Fusion NameSpritePokemon 1Pokemon 2Primary
REGULATION A Meowsdra-Male-Hisui
Meowstic-MaleGoodra-HisuiPsychicSteel8074889611582535Sly SlimeSappy JestKnight's EyeMeowsdra-MH is intended as a Prankster (Sappy Jest) support mon, with some notable moves such as Screens, Yawn, Life Dew, Helping Hand, Thunder Wave and Dragon Cheer while also being immune to priority, blocking opposing Prankster as well as Fake Out for itself. It generally plays a bit like Grimmsnarl, but without pivotting. Somewhat passive offensively though.
Meowstic-FemaleGoodraPsychicDragon8274739911592535Root SnapHydrovisionGoo-GetterMeowsdra-F is an alternative that uses Speed rather than Priority for support, with Goo-Gettert giving it +2 Speed whenever an opponent lowes its stats, working as a decent anti-intimidate measure. It can also use Root Snap instead, as that is an ability that lets it ignore ability-based immunities, allowing Meowsdra to go for Fake Out and flinch opponents that usually are immune. Overall, though, a bit weaker than its Hisuian counterpart.
LucarioHonchkrowSteelDark85123611106190530Restless SpeedHyperfocusHero EgoHonchkario is the local Inner Focus Extreme Speed mon. Honchkrow grants it U-Turn, meaning Banded sets have a pivot option if they find themselves in a tricky lead. That is not its only priority option, though, as it also gets Bullet Punch and Sucker Punch as STAB options (I wouldn't recomment running all of them in the same set, but it does atleast give you teambuilding options). Does also have pretty strong Fighting coverage. It mainly struggles with the fact it has pretty poor defenses.
Indeedee-FemaleRaichu-AlolaElectricPsychic70706095100100495Electric Surge--Indeechu is meant as a support-oriented Electric Terrain setter, doing similar things to Indeedee itself such as Follow Me and Helping Hand, while also having Nuzzle as an option. It is, admitedly, moreso designed for when Paradoxes drop, but for now its a decent option to augment the damage of the many electric-types in the meta.
EmpoleonWeezing-GalarWaterFairy84881041048560525Magic Surge-Neutral MatchEmpozing is a defensive Misty Terrain setter, somewhat comparable to Tapu Fini, trading natural bulk for recovery. I feel this one is rather straightforwards - Runs stuff like Icy Wind, Water Pledge, Haze, Acid spray, Knock Off and the like. Can also side Swagger to give an ally a free +2 Atk. It does have the option of running Neutral Match instead to shut down abilities, but in my opinion that is not as good an option.
Indeedee-MaleSamurottPsychicWater7882701068282500Focus Falls-Armor SurgeSamureedee is an offensive Trick Room moon, making up for its relatively tame Special Attack with a powerful Expanding Force. Though it has middling Speed, Samurott offers it pretty passable bulk if invested. Can also be used similar to Indeedee-Female in vanilla, running more support-oriented moves.
Exeggutor-AlolaArbolivaGrassDragon86107871259242539Grassy Surge-HarvestExeggoliva is intended both as a Grassy Terrain and as a Trick Room setter. It has incredible defensive support moves such as Pollen Puff, Strength Sap and Knock Off. 107 Attack is also pretty decent to click Grassy Glide as means of Speed Control, even if it is primarely a Special attacker - Its not intended to sweep with the move but rather pick off weakened or frail opponents. Other than that, Leaf Storms off of 125 Special Attack will be hitting pretty hard, and it does get Earth Power and Flamethrower as coverage options.
PolitoedNoctowlWaterFlying956262889890495Dive GogglesHigh EnergyStormy SightNoctoed functions pretty much like Pelipper - sets Rain, sets Tailwind, clicks Hurricane and Helping Hand. It is, however, more offensively threatening as it can opt to run Nasty Plot for someprettyy hard-hitting STABs after the boost. Its also got other interesting support options such as Imprison and Encore. Alternatively, High Energy allows it to prevent opponents from using any sleep-inducing moves. While very specific and somewhat in competition with Electric Terrain, this could also surface as a niche option.
TorkoalClodsireFirePoison10080100858520470Smoke AbsorbSolar RadiationDaft ShieldTorklod functions pretty similar to vanilla Torkoal, gaining more special bulk and recovery in trade of some of its physical bulk and an arguably worse defensive type. This one is rather simple, not much else to say about it.
TyranitarChesnaughtRockFighting94130123848762580Forbidden Garden-SandproofTyranaught is intended as a sand setter with a lot of defensive utility. It has many moves to support allies and generally control the flow of the field, such as Coaching, Wide Guard, Quick Guard, Taunt and Spiky Shield. It can also make use of the Special Defense boost to run a nasty Iron Defense + Body Press set. Sand damage + Leech Seen can also stack up chip damage pretty fast. It does, however, have a pretty mediocre defensive type, only really helped by its ability blocking Bullet moves.
GlaceonNinetales-AlolaIceFairy69639210597107533Snow Cloak-CryowarningGlacetales is pretty much just Alolan Ninetales. Compared to everything else in the mod, this is probably one of the mons most similar to its vanilla counterpart, but if aint broke, don't fix it. This does have a few additions to Ninetales that make it a bit different though, notably healing under Snow and having access to Yawn. It can also attempt to function as a Gravity setter but that feels more like a gimmick. Can also run Alluring Voice as its Fairy STAB of choice now.
SandslashSandslash-AlolaGroundIce75110115356075470Tundra Veil-Tundra RushCrossbreed Sandslash is intended to be a weather sweeper hat can fit under either Snow or Sand. Its synergetic STAB combo can hit almost the entire tier for at least neutral damage, allowing it to diversify its other move slots a bit with Protect and something like Swords Dance or Ice Shard.
Porygon-ZDusknoirNormalGhost659010211610567545Night Vision-MalwarePorynoir-Z is mostly intended as an offensive Trick Room mon, making use of its strong STAB combo in conjunction with Adaptability (Night Vision) to set its own Trick Room and be a very threatening offensive option, with Nasty Plot making it even harder to face.
VileplumeVictreebelGrassPoison7792751058080509Quick Delivery-Fast VenomInspired by Venusaur, Victreevile is a speedy Sun abuser with Sleep Powder. Both of its abilities boost its speed under Sun, so it can pick between having Gluttony effects or Effect Spore effects as well. Aditionally, while not nearly as bulky as Venusaur, it gets Strength Sap to keep itself healthy and to be able to lower opponent's attack before they move. Lastly, Encore is also a pretty notable move on a mon that can go fast like this.
FlorgesMeganiumFairyGrass79738410012777540Overbloom-TeamworkMegaflor is a defensive mon that cannot be statused not have its stats lowered, as well as having access to Pollen Puff to keep allies healthy. Tho it is more designed for Defense, its status immunity and built-in clear amuler make it a good candidate for Calm Mind setup, making it pretty hard to break thanks to its naturally high Special bulk.
ArmarougeScizorFireSteel77951001098070531Pyrotechnic-Light ArmorArmarizor is mostly meant as a support option, with access to both Tailwind and Trick Room depending on what your team needs, Bullet Punch as speed control, Ally Switch, Wide Guard, a pretty hard hitting burst damage option with Armor Cannon and even Technician-Boosted Incinerate for a strong Fire STAB that also gets rid of berries. It is comparable to a Heatran that trades raw stats for an increased support movepool.
CeruledgeKleavorFireRock8113087638585531Heatblade-Strong ArmorCeruleavor is an offensive beast, with a mighty 130 ATK stat and two abilities capable of boosting its STABs. It calls back to realier formats of SV where Bulk Up Ceruledge was very threatening. Rock/Fire is an insanely good offensive combo as well. However, it is a much worse defensive type than Fire/Ghost was, and just a poor defensive type in general, which forces Ceruleavor to be a Tera sink very often.
LuxrayStaraptorElectricFlying9212082726985520Underestimate-MigrateLuxraptor is mostly intended as a physically offensive Intimidate mon, with both of its abilities working as Intimidate clones. Does have some support options such as Electroweb, Tailwind and Thunder Wave for Speed Control, but I'd reckon most of the time it prefers to click STABs or U-Turn to come back in for more Intimidates later.
EspathraJumpluffPsychicFlying8557659877107489Seize the MomentSafe EntrySpeed DemonJumpathra is a strange take on a support mon. It can either copy the opponent's screens when they're set up, or just become a very fast mon itself to set screens. Fast Sleep Powder is also something to put any opponent into pressure, and it does get many other support options such as Ally Switch, Rage Powder, Pollen Puff, Encore, Tailwind and Strength Sap; even Lumina Crash to follow it up with a Special Attack from an ally. One of its abilities increasing Speed means it can also EV more into Bulk than most mons. It is also notably one of the fastest Tailwind mons arround.
HaxorusHeracrossDragonBug7813682518291520PestilenceBreaking CharacterUnsettlingHaxocross has insane damage potential thanks to one of its abilities boosting its Attack against non-bug targets. 136 Atk STAB First Impression is insane means of Speed Control, and it can also opt for Loaded Dice with Pin Missile and Scale Shot dual STAB. That said, Dragon/Bug is a pretty poor offensive type, so it has to either run pretty middling coverage such as Iron Head or just bruteforce its way through resists.
QuaquavalDecidueye-HisuiWaterFighting8611680908583540Kelp Power-PridefulQuaquadueye is meant as a set-up sweeper, getting to pretty high speeds with Aqua Step and making use of how absolutely insane Triple Arrows is. It is not very immediately threatening but cannot be left unchecked for too long before it gets some Bulk Up boosts and becomes a problem. It does also have Roost for direct recovery and can even pass its boosts to other mons with Baton Pass.
GholdengoNinetalesSteelFire8175851119593540Smelting--Gholdentales plays a familiar game of Nasty Plot + Make It Rain, but with less Special Attack and losing the Fake Out immunity for a second spread STAB and Fire immunity. This does also elevate defensive sets, with access to Will-O-Wsip making it potentially shut down opponents pretty hard.
Typhlosion-HisuiMienshaoFireFighting791067210772104540Down In Flames-From AshesMiensphlosion is a fast mon with a pretty hard-hitting Eruption. The main concept behind this mon is the combination of that move with Regenerator, allowing you to recover back to full health throughout the match to keep your Eruption strong. Does make for a pretty strong Sun abuser as not many things want to switch into a sun-boosted Eruption. It does have very low bulk though, making it more of a Glass Cannon and thus can be a bit finnicky to use.
AraquanidTinkatonWaterSteel7672906013268498Bubble Burster-Own TidesAraquaton is made for insane burst damage potential, alternating between Bubble-boosted Water STABs and the hard-hitting Gigaton Hammer. That aside, it has a pretty respectable defensive type and bulk, making up for its awkward Speed tier. Does have Swords Dance to make its damage even crazier. Struggles a bit against opposing Water-types.
GarganaclCoalossalRock-105100125639032515Saltwater SaunaObsidian BodySturdy FireThis one is kinda just Garganacl with Wisp, Fire Spin and takes less damage from Water/Fire moves. Figured the meta could use a few more defensive mons and Garganacls is a very interesting mon to me, but it fell off in more recent series, so hopefully a mon that is "Garganacls but slightly better movepool" can work well enough.
NoivernSalazzleFlyingPoison86677510475120527Deep Toxin-CluelessSalazzern is currently the fastest Tailwind setter. It also gets some relevant Support tools such as Super Fang, Taunt, Thunder Wave, Will-O-Wsip, Encore and Disable. Clueless not only blocks Taunt but it also allows you to safely run spread moves on your partners without being damaged by them. Does kinda lack any particularly great STAB though, having to either deal with Hurricane misses or the poor coverage of Poison.
ChandelureHattereneGhostFairy7172921459654530Eerie FlamesGuards UpHealing BurnsHattelure is a very hard-hitting Trick Room abuser, with an insanely good STAB combo coupled by a huge Special Attack stat and good STABs. Its ability also gives it immunity to Fire moves, making it a strong candidate for a defensive tera Steel, as Fighting types are not going to want to stay in on your Fairy STABs, effectively leaving you only weak to ground.
Oinkologne-MaleSneaslerNormalFighting95115774980102518Smelly TouchBerry FeastThick PressureOinksler is primarely intended as a set-up mon with Berry Feast + Stuff Cheeks, essentially allowing itself to get a free +2 Def +2 Speed (potentially +1 to any other stat depending on berry) whenever it wants. Normal/Fighting is a naturally pretty strong STAB combo so it doesn't need much other than Dark in terms of coverage. Smelly Touch is another ability option, potentially nullifying opponent's abilities while hitting them. No longer having STAB on Dire Claw should also make that move less broken.
WyrdeerOranguruNormalPsychic10582801019562525IncorporateItem MeddlerMind AlignWyrdguru is a dedicated Trick Room support mon, being immune to flinches, lowering opponent's attack, or alternatively raising its own attack when hit by an ally's attack. Instruct is a very notableoption here but it also has options such as Yawn, Taunt and Encore. Can also run Imprison + Trick Room.
GreedentScraftyNormalFighting11292105509539493Scavenge-Hunger FateScardent can either work as an Indimidate Fake Out pivot or as a Trick Room Belly Drum sweeper that continuously regenerates HP with Scavenge. Suppoert-wise, it has Snarl, Quick Guard, Super Fang, Upper Hand, Helping Hand and Coaching while on the Offensive side you get Drain Punch, Body Slam, Crunch, High Horsepower and Earthquake.
Toxtricity-AmpedOricorio-Pom-PomFlyingElectric75847010670104509Parroting--I figured I should be allowed at least one gimmicky mon. Toxtricorio takes Oricorio's gimmick of copying moves and having multipletypes and takes it to another level, now copying Sound-based moves (as well as resisting Sound/Dance moves) while having 8 different type combos to be tried out.
Toxtricity-AmpedOricorio-BaileFireElectric75847010670104509Parroting--Both of its Fire-based forms are likely to get batter later on, whenever a Skeledirge fusion drops. However, even aside from its move-copying gimmick, it still has decent stats for Quiver Dance.
Toxtricity-AmpedOricorio-Pa'uPsychicElectric75847010670104509Parroting--They can just generally be ran as specially offenseive Electric types, regardless of their gimmick, as they have decently competent stats. The Psychic forms in particular can make use of Psychic Noise allies.
Toxtricity-AmpedOricorio-SensuGhostElectric75847010670104509Parroting--Both Ghost forms are good partners with Salazzern, making for a strong Boomburst-Spam duo with both of them being immune to eachother's Boomburst.
Toxtricity-Low-KeyOricorio-Pom-PomElectricPoison75847010670104509Parroting--Not gonna waste much more time on each individual form though, as they function very similar to one another, just with a different type.
SableyeAriadosGhostPoison608575657045400Telescopic SightSlow BugsNightly JokesSabliados is built to be a quite obnoxious Prankster mon that itself is immune to status moves. Its main draw is Prankster Speed Control, with many options such as Scary Face, String Shot, Toxic Thread and Thunder Wave. Does also have many other stat-lowering options such as Acid Spray and Lunge. It also can use Rage Powder to redirect Normal or Status moves that it is immune to. Not an incredible mon by any means as it still has abysmal stats, but likely will find a niche in a team or two.
ClefableHydrappleFairyDragon10075911078552510Supercharming SyrupMagic SticksRecollectFablapple is a very strong defensive support option, with a pretty good defensive typing and three incredible abilities. Can redirect hits and force opponents to activate Syrup, can abuse its evasion drops to genuinely run Sing, can heal allies with Life Dew, can run Assault Vest with Recollect, can run Life Orb with Magic Sticks, turning its respectable 107 Special Attack into hard-hitting Moonblasts and Fickle Beams. Competes a bit with its prevo Clepplin for outright support sets, but is a generally fantastic mon in its own right.
Slowking-GalarMagnezonePoisonElectric90679712111045530Surgeon EyeNeutral PolarityTough BrainsSlowzone can pair well with Indeechu as an Electric-type that wants Trick Room. Surgeon Eye gives it a pretty strong damage output as its making its already strong 121 Special Attack hit even harder. It can also use its slow speed in conjunction with Volt Switch to bring frailer teammates into the field safely. Might also be able to make decent usage out of Chilly Reception, I suppose.
WigglytuffGolurkFairyGhost11411462706550475All-SeeingTuff ClawsMalfunctionWigglylurk is intended as an alternatve support option for Sleep - Whereas most sleep-inducing mons in the mod use Powder moves, Wigglylurk has a 100% accurate Sing, bypassing Grass-types and Safety Goggles. While that in itself is a strong effect, Wigglylurk is balanced around it, having little else to offer in terms of support aside from Icy Wind and an exploitable bulk.
BraviaryShiftryNormalDark9511867736790510SiroccoSun BatheCombativeBravitry is intended as a Wind Rider Tailwind abuser, with a decently high Attack stat backed up by Sheer Force. Not just that, but it can also threaten a nasty Explosion, with its Dark STAB scaring away any potential Ghosts that get in the way. It can alternatively be used as an Intimidate punisher by getting pretty big Atk boosts, as well as stealing the items of mons who intimidate it
CryogonalMismagiusIceGhost705555120120105525Levitate--Cryomagius is a simple and straightforwards mons, with strong offensive type backed up by Nasty Plot and 120 Special Attack. Despite its low Physical Defense, it can be surprisingly bulky under Snow thanks to a naturally high Special Defense stat, and threaten big Blizzards.
Lycanroc-MiddayTauros-Paldea-AquaRockWater85117854267109505EliminateOasis LunchFighting FuryMidday Aqua Lycanros is meant to be a Sand abuser, putting its high Attack to good use alongside giving Sand something to hit opposing Ground-Types with. Swords Dance and a high BP STAB in Wave Crash also make it a very threatening offensive mon. Even outside of sand, it is a respectfully fast Pokémon with STAB Rock Slide, so don't miss out on it. It can also alternatively run an ability that increases its Atk whenever flinched, discouraging Fake Out heavily.
Lycanroc-MidnightTauros-Paldea-BlazeRockFire9511590427291505DominateNight SnackRustle RageMidnight Blaze Lycanros is a pretty bulky Fire/Rock type with Intimidate. It also can't ever miss its Rock Slides and Will-O-Wisps thanks to Dominate's No Guard effect. Does also have Taunt, Upper Hand, Knock Off and Snarl as support options and Raging Bull to break screens.
Lycanroc-DuskTauros-Paldea-CombatRockFighting90113854270105505Obliterate--Dusk Combat Lycanros is the hardest-hitting of the bunch, with an ability that derives from Tough Claws and pretty good offensive stats, as well as a really strong offensive type combo. Accelerock makes for a great offensive tool against faster opponents, Obliterate's Atk drop allows it an oportunity to set up a Swords Dance, Close Combat hits insane power levels after the ability's boost.
RevavroomLurantisSteelGrass7511290877867509Leaf Coat-UnfilteredRevarantis is a goofy set-up sweeper that spams moves such as Leaf Storm, Spin Out, Superpower and Overheat to boost its stats every turn. Its good defensive type combined with a moderate bulk can be an incentive to invest into bulk, as Spin Out would give you enough Speed boosts anyways. Its a bit slow to start with, but a pretty decent set-up sweeper, at least for Regulation A.
LaprasPalossandWaterGround11080951058550525Clumping Up-DissolutionLaprossand is a bulky special attacker that can leverage its ability Clumping Up and good typing to stay on the field for a long time to smack the opponent with Earth Powers and strong Body Presses. Its ability gives it a Water immunity and +2 Def when hit by a Water move, allowing it to quickly build up Def boosts next to teammates using Surf, simultaneously keeping it healthy and boosting Body Press to scary levels, allowing it to snowball quickly if you leave it alone for awhile. However, its low Speed and mostly below average stats mean that it takes a little while to get going.
SpiritombClawitzerDarkWater7082981159847510Hydrostatic Pressure--Spiritzer is a Trick Room setter that can either support allies with Ally Switch, Taunt, Muddy Water, Helping Hand, Will-O-Wisp and the great sustain of Mega Heal Pulse or start abusing Trick Room itself with Nasty Plot, Mega Aura Sphere and Mega Dark Pulse, becoming one of the hardest-hitting Dark-types in the entire format. It does also have Imprison for battles against opposing Trick Room teams.
SerperiorDrifblimGrassGhost11580708575105530Germinate-SacrificeSerpeblim is a somewhat speedy support mon with options such as Tailwind, Glare, Strength Sap, Icy Wind, Will-O-Wisp, Kncok Off, Disable and Taunt, as well as Imprison Trick Room. Sacrifice allows it to heal an ally, but only once it faints. It excells at crippling opponents through its many support options, while being decently fast and having pretty respectable bulk for a mon with recovery. Having a Fake Out and Powder immunity are also appreciated.
VenusaurVikavoltPoisonBug7876861428761530Sunlit Flight--Venuvolt is a hard-hitting threat with access to Sleep Powder to put some pressure into your defensive mons, with its typing wardinf off opposing Grasses that would be immune. Its speed allows it to function either under Sun or under Trick Room, depending on how it is invested. Its typing combined with Levitate also leaves it with notable resistances to Fighting, Fairy and a Ground immunity. That said, it is a pretty subpar offensive type, and you're still left very vulnerable to common moves such as Heat Wave and Rock Slide, so it is a bit of a Tera sink.
FrosmothElectivireBugElectric8095701109080525Electric Dust-Vital ScalesFrosmivire serves as a very special bulky redirector, with its Vital Scales making Frosmivire's team safe against special attackers while its on the field. Frosmivire's natural Sleep immunity allows its to redirect Sleep moves aimed at teammates with no reprocussions. It also has other great utility options in Thunder Wave, Wide Guard, Tailwind, and Helping Hand, and it can also go on the offensive with Quiver Dance. Its typing holds it back a bit, being pretty abusable with its common Rock and Fire weaknesses, plus its mediocre physical bulk makes it a lot easier to break on that side.
RhyperiorUrsalunaGroundNormal122140117507150550CarelessLithoproofShock HorrorThis is pretty much intended to function like regular Ursaluna, being a Trick Room threat with high damage Facades. Gets Heat Crash as an option now. I primarely wanted to give the non-guts ability options some more viability as vanilla luna doesn't ever want to drop Guts. This at least has some defensive utility with Lithoproof granting it some pretty key immunities and letting it live some super-effective hits while still hitting back very hard.
YanmegaPyroarBugFire86727911261100510Move MasteryItem LockdownSpeedyYanroar is a bit of a strange one, having three interesting ability options, being able to either boost its damage output significantly, hitting hard with Heat Waves; being able to completelly shut down opponent's items, letting your teammates hit through Covert Cloak, Mental Herb, Focus Sash, Assault Vest or Choice Scarf; or just getting Speed Boosts to make use of its support moves such as Will-O-Wisp, Snarl and Tailwind. Regardless of which one used tho, Yanroar is very frail so keep that ion mind when building with it.
KrookodileSamurott-HisuiDarkWater10011580857090540Sea Monster-Blade EdgeKrookorott is meant to have two different builds, with Sea Monster giving it great defensive utility while Blade Edge boosts its STABs to pretty high BP. Sea Monster can make use of Assault Vest and can even try to set hazards with Ceaseless Edge, as Intimidate forces opponents out. Can also try for a bulky set-up + Sucker Punch set. Meanwhile, Blade Edge sets want to hit things for as hard as possible with STAB + Sacred Sword.
PincurchinAmoongussElectricGrass819382908222450Jolt Spores-ResparkPincunguss gives Amoonguss recovery at the cost of some of its bulk. It still has all of Amoonguss' strong toolkit, with the added effect of redirecting Electric moves automatically and having the option to run Electroweb now and maybe Throat Chop if you find it necessary. Does also have access to Accupressure if you're into that kinda gimmick I guess. Jolt Spores is a bit counterintuitive for a mon whose main draw is Spore, but it does give Electric Terrain mons a partner with redirection and recovery.
MausholdGrafaiaiNormalPoison6885677273110475Friendly PrankBerry DietToxicologistAll three of Mausaiai's abilities are pretty useful. Friendly Prank is the simplest, doing Maushold's usual Friend Guard support shenanigans, now with Scary Face, Acid Spray and Parting Shot. Berry Diet instead allows it to reach pretty ridiculous Speed levels, which can then be followed up by an After You to give your allies priority. Lastly, Toxicologist is a more offensively-oriented ability, giving it a pretty strong Population Bomb that also has a whopping 98% chance to poison (assuming all 10 hits land).
IncineroarEmboarFireDark10211985928562545Inflame-Blazing Passionwow it's incineroar! (+ sucker punch)
GengarCyclizarGhostDragon70806210770126515Revitalize--The fastest mon in Regulation A, Genglizar can threaten a pretty hard-hitting Draco Meteor or Shadow Ball, with Nasty Plot to back it up as well. It's got the option of running a fast Shed Tail set to more safely bring in allies, and generally has some neat utility options with Encore, Will-O-Wisp, Taunt and Icy Wind. Does have U-Turn to make good use out of Regenerator as well, despite its low bulk.
TropiusMudsdaleFlyingGround10010095639743498Growing GrassHealthy LunchInner PowerA defensive mon that makes use of Stamina + Leech Seed to shut down physcial attackers. Can alternativelly use its bulk to set up with Swords Dance and become a bulky threat. Stamina + Harvest has good synergy, as Sitrus Berries can keep passively healing you to make use of your bulk while Stamina's defense increases give you more opportunities to reroll for a berry to grow. Does also have some defensive utility with Wide Guard.
GalvantulaVivillonElectricFlying75655510055100450Friendly LooksFreaky EyesDusty BugsGalvillon is a frail but menacing support Pokémon with a fast and accurate Sleep Powder, backed up by speed control options such as Tailwind and Electroweb slongside Friend Guard and strong STABs in Thunder and Hurricane. It can also alternatively block berries with Freaky Eyes instead. While its toolkit is definitely really strong, its pretty poor statline keeps it balanced.
KingdraCacturneDarkDragon77105771057785526Hydrophilic-Desert ShotKingturne functions as a scary special sweeper and breaker, sporting good STABs in Dark Pulse and Draco Meteor, all the coverage it needs for Fairy and Steel-typed checks, Nasty Plot, and doubled Speed in Rain. While it does require support to be effective, whether it's through Tailwind or Rain or redirection, Kingturne can be absolute menace with its power, set up, and Tera flexibility.