ConcentrationFull DescriptionEstimated 12mo Stipend
University of Rochester Psychology Ph.D.Fall 2015
Cognition and Perception
18k for 9 months, waiver of tuition + other fees for 6 years. Source of funding unknown yet.
Wake ForestBrain & Cognitive Sciences PhDFall 2014Affective Science$15K plus tuition and fees, in the form of TAships and Uni Fellowships, as well as funding directly from Supervisor. Some travel funds available, but very limited. After candidacy, summer teaching available.
Child, Family and School Psychology Ph.D.Fall 2014Any program in the department (Cognitive Science PhD, Psychology PhD, Linguistics PhD)An annual stipend of $30,000, payment of up to 36 units of tuition per year, year-round health and dental insurance, and most fees. You may also receive summer support from other sources and you may be eligible for research or travel funds from the Graduate School.30000
Northeastern UniversityClinical Psychology MA/PhDFall 2014Applied Experimental Psychology
University of TorontoClinical Psychology PhdFall 2014BCANNothing technically awarded, but wanted the information out there. 50% of SP students are funded as RA, TA, or GA. No tuition remission for GA, hourly stipend only. This school does not care about funding you.
Drexel UniversityCognitive, Linguistic, & Psychological Sciences (CLPS)Fall 2014Behavioral Neuroscience$29,292 for five years guaranteed, TA minimum of two courses and maximum of seven after year 1, full tuition included. Can "buy-out" of TAships w/ NSF or other grants (up to five buy-outs). Healthcare included. $300/year travel stipend included. $3000 summer research fund easily accessible. 29292
University of Washington SeattleCounseling and School Psychology Ph.D.Fall 2014Behavioral Neuroscience$13,000 stipend for 9 months (for 4 years) plus health insurance.
University of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeEd.SFall 2014Biological Psychology$16,710 TA stipend per 2 terms; full tuition remission; health insurance; $3,000 research travel grant (over 6 years)
Vanderbilt UniversityEducational Psychology Ph.D.Brain and Behavioral Science9-month stipend of $29,500, payment of up to 36 units of tuition per year, year-round health and dental insurance, and most fees. You may also receive summer support from other sources and you may be eligible for research or travel funds from the Graduate School.
Virginia Commonwealth UniversityHealth Psychology Ph.D.Fall 2014Child14,700 TA/RA stipend per 9 months. Possible summer teaching opportunities. 4 years guaranteed. Plus heath insurance.
University of VirginiaJoint Psychology & Cognitive Science PhDFall 2014Clincial Psychology $16,800 TA stipend (9 mon.), funding guaranteed 5 years (but decided on an yearly basis)
IUPUIMA PsychologyFall 2016Clinical$16,800 TA stipend (9 mon.), funding guaranteed 5 years (but decided on an yearly basis)16,500
Univeristy of MarylandNeuroscience PhDFall 2015ClinicalTuition + $18K Stipend + health insurance (with assistantship for 5 years); summer funding separate18000
Ryerson UniversityPsychological Sciences Ph.DFall 2014Clinical$22,032 (12 months) on T32 for first 2 years. Funding available for 5 years. Tution waived. Health insurance, travel costs, student fees all covered. 22032
Johns Hopkins UniversityPsychology and Law PhDFall 2014Clinical$25,000 Graduate Student Fellowship ($23,000 Fall/Spring, $2,000 Summer). Guaranteed for 5 years plus low cost health insurance and tuition remission. 25000
John Jay College of Criminal Justice (CUNY)Psychology and Social Behavior Ph.D.Fall 2015Clinical$23,000 stipend for 5 years plus healthcare, $3000 summer stipend for 4 years26000
Harvard UniversityPsychology MA/PhDFall 2015ClinicalPaid bi-monthly, healthcare included 28160
University of North TexasPsychology Ph. D.Fall 2015Clinical<$18K 9mo TA; summer funding & healthcare not stipulated
University of Southern CaliforniaPsychology Ph. D.Fall 2014ClinicalAccepted students have to apply for funding separately. Are encouraged to apply to the School of Ed which has 5 open positions (RA, TA) for the entire SOE.
Southern Methodist UniversityPsychology Ph. D.Fall 2014Clinical Neuropsychology22,000 for four years22000
CUNY Graduate CenterPsychology Ph. D.Fall 2015Clinical PsychologyComplete tuition remission. 6 years ($26,800) and 4 summers ($5,360) of funding guaranteed, TAships years 3-4, incentive funding ($4000) with successful application to external fellowships. Healthcare included.32160
University of CincinnatiPsychology Ph. D.Fall 2014Clinical Psychology$14,300 (12 months) with TAship for the first year. Then put on RA fellowship for the next 2-3 years with small pay increase. May need to teach last year or two. Full tuition remission 5 years guaranteed and full health insurance for $360 a year.14300
University of Colorado - BoulderPsychology Ph. D.Fall 2014Clinical Psychology14,000 for two years, clerkships vary for money after that14000
University of LouisvillePsychology Ph.DFall 2016Clinical Psychology$22,000 12 month stipend, full tuition remission, & health insurance. Guaranteed 4 years.
University of TexasPsychology Ph.DFall 2014Clinical PsychologyJust wanted to add that funding is only offered to a few students (~$16k), and several unfunded offers are made
University of Toronto ScarboroughPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2016Clinical Psychology$19,000 + tuition and incidental fees (through TA, RAing, or external funding and you don't have to TA)
Psychology Ph.D.Fall 2014Clinical Psychology$12,000 (9 months). You have to pay 2.5-3K per year for some tuition, fees and part of health insurance.
CU BoulderPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2015Clinical ScienceComplete tuition remission ($47060/yr). Health Insurance covered. 12-month package ($32666, $1000 increase/yr for the next couple years). TAships 5 quaters.32666
FloridaPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2014Cognition and Cognitive neuroscience$28,400. TA 3-5 semesters.28400
University of IowaPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2014Cognition and Cognitive neuroscienceStipend of $17,000 (9 mo. TA or RA) guaranteed for 5 years; plus up to $11,000/year for summer TA/RA11000
Trent UniversityPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2014CognitiveAcademic year RA stipend of $19,384 (base rate of $16,850 + Cognitive Scholars Award) and summer support RA of $5,616 (all of this is for the first year only, but can be renewed)19384
University New MexicoPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2014Cognitive & Quantative/SocialStipend varies year to year from $15k-20k (RA). Students able to teach summer and winter session courses for an added $4k/class. Tuition remission included. 5 year package.17500
University of DenverPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2015Cognitive and Behavioral$12,880 stipend for 9 months, summer funding not guaranteed, full tuition waiver12880
University of FloridaPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2015Cognitive and Brain Sciences$1,372 per month for 9 months, summer funding is very limited, full tuition waiver12,348
Bowling Green State UniversityPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2015Cognitive Psychology$14,000 (approx) stipend for academic year, summer funding likely after year 1 (possible for year 1). Bump of about $1,000 post-M.S. Health insurance and tuition remission included. Must pay student fees (about $1,000)/semester, but can be taken out of monthly check. Low COL13,416 (if you take fees out of each check)
University at BuffaloPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2014Cognitive Psychology$18,000 stipend (12 months) for 4 years + health insurance. Full tuition waiver.18000
University of California DavisPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2014Cognitive Psychology$12,800 stipend for 8 months, summer funding is $3,200 over 4 months, full tuition scholarship16000
University of GeorgiaPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2014Cognitive Psychology$12,000 stipend for GA position (all 5 years) Tuition Waived (all years)12000
harvard UniversityPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2016Cognitive Psychology/Cognitive Science$22,100 paid over 9 months; summer funding not guaranteed; full tuition waiver and teaching assistantship offered; comprehensive health insurance completely paid for22100
Northern Illinois UniversityPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2014Cognitive PsyhologyFirst year fellowship of $23,670 (12 mos). At least this amount guaranteed for five academic years. Lab rotations first year. Second year and after may have to teach if your lab does not have funding through grants or otherwise. Also health insurance and full tuition remission.23670
University of PennsylvaniaPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2014Cognitive Psyhology$12,500 TA stipend (10 mo.), funding (TA or RA) guaranteed 5 years
Brown UniversityPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2015Counseling Psychology.25 Assistantship @ $4,950 for 9 months (Additonal .25 assistantship paid at the same rate can be obtained, but the student must find and apply for them. Hence, not a guarantee) + Health Insurance + Tuition Waiver$4,950 - $9,900
Stanford UniversityPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2014Counseling Psychology$17,600 TA stipend (9 mon.) guaranteed 5 years; $2,500 Summer stipend guaranteed for 4 years; $500 travel stipend for 2 years; tuition and fees waived for 5 years20100
University of Western OntarioPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2015Counseling PsychologyHalf of tuition per semester, no health insurance, stipend of $9,000
University of OttawaPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2014DevStipend of $13500 (10 mos) guaranteed for three years (TA).
University of TennesseePsychology Ph.D.Fall 2014DevelopmentalStipend of $1600/month guaranteed first year, plus tuition remission and benefits
Yale UniversityPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2015 DevelopmentalTwo types of funding 9 month appointment 15,000 minus 2k in fees or 22k for 12 months I was offered the 22k for 12 months.
University of Alabama at BirminghamPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2014Developmental PsychologyStipend of $17,425 for five academic years (TA or RA). Dean's Supplemental of $2,500 for summers 1 and 2. Janet Johnson Award of $2,500 for summers 3 and 4. Travel Award (to be used in first two years of the program) of $1000.17425
University of VirginiaPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2016Developmental Psychology$24,000 yearly stipend through TA/RA positions/fellowships/scholarships. Full tuition funding and health insurance. Guaranteed up to 5 years.
University of IowaPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2013 (no change)Developmental, Clinical, and QuantitativeTA position $10135.99 per academic year (Sept-Apr) + $4000 research fellowship each year. $1000 entrance scholarship also offered. Travel/conference stipends available. 10136
Northwestern UniversityPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2014GeneralFirst year fellowship of $23,400. GA or RA appointment after first year. The rate is close to the first year fellowship rate, but will increase after the completion of Master’s degree and again after the completion of the Candidacy Exam. 23400
University of CincinnatiPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2015Health Psychologytuition waiver, 15.5k for 5 years, healthcare15500
Indiana UniversityPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2015Health Psychology and Clinical Science$20,000 9 month stipend for a minimum of 5 years; summer funding probable; full tuition and fee waiver- funding for travel, amount could increase with fellowship27000
Northwestern UniversityPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2014Industrial Organizational Psychology$23,400 university fellowship + tuition waiver for first year. Tuition waived and GA or TA at similar stipend guaranteed for years 2-5. 85% of health insurance cost covered.23400
BPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2015Industrial-Organizational23,700$ for five years guaranteed, tuition remission 23,700$ for five years guaranteed, tuition remission
Michigan State UniversityPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2015Industrial-Organizational24600$ for five years including summers, 1000$ for travel and conferences each year, 1000$ once for workshops, health plan, PC24600
Virginia Commonwealth UniversityPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2015Industrial-Organizational, Counseling$14,400 per year, tuition covered, health insurance. Not guaranteed but has been done successfully for all 4 years
University of North Carolina-CharlottePsychology Ph.D.Fall 2015Industrial/Organizational Psychology$12,000 stipend for 9 months, tuition waived, ~$350 towards health care costs
Bingham youngPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2014Industrial/Organizational PsychologyMSU no longer offers ANY funding for masters FYI but wish I knew:-(
College of William and MaryPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2014Industrial/Organizational Psychology$34,450, moving fund $1500, healthcare, departmant has research grants and travel grants. TA 5 quarters total. 34450
Penn State UniversityPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2014Industrial/Organizational Psychology$22,992 12-month stipend (no less than 1,916 per month) for five academic years and four summers. Fully subsidized healthcare included. Most students TA for a class during 3 of the 4 academic quarters each year. 22992
Stanford UniversityPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2014Industrial/Organizational Psychology$21,500(CAD) guaranteed minimum in first year through various sources (stipends, RAships etc.). External funding is also topped up by at least $10,000. No guarantees of ongoing funding, but historically the department has been able to fund their students throughout all years.21500
UCSD/SDSUPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2014Industrial/Organizational Psychology$18,500 / year, 4 years total. TA or GA18500
University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2014Industrial/Organizational Psychology10-12,000 per year on an average.11000
University of Chicago Psychology Ph.D.Fall 2016Integrative Neuroscience $24k over 9 months for 5 years, $3k summer support for 4 summers. Travel fund available upon request, healthcare included. 27000
University of Alabama at BirminghamPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2016Medical-Clinical Pscyhology22000
Central Michigan UniversityPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2015NeuroscienceFull tuition covered, $34,500 stipend + $1,500 for travel and other incidental expenses every year. 36000
Stanford UniversityPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2014NeuroscienceBi-weekly stipend of $810. With graduate assistantship in the summer, the annual stipend would be $21000 in total. A nine credit tuition waiver is provided per semester. Heathly insurance covered. 4 years guaranteed . 21000
Psychology Ph.D.Fall 2015Neuroscience1st year 1st term: $1800/mo *4, no TA; 1st year 2nd term-4th year 1st term: 20hrs TA/week, $2371/mo. Summer: $1350/mo *4. Tuition all covered. Health care included (also basic dental care, could be upgraded for extra cost). $400/yr for 5 yrs research account. Unused will be rolling to next year. Research grant $1500 per application, twice for 5 yrs. Travel $700/yr in US, $1200/abroad. Emerency funds $2500/student, twice for 5 yrs. 19800 ~ 24368
University of ChicagoUniversity of ChicagoFall 2014Psychological and Brain Sciences Department$14,000 during school year with TA/RA, $1,800 summer support. Guarenteed 4 years, but in past has always been available for all 5 years. 15800
University of North Carolina - Chapel HillPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2014Psychology
The Ohio State UniversityPsychology Ph.D.Fall 2015School Psychology20,000 4-year fellowship, healthcare included, tuition covered.20,000
CUNY Graduate CenterPsychology Ph.D. Fall 2014School PsychologyComplete tuition remission. 6 years ($26,020) and 4 summers ($5,204) of funding guaranteed, TAships years 3-4, incentive funding ($4000) with successful application to external fellowships. Healthcare included.31224
Miami OhioPsychology Ph.D. Fall 2014School PsychologyTuition waiver and $25,000 stipend. Guaranteed for all 5 years25000
orkPsychology Ph.D. Fall 2014School Psychology23,000 for five years23000
Carnegie Mellon UniversityPsychology PhDFall 2015School Psychology$7,500 scholarship from Faculty of Graduate Studies for first year, $9,000 for each remaining year after guranteed. $10,000 from Psychology Dept. for first year and $12,000 for each remaining year after guranteed through TAship/RAship. 17500 - 21000
University of Nebraska-LincolnPsychology PhDFall 2014School PsychologyTuition waiver and $8,100 stipend. Total package $28,000
University of Nebraska-OmahaPsychology PhDSchool PsychologyI read that there was full tuition waiver? Not sure what the odds of getting it are.
Louisiana State UniversityPsychology PhDFall 2014Social$25,000 Graduate Student Fellowship ($23,000 Fall/Spring, $2,000 Summer). Guaranteed for 5 years plus low cost health insurance and tuition remission. 25000
University of California, IrvinePsychology PhDFall 2014Social$16,800 GA stipend for maximum of 3 years, tuition waiver worth about $24,000 per year. $1000 per year to help with health insurance.; Fall 2015 acceptance: TA stipend of $1800/month guaranteed for four years - summer stipend of $1000/mo - travel award of $500/year for first two years16800
University of Colorado BoulderPsychology PhDFall 2014SocialBase $15,000 for 6 years guaranteed, Paid health insurance premium (~$1,100), Tuition & fee remission with opportunities to TA (after required TAship in second year)/GA and work on grant-funded projects throughout 13000
University of LouisvillePsychology PhDFall 2014Social10,000 for five years10000
University of North Carolina - Chapel HIllPsychology PhDFall 2014Social
University of RochesterPsychology PhDFall 2015Social $11,000 stipend for GA position guaranteed for four years, tuition waived.
University of North Carolina - Chapel HillPsychology PhDFall 2015Social / Clinical Psychology$16,500/10month for 4 years. Healthcare included. Tuition waiver, but university fees paid by student ($1,000-$1,400)
penn State UniversityPsychology PhDFall 2015Social Psychology22656 for 12 months for 4-5 years22656
University of DelawarePsychology PhDFall 2015Social Psychology$12,950 stipend for 9 months, summer funding not guaranteed, full tuition waiver12950
University of FloridaPsychology PhDFall 2015Social Psychology$12,195 for the academic year (13 hour TA appointment). Tuition remission. Summer funding not guaranteed.12195
University of IowaPsychology PhDFall 2013Social Psychology$24,000/yr Presidential Fellowship (yrs 1 and 4), TA/RA (yrs 2 and 3), potential internal dissertation Fellowship for year 5; guaranteed 5 years with all summers 100% funded on Fellowship24000
University of Massachusetts - BostonPsychology PhDFall 2014Social Psychology$9,000 yearly stipend (additional stipend in summers); full tuition remission9000
University of MiamiPsychology PhDFall 2014Social Psychology$9,450 (9 mos) TAship pre-masters, $9,900 post-masters for first year. Goes up $1,000/yr after 1st year.
University of Michigan, Ann ArborPsychology PhDFall 2,014Social Psychology$12,500 stipend for 9mo academic year, renewable each year (although current students indicated that it is common to recieve additional summer funding for the first and second year); full tuition remission and out-of-state waiver (if applicable)
University of MOPsychology PhDFall 2015Social Psychology$23,700 9-month stipend + $6,180 summer supplement. Guaranteed for 5 years. $1,500 in start-up funds for research. Up to $950 in travel funds each year.
University of PittsburghPsychology PhDFall 2015Social Psychology
Central WashingtonPsychology PhDFall 2015Social/Personality Psychology5 year package. $34,500 stipend, $1500 yearly bonus (for travel, conferences etc.), tuition remission + health care. TAship after first year for 5 semesters. 36000
U of Illinois @ Urbana-ChampaignPsychology PhDFall 2014Visual Cognition and Human Performance$19,200 with TAship. Summer funding not likely19200
Dartmouth CollegePsychological and Brain Sciences201528200
Stony Brook UniversityPsychology PhDFall 2015$17,502 for 9 months with opportunities for summer funding, bringing the total amount to about $20k. Full tuition waiver. Guatanteed for 5 years.20,000
The Ohio State University Psychology, MAFall 201520,000 / year plus health care20000