Donor ID: UT-AW-1998Age: 1998.
Sex: Female.
Location: TN
Stool Type: 3, dark brown, floating. Variable in size and firmness. Often more like type 4, but the donor has been instructed to discard those. Athletics: Crossfit
Academics: Nursing student
Blood Type: ??
A couple people have reported temporary diarrhea from this donor. And one person has reported that the benefits they got from FL-RS-1997 were reversed by this donor.
The preview line above is scrollable, and can be expanded (click+drag) for easier reading of longer text boxes.
IDs are anonymous by default. If there is a name listed it means that person opted to publicly share it.
Recipient IDMale/femaleConditions being treatedStarting health status, from 1 to 10Ending health status, from 1 to 10What adverse events did you experience?What benefits did you experience?Would you recommend this donor? Yes/no. Overall rating of this donorSupplements & medications you are/were takingDiet before, during, and afterUsing other donors at the same time?Have used other donors in the past? If so, how would you rank this donor compared to them?Additional commentsDate of first FMTDate of last FMTDate of this reportNumber of FMTs done from this donorRoutes: upper, lower, both.Fresh or Frozen? Antifreeze?Link to longer writeup (optional)
Michael HarropMaleCFS, IBS-D, symptoms similar to type 3 diabetes, severe food intolerances, and more. 3/103/10Bad gas. Probably from undigested protein in the donor's stool. None. Not from my experience. But since they seem safe, and moderately helpful for some others, they're probably worth trying.5/10 since they seem safe, and others have reported preliminary benefits. Cholestyramine, imodium, creatine, Jarrow's s. boulardii, culturelle, floraphage, 100mg b1, b complex, 5k vit d, 65mg iron (ferrous sulfate), 25mg zinc. Select fruits, white rice, sweet potatoes, jack cheese, olive oil, some leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, select spices. No. Last FMT was Dec 2019. I've used 9 different donors prior to this one. I would rank this donor in the bottom half. 09/28/202111/24/202111/28/20212 months of daily-to-weekly FMTs. Both. Including deep retention enema, and double encapsulated delayed release capsules. Both. With and without antifreeze.
2021-09-16-BSMaleloose stool, eczema, anxiety 7.5/107.5/10none- slight increase in gasskin seems to have improved but leveled off, stool was consistent with AW for approximately 2 months after, but now seems more variable, allowed for reintroduction of some foods that i hadn’t eaten in a while Klaire labs probiotic, vitd, low dose magnesiumDiet before- coconut products, avacados, Chocolate, chicken, turkey, strawberry, cassava products

During and after- coconut products, strawberry, pineapple, cabbage, carrots, chicken, turkey, bacon, avacado, chocolate, sweet potato noodles, cassava products
In my experience AW appears to be safe, though some improvements occurred, i believe in order for full resolution i personally would either need more FMTS or a higher quality donor9/24/202110/14/20211/2/20224 orallyFrozen, no antifreeze.
2021-09-17-AGDMaleIBS-C , Candida overgrowth57Bad gas. Smelled very differently and was happening a lot. If I remember correctly it stopped around the time I stopped taking the capsules. Seems like my poop has changed to look like my donors and constipation seems to be cured for now.
Going to bathroom almost every 1-2 days now with type 4 stools. Some days better than others but overall an improvement.
Based on my experience alone, yes.Based on my experience alone, 7.5/10Vitamin D3 5000IU. Have been taking it everyday for a long time now.Diet has been the same before during after besides a lot higher sugar cravings. Noticed I started to crave more sugar in the beginning of treatment. Still eating a lot more sweets than I used to before treatment which was almost zero, but has leveled off a little bit. Diet has consisted of Chicken, rice, potatoes, eggs, cheese, all types of fruits & vegetables, cereal, dairy-free milk, plantains, butter, bread, pasta. And whatever frozen desserts & sweets I buy from grocery store.Have not.Have not.None.10/02/2110/16/2101/10/22Took 1 capsule daily until 10/16 when my freezer stopped working so I had to take the remaining capsulesUpper onlyFrozen, with antifreeze.
2021-09-17-ARMaleIBS, CFS, ADHD68 for 3 weeks after treatment. Back to 6 now.None really -- changed my body odor and stool odor in a way that I haven't yet become accustomed to (and personally do not like, despite being mild and non-offensive).Consistent type-3 stools, resillience to any type of food ingested, better sense of wellbeing, frequency of dreams went to ~1/2 nights from ~1/50 nights. Slight improvements in CFS due to food giving me more energy rather than making me tired.Yes8/10None at the timeFasting before, for ~2 weeks. Bone broth and vegetables during. Evrerything and the kitchen sink for ~2 weeks after due to Thanksgiving festivities.MG Infusions -- I'd rate that donor maybe a 3 or a 4 out of 10. Had negative cognitive effects from that donor + stool was not greatly improved.
Microbioma -- that donor was maybe a 5 or a 6. Had greatly improved CFS relief from that donor but stool was still soft.
I only did one FMT. All the beneficial effects faded within 3 weeks.11/22/202111/22/202101/03/20211BothFrozen, with and without antifreeze.
2021-09-20-AYMaleC diff, IBS-D, SIBO, Eczema, Recurrent thrush, fatigue, joint pain, acne, depression and halitosis/coated tongue.6.57Bad gas for 48 hours post FMT, especially after meals. Tapered off within 2 -3 days. Flatulence and Belching.Morning urgency gone, stools changed from Bristol 4/5s 3-6 times daily to Bristol 3/4s 1-2x daily. Morning bowel urgency gone. Effects disappeared within a few weeks post FMT, subsequent FMTs brought improvement but not as significant.6/10- Weekly meds: testosterone 100mg IM
- Daily: Loperamide 2-4mg, S. Boulaardi, buproprion 300mg, Vit D 10,000iu, Vit K 200mg, multivitamin, L-Theanine, Ashwagandha, Betaine HCL pills (4-5g total per meal), digestive enzymes
Mostly vegetarian, eggs and occasionally chicken for added protein. Wide variety of home cooked food, extremely varied in terms of vegetables and legumes. Various cheeses, lactose free dairy, Greek yogurt, dark chocolate and occasional fast food/fried.NoN/A - UT-AW was my first donor and first FMT attempt.Donor may be beneficial for at least C diff as it requires a lower threshold for success. Beyond that, for fixing PI-IBS, IBS and/or systemic issues, I found little to no effect that wasn't fleeting.

As a side note, stool consistency of donor seemed a little different than I would have expected from an ideal donor. As someone who had consistently, only, dark brown, type 3 stools every other day before illness..

No expert, but I'd say the donors looked lighter and slightly less firm than what I'd expect as ideal. Also noticed a decent amount of undigested matter/fiber in donor stool, more than I'd expect from someone with ideal digestion.
10/07/20211/30/20222/06/2022Daily at start, then weekly, bi-weekly and monthly. ~15 as needed based on symptoms.UpperFrozen, without antifreeze
2021-09-20-LKMalecandida, fatigue, anxiety, libido, hair loss7/10 7.5/10slightly lowered libido, stool change to exactly donors. - ( had more frequent/better stools before) I noticed an increase in sociability and motivation, as well as lowered anxiety. Decrease in hair loss. Hard to say if effects are permanent as specific symptoms and benefits have become less consistent in the last weeks. i.e. anxiety. I don’t think there is any great risk in this donor. For mental health it seems useful. For other gastrointestinal/ immunity issues maybe less so. 7/10 magnesium, b- complex. Diet before- cold potatoes, bread, carrots, meat, milk, fruit. Diet during after, - same but increased broccoli, fruit. no I’ve had some really terrible quality donors in the past and this one ranks higher on the list than most. I have had a better donor. Seems safe enough as there were no seriously detrimental effects but it isn't a panacea by any means especially for immune/ gut issues. 10/01/2111/12/2101/05/2230+ near daily oralFrozen, no antifreeze.
2021-10-05-DXMalechronic fatigue, digestive inability, brain fog, severe bloating/gas - postprandial and post-BM exacerbation3/106/10 mild and transient GI and neurological discomfort/malaise from a few softer, medium-brown stools with more undigested bits than usual - these stools also adjusted my own to be softer than before they were transplanted. no other adverse events
- now able to digest substantial amounts of all food types (per meal, spaced ~4 hrs apart: ~2 servings of grain, fruit, legumes; >4 oz raw equivalent of meat/fish; up to a one large plate or small pot of veggies; 2-3 slices of cheese; ~2 servings of nuts/seeds) without digestive supplements or severe exacerbation of former symptoms; reduction in gas/bloating even after such a meal - little to no upper bowel gas (but some flatulence if if I push my capacity)
- weight gain from ~130lbs with digestive supplements to almost 160 without (height is 6'1-2"), visible increase in muscle mass and able to work out sustainably again
- (all else held equal) significantly improved energy, mental clarity, sleep
- no post-BM symptoms, no/less thoracic-lumbar fixation from internal gut pressure
- significant improvement to stool type, color, size - can have regular medium-dark brown Type 3-4s if I don't push digestive capacity
yes - since adverse events seem minimal across multiple recipients, I'd recommend this donor for conditions similar to my own or those of others who've reported benefits here 8/10Before: digestive supplements (Enzymedica digest gold, Nutricology or Seeking Health ox bile, Thorne betaine-HCl, total ~40 pills/meal); vitamins & minerals (D, K, C, zinc, selenium, multi)
Now: none
Before: lentils, muenster cheese, raisins, millet, tuna, flax, casein, arugula, spices & herbs (turmeric, cinnamon, cayenne, garlic/onion powder, black pepper, cardamom, ginger, nutmeg, cloves, mustard, paprika, cumin, coriander, allspice, fennel, poppy, caraway, oregano, basil, sage, parsley, cilantro, thyme, dill)
During/after: all food types - whole grains (wheat, rye, einkorn, oats, farro, corn, rice), chicken and duck eggs, cheeses (gruyere, emmental, gouda, cheddar, swiss, mozzarella goat/chevre), legumes (garbanzo/black/borlotti/cannellini/red kidney beans), seafood (tuna, oysters, sardines, shrimp, salmon, trout), meat/poultry (chicken, turkey, beef, pork, yak), fruits/vegetables (arugula, kale, olives (green, castelvetrano, frescatrano, kalamata), broccoli sprouts, seaweed, assorted microgreens, turnips, celery, eggplant, leeks, scallions, beets, bell peppers, cauliflower greens, turnip greens; tomato, avocado; raspberry, blackberry, apricot, date, mango, kiwi, mulberry, fig, banana, baobab, amla, acai, maqui), nuts/seeds (almonds, walnuts, Brazil, hemp, chia, flax), cacao, mushrooms (oyster, shiitake, maitake, portobello, lion's mane, crimini/cremini), oils/condiments (evoo, butter, balsamic vinegar, coconut oil, black cumin oil)
no, last FMT was in March 202011 before AW, who ranks top 2 - donor's stool is variable in quality - I requested only her firmer, darker brown stools and consider ~70-75% of those I've received so far to be among those
- custom storage/shipping/procedure (e.g., stools stored on dry ice, not in freezer); improvements over time boosted effect of later FMTs
- continuing to do FMTs as I expect that results haven't plateaued
- more details to follow in other writeup
10/12/2112/18/211/3/2225both: swallow, swallow+enterics+enema, swallow+enterics (majority)frozen (stored and shipped on dry ice without antifreeze) to follow
2021-10-23-SVMalebipolar disorder, adhd, lethargy, depression, very deformed stool, possible missing microbes, deteriorated social skills, anxiety, cfs, brain fog, insomnia4/107/10a lot of gas.mood is so much better. I actually feel happy, social skills have improved drastically, anxiety improved a bit but fluoroquinolones are what cause my anxiety so it'll probably take a while. poop is actually solid. brain fog has improved as well as my cognitive functioning.Have a couple times already8/10vitamin d, chlorella(lots of chlorella), inulin powder, chocolate powder, zinc, magnesiumorganic dietnonowill keep posted on whether or not my improvements continue to progress, or whether or not I revert back to my previous statenovember 9th 2021december 27th 2021january 27th 2022don't remember. I had enough to take what i felt I needed at my own disposal sometimes multiple times a week. always taing at least 10 pills minimum per week. first week I took 50 pills 3 days in a row.upperfrozed: with antifreezen/a
2021-10-31-VBMaleSevere eczema (~60% of body), chronic fatigue, anxiety, insomnia3/107/10NoneComplete remission of eczema. Complete remission of insomnia. Moderate reduction in fatigue. Initially moderate reduction in anxiety, but it gradually returned to baseline.Yes I would. I was clearly missing microbes that this donor had. I don't know about it working for everyone, but considering the stats of the candidate, they are a safe bet to at least try without fear of negative repercussions.8/10, mostly because the worst I've heard from anyone using them is nothing happening at all, so you can't exactly go wrong with them.Vitamin D3+K2+C, "micromag" magnesium, topical steroid and JAK-inhibitor (eucrisa)1 lb of ground beef + 5 eggs fried in butter + a glass of milk 5 days a week. 0.5 lb beef liver + large helping of cheese + a glass of milk once a week. 1 cup of oatmeal with milk, peanut butter, and strawberries once a week. GENEROUS usage of salt as the only seasoning, approximately 2-3 teaspoons a day. No.NoIt seems overall people get mild to moderate benefits from this donor. I think I am the most dramatic responder. It seems frequency is the most important metric by far for determining the success of FMT. Dosage seems to have an impact as well, but it does not scale well. Going from 10 to 20 pills a week for example is negligible. However, doing 60 pills two consecutive weeks was noticeably more effective. I recommend focusing on maximizing FMT frequency if money is an issue.11/11/2112/3/2112/17/214 total, one per week for 4 consecutive weeks.UpperFrozen, with antifreeze.
2021-10-25-KLMaleME/CFS, IBS-D, ASD, ADHD, OCD, insomnia, eczema, depression, anxiety, food intolerance, etc.3/103/10Gas that smells like hydrogen sulfide. Temporary restlessness.None.
03/2022: About a month ago the condition of the stool started to change. Previously, the stools were type 5 or 6 and the fiber was not digested properly, but now, type 4 stools are being produced, although they are rare. It has more finely digested fiber and smells very similar to donor stool. No other symptoms have changed. My fatigue and brain fog are still severe and I frequently stop thinking. I feel a little brighter but I think it is my imagination.
The stool changes due to transplantation seem to be triggered by some specific food. I am currently trying to identify that food, but the results are vague and unstable. Also, when on a low fiber diet, the stool changes are the same condition and smell as before.
I personally do not recommend it. I think it's safe, and some people have had positive results, so it's worth a try.4/10 I don't know if it is highly effective, but I think it is very safe.Jarrow's s. boulardiiBroccoli, spinach, bok choy, maitake mushrooms, enoki mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, shimeji mushrooms, white rice, carrots, pumpkin, potatoes, sweet potatoes, bananas, oranges, kiwi, almonds, walnuts, cashews, beef, pork, chicken, fish, olive oil, salt, black pepper, chili pepper, turmeric, oregano, thyme.No. Last FMT was May 2020.I have used one donor in my life and suffered permanent harm. This donor had only temporary adverse events, so I rank first out of two.I suggest you report the results. To determine the quality of the donor, we need everyone's report. I did not get any positive results, but I am grateful to UT-AW-1998.

03/2022: About a month ago the condition of the stool started to change. Previously, the stools were type 5 or 6 and the fiber was not digested properly, but now, type 4 stools are being produced, although they are rare. It has more finely digested fiber and smells very similar to donor stool. No other symptoms have changed. My fatigue and brain fog are still severe and I frequently stop thinking. I feel a little brighter but I think it is my imagination.
The stool changes due to transplantation seem to be triggered by some specific food. I am currently trying to identify that food, but the results are vague and unstable. Also, when on a low fiber diet, the stool changes are the same condition and smell as before.
11/22/20211/8/20211/9/2022Once a week for 2 weeks, twice a week for 5 weeks.Both. swallow, Normal capsules, Acid resistant capsule, enema.Frozen, no antifreeze. I'm working on it.
2021-12-07-RLFemaleIBS-C, SIBO (Hydrogen Sulfide), Postprandial Brian Fog, Insulin resistance34Temporary increase in bloating, temporary sulfurous gas (this was alarming as I have H2S overgrowths), increase in constipationFor a few days I had substantial improvement of brain fog, but it did not last (consistent with other therapies I've tried). However, my sleep has been a bit better, and my glucose tolerance has improved.Yes, worth a try, especially for IBS-D6/10Magnesium citrate, oral contraceptives, L-carnosineDefatted nut flours, greens, squash, some poultry and fishNoYes. For temporary cognitive improvement, this donor was equivalent to the other I used. In terms of what happened to my BMs this donor was not as effective. As another user posted, even though I had a mixed reaction to this donor, I am so tremendously grateful to her and to HumanMicrobes. Thank you.12/09/202212/13/202201/10/20223 x 10 pillsUpperFrozen, no antifreeze.
2021-12-09-CBMaleSIBO - Hydrogen +
Severe Bloating
Food intolerances
Tired / Mood / Anxiety
3.5/108.5/10I’m a 36 year old male, broke out with facial zits like I was 15. Lasted 2 weeks. The Herx reaction, or what I thought it was, was strong. Felt really bad for a few days, then slowly got better.Bloating and intolerances are mostly gone. Gut doesn’t feel quite normal but 10x better than it did before the FMT. I’m sleeping better, eating all normal foods and feeling reasonably good.
I have to say, day after week 3, I got the deepest sleep I’ve had in years and woke up with the brightness of my 16 year old self. I wouldn’t believe it if it didn’t happen to me.
YesFirst time ever doing FMT so I have no barometer. 8/10?Zinc, 10k D3, k2, fish oilBEFORE - Avoiding nightshades entirely - worst reaction for me. Full body rashes, made me feel like I was dying. Alcohol, for whatever reason, always seemed to help my SIBO symptoms but was left feeling shitty the day after from a slight hangover. Pick your poison…. Other than that, mainly was eating high protein meals. Fresh fish, local meat and eggs, cottage cheese, etc. Veggies and carbs made me bloat really badly.

DURING - Kept same diet for most part, started to try hot sauce again with corn tacos.

AFTER - I eat whatever I want now, just try not to push it too hard. I love tacos and salsa but I don’t want to end up in same situation I was in before so try to limit it to a few times a week instead of every day.
NoNoI initially got sick in 2019 from food poisoning at a Mexican restaurant. I never went to the doctor and found out 6 months later I had a nasty bacterial infection when my stomach looked like I was pregnant. Over 3 years I've been to 7 doctors, specialists at Cedar Sinai, UCLA, scoped and prodded, rifamixin, Doxycycline , CIPRO, anti-parasitics, antifungals, you name it. The only thing that helped was when I went on 2, ultra strict diets for months at a time, pretty much eliminating all carbs from my diet. One was the carnivore, the other was called gut thrive in 5, both seemed to work for a month, then it would come back slowly and hit me hard one day. December 17th, 2021January 7th, 2022March 29th, 20224 total
30 Capsules at once, one time per week for 4 weeks (120 capsules total)
I tried to mimic this study ->
UPPER ONLY - CAPSULESFrozen, no antifreeze.
2022-01-19-ZKFemaleGas, unfinished bowel movements, bloating, toilet visits 6-12x per day, multiple food intolerances2/102/10NoneNoneBased on other people's reviews, yes5/10Aside from antibiotics before, some S. BoulardiiProtein focused diet before, then mostly low FODMAPNoNoI don't know if it's because I didn't have nearly as much FMT as I should have but I was disappointed in the lack of change.07/02/202214/02/202205/04/202230 pills taken over the course of a week (4/5 a day)UpperFrozen with antifreeze
2022-01-20-GWMaleIBS-C, food allergies, SIBO, CFS, antibiotic overuse3/104/10Bloating from enema, none from capsules.Reduced bowel inflammation, Bristol scale improved from 1 to 4, able to tolerate vitamin C and potassium without pain. Effects lost after about three weeks.Yes6/10Welchol, magnesium oxide, various b vitamins and mineralsMeats and riceNo.None.2/2/20222/24/20223/22/20222Both. Lower ineffective, upper effective - glycerine double encapsulatedFrozen. A stool without antifreeze, capsules with glycerol.
2022-01-23-HMMale IBS-C, significant bloating, histamine intolerance, insomnia, food intolerances, POTS syndrome, low mood, ADHD, fatigue, 3/107/10sulfur like fartsConstipation (my worst symptom) improved immensely, went from needing alot of magnesium and prebiotic fiber to have a small BM everyday to having one large BM every morning. My sleep, I went from sleeping 5-6 hours a days to 7-8 daily. Mood improved significantly. Brain fog/ADHD improved immensely. Bloating has decreased significantly. POTS syndrome is gone completely. Everything I have mentioned is continuously improving.Absolutely8/10I am/was taking tributyrin every third day. Until yesterday I was taking acacia fiber. Diet stayed the same throughout. I eat a whole food plant based diet so I eat a lot of legumes, fruits, and vegetables. I avoid food high in oxalates like spinach, beets, turmeric, etc. NoI used a family members stool twice weekly for 2 months and my symptoms always reverted back to my baseline. I used microbioma with some minimal improvements. I believe this donor is superior. I think its important to create a favorable microbial environment to increase the chances of engraftment. Prior to the FMTs I was taking butyrate because it is proven to increase butyrate producing bacteria in the gut. I was also taking acacia fiber to help feed the new FMT bacteria. Ialso think its important to double encapsulate the FMT if going the upper route. When I didn't, I noticed I could smell the stool when I burp which tells me it opened in my stomach. 2/2/223/2/223/23/22 ~28, around 25 upper and 3 lower. Both upper and lower. Upper using double encapsulated (size 000 and 00) HPMC capsules, no additives to stool. Enemas mixed with saline. Frozen, no antifreeze. will make one soon.
2022-01-17-ETMaleInterstitial Cystitis, Severe Histamine Intolerance, Neuropathy, numerous other chronic pain conditions 33Slight increase in flatulence at firstNone that I noticedProbably, seems safe/worth a shot. A lack of adverse effects is generally a success in my opinion, considering others have seen benefits.6/10 Zyrtec 2x a dayBread, olive oil, rice/chicken. Avoiding heavily fermented foodsNo No N/A02/05/202203/21/2022 03/21/2022150 pills total, in increments of 10 to 25 pills twice a weekUpperFrozen, no antifreeze. N/A
2022-01-25-ESMaleAcne, Inflammation, Brain Fog, Skin, severe food intolerances, and more. 14Bad gas. Bloat, slight pain/discomfort in abodemen recindment of inflammation, better skin, more energy5/10 on it's own the benefits were minimal, but in combination the benefits were great albeit shortlived due running out vit d, co Enz q10a lot of carbs, minimal fruit, processed/cooked vegs, poultry and fish Yes. This was done in combination of another doner not from the platformused in combination 09/28/202111/24/20213/24/2021Intermittent use of 60 capsules UpperFrozen, with antifreeze.
2022-02-08-ARMalesevere chronic fatigue, Histamine Intolerance, Brain fog, fluey feeling, regularly feeling hangover for no reason47very strong diarrhea and a general feeling of extreme sickness for the first ~3 days of starting FMTsignificant improvement of sleep, mood, energy. About half of symptoms disappeared complete, other half remained, and a few minor new symptoms were added newlyYesrecommended, but have no comparison/hard to saythroughout: ketonic diet, low FODMAP, hemp protein, eggs, chicken meat, some veggies
before: 6 weeks of “kill phase” diet according to the book “the gut health protocol”. Very low carb and low fiber diet, some “kill” supplements like cinnamon oil, Lactoferrin, Kirckmanns Lab Biofilm Defense (a biofilm disruptor), ~20 hours of fasting beforehand
noNo 10th March 2220th April 2223rd of Mai~20 times 5-20 Kapsules upper route, ~ 5 times lower route with ~15g eachbothFrozen
2022-02-09-FEMaleExtreme lack of microbes (had to virtually remove my microbiome over a couple of years with antibiotics and starvation following a concussion that sensitized my brain).
Countless symptoms, especially with regard to brain function.
Varying on the state of my gut I have severe sensitivities to light, sound, movement, digestion, certain electromagnetic frequencies, head elevation (POT Syndrome) and much more.
I'm mostly in bed and permanently at home.
3.5/10 (up from 3, thanks to donor FL-RS-1997).
[Comment: see "2022-02-16-FE", line 5, in FL-RS-1997 spreadsheet]
2/10When eating a large amount of protein I felt sick, as from an infection. This went away when the meal left the colon.
A more serious effect, though, is a long-lasting somewhat depressive effect on my mood and a reduction in motivation and drive that has constantly been present ever since the first fmt from this donor. It seems to come together with a weak immune response that causes me a slight bodily discomfort, especially in some joints. I also got some minor itchy skin rashes, but these are not problematic in themselves.

It's now two months later as I write this report and these effects are still present and to some extent reduce my cognitive capacities and happiness constantly. I've tried several probiotics, fermented foods, fasting, and mild antimicrobials to see what might work, but they didn't help much, so I switched to trying prescription antibiotics instead. For the past week I've been taking 4 broad-spectrum antibiotics from different categories, at full dose, but the symptoms still persist.

Before being written off as a nutjob for this approach I should mention that I've had to take tons of different antibiotics the years following my concussion, and I now work relatively well when I'm virtually seemingly microbe free. I was insanely sensitized to the dysbiosis back then, and experienced dangerously strong effects from even small amounts of microbes, so I had to suppress them to the max with starvation, antibiotics, dehydration etc. as my life depended on it.

I'm also mentioning this to make clear how insensitive I've become to collateral microbial damage. So if anyone knows of any really broad-range strong antimicrobials that work on other microbes than bacteria, or other strategies that might otherwise seem extreme for a healthy person, I'm all ears. Basically, I wouldn't mind starting the fmt procedure all over again with the better donor (FL-RS-1997) if it means wiping the current flora, which seems to be quite hammered down already by the antibiotics I've already taken the past week.

Would really appreciate suggestions for strong broad-range antimicrobials or other ideas.
None, but I only took the fmt for 4 days.Seems safe and slightly beneficial for most people but if you're extremely lacking in microbes I'd rather not risk it.4/10
Seems safe and somewhat beneficial based on others' reports.
Probiotics: A few lactobacilli strains, B. coagulans, nonfat yogurt.
Vitamin B12 500mcg, vitamin D3 800IU.
Low sugar vegetables work best (e.g. kale, potatoes, wheatgrass, spinach, parsley).
Occasionally a few select grains, legumes, and mild spices.
Fructose causes inflammation for two days, so virtually no fruits.
Digesting fats is very harsh. Animal fats and fats that are treated with high heat don't work at all.
Not simultaneously but I used FL-RS-1997 the weeks before and after this one.Judging by my own experience, this fmt had the worst outcome out of the total of 4 that I've used.03/17/202203/20/202205/18/2022Daily for 4 days.Upper route.Frozen, with and without antifreeze.
2022-03-16-JPMaleHypotension (fatigue, chills, occasional dizziness), restlessness, constipation, migraine, globus.5/106/10Irritability for one day, possibly slightly reduced energy for a couple/few days.Hypotension improved significantly, gained ~1 hour of wake time, more vivid dreams, and better stool formation. The last three don't seem to have lasted as well as the first.I would say that this donor helped me.Maybe 7/10, but I don't think this score is very meaningful since FMT is experimental for my conditions, not to mention I haven't tried other donors.Vitamin C/D3/B12, methylfolate, algae oil, zinc, copper, and magnesium glycinate. Occasionally colostrum and inulin around FMTs.~90% whole plants (diverse array), ~10% refined foods.No.n/aHypotension developed in 2020 after many months of oral antimicrobials, which is probably why it responded so well to these FMTs.3/27/20225/16/20226/9/202213Both. Triple/double/single/none HPMC capsules and enemas.Frozen with antifreeze.
2022-04-16-LBFemaleInconclusive diagnosis, but digestive issues (constipation), sleep disturbances, itch2/103/10gas, tiredness, irregular digestiontemporarily felt 4/10 with more energy and better digestion, then got worse again but in a different wayMaybe for some conditions5/10 for temporary benefits and safetyMultivitamin, B Vitamins, Quercetin and BromelainChicken, white rice, eggs, pumpkin, bok choy, broccoli, grapes, blueberries, coconot yoghurt, honey. During/After I added flax seeds and other fruits and veggies. Tried dairy products (cheese, yogurt) but made me feel worse and stopped themnonoUse flaxseeds 0.5 hr after FMT to increase effect. Donor envoked dairy cravings, I recommend not giving in, cheese/yogurt made me feel worse. Potentially got an imbalance from this donor, used Oregano Oil to help reduce side effects.2022-04-302022-05-272022-07-032-4 per week for a monthmostly upper, 3 lowerFrozen, no anti-freeze
2022-05-09-KSMaleSinus inflammation, GI issues, TMJ, anhedonia, depression, anxiety, brain fog 2/102/10No adverse effectsNo benefits, sadly. Stool was okay. It seemed safe, but just did not have any impact on my conditions. There was no risk to this donor, but since it did not do anything for me, I would have to say no. But then again, I did only take one dose (30 capsules). No supplementsLow in refined carbs and artificial sugars No. No. 6/20/226/20/227/10/221oral Frozen, no antifreeze
2022-05-20-NHMaleChronic fatigue, brain fog, allergies, depression, histamine intolerance2.55Nausea, gasDecreased allergies, decreased brain fogYes6/10NoneNoneNoNoNA27-May-202210-Jun-202228-Jun-20226x5 pillsupperfrozen
2022-05-24-AKMaleIBS-D, Hydrogen SIBO4.55No negative side effectsTransient bowel movements that resembled the donor during 10day period that passed after stopping FMTsYes7/10Rifaximin, Nystatin, NAC before attempted transplant, stopped 1 day before transplants.Lamb, White rice, butter, water, salt.NoI have not used other donorsDonor stool is dark and uniform6/15/226/25/228/21/22first 3 days performed enema, for 10 days put stool in enteric capsules and ingested with breakfastBoth. Frozen
2022-05-17-LTTrans Female (AMAB, on HRT for 8 years)GI Dysbiosis/Severe GI Pain, Severe Food Intolerances (especially Histamine and various Carbohydrates), MCAS-adjacent symptomatology, Fibromyalgia, Cognitive and Neurological Dysfunction3/103/10Transient worsening of food intolerances, nausea, gi pain, and cognitive dysfunction.Transient improvement of bowel clearance, mood, energy.Not personally, no. I didn't experience any lasting benefits and, while I can't say if the FMTs precipitated this or not, I ended up with worsened pain and malaise.2/10, may help some people but not me.Pregabalin 300mg/day, doxepin 25mg/day, topical estrogen gel (HRT)Consistently low starch/low carb vegan diet. Mindful of histamine and FODMAP consumption.No.No.None I can think of, but I got the sense my GI dysfunction was too entrenched for this course to do anything, Perhaps a longer treatment timeline would have yielded improvement.09/06/2022 (June 9th)09/09/2022 (September 9th)03/12/2022 (December 12th)20 or soBoth, alternating weekly, although every three days for the first two weeksFrozen with antifreeze
2022-06-23-BSMale inconsistent stool type, anxiety + depression + eczema77noneslight decrease in skin inflammation + more consistent stools, both benefits didn’t last yes7probiotic, magnesiumstayed same, all types of meat, some vegetables, coconut products, all types of fruits, cassava and sweet potatoes noof two i have used, this is best one Dont recall exact dates Dont recall exact dates 2/28/23Daily oral for monthupperFrozen no anti freeze
2022-06-28-ANMaleSevere uncontrolled hypertension, depression, anxiety, extremely dry skin, groin pain, all after an antibiotic reaction (mixing colloidal silver and azithromycin). Prior to reaction, psoriasis, eczema, general inflammation.14Gas, bloating, headache, fatigue.For the first five days I felt really good and a bunch of my inflammation and blood pressure (BP) went down, but took Pau D'Arco for what I thought was an unrelated issue (the groin pain) and ended up messing up the engraftment. All the subsequent FMTs the rest of the month were marginal. The antibiotic reaction occurred in early June 2022 and I experiened unprecedented die-off - even at the time I knew I messed things up. I can only assume by the time I did my first FMT, my gut was fairly barren and accepting of engraftment. Also, because I couldn't eat much without triggering spikes in blood pressure, I was involuntarily fasting for awhile, so I believe that's why it was initially successful. Then I believe the pau d'arco caused dysbiosis on the very fragile ecosystem, and the remaining FMTs were less successful because there was more competition in my gut and I regretfully didn't do any laxatives or fasting to remove native stool from my bowel. One benefit that didn't seem to go away whatsoever (even after the pau d'arco event) has been vivid dreams. Overall, the number of hypertensive/depressive episodes reduced but haven't gone away completely.Yes8PPI (for an ulcer), sodium butyrate, Lisinopril (seemed ineffective for my hypertension but still took it), manuka honeyBefore: raw milk fast for 2 weeks then 3 days of fasting.
During and after: Overnight oats, sprouted pumpkin seeds, raw milk, dried unsweetened cranberries, apples, dal (red lentils, garlic, cumin, onion), cooked then cooled rice for resistant starch, dried mango.
NoNoAfter the FMT, I was having less hypertensive/depressive episodes which allowed me to finish the PPI treatment and be marginally functional but would still have occassional hypertensive then depressive episodes which appeared to me to be inflammation spike events. I also became really bloated basically 3 hours after eating every day starting in late July. I'm certain I developed SIBO, and a stool test showed overgrowth of Enterococcus (known to increase with PPI use, but I had no choice due to ulcer), Bacteroides fragilis, Bifidobacterium, and citrobacter Freundii and no-growth of Escherichia coli and lactobacillus, so engraftment appeared to be not very successful at least at introducing missing microbes. I decided early if this FMT was not fully successful, I would need to attempt again in a "Phase 2" once I was fully off the PPI to prevent PPI-induced dysbiosis of the new ecosystem. Phase 2 is currently underway.July 1, 2022July 25, 20229/30/2022For Phase 1, 16
Phase 2: TBD
BothFrozen, antifreezeI will do a longer writeup after Phase 2 is complete
2022-07-08-MWFemaleInsomnia, Depression, Fatique, Low energy & motivation, occasional severe headaches, otherwise healthyHard to put a number here since I'm generally pretty healthy, just struggle with the mentioned issues.samenonenone really. The first night I was very sleepy everytime I woke up and my sense of smell was quite strong the 2nd day, but after that nothing. Although recently my bowels seem to work better even after having a small amount of gluten - I don't know if that's a long after affect of the GMTneutralgood, I thinkVit D, most B vitamins, Vit C, Zinc, Magnesium, Boron, K2Before - pretty normal, mostly gluten free. During - minimal diet, fruit, veggies, organic eggs, broth, nutsnonoI was quite disapointed not to get the results I had hoped forJuly 24/22August 4/22Sept. 22/2295-100 Pillsupperfrozen without anitfreeze
2022-09-07-RZFemaleGut dysbiosis, low libido, early satiety, poor immunity. 6.52At first (for the first week) no adverse reactions were noted. Then bloating and constipation began to occur and intensify, as of today (04/11/22) it is very intense, only passing small BMs every 2-3 days. Increased libido, improved satiety. Based on my own experience, no.0/10NoneNo specific diet before or during. Now I am trying a low FODMAP diet to try to lessen constipation/bloating.NoNoSomeone on the reddit post I made about my adverse reaction ( speculated that I may have already had hydrogen SIBO and the carrier might have had methane. Who knows. Another possibility is that because the pills arrived unrefrigerated (probably due to a third party agent that I used to deliver the pills) this might have altered the composition of the microbes. Currently trying herbal antimicrobials (oregano oil) but not seeing much progress. Going to see the GI specialist on Monday. 05/10/2215/10/2204/11/22Approximately 15.UpperI ordered mine frozen without antifreeze, but unfortunately there seemed to have been an issue in transit with a 3rd party shipper who did not ensure they stayed frozen.
2022-10-02-MHMale- Fatigue
- Hypothyroidism
- Autoimmunity (thyroid, maybe brain and other tissues, I didn't do any testing there)
- Multiple food intolerances/sensitivities (gluten, A1 dairy, nightshades, etc...)
- Histamine intolerance and possible MCAS
- Chronic brain fog
- Depression and anxiety
- History of IBS-M.
- Severe chronic dry eye syndrome.
- Dandruff, itchy rashes, possible seb. dermatitis.
5/105/10- Lots of gas
- Itchy rashes (histamine reaction)
- Brain fog
- Constipation
None.No, not from my experience.5/10. Didn't help, but didn't hurt either. None of the negative effects were permanent. Seems to free of pathogens. Others were helped by this donor.- Thyroid hormone (levothyroxine, triiodothyronine).
- Dao supplements (NaturDAO).
- Betaine HCL supplements.
- Vitamin D3 and K2 drops, sometimes a multivitamin (Thorne Research)
- Beef and beef fat (tallow) sometimes beef liver and heart. Sometimes lamb.
- White rice.
- Goat milk and yogurt.
- Some fruit (bananas, mangos, persimmons, tangerines, blueberries, cherries)
- Sometimes vegetables like carrots, onions or winter squash.
- Sometimes olive oil.
- Unprocessed additive-free salt. Sometimes herbs here and there.
- Sweeteners like agave syrup, sugar beet syrup, sugar or honey. Sometimes rice flour.
- Small amounts of tapioca and arrowroot starch.
No.No.Donor appears to be safe. All the side effects were transient. I did not get any benefits, not even temporary ones. Very disappointing. I wonder if any of the bacteria survived the journey and the freezing/thawing. All the reactions I got from the FMT can be explained as mere reactions to the fecal matter itself and undigested particles within it (probably some kind of seed or grain/legume). I did upper and lower FMTs. The lower only once because I found it to be very difficult. I tried oral FMT by just swallowing the frozen stool and washing it down with water first thing in the morning, then waiting for an hour before eating. I also tried it by dissolving the stool in warm water, then drinking it. This lead to less reactions to the FMT, probably due to avoiding the undigested food particles in the donor's stool. I also tried thawing the stool and swallowing it in stomach acid-resistant capsules. None of these methods provided any benefit, sadly. Swallowing the frozen stool is not as difficult as it sounds. Hold your nose, put it at the back or your mouth, wash it down with water. Don't take too much or you might choke on it. Drink more water afterwards. Holding your nose avoids tasting most of the gross flavor. The most difficult part is getting over the initial revulsion. This method has the benefit of being less work than making capsules and you also avoid the process of thawing and filling the capsules, which might kill off more bacteria. The downside is little to no protection against stomach acid. Dissolving the stool in water and drinking that caused less reactions against the FMT in me but I can't speak to if it is as effective as the other methods or not. None of them had any effect for me. Making the capsules is kind of a hassle. I think I favor swallowing the frozen stool out of all of these methods.2022-11-032022-11-282022-12-037Both. One lower, several upper (see additional comments).Frozen with antifreeze.
2022-10-04-MMFemaleBipolar disorder, anxiety, mucous in stool44Nausea and vomitting and headaches shortly after taking and the next morningStools stopped appearing mucousy.Yes5Lamotrigine, b12, algae oil, multivitaminPlant based, mostly unprocessed foodNoNoTook FMT soon after taking a course of antibiotics. The symptom that resolved (mucousy stool) only appeared after taking the antibiotics, so it may have resolved on itsMid October 2022Late October 20229/30/20231UpperFrozen
2022-10-08-MGMaleFatigue, food intolerances (notably, an inability to eat medium quantities of FODMAPs without brain fog), acid reflux, gastritis, inability to recover from exercise, seasonal allergies, minor acne5.57(immediately after FMT) worsening of acid reflux symptoms, circadian rhythm seemed out of whack (sleep was not great), gastritis worsened, acne worsened after each FMT, worsened gas. Since finishing my FMTs, my stools have been pretty soft and look less healthy than they did before - they've gone from dark brown and firm (to my eyes, healthy) to soft and light brown. I also do not go to the toilet as regularly as I used to.Acid reflux symptoms have nearly disappeared (this benefit has been all but confirmed by medical tests), gastritis has improved significantly, skin looks slightly betterYes - my worse symptoms have improved significantly. However, my food intolerances and other symptoms are still not perfect.7.5Omega 3, Vit D, Vit B12, ashwagandha (occasionally), TMGBananas, peanut butter, walnuts, brazil nuts, spinach, kale, sweet potato, buckwheat, popcorn, (some) olive oil, cinnamon, ginger, edamame beans. Diet has stayed, essentially, the same throughout.NoYes - FL-RS-1997. FL-RS-1997 seemed pretty powerful - the reactions I had to their stool were significant - but the benefits I got from their stool weren't great.13/02/2302/04/238 (4 rounds of capsules (90 total), 4 enemas)BothNo antifreeze
2022-10-24-VGFemalehistamine intolerance, multiple food and environmental allergies, general state of health and capacity, etc. 4 on 106 on 10intense post nasal drip for 24 hours post FMT, less energy and more easily tired (lasting side effect), yellowish stools (related or coincidence?)better ability to fight infections, significant Immune balancing effects and better ability to fight infectionsYes, after comparing to other donors7 (taking into account cost/benefits + side effects) vitaminsno special dietnoI'm modifying my review after comparing to more donors, including one reputable. I couldn't get these immune balancing and strenght effects from other donors. A little high priced like most sources, seems mostly safe, I am considering buying again for its benefits2022-11-052022-11-062023-09-062LowerFrozen with antifreeze
2022-11-01-MRMaleC-Diff, severe bloating, acne, fatigue, anxiety, food intolerances, antibiotic overuse25NoneStools became darker and firmer, similar to donor stool. Bloating decreased, became more tolerant to foods that had previously given me issues. Many improvements slowly faded in the weeks after fmt, will use more capsules next timeYes8/10various b vitamins/minerals, desiccated organ meat capsulesPaleo, mostly low FODMAPNoNoLooking forward to trying again with more capsules11/2012/152/530 capsulesUpperFrozen, with antifreeze
2022-11-03-NPMaleAnhedonic depression, anxiety, brain fog, ADHD, iatrogenic biliary disease, IBS, poor appetite, unintentional weight loss, and CFS.5/105/10None, really. I had some foul-smelling gas for a bit, but nothing strange or noteworthy beyond that. The enema did not take well either time I tried it, so I would consider the resulting diarrhea to be more of a fault of the lower-route method than anything else.Once I stopped trying to do enemas and instead encapsulated (albeit poorly) the remainder of the sample I had and ingested it, I experienced a short but profound improvement in my mood-related symptoms. It didn’t even last a full day, but it was shockingly different while it lasted. My usual social anxiety wasn’t nearly as bad as it usually is, and I actually felt like going out and doing things for a few hours instead of laying around waiting to die.Yes, I think I would. Had I made better use of the samples (ie, not doing an enema and instead opting for larger amounts of homemade encapsulated samples for use in upper-route FMT, I think I would have experienced greater benefits than I did. As it is, I mostly wasted the sample I ordered since I seem to be physically unable to retain a DYI enema.I can’t say yet since I failed so miserably at implementing my FMT, but based on the short period of improvement I experienced, I would say 6/10. I want to try again to see if I can improve that number with a more successful usage of the samples.Vitamin D, Fish Oil, Multivitamin, psyllium husk, and occasional Magnesium supplementation for sleep.Starchy carbs, pasta, assorted roasted and stir-fried vegetables, rice, fruit, cheese, lean meat, fruit and nuts for breakfast and snacks. Eggs, yogurt and fermented vegetables when I have time for them. Limited alcohol, frequent but declining caffeine usage.I’ve never used another donor, this is my first time doing FMT.I’ve never used another donor, this is my first time doing FMT.I wish I had been warned about the difficulty and honestly the possible lack of efficacy of attempting FMT via a DIY enema. Trying to get a liquid sample all the way through your colon to the cecum is nearly impossible when your intestines are cramped shut, and I think that sort of FMT might be better attempted by a doctor who can actually get the sample all the way to the end of the colon via colonoscopy (if you can find one doing FMT, anyway). If I could do it again (which I plan to), I would have gone with a whole stool and made my own flash-frozen, double and/or triple encapsulated, acid resistant capsules in order to do top-down FMT. It’s far easier, much less painful, and in my humble opinion much more likely to succeed given the fact that the capsules and their content actually have to pass through your cecum at some point instead of being violently dispensed moments after being inserted into your body. That is what I’ll be doing next time. Also, I was not informed that top-down FMT should be taken in one sitting where you ingest all 30 or more capsules in one sitting on an empty stomach followed by several hours of fasting. The ideal methodology could certainly be a little clearer on many of the sources I have consulted for this process.11/28/202212/4/20222022-12-102 attempted (failed) enemas, then took 30 capsules, 1 to 2 per day until 30 capsules ran out. Then used one of two remaining enema samples to make roughly 40 capsules, which I took all at once on an empty stomach with coffee.Both, though only the upper route produced any kind of notable result.Frozen, no antifreeze.
2022-11-11-JMMaleIBS-D, SIBO, Brain Fog.5/104/10Rotten egg gas. Acne. Back Pain. Weight lossElevated libido and would last for around 24 hoursI would view this good for mental health reasons. Nothing else. I haven't gotten acne in 10 years and started getting cystic acne on my face. Along with really back low back pain. So its hard to say I would recommend4/10 since it did help with libido but would not risk taking again bc of acne and back painNone currentlyBlack beans, avacados, almond butter, dark chocolate, quiona, turkey, skirt steak, and raw milkNoI have used FL-RS-1997 before. I would say FL-RS is better for general issues but if brain fog or libido is your issue. I would try UT first11/20/20221/20/20231/20/20232 months of weekly FMTs. UpperFrozen - no antifreeze
2023-01-25-1157MaleIBS-M, Numerous Food Sensitivities (dairy, gluten, coconut, FODMAPS), GAD, OCD, Depression, Insomnia 5.5/107/10Upon startup: Lots of gas, back pain, aggravation of injury in foot, diarrhea. Most of these went away within 1-1.5 weeks. Long term: moderate increase on muscle/connective tissue inflammation.Significant reduction in reactions to trigger foods. I can now consume dairy as long as I take lactase enzyme. Before course of FMT, this was not possible. No more issues with coconut either. Still have problems with apples (pectin) and gluten--although the latter is substantially improved. Sleep quality increased and I was able to reduce the dose of one of my medications. GI inflammation is way down and I appear to be producing more mucus in the GI tract which is a welcome development. After getting over the initial diarrhea, my stools are now consistently uniform 3-4 on bristol scale and clean.Yes. This donor appears to be safe and really good for those who do not have much GI mucus production or intestinal permeability issues like myself.8/10Lamotrigine, Mirtazapine, creatine, fish oil, vit d, nacetyl glucosamine, CoQ10, magnesium L-Threonate, pomegranate extract, biovin red wine extract, melatoninBerries, bananas, mangoes, cauliflower, broccoli, squash, cucumber, spinach and romaine lettuce, white rice, sweet/white/red potatoes, chicken, beef, pork. Decaf coffee and tea (no sugar or creamer). Olive and avocado oils. Some sweets mixed in (gluten free). Diet is generally meat/protein and fruit/veggies heavy, lower on carbs. Skip 1 meal every other day, generally breakfastNo. I never had tried FMT prior to this.N/AGenerally, I am very pleased with the results from FMT, and now that I am about a week post treatment, The benefits appear to be holding. I can now eat daily (milk, cheese and ice cream) which I have not been able to have in any appreciable quantity in years. I also have reduced sensitivity to FODMAPS, although arabinogalactans and pectin still seem to give me issue. Stools are very consistent, even with variance in what is eaten. The only negative effect I experienced is an increase in musculoskeletal inflammation, primarily in an old injury from last year. I feel the trade off was worth it. FMT did not have an appreciable impact on my mental health conditions, although they were in a pretty good spot to begin with.2/7/20234/17/20234/23/20232 months of daily-to-weekly FMTs. Capsules (oral route) only. 1-2 capsules a day.Frozen, without antifreeze.
2023-02-09-1823Male IBS-D, SIBO , Post anti-biotic Dysbiosis57Headache on the first two days after each dose. Weird stimulated feeling, trouble sleeping. Fatigue. These effects faded with each subsequent dose. Decrease in brain fog. Flatter stomach in the morning indicative of sibo resolution. Better sleep. Less stuck in fight or flight. Better poop consistency. Reduced inflammation. Yes 8/10None High Fibre, no gluten, no dairy, no nightshades No I used Taynmount clinic and Asia Microbiota Bank (Now closed) before. I rank this donor significantly above Taynmount clinic, which did next to nothing and possibly made me worse. I rank this donor on par with the Asia Microbiota Bank one. 2023-03-252023-04-252023-05-18One month of of weekly Upper only Frozen with antifreeze
2023-02-26-1137MaleME/CFS, SIBO, Candida, Leaky Gut2/102/10fatigueNoneYes8/10 seems to be safebinders (zeolite and activated charcoal)Glutenfree, low dairynoyes, seems to be fresherMarch 10, 202308 April, 202322 April 20234 bottom up + 60capsbothfrozen without antifreeze
2023-04-11-0424MaleIBS-C, cognitive impairment, weakness5/105/10A lot of gas since FMT that resolved itself over the following weeks. Watery diarrhea once after FMT. Nausea & back muscle pain that resolved ~48 hrs after FMT. Lower abdominal pain during bowel movements that resolved in <24 hrs. Bladder discomfort after FMT; it slowly resolved over the next ~6 weeks. To clarify: all adverse events were transient and resolved on their own, with the longest resolution taking ~6 weeks of time.I am now rarely bleeding with each bowel movement. It was normal for me to bleed with each bowel movement, but now it is rare after FMT. Unsure if it is, or how much it is, related to FMT. It wasn’t a primary outcome measure.Yes, with respect to their duties as a stool donor (pooping, shipping, etc.). No, with regards to the results of my primary outcome measures.5/10 The donor performed their duties well (5 points). I received little to no benefit on my symptoms overall (0 points).Vitamin D3 4,000 IU per dayMostly the same diet throughout: Various vegetables such as broccoli, zucchini, onions, brussels sprouts, asparagus, leafy salads with no dressing, etc. Most common fruits were grapes, orange, apple, blueberries, and uncommonly some others. Bread. Mostly white rice, sometimes brown rice, and occasionally quinoa. Sometimes black or pinto beans. Russet and sweet potatoes. Meats are chicken, red meat, pork, and fish. Nuts & seeds were mostly pistachios, with others being almonds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, and other misc. seeds. Some cheese.NoNoSince FMT, my stool floats.2023/04/242023/05/012023/06/153, all from a single stool donationBoth: 1 lower via enema, 2 uppers via capsulesFrozen, without antifreezen/a
2023-04-09-2229Maleslowing down aging9/109/10mild nausea first 24 hours after oral route and also mild indigestion, lots of gas that seems to be gradually decreasing.Subjective feeling of well being has improved, have a bit more energy.Yes8/10multivitamin, fish oil, ashwaghanda, gingo biloba, creatine, beta alanine, Novos Core.Generally Mediterranean, bright colored salads with olive oil and chicken or fish, eggs and toast, nuts and peanuts, occasional hamburger or bowl of chili, apples and bananas, daily dark chocolate, no change in diet before during or after.NoNoWas intending to take upper route entirely but unable to swallow more than 2 pills, waited 2 weeks and did lower route.May 11, 2023.May 27, 2023.June 17, 2023.30 capsules, 2 upper route, remaining lower route via enema.BothFrozen with antifreezeN/A
2023-05-05-0823Female SLE, fatigue, severe inflammation, severe bloat, food intolerances, anxiety, brain fog, joint pain, malar rash 68.5extreme fatigue on the day of taking it, not much besides that mood is significantly better, joint pain in remission, malar rash in remission, more energy overallyes 9/10no medication. Omega, Graviola, Magnesium, Vit B, Vit C, Chlorella normal diet for all. avoid MSGnono22/6/202313/7/20231/9/20231 month, weeklyorally frozen, with anti freeze
2023-08-08-1010Ibs, PFS (post finasteride syndrome), pssd (post ssri disorder)2/102/10Mouth sores. Aches and pains.Initially the 1st day or two I experienced relief of many of my symptoms but it was short lived. My conditions are very complex and the fmt did a good job but couldn't sustain. Maybe in the future once I have received more Frontline treatment.Yes. Seems safe and could be beneficial to others.6/10B complex, magnesium, vitamin C, alpha lipoic acid Mostly meat, seafood, fruits and vegetables. I have had a issue with sugar food like desserts which I'm sure didn't help.NoFirst timeSept 11 2023Sept 14 2023- Couldn't tolerate itOct 19 20234 daysOralNo antifreeze
2023-10-11-1759MaleDysbiosis, constipation, bloating, fatigue, abdominal and chest pain/discomfort1/101/10Constipation increasing over the first three days. By day three the constipation caused severe fatigue and abdominal/chest discomfort, at this point I stopped treatment.NoneI cannot recommend this donor based on my experience, but this donor may work for others.N/A. I experienced the same issues I've had after taking antibiotics/probiotics and other supplements. I do not believe the negative effects I experienced were due to donor sample, but from the GI issues I was experiencing prior to treatment.I did not take any supplements/medications during treatment.Eggs, carrots, peanut butter, salmon, broccoli, celery, rice, grapes.NoNoN/A10/17/2311/14/2312/2/20233 days on, 4 days off for 4 weeksUpperFrozen, No antifreeze
2023-11-17-1661MaleIBS-D3.57.5Bad gas. Digestion deteriorated significantly until switching to a high carb diet.much improved digestion of carbsYes8Xifaxan when I switched to high carbBefore: chicken, cheese, cooked&pureed carrots. After: carbs like potatoes, oatmeal with maple syrup, tortilla chips, breakfast foods, cookies/donuts, cheese, chicken.No.Years ago from a doctor's practice. That one was 10/10 with high carb and Xifaxan combo. Didn't last probably because of too few FMT doses.At first I felt very bad after last dose while on restricted carb diet but got significantly better when switching to high carb and Xifaxan. I had a lot of really bad gas while taking Xifaxan but it has lessened afterwards. I'm not sure if Xifaxan was needed. Looking to continue with FMT from multiple donors to hopefully reach 10/104562845649453184 – 30x capsules first week then 20x once a week a couple hours before breakfastupperfrozen no antifreeze
2023-12-17-9944FemaleCrohn's Disease & low beneficial bacteria due to appendix removal4-5/106-7/10flu/cold like symptoms, sore throat, fever, chills, body aches, lymph pain, subsided after 4 days. Increase in acne that wasn't there beforeimproved blood sugar (was chronically low), improved vaginal microbiome, gut function is improved, cortisol levels are higher (have been low)For some yes, others, no.7Stomach acid support, herbal antimicrobialsBefore during and after, followed a gluten free dairy free diet low in sugar and other processed foods and bad oilsNoNoFirst time was upper and lower route, on 2/8. Results were great but I could tell I needed more exposure. Second time only upper route, 3/29. Not as sick the second time, but also less of an impact initially. 2/83/294/2bothno antifreeze
2024-02-19-1634MaleFodmap IBS77nonemild improvement to stool qualityYes10 (odd to rate this numerically, but I had no actual issues with it all so it's a 10?)TRT, anastrozole, doxepin (sleep)restricted FODMAP before and after nono, n/aI was attempting to correct FODMAP grain-fructan sensitivity with FMT. It did not work. No actual issues, just didn't see the result I was hoping for. 3/2/20244/2/20245/19/202490 capsules, 3 per dayupper frozen + antifreeze
2024-03-13-2121FIBS-D and microscopic colon inflammation, with moderate/severe abdominal pain, soft stools, and multiple food intolerances.6.5/106.5/10Temporary diarrhea for 1 day. Mild gurgling noise and a large amount of sulphur smelling gas. The next morning, the inflammation pain in my belly became worse and never went away. And the gas never went away. My stomach started having gurgling noises when eating, which I haven't had in years. And there's also more random pins/needles sensation in my upper right and lower left abdomen.Improvement of crampy pain on the entire left side of belly. I accidentally forgot to take nortriptyline one night and woke up next morning without the crampy pain in the intestines (feels like constant, painful intestine contracting)Neutral6/10 nortriptyline 40mg, low dose naltrexone 0.3mg. For the IBS-D pain and inflammation. Probiotics either don't work for me or make me worse.Diet before: Sweet potatoes, butternut squash, nuts, apple, lean chicken, lean beef, low FODMAP veggies. No dairy or artificial sugar.
Diet after: Same. Added bovine colostrum immunoglobulin supplement on 6/6/24 (MegaIgg2000, dairy free, 2 capsules a day) which started working for the pain and inflammation right away.
I used FLRS1997 which I purchased earlier, after 2 FMTs with this donor, trying to override the adverse effects this donor brought with some success. Yes, I've used my husband, Microbioma (donors1, 2), my baby daughter, and FLRS1997 before this donor. I found Microbioma's donor 2 and my daughter to be not very effective. My husband's stool, which I used first, was very helpful for pain, but not very effective for reducing the inflammation. Then I used Microbioma's donor 1, whom really helped with the inflammation but not food intolerance. After that I got pregnant, and unfortunately got UTI after delivering. I had to take another round of antibiotics, which messed up my gut, made pain worse, and created some new food intolerances (fish, all fruits, and lots of veggies). Donor FLRS1997 helped bring down some of the inflammation pain and improved my intolerance to fruits, and enabled me to eat apples without horrendous pain again (I still need more time to try other fruits). But he didn't do anything to the constant crampy pain I was taking the nortriptyline for. Overall I think she is an effective donor, but she also increased my gut inflammation, gas, and made the stool consistency slightly worse. After using her, I did 3 more enemas from FLRS1997 which brought down some of the gas and inflammation her stool gave me. Neither donor improved my intolerance to fish or veggies (including starchy veggies). I recommend people trying both donors, although I think his stool looks healthier and is better (for my experience with him, see order ID 2024-03-13-2121 under donor FLRS1997)The effects of these FMTs did stick, but I seem to always retain FMTs very well no matter the donor. 5/10/245/12/246/10/242 (only did 2 enemas before stopping due to adverse events)lowerFrozen with antifreeze
2024-04-21-1520MaleGut (gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, food intolerances), brain (brain fog, depression), skin (eczema), immune system (allergies, cysts, ear / eye infections, cold sores, fatigue, body aches), metabolism (insulin resistance, edema)34Gas, bloating, diarrhea, sleep disturbances, arrhythmia, foul taste in my mouthAn increase in energy, mood, appetiteYes7NonePaleo (beef, eggs, vegetables, nuts)NoNoI was on multiple rounds of antibiotics at a young age so I am struggling with severe health issues. Although I experienced benefits, they only lasted for about a week. My plan is to continuously take an FMT and hope that the microbes will eventually colonize my gut.5/11/246/23/246/29/241UpperFrozen, no antifreeze
2024-05-08-1705MaleMicrobiome wiped out from Lyme Disease Antibiotic treatment47.8Some gas, not severeGut feels way better!! More resilience and can eat more feeds without issueYes9Methylene Blue, Itraconazole, Charcoal/ClayPlant based/Starch Based with occasional meat or animal proteinNoI've used one donor from Europe. This donor is light years betterThank you5/18/20246/23/20246/18/2024Semi-daily, low dose 1-2 capsUpperFrozen w/ Antifreeze
2024-04-26-2044MaleSIBO, Celiac Disease, ADHD, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Eczema, Dysbiosis, Dysautonomia, Hyperhidrosis, Leukopenia, Insomnia, Poor circulation, brain fog, histamine intolerance68Gas, bloating, and loose stool for the first two days. None for subsequent infusions.

Strong heartburn for the first 5 or so days. This also went away and has not returned.
Clear: Mild improvements in gas and bloating. Substantially reduced dysautonomia and sweating. Increased libido.

Need more data: Improved ability to fall and remain asleep. Eczema in remission. Easier to add muscle mass. Possible decrease in immune system overreaction to stimuli. Improved cognition and ability to focus. Disappearance of mucus from stool.
Yes9Motegrity, PlaquenilBefore: Low FODMAP, low histamine
During: Low FODMAP, low histamine + acacia fiber + experimentation with trigger foods
After: TBD
NoNoAs of 2 weeks of infusions, I've found I still need to abide low FODMAP as some high FODMAP foods still seem to trigger gas and bloating. Presently experimenting with whether tolerance can be built upon.

I generally skip my Motegrity, which is a prokinetic drug for SIBO, the first two nights after an infusion so as hopefully not to adversely affect engraftment.

I am making capsules at home from pieces of the donor's sample. My first four infusions were of 40, 20, 12, and 18 capsules respectively.
6/5/246/18/24 (ongoing)6/20/24Approximately 1/2 of one stool sample, given as four semiweekly infusions.UpperFrozen, no antifreeze
2024-05-11-2105MaleMultiple food intolerances, back pain after large meals (especially protein), altered mental state after food approaching derealization at times, depression/anxiety, insomnia3/106/10Smelly gas as others have mentioned, though this is really inconsequential. Worsened insomnia for one night and moderate to severe diarrhea for 2-3 days after 1st capsule only. Food poisoning-like symptoms for 24-36 hours after 16h capsule.Significant reduction in depression, and significant improvement in fructose tolerance. Slightly increased tolerance to nuts. Little to no change in other intolerances including gluten, legumes, and alcohol. Altered post-meal mental state change less severe but persists.Yes6/10 since it's had definite benefits, however it is far from my previous (OpenBiome) FMT in magnitude of improvementLevothyroxine, mirtazapine and occasional temazepam as needed for sleepBefore: Chicken, beef, salmon, gluten-free bread, rice, potatoes, various vegetables and some fruit. Avoided gluten, dairy, eggs, legumes except peas, pork. During and after: Same except added more fruit and dairy-free yogurt.No. Last FMT was Mar 2015.Only one prior FMT, through OpenBiome. This donor was at most ~1/2 as effective, and also caused side effects that the other donor didn't, despite the dose being spaced out over more time.05/19/2024Latest capsule taken 6/18. Have more if needed to maintain effect, but taking more capsules doesn't seem to accelerate improvement.6/23/202416 capsules so far over ~1 month, 1-2 capsules per dose. So 1 or ~10 depending on definition.double encapsulated delayed release capsulesFrozen without antifreeze