A | B | C | D | E | F | |
1 | Name of School: | School District: | Region: | List the name of each counselor on your campus: | Link (URL) to Smore document or Google Site | Level |
2 | Achieve ECHS | McAllen ISD | 1 | Christina Sprawls | https://sites.google.com/mcallenisd.net/achievecrest/section-i | CREST |
3 | Adella Young Elementary | Pasadena ISD | 4 | Miriam Monica Herrick | https://www.smore.com/vexcj-adella-young-elementary | Leadership Level--3 previous CREST awards |
4 | Adkins Middle School | Corpus Christi ISD | 2 | Delores Garza, Alexis Benavides, Chelsea Pimentel | https://www.smore.com/rbx53e | CREST |
5 | Allison Elementary | Austin ISD | 13 | Daniel Alvarez | https://www.smore.com/mnz2f | CREST |
6 | Alonzo De Leon Middle School | McAllen ISD | 1 | Rebecca Smith, Aissa Trevino | https://www.smore.com/4eszx5 | CREST |
7 | Alternative Education Center | Ector County ISD | 18 | Reynaldo Duran, Brenda Creear | https://sites.google.com/ecisd.school/2023crest?usp=sharing | CREST |
8 | Alton Elementary | Mission CISD | 1 | Beatriz Gaza | https://sites.google.com/missioncisd.org/beatriz-garza-alton-elementary/home | CREST |
9 | Andrew Jackson Elementary | McAllen ISD | 1 | Veronica Gonzalez & Maritza De La Cruz | https://sites.google.com/mcallenisd.net/andrewjacksonelementarycrest20/section-i | CREST |
10 | Argyle Middle School | Argyle ISD | 11 | Holly Burleson, Jessica Wade | https://www.smore.com/puw37 | CREST |
11 | Argyle South Elementary | Argyle ISD | 11 | Marjorie Edge | https://www.smore.com/zcu3v | CREST |
12 | Arizona Fleming Elementary | Fort Bend ISD | 4 | Destiny Parker | https://sites.google.com/view/arizona-fleming-es-crest/main-page | CREST |
13 | Arturo Cantu Elementary | Mission CISD | 1 | Ana Garcia | https://sites.google.com/missioncisd.org/ana-garcia-cantu-elementary/home | CREST |
14 | Atascocita High School | Humble ISD | 4 | Wilhelmina Bagsby, Yessenia Caballero, Veronica Hubbard, Kelley Jayne, Victoria Vargas, Yvonne Rosario, Latoya Simmons, Albah Robert, Jaylee Lange, Jennifer Burch, Anita Stetson | https://www.smore.com/8qvta | CREST |
15 | Atascocita Springs Elementary | Humble ISD | 4 | Chanel Thompson, Denise Toro (former), Veronica Acosta | https://sites.google.com/humbleisd.net/ase-crest-application-2023/home | CREST |
16 | Austin Elementary | San Angelo ISD | 15 | Jessica Riddle | https://sites.google.com/saisd.org/austincrest/home | CREST |
17 | B.L. Gray Jr. High School | Sharyland ISD | 1 | Orpha Herrera Abril Cabrera | https://sites.google.com/sharylandisd.org/blgrayjrhigh?usp=sharing | CREST |
18 | Bailey Elementary | Pasadena ISD | 4 | Lyzette Ayala | https://sites.google.com/pasadenaisd.org/bailey-elementary/home | CREST |
19 | Bailey Middle School | Spring ISD | 4 | Rakia Veal and Montra M. Thomas | https://sites.google.com/springisd.org/baileymiddleschoolcrest/home | CREST |
20 | Baldwin Elementary | Austin ISD | 13 | Heather Chapman & Deborah Alexander | https://sites.google.com/austinisd.org/baldwincrest2023/home | Leadership Level--3 previous CREST awards |
21 | Baranoff Elementary | Austin ISD | 13 | Denise Solis, Jane Tackett | https://sites.google.com/austinisd.org/baranoffcrest2023?usp=sharing | CREST |
22 | BB Owen Elementary | Lewisville ISD | 11 | Sarah Metcalf | https://sites.google.com/staff.lisd.net/bbowenelementarycrest2023/home | CREST |
23 | Beasley Elementary | Mesquite ISD | 10 | Stacy Thomas | https://sites.google.com/mesquiteisd.org/pirrungelementaryschoolcrest24?usp=sharing | CREST |
24 | Ben F. Tisinger | Mesquite ISD | 10 | Jamela Smith, Lori Mayer | https://sites.google.com/mesquiteisd.org/benftisingerelementaryschoolcr/home | CREST |
25 | Ben Milam Elementary | McAllen ISD | 1 | Betty Ramirez & Monica Moya | https://sites.google.com/mcallenisd.net/benmilamelementarycrest/home | CREST |
26 | Bennett Elementary | McKinney ISD | 10 | Christie Thompson | https://www.smore.com/d67sk | Leadership Level--3 previous CREST awards |
27 | Bennie L. Cole Elementary | Northside ISD | 20 | Valeria Rodarte, Brianna Kircher, Erica Coronado | https://www.smore.com/hv3rd | CREST |
28 | Benold Middle School | Georgetowm ISD | 13 | Jennifer Lugo and Amanda Smith | https://sites.google.com/georgetownisd.org/benoldmscscpportfolio/home | CREST |
29 | Beverly Hills Intermediate School | Pasadena ISD | 4 | Ashley Dolen, Lupita Hernandez, Vanessa Schultz | https://sites.google.com/pasadenaisd.org/beverly-hills2023crest/home | CREST |
30 | BJ Smith Elementary | Mesquite ISD | 10 | Monica Soto | https://sites.google.com/mesquiteisd.org/bjsmithelementarycrest/home | CREST |
31 | Bob Beard Elementary School | Northside Independent School District | 20 | Donna Van Allen (self) Ermelinda Salinas | https://www.smore.com/v9f8x | CREST |
32 | Bobby Shaw Middle School | Pasadena ISD | 4 | Melissa Loza, Nicole Bhuyan | https://www.smore.com/8uz19 | Leadership Level--3 previous CREST awards |
33 | Bobbye Behlau Elementary School | Northside Independent School District | 20 | Cassidy Garnica, Stacy Shelton | https://www.smore.com/bx780 | CREST |
34 | Boerne Middle School North | Boerne ISD | 20 | Rachel Franco, Kimberly Culp, Reagan O'Hare | https://www.smore.com/d7pys | Leadership Level--3 previous CREST awards |
35 | Boerne Middle School South | Boerne ISD | 20 | Emily Wilson, Melissa Rangel, Jessica Gard | https://sites.google.com/boerneisd.net/bmsscrest2023/section-3-foundational-components | Leadership Level--3 previous CREST awards |
36 | Bolin Elementary | Allen ISD | 10 | Alana Boyce | https://www.smore.com/7915v-crest-award-bolin-elementary | CREST |
37 | Boone Elementary | Northside ISD | 20 | Alyssa Ganev | https://www.smore.com/fwhpy | CREST |
38 | Brentwood Elementary | Austin ISD | 13 | Tess McKenna | smore.com/j2uwe/edit | CREST |
39 | Briarhill Middle School | Lewisville ISD | 11 | Rebecca Bonner, Elizabeth Mason | https://sites.google.com/staff.lisd.net/bmscrest2023 | Leadership Level--3 previous CREST awards |
40 | Brown Middle School | McAllen ISD | 1 | Vanessa Aleman, Elizabeth Salinas | https://www.smore.com/8z6fj | CREST |
41 | Brownwood Middle School | Brownwood ISD | 15 | Denise Fletcher, Angie Bertrand | https://sites.google.com/brownwoodisd.org/brownwoodmiddleschoolcrest2023/home | CREST |
42 | Burks Elementary School | McKinney ISD | 10 | Katie Wallace | https://sites.google.com/d/11NJSDtZIEJPRsqLX9n63wUeK0pfcJoh9/p/12N8IYQslRDimCB3qpZGfOOBHfHw2C8iN/edit | Leadership Level--3 previous CREST awards |
43 | Burnett Elementary | Pasadena ISD | 4 | Karina Diaz | https://sites.google.com/pasadenaisd.org/burnett-elementary/section-i | Leadership Level--3 previous CREST awards |
44 | C. W. Beasley Elementary | Mesquite | 10 | Susan Reinke | https://sites.google.com/view/c-w-beasley-elementary-school-/home | Leadership Level--3 previous CREST awards |
45 | C.T. Eddins Elementary | McKinney ISD | 10 | Mandy Biros | https://sites.google.com/d/1AeoaSGnmzBjPI0jsNR0TtWGGuWgZme4U/p/19VJDmciBQVPponYCw8RDRDzySc4sOlnZ/edit | CREST |
46 | Cactus Elementary | Dumas ISD | 16 | Tonie Crawford | https://sites.google.com/dumasisd.org/tonielcrawfordlpcrpt-professio/2022-cactus-elementary-crest?authuser=0 | Leadership Level--3 previous CREST awards |
47 | Caldwell Elementary School | McKinney ISD | 10 | Mayra Mercado | https://sites.google.com/mckinneyisd.net/crest-2023-caldwell-elementary/home | CREST |
48 | Capt. Mark Tyler Voss Middle School | Boerne ISD | 20 | Ashlen Eckert, Annalyne Vasquez | https://www.smore.com/01986 | Leadership Level--3 previous CREST awards |
49 | Carl C. Waitz Elementary | Mission CISD | 1 | Cristina Garcia | https://sites.google.com/missioncisd.org/cristinagarcia-waitzelementary/section-i | CREST |
50 | Carl Wanke Elementary | Northside ISD | 20 | Hector Beza & Katherine Zapata | https://www.smore.com/ygsebq | Advocate Level--3 previous years plus submitting campus has presented at a counseling conference or participated in advocacy days |
51 | Carlos Coon Elementary | Northside ISD | 20 | Belinda Galindo and Eva Barrientos | https://www.smore.com/pgax4 | CREST |
52 | Carrizo Springs Elementary School | Carrizo Springs CISD | 20 | Joann Sosa and Anna Morones | https://www.smore.com/gft0p | CREST |
53 | Carrizo Springs High School | Carrizo Springs CISD | 20 | Nydia Rodriguez, Dr. Maricela Guzman, and Ashton Ponce, CCMR coordinator in counselor's office | https://www.smore.com/zw14y8 | CREST |
54 | Carter Lomax Middle School | Pasadena ISD | 4 | Tara Crum, Jennifer Malave (the work is based on Gloria Zavala's work from last year) | https://www.smore.com/812gr | Leadership Level--3 previous CREST awards |
55 | Carver Learning Center | San Angelo ISD | 15 | Yvonne Busenlehner | https://sites.google.com/saisd.org/carver-learning-center-crest/introduction | CREST |
56 | Castaneda Elementary | McAllen ISD | 1 | Celeste Martinez | https://sites.google.com/mcallenisd.net/castaeda-crest-2023/section-v | CREST |
57 | Castle Hills Elementary | Lewisville ISD | 11 | Julie Steele | https://www.smore.com/cng47 | CREST |
58 | Chandler Elementary | Allen ISD | 10 | Dawn Horton | https://www.smore.com/hq5mz | CREST |
59 | Charles D. Jessup Elementary | Pasadena ISD | 4 | Ashley Haynes | https://sites.google.com/pasadenaisd.org/jessupelementarycrest/home | CREST |
60 | Cheatham Elementary | Allen ISD | 10 | Mary Jane Barnes | https://www.smore.com/ejqru | CREST |
61 | Christa McAuliffe Elementary | McAllen ISD | 1 | Lesbia De la Rosa | https://sites.google.com/mcallenisd.net/christamcauliffeelementarycres/section-iv | CREST |
62 | Christa McAuliffe Middle School | Fort Bend ISD | 4 | Twana Jones, Nancy Lake, Monica Doxey | https://www.smore.com/bzwx4 | CREST |
63 | Clarence Galm Elementary | Northside ISD | 20 | Courtney Kindred | https://www.smore.com/rhxyc | CREST |
64 | Cockrill MS | McKinney ISD | 10 | Tana Hoover, Johnna Rose, Vanessa Arbaiza | https://sites.google.com/mckinneyisd.net/cms-crest-2023/home | CREST |
65 | Coggin Elementary | Brownwood ISD | 15 | Rachel Griffin and Lindsey Bigham | https://sites.google.com/brownwoodisd.org/cogginintermediate/home | CREST |
66 | Colby Glass Elementary | Northside ISD | N/A | Serena Chapman | https://www.smore.com/2569c-colby-glass-elementary | CREST |
67 | Colonies North | Northside ISD | 20 | Lauren Hughen, Erika Vidalez | https://www.smore.com/ads75j | Advocate Level--3 previous years plus submitting campus has presented at a counseling conference or participated in advocacy days |
68 | Cornerstone Elementary | Fort Bend ISD | 4 | Missy Masters | https://sites.google.com/view/cornerstone-elementary-2023/cse-main-page | Advocate Level--3 previous years plus submitting campus has presented at a counseling conference or participated in advocacy days |
69 | Creek Valley Middle School STEM Academy | Lewisville ISD | 11 | Stephanie Altman and Ghia Black | https://sites.google.com/staff.lisd.net/crest2023-creekvalleystem/home | CREST |
70 | Cummings | Alief ISD | 4 | Ta Shunda Joiner | https://www.smore.com/n/kt1e8/edit | CREST |
71 | Curington Elementary | Boerne ISD | 20 | Veronica Torres | https://sites.google.com/boerneisd.net/curington-elementary-crest-app/home | Leadership Level--3 previous CREST awards |
72 | Curtis Middle School | Allen ISD | 10 | Trebreh Benjamin, Loren Clanton, Crystal Wright | https://sites.google.com/allenisd.org/cmscrest2023?usp=sharing | CREST |
73 | David Crockett Middle School | Fort Bend ISD | 4 | Clayton Daniels, Jessica Williams-Pierre, Anitra Moore | https://sites.google.com/view/davidcrockettmiddleschool2324/main-page | CREST |
74 | Davila E.S. | Houston | 4 | Roxanne Martinez-Jones | https://sites.google.com/d/1cqEc2coKgaCTRKkQ0XVuDr_8MXife5mT/p/1kE1nHI9FJEc_xIfzp0KIP-eTrVQ5LrpL/edit | CREST |
75 | De Zavala Middle School | Pasadena ISD | 4 | Jana Petty, Laura Zamora Bejar | https://www.smore.com/5d1xt | CREST |
76 | Degan Elementary School | Lewisville ISD | 11 | Juliana Stalter | https://sites.google.com/staff.lisd.net/degancrest2023/home | CREST |
77 | Del Valle Middle School | Del Valle ISD | 13 | Diana Birdsong, Jeffrey Gonzalez | https://sites.google.com/delvalle-isd.org/dvms-crest-2023/home | Leadership Level--3 previous CREST awards |
78 | Del Valle Opportunity Center | Del Valle ISD | 13 | Victoria Lathrop | https://sites.google.com/dvisd.net/dvoccrest2023 | Leadership Level--3 previous CREST awards |
79 | DeLay Middle School | Lewisville ISD | 11 | Kimberly Green and LeeAnna Saffle | https://sites.google.com/staff.lisd.net/crest23-24delaymiddleschool/home | CREST |
80 | Dogwood Elementary School | New Caney ISD | 6 | Amanda L. Flowers | https://www.smore.com/bta0j | CREST |
81 | Dolph Briscoe Middle School | Northside ISD | 20 | Brigitte Rauschuber, Sara Brown, Nicole Scott, Tania Santacruz | https://www.smore.com/0yzu6r | CREST |
82 | Donna Wernecke Elementary | Sharyland ISD | 1 | Erika Gonzalez Nelda Anaya-Folchi | https://sites.google.com/sharylandisd.org/donna-wernecke-elementary/home | CREST |
83 | Doss Elementary School | Austin ISD | 13 | Natalie Perez & Katherine Mydra | https://sites.google.com/austinisd.org/dosscrest2023/home | Advocate Level--3 previous years plus submitting campus has presented at a counseling conference or participated in advocacy days |
84 | Douglas Smith Elementary | Alief ISD. | 4 | Norma Luna | https://www.smore.com/5kbhe | CREST |
85 | Dowell Middle School | McKinney ISD | 10 | Rayshana Adams and Jennifer Morse | https://sites.google.com/mckinneyisd.net/dowellmiddleschoolcrest2023/home | CREST |
86 | Downing Middle School | Lewisville ISD | 11 | Ashley Isaacs; Shelley Blevins | https://sites.google.com/staff.lisd.net/downing-crestapplication-22-23/home | Leadership Level--3 previous CREST awards |
87 | Dr. Caroline Wernli Elementary | Northside | 20 | Amanda Barrett, Ariana Garza | https://www.smore.com/m07rt-wernli-elementary | CREST |
88 | Dr. Dixie Melillo Middle School | Pasadena ISD | 4 | Jacqueline Carmona and Lilliana Monita | https://www.smore.com/ktwhz | CREST |
89 | Dr. Don P. Woolley Middle School | Mesquite ISD | 10 | Karri Pritchard, Jamie Floyd, Emma Donaldson | https://sites.google.com/mesquiteisd.org/woolleymiddleschoolcrest2023/section-i | CREST |
90 | Dr. Emmett J. Conrad High School | Dallas ISD | 10 | Nitzy Ocoro, Nicole Butler, Jessica Jackson, Sonya Gilb, Claudia Rodriguez | https://sites.google.com/dallasisd.org/conrad-high-school?usp=sharing | CREST |
91 | Dr. Hector P. Garcia Middle School | Northside ISD | 20 | Julie Minnis, Haley Stanley, Analisa Perez-Ramirez, & Ashley Roberts | https://www.smore.com/406n8 | Advocate Level--3 previous years plus submitting campus has presented at a counseling conference or participated in advocacy days |
92 | Dr. J.C. Cannaday Elementary School | Mesquite ISD | 10 | Laressa Dent | https://sites.google.com/mesquiteisd.org/dr-j-c-cannaday-elementary-sch?usp=sharing | CREST |
93 | Dr. Joe Ward Elementary | Northside ISD | 20 | Gladys Ramos Trevino Laura Garcia | https://www.smore.com/3vh58 | CREST |
94 | Dr. John D. Horn High School | Mesquite ISD | 10 | Leslie Thomas, Lara Rowe, Natica Jones, Marisa Martinez, Tiffany Jones, Kristen Rose, Keith Baker, Kristi Cornelius, Nicole Rodriguez, Tami Vanmeter | https://sites.google.com/mesquiteisd.org/horn-high-school-crest-2022/home | CREST |
95 | Dr. John Folks Middle School | Northside ISD | 20 | Angie Perez, Diana Hernandez, Pilar Rincones, Michael Geraci (retired counselor June 2023) | https://www.smore.com/dmf5e | CREST |
96 | Dr. Pablo Perez Elementary | McAllen ISD | 1 | Marla Fuentes | https://sites.google.com/mcallenisd.net/drpabloperezelementarycrest/home | CREST |
97 | Dr. Rodney D. Cathey Middle School | McAllen ISD | 1 | Monica O. Valdez, Leticia J. Mora | https://www.smore.com/gdru3 | Leadership Level--3 previous CREST awards |
98 | East Elementary | Brownwood ISD | 15 | Dawna Fulton | https://sites.google.com/brownwoodisd.org/eastelemproposalforcrest22-23/i-home | CREST |
99 | East View High School | Georgetown ISD | 13 | Alan Oakes, Kelly Armstrong, Kimberly Condit, Lonnie Perez, Sean Moore, Ali Knudsen (SBT), & Christine Campbell (CCM Counselor) | https://sites.google.com/georgetownisd.org/evhs-crest-2023/home | CREST |
100 | Ed Rawlinson Middle School | Northside ISD | 20 | Stephen Gomez Tara Callaway | https://www.smore.com/g8dtu | CREST |