TeamPage titlePage linkTopicLast Updated YYYY/MM/DDLinks ToSuggested changes/NotesOwner
CoreContribute with Testing kind of testing 2016/05/18- Beta Testing
- User Testing
- Automated Testing
CoreAutomated Testing of running and writing automated tests for WordPress 2020/10/10- PHP: PHPUnit
- JavaScript: QUnit

For video embeds tests
- YouTube Video WP 5.0
- Vimeo (non-WP related)
CoreJavaScript: QUnit is a JavaScript unit testing framework. 2019/07/07- Installing WordPress Locally
- Installing via SVN
CorePHP: PHPUnit with PHPUnit 2019/11/02- Installing PHPUnit
- PHPUnit GH Repo
- PHPUnit 8.x support Trac Ticket
- ANSI Command Line Colors under Windows
- Node
- Writing PHP Tests
- Core tickets with tag needs-unit-test
- Trac
- Writing Tests for PHPUnit
- Post "JavaScript Unit Tests for Core"
- JavaScript: QUnit
- PHPUnit Manual
- PHPUnit GH Repo
CoreWriting PHP Tests to write PHP Unit Tests 2019/07/16- Appendix A. Assertions (Out of date > Points to new website)
- Appendix B. Annotations (Out of date > Points to new website)
- Trac Ticket "Reposition Loading Spinner for Quick Edit to sit next to "Update Post" button"
- MySQL Documentation: Transactions, Commit and Rollback Statements
- MySQL Documentation: Statements That Cause an Implicit Commit
Point Assertions and Annotations to new site
CoreBeta Testing 2020/02/19- SVN (Page not found)
- Nightly build (zip file)
- WordPress Beta Tester Plugin
- Reporting Bugs
- Alpha/Beta/RC Forum
- Feature Plugins Tracking (deprecated page)
- Feature plugins (goes to plugins that are in beta, some of them have been merged in the meantime)
- Make/Core
- Make/Flow (it's now Make/Test)
- Flow Patrol (doesn't exist anymore as a term, links to test handbook)
Link to Feature Projects Overview instead of feature plugins tracking (also, is this really the best place to talk about this structure 🤔)
CoreUser Testing tests and tests in groups 2016/05/18- Installing a local server
- WordPress Beta Tester Plugin
- Features (correct page)
- Patch to test (Trac needs-testing report)
CoreUsability - Only titles of sections 2016/05/12
CoreReporting Bugs to report bugs. 2015/09/18- Security FAQ
- Glossary for: ticket, and commit.
- Automated testing
- Debug bar plugin (hasn't been updated in 9 months)
- Debugging file script
- Search Trac
- WordPress Slack - instructions to sign up
- WordPress Forums
- wp-tester mailing list - deprecated
- wp-hackers mailing list - deprecated
- Register for a .org account (page doesn't exist)
- New Ticket
- Fixing Bugs
- Trac Preferences
- Remove text and links that refer to the mailing lists
- Redirect register page
CoreReporting security vulnerability to report security related bugs 2018/05/12- WordPress Forum for non security related bugs
- Useful links for security support and vulnerabilities disclosure
- Reporting security issues for plugins
- HackerOne
- whois lookup
- article on finding the host from Plagarism Torday
- article on "6 Steps to Find a Host’s DMCA Contact" from Plagarism Torday
Exploit scanner plugin (hasn't been updated in 4 years)
edit wp-config.php (links to codex instead of help hub)
FAQ My site was hacked (links to codex instead of help hub)
- Roles and Capabilities (links to codex instead of help hub)
- Disclosures of usernames or user IDs - Drupal website
CoreBug Gardening Beta Testing
- Trac
- Trac Workflow Keywords
- Meetings
- Patches to Defects that Need Review (Trac Report)
- Explanation about Ticket Properties in the Trac Handbook page
- The Code Repository (SVN)
- Applying a patch sends also to SVN page 🤔
- WP Coding Standards
- Automated testing
- Data validation in Codex
- Glossary for point release, major releases, regressions, inline documentation
- Make Core Blog
- Get Involved With Trac Bug Gardening (Helens Blog)
This needs to be under triage, not testing. Doesn't really define with a bug gardener is
HostingTests WordPress Hosting Team provides tools for hosting companies to run the WordPress automated tests on their infrastructure to improve compatibility with WordPress. 2021/05/27- Host Test Result information page
- phpunit-test-runner
- documentation about this tool
CoreTesting a patch up without VVV
Setting up with VVV
Testing with Grunt
Testing without Grunt
2020/06/17- Build tools: We’ve enabled running WordPress from /src again
- VVV Custom site template (WP Core development) + links to vvv
- Testing without Grunt - no instructions, send to another page "Working with patches"
CoreWrite a call for testing instructions 2016/05/18
CoreInstalling WordPress locally section of the handbook contains tutorials that will walk you through the process of installing WordPress locally.- Installing a local server
- Latest Nightly - Zip File
- Source Code
- GitHub mirror
- Beta Testing
- Working with patches
- Glossary for version control
- Trac
CoreInstalling from a Zip File article will walk you through installing the latest WordPress development version from a zip file. 2019/04/25- [MAMP] [WampServer] [XAMPP] > Pages not found
- Instructions for creating a new local development site > Page not found
- Latest Nightly - Zip File
- Configuring Automatic Background Updates links to Codex instead of Help Hub
- Beta Testing
There seems to be an issue with the formatting
CoreInstalling via SVN 2019/05/24- MAMP
- WampServer
- Installing SVN on Windows - missing link
- Installing SVN on MAC
- Installing TortoiseSVN (Windows)
- Windows: Cygwin
- MAC: Terminal or Bash
- Restructuring of the SVN repository (3.7)
- Core Trunk
Mentions Codex in "Learn More", change it
CoreInstalling a local server one of the four local server programs listed below. (There are 6 🤷‍♀️) 2020/06/04MAMP (Mac & Windows)
WampServer (Windows)
XAMPP (Windows, Mac, Linux)
Varying Vagrant Vagrants (VVV – WordPress specific Vagrant configuration for Windows, Mac, Linux)
Docker (Mac, Windows, Linux)
The links are to the product themselves, not the pages in the handbook. I think they should link to the handbook itself.
CoreInstalling VVV to install VVV- VagrantI believe this page is maintained by VVV maintainers, so it should be good, Francesca will check with them
CoreInstalling DesktopServer to install DesktopServerThe information is out of date and to download the free version you are invited to subscribe to the newsletter of ServerPress. I suggest to remove this altogether
CoreInstalling MAMP to install MAMP
CoreInstalling WampServer to install WampServer
CoreInstalling XAMPP to install XAMPP
CoreInstalling a Version Control System to install a VCS
AccessibilityContent checks for web accessibility page gives an overview of practical approaches and best practices for to keep your content as readable for as many users as possible. 2018/04/26- WordPress Accessibility Handbook on readability
- Reading level – accessibility for web writers
- 1Up Your Writing with Plain Language by Ashley Bischoff (slides)
- Heading structure in theme development
- Headings in the content
- Good link texts
- Make sure video has subtitles and closed captions
- Always give an image a proper alternative text using the W3C alt decision tree. - Alternative text for images
- Images as link
- Test for web accessibility: introduction
- Test for web accessibility: design
- Test for web accessibility: frontend code (DOM)

A number of these links are external. This page will need to be updated to make it inline with 2.1 WCAG guidelines.
AccessibilityDesign checks for web accessibility page gives an overview of practical approaches and best practices for your design workflow. 2018/04/26- There are many tools to calculate this easily, see Color contrast checkers.
- Don’t only use color for meaning” – it’s fine to use color, as long as that isn’t the only identifier
- Sim Daltonism tool for color blindness check.
- Coblis – Color Blindness Simulator
- Some people don’t have an overview of everything that’s on a page, like people with Glaucoma.
- Section Use of color in this handbook
- Inclusive Components
- Inclusive Design Patterns – Heydon Pickering
- Inclusive Design Checklist – Heydon Pickering
- Web Accessibility for Designers
- Accessible design: a process
- 7 Things Every Designer Needs to Know about Accessibility – Jesse Hausler
- Tips for Getting Started Designing for Web Accessibility – W3C
- Writing accessible content – Sami Keijonen
- 6 Principles Of Visual Accessibility Design – Jenna Erickson
- Designing for Accessibility, Step 1: Colour Contrast – Neil Shankar
- Accessible Design – Maja Benke (presentation)
- Accessibility for everyone – Laura Kalbag (book)
- WebAIM: on fonts
- Pennsylvania State University: about Font Face
- Test for web accessibility: introduction
- Test for web accessibility: content
- Test for web accessibility: frontend code (DOM)
A number of these links are external. This page will need to be updated to make it inline with 2.1 WCAG guidelines.
Accessibility 2018/04/26- The best resource for HTML5 are the MDN web docs.
- For WordPress we aim to meet the WCAG accessibility guidelines at level AA and the W3C standards. In the WordPress Accessibility handbook section Best Practices you find examples and resources.
- Write semantic, meaningful HTML
- Heading text and level matter
- Make a link or button text meaningful
- Use the screen-reader-text class, a CSS class to hide text visually from screen but announce it for screen readers.
- Always give an image a proper alt attribute using the alt decision tree
- always link a label to an input control.
- Announce dynamic changes with aria-live or wp.a11y.speak()
- Keyboard Accessibility by WebAIM
- Workshop keyboard accessibility
- Confirm all visually hidden links (e.g. skip links) become visible when in focus.
- HTML_CodeSniffer, you can install this as a bookmarklet that inspects the page in your browser, this works on Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer.
- online validator at
- aXe browser addon for Chrome and FireFox.
- HTML_CodeSniffer
- Accessibility Inspector in the Firefox Developer Tools. A good read about this by Marco Zehe:  How to use NVDA and Firefox to test your web pages for accessibility
- React-a11y, Identifies accessibility issues in your React.js elements
- Static AST checker for a11y rules on JSX elements
- More Toolbars and toolkits  in the Accessibility Handbook
- There are several command line tools for automated testing like aXe-cli and pa11y.
- You can run axe-cli on more then one url in one command, but axe-cli is not build to run on a large amount of urls or on a complete site, axe-cli is not a crawler. Deque Labs recommends to use the  axe-webdriverjs, a chainable aXe API for Selenium’s WebDriverJS for testing on a large amounts of urls.
- The setup for pa11y is well documented in the GitHub repository.
- Basic screen reader commands for accessibility testing
- Using a screen reader to test your website’s accessibility
- List of screen reader test tools in the Accessibility Handbook
- VoiceOver Getting Started
- VoiceOver cheat sheet by Paul J. Adam
- NVDA shortcuts
- Test for web accessibility: introduction
- Test for web accessibility: content
- Test for web accessibility: design
A number of these links are external. This page will need to be updated to make it inline with 2.1 WCAG guidelines.
AccessibilityAudits and testing regularly improves its features and creates new core themes. The accessibility team monitors these changes and tests them for web accessibility. 2017/10/24- Nimbus Hosting is so kind to sponsor a test server for the team.
- Patches from tickets labeled “accessibility”.
- We report problems by creating a ticket on WordPress Trac.
- We document these activities on Make WordPress Accessible.
A number of these links are external. This page will need to be updated to make it inline with 2.1 WCAG guidelines.
TrainingLesson Plan Testing Guide guide goes through how you can get involved with the WordPress Training Team by testing a lesson plan. 2021/08/25- Visit Learn WordPress and select a lesson plan.
- Once you’ve chosen a lesson plan, send us a message through our testing lesson plans form so that we can help with any questions you may have and so that we can keep track of the testing schedule.
- If you will not have access to WiFi during your training, you will want to have a local install of WordPress.
- Please tell us through our testing feedback form.
AccessibilityRequired the required tests for Accessibility 2021/01/19- See Links are not buttons; neither are divs and spans for more information.
- See Semantic Structure from WebAIM for more information.
- Headings Map toolbar for Chrome
- Headings Map toolbar for Firefox
- Tools: ARIA Landmark Inspector bookmarklet
- Contrast Comparison
- Contrast Finder
- Firefox Accessibility Inspector
- Color Contrast Analyzer
- NoCoffee
- You can either use text hidden in a valid screen-reader-text class or use aria-label or aria-labelledby attributes to provide an accessible name for what you’re labeling.
Cross-check against 2.1 WCA