TimestampNameFirst InitialMiddle Name InitialLast Name Initial
Birthday (just month and date) If you prefer not to share please write n/a
Places to eat...Places to Shop
Drinks (Starbucks, Sonic, Flavors)
Scents (Lotion, Scentsy, Etc)
Candy/SnacksCookies/CakeColorHobbies/CollectablesAuthor/MagazineSports Team
8/4/2023 16:24:02Cristina AlburyCRA11/18
Longhorns, Zaxby's, Tako Sushi, 5 guys
Walmart, LowesWaterAllergic to most
Pop Corners (sea salt), Dark chocolate
Nothing but BundtCaribbean BlueCrochetToo many to name
Notre Dame, Atlanta Braves
8/4/2023 12:57:51Audra BonoAAB8/29
Ironwood/Takosushi, Chick-Fil-A
Amazon, Target, BelkHazelnut, Cherry LimeadeCitrus, Fruity
Sour Patch Kids, Gummy Bears, Dark Chocolate
Anything Chocolate!pink, purple, redcrafting/gnomesFrancine RiversUGA
8/4/2023 13:31:33LeeAnn ByrdLYBDecember 16th
Takosushi, Salsas, Chick Fil A
Target, My Story
Dunkin' Iced Lattes, Dr. Pepper, Fiji Water
Clean & Fresh, CoconutReese's, PopcornPeanut ButterPink or tealReading
Mystery or love stories for books, don't read magazines
Georgia Bulldogs
8/4/2023 13:43:43Sara BrosiousSPBSeptember 26Tako Sushi, Chic Fil a
Barnes and Noble, Target
Starbucks, Diet cokenone Chocolate/ popcorn Nothing Bundt Cakes YellowFlair pensPeopleFlorida State Seminoles
8/4/2023 14:01:30Samantha BullockSKBSeptember 4
Takosushi, Mirin Fusion, Chickfila
Target, Amazon, Swank
Starbucks: iced matcha tea latte with vanilla, Dunkin: iced buttern pecan coffee with cream & sugar, Coke, Vanilla Coke, Blue Powerade
Fresh Linen, Citrus
Snickers, Salt & Vinegar chips, Peanut M&M's
Chocolate chip cookiesPinkReading & Shopping
Emily Giffin, Colleen Hoover
We're a soccer family :) but the Dawgs are fine too haha
8/4/2023 16:37:34Rebecca BrownROBAugust 8
Outback, Chick-Fil-A, TBonz, Olive Garden
Marshalls, Belk, Swank
Iced Caramel Lattes, Sprite, Coke
LemonSnickers, Twix, DoritosAny! :)
red, black, green, navy, pink
nutcrackersI have plenty! :)
Georgia Bulldogs, Pittsburgh Steelers
8/6/2023 19:40:17Rande BartelsRRBSeptember 28
Chick fil A, Moe's, and Monterrey
Target, Belk, and Marshalls
Dunkin Strawberry Dragonfruit Lemonade refresher, Sonic Coca Cola
Mrs. Meyers Peony hand soap, BHG Apricot Blosson & Bergamot wax melts, Ocean Febreze plug ins
Skinny Pop popcorn, Raisinets, Welch's strawberry or blueberry fruit n yogurt snacks
Loft House/Crumbl sugar cookies, Lemon or vanilla cake
Painting, Fostering kitties, and SHOES!
Kansas City Chiefs and Royals
8/7/2023 8:13:57Kelley BellKSB06/02Chick Fil ABelkStarbucks flat whiteLavenderNutsanyBlueGardeningReal SimpleGamecocks
8/15/2023 16:40:51Keri BadgerKLBDecember 29Fujiyama’sWalmart
Caramel macchiato, Cherry limeade
Hershey or Reese’s peanut butter cup
Lemon cake. Oatmeal Raisin
Purple, Black, PinkN/ANicholas SarksBulldogs
8/15/2023 16:54:31Yangsook (Ashley) BaekYABFeb 10Zaxby'sT.J.MaxxCaffe Latte - StarbucksRoseChocolateRed Velvet CakePurpleWatch MovieLucy Maud Montgomery
Georgia Bulldogs baseball team
8/16/2023 11:33:47Lakeisha BillingsleyLJBNovember 30
Logan's, Chick-Fil-A, Carrabas
Target, WalMart, Dollar Tree
Iced Caramel Coffee with Cream and Sugar
Eucalyptus, Peppermint
M&M's with Peanuts, Reese's Cups, Kit Kats
Chocolate Chip Cookies/Red Velvet Cake
Purple, PinkNoneNoneNone
8/4/2023 12:47:14Sarah CagleSSCJuly 18
Mellow Mushroom, Hunan Cafe, Chick Fil A
Publix, Swank, Escape Outdoors
Blue Powerade and Diet Coke
Clean ScentsCrackers and ChipsSnickerdoodleBlue
Watching Football and Baseball
Ga Bulldogs and Atlanta Braves
8/4/2023 16:23:13Sarah CrawfordSGC03/14
Five Guys, Crumbl, Chick-Fil-A, Jersey Mikes
Amazon, Swank, BelkDiet Mt. Dew!NoneALL!! PB M&M's is faveALL!Purple, Red&Black
Nature photography, reading, anything outdoors
All books!Georgia Bulldogs
8/4/2023 16:30:47Rhonda CorreiaRDCJuly
Chick Fil A, Bonefish, IronWood, anywhere good
Amazon, Swank, Target, Sophora, Belk
Skinny Vanilla Latte, Caramel Latte, Diet Sprite (with strawberries)
Lotion: Gingham Fresh, Leaves, Scentsy: Autumn Road Trip, any fresh smell
Milky Ways, Chocolate and Salted Caramel, Trail Mix, Kettle
Chocolate Chip and Oatmeal Raisin cookies Strawberry Cake
Purple/CoralRea Dunn/Cactus
Mary Kay Andrews and Anything good!
Georgia Bulldogs
8/15/2023 16:34:40Lauren CrawfordLBCNovember 19
Chick-fil-a, Laziza's, Takosushi, Texas Roadhouse, Mexican.
Target, Walmart, Old Navy, Marshalls, Belk, My Story, Preppy Poppy
Dunkin-Caramel Iced Coffee with Cream & Sugar or Coke
Anything tropical or beachy
Heath bar, Popcorn, jalapeño chips, chocolate
Chocolate chip/ Red Velvet, Chocolate, Smores
Pink, gold, black, lavender, turquoise
Shopping, the beach, pool
Junie B JonesGeorgia Or Kentucky
8/16/2023 8:00:11Jenny CarrollJMCFebruary 16thDiablos, El Alazan, ChilisAmazonLa Croix or similarNone
Trail mix, Kind bars, dark chocolate
Anything from Sinless Sweets
Navy blueNoneMysteryUGA
8/7/2023 9:08:19Renee DrakeRLD02/21
Tako Sushi, Chickfila, Mirin Fusion
Target, AmazonDiet Dr. PepperVanilla, Fall scents
Milky Way/Flavored Popcorn
CrumblPink or RedFamily timeBooks for my children!UGA
8/7/2023 9:43:35Klaire DunlayKKD04/26AnyAnyAnyAnyAnyAnyBlueReadingAnyNone
8/16/2023 5:55:46Sara EdelmanSEE9/2
Mexican, chicken salad chick, subway, panera
Target, amazonStarbucks Beach scentsReese’s pb cupsChocolatePurple Reading Oregon Ducks
8/4/2023 14:34:36Holly FullertonHKFMarch 16
Texas Roadhose, Toki, Monterreys, Cracker Barrell
Amazon, Target, Barnes & Noble
Celsius, Stawberry Limeade, Iced White Choc Mocha
Clean Linen, Sea Island Cotton, anything light and fresh
Gummy Nerds Clusters, Snickers, Mr. Goodbar
Peanut Butter Cookies, Carrot Cake
Blue and Green
Reading, Collecting antique teacups
All historical fiction authors
Georgia Bulldogs and Tennessee Volunteers
8/15/2023 16:58:16Tamara FernandezTN/AF06/02
Salsa's, Panera, Starbucks
Target, Walmart, Amazon
Starbucks Blonde Vanilla Latte
Anything citrusPeanut butter cups Cheesecake Army Green
Peloton (Cycling and Running)
Too many to countAugusta Green Jackets
8/4/2023 16:50:27Brandi GlassBEGNovember 2nd Chick-Fil-AWalmartDiet CokeNATic tacs or gumNothing Bundt Cake anyTeal NANA
UGA, GSU (Georgia Southern)
8/15/2023 17:17:53Brandi GlassBEGNovember 2Chick fil a Walmart
Starbucks Americana 4 Splendas heavy cream
BathBW - leavesExtra or trident gum
Choc chip/nothing bunt cakes
Better Homes/Good Housekeeping
8/16/2023 21:52:56Stephanie GamlinSTGJanuary 11Jersey Mikes, Chick-fil-a, Amazon, Ross, MarshallsCoke Zero, WaterN/A
Reese Pieces, Mr. Goodbar, M'M's Peanuts, Cape Cod Chips
Anything Chocolate and Peanut Butter
Mysteries-no specify author
8/4/2023 13:43:43Emily HarrisonEOHDecember 18
El Alazon, Farmhaus, Takosushi, Chickfila, Zaxbys
Target, Marshalls, Ivy, Home Goods
cinnamon oat milk shaken espresso (Starbucks) cold brew with sugar free vanilla (Dunkin) Hint Water, bubly water
anything but vanilla scent
Sour gummies of any kind
Crumbl, Bundt Cakes, - Not a huge chocolate fan
blue and pinkfun headbandsLogic PuzzlesBraves and GA Bulldogs
8/4/2023 14:39:20Lauren HemerkaLRH11/11
Zaxby, Cork & Flame, Mirion Fusion
Target, Amazon, Swank
Goat Kick - Cinnamon Kick iced Starbucks- White Chocolate Mocha
Earthy, Clean, freshAnythingAnything but ChocolateCobalt Blue
Reading, walking, going to the movies
NAPhiladelphia Eagles
8/4/2023 15:18:06Veronica HickmanVLH01/26Logan's/ ChilisMacy's, Dilliard'sStarbucks
Champagne Toast and Ginger
Ruffle Chips and Lifesaver Gummies
lemon or chocolate cakepurplereadingnone in particularn/a
8/4/2023 20:24:59Debra HarperDDHFebruary 26
Chicken Salad Chick, Chick-fil-A
Belk, Home Goods
Dunkin’ caramel iced coffee, Starbucks mocha Frappuccino
Florals, gardenia, lavender
Chocolate, cheddar snacks, snack mix
Chocolate chip, macadamia nut
GreenCandles, hand soaps
Max Lucado, Lysa Terkeurst
Georgia Bulldogs
8/8/2023 16:02:54Adrienne HarlessAMHOctober 30th
Pizza Central, Poblano's, Red Robin
Marshall's, Target
Starbucks- hot cocoa, Dunkin-Iced Coffee
Lavendar, VanillaDark Chocolate
Any kind of Crumbl cookies
Grayreadingn/aOhio State Buckeyes
8/15/2023 16:34:30Jennifer HunterJRHMarch 9th
Chick-Fil-A, Zaxby's, Starbucks, Mirin, Crumbl
Target, Walmart, Amazon
Coke, Sweet Tea (Dunkin' or McDonald's), Starbucks Strawberry Lemonade Refresher
Cheez Its, Goldfish, Regular Doritos
White Chocolate Raspberry (NBC), Crumbl cookies, Carrot Cake
Teal, Pink, Rose GoldNoneNoneNone
8/15/2023 16:38:26Erin HookerEEHApril 24th
Zaxbys, Wingstop, Monterrey, Longhorns
Marshalls, Target, Walmart
Mountain Dew/Mello Yellow
None (Migraines)Anything that is not Spicy
Chocolate chip/Chocolate
Green/Orangen/an/aClemson Tigers
8/16/2023 9:13:55Tracey HogueTPHOctober 20
French Market West, Koi (sushi), Oliviana's
Kohls, Belk
Starbucks (skinny vanilla latte)
peppermint, pumpkinsnickers, Butterfingers
chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin
red, black, purple, green, pink
sewing, gardening good housekeepingGeorgia Bulldogs
8/16/2023 9:47:46Susan HarrisSMHNovember 26
Chick-Fil-A, Slim Chicken, Zaxby's, Monterrey, Pizza Central, Your Pie, Bonefish
Target, Kohls, Old Navy, Walmart, Publix, Kroger
Sprite, Water, Diet Cokesoft floral scentsanything with chocolateanything with chocolategreen and blue
spending time with family, outdoor activities, game nights with family
family and home magazines
University of Georgia
8/16/2023 10:35:29Alison HixonAMHMarch 17
Monterrey, Pizza Central, Takosushi
Amazon, Hobby Lobby
Dunkin' Iced with Almond Milk
Bath & Bodyworks Strawberry Snowflakes
Albanese gummies, m&ms
Gluten Free Bundt Cake or Small Cakes
PurpleSewing, embroidery
Mary Kay Andrews, Emily Griffin
Georgia Tech/Georgia Southern
8/4/2023 12:53:17Christina James CRJApril 28th
Chick Fil A, Monterrey, Frog Hollow, and Cadwalladers
Target, Homegoods, and Swank
Iced Coffee or Hot Coffee
M&Ms, Sweet and Salty Snacks
Any! Pink or BlackReading, Baking, FitnessColleen Hoover n/a
8/4/2023 17:19:42Angela JuddAGJ11/19
McDonald's, sonic, and any place with sushi
Sonic raspberry sweet tea or a cherry coke
Teakwood, floral, pumpkin, cinnamon
M&ms or cheese it's
White chocolate macadamia, all cake
Pink, red, black
Rocks, painting, drawing, pops
K.L. Slater Boston red soxs
8/7/2023 8:49:47Dawn Jeffers DMJ9/15/65Chick-fil-ATarget
Sonic- Diet Cherry Lime-aid
Fruits and vegetable smells
sugar free mints Chocolate Blue UGA Football J.K. Rowling UGA
8/7/2023 10:39:24Jennifer jacksonJEJ10/22Chick-fil-aCostco
Starbucks or Rooted frappe
chocolate, truffles, popcorn
chocolate chip or macadamia nut cookies
8/15/2023 16:35:21Kelli KirkKRKMay 26
Tako Sushi, Laziza, Chick-fil-A, Ironwood Tavern
Amazon, Target
Starbucks (anything caramel), coffee, sweet tea
anything but evergreen
Snickers, Caramello, Lifesaver Mints (Wint-o-green)
Chocolate Chipred
reading, shopping, eating out
Colleen HooverUGA Bulldawgs
8/16/2023 7:33:04Christiane KeeneCLKeene08/30Laziza AmazonStarbucks coffeeClean linen Lindt trufflesRed velvet Turquoise TravelAutobiography None
8/5/2023 14:02:53Katie LyerlyKML02/06CFA, Zaxbys, PaneraTarget, Marshall’s
Starb/Dunkin Vanilla or Mocha
BBW cactus blossom, or fresh/floral/fruity scents
Snickers, Reese’s, plain chips, popcorn
Bundt (white chocolate raspberry)
Any shade of blueGardening, dogsAny
Clemson, Yankees, Panthers
8/4/2023 13:22:11Amy MarkwalterASMSeptember 12th
Rooted, Chicken Fingers, Seoul Korean Kitchen
Home Goods, TJ Maxx, Marshals
Sonic...Diet Limeade, Rooted and Starbucks..Green Tea Matcha
Anything with dark chocolate/nuts/blueberries
Gingerbread men/ Bundt Cakes
Yoga, walking dogs, beach
Real Simple Magazine and Nicholas Sparks books
Aquinas High
8/4/2023 13:54:25Diane MeyersDMM04/13
Chicken Salad Chick, Longhorns, Mosh Pit
Belk, Target, Kohl's, Amazon, Shein, Zuily
Starbucks - Mocha whatever hot
anything from Bath and Body Works
Mr. Goodbar, Reese's Take 5, Monster Peanut Butter Trail Mix
All Cookies are good and so is cake!
Pink, Black, Blue, PurpleBoxer dog stuff People Steelers NFL
8/4/2023 16:43:42Ginna McKnightGLMMarch 26th
Longhorn, any Mexican and Texas Roadhouse
Academy Sports, Kohls, Bath & Body Works
Starbucks SF Vanilla latteCoconut pineapple Dark chocolate Not really
Teal, blues, greens, bright orange
Spending time with family
None None
8/5/2023 15:39:04Naomi Montgomery NGMJune 10
Chicken Salad Chick, Tropical Smoothie Cafe, Tako Sushi, Farmhaus Burger, Frog & the Hen, Frog Hollow
Target, Amazon, Hobby Lobby, Academy, Staples, Lowes, Academy
V8 Energy Pomegranate Blueberry, LaCroix Limoncello, Starbucks vanilla latte (hot or iced), Sonic cherry limeade
Yellow Laffy Taffy, Snickers, Hersheys with almonds, dried fruit
Chocolate Chip cookies and *ALL Nothing Bundt Cake classic flavors
Black and white
Enjoy ART and DECOR (Hobby Lobby), bike riding, kayaking, outdoors
None GA Bulldogs
8/7/2023 7:35:59Katie MurrayKNMNovember 19
Takosushi, Farmhaus, Jimmy Johns, Chick-fil-a, Tropical Smoothie, McCallister's, Dunkin' Donuts, Rooted, Starbucks
Marshalls, Target, Amazon
Starbucks Skinny caramel macchiato, Hint waters (any flavor)
Lotion: Bath and Body works Blue Gingham, Scentsy: Luna, Amazon Rain
Nerd clusters, white cheddar popcorn, cheezits, fruit, macadamia nuts
Bundt cakes: lemon, white chocolate raspberry
blues...aqua, navy, royal
reading, travelling, going out with friends
Francine RiversUGA
8/15/2023 17:45:17Whitney ManzWTM10/07
I love all the food. Seriously, ALL the food!
Target, Amazon, Shoppe 3130
Rooted-hot chocolate, other than that, I just drink water
Volcano Candle from Swank
Skittles, starbursts, jolly ranchers, Reese’s Cups
Chocolate chip, Heath bar, peanut butter. Ice cream cake
Purple, green, blue, pink
Music, home renovation and decorating, traveling, artwork
I love reading all kinds of books!
Ga. Southern, Clemson, and Steelers
8/16/2023 11:06:11wanda wgm08/27anyanysonic- anystrawberryanyanypurplescooby doo, retro 80&90zanemiami
8/16/2023 15:58:26Ronda MastersRLMJuly 31
Farmhaus,. Salsas, Toki, Murin Fusion, Mellow Mushroom
Marshalls & Amazon
Mostly drink water or Chic fil a lemonade
Jergen's original lotion - sensitive skin
nuts - almonds, pecans, walnuts
Two Moms sugar cookies or monster cookies / chocolate cake
black, pink, blueHanging out at the beachMurder Mystery booksGeorgia Tech
8/4/2023 12:42:07Angie NewmanAMNSept 22
El Rey, Chick Fil A, Diablos, Subway
Walmart, AmazonChick-fil-A diet Sunjoy
Eucalyptus Spearmint, Lavender, Clean Linen
Skinny Pop popcornSinless Sweets: brookiesCoral and Lime GreenWillow TreeKaren KingsburyAtlanta United
8/6/2023 15:06:28Yuly NorthcuttYRN02/08
Carrabas, Pizza Central, Subway, T-bonz
Target, Amazon, Macys
Starbucks, Diet Coke, Bubbly
Bath and Body Works
Chocolate covered strawberries, go macro bars
Chocolate chip/chocolate cake w/strawberries
Black, teal, redSwimming National Geographic NHL-Blackhawks
8/15/2023 21:17:24Deborah NimmonsDGN01/15Chick-fil-A, Poblanos, Marshall’s, Target
Starbucks-Mocha Frappuccino, Coke a Cola
Lavender, Lilac, Cranberry
Almond joy candy bars, Barbecue chips
Almond cookies, Red velvet cake
Red, Black and WhiteGardening, sewing
Home interior and gardening magazines
8/7/2023 9:03:35Courtney OwenCRHO11-24
Chickfila, Fire House, Toki, any where downtown
Target, Publix
Starbucks - caramel or pumpkin lattes
anything eucalyptus, lemon, lavender, rosemary
White cheddar popcorn, fruit, nuts, sea salt choc. caramels
chocolate chip or oatmeal cookies, chocolate or white raspberry cake
blue or black & redart, gardening, travelhome magazinesUniversity of Georgia
8/4/2023 16:33:32April PondALPDecember 14
French Market Grille West, Poblanos, ChickfilA
Swank, Target
Starbucks Caramel Frappuccino, Dr. Pepper
Scentsy Luna, Gardenia, Bergamont
Lifesaver Gummies, Reese cups, Snickers
Cheesecake, Sugar cookies, chocolate anything
kelly (Masters) greengardening, flowersMary Kay AndrewsUGA
8/6/2023 23:53:27Laura PaulosLEPOct 9
Zaxby's, Chicki-fil-a, Toki , Senor Mezcal
Academy, Target
Starbucks - caramel frap, Dr. Pepper
Kit-Kat, Nerds, Skittles, Twix, Goldfish
Chocolate chip, Vanilla or Cheesecake
blue, red, black
beach, sports, collect Superman items
Georgia Bulldogs, Atlanta Braves, UNC Tarheels
8/7/2023 12:07:11Mavis PilgerMDP01/22
T-Bonz, Longhorns, any place really
any place local
Starbucks-white mocha, no fat, no whip/coke zero
clean simpleReese'snot really interestedneutral and black
pickle ball, golfing, reading, crocheting, quilting
any good novelAtlanta Braves
8/15/2023 16:46:57Meagan PaschalMNPAugust 20Longhorns, Pizza Joint,
Marshalls, Walmart, Target, Tj Maxx
Sonic- Ginger-ale with Cherry, Coke, Sweet Tea
Fresh laundry, apple, pumpkin
Chocolate covered pretzels, gummy bears, twix
Chocolate ChipBlack, purple, whiteJewelry, beads, craftsN/ABraves, Bulldogs
8/15/2023 16:56:47Sean ParkSSP03/06
Texas Roadhouse, Poblanos, California Dreaming
Target, Cabela's, Bass Pro Shop, Academy
Starbucks/White Chocolate Mocha, Sonic/Mango Peach Slush
Sandalwood, Cedar
Dark Chocolate, Almonds, Cashews
Not a big fan of cookies or cake
Yellow, OrangeCamping, gadgets Any.None
8/15/2023 19:07:59Kim PhillipsKDP08/31Logan's or Olive GardenWalmart Sonic Strawberry SlushAny Beachy smells
White Cheddar Smart Pop popcorn, Snickers
Brownies, Pound CakeBlueI like to read!
Mysteries or Reader's Digest
Auburn Tigers
8/5/2023 11:00:31Jenny RoperJWRMay 17
Chick fil-A, Mellow Mushroom, El Alazan, Pizza Joint, French Market West, Frog Hollow
Amazon, Julie Vos, Homegoods, Marshalls, The Ivy
Starbucks, water, diet coke
Volcano candle- Capri blue, Scents -lavender, citrus, anything calming :)
Anything peanut butter and chocolate, Popcorn, Pretzels, Dark chocolate sea salt caramel,
Anything lemon or chocolate
Navy, white, tan, turquoise, black, red, green, orange,
Julie Vos jewelry, pottery, artwork, Sparkly Christmas ornaments, arranging flowers, exercising with friends
Anything Decorating, flowers, gardening, cooking
8/6/2023 13:23:11Adrian ReeceAMROctober 26Outback, TBonzHobby Lobby, TJ MaxxAnything diet
Champagne Toast or anything coconut/beach
skittles, starburst, sour gummy worms, Reeses
chocolate chip
turquoise or anything neutral
anything outdoors any books!
Carolina Panthers, Appalachian State
8/4/2023 12:33:31Sandi SmithSBSApril 16
Soul Kitchen, Mirin Asian Fusion, McAlisters
Amazon, Target, Kroger
Iced Caramel Latte with Almond (or Oat) milk
Vanilla, Lavender
Chocolate (any, but especially Ferrero Rocher) BBQ chips
any kind! I love Crumble cookies
PinksDisney, Teacher stuff...
Any author, I love historical fiction!
Virginia Tech Hokies!!! UGA and GA Tech (for my kids...)
8/4/2023 13:25:22Kelly SmithKBS09-08
Tako Sushi, Diablos, Sonic,
Catos, Target, Shein, Amazon
Starbucks Caramel Macchiato, Sonic Fanta orange Float
Twizzlers, pay days, Cheetos,
Chocolate everythingpink
reading, yard work, movies
ALL love to readUGA BULLDOGS
8/4/2023 15:06:30Leslie ShafferLASJuly 27th
Chick-fil-A, Zaxby's, Olive Garden
Target, Bath & BodyDunkin' DoughnutsFloral or fruityGummy candyChocolate chipLight pink or greenPainting, yoga, travelingN/AGeorgia Bulldogs
8/4/2023 16:13:51Kayelyn SimmonsKES10/6
Takosushi, Chick-fi-la, El Alazan
Swank, Target, Amazon
Cold Brew, The GOAT (Goat Kick)
Scentsy Luna
Reeses thins, Jalapeno chips
Books, family, being outside
8/11/2023 13:16:08Judy SwisherJKSNovember 29Poblanos, Rhinehart's
The Loft, The Limited, The Gap
Starbucks, SonicOcean - beachy scents Heath Bars, Hot FriesMacadamian NutYellowI collect FIre King JadeiteNoneKansas City Chiefs
8/15/2023 16:32:44Danielle StarcherDCSJune 13
Takosushi, Chick-Fil-A, Goat Kick
Sonic Cherry Slush, Goat Kick Muddy Kid
Luna from Scentsy, clean & fresh scents
Peanut M&Ms, Dove Dark Chocolate & Mint, Orbit Sweet Mint Gum
Crumble & Bundt Cake (Strawberries & Cream)
Red & BlackWinning Lottery TicketsFrancine RiversBroadway :)
8/15/2023 17:37:01Lisa StokesLTS05/19
Laziza, Namaste, and Pizza Joint
Anywhere!StarbucksMild scents
Kit Kats, Granola Bars, Nuts
Chocolate/LemonBlue and GreenMusic, Exercise, Movies
I love books! I enjoy all types of books.
Georgia Bulldogs and UTEP Miners
8/16/2023 10:40:13ChristinaCMSJune 13
Mexican, Starbucks, Dunkin, Chikfila , McDonalds
Target, Ulta, Walmart, Swank, Lilly Pulitzer, Loft
Iced coffee, Diet Coke, Caramel Machiatto, strawberry slush, peace iced tea
Vanilla, Coconut
Gummy Bears, Milky Way,, chips and salsa, hummus, fruit
Oreos, chocolate chip cookies, Black/White cookies from Publix
BlueReading, crafts,
Nicholas Sparks, Southern Living
UGA, University of SC, New York Yankees
8/6/2023 8:34:44Kambria SaboKBS Nov. 8
Long Horn, Chick-Fil-A, McAllisters
Target, Ann Taylor Loft, Kohls
Diet Coke, Cafe Mocha, Mocha Frappuccino
Luna, anything light and beachy
Nuts & Berries Chocolate YellowReadingVarious
Kennesaw State University, Georgia University, Braves
8/4/2023 13:03:06Shelly TannerSMTJuly 1
Chick-fil-A, Longhorn Steakhouse, Carrabbas
Marshalls, TargetDiet PepsiFloralReesesVanilla or chocolatepinkNoneI read almost all genresNone
8/4/2023 16:50:57Susie TrammellSCTMay 18
TakoSushi, Door Dash, McDonalds, Chick-fil-a
Walmart, Target, Kroger
Vanilla Latte from any coffee place
None - They make me sneeze!
Chocolate Covered Pretzels, Sour Patch Watermelons, Fresh fruit-i.e. watermelon chunks, grapes, etc.
Sugar Cookies and Strawberry Cake
GreenI play tennis!NoneUniversity of Georgia
8/8/2023 16:27:57Lindsay TornowLHTOct 7
Chicken Salad Chick, Pizza Central, Poblanos, Chick Fil A
Target, Home Goods, Pecan Row
Sweet Tea, Sonic Cherry Coke, Mtn Dew
Tropical / Fruity / CalmingReese Cups, popcorn
Sugar, Chocolate Chip / any flavor cake
bright pink or blueanything monogrammed Southern Living none
8/15/2023 17:25:17Dana ThomasDCT7-1
Chicken salad chick, Longhorn
Bath and Body Works, swank
Pumpkin spice latte, Diet Pepsi
Leaves Bath and Body Works/any Christmas scent
Cheese sticks/pretzels/any candy with peanut butter
AnyTurquoise and pinkDevotional booksHome decor magazines
Braves/Bulldogs/Greenbrier Wolfpack
8/4/2023 13:09:12Brandon WilliamsBKWJuly 16Chick-fil-aAcademy Sports, Lowes
Vanilla Bean Creme Frappe
N/AReese's CupsGluten Free- any typeBlueFishing, Camping National GeographicUGA
8/4/2023 14:28:14Carrie WokutchCLW06/30Pita pitMarshallsGoat Kick CoffeenoneHershey's nuggets
chocolate chip/vanilla or chocolate cake
Gardening / cooking / hiking
Audible books
Pittsburgh Steelers / Pirates
8/4/2023 18:50:24Paula WaughPDW01/14Mexican, chicken
Walmart, Target, Bath and Body
Starbucks, rooted, Goattkick, Dunkin
Reeses, ruffles, pop chips, flavored popcorn
Chocolate chip, red velvet
Yellow, purple, redPretty Coffee mugs Barnes and Nobel
Pittsburgh Steelers, UNC Tarheels, LA Lakers
8/5/2023 11:49:39Lauren WalmsleyL-WJune 7
Carrabba's, Mellow Mushroom, Chick-fil-A
Amazon, Target, Michaels
Anything caramel, or strawberry flavor
Clean Linen, Fresh scent
gummy bears, caramel, dark chocolate
chocolate, red velvetTeal or purpleReading, craftsAny Braves
9/17/2023 18:13:06Angel YeltonALYJanuary 7
Tako Sushi, Izumi, Frog and Hen
Romantic Farmhouse, Communigraphics, Southern Landscaping Garden & Gifts
Sonic-Cherry Limeade. Starbucks-Pineapple Passionfruit Lemonade Starbucks Refreshers/Strawberry Açaí Lemonade Starbucks Refreshers® Beverage
Clean Linen, Christmas Tree, Apple Cinnamon, Stress Relief (from Bath and Body Works)
Reese's cups, Snickers, Hersey's cookies and cream
macadamia nut, sugar cookie (with icing), chocolate chip, red velvet
Travel/Going to sport events/Beach
NAGeorgia Bulldogs