A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | |
1 | Victorian School of Forestry - Graduates | |||||||||
2 | Read This | |||||||||
3 | ||||||||||
4 | Record Number | Graduation Year | Surname | Given Names | Other Qualifications | Article | Career | Other Service | ||
5 | ||||||||||
6 | ||||||||||
7 | 1 | 1912 | Boston | Norman L | In 1921 and 1928 listed as posted to Upper Macedon. | |||||
8 | 2 | 1912 | Elmslie | H | Appeared in some FCV records as a possible 1910 VSF student - not verified; posted to Mildura 1928; Possibly transferred to School of Mines? | |||||
9 | 3 | 1912 | Horn | Walter Henry | Creswick, DFO Bright 19/08/1916, Scarsdale Plantation 27/05/1927; 1929 Assistant Forester State Plantation Scarsdale; 13/09/1929 Forester DFO Harcourt, Moonlight Flat Plantation; Forester Castlemaine on 27/12/1937; (in 1939) Forester; 'Chief Forester' OiC Castlemaine plantation group | |||||
10 | 4 | 1912 | Ken | A | By 1921 had left the service for Western Australia. | |||||
11 | 5 | 1912 | Lindsay | Reginald Graham | "Sent to various parts of the State to superintend reafforestation areas. He later returned to the school." | 22 Brigade Australian Field Artillery; Killed in the Somme | ||||
12 | 6 | 1912 | Sampson | H J (or JH?) | Recorded as left the service by 1921; but...Retirement recorded - presumed spent career in department. | |||||
13 | 7 | 1912 | Warren | Arthur H | Appointed 17/6/1910 Victoria; by 1921 had resigned to Tasmania | |||||
14 | 8 | 1913 | No Graduates | |||||||
15 | 9 | 1914 | Ritchie | William | At VSF for one year only - with 1910 entrants; 8/1/1912 Trainee Forester Creswick Nursery and attended lectures in Tremearne House; 1913 tree planting - French Island; 1915 Macedon Nursery; 1916 - enlisted WWI, returned 1919; 1919 Creswick Nursery; 21/06/1920 OiC Harcourt (Castlemaine) - started Moonlight Flat Plantation; 07/12/1926 OiC Bright Plantation and started Ovens Plantation; 17/02/1928 & 02/07/1930 DFO Upper Ovens; 1929 & 1930 Forester State Plantation Bright; Superintendent of Plantations in Bright on 27/12/1937; (in 1939) Superintendent of Plantations; (During W W 11 was jointly DFO Bright Plantations and Ovens District); 23/10/1950 DFO Creswick Nursery; 5/8/1955 Assistant Supt. of Plantations H.O | 1916-1919 WWI serving in Egypt and France | ||||
16 | 10 | 1914 | Stevenson? | ? | No Information. | |||||
17 | 11 | 1915 | Campbell | Martin Cosby | 1916 - Cadet Forester Grade 1 (GG93 28/04/1916); resigned 11/09/1918 (GG 134 09/10/1918); ?Neerim South (1928 & 1929); Broadford, became a teacher. | |||||
18 | 12 | 1915 | Galbraith | David K | Recorded as left the service by 1921; but...1928 Numurkah; Maryborough 1930s. | |||||
19 | 13 | 1915 | Gray | W Harold | 1921 & 1927 - Nursery in Hurstbridge . | |||||
20 | 14 | 1915 | McEwan | George A | Had left the service by 1921. | |||||
21 | 15 | 1915 | Sims | Percy Robert | 1916 - Cadet Forester Grade 1 (GG93 28/04/1916); Broadford, Bealiba, 1921 Tarnagulla, DFO Upper Ovens (Bright) 05/10/1921, DFO Beechworth 23/07/1925; April 1928 - 1932 Forester DFO Orbost; DFO Rushworth 04/05/1932 (and 27/12/1937); DFO Upper Yarra (Powelltown) 06/05/1938, (in 1939) Chief Forester; DFO Dunolly 17/09/1940 | |||||
22 | 16 | 1915 | Trainor | William Hugh | 1916 - Cadet Forester Grade 1 (GG93 28/04/1916); Broadford, Dunolly; 15/07/1918 DFO St Arnaud; 03/11/1922 - 1925 DFO Maffra (Briagolong); 1924 - 1928 DFO Orbost; 1928 to 1930 Forester Bealiba; 15/06/1936 DFO Cohun ; Inspector of Forests in Cohuna on 27/12/1937; Maryborough 1938, Inspector DivI Bendigo 26/09/1939 | |||||
23 | 17 | 1915 | Watson | Charles William | Heathcote, Barmah (1927); 1928 & 1929 Assistant Forester Belgrave; 1930 Forester Macedon; 22/10/1934 - 1938 DFO (Forester) Nowa Nowa; Yarrawonga 1938, DFO Cohuna (Gunbower) 02/05/1938, (in 1939) Forester; DivI (Div. For.) Wangaratta 01/12/1949 | 1915-1919 WWI Signaller, 59th Infantry Batallion, AIF | ||||
24 | 18 | 1915 | Weickhardt | F C | Had left the service by 1921; (Malvern 1927 & 1928) | |||||
25 | 19 | 1916 | No Graduates | |||||||
26 | 20 | 1917 | Gerraty | Finton George | Dip.For.Vic. | Dip.For.Vic. on Regeneration, silvicultural development and utilization of Eucalyptus obliqua Messmate Stringybark; 01/04/1920 DFO Orbost; 04/01/1924 DFO Gellibrand; 20/07/1927 Niagaroon (Taggerty), 1930 Chief Forester; Powelltown; 1935 Inspector of Forests Central Division (Healesville) - confirmed 21/07/1936; 27/12/1937 Inspector of Forests Berwick; Chief Inspector 1945; Feb 1947 Deputy Commissioner; May 1947 Commissioner; June 1948 Deputy Chairman; April 1949 Chairman (12/10/1949) to 24/06/1956 (died while Chairman); Latter part of WWII was seconded to Dpt Army to examine and advise on the timber resources of the Northern Territory then organize logging, transport and milling. In 1945 services made available to Associated Pulp and Paper Mills Ltd of Tasmania to prepare a utilization and roading plan for the Company's pulpwood procurement areas. 1952 to England, Scotland, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Canada and USA investigating forestry practices and industries, particularly re economics of utilizing lower grades of wood. Also represented Victoria at the 6th Empire Forestry Conference in Canada. | WWII - attached to Army Department to advise on timber supples for defence purposes in the Northern Territory | |||
27 | 21 | 1917 | Ingle | Reginald | Macedon, Port Campbell, 1921 Porepunkah (Ovens), Yarram, Tarnagulla, Neerim South(1927); 1928 &1929 Assistant Forester Chiltern; 11/07/1929 & 1930 DFO (Forester) Yarrawonga; DFO Maryborough 04/05/1938, (in 1939) Forester; DFO Bendigo 24/07/1951 and 03/11/1952 | |||||
28 | 22 | 1917 | Small | Alexander Ronald L | 1921 Yarram; Geelong (1927); (Balmoral 1928); resigned, to Tasmania Forest & Milling Co. | |||||
29 | 23 | 1917 | Smith | Charles T | By 1921 had left the service - Carlton; Glenhuntly 1927 & 1928) | |||||
30 | 24 | 1917 | Zimmer | Walter John | Dip.For.Vic. | Dip.For.Vic. on Mallee vegetation; Macedon Nursery, Heathcote, DFO Lal Lal 07/04/1920, Tarnagulla,1921 Meredith; Glen Park (Ballarat), DFO Gellibrand (Beech Forest) 14/06/1927, DFO (Chief Forester) Mildura 19/03/1929 & 1930 (& 27/12/1937); (in 1939) Chief Forester; DI Wangaratta 28/09/1940, Silvicultural Officer 1949/50, Chief Forest Research Officer. | ||||
31 | 25 | 1918 | Elliott | Campbell Sibley | 1919 Cadet Forester Grade 1 (GG114 23/07/1919); relieving junior master - VSF until he resigned in 1927; moved to CSIR DFP - eventually deputy chief | |||||
32 | 26 | 1918 | Haig | James Muter | Cadet Forester (01/02/1919); Dunolly, Creswick, Barmah, Chiltern, Shepparton, Warburton, Powelltown, DFO Mansfield (Delatite) 24/01/1923; 28/06/1928 to 1931 Forester DFO Bruthen; DFO Mansfield (Tatong?) 14/05/1931, DFO Orbost 10/05/1932, DFO Stawell 01/07/1937; Chief Forester in Stawell on 27/12/1937; (in 1939) Chief Forester; Newport; 31/10/1949--1964 DI/Div For Warragul | |||||
33 | 27 | 1918 | Liston | Norman Glencoe | 1919 Cadet Forester Grade1 (GG137 17/09/1919); resigned in 1921 to follow a threatrical career; for some years associated with the Chautauqua Company; 1928 in thwe USA; later Allan Wilkie Shakesperean Company - touring Tasmania and New Zealand....Canada, USA | |||||
34 | 28 | 1918 | McDonald | Norman A | 1919 - Cadet Forester Grade 1 (GG97 18/06/1919); 1928 Leongatha. | |||||
35 | 29 | 1918 | Parker | W M | (Parkville 1927 & 1928); resigned. | |||||
36 | 30 | 1918 | Waters | E R | Resigned | |||||
37 | 31 | 1918 | Wyllie | Cyril Vernon | 1928 to1930 Forester Tatong; 1931 - 1937 Forester in Charge Bruthen; 27/12/1937 Forester in Charge Beaufort; to Chief Forester in 1939/40 | |||||
38 | 32 | 1919 | Galbraith | Herbert Duncan | Dip.For.Vic. | Dip.For.Vic. on The Organisation of Sawmilling in the Mixed Species Forests of East Gippsland; Dunolly, Ballarat, DFO Mansfield (Tatong) 09/03/1921 , DFO Upper Yarra (Powelltown) 31/01/1923, DFO Orbost 10/04/1924, DFO Upper Yarra (Powelltown) 12/08/1925; 1928 & 1929 Forester Upper Yarra (Powelltown); 1930 Chief Forester Upper Yarra (Powelltown); 12/05/1932 DFO Maryborough ; Inspector of Forests in Maryborough on 27/12/1937; 09/05/1938 - 1940 Inspector Gippsland (Bairnsdale); 1940 - 1948 Inspector East Gippsland (Bairnsdale); Chief Inspector HO 1947; Deputy Commissioner 1948/49; Acting Commissioner 1951; Commissioner 1957-1966 | ||||
39 | 33 | 1919 | Hone | Alfred Andrew | B.Sc.For (Adelaide); Dip.For. (Ox.) 1930 | Article | Dunolly, Gunbower, Creswick, HO; 1925-26 Silviculturalist; 1928 Silvicultural Officer; 1929 & 1930 Working Plans Officer Melbourne; Senior Technical Officer 1937; Chief Working Plans Officer on 27/12/1937 & 1938 & 1939); 1942-1945 Commonwealth deputy timber controller; Commissioner 1946-48; 1946 - Timber Controller under the State Procurement Directorate. | |||
40 | 34 | 1919 | McMahon | Martin Herbert | Dunolly, Surveys, Heywood; 1926-1929 Assistant Forester Nowa Nowa; 1929 Assistant Forester Korumburra; Resigned to Shire Secretary at Maffra in November 1944; retired from the Shire in about 1951. | Major in the AIF and served in PNG | ||||
41 | 35 | 1919 | Strahan | Leslie Thomas | Dip.For.Vic. | Dip.For.Vic. on The theory and practices of Fire Protection in Victoria; Dunolly, Maryborough, HO; 1921 - 1924 Briagolong; DFO Erica 09/01/1924; to H/O 1928; Newport SSW; 1929 & 1930 Forester Melbourne; Resigned in 1934; sawmiller and timber merchant (Strahan & Davis) - North Melbourne and Myrtleford. | ||||
42 | 36 | 1919 | Youl | John William | Dunolly, Yarram, 1923 Omeo; 1923 - 1924 Orbost; Heywood, Bealiba, DFO Upper Ovens (Bright) 11/07/1925; Forester DFO Erica 02/03/1928 & 1929 & 1930; Superintendant of Seasoning Works in Newport on 27/12/1937; Sales & Marketing Officer (1937-38,39); Resigned in 1944; manager Victorian Sawmillers' Association until mid 1970s. | |||||
43 | 37 | 1920 | Niven | Cyril JT | Resigned from FCVic in 1927 for Commonwealth - Canberra; 1928 & 1929 Westbury, Tasmania - Dry Kiln Engineer. | |||||
44 | 38 | 1920 | Nugent | John William | Dunolly, Bendigo, Upper Yarra, Annuello, Bannerton(1927); 1928 to 1930 Assistant Forester Trentham; Maryborough, Bealiba; Forester in Koondrook on 27/12/1937; (in 1939) Forester; DFO Yarram 18/09/1940, DFO Eastern Otways (Forrest) 14/10/1942, DFO Dandenongs 03/08/1951, ADivF Traralgon c 1960; ADivF Northern Div. (1964) | |||||
45 | 39 | 1920 | Pavey | Charles Henry Graham | 1921 Dunolly District (silvicultural work); 1922 Neerim South; 11/02/1927 DFO Bruthen; Bendigo; 07/06/1927 DFO Ballarat (Creswick); 23/01/1928 Upper Ovens (Bright); Chiltern; 16/02/1928 DFO Beechworth (hardwood); Creswick 1929 & 1930 Forester Bright; 03/07/1930 DFO Heywood; 10/05/1937 DFO (Chief Forester) Heathcote; 14/06/1939 DFO Broadford; 17/10/1946 DFO Dandenongs (Kallista); 17/05/1950 Div For for new Division Horsham. | |||||
46 | 40 | 1920 | Torbet | Edward Reginald | Dip. For. 1929 (AFS Canberra) | Article | 1921 Dunolly, 1922 Mildura; 1926 Bealiba; 1928-1929 Australian School of Forestry Canberra; Warragul ?; 15/01/1930-31 DFO Rushworth; 1930 (June) Forester Melbourne; 03/05/1932 DFO Upper Yarra (Powelltown); 31/08/1936 DFO Maryborough; HO Fire Protection Officer (Chief Forester) December 1937 to 1939; 01/07/1939 Inspector of Forests Wangaratta; 23/09/1940 - 1949 Inspector of Forests Gippsland Southern Division (Warragul; Traralgon); 1949 HO Fire Protection Officer; 1951 fire pro study tour to USA under FOA; Member and in 1952 Chair of the CFA; Member of CofM of Wilson's Promontory NP. | |||
47 | 41 | 1921 | Grigg | Walter Lawrence | Dunolly; 1922 - 1924 Bruthen; Goldsborough, Mildura; 1927 & 1929 & 1930 Assistant Forester Maryborough; Stawell; Forester in Lal Lal on 27/12/1937; Belgrave 1938; (in 1939) Forester; resigned (from Professional Division) 29/09/1946 to Tasmanian Forest Service. | |||||
48 | 42 | 1921 | Incoll | Francis Sydney | Dip.For. 1931 (AFS Canberra) Dip.For. Vic. | Article | Dunolly, Bealiba, Forrest, Wensleydale, Macedon(1927 & 1928); 1929 Forester Macedon; 18/07/1929 - 1930 Forester DFO Nowa Nowa; AFS Canberra; Upper Murray, DFO Heathcote 12/04/1932, DFO (Chief Forester) Heywood 11/05/1937; 21/05/1938 - 1942 Chief Forester DFO Orbost; DFO Stawell 11/04/1942, HO, DivI Horsham 14/04/1947, DivF South-western Division (Ballarat) 17/05/1950. | |||
49 | 43 | 1921 | Shillinglaw | Archibald Westoby | B.Sc.(Melb.) (1931); Dip.For.Vic. | Dip.For.Vic. on Pulpwood Reconnaissance-Wood Waste-Mill Waste; Dunolly; 1922 - 1923 Nowa Nowa; 1923 - 1925 Orbost; 1925 - 1927 Orbost (Noorinbee); DFO Mildura 11/02/1928; 1929 & 1930 HO Melbourne; 06/04/1930 DFO Cohuna; DFO Erica 12/11/1934; Chief Forester (Forest Economist) in Melbourne 1937-38; DivI Healesville 21/01/1946; Assistant Chief Inspector 1951/52; 11/10/1956 Utilization Officer; 15/4/1957 Chief Inspector; Chief Div Forest Ops 1958. | ||||
50 | 44 | 1922 | Benallack | Andrew Leonard (Ben) | Dip. For. 1929 (AFS Canberra); Dip.For.Vic. issued under Clause 111A, regulations Forests Act 1928 | Article | 1923 Powelltown, 1927 (Warburton East) Millgrove, VSF; 1928 & 1929 Assistant Forester Australian School of Forestry Canberra; 1930 Assistant Forester Melbourne; 12/01/1930 DFO Neerim South & as Chief Forester on 27/12/1937; (in 1939) Divisional Working Plans Officer; post-war Timber Controller; Sales & Marketing Officer; 29/4/1957 Asst Chief Inspector; HO - Chief Division Economics &Marketing (1959); Commissioner 1961. | 1939/45 (served overseas for 5.5 years) - Captain 2/2 Forestry Company 2nd A.I.F.; R.A.E; Major: O/C, ; OC 3 Forestry Company - served UK and PNG, founded & OC 91 Forestry Squadron | ||
51 | 45 | 1922 | Cromb | R M | 1926 - 1928 Nowa Nowa; St Arnaud(1927); 1928 – 1929 Orbost (Noorinbee); 1929 & 1930 Forester Inglewood; Belgrave, 1926 - 1928 Mallacoota; Nowa Nowa; Tarnagulla (1928 | |||||
52 | 46 | 1922 | Lawrence | Alfred Oscar Platt | OBE; B.Sc. (Adelaide 1928); Dip.For (Oxon); Dip.For. (Canberra 1928); Russell Grimwade Scholarship 1933 | Article | 1923 Bright; Myrtleford, Beaufort, Macedon, HO, Kerang, Gunbower, Creswick, (AFS Canberra 1927); 1928 Adelaide; 1929 Forester Melbourne; 1929 & 1930 Working Plans Surveyor (Forester) Echuca; 1931 Working Plans Surveyor (Forester) Ballarat; 1934 Chief Forester in Ballarat (also on 27/12/1937); 1935 Divisional Working Plans Officer Ballarat; December 1939 Chief Fire Protection Officer; Commissioner 15/03/1949, Acting Chairman 1951; Chairman 1956-19/07/1969 | Awarded OBE on 16/06/1969 (Citation: Boy Scouts Association) | ||
53 | 47 | 1922 | Venville | Charles Rupert Gordon | Dip.For. (Canberra) 1928; AFS Canberra | Macedon, Creswick, Anglesea; 1926 Federal Forestry School Adelaide; 1927 Australian Forestry School Canberra; 1928 &1929 Forester Anglesea; 1930 Forester State Plantation Anglesea; 03/05/1933 DFO Macedon nursery; 1933-34 attached to South Australia assessmant parties in P. radiata; Creswick, Anglesea; 27/12/1937 Assistant Superintendent of Plantations in Macedon; (in 1939) Superintendent of Plantations; 1943 - 1949 Working Plans Officer (Plantations); 1949 Assistant Chief Superintendent of Plantations (in 1950) then Acting CS; 27/5/1954 Chief Superintendent of Plantations and Nurseries; 28/6/1963 OiC General Operations Branch; 1965 Chief Operations; 1966 Chief Div. Forest Management | ||||
54 | 48 | 1923 | Eales | Charles Alexander | Dunolly; 1924 - 1926 Orbost; 1926 - 1929 Assistant Forester Nowa Nowa; 1929 & 1930 Assistant Forester Neerim South; Tatong, DFO Mansfield (Tatong) 25/04/1932; Forester Tatong on 27/12/1937; DFO Lal Lal 01/05/1938, DFO Heathcote 15/06/1939, DFO St Arnaud 09/04/1947 & 08/10/1953, DFO Broadford 22/10/1953, DFO Ballarat 20/09/1955; Senior Forester DFO Heytesbury (Cobden) 14/05/1958--1964 | |||||
55 | 49 | 1923 | Kerr | Donald Frederick | Dunolly, Beech Forest,Powelltown, Taggerty; 1926 - 1930 Assistant Forester Bruthen; 02/04/1930 - 1934 DFO Nowa Nowa; 05/11/1934 DFO Cohuna; Resigned 1936 | |||||
56 | 50 | 1923 | McRae | Keith Francis | Dunnolly; 1924 - 1927 Bruthen; 1927 - 1928 Orbost (Noorinbee); Mallacoota; Orbost to 1929, Nowa Nowa; 1929 Assistant Forester then 22/07/1929 DFO Gellibrand (Beech Forest); 27/06/1933 DFO Yarram; 27/12/1937 DFO Bealiba; 18/05/1938 DFO Dunolly; 20/09/1940 DFO Midura; DFO 24/11/1940 Ouyen; 1941 Chief Forester; 22/10/1953 DFO St Arnaud. | |||||
57 | 51 | 1923 | Reilly | EDP | Resigned | |||||
58 | 52 | 1923 | Seaton | Robert Thomas | Dip.For.Vic. | Dip.For.Vic. on The Fire Problem in the Wombat Forest District and suggested control measures; Bendigo, Beech Forest, Timboon(1927); 1928 & 1929 Assistant Forester Cohuna; 20/07/1929 to 22/10/1934 Forester DFO Barmah (Cohuna); 10/10/1934 DFO (Chief Forester) in Trentham & 27/12/1937; (in 1939) Chief Forester; 29/06/1943 DFO Yarrawonga; 16/09/1944 Divisional Working Plans Officer Stawell; 1946 Div Inspector Eastern Division (Bairnsdale); 22/3/1956 HO Fire Protection Officer; 30/01/1948 Chief Division of Forest Protection 1958-59; HO Forest Resources Officer 1961-64; Ret. 21/01/1970; Acting Chair Country Fire Authority | ||||
59 | 53 | 1923 | Tingate | Walter Paine | Dunolly, Rushworth, Maryborough, Belgrave(1927); 1928 to1930 Assistant Forester Barmah East (Yielima); Bendigo, Rocklyn; 24/11/1933 DFO Trentham; 22/10/1934 -16/05/1949 DFO (Forester) Barmah; 'Chief Forester' "an authority on the management of Red Gum forests"; (in 1939) Forester. | |||||
60 | 54 | 1924 | Muir | William Douglas | Dip. For. | Article | Neerim South, Anglesea Plantation(1927); Resigned to AFS Canberra 1928; to NSW Forests Service (Schlich Medal); later Chairman NSW FC. | |||
61 | 55 | 1924 | Prentice | Herbert James | BSc (1934) | Resigned 1927 to become teacher In Mallee. | ||||
62 | 56 | 1924 | Rust | Stanley Frederick | B.Sc. (Melb.) 1931 | Macedon nursery, Bright Plantation(1927); 1928 c/o Head Office; 1929 Assistant Forester Beech Forest; 1930 Assistant Forester Melbourne; Gembrook, Belgrave, Narbethong; Resigned 1933 Division of Forest Products CSIR - leading researcher in veneer & glueing business. | ||||
63 | 57 | 1924 | Ure | Arthur Carlyle | Forrest; 1927, '28 & '29 Assistant Forester Erica; Chiltern; DFO Eastern Otways 15/07/1929; 1930 Assistant Forester Forrest; DFO (Forester) Alexandra 17/08/1936, 1937 Rubicon (Taggerty on 27/12/1937); (in 1939) Forester; Taggerty/Niagaroon 1939; DFO Bendigo 12/06/1946; DFO Castlemaine 28/08/1947; DI Healesville 11/08/1952 | |||||
64 | 58 | 1925 | Barling | John Hartley | Dip.For. 1932 (AFS Canberra) | Rushworth, Shepparton, Chiltern (1927), Taggerty; 1928 & 1929 Assistant Forester Korumburra; 1929 & 1930 Assistant Forester Erica; Aust Forestry School; Belgrave, Heywood, Lal Lal, DFO Gellibrand (Beech Forest) 25/11/1933, DFO Upper Yarra (Powelltown) 25/08/1936 [still there on 27/12/1937]; Australian Paper Manufacturers; HO; Killed 8 January 1939 fires in Toolangi. | ||||
65 | 59 | 1925 | Greenwood | Robert H | Powelltown (1927); to Berner Creek, via Innisfail - Queensland (forest service?) | |||||
66 | 60 | 1925 | Irvine | Henry Gerald | Dip.For.Vic. | Dip.For.Vic. on Sample plot studies of Utilization and Natural Regeneration in a mixed forest of East Gippsland; Maryborough, Dunolly(1927), Stawell, Rushworth, Heathcote, Beaufort, Scarsdale, Taggerty, Millgrove; 1928 & 1929 Forest Cadet (Noojee) Neerim South; Cohuna (1929); 1930 Assistant Forester Koondrook; 08/08/1936 DFO (Forester) East Otways (Forrest); (in 1939) Forester; 16/10/1942 DFO Erica; 30/11/1949 DFO Cohuna (Barmah East) (to '54); 11/11/1954 Working Plans Officer Eastern Division; Upper Yarra (1956-56); 23/03/1956 (1955 - 1961) A.DivF (Orbost) Bairnsdale; 23/02/1961 DivF Wangaratta; St Arnaud (1961-71) | ||||
67 | 61 | 1925 | Latimer | (C?) George W | M.S., M.B., B.Sc. | Beech Forest, Macedon; 1927 & 1929 & 1930 Assistant Forester HO (Melbourne); resigned ©1929 - studied medicine, resident tutor Ormond College; became AMP medical officer. | ||||
68 | 62 | 1926 | No Graduates | |||||||
69 | 63 | 1927 | Elsey | Charles William | Dip.For.Vic. | Dip.For.Vic. on The Establishment of stands of Callitris in the Warby Ranges; 1928 Upper Yarra (Powelltown); Beaufort?; 1928 & 1929 Forest Cadet Millgrove; 1930 Assistant Forester Millgrove; 08/11/1933 DFO Lal Lal; 15/04/1935 DFO Stawell; 27/09/1936 DFO Erica; Forester Erica on 27/12/1937; (in 1939) Forester; 31/10/1942 DFO Yarram; 27/04/1947 DFO Orbost; 1951 Div. Working Plans Officer (changed to Assist. Div For) Wangaratta; 05/11/1956 Div Insp Bairnsdale; 1958 Utilization Oficer (Div For Ops); 26/1/1962 C Div E&M; May 1966 Chief Div For Ops; 16/12/1966 Commissioner; Dep. Chair (29/9/1972-7/1/1973); Ret 13/01/1973; part-time consultant to Alstergren Group of companies (timber plantations and mills). | ||||
70 | 64 | 1927 | Hedley | Alexander Joseph | Article | 1928 Erica, Kerang for Gunbower Island Forest Assessment then Powelltown; 1928 & 1929 Forest Cadet Powelltown; 1930 Assistant Forester Powelltown then Erica (1931); 1932-1935 Upper Ovens District & Bright Plantation; 1936 Bright then DFO Beech Forest (Otway West) 03/06/1936; Forester on leave on 27/12/1937; Resigned 1938; South Australian Perpetual Forests Ltd - Sapfor Milling Co.; 1939-1942 Tarpuna(?); 1943 to 1954 Woods Superintendent with APM Melbourne becoming Wood Procurement Manager; 1955 own business as Timber Agent & Forest Consultant & commercial contractor supplying pulpwood to APM; 1955-1958 Tumburumba for pine and Broadford State Forest for Ash & mixed spp; 1958-1961 Bombala pine and Broadford; 1962-1964 Longford APM pine; 1965-1972 Flynn Creek pine & Broadford;1973-1978 Flynn Creek & Silver Creek. Retired to Noosa Heads | ||||
71 | 65 | 1927 | Irvine | Charles John | B.Sc.(1939) major in entomology | 1928 Assessment Box-Ironbark (Kingower); 1928 Forest Cadet State Plantation Anglesea; 1931 Daylesford Sub-district of Wombat District (HQ in Trentham); 12 months ill; Working Plans; seconded to Div Forest Products 1934 to 1937; Forester in HO on 27/12/1937; (in 1939) Forest Entomologist and Research Officer; war years - responsible for production & organisation of producer gas - Chair of State Producer Gas Committee; CSIR, ran Sirex and other entomological programs; released on loan for 12 months to the 'Save the Forests' (became NRCL) Campaign Council in 1944/45; Senior Forest Biologist; Forest Entomologist & Research Officer (1959); 1966 Senior Forest Biologist; taught entomology at Creswick (1966); Retired August 1972. | ||||
72 | 66 | 1927 | Mather | Colin Rex | B.Sc. (Melb.) 1934 exhibition in Botany | 1928 - 1929 Forest Cadet Orbost (Noorinbee); 1929 - 1930 Assistant Forester Nowa Nowa; Forester in Melbourne on 27/12/1937; (in 1939) Forester; (in 1939) Manager Seasoning Works; resigned from FCV 1941/42; Kalangadoo Timbers (SA); Timber agent, Malaysia; owned an Adelaide timber yard. | ||||
73 | 67 | 1927 | Powles | Robert | BSc (Melb.) 1936 | Research, Neerim South, 1928 Taggerty; 1928 - 1933 Forest Cadet Orbost; Cohuna, HO, Britannia Creek; Forester in Powelltown on 27/12/1937; (in 1939) Forester; Loch Valley (in 1939) Assistant Silvicultural Officer; resigned 1939/40 to NSW Soil Conservation Service | ||||
74 | 68 | 1927 | Smith | Francis James | 1/1/1928 Forrest; 15/3/1929 Forest Cadet Beech Forest; 27/7/29 & 1930 Forest Cadet Stawell; 15/4/31 Maryborough; 26/10/32 Niagaroon (Taggerty); 6/11/33 Beech Forest; 6/11/34 Heywood; 15/3/35 Myrtleford/Ovens; 26/9/37 & 27/12/1937 Beech Forest/Aire Valley /Otway West; (in 1939) Forester; 7/9/42 Neerim South/ Noojee; 1/3/46 Save the Forests Campaign – Field Officer; 10/8/46 Neerim South/Noojee OIC Loch Valley; 30/4/48 Beech Forest OIC Aire Valley; 3/8/55 DFO Creswick; 10/10/63 DFO You Yangs; 27/4/67 DFO Yarrawonga; retired 26 May 1974. | |||||
75 | 69 | 1927 | Squire | Bruce Ormond | 1928 Launching Place; 1929 Forest Cadet Mildura; Anglesea; 1930 Forest Cadet Rushworth; Heathcote, Barmah; 05/02/1934 DFO (Forester) Dunolly & 27/12/1937; Tarnagulla; 16/05/1938 DFO Heywood; (in 1939) Forester; 04/06/1948 DFO Stawell; 23/1/1957 Wangaratta; 1964 ADivF North-Eastern Division (Wangaratta) | |||||
76 | 70 | 1928 | Beetham | Adrian Herbert (Herb) Armstrong | Dip.For.Vic. | Dip.For.Vic.on Aspects of Forest Practice on the regenerated areas of the Upper Latrobe Valley; 1929 Forest Cadet Powelltown; 1929 Echuca - red gum assessment; 1930 Forest Cadet Orbost; Bright, 1931 Erica, 1934 in charge of Noojee Boys Camp; 04/05/1937 DFO Dandenongs (Belgrave); 04/05/1938 DFO Mansfield (Tatong) (in 1939); 22/04/1940 DFO Neerim South; August 1951 Div. Working Plans Officer; 08/10/1953 DFO Broadford; Ass Div For then 19/11/1958 DivFor Central Division (Healesville); retired 20 May 1974. | ||||
77 | 71 | 1928 | Halloran | Francis (Frank) John | 1929 - 1931 Forest Cadet Orbost; 1930 - 1931 Nowa Nowa assisting Bjarne Dahl strip-map the Colquohoun Forest, Noorinbee; 1933 Tallangatta; DFO Lal Lal; 1933 - 1936 DFO Orbost; 22/06/1936 -1951 District Forester Maffra (Briagolong) [classed as Assistant Forester on 27/12/1937 and still listed as such in 1939]; 15/07/1951 DFO Daylesford; 01/10/1953 DFO Upper Ovens (Bright); 07/10/1955 DFO Bruthen; 30/09/1963 DFO Marysville; 06/09/1968 DFO Bendigo; retired 26 June 1974. | |||||
78 | 72 | 1928 | Incoll | John (Jack) Andrew | 1929 & 1930 Forest Cadet State Plantation Bright; mid 1929 Assessment Barmah Forest (Echuca); 1930 Anglesea; Otways (Aireys Inlet, Benwerrin, Lorne, Bambra, Aire Valley); 22/08/1933 DFO Waarre Plantation & 15/06/1936; 25/04/1936 DFO Gellibrand (Beech Forest); Creswick; Port Campbell; 08/10/1937 DFO (Forester) Stanley Plantation; 26/07/1949 DFO Macedon (nursery). | |||||
79 | 73 | 1928 | Kitchener | Donald (Danny) Thomas | Dip.For.Vic. | Dip.For.Vic. on Departmental Salvage Operations in Forests of Immature Firekilled Ash, and the case for Commission Logging of all Sawmilling Timber from State Forests; 1929 & 1930 Forest Cadet Taggerty; Daylesford, Powelltown; 01/10/1936 DFO (Forester) Yarram; (in 1939) Forester; Resigned 1947 to ANM Boyer logging manager then director. | ||||
80 | 74 | 1928 | Weetman | Arthur | B.Com.; Dip.For.Vic. | Dip.For.Vic. on A Review of the Victorian Royalty Equation System; 1929 Forest Cadet Bendigo;1930 Erica - Assessment in the Baw Baws (3 months); 1930 - 1933 Bruthen; Wombat District: Trentham (3 months) then Korweinguboora sub-district; DFO (Forester) Woods Point 02/07/1936; DFO Yarrawonga 03/04/1938; DFO Trentham (Wombat District) 30/06/1943; 16/07/1951 DFO Maffra (Briagolong) for 6 months; 1951 to Forest Economist in HO Sales (then Economics) & Marketing; Forest Economist 5/6/1959; 1966 Forest Management; retired 9 June 1974 | ||||
81 | 75 | 1929 | Gill | Edwin Denis | Dip.For.Vic. | Dip.For.Vic. on A Log Measurement System For The Forests Of East Gippsland; 1930 Powelltown (6 months); 1930 Daylesford - Assessment (10 months); 1931 Briagolong; 1931 Bendigo; 1935 Stawell; 1938 Asst FO Nowa Nowa; 07/04/1942 DFO Orbost; 01/05/1947 DFO Upper Yarra; 25/02/1948 DFO Broadford; 1951 (summer 1948-49?) HO Assistant Fire Protection Officer; HO Acting Fire Protection Officer summer 1955-56; Fire Protection Officer 1958-59; HO - CDF Protection, CDFOps, Assistant Fire Protection Officer and Fire Protection Officer, HO Chief Division of Forest Protection 1961; 1962 Utilization Officer (3 months); March 1967 Chief, Div For Ops; Twice - 1966 & 1967 - acting Commissioner; Retired 26/02/1972. | ||||
82 | 76 | 1929 | Noar | Frederick Albert (H) | Bendigo, Heathcote, Erica 1936, Noojee; Resigned 1936 - Forestry Tasmania, became Commissioner. | |||||
83 | 77 | 1930 | Oldham | Neil Robert Cyril | BSc (1936) | Powelltown; 1933 Cadet Forester temp OiC Forrest; OiC Assistant Forester in Maryborough on 27/12/1937; DFO Gellibrand (Beech Forest) 22/05/1938, HO, Dunolly, Bealiba, DFO Maryborough O6/12/1937; DFO Gellibrand (Beech Forest) 22/05/1938; (in 1939) Assistant Forester; Resigned 1940; first forester for the MMBW. | ||||
84 | 78 | 1930 | Payne | Harold | Bendigo, Millgrove, Powelltown; Resigned 1936 - Tasmanian Forestry Commission; Commissioner then Chairman. | |||||
85 | 79 | 1930 | Willis | James Hamlyn | A.M.; BSc (1940); DSc - Melbourne (1974); Royal Society of Victoria's Research Medal. | Creswick, Belgrave, Cockatoo, Maryborough, Bealiba, Daylesford; Assistant Forester in Melbourne on 27/12/1937 botanical research in the National Herbarium; (in 1939) Assistant Forester; 1939 transfer to Lands Department as Deputy Government Botanist (recorded as botanist in the National Herbarium of Victoria in 1937); one of Australia's leading systematic botanists. Published some 883 books, pamphlets, essays, papers and reviews. Retired from the Herbarium in 1972 where he was 'Assistant Government Botanist'. | Joined Field Naturalists Club of Victoria in 1932. Australian Natural History Medallion in 1960; other honours were bestowed by the Australian Institute of Horticulture, the Society for Growing Australian Plants, the Australian Conservation Foundation, the National Trust of Australia. | |||
86 | 80 | 1931 | Gibson | Kingsley (Ken) Melbourne | Dip.For.Vic. | Dip.For.Vic. on Factors associated with the economics of tractor logging of clear felled Alpine Ash, E delegatensis; Bendigo; East Otways (Forrest); Nathalia; 27/12/1937 Assistant Forester in Erica; 1938 Stawell (in 1939) Assistant Forester; 21/12/1943 DFO Daylesford; Mansfield (Delatite); 15/07/1951 DFO Mansfield; 1964 -1967 ADivF Bairnsdale; 1967 - 1970 ADivF Traralgon. | ||||
87 | 81 | 1931 | Gordon | Alan Lindsay | BSc (1938) | Taggerty, Powelltown; 27/12/1937 - 1938 Assistant Forester Working Plans HO; Ballarat 1938; Resigned to CSIR Div of Forest Products Utilisation Section 1938-1941 Assistant Research Officer; 1942-1945 Acting OiC Utilization Section; 1945 OiC Veneer & Gluing Section; 1950 Chair Vic. Section of the SAA Committee on Plywoods & Adhesives - leading researcher in timber preservation. 1947-1948 USA Washington DC Technical Officer in the Forest Products Branch, Food and Agriculture Organization HQ.; 1980s consultant during construction of Nauru House in Melbourne. | War Service | |||
88 | 82 | 1931 | Parke | Hubert Roland (Roly) | Dip.For.Vic. issued under Clause 111A, regulations Forests Act 1928 | 1932 Assessment Mt Cole Beaufort District; 29/08/1932 Smythesdale; Taggerty; 26/05/1936 DFO Dandenongs (Belgrave); Assistant Forester in Powelltown on 27/12/1937; 23/03/1938 DFO Upper Yarra (Powelltown); 31/05/1938 DFO Woods Point; (in 1939) Assistant Forester; 29/04/1940 into Army - resumed duty 07/01/1946 at Taggerty; 12/06/1946 DFO Alexandra (Narbethong); Div. Working Plans Officer 1951/52 - redesignated as Asst Div For South West Div. (Ballarat); 19/11/1958 DivFor Eastern Division (Bairnsdale) | 29/04/1940 to Sept. 1943 - 2/2nd Forestry Company AIF in the UK; April 1944 to Sept 1945 Major and OiC of 3rd Forestry Company PNG | |||
89 | 83 | 1931 | Westcott | James Campbell | M.B.E. | Article | 1932 Heathcote, Maryborough, Yarram; 1936-37 Erica; Assistant Forester in Daylesford (Trentham) on 27/12/1937; (in 1939) Assistant Forester; 20/04/1940 DFO Mansfield; 19/07/1951 DFO Bruthen/Omeo; 21/09/1955 DFO Dandenongs (Kallista) | |||
90 | 84 | 1932 | Beer | Harold Henreich | Anglesea, Creswick, Heywood on 27/12/1937 & 1939 as Assistant Forester; DFO Ouyen 14/06/1939, DFO Toolangi 26/11/1940, DFO Heathcote 16/04/1947, DFO Yarrawonga 21/08/1951, DFO Dunolly 23/09/1959, DFO Maryborough 14/11/1966 | National Medal for firefighting 1994 | ||||
91 | 85 | 1932 | Chinner | John Harding | Rhodes Scholar 1938, B.Sc.(1939); Dip.For.(Oxon.); Dip.For.Vic. | Article | Dip.For.Vic. on The distribution of Eucalypts in the Bunyip River Valley and their relation to soil types; Bendigo, Rushworth, 1934/35 Taggerty, Neerim South, Beech Forest, Dunolly, Belgrave, Apollo Bay; Assistant Forester in Melbourne 0n 27/12/1937; (in 1939) Assistant Forester; (in 1939) Assistant Silvicultural Officer; Assessment, HO; Resigned 1949; Senior Lecturer in Forestry 1949; first Reader in Forestry, Melbourne University Dean, Faculty of Agriculture & Forestry until mid 1980s | Service WWII 2/2nd Forestry Co. AIF: Middle East - Lieutenant Colonel ordnance corps - discharged to take up Uni studies | ||
92 | 86 | 1932 | Needham | Reginald Henry | Dip.For.Vic. | Dip.For.Vic. on A Fire Protection Plan for the Nunniong Mountain Forests; (Macedon?); 1933 - 1935 Orbost;17/12/1935 - 1936 DFO Briagolong (Maffra); 1937 Assistant Forester Bruthen (Mt Taylor); 27/12/1937 - 1945 Assistant Forester in Charge Bruthen; Resigned 1945; to Burnie, manager Tas AFH (APPM) | ||||
93 | 87 | 1933 | Gibson | Colin Cuthill | Erica, Taggerty, Neerim South, Orbost; Assistant Forester in Melbourne on 27/12/1937; (in 1939) Assistant Forester; 1939 - transferred to Mines Department. | |||||
94 | 88 | 1933 | Head | Albert Edward | BSc (1939); Dip.For.Vic.issued under Clause 111A, regulations Forests Act 1928 | Ovens, Powelltown, Assistant Forester HO on 27/12/1937; Bright, Neerim South, Broadford, (in 1939) Assistant Forester; Warburton, Upper Yarra; 1933-34 attached to South Australia assessment parties in P. radiata; Resigned 1947; manager Heyfield Logging Coy. | 1944-45 (WWII) RAE Commanded 1 Forest Survey Group in PNG | |||
95 | 89 | 1933 | Jones | Rupert (Rex) Malcolm | Dip.For.Vic. issued under Clause 111A, regulations Forests Act 1928 | Heywood, Ballarat, Bendigo, Aireys Inlet, Chiltern; Assistant Forester in Taggerty on 27/12/1937; (in 1939) Assistant Forester; Toolangi, Neerim South, Mildura, HO Sales & Marketing; Resigned 1948 - retailing | WWII 1939/40 - to 2nd Forestry Company; 3 Forestry Company | |||
96 | 90 | 1933 | Moulds | Francis Robert | I.S.O. 1978, Ph.D. (Yale) 1951; M.F. (Yale)1946; B.Sc. (Melb)1939; Dip.For.Vic.(1943) | Dip.For.Vic. on The utilisation of firewood timber in Victoria, with particular reference to war-time conditions and the relationship of the firewood industry to forest management; HO plans, Gunbower, Ballarat, Cohuna, Yarrawonga, Assistant Forester in Melbourne (Assessment) on 27/12/1937; (in 1939) Assistant Forester; Toolangi, Apollo Bay, Ballarat, Yale USA 1945-47; VSF Principal 1951-57; 1957 - Fulbright Scholar 6 months as visiting Professor of Forestry at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge; 1958 Principal VSF (briefly); Forest Resources Officer 1959; Chief Div For E&R 1961/62; Chief Div For. Man. 1964/65; Commissioner 2/2/1966, Chairman 20/07/1969 | in 1982 Chairman Timber Promotion Council | |||
97 | 91 | 1934 | Beale | Donald Dutton | Trentham, Erica [on 27/12/1937], (in 1939) Assistant Forester; Heywood 1939, DFO Gellibrand (Beech Forest) 25/11/1940, 25/09/1945 - 1951 DFO Bruthen; Resigned July 1951 - Bruthen sawmilling | |||||
98 | 92 | 1934 | Bond | Richard Wallace | BSc (1941) | Article | Neerim South, Noojee as Assistant Forester on 27/12/1937; Chiltern 1938, DFO Tallangatta 02/05/1938, Belgrave, (in 1939) Assistant Forester; HO, Niagaroon; Resigned 1947 - CSIRO; Snowy Mountains Authority - Cooma | |||
99 | 93 | 1934 | Fletcher | Charles Thomas | Aire Valley, Assistant Forester in Waaree on 27/12/1937; Cobden, Otway West, (in 1939) Assistant Forester; DFO Woods Point 16/04/1940 | RAAF WWII - Killed in training aircraft crash at Mt Gambier August 1942 | ||||
100 | 94 | 1934 | Ryan | Sydney Ernest | 1935 Bendigo; 1937 Yarrawonga; 27/12/1937 Assistant Forester in Cohuna (Gunbower); Mansfield (Delatite); Edenhope, Heywood; 1939 Assistant Forester Erica; 28/09/1945 DFO Otway West (Beech Forrest); 08/07/1949 DFO Toolangi; 14/08/1951 DFO Yarram; 13/08/1954 DFO Gunbower (Cohuna); 26/10/1960 DFO Bendigo; 06/09/1968 DFO Heywood; 07/09/1970 DFO Geelong. |