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1 | Please comment any investigations we are missing. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Note that most of these are graphic. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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5 | Name | Farmed or Wild? | Species | Location | Organization | Date Released | Response | Other Notes | Issues Documented | ||||||||||||||||||
6 | Cruel Catfish Salughter | Farmed | catfish | Texas, US | Mercy for Animals | January 2011 | Live skinning, no stunning before slaughter | ||||||||||||||||||||
7 | The Killing of Tuna | Wild | bluefin tuna | Sardinia, Italty | Animal Equality | June 2012 | No stunning, use of hooks to move tuna, stabbed alive | ||||||||||||||||||||
8 | A look inside salmon farms | Farmed | Salmon | Vancouver, Canada | Chief George Quocksister Jr. from the Laich-Kwil-Tach Nation (not an organization) | August 2017 | horrific deformities, herring wild fish in with salmon, tumors, "blind, emaciated salmon swimming in their own feces" and "sea lice from one of the fish farms had been killing young wild salmon" | ||||||||||||||||||||
9 | Carp (Odłów karpi) II | Farmed | Carp | Poland | Open Cages | December 2017 | In response to this campaign, some Polish stores like Tesco have banned the sale of live carp for Christmas | just pictures | Extended time out of water, piled on top of each other, crowding, fish left out in dirt, fish stuck in air in nets, | ||||||||||||||||||
10 | Fish Abuse in Israeli Factory Fish Farm | Farmed | Carp | Israel | Animals Now (formerly Anonymous) | May 2018 | in Hebrew | prolonged starvation; water quality from waste; parasites and pesticides; streptococcus and other diseases; use of hormones; slaughter methods (e.g. freeze to death, gutting while alive, etc) | |||||||||||||||||||
11 | Fish in stores: injured, suffocating, dead... | Farmed | Carp, trout | Lithuania | Tušti narvai (Open Cages Lithuania) | May 2018 | in Lithuanian | high stocking desnities, bagged alive, prelsaughter mortality, wounds, parasites, missing scales | |||||||||||||||||||
12 | Trawling: the Silent Suffering of Fish | Wild | finfish, eels, shrimp, etc. | Sardinia, Italty | Animal Equality | August 2018 | bycatch, no stunning, frozen alive, exploded swim bladders | ||||||||||||||||||||
13 | Driftnets | Wild | sharks, dolphins, etc. | Mercy for Animals | September 2018 | California banned driftnets | Excess bycatch, animals tangled in nets, fish killed via hanging | ||||||||||||||||||||
14 | Anche I Pesci (Italian aquaculture) | Farmed | Sea Bream, Sea Bass, Trout | Italy | Essere Animali | October 2018 | in Italian | stressful net capture, asphyxation via ice, fish binding, packed in boxes alive, artificial insimmination, stressful transport | |||||||||||||||||||
15 | Welfare of Scottish Salmon in Legal Spotlight | Farmed | Salmon | Scotland | Scottish Salmon Watch | October 2018 | see comment | deformities, lesions, sea lice, water quality, cleaner fish, stocking densities | |||||||||||||||||||
16 | Aqualande Trout | Farmed | trout | France | L214 | November 2018 | in French | bad water quality, wounds and fin rot, C02 killing, triploidy, bad stocking densities, poor fin condition, out of water before slaughter | |||||||||||||||||||
17 | Fish Farming's Cruel Secret | Farmed | sea bass, sea bream, salmon, trout | Europe | Compassion in World Farming | November 2018 | pre-slaughter mortality, poor handling, crowding, slaughter via asphyxiation, packed in boxes alive | ||||||||||||||||||||
18 | Carp (Odłów karpi 2018) | Farmed | Carp | Poland | Open Cages | December 2018 | In response to this campaign, some Polish stores like Tesco have banned the sale of live carp for Christmas (https://translate.google.co.uk/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Ffinanse.wp.pl%2Ftesco-rezygnuje-ze-sprzedazy-zywych-karpi-klienci-kupia-tylko-mrozone-ryby-6428709232146561a). Also see industry response: https://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=&sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cenyrolnicze.pl%2Fwiadomosci%2Fwiesci-rolnicze%2Fpozostale-wiesci-rolnicze%2F17996-obroncy-praw-zwierzat-pokazuja-zdjecia-z-odlawiania-karpia-czy-te-obrazy-sa-bulwersujace | just pictures | Extended time out of water, piled on top of each other, crowding, | ||||||||||||||||||
19 | Asfixiados | Wild | finfish, eels, lobster, squid, etc. | México | Igualdad Animal (Animal Equality) | 2018 | in Spanish | Asphyxiation, decompression, gaff hooks, freezing alive, cutting while live | |||||||||||||||||||
20 | Recreational fishing and the suffering of fish (Pêche de loisir et souffrance des poissons) | Baitfish | France | Paris Animaux Zoopolois | March 2019 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | Betta Fish | Pet | Betta | US | PETA | May 2019 | betta in their small cups, mortality, transport stress | ||||||||||||||||||||
22 | Live fish in supermarkets: from bloody aquariums on a festive table | Farmed | Carp | Lithuania | Tušti narvai (Open Cages Lithuania) | May 2019 | in Lithuanian | Live fish put into bags, held in little/no water/crowding, wounds, poor water quality | |||||||||||||||||||
23 | Aquaculture: A Sea of Suffering (salmon) | Farmed | hatchery salmon | Maine, US | Animal Outlook | October 2019 | Company currently facing a consumer protection lawsuit in response to investigation | fungus, fish being thrown, dirty conditions, high mortality rates, killed via "thumping", deformities, stressful vaccination, mutilation, fish killed by being thrown in trash, aggression | |||||||||||||||||||
24 | Fish Binding in Taiwan | Farmed | Giant Sea Perch | Taiwan | EAST | October 2019 | fish binding -> long, torturous process of asphyxiation | ||||||||||||||||||||
25 | Betta Fish Breeding | Pet | Betta | Thailand | PETA | December 2019 | high mortality, bad water quality, confinement in small bags, transportation, left out of water | ||||||||||||||||||||
26 | Inside Greece Fish Farms | Farmed | Sea Bass and Sea Bream | Greece | Essere Animali | January 2020 | English subtitles | Slaughter via ice asphyxiation, no environmental enrichment, antibiotic overuse, disease outbreaks, high mortality (20%), transportation and crushing in nets, high stocking densities | |||||||||||||||||||
27 | Brutal Fish With Gaff Hooks | Wild | Swordfish | Italy | Essere Animali | August 2020 | English subtitles | harpooned by a gaff hook, cut open whilst alive | |||||||||||||||||||
28 | Fish Farm Reality | Farmed | Catfish | US | Mercy for Animals | October 2020 | out of water transportation, long assembly line to slaughter, cutting fish in half for samples | ||||||||||||||||||||
29 | Scottish Salmon Farming Exposed | Farmed | Salmon | Scotland | Viva! | November 2020 | Invasions of parasitic sealice and the inhumane treatments used to tackle outbreaks such as hydrolicers and thermolicers | ||||||||||||||||||||
30 | Rainbow Trout Farming Exposed | Farmed | Rainbow trout | England | Viva! | January 2021 | RSPCA Assured suspends 'high-end' trout farms over workers abusing fish caught on video | ||||||||||||||||||||
31 | Abusive Practices in Indian Fisheries Exposed | Farmed | Mostly Indian major carps, some catfish, some shrimp | India | Animal Equality | February 2021 | Slaughter via ice asphyxiation, prolonged crowding, dirty conditions, antibiotics, fish killed by children in wet markets, water use | ||||||||||||||||||||
32 | Investigation: Scottish Salmon | Farmed | Salmon | Scotland | Animal Equality | February 2021 | In conjunction with AE's ask for humane slaughter legistlation/policy in the UK | Ineffective stunning, slaughter, gill slitting while still concious, fish dropped on floor, fish beaten with clubs/priests to stun | |||||||||||||||||||
33 | Salmon Suffering in Scottish Fish Farms | Farmed | Salmon | Scotland | Compassion in World Farming | March 2021 | Sea lice, deformiteis, tail rot, thermal delousing causing mortalities, cleaner fish use, high mortalities, open wounds and lesions, seaweed growing in wounds, lack of enrichment, environmental damage | ||||||||||||||||||||
34 | Violence against fish on farms in Greece | Farmed | Sea bass, sea bream | Greece | Essere Animali/We Animals Media | April 2021 | Crowding, out of water, asphyxia, sea cages, dead fish, slaughter without stunning | ||||||||||||||||||||
35 | Secret Filming Exposes Welfare Abuse at RSPCA Assured Mowi | Farmed | Salmon | Scotland | Scottish Salmon Watch | July 2021 | Co-op originally suspended purchases of Mowi salmon pending an investigation, but later deleted the posts. Lots of industry responses (eg) | Sea lice, fin rot, wounds, mortalities | |||||||||||||||||||
36 | Cruelty Found at U.S. Catfish Supplier | Farmed | Catfish | Mississipi, US | Animal Equality | August 2021 | Slaughter house - crowding, prolonged suffering, ineffective stunning, unintended species like turtles | ||||||||||||||||||||
37 | Aquaculture: An Investigation on Trends and Practices in India | Farmed | Carp, catfish, prawns | India | Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organizations | 2021 | Asphyxiation, slaughter, pollution, diseased fish sold to markets, rotting fish fed to catfish, horrible slaughter, antibiotic use | ||||||||||||||||||||
38 | Asfixiados: la cruel indiferencia hacia los peces (Asphyxiated: The Cruel Indifference Towards Fishes) | Farmed | Tilapia | Mexico | Igualdad Animal Mexico (Animal Equality) | December 2021 | Lack of legal protection, poor water quality, injuries, poor handling, asphyxiation, live exsanguination, cannibalism, ice bath killing | ||||||||||||||||||||
39 | La pêche au chalut : le grand massacre | Wild | Various species (flatfish) | France / UK | L214 | February 2022 | Fish suffering in trawling fisheries and the lack of measures to reduce the suffering of wild caught fish (e.g lack of stunner). Commented by Lynne Sneddon | ||||||||||||||||||||
40 | The Life and Death of Fish in Thai Farms and Markets | Farmed | Tilapia, catfish | Thailand | Sinergia Animal, We Animals Media | March 2022 | Launch of campaign to get Makro, one of Thailand's largest retailers, to stop selling live fish | Poor water quality, handling out of water, ice asphyxation, disease, infections, deformities, mortalities, fish meal fish oil FMFO, live/wet markets, slaughter in markets, put in bags while alive, sold live in retailers | |||||||||||||||||||
41 | Trout Restocking for Fishing (Enquête l'empoisonnement dans le but de pêcher) | Farmed (restocking) | Trout | France | Paris Animaux Zoopolois | March 2022 | Water quality, crowding, handling out of water, infections, deformities, fishing, transportation, hooking, asphyxiation | ||||||||||||||||||||
42 | The secrets of fish farming in Indonesia | Farmed | Tilapia, catfish, milkfish | Indonesia | Act for Farmed Animals, Sinergia Animal, We Animals Media, | April 2022 | Poor water quality, disease, mortalities, no stunning, skinned alive, fish kills, kept live in supermarkets | ||||||||||||||||||||
43 | The silent suffering of fishes on European fish farms | Farmed | Trout, sea bass, sea bream | Spain | Essere Animali/CIWF | June 2022 | Poor water quality, grading, mortalities, lack of enrichment, aggression | ||||||||||||||||||||
44 | HIDDEN CAMERA SPAIN: Where does the fish for consumption come from? | Farmed | Trout, sea bass, sea bream | Spain | Fundación Franz Weber | July 2022 | Crowding, mortalities, handling out of water, slaughter via ice | ||||||||||||||||||||
45 | Enquête : le calvaire des poissons vendus par DECATHLON pour la pêche au vif | Farmed (live bait) | roach | France | Paris Animaux Zoopolois | October 2022 | Rearing of farmed fish to be sold as live baits in the big sports retailer Decathlon | ||||||||||||||||||||
46 | Shocking Footage from European Fish Farms | Farmed | Carp | Poland | Compassion in World Farming | October 2023 | Crowding, disease, handling, slaughter, improper stunning, eyes being removed while conscious | ||||||||||||||||||||
47 | Trout farms in Peru | Farmed | Rainbow trout | Peru | ARBA | May 2023 | Crowding, asphyxiation, antibiotics, high levels of lead, pollution | ||||||||||||||||||||
48 | Scottish Salmon Farms | Farmed | Salmon | Scotland | Viva! | September 2023 | ‘Monstrous’ sea lice and jellyfish invasions blighting Scottish salmon farms | ||||||||||||||||||||
49 | Caviar Cruelty: Sturgeons Stabbed & Slaughtered | Farmed | Sturgeon, coho salmon | BC, Canada | Animal Justice | March 2024 | Calling for a ban on caviar in Canada | Inability to express natural behaviors, deformities, egg extraction via straw, food withdrawal prior to slaughter, triploidy, hormones and antibiotics, slaughter via ice, cruel slaughter | |||||||||||||||||||
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