com.microsoft.office OfficeWebAddinDisableOMEXCatalog -bool TRUE | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/deployoffice/mac/preferences-add-ins | ||||||||||||||||||||
64 | All | com.microsoft.office | OptionalConnectedExperiencesPreference | Boolean | Yes | 16.28 | TRUE | In addition to the connected experiences mentioned above, there are some optional connected experiences that you may choose to allow your users to access. If you don't set this preference, optional connected experiences are available to users. | NOTE: Attempting to use a defaults command for this preference will rarely work as the setting will get overwritten by the new roaming service. A configuration profile is required for managment. | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/deployoffice/privacy/mac-privacy-preferences#preference-setting-for-optional-connected-experiences | ||||||||||||||||||||
65 | All | com.microsoft.office | SendAllTelemetryEnabled | Boolean | Yes | 16.28 | TRUE | Set to false to send minimal heartbeat data, no application usage, and no environment details. Setting this to FALSE will override any setting in DiagnosticDataTypePreference and acts as a "kill-switch" for data. | defaults write com.microsoft.office SendAllTelemetryEnabled -bool FALSE | https://macadmins.software/docs/16.28-Privacy-Consent.key | ||||||||||||||||||||
66 | All | com.microsoft.office | ShowDocStageOnLaunch | Boolean | Yes | 15.36.0 | TRUE | Show or Hide the Document selecter when you launch one of the MS Applications | defaults write com.microsoft.office ShowDocStageOnLaunch -bool FALSE | https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/C07UZ1X7B/p1506713968000569 | ||||||||||||||||||||
67 | All | com.microsoft.office | ShowWhatsNewOnLaunch | Boolean | Yes | 15.34 | TRUE | A setting of FALSE supresses all "What's new" messages for all suite apps: Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, and OneNote. | defaults write com.microsoft.office ShowWhatsNewOnLaunch -bool FALSE | https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/C07UZ1X7B/p1492636076913449 | ||||||||||||||||||||
68 | All | com.microsoft.office | TermsAccepted1809 | Boolean | Yes | 16.17 | FALSE | If you don't want your users to see the new MS Use Terms (Sept 2018) dialog, and instead auto-accept the terms on their behalf, set this value to True. | defaults write com.microsoft.office TermsAccepted1809 -bool TRUE | https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/C07UZ1X7B/p1536524701000100 | ||||||||||||||||||||
69 | All | com.microsoft.office | VBAObjectModelIsTrusted | Boolean | Yes | 16.21 | FALSE | For Office 2019 only: The VBAObjectModelIsTrusted setting determines if macros are allowed to modify the VB project itself through the VBA object model. The default value for this setting distrusts the VB object model and prevents macros from modifying the VB project. When this setting is set to NO, macros that attempt to invoke any method in the VB object model will fail with an error at that point in the code. | defaults write com.microsoft.office VBAObjectModelIsTrusted -bool FALSE | https://macadmins.software/docs/VBSecurityControls.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||
70 | All | com.microsoft.office | VisualBasicMacroExecutionState | String | Yes | 15.33.0 | DisabledWithWarnings | Sets the VisualBasic Macro security level. Valid values: DisabledWithoutWarnings, DisabledWithWarnings, EnabledWithoutWarnings | defaults write com.microsoft.office VisualBasicMacroExecutionState -string DisabledWithoutWarnings | https://macadmins.software/docs/VBSecurityControls.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||
71 | All | com.microsoft.office | VisualBasicEntirelyDisabled | Boolean | Yes | 16.32 | FALSE | Preference to completely disable VBA. | defaults write com.microsoft.office VisualBasicEntirelyDisabled -bool TRUE | https://macadmins.software/matrix/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
72 | Other | com.microsoft.Office365ServiceV2 | SendAllTelemetryEnabled | Boolean | Yes | 15.x - 16.24 | TRUE | This preference domain was completly removed in 16.24 but is still used for the 16.16.x line of 2016 updates. | defaults write com.microsoft.Office365ServiceV2 SendAllTelemetryEnabled -bool TRUE | https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/C07UZ1X7B/p1565795925296800?thread_ts=1565795743.294700&cid=C07UZ1X7B | ||||||||||||||||||||
73 | All | com.microsoft.officeprefs | DefaultsToLocalOpenSave | Boolean | No | 15.18-15.32 | FALSE | DEPRECATED: When set to true will force the open/save panel to ‘On my Mac’ instead of 'Online Locations' | defaults write $HOME/Library/Group\ Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/com.microsoft.officeprefsDefaultsToLocalOpenSave -bool TRUE | https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/microsoft-office/p1450417854005113 | ||||||||||||||||||||
74 | All | com.microsoft.officeprefs | VisualBasicMacroExecutionState | String | No | 15.32.0 | DisabledWithWarnings | DEPRECATED: Modify Visual Basic Macro state. Supported for Word, Excel, and Powerpoint. Valid values are: DisabledWithoutWarnings, DisabledWithWarnings, EnabledWithWarnings | defaults write $HOME/Library/Group\ Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/com.microsoft.officeprefsVisualBasicMacroExecutionState -string DisabledWithWarnings | https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/microsoft-office/p1487873989010365 | ||||||||||||||||||||
75 | OneDrive (Standalone) | com.microsoft.OneDrive | AutomaticUploadBandwidthPercentage | Integer | Yes | Automatic upload bandwidth percentage. Enables the sync client to automatically set the amount of bandwidth used based on available bandwidth for uploading files. This parameter determines the percentage of local upload bandwidth that the sync client can use. Accepted values are from 1 through 99. | defaults write com.microsoft.OneDrive AutomaticUploadBandwidthPercentage -int 100 | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/deploy-and-configure-on-macos | ||||||||||||||||||||||
76 | OneDrive (Mac App Store) | com.microsoft.OneDrive | AutomaticUploadBandwidthPercentage | Integer | Yes | Automatic upload bandwidth percentage. Enables the sync client to automatically set the amount of bandwidth used based on available bandwidth for uploading files. This parameter determines the percentage of local upload bandwidth that the sync client can use. Accepted values are from 1 through 99. | defaults write com.microsoft.OneDrive AutomaticUploadBandwidthPercentage -int 100 | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/deploy-and-configure-on-macos | ||||||||||||||||||||||
77 | OneDrive (Standalone) | com.microsoft.OneDrive | DefaultFolderPath | String | Yes | Default folder location. Specifies the default location of the OneDrive folder for each organization. TenantID determines which accounts the default folder location setting should apply to. Find your Office 365 tenant ID DefaultFolderPath (String): DefaultFolder specifies the default folder location. Mac App Store: The path must already exist when users set up the sync client. Standalone: The path will be created on users' computers if it doesn't already exist. Only with the Standalone sync client can you prevent users from changing the location. | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/deploy-and-configure-on-macos | |||||||||||||||||||||||
78 | OneDrive (Mac App Store) | com.microsoft.OneDrive | DefaultFolderPath | String | Yes | Default folder location. Specifies the default location of the OneDrive folder for each organization. TenantID determines which accounts the default folder location setting should apply to. Find your Office 365 tenant ID DefaultFolderPath (String): DefaultFolder specifies the default folder location. Mac App Store: The path must already exist when users set up the sync client. Standalone: The path will be created on users' computers if it doesn't already exist. Only with the Standalone sync client can you prevent users from changing the location. | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/deploy-and-configure-on-macos | |||||||||||||||||||||||
79 | OneDrive (Standalone) | com.microsoft.OneDrive | DefaultToBusinessFRE | Boolean | Yes | Default to OneDrive Business instead of OneDrive Personal. This key might be deprecated as it no longer shows up in the documentation. | defaults write com.microsoft.OneDrive DefaultToBusinessFRE -bool TRUE | https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Get-started-with-the-new-OneDrive-sync-client-on-Mac-OS-X-d11b9f29-00bb-4172-be39-997da46f913f?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US | ||||||||||||||||||||||
80 | OneDrive (Mac App Store) | com.microsoft.OneDrive | DefaultToBusinessFRE | Boolean | Yes | Default to OneDrive Business instead of OneDrive Personal. This key might be deprecated as it no longer shows up in the documentation. | defaults write com.microsoft.OneDrive DefaultToBusinessFRE -bool TRUE | https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Get-started-with-the-new-OneDrive-sync-client-on-Mac-OS-X-d11b9f29-00bb-4172-be39-997da46f913f?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US | ||||||||||||||||||||||
81 | OneDrive (Standalone) | com.microsoft.OneDrive | DisableHydrationToast | Boolean | Yes | Disable download toasts. Prevents toasts from appearing when applications cause file contents to be downloaded. When set to true, toasts will not appear when applications trigger the download of file contents. | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/deploy-and-configure-on-macos | |||||||||||||||||||||||
82 | OneDrive (Mac App Store) | com.microsoft.OneDrive | DisableHydrationToast | Boolean | Yes | Disable download toasts. Prevents toasts from appearing when applications cause file contents to be downloaded. When set to true, toasts will not appear when applications trigger the download of file contents. | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/deploy-and-configure-on-macos | |||||||||||||||||||||||
83 | OneDrive (Standalone) | com.microsoft.OneDrive | DisablePersonalSync | Boolean | Yes | Disable personal accounts. Blocks users from signing in and syncing files in personal OneDrive accounts. If this key is set after a user has set up sync with a personal account, the user will be signed out. When set to true, this parameter prevents users from adding or syncing personal accounts. | defaults write com.microsoft.OneDrive DisablePersonalSync -bool TRUE | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/deploy-and-configure-on-macos | ||||||||||||||||||||||
84 | OneDrive (Mac App Store) | com.microsoft.OneDrive | DisablePersonalSync | Boolean | Yes | Disable personal accounts. Blocks users from signing in and syncing files in personal OneDrive accounts. If this key is set after a user has set up sync with a personal account, the user will be signed out. When set to true, this parameter prevents users from adding or syncing personal accounts. | defaults write com.microsoft.OneDrive DisablePersonalSync -bool TRUE | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/deploy-and-configure-on-macos | ||||||||||||||||||||||
85 | OneDrive (Standalone) | com.microsoft.OneDrive | DownloadBandwidthLimited | Integer | Yes | Set maximum download throughput. Sets the maximum download throughput rate in kilobytes (KB)/sec for computers running the OneDrive sync client. This parameter determines the download throughput in KB/sec that the sync client can use. The minimum rate is 50 KB/sec and the maximum rate is 100,000 KB/sec. | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/deploy-and-configure-on-macos | |||||||||||||||||||||||
86 | OneDrive (Mac App Store) | com.microsoft.OneDrive | DownloadBandwidthLimited | Integer | Yes | Set maximum download throughput. Sets the maximum download throughput rate in kilobytes (KB)/sec for computers running the OneDrive sync client. This parameter determines the download throughput in KB/sec that the sync client can use. The minimum rate is 50 KB/sec and the maximum rate is 100,000 KB/sec. | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/deploy-and-configure-on-macos | |||||||||||||||||||||||
87 | OneDrive (Standalone) | com.microsoft.OneDrive | EnableAddAccounts | Boolean | Yes | Allow users to add accounts to OneDrive. This key might be deprecated as it no longer shows up in the documentation. | defaults write com.microsoft.OneDrive EnableAddAccounts -bool TRUE | https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Get-started-with-the-new-OneDrive-sync-client-on-Mac-OS-X-d11b9f29-00bb-4172-be39-997da46f913f?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US | ||||||||||||||||||||||
88 | OneDrive (Mac App Store) | com.microsoft.OneDrive | EnableAddAccounts | Boolean | Yes | Allow users to add accounts to OneDrive. This key might be deprecated as it no longer shows up in the documentation. | defaults write com.microsoft.OneDrive EnableAddAccounts -bool TRUE | https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Get-started-with-the-new-OneDrive-sync-client-on-Mac-OS-X-d11b9f29-00bb-4172-be39-997da46f913f?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US | ||||||||||||||||||||||
89 | OneDrive (Standalone) | com.microsoft.OneDrive | FilesOnDemandEnabled | Boolean | Yes | Enable Files On-Demand. Specifies whether Files On-Demand is enabled. If you don't set this setting, Files On-Demand will be enabled automatically as we roll out the feature, and users can turn the setting on or off. When set to true, new users who set up the sync client will download online-only files by default. When set to false, Files On-Demand will be disabled and users won't be able to turn it on. | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/deploy-and-configure-on-macos | |||||||||||||||||||||||
90 | OneDrive (Mac App Store) | com.microsoft.OneDrive | FilesOnDemandEnabled | Boolean | Yes | Enable Files On-Demand. Specifies whether Files On-Demand is enabled. If you don't set this setting, Files On-Demand will be enabled automatically as we roll out the feature, and users can turn the setting on or off. When set to true, new users who set up the sync client will download online-only files by default. When set to false, Files On-Demand will be disabled and users won't be able to turn it on. | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/deploy-and-configure-on-macos | |||||||||||||||||||||||
91 | OneDrive (Standalone) | com.microsoft.OneDrive | HideDockIcon | Boolean | Yes | Dock icon. Specifies whether a dock icon for OneDrive is shown. When set to true, this parameter hides the OneDrive dock icon even when the application is running. | defaults write com.microsoft.OneDrive HideDockIcon -bool TRUE | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/deploy-and-configure-on-macos | ||||||||||||||||||||||
92 | OneDrive (Mac App Store) | com.microsoft.OneDrive | HideDockIcon | Boolean | Yes | Dock icon. Specifies whether a dock icon for OneDrive is shown. When set to true, this parameter hides the OneDrive dock icon even when the application is running. | defaults write com.microsoft.OneDrive HideDockIcon -bool TRUE | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/deploy-and-configure-on-macos | ||||||||||||||||||||||
93 | OneDrive (Standalone) | com.microsoft.OneDrive | HydrationDisallowedApps | String | Yes | Block apps from downloading online-only files. Prevents applications from automatically downloading online-only files. You can use this setting to lock down applications that don't work correctly with your deployment of Files On-Demand. Json in the following format: [{"ApplicationId":"appId","MaxBundleVersion":"1.1","MaxBuildVersion":"1.0"}] "AppID" can be either the BSD process name or the bundle display name. MaxBuildVersion denotes the maximum build version of the application that will be blocked. MaxBundleVersion denotes the maximum bundle version of the application that will be blocked. | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/deploy-and-configure-on-macos | |||||||||||||||||||||||
94 | OneDrive (Mac App Store) | com.microsoft.OneDrive | HydrationDisallowedApps | String | Yes | Block apps from downloading online-only files. Prevents applications from automatically downloading online-only files. You can use this setting to lock down applications that don't work correctly with your deployment of Files On-Demand. Json in the following format: [{"ApplicationId":"appId","MaxBundleVersion":"1.1","MaxBuildVersion":"1.0"}] "AppID" can be either the BSD process name or the bundle display name. MaxBuildVersion denotes the maximum build version of the application that will be blocked. MaxBundleVersion denotes the maximum bundle version of the application that will be blocked. | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/deploy-and-configure-on-macos | |||||||||||||||||||||||
95 | OneDrive (Standalone) | com.microsoft.OneDrive | IsBusinessProvisioned | Boolean | Yes | DEPRECATED https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/C1HNS6CTB/p1497298573587335 | defaults write com.microsoft.OneDrive IsBusinessProvisioned -bool TRUE | |||||||||||||||||||||||
96 | OneDrive (Mac App Store) | com.microsoft.OneDrive | IsBusinessProvisioned | Boolean | Yes | DEPRECATED https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/C1HNS6CTB/p1497298573587335 | defaults write com.microsoft.OneDrive IsBusinessProvisioned -bool TRUE | |||||||||||||||||||||||
97 | OneDrive (Standalone) | com.microsoft.OneDrive | OpenAtLogin | Boolean | Yes | Specifies whether a dock icon for OneDrive is shown. When set to true, this parameter hides the OneDrive dock icon even when the application is running. | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/deploy-and-configure-on-macos | |||||||||||||||||||||||
98 | OneDrive (Mac App Store) | com.microsoft.OneDrive | OpenAtLogin | Boolean | Yes | Specifies whether a dock icon for OneDrive is shown. When set to true, this parameter hides the OneDrive dock icon even when the application is running. | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/deploy-and-configure-on-macos | |||||||||||||||||||||||
99 | OneDrive (Standalone) | com.microsoft.OneDrive | SharePointOnPremFrontDoorUrl | String | Yes | SharePoint Server Front Door URL. Specifies the SharePoint Server 2019 on-premises URL that the OneDrive sync client should try to authenticate and sync against. The URL of the on-premises SharePoint Server. | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/deploy-and-configure-on-macos | |||||||||||||||||||||||
100 | OneDrive (Mac App Store) | com.microsoft.OneDrive | SharePointOnPremFrontDoorUrl | String | Yes | SharePoint Server Front Door URL. Specifies the SharePoint Server 2019 on-premises URL that the OneDrive sync client should try to authenticate and sync against. The URL of the on-premises SharePoint Server. | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/deploy-and-configure-on-macos |