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1 | tinyurl.com/DH-charters: For DHy, digital or experimental scholarship or profession, GLAM, and related charters, values statements, pledges, and codes | ||||
2 | Add new rows below (original data rows are not editable); email visconti@virginia.edu with any questions. | ||||
3 | What? | What for/where? | URL | Author(s) | Notes |
4 | Colored Conventions Project (CCP) Principles | Colored Conventions Project (CCP), University of Delaware | http://coloredconventions.org/ccp-principles | CCP project team (directors P. Gabrielle Foreman & Jim Casey) | |
5 | Colored Conventions Project: Teacher Memo of Understanding | Colored Conventions Project (CCP), University of Delaware | http://coloredconventions.org/memo-of-understanding | CCP project team (directors P. Gabrielle Foreman & Jim Casey) | |
6 | Colored Conventions Project: Student Memo of Understanding | Colored Conventions Project (CCP), University of Delaware | http://coloredconventions.org/student-memo-of-understanding | CCP project team (directors P. Gabrielle Foreman & Jim Casey) | |
7 | INKE administrative structure: Omnibus document | Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE), University of Victoria | https://src-online.ca/index.php/src/article/view/50 | Siemens, L., & INKE Research Group | |
8 | Code of Ethics for DH | Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis (CESTA) at Stanford | TBD | TBD | |
9 | pledges | personal values statement | http://scottbot.net/pledges/ | Scott Weingart | |
10 | DH dissertation values statement | personal values statement | http://literaturegeek.com/2013/12/02/valuespost | Amanda Visconti | |
11 | Collaborators' Bill of Rights | NEH “Off the Tracks—Laying New Lines for Digital Humanities Scholars” workshop (2011) | https://mith.umd.edu/research/off-the-tracks/ | Clement, Tanya E. (Director), Douglas Reside, Brian Croxall, Julia Flanders, Neil Fraistat, Steve Jones, Matt Kirschenbaum, Suzanne Lodato, Laura Mandell, Paul Marty, David Miller, Bethany Nowviskie, Stephen Olsen, Tom Scheinfeldt, David Seaman, Mark Tebeau, John Unsworth, Kay Walter | Older version here: https://archive.mith.umd.edu/offthetracks/recommendations/index.html |
12 | Student Collaborators’ Bill of Rights | UCLA DH Program | https://humtech.ucla.edu/news/a-student-collaborators-bill-of-rights/ | Haley Di Pressi, Stephanie Gorman, Miriam Posner, Raphael Sasayama, and Tori Schmitt, with contributions from Roderic Crooks, Megan Driscoll, Amy Earhart, Spencer Keralis, Tiffany Naiman, and Todd Presner | |
13 | Scholars' Lab staff charter | Scholars' Lab, University of Virginia Library | https://scholarslab.lib.virginia.edu/charter/ | Scholars' Lab staff | We're at least on our second version of this staff charter, as we periodically rewrite update these for changing thinking and staff. I'll see if I can track the others so we can compare them. |
14 | Scholars' Lab Student Programs charter | Scholars' Lab, University of Virginia Library | https://scholarslab.lib.virginia.edu/student-programs-charter/ | Brandon Walsh/Scholars' Lab | |
15 | Scholars' Lab Praxis Program charter | Scholars' Lab, University of Virginia Library | http://praxis.scholarslab.org/praxis-program-charter | Brandon Walsh/Scholars' Lab | |
16 | Scholars' Lab Praxis Fellows charters list, 2011-on | Scholars' Lab, University of Virginia Library | http://praxis.scholarslab.org/charter/ | Scholars' Lab Praxis Fellows cohorts | Currently 10 charters as of 7/2021. Each graduate student fellows cohort writes a team charter. |
17 | Praxis Fellows Charter (2011-2012 cohort) | Scholars' Lab, University of Virginia Library | http://praxis.scholarslab.org/charter/charter-2011-2012/ | ||
18 | Praxis Fellows Charter (2012-2013 cohort) | Scholars' Lab, University of Virginia Library | http://praxis.scholarslab.org/charter/charter-2012-2013/ | ||
19 | Praxis Fellows Charter (2013-2014 cohort) | Scholars' Lab, University of Virginia Library | http://praxis.scholarslab.org/charter/charter-2013-2014/ | ||
20 | Praxis Fellows Charter (2014-2015 cohort) | Scholars' Lab, University of Virginia Library | http://praxis.scholarslab.org/charter/charter-2014-2015/ | ||
21 | Praxis Fellows Charter (2015-2016 cohort) | Scholars' Lab, University of Virginia Library | http://praxis.scholarslab.org/charter/charter-2015-2016/ | ||
22 | Praxis Fellows Charter (2016-2017 cohort) | Scholars' Lab, University of Virginia Library | http://praxis.scholarslab.org/charter/charter-2016-2017/ | ||
23 | Praxis Fellows Charter (2017-2018 cohort) | Scholars' Lab, University of Virginia Library | http://praxis.scholarslab.org/charter/charter-2017-2018/ | ||
24 | Praxis Fellows Charter (2018-2019 cohort) | Scholars' Lab, University of Virginia Library | http://praxis.scholarslab.org/charter/charter-2018-2019/ | ||
25 | Collaboration Statement | Digital Black Bibliographic Project (DIBB) | http://dhrace.net/DIBB/collaboration-statement/ | Amy E. Earhart, Rebecca Hankins, Maura Ives, Sarah Potvin | |
26 | MITH: Our Values | Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH), University of Maryland | http://mith.umd.edu/about/values | ||
27 | Michigan State University Project Charter Template | template for project charters | https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1E7amTV4_kx5HcvhxEe-bBlt1jaMPz-22fY0bDbRQFgQ/edit#gid=0 | Scott Schopieray, Benjamin Lauren | |
28 | Postdoc Bill of Rights | Postdocs & those designing + supporting postdoc positions | https://hcommons.org/deposits/item/hc:26741/ | Collaboratively authored by the Postdoctoral Laborers Group and outside reviewers | Previously at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bKpiqX9LPGJsKJsLopFW5vvEgwS3koXZJQU3nv-iuWw/edit#, now on Humanities Commons https://hcommons.org/deposits/item/hc:26741/ |
29 | Design Justice Network Principles | Designers | http://designjusticenetwork.org/network-principles | ||
30 | SCRAM "Hang-based Pedagogy" values | https://twitter.com/CD_Clawson/status/1154414764010987521 | |||
31 | Dataset Curation Charter Template | Princeton CDH | https://cdh.princeton.edu/media/uploads/documents/dataset_curation_charter_template.pdf | Natalia Ermolaev, Rebecca Munson | |
32 | CDH Project Charter — Derrida’s Margins 2016-17 | Princeton CDH | https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3359144 | Chenoweth, Katie; Baron-Raiffe, Alexander; Bauer, Jean; Ermolaev, Natalia | Derrida’s Margins; this charter was written before the CDH Development & Design Team had been formed. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3359144 |
33 | CDH Project Charter — bitKlavier 2017-18 | Princeton CDH | https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3359176 | Trueman, Dan; Ghys, Florent; Munson, Rebecca; Koeser, Rebecca Sutton; Li, Xinyi | bitKlavier. CDH staff consulted on the project, but were not involved in the implementation. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3359176 |
34 | CDH Project Charter — Princeton Prosody Archive 2017-18 | Princeton CDH | https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3359172 | Martin, Meredith; Wilson, Meagan; Koeser, Rebecca Sutton; Munson, Rebecca; Li, Xinyi | Charter for the most recent development phase of Princeton Prosody Archive. CDH Development & Design Team actively involved in planning and implementation. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3359172 |
35 | CDH Project Charter — Princeton Ethiopian Miracles of Mary 2019-20 | Princeton CDH | https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3359178 | Belcher, Wendy Laura; Koeser, Rebecca Sutton; Munson, Rebecca; Doroudian, Gissoo; Martin, Meredith | Charter for continuing data work and exploratory implementation work for Princeton Ethiopian Miracles of Mary. CDH Development & Design Team actively involved in planning and implementation. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3359178 |
36 | AMP Principles and Values | Detroit | https://alliedmedia.org/about/network-principles | ||
37 | Grad Student Supervision Bill of Rights | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I8WYEu06mwJ242NskQRImBt0x9o_iSqDK05GhAkdH2U/edit?usp=sharing | Hannah Alpert-Abrams | ||
38 | Postdoctoral Bill of Rights | https://hcommons.org/deposits/item/hc:26741/ | collaboratively authored by the Postdoctoral Laborers Group and outside reviewers | ||
39 | CROW (Corpus & Repository of Writing) advisory board charter | https://writecrow.org/advisory-board/ | |||
40 | LibRev code of conduct | LibRev | http://librev.info/principles-conduct.php | Library workers forum | |
41 | IDAH Project Charter Template | IDAH at IU | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Fps1nWF1TtxIn6zUAu1GQLrTuyRssATiZ7o5ub1ZUKw/edit | IDAH staff? | |
42 | Living with Machines project charter | Living with Machines project | https://livingwithmachines.ac.uk/how-we-collaborate-3-the-project-charter/ | (project team? blog post explaining charter is by Ruth Ahnert) | |
43 | Principles guiding our work | University of Michigan’s digital scholarship service | https://www.lib.umich.edu/research-and-scholarship/digital-projects-and-planning/how-we-support-digital-scholarship/principles-guiding-our-work | ||
44 | How We Work Together Agreement: Operating Principles and Protocols | University of Michigan’s digital scholarship service | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1p2qf-XT_KeFTxYQQ2PfBh3vZknY7bSQfIpqg53M2Atk/edit?tab=t.0 | How We Work Together Protocol Doc for Working With as Team with Other Teams in Library and Across Campus: | |
45 | Our principles | eLaboratories | https://elaboratories.org/about/principles/ | HT Jeremy Boggs for sharing this link. | |
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