Welcome to the Unofficial Florr Data Spreadsheet!
Creator: TheDarkMeme
This is meant to serve as a place to view florr.io statistics and information. As more updates to the game occur, parts of this sheet may become obsolete, so keep in mind that data may not be 100% accurate. If you have any questions/comments/suggestions or notice any errors, please DM Yenolard or SupaJay3 on discord.
Title - This page
Crafting - Crafting percentages for each attempt, average # of petals needed for a successful craft
Petals - Basic petal stats (damage, health, respawn) and functions for each rarity
Mobs - Basic mob stats, petal drop rates
Biomes - Biome maps, special zones, mobs and petals for each biome
Leveling - XP for leveling, skill points, petal absorption and skill trees
Achievements - Achievement requirements and guides
Statuses - Information for special stats like armor
Shop - Cost for buying petals and stars
Terms - For newer players. Terms and text formats often used by the community
Misc - Random facts and info about the game, external links, calculator sheets
Changelog - A list of changes to the spreadsheet
Credit - Credit to those that have helped me