1. Admissions/ Management Information
Title of the new programme – including any lower awards
Please provide the titles used for all awards relating to this programme. Note: all programmes are required to have at least a Postgraduate Certificate exit award.

See guidance on programme titles in:
Masters Mathematical Sciences.
Postgraduate Diploma Mathematical Sciences (only available to students exiting the masters programme early).Please indicate if the Postgraduate Diploma is available as an entry point, ie. programmes on which a student can register, exit awards, ie. that are only available to students exiting the masters programme early, or both.Exit
Postgraduate Certificate Mathematical Sciences (only available to students exiting the masters programme early).Please indicate if the Postgraduate Certificate is available as an entry points, ie. programmes on which a student can register, exit awards, ie. that are only available to students exiting the masters programme early, or both.Exit
Level of qualificationLevel 7
This document applies to students who commenced the programme(s) in:MSc in Mathematical Sciences.
Awarding institutionTeaching institution
University of York University of York
Where more than one department is involved, indicate the lead department
Board of Studies
Lead Department MathematicsMathematics
Other contributing Departments: none
Route code
(existing programmes only)
Admissions criteria
Upper second-class BSc degree in Mathematics or a related subject.
English language requirements: standard requirements for MSc run by Mathematics Department (IELTS: 6.0, with no less than 5.5 in each component. PTE: 55, with no less than 51 in each component.
CAE and CPE: 169, with no less than 162 in each component. TOEFL: 79, with minimum of 17 in Listening, 18 in Reading, 20 in Speaking, 17 in Writing. Trinity ISE: level 3 with Pass in all components.
Length and status of the programme(s) and mode(s) of study
ProgrammeLength (years/ months) Status (full-time/ part-time)
Please select
Start dates/months
(if applicable – for programmes that have multiple intakes or start dates that differ from the usual academic year)
Face-to-face, campus-basedDistance learningOther
MSc in Mathematical Sciences.1 yearFull-timeN/APlease select Y/NYesPlease select Y/NNoN/A
Language(s) of study
Language(s) of assessment
2. Programme accreditation by Professional, Statutory or Regulatory Bodies (PSRB)
2.a. Is the programme recognised or accredited by a PSRB
Please Select Y/N: Noif No move to section 3
if Yes complete the following questions
3. Additional Professional or Vocational Standards
Are there any additional requirements of accrediting bodies or PSRB or pre-requisite professional experience needed to study this programme?
Please Select Y/N: Noif Yes, provide details
4. Programme leadership and programme team
4.a. Please name the programme leader for the year to which the programme design applies and any key members of staff responsible for designing, maintaining and overseeing the programme.
Atsushi Higuchi (Programme Leader) and Ian McIntosh.
4.b. How are wider stakeholders such as professional bodies and employers involved in the design of the programme and in ongoing reflection on its effectiveness?
No wider stakeholders have been involved in the design of the programme. The Departmental Advisory Board, with members from other universities and potential employers, will be fully involved with the reflection of the effectiveness of this MSc programme.
5. Purpose and learning outcomes of the programme
5.a. Statement of purpose for applicants to the masters programme
Please express succinctly the overall aims of the programme as an applicant facing statement for a prospectus or website. This should clarify to a prospective student why they should choose this programme, what it will provide to them and what benefits they will gain from completing it.
This one-year MSc programme is designed to enable students who have a profound interest in mathematics to enhance their mathematical skills and learn modern mathematics in more depth. As part of the Department of Mathematics at York, you will join our friendly and welcoming community and benefit from high-quality teaching by our expert staff, who are engaged in world-leading research. You will take modules from one of the two pathways: the pure mathematics pathway in algebra, analysis, geometry and number theory; or the applied-mathematics pathway in mathematical physics and mathematical biology with related pure-mathematics subjects. You also will have the opportunity to take modules outside your pathway to broaden the scope of your study. You will be taught not only through lectures but also small group classes, which provide an interactive environment that allows us to focus on the needs of individual students. You will also undertake both a project and a dissertation in specialised subjects of your choice, enjoying support and supervision from a dedicated member of staff. The programme will increase your understanding of mathematical theory and enhance your skills in research, precise logical thinking and the analysis of problems. Our graduates are highly employable in a wide range of sectors requiring these skills. This programme may also serve as a preparation for a PhD.
5.a.ii Statement of purpose for applicants registering for the postgraduate certificate programme
Please express succinctly the overall aims of the programme as an
applicant facing statement for a prospectus or website. This should clarify to a prospective student why they should choose this programme, what it will provide to them and what benefits they will gain from completing it.
5.b.i. Programme Learning Outcomes - Masters
Please provide six to eight statements of what a graduate of the Masters programme can be expected to do.
If the document only covers a Postgraduate Certificate or Postgraduate Diploma please specify four to six PLO statements in the sections 5.b.ii and 5.b.iii as appropriate.
Taken together, these outcomes should capture the distinctive features of the programme. They should also be outcomes for which progressive achievement through the course of the programme can be articulated, and which will therefore be reflected in the design of the whole programme.
PLOOn successful completion of the programme, graduates will be able to:
1use, with a high level of sophistication and accuracy, the language of mathematics and mathematical techniques that underpin a wide range of research in, and applications to, science, technology and industry.
2recognise and critically evaluate the appropriate advanced mathematical methods in order to find a suitable strategy for solving unfamiliar problems open to mathematical investigation and solve such problems.
3use logical reasoning as a basis for the critical analysis of ideas or statements in advanced mathematics, and develop independently their own ideas using well-founded reasoning.
4conduct a study of a specialised area of mathematics which takes into account recent mathematical progress.  They will be able to compare multiple sources, including research articles, to inform this study and be able to check or complete technical details from these sources independently.
5communicate advanced mathematical ideas clearly, both in writing and in a presentation, at a level appropriate for the intended audience.
6confidently use tools in information technology for range of appropriate tasks, such as typesetting and literature review.
5.c. Explanation of the choice of Programme Learning Outcomes
Please explain your rationale for choosing these PLOs in a statement that can be used for students (such as in a student handbook). Please include brief reference to:
i) Why the PLOs are considered ambitious or stretching?
Each PLO represents a challenge to the student to develop existing skills to a higher level. These PLOs encourage the student to be aware of broad aims of their learning while studying specialised advanced mathematics. Those who fully rise to the challenge of these PLOs will be prepared to contribute to mathematics at the research frontier.
ii) The ways in which these outcomes are distinctive or particularly advantageous to the student:
The outcomes identify six basic areas, which can be summarised as: technique, adaptability, critical thinking, scholarship, communiation and context awareness. Together they give each student the abilities and understanding to function in any environment where the precision and clarity of mathematical thinking are valuabe.
iii) Please detail how you would support students from diverse entry routes to transition into the programme? For example, disciplinary knowledge and conventions of the discipline, language skills, academic and writing skills, lab skills, academic integrity
Applicants to this programme will be invited to discuss their mathematical background with the admissions tutor to make sure that this programme is suitable for them. Each student will also be assigned to an academic supervisor, who will help the student in choosing his/her modules. The student will have fortnightly meetings with the academic supervisor during Autumn and Spring terms to discuss progress with their modules. Any minor gaps which the student perceives will be discussed at these meetings and their remedies will be cosidered. Fortnightly formative assessment in each taught module is an opportunity for students to enhance academic and writing skills. In addition students can enhance their language, academic and writing skills through the project module. All students will be required to pass the online Academic Integrity Tutorial.
iv) Please explain how the design of the programme enables students to progress through to the end of the award? For example, in terms of the development of research skills, enabling students to complete an independent study module, developing competence and confidence in practical skills/ professional skills, [add link to QAA masters characteristics document].
The MSc project module is designed to train students in mathematical writing skills vital to the dissertation, which is an independent study module. In addition most students will work on a dissertation for which the mathematical knowledge and skills they acquire in the project module will be very useful.
v) How the programme learning outcomes develop students’ digital literacy and use technology-enhanced learning to achieve the discipline and pedagogic goals which support active student learning through peer/tutor interaction, collaboration and formative (self) assessment opportunities (reference could be made to such as blogging, flipped classrooms, response 'clickers' in lectures, simulations, etc).
Both the project and dissertation modules train students in digital literacy: they are required to type up their dissertation using LaTeX, software for typesetting, and perform the literature search with extensive use of the Internet. They also make a presentation using Beamer or PowerPoint (or other software for presentation).
vi) How the PLOs support and enhance the students’ employability (for example, opportunities for students to apply their learning in a real world setting)?
The programme's employability objectives should be informed by the University's Employability Strategy:
The PLOs cover a list of skills which are desired by employers: analytical thinking, confidence with high level mathematics, clarity of communication, flexible thinking, the ability to learn complex ideas quickly and accurately. in addition, some students in this programme will apply to study for PhD, and those who fully rise to the challenge of the PLOs will be good candidates for PhD places in many UK mathematics departments.
viii) How is teaching informed and led by research in the department/ centre/ University?
The vast majority of teaching staff in the department are active in research, and their choice of material in taught modules are influenced sometimes by their awareness of the research frontier. Occasionally students in taught programmes undertake projects on the frontier of research and publish their results with their supervisors.
5.d. Progression
For masters programmes where students do not incrementally 'progress' on the completion of a discrete Postgraduate Certificate and Postgraduate Diploma, please summarise students’ progressive development towards the achievement of PLOs, in terms of the characteristics that you expect students to demonstrate at the end of the set of modules or part thereof.
This summary may be particularly helpful to students and the programme team where there is a high proportion of option modules and in circumstances where students registered on a higher award will exit early with a lower one.

Note: it is not expected that a position statement is written for each masters PLO, but this can be done if preferred.
On completion of modules sufficient to obtain a Postgraduate Certificate students will be able to:
If the PG Cert is an exit award only please provide information about how students will have progressed towards the diploma/masters PLOs. Please include detail of the module diet that students will have to have completed to gain this qualification as an exit award.
Students who are awarded a Postgraduate Certificate will have achieved PLOs 1 to 3 at a level slightly higher than expected for a BSc by gaining any combination of 60 credits offered in this programme with at least 40 credits of M-level modules, after possible compensation.
On completion of modules sufficient to obtain a Postgraduate Diploma students will be able to:
If the PG Diploma is an exit award only please provide information about how students will have progressed towards the masters PLOs. Please include detail of the module diet that students will have to have completed to gain this qualification as an exit award.
Students who are awarded a Postgraduate Diploma will have achieved all PLOs to a level slightly lower than expected for an MSc by gaining 120 credits, i.e. all credits necessary for MSc except the MSc Dissertation, of which at least 90 credits should be at M level, after possible compensation.
5.e. Other features of the programme
i) Involvement of partner organisations
Are any partner organisations involved in the delivery of the programme?
Please Select Y/N: Noif Yes, outline the nature of their involvement (such as contributions to teaching, placement provision). Where appropriate, see also the:
University guidance on collaborative provision
ii) Internationalisation/ globalisation
How does the programme promote internationalisation and encourage students to develop cross-cultural capabilities?
Since Mathematics is a universal language used across the globe, a student completing this MSc programme will have the capacity to be a global citizen. Some of the students are expected to be from overseas if the current trend in other institutions with similar programmes continues. All students in the programme will get to know one another at an induction event when they arrive and will be encouraged to use the MSc Study Space to interact with one another.
iii) Inclusivity
How will good practice in ensuring equality, diversity and inclusion be embedded in the design, content and delivery of the programme?
This refers to the protected characteristics and duties on the University outlined in the Equality Act 2010
Most taught modules have small group teaching (seminars), which are used to help support and monitor inclusivity. Online notes, which help students with dyslexia or similar disabilities, are provided in the majority of the taught modules. There will be a section on equality and diversity in the programme handbook and webpage. The students who declare disabilities are recorded on the disabilities spreadsheet made available to all academic and support staff.
6. Reference points and programme regulations
6.a. Relevant Quality Assurance Agency benchmark statement(s) and other relevant external reference points
Please state relevant reference points consulted (e.g. Framework for Higher Education Qualifications, National Occupational Standards, Subject Benchmark Statements or the requirements of PSRBs): See also Taught Postgraduate Modular Scheme: Framework for Programme Design:
Taught Postgraduate Modular Scheme: Framework for Programme Design, Framework for Higher Education Qualifications, Characteristics Statement: Master's Degree.
6.b. University award regulations
The University’s award and assessment regulations apply to all programmes: any exceptions that relate to this programme are approved by University Teaching Committee and are recorded at the end of this document.
7. Programme Structure
7.a. Module Structure and Summative Assessment Map
Please complete the summary table below which shows the module structure and the pattern of summative assessment through the programme.

To clearly present the overall programme structure, include the name and details of each invidual CORE module in the rows below. For OPTION modules, ‘Option module’ or 'Option from list x' should be used in place of specifically including all named options. If the programme requires students to select option modules from specific lists by term of delivery or subject theme these lists should be provided in the next section (7.b).

From the drop-down select 'S' to indicate the start of the module, 'A' to indicate the timing of each distinct summative assessment point (eg. essay submission/ exam), and 'E' to indicate the end of teaching delviery for the module (if the end of the module coincides with the summative assessment select 'EA'). It is not expected that each summative task will be listed where an overall module might be assessed cumulatively (for example weekly problem sheets).

Summative assessment by exams should normally be scheduled in the spring week 1 and summer Common Assessment period (weeks 5-7). Where the summer CAP is used, a single ‘A’ can be used within the shaded cells as it is understood that you will not know in which week of the CAP the examination will take place. (NB: An additional resit assessment week is provided in week 10 of the summer term for postgraduate students. See Guide to Assessment, 5.4.a
Full time structure
CreditsModuleAutumn TermSpring Term Summer Term Summer Vacation
60TBCMSc Dissertaition.SEA
20TBCMSc Project.SAEA
50TBCoptions from List A.SEAAA
50TBCoptions from List B.ESEA
50TBCoptions from List C.SEA
50TBCoptions from List D.SEA