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1 | MCPS Student Service Learning (SSL) Hub for Students and Families | |||||||
2 | SSL Forms and SSL Records | SSL Opportunities | SSL Guidelines | Translated SSL Resources | Montgomery County Volunteer Center Resources | SSL Coordinators | SSL Posters/ Infographics | Communications/ Social Media |
3 | MCPS Form 560-51 - SSL Activity Verification Form (bit.ly/SSLReflection) - Complete to verify SSL hours after service | Nonprofit-Hosted SSL Opportunities (bit.ly/ SSLOpportunities) - Find approved SSL opportunities | MCPS SSL Guidelines for In-Person Service - Review the guidelines/ requirements for in-person service | Amharic (Folder) - Intro to SSL - SSL Flowchart - SSL Forms - Tips for Searching for SSL Opportunities | Searching for SSL Opportunities on the MCVC Website (bit.ly/ SSLSearchTip) Tips for searching for MCPS SSL Opportunities | High School SSL Coordinators (bit.ly/ SSLCoordinatorsHS) - List of SSL Coordinators by High School | NEW! HS SSL Poster Check out important steps for earning SSL hours! | Monthly StudentPOST Newsletter |
4 | MCPS Form 560-50 - Individual SSL Request Form (bit.ly/ SSLPreApproval) - Complete to serve with nonprofit organizations not listed on MCVC website | Nonprofit-Hosted Virtual/Remote SSL Opportunities (bit.ly/ VirtualSSL2020) - Find approved virtual/remote SSL opportunities | MCPS SSL Guidelines for Select Virtual/Remote Service bit.ly/ VirtualSSLGuidelines - Review the guidelines/ requirements for virtual/remote service | Chinese (Folder) - Intro to SSL - SSL Flowchart - SSL Forms - Tips for Searching for SSL Opportunities | List of MCPS SSL Organizations on the MCVC Website (bit.ly/ SSLOrganizations) Complete list of MCPS SSL organizations that can offer SSL hours to students for service | Middle School SSL Coordinators (bit.ly/ SSLCoordinatorsMS) - List of SSL Coordinators by Middle School | NEW! MS SSL Poster Check out important steps for earning SSL hours! | Follow us on X to get the latest updates on SSL opportunities! @mcpsvolunteers |
5 | SSL Forms and Important Dates - Due dates and deadlines for submitting SSL forms | Monthly SSL Opportunities (bit.ly/ SSLOpps24-25) See highlighted SSL opportunities for each month | SSL Guidelines for Service with Faith-Based Organizations - Review the guidelines/ requirements | English (Folder) - Intro to SSL - SSL Flowchart - SSL Forms - Tips for Searching for SSL Opportunities | Searching the Montgomery County Volunteer Center website (Video) | Helpful SSL Bitly Quick Links for Students - Check out these quick links to SSL forms and resources | Follow us on Instagram to get the latest updates on SSL opportunities! @mcpsvolunteers | |
6 | NEW! How to Fill Out MCPS Form 560-51 - SSL Activity Verification Form (bit.ly/SSLForm101) - Video for detailed instructions for completing the SSL form | SSL Program Overview Slideshow (bit.ly/ SSLOverview2020) - Learn key information about the SSL program | SSL Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Check out our list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the SSL program guidelines and requirements! | French (Folder) - Intro to SSL - SSL Flowchart - SSL Forms - Tips for Searching for SSL Opportunities | Searching for SSL Organizations by Keyword on the MCVC Website | MCPS SSL QR Poster - QR Codes and Quick Links for SSL Resources Spanish MCPS SSL QR Poster | NEW! PregĂșntale a MCPS: Servicio Estudiantil o SSL | |
7 | How to Check SSL Hours on Student/ParentVUE (bit.ly/SSLonVUE) - Step-by-step directions for viewing full details of SSL record | SSL Interactive/Live Flowchart (bit.ly/ SSLLiveFlowchart) - Walk through the steps of the SSL process (interactive!) | Korean (Folder) - Intro to SSL - SSL Flowchart - SSL Forms - Tips for Searching for SSL Opportunities | Searching for Collection Drive Opportunities to Host at School (must be directly sponsored/ supervised by an MCPS Staff Member in-person in a public space) | SSL Forms and Important Dates - Check out important due dates and deadlines for SSL forms! | |||
8 | Pro-rating SSL Requirements/ Calculating Enrollment Waivers - Info for students who enroll in MCPS after 6th grade | SSL Flowchart (bit.ly/SSLFlowchart) - One-page flowchart of each step of the SSL process | Portuguese (Folder) - Intro to SSL - SSL Flowchart - SSL Forms - Tips for Searching for SSL Opportunities | Searching for Group SSL Opportunities - Search for opportunities that your group/class/ club/team can complete together in the community or at school | Benefits of SSL Poster - Learn about the important benefits of the SSL program | |||
9 | Introduction to SSL Handout with Flowchart - One-sheet introduction to SSL program | Spanish (Folder) - Intro to SSL - SSL Flowchart - SSL Forms - Tips for Searching for SSL Opportunities - PregĂșntale a MCPS: Servicio Estudiantil o SSL | ||||||
10 | Vietnamese (Folder) - Intro to SSL - SSL Flowchart - SSL Forms - Tips for Searching for SSL Opportunities | |||||||
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