TimestampDate#NameEmail AddressDivisionNew or Fast Track
How have you prepared to teach online?
What experience do you have teaching online?
If new to the COOL Process, you are expected to provide a Canvas course site with the welcome/orientation materials plus two weeks of course content. Please indicate if you need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
Preliminary Steps
Course Subject and Number
Course TitleCourse Units
DE Addendum Submitted?
SemesterDelivery MethodHybrid 51% or Greater?
Open Education Resources (OER)
Canvas Site Course ID
LECTURE, LAB, and TOTAL Class Hours as required per the Course Outline
LECTURE Inside Class Activities ONLINE
If this course is Hybrid (with both Online and On-Campus components), please account for the LECTURE Inside of Class Activities that will take place ON-CAMPUS.
The total for all of the above checked LECTURE activities should be equal to the total required LECTURE "Inside of Class" Hours listed on the course outline. Please describe how the elements above will be used in the class.
LAB ONLINE Inside of Class Activities
LAB ON-CAMPUS Inside of Class Activities
Instructor-Student Contact
Instructor-Student Contact: Please describe how you will accomplish the interaction methods you have selected above.
Student-Student Contact
Student-Student: Please describe how you will accomplish the interaction methods you have selected above.
Please check the statements that most reflect your progress with Accessibility in the proposed online/hybrid class (check all that apply).
Need help with ADA compliance?
FERPA Acknowledgement
Need help with FERPA compliance?
Dean Name for EmailDean's EmailsCopiedFormula Copy Down Status
Merged Doc ID - Proposals OTP Spring 2022 Merged
Merged Doc URL - Proposals OTP Spring 2022 Merged
Link to merged Doc - Proposals OTP Spring 2022 Merged
Document Merge Status - Proposals OTP Spring 2022 Merged
Co-Chairs - Send StatusDeans - Send Status
Merged Doc ID - COOL Spring 2022
Merged Doc URL - COOL Spring 2022
Link to merged Doc - COOL Spring 2022
Document Merge Status - COOL Spring 2022
9/25/2021 20:49:469/25/20210Master formula row. Do not sort.
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
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1/11/2022 14:16:021/11/20221
Example 3-Unit Lecture/Zoom
Applied Technology & Business
Fast Track
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot, I have taken an @One course, I have taken courses through the CVC-OEI, I have completed an online teaching certification program through another institution
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
BUS 14Business Communication3YesOther
Online Combo (course is both Asynchronous AND meets Synchronously online)
A 3-Unit lecture course meets 54 hours Inside Class Hours
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Student Presentations (synchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (asynchronous)
Using Zoom: In-class lectures when students share experience and are provided best practices on business communication and employment documents, 20 minutes per week. During class students will also work in smaller breakout rooms to assist in reviewing grammar exercises, 15 minutes per week. Students will also present short speeches during Zoom class, 10 minutes. Online: Students will work in group discussions on a small group project creating a final formal report and presentation, 15 minutes per week. Students will also discuss topics using discussions, where they are required to respond back to classmates, 15 minutes per week. Total hours75 minutes per week.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Facilitated Group Collaborations
Respond to 1/2 of students during discussions each week, altering which students are responded to each week so I participate communicate with half the class on discussions each week. I provide students with in-depth feedback on discussions, assignments, and other projects that need feedback to help students improve their work. I make regular announcements, three to five before the class starts, to help remind and motivate students. Also I make announcements concerning Chabot, job opportunities, and other announcements that will help students. I message individual students if they fall behind or work quality changes. As this is a hybrid Zoom course, students will Zoom and I will also remind them of general assignment feedback, important changes, and other help. I created an introduction video, even though they will see me in Zoom. I also provide instructional help videos so students can remind themselves of how to complete assignments. I allow comments on these videos so I can monitor the video and answer questions. This course has a group project, where students will work together on Zoom and Online discussions. I monitor and comment on the group's discussions.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations, Peer Review type activities, Other communication tools such as Pronto/Remind/
I use discussions to encourage student to student interaction with responses. These happen in both full-class and small group discussions. I use Zoom to hold part of the class, where students will interact with each other in full class and small groups. Students will present short speeches in Zoom and video short video presentations using Studio so students can provide feedback to each other. Students will work in groups on a final project, but in Zoom and using discussions. Written work is peer reviewed to help them improve their memo, letter, and other document writing. This will take place using peer review on Canvas. I use Pronto for quick announcements and the real life assignment where they share business communication experiences they experience during the semester.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I have taken accessibility training as part of the CVC-OEI or POCR process., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Don Carlson
<<name>>_1/11/2022 14:16:02_<<Course>>_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jan 11 2022 5:16 PM
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<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:16 PM
1/18/2022 11:47:231/18/20222Najla Abrao
Science & MathematicsFast Track
I have taken an @One course
I taught Hybrid courses before the pandemic and online courses during the pandemic.
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject.
MTH 43
Introduction to Probability and Statistics
4YesSummer 2022
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC).
72 Lecture, 18 Lab, 90 Total
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous)
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
Students will spend a majority of their weekly "Inside of Class" hours watching lecture videos that I have prerecorded. This will take the place of the lectures I would have given in a face-to-face class. They will also spend about a half hour a week working on their weekly Discussion board to take the place of working through problems with their classmates in a face-to-face class. Finally, exams will be given online.
Students will spend an hour a week working on more in-depth questions, which I refer to as their "Deep Dive" questions, that deal with multiple concepts and/or data analysis. Some of these Deep Dive questions are past AP Stats exam questions, some of the questions will involve data analysis and technology, i.e. StatCrunch, Excel, r, Ti-83/84, etc.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Other
Discussions include specific questions for students to answer. I comment and reply within the Discussions to keep everything on track and to guide the discussion as needed.

Instructor feedback on student work is given through grading of homework, Discussions, and other assignments, usually through assignment comments on Canvas.

Weekly announcements are posted Sundays on the course Home Page on Canvas. If needed, additional announcements on Canvas are posted. Some announcements will include videos.

Regular messages to individual students will be sent when students fall behind, miss multiple assignments, do well on exams, etc.

I will also use the Pronto app to send out regular reminders to students.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Other communication tools such as Pronto/Remind/
Discussions will require two replies to fellow classmates.

Students can communicate with each other using the Pronto app. They can also form groups chats and group conferencing when using the Pronto app.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I have taken accessibility training as part of the CVC-OEI or POCR process., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible.
I would like assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr. Safiyyah Forbes
Najla Abrao_MTH 43_1/18/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jan 18 2022 2:47 PM
1/22/2022 13:50:55, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu1/22/2022 14:50:56, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:16 PM
1/31/2022 10:02:241/31/20223Sara Tesfai
Arts, Media, & Communication
I have taken an @One course
I have taught online for other colleges
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
RELS 50Religions of the World3Yes
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Online Combo (course is both Asynchronous AND meets Synchronously online)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
This class will have 2 hours of online lectures delivered through Zoom recordings (broken up into 1 hour segments). Students will also complete weekly Canvas discussion posts that require peer comments and responses. Further, the class will require students to complete weekly written responses (500 words). The class will have 4 quizzes (Canvas Quizzes) and a Final Essay.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio)
I will ensure student contact by sending bi-weekly announcements to my students (Mondays & Fridays), reaching out to specific students that need support by keeping an eye on who is truing in work and the frequency of this, also making sure that the quality of work stays consistent. I will be available by appointment and weekly at Zoom office hour (2 hours every week) for students to drop by if they have any questions or concerns. I will aso give detailed feedback on written assignments and posts.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Peer Review type activities
Students are required to post to Canvas discussions each week and engage in meaningful dialogue that pertains to each week's topics. the class will also require students to engage in a monthly live discussion with peers and instructor.
I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Deone Kunkel Wu
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Sara Tesfai_RELS 50_1/31/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jan 31 2022 1:02 PM
1/31/2022 10:51:07, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu1/31/2022 10:51:07, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:16 PM
1/31/2022 10:21:571/31/20224Patricia Tirado
Social SciencesNew
I have taken an @One course, I have completed an online teaching certification program through another institution
I have taught online for other colleges
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
History 8
U.S. History from reconstruction
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
History 8 Sec A03 (30366)
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.), Other
My class will have 1 hour per week of Online Lectures (asynchronous) delivered through Canvas Studio. Students will also complete 1 hour per week of Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group) and be required to reply to the posts of 1 other student. Students will also have weekly Exams/Quizzes along with a Midterm and Final Exam all given via Canvas Quizzes...].
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Other
I send out a weekly Announcement and Canvas Inbox Message.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required)
Students are required to post to Canvas Discussion and reply to the posts of 1 other student.
I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., I have taken accessibility training as part of the CVC-OEI or POCR process., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible.
I would like assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
#N/A#N/A#N/ACopied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Patricia Tirado_History 8_1/31/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jan 31 2022 1:22 PM
1/31/2022 10:51:07, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.eduError: Invalid email: #N/A
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
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1/31/2022 10:34:341/31/20225Sara Tesfai
Arts, Media, & Communication
I have taken an @One course
I have taught online for other colleges
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
HUM 68World Mythology 3YesSummer 2022
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)

This class will have 2 hours of online lectures delivered through Zoom recordings (broken up into 1 hour segments). Students will also complete weekly Canvas discussion posts that require peer comments and responses. Further, the class will require students to complete weekly written responses (500 words). The class will have 4 quizzes (Canvas Quizzes) and a Final Essay.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio)

I will ensure student contact by sending bi-weekly announcements to my students (Mondays & Fridays), reaching out to specific students that need support by keeping an eye on who is truing in work and the frequency of this, also making sure that the quality of work stays consistent. I will be available by appointment and weekly at Zoom office hour (2 hours every week) for students to drop by if they have any questions or concerns. I will also give detailed feedback on written assignments and posts.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Peer Review type activities
Students are required to post to Canvas discussions each week and engage in meaningful dialogue that pertains to each week's topics. the class will also require students to engage in a monthly live discussion with peers and instructor.
I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Deone Kunkel Wu
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Sara Tesfai_HUM 68_1/31/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jan 31 2022 1:34 PM
1/31/2022 10:51:08, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu1/31/2022 10:51:08, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:16 PM
1/31/2022 12:32:461/31/20226Harjot Sawhney
Science & Mathematics
Fast Track
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
General College Chemistry
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Online Synchronous (course meets live online at specific days/times)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
162 hours/semster
Online Lectures (synchronous), Assignments (synchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (synchronous)
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
online lectures+assignments+exams/quizzes = 72 hr/semester
90 hr/semesterN/A
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Facilitated Group Collaborations
I faciliatate group collaboration by assigning the breakout rooms and encouraging students to work in small groups. I visit each breakout room and participate in the discussion. When I grade student assignment, I give my feedback to students' work. I also post announcement on Canvas to communicate to the class collectively. I message individual student on Canvas, when needed. My lectures are synchronous.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Group Collaborations, Lab Activities/Experiments
I enforce student-student interaction by promoting their group work. Students work in breakout rooms to solve problems and to work on lab activities. Students discuss with each other to work on problems and seek help.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr. Safiyyah Forbes
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Harjot Sawhney_Chem1A_1/31/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jan 31 2022 3:33 PM
1/31/2022 12:51:05, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu1/31/2022 12:51:06, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:16 PM
1/31/2022 13:59:161/31/20227Wolford, Jane
Social SciencesFast Track
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
HIS 49
U. S. Women's History Post Reconstruction
3 unitsYes
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
I am COOL-approved for HIS 48, so I'm not required to open a Sandbox site.
54 class hours
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
Lectures are delivered via Keynote slide presentations, with my narration. The Studio videos run on average 1-2 hours per week. Students are assigned a module content quiz each week to check for comprehension. There are Discussion Board posts required each week, with responses to other students' posts mandatory. I give two midterms and one final exam.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio)
I post my own response to Discussion Board prompts and inform students that they can respond to my posts in addition to classmates' posts. I also try to comment on most posts. Students receive announcements when each module opens, and a reminder announcement two days before due dates. I also send reminder emails to students on days that assignments are due. I try to respond to student emails within 24 hours, if possible.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Field Trips/Performances
Discussion Board posts are the forum for student-to-student interactions. I'm working on organizing a few group collaborative assignments. I will complete this work in the summer for Fall 2022.
My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
#N/A#N/A#N/ACopied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Wolford, Jane_HIS 49_1/31/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jan 31 2022 4:59 PM
1/31/2022 14:51:05, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.eduError: Invalid email: #N/A
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:16 PM
1/31/2022 14:21:581/31/20228Jaswinder Bhangal
Applied Technology & Business
Fast Track
I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Bus12Introduction to Business3YesFall 2022
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (asynchronous), Student Presentations (asynchronous), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.), Publisher created content
Class will have content reading/ power point presentation and learning activities to become familiar with the content being covered -1 hour
There will be weekly assignments to apply the content.- 30 mins
There will be weekly quizzes to test the understanding of the subject matter learnt - 30 mins
Students will be engaged in research assignment/project to apply the material learnt - 1 hr
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio)
Canvas course will include 'Question for Instructor' forum for students to ask any course related questions as anytime during the course.
Instructor will create/participate provide feedback on Discussions. There will two discussions for every chapter - one to discuss and ask questions for that week/chapter. Other will be for students to respond to critical thinking research discussion that will require students to answer the question posed by the instructor and also reply to two peers in a meaningful, research based manner. This discussion will be a graded assignment based on the Discussion guidelines and rubric listed on the syllabus.
Regular weekly announcements along with any special announcements will be sent by the instructor.
Students will also be emailed with any general information that comes from A& R or Counseling. Eg - Transfer information etc.
Students will be sent individual emails for being behind in assignments or not submitting assignments. They will also be encouraged to see the instructor during office hours on campus or via Zoom.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required)
Discussions platform in Canvas will be the meeting place for students from the very beginning of the class where they will introduce themselves and get to know each other by responding to their peers.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Don Carlson
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Jaswinder Bhangal_Bus12_1/31/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jan 31 2022 5:22 PM
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<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
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1/31/2022 15:03:541/31/20229Najla Abrao
Science & Mathematics
Fast Track
I have taken an @One course
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject.
MTH 31College Algebra3YesFall 2022
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
54 Lecture, 18 Lab, 72 Total
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous)
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
Students will spend a majority of their weekly "Inside of Class" hours watching lecture videos that I have prerecorded. This will take the place of the lectures I would have given in a face-to-face class. Exams will also be given online.
Students will spend about an hour a week working on their weekly Discussion board answering questions that are more in-depth and representational of exam questions. They will also be required to reply to two of their peers with thoughtful (not cursory) responses.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students
Discussions include specific questions for students to answer. I comment and reply within the Discussions to keep everything on track and to guide the discussion as needed.

Instructor feedback on student work is given through grading of homework, Discussions, and other assignments, usually through assignment comments on Canvas.

Weekly announcements are posted Sundays on the course Home Page on Canvas. If needed, additional announcements on Canvas are posted. Some announcements will include videos.

Regular messages to individual students will be sent when students fall behind, miss multiple assignments, do well on exams, etc.

I will also use the Pronto app to send out regular reminders to students.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Other communication tools such as Pronto/Remind/
Discussions will require two replies to fellow classmates.

Students can communicate with each other using the Pronto app. They can also form groups chats and group conferencing when using the Pronto app.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I have taken accessibility training as part of the CVC-OEI or POCR process.
I would like assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr. Safiyyah Forbes
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<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
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1/31/2022 15:47:111/31/202210Charles Lowder
Applied Technology & Business
Fast TrackOther and Explain
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
CAS 54Microsoft Excel3Yes
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Hybrid Asynchronous (course meets On-campus AND is Asynchronous in Canvas)
Assignments (synchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous)
Lectures (on-campus), Discussions (on-campus), Exams or Quizzes (on-campus)
My class will have 2 hours per week of In-Class Lectures, including ad hoc discussion on the current topic or questions that students may raise. There will be a 10-minute quiz covering the current topics. Students will also complete 30 mines per week of Discussions in Canvas and be required to reply to the posts of two other students. Exams/Quizzes will be given via Canvas or on paper during in-person class—in-class assignment, 20 minutes per week that demonstrates the students’ material covered during the lecture.
Students will complete 1 hour of lab assignments, via Pearson's MyLabIT, that focus on developing skills related to the material being covered in the lectures. These labs are self-paced.
Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Other
The Canvas home page is kept current and displays the current and future information and links to previous home pages. I use the Announcement and Canvas inbox messaging to notify students and I provide feedback on students' work.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required)
Discussions, either in-person or online, are the primary source of student-to-student communication. Adhoc, students are encouraged to ask questions when working on assignments and labs.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Don Carlson
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Charles Lowder_CAS 54_1/31/2022_File
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<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
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1/31/2022 17:38:081/31/202211Kristin Land
Language ArtsNew
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot, I have taken an @One course
Only teaching remotely during the pandemic
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Engl 11A, B, C
Intro-Advanced Creative Writing
3 unitsYes
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Sandbox-Land-Kristin54 lecture hours
Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (asynchronous), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
My class will have 1.5 hour per week of Online lectures delivered through slideshows and videos I provide from Canvas Studio. Students will also complete 1.5 hour per week of discussions and reply to posts of others and small assignments (surveys, quizzes, short answer assignments). As the semester progresses, portfolio project groups will replace some of the craft lesson discussions. There are other assignments that act as homework, too (writing rituals, readings, portfolio prep).
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students
I add comments to student posts in the craft lessons and in the writing rituals. I also update the homepage with an announcement "checklist for week 2" reminder just before assignments will be due and change the "What to Do" section of the home page. I message students who have scored less than full credit (usually due to missing replies in a discussion) and remind them they can still reply. I also provide a weekly video overview using Studio (I haven't used the comments enabled yet) but I have surveyed students which I plan to do regularly.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Peer Review type activities
Students post and reply to a variety of discussion assignments each week with regular due dates. Some assignments are all class, others are in smaller groups. I will ask students to share portfolios of their work as the semester goes along and they may also upload a video of themselves reading their creative pieces.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr, Roam Romagnoli
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Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Jan 31 2022 8:38 PM
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<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
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1/31/2022 22:06:251/31/202212Hale, Alice
Social SciencesFast Track
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot, I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college, I have taken an @One course, I have completed an online teaching certification program through another institution
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
ECD 11Exploring Education3 unitsNo
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
35 hours lecture, 52.50 lab, 87.50 total
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
My class will have .5 hours per week of recorded lectures with comments enabled, and .5 hours per week of other videos with comments enabled. Students will also complete 1 hours per week of discussions or discussions activities (Padlets and be required to respond to posts of two other students. Students will also have quizzes give via Canvas quizzes.
Lab activities for this class will be fieldwork done in HUSD public schools, consisting of 3-hours per week supporting and observing teachers and tutoring students.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Facilitated Group Collaborations
I will send out weekly announcements to the class, provide weekly introductory videos, reply to posted questions and comments, participate in discussions and give feedback to student work.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Student Presentations (live or video), Peer Review type activities
Students are required to post in Canvas discussions and reply to posts of two classmates. Student will do peer reviews of major assignments. Students will collaborate on resource lists and Padlet boards. Students can meet on Zoom office hour meetings.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
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Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 1 2022 1:06 AM
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<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
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1/31/2022 22:37:081/31/202213Hale, Alice
Social SciencesFast Track
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot, I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college, I have taken an @One course, I have completed an online teaching certification program through another institution
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
ECD 50
Early Childhood Principles and Practices
3 unitsYes
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Online Combo (course is both Asynchronous AND meets Synchronously online)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
52.50 lecture hours; 52.50 total hours.
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Online Lectures (asynchronous), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
This class will have 2 hours per week of online lectures delivered on Zoom, students will watch mini-lectures and other videos on Canvas with comments enabled for 1 hour per week. Students will also have Quizzes and reflections each week.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Facilitated Group Collaborations
I will send out weekly announcements and use Canvas inbox to communicate with students; weekly synchronous Zoom meetings will include class discussions. I will give feedback on student work.
Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Group Collaborations, Peer Review type activities
Students will engage in full class and breakout room discussions during Zoom class meetings; students will collaborate on group assignments.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
#N/A#N/A#N/ACopied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Hale, Alice_ECD 50_1/31/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 1 2022 1:37 AM
1/31/2022 22:51:07, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.eduError: Invalid email: #N/A
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:17 PM
1/31/2022 22:59:281/31/202214Hale, Alice
Social SciencesFast Track
I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot, I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college, I have taken courses through the CVC-OEI, I have completed an online teaching certification program through another institution
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
ECD 79
Teaching in a Diverse Society
3 unitsYes
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Online Combo (course is both Asynchronous AND meets Synchronously online)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
54 hours lecture, 54 hours total
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
My class will have 1.5 hours per week of online Zoom meetings, students will complete 1.5 hours of watching mini asynchronous lectures with comments enabled, other videos with comments enabled, discussions in Canvas in which they have to post and respond to classmates, and/or collaborative projects in which they create resource lists and respond to each others posts (Padlet). Students will also take online Canvas quizzes and a Final exam give as a Canvas quiz.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio)
I will send out weekly announcements, use the Canvas inbox to communicate with students, participate in online discussions, give feedback on student work, and post mini-lectures with comments enabled.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Peer Review type activities, Other
Students will participate in large group and breakout room discussions, students will post to Canvas discussions and reply to classmates, students will collaborate on Padlets of resource lists and students will do Peer Reviews of a major assignment.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
#N/A#N/A#N/ACopied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Hale, Alice_ECD 79_1/31/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 1 2022 1:59 AM
1/31/2022 23:52:08, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.eduError: Invalid email: #N/A
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
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2/1/2022 10:11:432/1/202215Mark Hamer
Arts, Media, & Communication
Fast Track
I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college, I have taken an @One course, I have taken courses through the CVC-OEI, I have completed an online teaching certification program through another institution, Other and Explain
I have a Master's in Online Teaching & Learning from CSUEB, and I developed an online version of DIGM 6A that was approved last semester and I am currently teaching. I have also taught online for 2 years at other colleges
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
DIGM 10A Introduction to Animation3YesFall 2022
Online Synchronous (course meets live online at specific days/times)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
N/A I'm fast track
Total is 108 hours: 36 lecture hours, 54 lab hours, and 18 No Unit Value Lab
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (synchronous), Student Presentations (synchronous), Assignments (synchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (synchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), External Applications/Tools (example: Hypothesis, Perusal, etc.), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
2 hours of synchronous lecture time each week, for a total of 36 hours per semester, broken down into the following activities:

Online Lectures (Synchronous) - synchronous meeting to deliver the weekly lecture material. Students can ask questions and interact with the instructor just like in a face to face class. (1 hour per week, 18 hours total)

Online Lectures (Written) - weekly lectures will be provided in written form in the Canvas module for students, including video recordings, tutorials, cheat sheets, and samples of student work for each assignment. Students can read through and refer back to this material during lab time and as they work on their assignments (.5 hours per week, 9 hours total)

Video Presentations (Instructor Created/Recorded) - tutorial videos created by the instructor that explain key concepts and techniques used in the homework. Students can refer back to the videos for step-by-step instructions to help them with the homework and to understand key concepts/techniques (.25 hour per week, 4 hours total)

Discussions in Canvas (class, group, small group) - some modules include a discussion assignment where students post their work and are then asked to critique one classmate’s work. This provides student-to-student interaction in the form of peer review, and fosters collaboration and engagement. Discussion responses also help assess knowledge and understanding of key concepts. Discussions are graded according to a posted rubric (.5 hours per week, 9 hours total)

Individual Presentations - students will be asked to present their homework for review each week, receiving live feedback and encouragement from the instructor and their peers. This creates a learning community, and fosters collaboration and engagement (1 hour per semester)

External Applications/Tools - the external app Padlet will be used for group brainstorming sessions and for an initial icebreaker (2 hours per semester)

Videos (not instructor-created) - lecture materials will be supplemented with external videos that help explain key concepts and techniques (2 hours per semester)
54 hours
Lab online hours (54 hours)
Video presentations (software tutorials): 18 hours
Animation practice & planning: 36 hours

No unit value lab (18 hours)
Software tutorial exercises
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Facilitated Group Collaborations
Instructor Participation in Discussions - each week during our synchronous lecture meeting I will hold discussions on the material, give students a chance to ask and answer questions, and have each student present their work for feedback and peer review. Each conversation is facilitated by the instructor to maintain focus, ensure a positive collaborative learning environment and to make students feel included and engaged

Instructor Feedback on Student Work - during synchronous meetings where students present their work, the instructor gives feedback and encouragement. I also provide feedback in the form of canvas comments on each student’s homework, including tips for improvement and resources for further learning

Regular Announcements/Messages to class - I send a weekly announcement introducing the lesson plan, as well as regular announcements about important updates, deadlines, and resources (such as equipment checkout on-campus, important dates, degree/certificate workshops, and computer lab hours)

Messages to individual students - I regularly reach out to students who have been absent or are missing assignments, or may be struggling with the homework or software. I also encourage students to email me with questions or concerns, and respond quickly to them (within 24 hours)

Synchronous video conference meetings - in addition to our synchronous lecture meetings each week, I also provide synchronous video conference meetings during my office hours to answer questions and provide extra help. I’m also available for help via zoom for 1 hour during lab time should students need it, or by appointment

Instructor-created videos - every week I create demo/tutorial videos that explain and demonstrate key ideas and techniques from that week’s lesson, focusing on the homework. Students can use these as reference during lab time

Facilitated Group Collaborations - students take part in a facilitated brainstorming session and also collaborate during peer reviews and discussion. These meetings help to foster learning, collaboration and engagement

Responding to questions about the content of the course - I respond directly to questions about the content of the course during synchronous lecture meetings, in my zoom hour during lab time, during my office hours, and within 24 hours via email
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Student Presentations (live or video), Peer Review type activities
Discussions (class, group, small group) - some moduels include a discussion assignment where students post their work and then critique a classmate’s work. There are also discussion assignments where students discuss animation principles and techniques, and then respond to each other with constructive comments and information that foster communal learning and engagement

Synchronous video conference meetings - we have weekly synchronous lecture meetings where students are encouraged to ask and answer questions, and to present their homework for review by both the instructor and their classmates who can give feedback and offer suggestions to each other

Student presentations - students present their homework each week in class during our synchronous meetings, and also have a final presentation at the end of the semester where they view each other's work and offer support, feedback and encouragement

Peer review activities - as stated, students have a weekly discussion assignment where they conduct a peer review, as well as giving feedback on their classmates’ work during our synchronous meetings
I have taken accessibility training as part of the CVC-OEI or POCR process., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards., The only external tool/app that I actively use in my class is the Redirect tool which inserts a custom navigation link to my Zoom meeting room. The "Zoom Room" link is added to the left-side navigation menu along with the other, standard links, and has no ADA implications
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Deone Kunkel Wu
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Mark Hamer_DIGM 10A _2/1/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 1 2022 1:12 PM
2/1/2022 10:51:06, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/1/2022 10:51:07, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:17 PM
2/1/2022 12:12:532/1/202216Puckett, Theresa
Language ArtsFast Track
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
English 32US Women’s Literature3YesFall 2022
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (asynchronous), Student Presentations (asynchronous), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), External Applications/Tools (example: Hypothesis, Perusal, etc.), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Facilitated Group Collaborations, Other communication tools such as Pronto/Remind/
I regularly participate in discussion forums and give in-depth, personal feedback on larger assignments (papers, presentations, etc). I send out weekly announcements as well as announcement updates. Each unit has an overview (typically using pages and/or Canvas Studio) as well as instructor-generated presentations. When students miss work, I regularly send them reminders through Canvas messaging (and will intervene through email or Canvas messaging if a student has fallen behind).
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations, Peer Review type activities, Other communication tools such as Pronto/Remind/
Students will be required to participate in weekly Canvas Discussions, both posting their original responses as well as follow-up. Students will also provide feedback on drafts of essays and work together on collaborative projects (including presentations). I’ve never used Hypothesis, but think this could be a useful tool in a literature class where students will be actively reading multiple texts.
I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr, Roam Romagnoli
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Puckett, Theresa _English 32_2/1/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 1 2022 3:13 PM
2/1/2022 12:51:07, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/1/2022 12:51:08, email sent from to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:17 PM
2/1/2022 13:15:102/1/202217Randi Osburn
Social SciencesNew
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college, I have taken an @One course, I have had courses approved for the CVC-OEI Course Exchange
I have taught online for other colleges
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
ECD 91
Adaptive Curriculum For Children With Exceptional Needs
3 unitsYesFall 2022
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (asynchronous), Student Presentations (asynchronous), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
My class will have 1 hour per week of lecture and 2 hours of coursework which includes but is not limited to: discussions, readings, papers, and activity development.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio)
I will communicate with students in the gradebook, respond to discussion posts, posts announcements weekly, post video tours and host Zoom office hours.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations
Students will communicate in discussions, work in groups and present via Canvas discussions
I have completed the "Digital Access and Inclusion" course., I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., I have taken accessibility training as part of the CVC-OEI or POCR process.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
#N/A#N/A#N/ACopied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Randi Osburn_ECD 91_2/1/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 1 2022 4:15 PM
2/1/2022 13:15:31, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.eduError: Invalid email: #N/A
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:17 PM
2/1/2022 13:22:322/1/202218Randi Osburn
Social SciencesNew
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college, I have taken an @One course, I have taken courses through the CVC-OEI, I have had courses approved for the CVC-OEI Course Exchange
I have taught online for other colleges
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
ECD 69
Child Study: Observation and Assessment
3 unitsYesFall 2022
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (asynchronous), Student Presentations (asynchronous), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
My class will have 1 hour of lecture per week and 2 hours of coursework that includes but is not limited to: discussions, reading, observations and evaluations.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio)
I will communicate with students in the gradebook, respond to discussions, post weekly announcements and create video tours for the modules.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations
Students will be required to participate in discussions, collaborate in groups and present video presentations via Canvas discussions.
I have completed the "Digital Access and Inclusion" course., I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., I have taken accessibility training as part of the CVC-OEI or POCR process.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
#N/A#N/A#N/ACopied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Randi Osburn_ECD 69_2/1/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 1 2022 4:22 PM
2/1/2022 13:51:00, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.eduError: Invalid email: #N/A
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
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2/1/2022 13:50:472/1/202219jaswinder bhangal
Applied Technology & Business
Fast Track
I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot, I have taken an @One course
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Bus 12Introduction to Business3YesFall 2022
Hybrid Asynchronous (course meets On-campus AND is Asynchronous in Canvas)
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Student Presentations (synchronous), Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.), Publisher created content
Lectures (on-campus), Discussions (on-campus)

Based on the composition of hybrid percentage, class activities will vary in the ratio of online and in class.
Students will be required to read the chapter before coming to class. Instructor will go over this content in the form of mini group activities, class presentations, related videos and discussions. 1 hour

There will be weekly assignments and quizzes to apply the content covered in the class as suggested above. 1.5 hour.

Students will be engaged in research assignment/project to apply the material learnt - .5 hr

Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Facilitated Group Collaborations
This class will meet on hour per week on campus and will provide the instructor student interaction. Canvas course will include 'Question for Instructor' forum for students to ask any course related questions as anytime during the course.

Regular weekly announcements along with any special announcements will be sent by the instructor.

Students will also be emailed with any general information that comes from A&R or Counseling. Eg - Transfer information etc.

Students will be sent individual emails for being behind in assignments or not submitting assignments. They will also be encouraged to see the instructor during office hours on campus or via Zoom.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations, Peer Review type activities
Since this class will will meet on hour per week on campus and will provide the interaction among students. Students will be engaged in group discussions, projects, current events related to course.

Discussions platform in Canvas will be the meeting place for students from the very beginning of the class where they will introduce themselves and get to know each other by responding to their peers.

I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Don Carlson
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jaswinder bhangal_Bus 12_2/1/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 1 2022 4:51 PM
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<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:17 PM
2/1/2022 14:01:082/1/202220Huyen Nguyen
Science & Mathematics
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college
I have taught online for other colleges
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Math 53
Applied Algebra & Data Analysis
5 unitsYes
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Online Synchronous (course meets live online at specific days/times)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Assignments (synchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous)
My class will have 6.25 lecture hours and 3.25 lab hours each week. The class is synchronous, and the lectures are delivered during the zoom lecture. Student will have weekly homework, discussions, 4 tests and a final exam. Homework, tests, and final exam will be given via MyMathLab and Canvas. Discussions and class activities can be done via Canvas in during zoom lecture.
I will be given after every lecture to discuss about the material learned and for group activities. Students must attend zoom lecture in order to participate.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings)
I will contact students using Canvas Inbox Message. Also, I meet with students 4 days a week during zoom lectures. I also have office hour every week. I send out an announcement every week to remind students what is going during that week.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Group Collaborations, Lab Activities/Experiments
Students are required to post Canvas Discussion each week and reply to the post of two other students. Also, I will have group activities during zoom lectures to let student work together in a breakout room.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr. Safiyyah Forbes
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Huyen Nguyen_Math 53_2/1/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 1 2022 5:01 PM
2/1/2022 14:51:07, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/1/2022 14:51:08, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:17 PM
2/3/2022 9:32:472/3/202221Richard Harris
Social SciencesFast Track
I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college, I have taken an @One course, I have taken courses through the CVC-OEI, I have completed an online teaching certification program through another institution
I have taught online for other colleges
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.)
SOC 2Social Problems3 unitsYesSummer 2022
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous)
Lecture 27 hours, Discussions 14, Assignments 7 hours, and exams 6 hours
Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio)
The home landing page provides a video showing how to navigate throughout the course. Weekly announcements are posted to remind students for the forthcoming week’s activities. Feedback on each assignment (discussions, research paper, etc.) are given in the comment field on each of the assignments. The course uses conversations (inbox) are used to interact with the students individually. Lastly, there are instructor created videos created to illustrate how to complete research paper assignments. These methods are used to demonstrate how the instructor-student method is accomplished.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required)
The student-to-student contact is accomplished in two primary manners. The first is an open discussion pinned at the top of the discussions called the Community Café. This open discussion is designed to allow students to openly discuss anything with any other student; this would be like students sitting in an open face-to-face classroom freely discussing between themselves. The course continually encourages students to participate in open dialogue between themselves.
The students second component is students are highly encouraged to respond to at least two other student’s original discussion post. This allows students to read, analyze, and respond to each other using the discussions function in Canvas. This option is highly encouraged since maximum assignment credit can be earned by responding to other student’s original posts.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., I have taken accessibility training as part of the CVC-OEI or POCR process., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
#N/A#N/A#N/ACopied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Richard Harris_SOC 2_2/3/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 3 2022 12:33 PM
2/3/2022 9:51:06, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.eduError: Invalid email: #N/A
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:17 PM
2/3/2022 10:16:142/3/202222Richard Harris III
Social SciencesFast Track
I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college, I have taken an @One course, I have taken courses through the CVC-OEI, I have completed an online teaching certification program through another institution
I have taught online for other colleges
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.)
Soci 3
Introduction to Race and Ethnic Relations
3 unitsYesOther
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous)
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
Lecture 28, Discussions 14, Assignments 4, and Exams 8
Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students
The home landing page provides a video showing how to navigate throughout the course. Weekly announcements are posted to remind students for the forthcoming week’s activities. Feedback on each assignment (discussions, research paper, etc.) are given in the comment field on each of the assignments. The course uses conversations (inbox) are used to interact with the students individually. Lastly, there are instructor created videos created to illustrate how to complete research paper assignments. These methods are used to demonstrate how the instructor-student method is accomplished.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required)
The student-to-student contact is accomplished in two primary manners. The first is an open discussion pinned at the top of the discussions called the Community Café. This open discussion is designed to allow students to openly discuss anything with any other student; this would be like students sitting in an open face-to-face classroom freely discussing between themselves. The course continually encourages students to participate in open dialogue between themselves.
The students second component is students are highly encouraged to respond to at least two other student’s original discussion post. This allows students to read, analyze, and respond to each other using the discussions function in Canvas. This option is highly encouraged since maximum assignment credit can be earned by responding to other student’s original posts.
I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., I have taken accessibility training as part of the CVC-OEI or POCR process., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
#N/A#N/A#N/ACopied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Richard Harris III_Soci 3_2/3/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 3 2022 1:16 PM
2/3/2022 10:51:08, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.eduError: Invalid email: #N/A
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:17 PM
2/3/2022 11:38:212/3/202223Scott
Arts, Media, & Communication
Not sure/Don't know
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have completed an online teaching certification program through another institution
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Fundamentals of Public Speech
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Student Presentations (asynchronous), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Other
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
My class rotates per week what they do. Each speech has a 4 week increment. First week is a lecture and discussion on the speech. Second week is a outline preparation and video. Third week is usually a test on online speech evaluation. Fourth week is when recorded speeches and self evaluations are due.
Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio)
I have 2 to 3 announcements go out each week. The first is their to do list. The second is a reminder. The third is a check up to see if they need help. I also grade and provide tips on speeches. Lastly, I answer emails and texts.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Peer Review type activities
I have three group discussions. First, students create their own post on something they've read from the chapters. Then, others students respond to their original posts. They also provide student feedback on Speeches 2 through 4.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I have completed the "Digital Access and Inclusion" course., I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Deone Kunkel Wu
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Scott Koppel_COMM 1 _2/3/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 3 2022 2:38 PM
2/3/2022 11:51:07, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/3/2022 11:51:07, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:17 PM
2/3/2022 15:16:542/3/202224Adam Hathaway
Applied Technology & Business
Fast Track
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Solidworks for Machine Shops
3YesFall 2022
Hybrid Asynchronous (course meets On-campus AND is Asynchronous in Canvas)
Lecture:35 Laboratory:52.5 Total:87.5
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous)
Discussions (on-campus), Exams or Quizzes (on-campus)
My course will provide students with 2 hours of in-depth video walk thru presentations for all of the relevant Solidworks tools and their applications for each week of the course. These videos will be available through Canvas and can be watched and repeated as often as the students require. Assignments and quizzes will also be presented asynchronously through Canvas, allowing students to submit work whenever they have time to complete it. The final exam will be taken in-person following the regular examination schedule.
Lab students will attend a 3-hour-per-week activity on-campus, working to complete lab projects in Solidworks, 3D printing specific lab assignments, or designing, 3D printing, or laser cutting custom designs to fulfill a semester long individual project assignment. Lab hours will also offer students support for trouble shooting Solidworks software or other related matters.
Instructor Feedback on student work, Messages to Individual Students
I will review and respond to student submissions to assignments, giving direction on errors and needed correction. I will thoughtfully respond to student questions sent through email, canvas submission comment, or Canvas studio comment.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Lab Activities/Experiments
Students are permitted and encouraged to use each other as resources for input about their Solidworks parts, assemblies, and drawings as well as their own designs and 3D prints. Lab time is a relatively open format, and discussions can arise from any number concerns from best practices for Solidworks design, to full production manufacturing philosophies.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Don Carlson
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Adam Hathaway_MTT81A_2/3/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 3 2022 6:17 PM
2/3/2022 15:51:08, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/3/2022 15:51:08, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:18 PM
2/4/2022 14:19:032/4/202225Lynn Klein
Applied Technology & Business
Fast Track
I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot, I have taken an @One course
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Bus 93QuickBooks2YesFall 2022
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.), Publisher created content
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
Lecture notes and lecture videos = 8 per semester
Discussions in Canvas = 8 per semester
Announcements and instructions = 4 per semester
Exams and Assessments = 7 per semester
Software application projects accessed via Canvas and using Publisher-provided software = 27 semester hours
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Facilitated Group Collaborations
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work (including rubrics), Regular Announcements / Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Instructor-created videos (example: Canvas Studio), Responding to questions about the content of the course via discussion boards, e-mails, and phone conversations.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Group Collaborations, Peer Review type activities
Discussion Boards, Student Lounge
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Don Carlson
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Lynn Klein_Bus 93_2/4/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 4 2022 5:19 PM
2/4/2022 14:51:05, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/4/2022 14:51:05, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:18 PM
2/6/2022 16:41:432/6/202226Dinh, Hung
Science & Mathematics
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot, I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college
Only teaching remotely during the pandemic
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.)
Elementary Linear Algebra
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
Lecture: 52.50, Lab: 17.50, Total: 70.00
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (asynchronous), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), External Applications/Tools (example: Hypothesis, Perusal, etc.), Publisher created content
My class will have approximately 2.5 hours per week of Online Lectures (asynchronous) posted on Screencast-o-matic. Students will also participate in weekly discussions in Canvas and be required to post a question and a reply to another student. Students will also have weekly homework and quizzes along with 2 midterms and a final exam.
Students will work in groups of 3 or 4 on linear algebra problems, sometimes by hand, sometimes using software such as Octave. Groups will be randomly created in Canvas and students are expected to go there to post discussions within their groups.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students
I respond to student discussion posts and thoughtfully engage in the class discussions on Canvas. I send out regular announcements and almost daily Canvas Inbox messages to class and individual students. I regularly give feedback to students' assignments.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Group Collaborations
Students are required to post to Canvas Discussions each week and reply to the post of another student. Students also collaborate on group assignments.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr. Safiyyah Forbes
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Dinh, Hung_MTH 6_2/6/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 6 2022 7:42 PM
2/6/2022 16:51:04, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/6/2022 16:51:05, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:18 PM
2/6/2022 20:09:182/6/202227Ryan Peter
Arts, Media, & Communication
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot, I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college
Only teaching remotely during the pandemic
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
ART 7ABCD and ART 202Watercolor Painting3 unitsYes
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Online Combo (course is both Asynchronous AND meets Synchronously online)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Student Presentations (synchronous), Assignments (synchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Student Presentations (asynchronous), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
My class will have 1 hour per week of synchronous lectures delivered via ConferZoom. Students will also complete online discussions via Canvas and will review instructional videos and online course content produced by the instructor.
Students will compete 5 to 6 hours per week of 'Exercises' (shorter, usually one or more per week, assignments focusing on technical skills), 'Explore' assignments (assignments focusing on the introduction of new materials and experimentation), and 'Major Projects' (multi-week/multi-faceted projects). The assignments will be supported with step-by-step descriptions and demonstrations from the instructor.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio)
I provide a weekly synchronous lecture reviewing the course activities and technical processes for the week. During selected weekly synchronous meeting, I provide opportunities for students to discuss their finished works with myself. I provide weekly written individual feedback on student artworks, with additional advice and suggestions to facilitate technical and conceptual development. I respond to student comments via the 'Discussions' on Canvas. I also offer a weekly office hour, directly preceding the class meeting, that students are welcome to attend.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Student Presentations (live or video), Peer Review type activities
During the synchronous class meetings, I provide time for break out rooms for students to share their works with one another in small groups. For some weeks, the students post their individual projects and/or research in 'Discussions' on Canvas, and are required to reply to their fellow students (these discussions are graded). On weeks where 'Major Projects' are due, I set aside synchronous class time to critique/review student works as a group.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Deone Kunkel Wu
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Ryan Peter_ART 7ABCD and ART 202_2/6/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 6 2022 11:09 PM
2/6/2022 20:51:06, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/6/2022 20:51:07, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:18 PM
2/7/2022 8:15:042/7/202228Nataliya Gavryshova
Science & Mathematics
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have completed an online teaching certification program through another institution, Other and Explain
Only teaching remotely during the pandemic
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
MATH 104Prealgebra4 unitsYes
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Hybrid Synchronous (course meets On-campus AND meets Synchronously online)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
70, 17.50, 87.50
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (synchronous), Assignments (synchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (synchronous), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Publisher created content
Lectures (on-campus), Discussions (on-campus), Group Projects/Presentations (on-campus), Assignments (on-campus - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (on-campus)
My class will have 3 Hrs Online ( Synchronous) lecture delivered through Canvas with 0.5 Hrs of online (Synch group) work Lab plus 1hrs of on-campus Lecture with 0.5 on-campus Group work.(Lab)
ONLINE activities will be given at the online sync presentation, and consist of short group assignments students should compete during the class, and upload papers to Canvas in "Collaborative" Assignment
In class, on campus activities consist of short assignments students should compete during the class working collaboratively, and upload papers to Canvas in "Collaborative" Assignment
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Facilitated Group Collaborations
I respond/comment on student Discussion post and engage in class Discussion on Canvas. I send weekly emails to the entire class with a weekly overview and with any changes/updates I posted on Canvas. Oral Exams can be given during Sync. Class Meetings. I add comments to graded papers and online Quizzes, Tests and other assignments. I record and upload on Canvas my own Videos by students request.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations, Peer Review type activities, Lab Activities/Experiments
Students are required to post discussion questions, and topics on Discussion board and reply to two questions, or comments on their peers. Students meet weekly on ZOOM and work in breakout groups
I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards., I contract DSPS directly if I have any questions or need assistance.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr. Safiyyah Forbes
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Nataliya Gavryshova_MATH 104_2/7/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 7 2022 11:15 AM
2/7/2022 8:51:07, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/7/2022 8:51:07, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:18 PM
2/7/2022 13:43:592/7/202229Eigen, Kathryn
Social SciencesFast Track
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college, I have completed an online teaching certification program through another institution
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
U.S. History Through Reconstruction
3 unitsYes
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Online Combo (course is both Asynchronous AND meets Synchronously online)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.), Publisher created content
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students
I will write weekly announcements to guide students through the material and the course. In addition, I will provide individual, confidential feedback on weekly discussion board posts and on midterm and final essay exams. I will also participate in the weekly discussion forums to guide and promote discussion. I will also be available for online office hours through ConferZoom 2 hours per week, and through email throughout the week for students who prefer to communicate that way. Throughout the semester, I will keep in contact by email or video chat will students who are missing assignments or performing poorly.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Peer Review type activities
Students will be required to post every week in discussion forums to analyze and learn from primary sources. Students will be graded not only for their own posts, but for their responses and evaluations of other student posts. In addition, a student-to-student discussion board will be available for general course discussion throughout the semester, and will include required smaller study group discussions before exams.
I have completed the "Digital Access and Inclusion" course., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
#N/A#N/A#N/ACopied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Eigen, Kathryn_HIS 7_2/7/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 7 2022 4:44 PM
2/7/2022 13:50:57, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.eduError: Invalid email: #N/A
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:18 PM
2/8/2022 11:00:322/8/202230Chi Lei
Arts, Media, & Communication
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college, I have taken courses through the CVC-OEI, I have completed an online teaching certification program through another institution
I have taught online for other colleges
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
ART 2A/2B/2C
Introduction to Drawing/Drawing and Composition/Individual Project
3 unitYes
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
Lecture: 36, Lab: 54, TOTAL: 180
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (asynchronous), Student Presentations (asynchronous), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous)
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
My class will have 1 hour per week of Online lectures (asynchronous) delivered through the instructor lecture and demo videos with the option for student comments enabled. Students will also complete 1 hour per week of Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous) and be required to reply to the posts of other students. Students will have weekly in-class formative and module summative drawing assignments along with a Midterm and Final Drawing project. The instructor provides individual asynchronous student work feedback for each assignment as well as the overall assignment feedback posted in the class Announcement.
The student in this drawing class will work on the weekly formative in-class assignment drawings that worth 3 hours of weekly lab time, and submit their work in Canvas for feedback and class discussion. The students also will work on a summative module (weekly) assignment drawing that worth 3 hours of weekly homework time, and submit the work in Canvas for the learning outcome assessment and class discussion.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Facilitated Group Collaborations
Each week I post at least two times in the Announcement on the weekly course plan, weekly course progress, as well as on the overall assignment/discussion feedback. I participate in student Discussions by posting my feedback and insight, and by encouraging students' thoughtful engagement with class discussion. I communicate with students with their course questions on a day to day basis through Canvas inbox. Zoom meeting will be the synchronous option for class and individual course communication.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations, Peer Review type activities, Lab Activities/Experiments
Students are required to post to Canvas discussions each week and reply to the posts of two other students.
I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., I have taken accessibility training as part of the CVC-OEI or POCR process., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Deone Kunkel Wu
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Chi Lei_ART 2A/2B/2C_2/8/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 8 2022 2:00 PM
2/8/2022 11:51:09, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/8/2022 11:51:09, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:18 PM
2/8/2022 12:39:442/8/202231Quiglely, Daniel
Science & Mathematics
Fast Track
I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Designing Information Devices and Systems I
4YesFall 2022
Hybrid Asynchronous (course meets On-campus AND is Asynchronous in Canvas)
Assignments (synchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (asynchronous), Student Presentations (asynchronous), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Facilitated Group Collaborations
Instructor participation in Discussions-students will post solutions, questions, feedback on course content, Instructor will reply to students and give feedback
Instructor Feedback on student work-students will receive feedback from the instructor on classwork, homework, quizzes, and exams
Regular Announcements/Messages to class-Weekly announcements and modules will be released to go over week's activities for lecture and lab
Messages to Individual Students- send messages to individual students if they miss an assignment or score low
Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio)-Lectures and demonstrations will be posted in modules and announcements
Facilitated Group Collaborations- Students will work on projects via email, phone, etc
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations, Lab Activities/Experiments
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required)- students will post solutions in discussion boards where students will share there work and reply to one another with different methods or answers
Student Presentations (live or video)- students will post videos explaining how to solve challenging problems in the course.
Group Collaborations- Projects will be given for students to collaborate
Lab Activities/Experiments- in person labs will be conducted
My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr. Safiyyah Forbes
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Quiglely, Daniel_ENGR 16_2/8/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 8 2022 3:40 PM
2/8/2022 12:51:07, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/8/2022 12:51:07, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:18 PM
2/9/2022 10:31:482/9/202232Quigley, Daniel
Science & Mathematics
Fast Track
I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Trigonometry with Support
4NoFall 2022
Hybrid Combo (course meets On-campus AND meets Synchronously online AND is Asynchronous in Canvas)
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous)
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
Students will watch two hours per week of online lectures (asynchronously) delivered through Canvas. Students will also complete 1 hour per week of discussions in canvas (asynchronously) and be required to post/reply three times. Students will also have biweekly exams/quizzes along with a midterm and final exam.
students will attend a 1.5 hour per week activity synchronous online meeting working in teams to complete projects and make presentations to the class.
students will attend a 1.5 hour per week activity on campus working in teams to complete projects and make presentations to the class.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Facilitated Group Collaborations
I will respond to student discussion posts by giving feedback, suggestions, or additional information. I will send out weekly announcements and posts pages. Students who did not complete an assignment or submit homework will be sent an email reminder along with resources for the course. Students will watch lecture videos and make comments/questions that I can address. Students will work together in groups.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations, Peer Review type activities, Lab Activities/Experiments
Students are required to post to canvas discussions each week and reply to other students. They will also meet on zoom and in person to complete lab projects and present solutions to the class.
My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr. Safiyyah Forbes
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Quigley, Daniel_MTH 36S_2/9/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 9 2022 1:32 PM
2/9/2022 10:51:06, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/9/2022 10:51:06, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
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2/10/2022 16:47:342/10/202233Marisa Traylormarisatraylor@gmail.comLanguage ArtsFast Track
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, Other and Explain
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Critical Thinking and Writing Across Disciplines
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
N/A72 lecture hours
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (asynchronous), Student Presentations (asynchronous), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
My class will have approximately .5 hours of online lectures per week delivered through Canvas Studio (9 hours); students will participate in 2 Canvas Discussions conversations per week for 1.5 hours (27 hours); students will work on group projects through Canvas for an average of .5 hours per week (9 hours); they will have quizzes on Canvas for .5 hours per week (9 hours); they will have videos (YouTube; Ted Talks) for .5 hours per week (9 hours); and they will create and watch student presentations through Canvas Studio (9 hours per semester). This totals 72 hours.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Facilitated Group Collaborations
I will respond to student Discussions posts and engage in Canvas Discussions by asking questions, pointing out strong comments, addressing inaccuracies and/or microaggressions, and directing students to review sections in the reading.

I will provide detailed feedback on student essays. On Discussions posts and quizzes I will direct students to the rubric to explain scores.

Each Monday, I will provide a weekly overview through Canvas Inbox. I will highlight the work due for the week and give tips for how to focus on the week's reading. I will also provide the link to my Zoom office hours in each email.

I will message individual students about concerns. For example, I will message students who do not submit assignments or who seem to be having difficulty comprehending the material. I will also offer positive feedback to those who are improving.

I will create videos in Canvas Studio with comments enabled to introduce new texts or to go over major assignments.

I will create groups on Canvas for assignments (such as peer review) and monitor student participation. I will offer suggestions as needed.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations, Peer Review type activities
Students are required to post in 2 Canvas Discussions each week. In each, they should read all posts and respond thoughtfully to at least 2 students.

Students will be required to complete one group video presentation on a required text and one individual presentation on their chosen research topic. All presentations will be created in Canvas Studio and will be watched by all students.

Students will complete Peer Response activities for each of the 4 required essays this semester using the Canvas Peer Review function.
My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr, Roam Romagnoli
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Marisa Traylor_ENGL 7A_2/10/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 10 2022 7:48 PM
2/10/2022 16:50:55, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/10/2022 16:50:55, email sent from to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
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2/10/2022 17:32:282/10/202234Matt Davis
Science & Mathematics
Fast Track
I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
MTH 43
Intro/Probability & Statistic
4 unitsYes
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Online Synchronous (course meets live online at specific days/times)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
NoNA Fast-Track
72 Lecture, 18 Lab, 90 Total
Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Assignments (synchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (synchronous), Online Lectures (asynchronous), Group Projects/Presentations (asynchronous), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.), Publisher created content
My class will average roughly 2.5 hours per week of online lectures (asynchronous). There will be weekly quizzes (asynchronous). There will be 1.5 hours per week of synchronous Zoom meetings (for group work most weeks and for exams during 3 of the weeks). There will also by 2 group projects (asynchronous) during the semester.
Students will work on weekly 1 hours lab projects (asynchronously) in groups of 2 or 3.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Facilitated Group Collaborations
I hold weekly Zoom meetings that include facilitated group collaborations that I participate in. I send a weekly announcement to the class each Monday reminding of them of the work and due dates for that week. I put comments on all submitted work and reply to student comments. I send individual messages to students regarding missing work, or other issues affecting their ability to succeed. Students work on two group projects where I am part of discussion with each group. My class has a discussion board that I participate in.
Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Group Collaborations, Peer Review type activities, Lab Activities/Experiments
I hold weekly Zoom meetings. Students work in small groups in randomly assigned break out rooms. Students work on labs in groups of 2 or 3 and peer review is required.
I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr. Safiyyah Forbes
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Matt Davis_MTH 43_2/10/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 10 2022 8:32 PM
2/10/2022 17:51:07, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/10/2022 17:51:08, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
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2/11/2022 11:53:362/11/202235Christine Coreno
Science & Mathematics
Fast Track
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Math 201Math Jam A0.5YesSummer 2022
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
Group discussions, readings and reflections on growth mindset and study skills, group assignments through Desmos activities, additional lab through Aleks math program.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Facilitated Group Collaborations, Other communication tools such as Pronto/Remind/
I will response to discussion posts. I will send out weekly announcements. I will message students individually. I will leave comments on all assignments.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Group Collaborations, Other communication tools such as Pronto/Remind/
Students will have group discussions and reply to posts of two other students. Pronto will be available to the class. Students will participate in Desmos activities where you can see other responses.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr. Safiyyah Forbes
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Christine Coreno_Math 201_2/11/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 11 2022 2:53 PM
2/11/2022 12:51:05, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/11/2022 12:51:05, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
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2/11/2022 16:37:212/11/202236Susanne Altenbach
Health, Kinesiology, & Athletics
I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college
I have taught online for other colleges
Yes, I need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject.
PEAC YOG 1-4Yoga, Combined Levels1 unitNo
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
NoNorequestedLab - 54.5 hoursOther
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
There are no lecture requirements for this class.
Strudents will prepare their practice by reading online articles, watching online tutorials and practicing online Classroom videos.
Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio)
Students will choose their method of interaction and the frequency of interaction with the instructor according to their personal needs. For Example: They may choose to communicate by email, by phone, by canvas zoom, or by sending a video to receive feedback on yoga pose execution.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required)
Students are asked to participate in a discussion of their experience with a balance pose.
I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible.
I would like assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I would like assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Kevin Kramer
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Susanne Altenbach_PEAC YOG 1-4_2/11/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 11 2022 7:37 PM
2/11/2022 16:50:54, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/11/2022 16:50:55, email sent from to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:19 PM
2/11/2022 16:48:092/11/202237Benjamin Barboza
Psychology Counseling
I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot
Only teaching remotely during the pandemic
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Career and Educational Planning
2YesFall 2022
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
PSCN 10 Sandbox36 hrs
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
My class will have 1 hour per week of online lectures delivered through Canvas videos. They will also review lecture slides separately from this. Students will also complete 1 hour per week of discussion and reply to one student for each discussion (2 discussions per week). They will also have an assignment weekly that takes an hour and will have quizzes weekly.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students
I read all discussions and reply as needed, and respond with likes for all posts by students. I comment on all assignments after reviewing them. I post strategic announcements for students and regularly communicate with students when messaged. I record lectures asynchronously weekly.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required)
Part of the full points for each discussion is to respond to one student. There are two discussions per week.
I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Debbie Trigg
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Benjamin Barboza_PSCN 10_2/11/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 11 2022 7:48 PM
2/11/2022 16:50:55, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/11/2022 16:50:56, email sent from to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:19 PM
2/11/2022 16:49:182/11/202238Tess Weathers
Science & Mathematics
Fast Track
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic
Only teaching remotely during the pandemic
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Introduction to Engineering
2 unitsYes
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
36 Lecture Hours, 0 Lab hours, 36 Total hours
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (asynchronous), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
--Online Lectures (asynchronous): 13 hrs/semester will be posted on Canvas with student comments. This may also include content from non-instructor created sources (less than 1 hour/semester).
--Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous): 2 hrs/semester divided into half-class sized groups to facilitate ease of reading content and are required to reply to at least one or two other students
--Group Projects/Presentations (asynchronous): 12 hrs/semester groups of 2-4 will be assigned and changed based on project
--Assignments (asynchronous): 7 hrs/semester consists of activities to perform while watching lecture videos or soon after
--Exams or quizzes (asynchronous): 2 hrs/semester each exam will be one hour and students will have a window of at least 48 hours to complete the exams
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Facilitated Group Collaborations, Other communication tools such as Pronto/Remind/
--Discussions: Include specific questions/activities for students to answer and reflect upon. I comment and reply within the discussions to keep everything on track and to guide the discussion as needed.
--Instructor feedback on student work: given through grading of homework, assignments, exams, and projects, usually through assignment comments on Canvas.
--Regular Announcements: Weekly update videos are posted consistently on the course Home Page on Canvas. If needed, additional announcements on Canvas are posted.
--Messages: sent to individual students if they have not yet submitted critical assignments and it is close to the deadline. Additionally, if students are falling behind or not participating as much as their classmates, they will receive a personal email and/or Canvas message from me.
--Instructor-created videos: Lecture videos are developed using a combination of PowerPoint, "handwritten" on an iPad using Notability, and webcam videos. Videos are edited in either Studio or Windows Photo Editor. All lecture videos are uploaded through Studio.
--Facilitated group collaborations: I will create groups and give students the opportunity to optionally share their contact information (if Canvas messaging is not preferred). They continue to meet on their own (in-person or online as preferred for the students).
--Discord: A Discord server has been built for this class primarily so students can interact with each other in an environment some of them are more comfortable with. I also monitor the server and answer questions as needed.
--Google Voice: I created a google voice phone number so students can text me and call as needed. Details regarding response times are included in my syllabus.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations, Other communication tools such as Pronto/Remind/
--Discussions: Occasional discussions include specific questions for students to answer. I require thoughtful and respectful replies in order for discussion points to be counted.
--Student presentations: This course requires students to demonstrate their projects, as well as present in recorded settings.
--Group collaborations are in assigned groups. They will meet on their own (in-person or online as preferred for the student) and submit work together online.
--A Discord server has been built for this class primarily so students can interact with each other in an environment some of them are more comfortable with.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr. Safiyyah Forbes
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Tess Weathers_ENGR 10_2/11/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 11 2022 7:49 PM
2/11/2022 16:50:56, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/11/2022 16:50:56, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:19 PM
2/11/2022 17:04:032/11/202239Reed Ramsey
Arts, Media, & Communication
Fast Track
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college
Only teaching remotely during the pandemic
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Fundamentals of Speech Communication
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Lecture: (Inside) 54, (Outside) 108
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Student Presentations (asynchronous), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
My class will have 1 hours per week of Online Lectures (asynchronous) delivered through Canvas Studio with the option for student comments enabled. Students will also complete 1 hour per week of Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group) and be required to reply to the posts of two other students. Students will also have weekly quizzes derived from the lectures and readings. Students will also have small group assignments each week that will take 1 hours to practice concepts learned that week. Lastly, students will build and present speeches periodically throughout the course.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Other communication tools such as Pronto/Remind/
I respond to student Discussions posts and thoughtfully engage in the class Discussion on Canvas. I send out a weekly Announcement and Canvas Inbox Messages. I also provide a weekly overview via Canvas Studio with student comments enabled and reply to all posted questions/comments. I also utilize Google Jamboard to interact on certain activities where students post on a general wall. They can post images, texts, and draw pictures to respond to certain prompts.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Group Collaborations, Peer Review type activities, Other communication tools such as Pronto/Remind/
Students are required to engage in weekly Canvas Discussions, and reply to at least two peers. Their initial response is a video submission, and their replies are textual. Most assignments will have a peer feedback components that requires each student to examine others work. They also utilize Canvas group discussion boards, and Pronto to communicate on their weekly small group exercises.
I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Deone Kunkel Wu
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Reed Ramsey_COMM 1_2/11/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 11 2022 8:04 PM
2/11/2022 17:50:55, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/11/2022 17:50:56, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:19 PM
2/11/2022 17:23:282/11/202240Johnson, Toddproftj77@gmail.comLanguage ArtsNew
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot, I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college, I have taken an @One course, I have completed an online teaching certification program through another institution
I have taught online for other colleges
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
English 4A
Critical Think/Write Literature
4YesSummer 2022
Online Synchronous (course meets live online at specific days/times)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
4.0 hours a week
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Assignments (synchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (synchronous), Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
My class will have 2 hours per week of online lecture(synchronous) delivered through Zoom meetings that will be posted on my class' Canvas shell. Students will also complete 2 hours per week of discussion in Canvas and required to the writing of at least 2 other students in the class. Students will also have a weekly homework assignments, a midterm essay, and a final exam essay.
n/a n/a
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Facilitated Group Collaborations
I respond to student discussion posts, individual student messages, and I require that each student in the class meet with me during mid-terms so that we can discuss their essay writing. Students will meet the instructor in a private, zoom meeting that will be recorded and shared with the student, so they can review it later, and use their specific feedback to help improve their writing. I will also send out week Announcements about important class related assignments. Personal, one-on-one meetings are offered after every lecture for students who need a little extra explanation or motivation.
Finally, I have an open door policy on Friday mornings between 9:30a.m.-10:30a.m. for students two meet with me to discuss any class related challenges or issues that they are experiencing.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Peer Review type activities, Other communication tools such as Pronto/Remind/
Students are required to post to Canvas discussions each week and reply to the posts of other students. Additionally, multiple times throughout the class, students will be encouraged to give other students feedback on their writing including sharing positive comments on their use of the MLA format in direct quote interpretations, as well as offering students advice on how to improve their summaries, paraphrase, and quote interpretations.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., I have taken accessibility training as part of the CVC-OEI or POCR process., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr, Roam Romagnoli
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Johnson, Todd_English 4A_2/11/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 11 2022 8:23 PM
2/11/2022 17:50:56, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/11/2022 17:50:57, email sent from to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:19 PM
2/11/2022 17:32:012/11/202241Johnson, Toddproftj77@gmail.comLanguage ArtsNew
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot, I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college, I have completed an online teaching certification program through another institution
I have taught online for other colleges
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Critical Reading and Composition
4YesSummer 2022
Online Synchronous (course meets live online at specific days/times)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
4.0 hours
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Assignments (synchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (synchronous), Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), External Applications/Tools (example: Hypothesis, Perusal, etc.), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
My class will have 2 hours per week of online lecture(synchronous) delivered through Zoom meetings that will be posted on my class' Canvas shell. Students will also complete 2 hours per week of discussion in Canvas and required to the writing of at least 2 other students in the class. Students will also have a weekly homework assignments, a midterm essay, and a final exam essay.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Facilitated Group Collaborations
respond to student discussion posts, individual student messages, and I require that each student in the class meet with me during mid-terms so that we can discuss their essay writing. Students will meet the instructor in a private, zoom meeting that will be recorded and shared with the student, so they can review it later, and use their specific feedback to help improve their writing. I will also send out week Announcements about important class related assignments. Personal, one-on-one meetings are offered after every lecture for students who need a little extra explanation or motivation.
Finally, I have an open door policy on Friday mornings between 9:30a.m.-10:30a.m. for students two meet with me to discuss any class related challenges or issues that they are experiencing.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Group Collaborations, Peer Review type activities
Students are required to post to Canvas discussions each week and reply to the posts of other students. Additionally, multiple times throughout the class, students will be encouraged to give other students feedback on their writing including sharing positive comments on their use of the MLA format in direct quote interpretations, as well as offering students advice on how to improve their summaries, paraphrase, and quote interpretations.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., I have taken accessibility training as part of the CVC-OEI or POCR process., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr, Roam Romagnoli
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Johnson, Todd_ENG 1_2/11/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 11 2022 8:32 PM
2/11/2022 17:50:57, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/11/2022 17:50:58, email sent from to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:19 PM
2/11/2022 17:40:022/11/202242Johnson, Toddproftj77@gmail.comLanguage ArtsNew
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot, I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college, I have completed an online teaching certification program through another institution
I have taught online for other colleges
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Critical Think/Write Across
4YesSummer 2022
Online Synchronous (course meets live online at specific days/times)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (synchronous), Assignments (synchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (synchronous), Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), External Applications/Tools (example: Hypothesis, Perusal, etc.), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
My class will have 2 hours per week of online lecture(synchronous) delivered through Zoom meetings that will be posted on my class' Canvas shell. Students will also complete 2 hours per week of discussion in Canvas and required to the writing of at least 2 other students in the class. Students will also have a weekly homework assignments, a midterm essay, and a final exam essay.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Facilitated Group Collaborations
I respond to student discussion posts, individual student messages, and I require that each student in the class meet with me during mid-terms so that we can discuss their essay writing. Students will meet the instructor in a private, zoom meeting that will be recorded and shared with the student, so they can review it later, and use their specific feedback to help improve their writing. I will also send out week Announcements about important class related assignments. Personal, one-on-one meetings are offered after every lecture for students who need a little extra explanation or motivation.
Finally, I have an open door policy on Friday mornings between 9:30a.m.-10:30a.m. for students two meet with me to discuss any class related challenges or issues that they are experiencing.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations, Peer Review type activities, Other communication tools such as Pronto/Remind/
Students are required to post to Canvas discussions each week and reply to the posts of other students. Additionally, multiple times throughout the class, students will be encouraged to give other students feedback on their writing including sharing positive comments on their use of the MLA format in direct quote interpretations, as well as offering students advice on how to improve their summaries, paraphrase, and quote interpretations.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., I have taken accessibility training as part of the CVC-OEI or POCR process., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr, Roam Romagnoli
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Johnson, Todd_ENG 7A_2/11/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 11 2022 8:40 PM
2/11/2022 17:50:58, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/11/2022 17:50:58, email sent from to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:19 PM
2/11/2022 17:47:372/11/202243Johnson, Toddproftj77@gmail.comLanguage ArtsNew
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot, I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college, I have completed an online teaching certification program through another institution
I have taught online for other colleges
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
ENG 102
4YesSummer 2022
Online Synchronous (course meets live online at specific days/times)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
4 hours
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (synchronous), Assignments (synchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (synchronous), Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
My class will have 2 hours per week of online lecture(synchronous) delivered through Zoom meetings that will be posted on my class' Canvas shell. Students will also complete 2 hours per week of discussion in Canvas and required to the writing of at least 2 other students in the class. Students will also have a weekly homework assignments, a midterm essay, and a final exam essay.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Facilitated Group Collaborations
I respond to student discussion posts, individual student messages, and I require that each student in the class meet with me during mid-terms so that we can discuss their essay writing. Students will meet the instructor in a private, zoom meeting that will be recorded and shared with the student, so they can review it later, and use their specific feedback to help improve their writing. I will also send out week Announcements about important class related assignments. Personal, one-on-one meetings are offered after every lecture for students who need a little extra explanation or motivation.
Finally, I have an open door policy on Friday mornings between 9:30a.m.-10:30a.m. for students two meet with me to discuss any class related challenges or issues that they are experiencing.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations, Peer Review type activities
Students are required to post to Canvas discussions each week and reply to the posts of other students. Additionally, multiple times throughout the class, students will be encouraged to give other students feedback on their writing including sharing positive comments on their use of the MLA format in direct quote interpretations, as well as offering students advice on how to improve their summaries, paraphrase, and quote interpretations.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., I have taken accessibility training as part of the CVC-OEI or POCR process., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr, Roam Romagnoli
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Johnson, Todd_ENG 102_2/11/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 11 2022 8:47 PM
2/11/2022 17:50:59, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/11/2022 17:50:59, email sent from to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:19 PM
2/11/2022 19:24:492/11/202244Sandra Dorsett
Applied Technology & Business
Fast Track
I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college, I have taken an @One course
I completed a 4-week "24-hour" (which turned out to be more like 24+ hours per week) Quality Online Teaching training course at College of San Mateo in June 2020.
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
BUS 93 QuickBooks2 unitsYes
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
27 Lecture, 27 Lab, 54 Total
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous)
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
The majority of the weekly “Inside of Class” lecture hours will have students viewing PowerPoints and reading lecture notes from the lectures I used to give in a face-to-face class. Students will also spend approximately ½ hour per week working on their weekly Discussion board to take the place of discussing the topics with their classmates in a face-to-face class. Quizzes and exams will be completed online.
All of the weekly “Inside of Class” Lab hours will have students doing hands-on QuickBooks activities, which include downloading and installing the free student trial of QuickBooks Desktop software, using the QuickBooks software to set up a QuickBooks company file, record monthly business transactions for both service and merchandise businesses, and prepare various types of reports, as well as exporting reports from QuickBooks to Excel or compatible spreadsheet software such as Open Office to submit online.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Other communication tools such as Pronto/Remind/
Discussions include specific questions for students to answer and I provide feedback on each student's Discussion posts in the assignment comments on Canvas and post a follow-up Announcement about each Discussion assignment. I also comment and reply within the Discussions themselves to provide guidance as needed.

Instructor feedback on student work is given on homework, Discussions, and other assignments through assignment comments on Canvas unless it’s a lengthy feedback, which I send to the student via Inbox message.

Before the course begins I send several email messages to students about how the course works, including computer and internet access requirements, textbook, and other course information. These are sent to all of their email accounts listed on CLASS-Web.

Announcements are posted on the course Home page, usually daily for the first week and then at least weekly thereafter.

Messages to individual students are sent when students stop accessing our Canvas course site, fall behind, miss multiple assignments, etc. These are sent via Canvas Inbox with a copy sent to their email accounts listed on CLASS-Web.

I hold regularly scheduled office hours via Zoom and offer students the option to request a Zoom meeting for a different time if the scheduled hours do not fit into their schedules.

Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Other
Graded Discussions require two replies to classmates.

Students are also encouraged to use the Questions and Comments Discussion forum to ask and answer each other’s questions and comments about the course or other topics.

Students can also create their own Discussion forums on specific topics if desired.

And they can communicate privately with a classmate by using the Canvas Inbox or exchanging private email addresses.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Don Carlson
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Sandra Dorsett_ BUS 93_2/11/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 11 2022 10:25 PM
2/11/2022 19:51:07, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/11/2022 19:51:07, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:19 PM
2/11/2022 20:34:262/11/202245Sheila Warbasse
Social SciencesNew
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot, I have taken an @One course
Only teaching remotely during the pandemic
Yes, I need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
SOC 1Principles of Sociology3 unitsYes
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Online Synchronous (course meets live online at specific days/times)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (synchronous), Student Presentations (synchronous), Assignments (synchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (synchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.), Other
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
My students will have 2.5 hours of lecture weekly delivered through a synchronous F-2-F online modality with the option for student comments enabled. Students will also complete 1 hour + of required peer discussion reading with mandatory feedback. They are required to submit responses to their peers. Students play games and participate in activities to understand many of the principles taught in Sociology. This is encouraging a "natural" classroom setting.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Facilitated Group Collaborations, Other communication tools such as Pronto/Remind/, Other
I respond to all discussions and homework submitted, provide feedback and correction. I often work one-on-on with students who are struggling with concepts, time management and emotional issues. I reach out to them through USPS with cards of encouragement when necessary. Regularly, I post announcements, ask for responses, correspond in emails and meet students at request (outside of office hours). Students call and text me with quick inquiries on a regular basis. I use ConferZoom breakout rooms for students to get to know one another and discuss research topics, solve problems and share experiences. Although students watch videos and movies, I also provide quick instructor media messages for a personal connection. I always keep a professional demeanor, but approach students with warmth and consideration for their complicated lives during the pandemic.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Group Collaborations, Peer Review type activities, Other communication tools such as Pronto/Remind/, Lab Activities/Experiments
Students regularly use Discussion in Canvas to respond to each other's points. Group collaboration is highly encouraged and has been successful in learning. I use Hypothesis to share and annotate interesting articles that add to their curriculum. By using breakout rooms in ConferZoom, it allows students to collaborate with one another, while getting to know one another. We watch videos independently and collaboratively, and discuss in open forums and breakout rooms.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards., I think I have taken "Digital Access and Inclusion" course when I first began teaching.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
#N/A#N/A#N/ACopied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Sheila Warbasse_SOC 1_2/11/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 11 2022 11:34 PM
2/11/2022 20:51:05, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.eduError: Invalid email: #N/A
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:19 PM
2/11/2022 20:51:412/11/202246Sheila Warbasse
Social SciencesNew
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot, I have taken an @One course
Only teaching remotely during the pandemic
Yes, I need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.)
SOC 3Into to Race and Ethnicity3Yes
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Online Synchronous (course meets live online at specific days/times)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (synchronous), Student Presentations (synchronous), Assignments (synchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (asynchronous), Student Presentations (asynchronous), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), External Applications/Tools (example: Hypothesis, Perusal, etc.), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component), Other
My class will have 2.5 hours of lecture weekly. In these lectures includes video demonstrations, activities, discussion groups and project presentations. Students are able to collaborate outside of class while working towards a common research project. Quizzes are distributed after each chapter and final is cumulative. Guest speakers with live interaction is conducted. This is to enrich their college experience.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Facilitated Group Collaborations, Other communication tools such as Pronto/Remind/
I organize discussions around course subject matter in small groups to facilitate meaningful and thoughtful responses. Guest speakers encourage more participation and regular announcements keep students up to date. Peer and instructor feedback is highly encouraged. I stick to the curriculum, but allow students to address relatable topic matter. We meet online through ConferZoom.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations, Peer Review type activities, Other communication tools such as Pronto/Remind/
Students are continuously be encouraged to reach out to one another for collaboration. They comment on each other's discussion questions for points and assist each other in problem solving activities around course material. In breakout rooms, students collaborate on research questions and scenario activities.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
#N/A#N/A#N/ACopied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Sheila Warbasse_SOC 3_2/11/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 11 2022 11:51 PM
2/11/2022 21:51:07, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.eduError: Invalid email: #N/A
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:20 PM
2/11/2022 21:03:032/11/202247Kuczera, Agatha
Arts, Media, & Communication
Fast Track
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college, I have taken an @One course, I have completed an online teaching certification program through another institution, Other and Explain
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Comm 1
Fundamentals of Speech Communication
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
N/ALecture 54 hrs
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Student Presentations (asynchronous), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
My class will have 1-2 hour per week of asynchronous online lectures delivered through Canvas studio in addition to supplemental videos (YouTube, TEDtalk speeches) that amount to about 30 minutes a week. Weekly chapter(s) readings will equate to about 1 hr. Students will participate in bi-weekly discussion boards and will need to respond to at least two peers. Quizzes on course reading and lectures will be assigned on a weekly basis via Canvas. Students will record an upload their major speech assignments and presentations to class discussion boards where their peers can provide feedback about their presentation. Written assignments such as speech analysis papers, reflections, and outlines will be submitted via Canvas.

Online (asynch) video lectures/supplemental videos= 15 hours per semester, Written assignments= 12 hrs, Discussion boards= 7 hrs, Individual presentations= 2 hrs, Quizzes= 6 hours, Readings = 12 hrs,
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Other
To ensure instructor-student contact, I will lay out best methods to contact me outside of the classroom with expected response times. Weekly announcements will be posted on Canvas to remind students about office hours, assignments, readings, major assignments coming up in the near future, and any additional resources such as relevant campus events or new extra credit opportunities. Weekly modules include the weekly learning objectives, links to assigned reading, lecture videos, and any online assignments due. I will include thorough and thoughtful feedback on online assignments, as well as occasionally check in with students via Canvas inbox (especially those with missing work, or, whose work has started to decline). Students will also be encouraged to reach out to me should they need support or post to the "Just Ask!" discussion board on Canvas- a space where students may ask questions about course content. To provide opportunities for anonymous course feedback, Google Form surveys will be posted every four weeks- this gives students the opportunity to let me know about what works in the course, what is unclear, and any suggestions they have to make their learning experience better. Results of the survey will be reviewed via posted videos- summarizing the feedback and providing specific details on how I will implement the students' feedback.

Office hours will be held on Zoom on designated days and times with the option to schedule a time that works best for the student.

On class discussion boards, I will share my assessments, opinions, and clarifications as it seems appropriate on discussion boards and also to encourage classmates to extend the conversation.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Student Presentations (live or video), Peer Review type activities, Other
Students will interact with each other bi weekly via online discussions boards on the week's topics- they most create an initial post and then respond to two peers. Additionally, students will be providing peer feedback on uploaded and recorded speeches and on uploaded speech outlines.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Deone Kunkel Wu
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Kuczera, Agatha_Comm 1 _2/11/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 12 2022 12:03 AM
2/11/2022 21:51:08, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/11/2022 21:51:08, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
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2/12/2022 7:47:572/12/202248Michael DeGrano
(not listed)NewOther and Explain
Only teaching remotely during the pandemic
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
FT - 7 - ON1
Health & Fitness for Fire Service
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
Fire Technology 7 Sec ON1 (31513)
Exams or Quizzes (synchronous), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.), Publisher created content
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio)
I respond to student Discussions posts and thoughtfully engage on Canvas. I send out a weekly Announcement and Canvas Inbox Message. I provide a weekly overview via Canvas Studio with student comments enabled and reply to all posted questions/comments.
Other communication tools such as Pronto/Remind/
This course is an individual performance based online learning environment. Rarely will students interact. If they do, it's to support questions regarding particular assignments, where best to find class books or materials.
I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible.
I would like assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Michael DeGrano_ FT - 7 - ON1_2/12/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 12 2022 10:48 AM
2/12/2022 7:50:54, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/12/2022 7:50:55, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:20 PM
2/12/2022 12:00:332/12/202249Robert Yest
Science & Mathematics
Fast Track
I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot
I have taught online for another college AND taught remotely during the pandemic
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Math 4Differential Equations3YesSummer 2022
Hybrid Asynchronous (course meets On-campus AND is Asynchronous in Canvas)
54 hours lecture, 18 hours lab – 72 total hours
Exams or Quizzes (synchronous), Online Lectures (asynchronous), Group Projects/Presentations (asynchronous), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous)
Exams or Quizzes (on-campus)
My class will have 3 hour per week of Online Lectures (asynchronous) delivered through Canvas Studio. Students will also have frequent Exams/Quizzes (approximately with an 1 per week average). There will be three on campus exams.
Students will work on additional problems, either individually or collaboratively.
Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Other communication tools such as Pronto/Remind/
Students will view Instructor-created videos. Questions asked away from face to face will be handled by Canvas Inbox or Pronto. Instructor will respond to student directly, or to the whole class if the question warrants it. Instructor will send out frequent class messages regarding upcoming material or assessment. Instructor will provide feedback on student work.
Group Collaborations, Other communication tools such as Pronto/Remind/
Some assignments will need to be completed in groups.
I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr. Safiyyah Forbes
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Robert Yest_Math 4_2/12/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 12 2022 3:00 PM
2/12/2022 12:51:07, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/12/2022 12:51:08, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:20 PM
2/12/2022 17:06:222/12/202250Timothy Jonas
Arts, Media, & Communication
Fast Track
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college, I have had courses approved for the CVC-OEI Course Exchange
Have developed courses and taught online prior
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
DIGM2Intro to Graphic Design3 unitsYesFall 2022
Online Synchronous (course meets live online at specific days/times)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
2 lecture, 4 lab, Total Inside of Class Hours: 108
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Assignments (synchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), External Applications/Tools (example: Hypothesis, Perusal, etc.), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
• Online Synchronous Lectures - 36 hours Total
- Lectures; Slide Presentations/Class Discussions - 26 hours
- Module Overview and Software Topics Summary - 5 hours
- Assignments (discussion/instruction for assignments) - 5 hours

• Lab Hours - 54 hours Total
Lab In-Person Hours - 44 hours Total
- Open Labs (Assignment Q&A, review)- 12 hours
- Assignment Review/Project Critiques- 32 hours
Lab Online Hours - 10 hours Total
- Video Presentations (software tutorials) - approx. 10 hours

• No Unit Value Lab - 18 hours total
- Software Tutorials (non-instructor videos): approx. 18 hours
• Lab Hours - 54 hours Total
Lab In-Person Hours - 44 hours Total
- Open Labs (Assignment Q&A, review)- 12 hours
- Assignment Review/Project Critiques- 32 hours
Lab Online Hours - 10 hours Total
- Video Presentations (software tutorials) - approx. 10 hours

• No Unit Value Lab - 18 hours total
- Software Tutorials (non-instructor videos): approx. 18 hours
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Facilitated Group Collaborations, Other communication tools such as Pronto/Remind/
Students participate in live/synchronous discussions during lectures. Live Q&A sessions are scheduled every week that allow students to ask questions about the software topics covered in the demos. I provide both written feedback on the critique boards and verbal feedback during live critiques. Summative feedback is provided for all projects using grading rubrics in Canvas. Throughout the semester, students are encouraged to meet privately with me during office hours or after class if they have questions about the content or personal progress. I respond to emails usually within 12 hours. I also send the class emails out before every live session outlining the topics and any due dates, and post announcements in Canvas throughout the semester. Pronto is used/activated in the course
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Student Presentations (live or video), Peer Review type activities, Other
Students participate in live/synchronous critiques using break-out rooms in zoom every week.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Deone Kunkel Wu
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Timothy Jonas_DIGM2_2/12/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 12 2022 8:06 PM
2/12/2022 17:51:05, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/12/2022 17:51:06, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:20 PM
2/12/2022 21:29:442/12/202251Steve Prziborowski
Applied Technology & Business
I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college
Columbia Southern University & Chabot College during the pandemic.
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
FT 1
Principles of Emergency Services
3 unitsYes
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Hybrid Synchronous (course meets On-campus AND meets Synchronously online)
Fire Technology 1 Sec H71 (31866)
Lecture: 54.00 hours; Lab: 12.60 hours; Total Class Hours: 66.60 (Outside of class hours: 108.00)
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (synchronous), Student Presentations (synchronous), Assignments (synchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (synchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.), Publisher created content, Other
Lectures (on-campus), Discussions (on-campus), Group Projects/Presentations (on-campus), Student Presentations (on-campus), Assignments (on-campus - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (on-campus)
My class has 3 hours per week of Online (Zoom) or In-Person lectures with the ability for students to interact and participate in group discussion as well as question and answer sessions to occur that learning is occurring. Students complete approximately 30 minutes per week of Discussions in Canvas (class, small group, group) and be required to reply to the posts of two other students. Students also have weekly Quizzes along with a Midterm and Final Exam all given via Canvas using Proctorio. Students are also required to do a research article analysis of a relevant published piece of work, as well as create a Personal and Professional Career Development Plan individually, and then complete two Peer Reviews of other students using the grading rubric we provide. Lab activities are addressed in the next section.
Lab students will attend two separate, Saturday sessions on campus and at the Alameda County Fire Department training facility in San Leandro (which Chabot has a contract with since they have a physical fire department training facility), working individually and in teams, being exposed to and participating in the physical ability test, resume preparation, written examination preparation and oral interview preparation - all of which are key requirements for employment as a Firefighter.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Facilitated Group Collaborations, Other
I send out a weekly Announcement providing topical news items as well as job opportunities as well as expectations for the next week to ensure that students are fully aware of what is expected of them each week. I thoughtfully engage in the class Discussion on Canvas and while on our Synchronous Zoom meetings, as well as when we are in person. I also respond to student Discussion posts to encourage and inspire them to learn as much as they can about the fire service so that they are as prepared as can be for the rest of the class, and most importantly, for the career they aspire to.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations, Peer Review type activities, Lab Activities/Experiments
Students are required to post to Canvas Discussions, as well as reply to the posts of two other students. Students are encouraged to communicate with their classmates, so that they can start building and maintaining effective working relationships with individuals they will hopefully be in contact with throughout their entire career and maybe even beyond. On one of our Saturday lab sessions, we discuss the oral interview process, which is the most important phase of the firefighter hiring process. One of the components of that session is to break them into groups to allow them to offer feedback to their classmates based on the grading rubrics we offer them as best practices. Lastly, after they complete their Personal and Professional Career Development Plan, they are required to do two Peer Reviews of their classmates.
My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Don Carlson
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Steve Prziborowski_FT 1_2/12/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 13 2022 12:30 AM
2/12/2022 21:51:07, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/12/2022 21:51:07, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:20 PM
2/13/2022 8:45:302/13/202252jennifer cambra
Social SciencesNew
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, Other and Explain
Only teaching remotely during the pandemic
Yes, I need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
ECD 87
Infant and Toddler Curriculum and Environments
3 UnitsNo
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Early Childhood Development 87 Sec 071 (30440)
54 hours
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (asynchronous), Student Presentations (asynchronous), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
My class will have approximately 1.5 hours per week of recorded asynchronous lecture content utilizing recorded lectures created by the instructor and additional recorded content. In addition to the recorded content, there will be written class materials to review each week. Links will be provided to all materials and/or class reading materials will be embedded into Canvas. The class will contain one discussion board per week and 1 set of reflection questions per week. Additional content will be added throughout the semester, such as projects and asynchronous assignments, midterm and final.
n/a n/a
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students
I send out weekly announcements and weekly video updates. I will send weekly emails to all students and send targeted emails to students who are not engaging in Canvas. I will post comments on all assignments and engage on the discussion board. I will also host a live optional zoom session once a week for students to engage with one another and ask the instructor questions.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations
Students are required to engage in weekly discussion boards. Weekly announcements allow for and encourage student interaction . Students will be offered opportunities to work in groups and present information to their classmates via recorded content.
I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., I would like to take an accessibility workshop to make sure I am aware of all of the standards for accessibility.
I would like assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I would like assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
#N/A#N/A#N/ACopied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
jennifer cambra_ECD 87 _2/13/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 13 2022 11:45 AM
2/13/2022 8:50:56, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.eduError: Invalid email: #N/A
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
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2/13/2022 12:58:182/13/202253Ming
Science & Mathematics
Fast Track
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot, Other and Explain
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
MTH 43
Introduction to Probability and Statistics
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Online Synchronous (course meets live online at specific days/times)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
72 lecture + 18 lab = 90 total hours
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Assignments (synchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (synchronous), Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), External Applications/Tools (example: Hypothesis, Perusal, etc.), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
My class meets online for the full 4 lecture hours per week, during which I lecture, break students into small groups to work on in-class assignments, and give quizzes/exams. Often my lessons are flipped, where students review reading/video material, answer some reading check questions, and respond to discussion prompt before coming to class for in-class assignments. I use a series of video on medical statistics to connect the content to context. I intend to use Hypothesis as a way for students to identify to me what part of the text do they use to answer questions to teach them how to read statistics problems.
During each weekly lab hour, students will work on lab assignments using statistical analysis software and group assignments to apply the content.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Other communication tools such as Pronto/Remind/
I conduct class meetings online through Zoom. Every week, I send out Canvas Inbox Message describing the material to cover and the due dates in the coming week. I also update announcement on my Home page with those due dates to remind students what order to complete the work when there are multiple items due on the same date. I provide feedback on student assignment using rubric and assignment comments. I use Pronto to remind students when I have upcoming office hours to encourage attendance, as well as responding to individual student messages in Pronto and Canvas Inbox. The instructor-created videos for communications with enabled student comments is a good idea, so I will think about incorporating that.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Peer Review type activities, Other communication tools such as Pronto/Remind/, Lab Activities/Experiments
I conduct class on Zoom meetings. Students can jump in to ask me questions while I lecture, and I often encourage other students to respond. In Zoom breakout rooms, students work with other students in small groups to discuss their assignments. I ask my students to take turn being the first person to think aloud about a question before others respond so all students have an opportunity to participate. I turn on peer review on some assignments; students are require to complete a rubric on the work they review and a couple of sentences related to the scale they give on the rubric. I encourage students to use Pronto to ask question so that other students may answer before I get to it. Students work in groups on lab activities so they are help each other on using technology and interpreting the statistical output.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards., I noticed that some images or tables in the Canvas version of an OER text may need update. I will do so as I find them. I will also improve my handouts as needed.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr. Safiyyah Forbes
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Ming Ho_MTH 43_2/13/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 13 2022 3:58 PM
2/13/2022 13:51:04, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/13/2022 13:51:05, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:20 PM
2/13/2022 13:59:272/13/202254Long, Lisa
Social SciencesNew
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic
Only teaching remotely during the pandemic
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at
ECD 60
Introduction to Young Children with Special Needs
3 unitsYes
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Online Synchronous (course meets live online at specific days/times)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
54 online lecture hours
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (synchronous), Student Presentations (synchronous), Exams or Quizzes (synchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
there is no online lab
This class is not on campus
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Facilitated Group Collaborations
I answer question that are brought up during lectures. I remain after class to answer questions. I communicate in Canvas as well as through email to the students. I use the announcements for total class information. For group collaborations I use break out rooms and then revert back to whole group to share out and add additional comments or insights.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations
The beginning part of my class starts with breakout questions and open discussions so that the students can meet each other. I used DISCUSSIONS for students to inform each other of the topic they will be researching to avoid duplication. For group projects I use PEOPLE tool for students to form groups on selected therapies that they are interested in and will collaborate on to present a in class presentation as well as a single paper on the topic
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
#N/A#N/A#N/ACopied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Long, Lisa_ECD 60_2/13/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 13 2022 4:59 PM
2/13/2022 14:51:06, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.eduError: Invalid email: #N/A
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:20 PM
2/13/2022 14:10:092/13/202255Vasaure, Corina
Social SciencesNew
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot
Only teaching remotely during the pandemic
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
ES 7Women of Color3Yes
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Hybrid Asynchronous (course meets On-campus AND is Asynchronous in Canvas)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.), Other
Lectures (on-campus), Discussions (on-campus), Student Presentations (on-campus), Assignments (on-campus - example: in-class writings - not homework), Other
My class will have 1.5 hours per week in person for lectures, class discussions, and group work on campus. In addition, students will complete 1 hour per week of Discussions in Canvas. Students will be required to create an initial post of their thoughts, comments, and questions of class reading and discussions and then reply to 2 of their classmates online Canvas posts. Also, students will watch short videos online asynchronously. During the semester, students will write a midterm oral history interview and essay and then will complete a final research project. Students will present their work for both the midterm and the final project.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students
Instructor participation in Discussions: As the instructor, in the direction for each week's discussion board instructions, I will prompt my students with a couple questions to start the conversation. Then once the students have given their initial post and replied to 2 classmates, I will write to their posts.

Instructor Feedback on student work: Each assignment that is turned in, I will give the students written comments on their work and given constructive feedback based on the rubric for the assignment.

Regular Announcements/Messages to class: I have class announcements at the beginning of each person class, where I give my class updates or events I hear about on campus but also open it up to the class to share any they may have. Also, I send announcements in Canvas to remind students of, for example, upcoming assignment due dates and campus/community events.

Messages to Individual Students: I regularly email students individually if, for example, I have not seen them in class or on Canvas to check in on them and see how they are doing.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations, Peer Review type activities
Discussions: On Canvas, students have to reply to two of their classmates discussion board comments. Also, in our in-person class, we do a lot of small group discussions where I grade for participation.

Students Presentations: Students present twice during the semester. They present their oral history interview assignment and their final research project assignment.

Group Collaborations: In our in-person classes, I have students work together in small groups on particular readings to discuss major concepts and share their perspectives to the larger class.

Peer Review type activities: For both the Oral History Interview Essay and the Research Essay, I have students work one-on-one with each other to give feedback and peer support on their essays prior to turning in the final assignment.
I have completed the "Digital Access and Inclusion" course., I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible.
I would like assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
#N/A#N/A#N/ACopied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Vasaure, Corina_ES 7_2/13/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 13 2022 5:10 PM
2/13/2022 14:51:07, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.eduError: Invalid email: #N/A
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:20 PM
2/13/2022 16:45:542/13/202256Jonas Timothy
Arts, Media, & Communication
Fast Track
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college, I have had courses approved for the CVC-OEI Course Exchange
Have developed courses and taught online prior
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
DIGM5 Typography3YesFall 2022
Online Synchronous (course meets live online at specific days/times)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Assignments (synchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), External Applications/Tools (example: Hypothesis, Perusal, etc.), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
• Online Synchronous Lectures - 36 hours Total
- Lectures; Slide Presentations/Class Discussions - 26 hours
- Module Overview and Software Topics Summary - 5 hours
- Assignments (discussion/instruction for assignments) - 5 hours

• Lab Hours - 54 hours Total
Lab In-Person Hours - 44 hours Total
- Open Labs (Assignment Q&A, review)- 12 hours
- Assignment Review/Project Critiques- 32 hours
Lab Online Hours - 10 hours Total
- Video Presentations (software tutorials) - approx. 10 hours

• No Unit Value Lab - 18 hours total
- Software Tutorials (non-instructor videos): approx. 18 hours
• Lab Hours - 54 hours Total
Lab In-Person Hours - 44 hours Total
- Open Labs (Assignment Q&A, review)- 12 hours
- Assignment Review/Project Critiques- 32 hours
Lab Online Hours - 10 hours Total
- Video Presentations (software tutorials) - approx. 10 hours

• No Unit Value Lab - 18 hours total
- Software Tutorials (non-instructor videos): approx. 18 hours
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Facilitated Group Collaborations, Other communication tools such as Pronto/Remind/
Students participate in live/synchronous discussions during lectures. Live Q&A sessions are scheduled every week that allow students to ask questions about the software topics covered in the demos. I provide both written feedback on the critique boards and verbal feedback during live critiques. Summative feedback is provided for all projects using grading rubrics in Canvas. Throughout the semester, students are encouraged to meet privately with me during office hours or after class if they have questions about the content or personal progress. I respond to emails usually within 12 hours. I also send the class emails out before every live session outlining the topics and any due dates, and post announcements in Canvas throughout the semester. Pronto is used/activated in the course
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Student Presentations (live or video), Peer Review type activities, Other communication tools such as Pronto/Remind/, Lab Activities/Experiments, Other
Module 0 includes an "introductions" discussion board. Students participate in live/synchronous discussions during lectures. They interact during live critiques (as a class as well as in smaller break-out rooms). Critique teams are also asked to write comments on the critique boards. Canvas discussion boards are integrated for some written/asynchronous critiques or for short research assignments. Google Jamboards are occasionally used to post discussion topics and to facilitate student interaction. Students are asked to present final projects and the class provides feedback.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Deone Kunkel Wu
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Jonas Timothy_DIGM5 _2/13/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 13 2022 7:46 PM
2/13/2022 16:50:56, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/13/2022 16:50:56, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:20 PM
2/13/2022 17:57:442/13/202257Vu H Nguyen
Science & Mathematics
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot
I've been teaching synchronously online during the pandemic
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject.
Math 1 Calculus 1 5YesSummer 2022
Hybrid Synchronous (course meets On-campus AND meets Synchronously online)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Total class hours :90
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (synchronous), Student Presentations (synchronous), Assignments (synchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (synchronous)
Exams or Quizzes (on-campus)
My class will have 75% of lecture (synchronous on Zoom), 10% class discussion and 15% classwork and/or groupwork. Students will work in groups of 3 to 4 students on classwork and groupwork
There will be a total of five exams. Exams will be taken place on campus.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings)
Students can ask questions on synchronous zoom lectures or synchronous zoom office hours. I will participate in discussion board. I will answer emails from my students. I will provide feedbacks to my students on their quizzes, homework, groupwork and exams.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations, Peer Review type activities
Students will work in groups of 3 or 4 on Zoom during synchronous lectures and work in breakout rooms. Students will also use Canvas Discussions/ Canvas Email tool to communicate with other students.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., I have taken accessibility training as part of the CVC-OEI or POCR process., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr. Safiyyah Forbes
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Vu H Nguyen_Math 1 _2/13/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 13 2022 8:57 PM
2/13/2022 18:50:56, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/13/2022 18:50:56, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:21 PM
2/13/2022 18:32:412/13/202258Nguyen Vu
Science & Mathematics
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot
I've taught synchronously for the past 2 years.
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Math 2Calculus 25YesSummer 2022
Hybrid Synchronous (course meets On-campus AND meets Synchronously online)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Total Class hours: 90
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (synchronous), Student Presentations (synchronous), Assignments (synchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (synchronous)
Exams or Quizzes (on-campus)
My class will have 75% of lecture (synchronous on Zoom), 10% class discussion and 15% classwork and/or groupwork. Students will work in groups of 3 to 4 students on classwork and groupwork
There will be a total of five exams. Exams will be taken place on campus.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Facilitated Group Collaborations
Students can ask questions on synchronous zoom lectures or synchronous zoom office hours. I will participate in discussion board. I will answer emails from my students. I will provide feedbacks to my students on their quizzes, homework, groupwork and exams.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations, Peer Review type activities
Students will work in groups of 3 or 4 on Zoom during synchronous lectures and work in breakout rooms. Students will also use Canvas Discussions/ Canvas Email tool to communicate with other students.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards., I've also participated in the Professional Development Program to improve my online teaching knowledge.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr. Safiyyah Forbes
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Nguyen Vu_Math 2_2/13/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 13 2022 9:33 PM
2/13/2022 18:50:56, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/13/2022 18:50:57, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:21 PM
2/13/2022 18:37:002/13/202259Nguyen Vu
Science & Mathematics
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot
I've taught synchronously for the past 2 years.
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Math 3Calculus 35YesFall 2022
Hybrid Synchronous (course meets On-campus AND meets Synchronously online)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Total class hours: 90
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (synchronous), Student Presentations (synchronous), Assignments (synchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (synchronous)
Exams or Quizzes (on-campus)
My class will have 75% of lecture (synchronous on Zoom), 10% class discussion and 15% classwork and/or groupwork. Students will work in groups of 3 to 4 students on classwork and groupwork
There will be a total of five exams. Exams will be taken place on campus.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Facilitated Group Collaborations
Students can ask questions on synchronous zoom lectures or synchronous zoom office hours. I will participate in discussion board. I will answer emails from my students. I will provide feedbacks to my students on their quizzes, homework, groupwork and exams.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations, Peer Review type activities
Students will work in groups of 3 or 4 on Zoom during synchronous lectures and work in breakout rooms. Students will also use Canvas Discussions/ Canvas Email tool to communicate with other students.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards., I've also participated in the Professional Development Program to improve my online teaching knowledge.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr. Safiyyah Forbes
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Nguyen Vu_Math 3_2/13/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 13 2022 9:37 PM
2/13/2022 18:50:57, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/13/2022 18:50:58, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:21 PM
2/13/2022 18:45:392/13/202260Nguyen Vu
Science & Mathematics
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot
I've taught synchronously for the past 2 years.
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Math 43Introduction to Statistics4YesFall 2022
Hybrid Synchronous (course meets On-campus AND meets Synchronously online)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Lecture: 72, LAb: 18, Total:90
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (synchronous), Student Presentations (synchronous), Assignments (synchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (synchronous)
Exams or Quizzes (on-campus)
My class will have 75% of lecture (synchronous on Zoom), 10% class discussion and 15% classwork and/or groupwork. Students will work in groups of 3 to 4 students on classwork and groupwork
There will be a total of five exams. Exams will be taken place on campus.
Students will work on Zoom for the lab portion. There will be an hour of lab every week
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings)
Students can ask questions on synchronous zoom lectures or synchronous zoom office hours. I will participate in discussion board. I will answer emails from my students. I will provide feedbacks to my students on their quizzes, homework, groupwork and exams.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations, Peer Review type activities
Students will work in groups of 3 or 4 on Zoom during synchronous lectures and work in breakout rooms. Students will also use Canvas Discussions/ Canvas Email tool to communicate with other students.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards., I've also participated in the Professional Development Program to improve my online teaching knowledge.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr. Safiyyah Forbes
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Nguyen Vu_Math 43_2/13/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 13 2022 9:46 PM
2/13/2022 18:50:58, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/13/2022 18:50:59, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:21 PM
2/13/2022 18:51:542/13/202261Nguyen Vu
Science & Mathematics
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot
I've taught synchronously for the past 2 years.
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Math 1Calculus 15YesSummer 2022
Online Synchronous (course meets live online at specific days/times)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Lecture 90, Lab: 0, Total class hours: 90
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (synchronous), Student Presentations (synchronous), Assignments (synchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (synchronous)
My class will have 75% of lecture (synchronous on Zoom), 10% class discussion and 15% classwork and/or groupwork. Students will work in groups of 3 to 4 students on classwork and groupwork
There will be a total of five exams. Exams will be taken place on campus.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Facilitated Group Collaborations
Students can ask questions on synchronous zoom lectures or synchronous zoom office hours. I will participate in discussion board. I will answer emails from my students. I will provide feedbacks to my students on their quizzes, homework, groupwork and exams.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations, Peer Review type activities
Students will work in groups of 3 or 4 on Zoom during synchronous lectures and work in breakout rooms. Students will also use Canvas Discussions/ Canvas Email tool to communicate with other students.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., I've also participated in the Professional Development Program to improve my online teaching knowledge.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr. Safiyyah Forbes
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Nguyen Vu_Math 1_2/13/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 13 2022 9:52 PM
2/13/2022 19:51:04, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/13/2022 19:51:04, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:21 PM
2/13/2022 18:56:572/13/202262Nguyen Vu
Science & Mathematics
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot
I've taught synchronously for the past 2 years.
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Math 2Calculus 25YesSummer 2022
Online Synchronous (course meets live online at specific days/times)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Lecture:90, Lab:0, Total:90
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (synchronous), Student Presentations (synchronous), Assignments (synchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (synchronous)
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
My class will have 75% of lecture (synchronous on Zoom), 10% class discussion and 15% classwork and/or groupwork. Students will work in groups of 3 to 4 students on classwork and groupwork
There will be a total of five exams. Exams will be taken place on campus.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Facilitated Group Collaborations
Students can ask questions on synchronous zoom lectures or synchronous zoom office hours. I will participate in discussion board. I will answer emails from my students. I will provide feedbacks to my students on their quizzes, homework, groupwork and exams.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations, Peer Review type activities

Students will work in groups of 3 or 4 on Zoom during synchronous lectures and work in breakout rooms. Students will also use Canvas Discussions/ Canvas Email tool to communicate with other students.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards., I've also participated in the Professional Development Program to improve my online teaching knowledge.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr. Safiyyah Forbes
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Nguyen Vu_Math 2_2/13/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 13 2022 9:57 PM
2/13/2022 19:51:05, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/13/2022 19:51:05, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:21 PM
2/13/2022 19:02:182/13/202263Nguyen Vu
Science & Mathematics
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot
I've taught synchronously for the past 2 years.
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Math 3Calculus 35YesFall 2022
Online Synchronous (course meets live online at specific days/times)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
LEcture 90, Lab 0, Total 90
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (synchronous), Student Presentations (synchronous), Assignments (synchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (synchronous)
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
My class will have 75% of lecture (synchronous on Zoom), 10% class discussion and 15% classwork and/or groupwork. Students will work in groups of 3 to 4 students on classwork and groupwork
There will be a total of five exams. Exams will be taken place on campus.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Facilitated Group Collaborations
Students can ask questions on synchronous zoom lectures or synchronous zoom office hours. I will participate in discussion board. I will answer emails from my students. I will provide feedbacks to my students on their quizzes, homework, groupwork and exams.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations, Peer Review type activities
Students will work in groups of 3 or 4 on Zoom during synchronous lectures and work in breakout rooms. Students will also use Canvas Discussions/ Canvas Email tool to communicate with other students.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards., I've also participated in the Professional Development Program to improve my online teaching knowledge.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr. Safiyyah Forbes
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Nguyen Vu_Math 3_2/13/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 13 2022 10:02 PM
2/13/2022 19:51:05, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/13/2022 19:51:06, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:21 PM
2/13/2022 19:06:212/13/202264Nguyen Vu
Science & Mathematics
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot
I've taught synchronously for the past 2 years.
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Math 43Introduction to Statistics4YesFall 2022
Online Synchronous (course meets live online at specific days/times)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Lecture:72, LAb: 18, Total 90
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (synchronous), Student Presentations (synchronous), Assignments (synchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (synchronous)
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
My class will have 75% of lecture (synchronous on Zoom), 10% class discussion and 15% classwork and/or groupwork. Students will work in groups of 3 to 4 students on classwork and groupwork
There will be a total of five exams. Exams will be taken place on campus.
Students will work on Zoom for the lab portion. There will be an hour of lab every week
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Facilitated Group Collaborations
Students can ask questions on synchronous zoom lectures or synchronous zoom office hours. I will participate in discussion board. I will answer emails from my students. I will provide feedbacks to my students on their quizzes, homework, groupwork and exams.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations, Peer Review type activities
Students will work in groups of 3 or 4 on Zoom during synchronous lectures and work in breakout rooms. Students will also use Canvas Discussions/ Canvas Email tool to communicate with other students.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards., I've also participated in the Professional Development Program to improve my online teaching knowledge.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr. Safiyyah Forbes
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Nguyen Vu_Math 43_2/13/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 13 2022 10:06 PM
2/13/2022 19:51:06, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/13/2022 19:51:06, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:21 PM
2/13/2022 19:52:562/13/202265Vai, Andrewavai@chabotcollege.eduSocial SciencesNewOther and Explain
Only teaching remotely during the pandemic
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at
ES 6
Intro. to Pacific Islands and Oceania Studies
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Ethnic Studies 6 Sec MVM (33203)
Lecture: 54 Hours, Lab: 0 hours, Total: 54 hours
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
My class will have 30 minutes to an hour of weekly content in the form of prerecorded lectures. Lectures will be supported by additional sources provided on Canvas (Documentaries, YouTube links and Readings). In addition to video lectures, students will complete 2 hours worth of weekly assignments in the form of on discussion boards and post lecture reflections. Students are encouraged to reply to 1-2 of their peers on discussion boards. In addition to these assignments, students major assignment will be a mix of creative projects and a final exam.
Instructor participation in Discussions
I respond to student discussions posts and thoughtfully engage in the class Discussion on Canvas. Furthermore, I send out a weekly announcements and reminders via email.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Student Presentations (live or video), Peer Review type activities
Students are required to post and reply on discussion boards weekly. Major assignments in ES 6 involve multiple prerecorded presentations. After submitting major assignments, their work is peer reviewed and part of the final grading.
I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
#N/A#N/A#N/ACopied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Vai, Andrew_ES 6_2/13/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 13 2022 10:53 PM
2/13/2022 20:51:06, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.eduError: Invalid email: #N/A
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:21 PM
2/13/2022 20:42:142/13/202266Mumtaj Ismail
Arts, Media, & Communication
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot, I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college, I have completed an online teaching certification program through another institution
Only teaching remotely during the pandemic
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.)
Introduction to Cinematic Arts
3YesFall 2022
Online Synchronous (course meets live online at specific days/times)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Student Presentations (synchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
My class will have 1 hour per week of online lectures. Students will also be required to complete 1 hour per week of discussions in canvas and be required to reply to at least two other students in the class. There will be required film screenings 10 of the 17 weeks, and associated quizzes and exams on the materials. There will be two larger presentation that will be conducted synchronously.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio)
I will be responding to student discussions and will engage with student on their projects.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Student Presentations (live or video), Peer Review type activities
I will have breakout groups where students will talk about their impressions about the films that they are watching throughout the semester.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility.
I would like assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I would like assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Deone Kunkel Wu
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Mumtaj Ismail_FILM 14_2/13/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 13 2022 11:42 PM
2/13/2022 20:51:07, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/13/2022 20:51:08, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:21 PM
2/13/2022 20:57:492/13/202267
Stephanie Eisenberg Todd
Arts, Media, & Communication
Fast Track
I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot, I have taken an @One course
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
COMM 46Argumentation & Debate3Yes
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Online Combo (course is both Asynchronous AND meets Synchronously online)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (synchronous), Student Presentations (synchronous), Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (asynchronous), Student Presentations (asynchronous), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous)
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
My class has a combination of online lectures (asynchronous), synchronous workshops and discussion meetings, synchronous debates with the entire class, asynchronous debates with a partner (so debates happen synchronously with the participants but the rest of the class views and responds to them asynchronously), some asynchronous discussion boards as well as specialized notes they must take and submit for each debate. students also complete a final exam asynchronously.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings)
I respond to student discussions where applicable, send out a weekly announcement and email regarding activities for the week, hold synchronous zoom meetings and have synchronous zoom office hours, respond to specific student emails and questions, and provide both quantitative and qualitative feedback for all assignments and debates.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations
Students are required to participate in discussions, attend synchronous workshops including breakout groups, participate in both synchronous and recorded debates where they must provide feedback for each other, and work together on debate assignments.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., taken @one accessibility courses
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Deone Kunkel Wu
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Stephanie Eisenberg Todd_COMM 46_2/13/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 13 2022 11:58 PM
2/13/2022 21:51:06, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/13/2022 21:51:06, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:22 PM
2/14/2022 0:11:042/14/202268CONNOLLY, Sean
Language ArtsNew
I have taken an @One course
Only teaching remotely during the pandemic
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
ESL 110C
High-Intermediate Reading, Writing, & Grammar
6YesSummer 2022
Online Combo (course is both Asynchronous AND meets Synchronously online)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
English Second Language 110C Sec 001 (31629)
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (synchronous), Exams or Quizzes (synchronous), Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.), Publisher created content, Other
All 6 hours of 110C when online will meet on Zoom. Additional activities, such as Discussions with required posts/replies, will be done via Canvas.
No lab exists for this class.
No lab exists for this class.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Facilitated Group Collaborations, Other
I initiate the Discussion with a model and have students begin in class but finish outside class time. I use Canvas assignments for feedback but the Inbox, as well. Students can reach me via text or email for help, too. I occasionally use Audio/Video feedback on homework requiring pronunciation and visual aids. I make weekly announcements to stimulate interest (via video or links) and draw attention to new business.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Peer Review type activities
Students post first and then reply to one or two classmates' posts. They meet twice/wk. on Zoom and utilize Breakout rooms to do peer review and collaborate on assignments.
I have completed an @one course in Humanizing Online Teaching and Learning
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I would like assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr, Roam Romagnoli
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
CONNOLLY, Sean_ESL 110C_2/14/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 14 2022 3:11 AM
2/14/2022 0:51:05, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/14/2022 0:51:05, email sent from to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:22 PM
2/14/2022 10:03:362/14/202269Gonzalez, Antonio
Science & Mathematics
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic
Only teaching remotely during the pandemic
Yes, I need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
MTH 36Trigonometry3YesSummer 2022
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
54 hours
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
Class will have about 1 hour per week of video lectures the other 2 will be filled with class discussions and quizzes.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio)
I respond to discussion posts from students. I will send out a beginning of the week announcement detailing what will be upcoming.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required)
Student interactions will be done through Canvas discussions
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility.
I would like assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr. Safiyyah Forbes
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Gonzalez, Antonio_MTH 36_2/14/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 14 2022 1:04 PM
2/14/2022 10:51:06, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/14/2022 10:51:06, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:22 PM
2/14/2022 11:51:322/14/202270Juan Pablo Mercado
Social SciencesFast Track
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot, I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college, I have taken an @One course, I have completed an online teaching certification program through another institution
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
HIS 12History of California3YesFall 2022
Hybrid Asynchronous (course meets On-campus AND is Asynchronous in Canvas)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Online Lectures (asynchronous)
Lectures (on-campus), Discussions (on-campus), Assignments (on-campus - example: in-class writings - not homework)
In person:
Preview lectures = 5
Prepare for exams = 5
Class discussion = 7 hours Close reading exercises = 10

Video Presentations = 12 hours per semester Discussions in Canvas = 5 hours per semester Assignments = 5 hours per semester
Videos = 5 hours per semester
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio)
In person:
Regular face to face class meetings that include previews of lectures, preparing for exams, class discussions, and close reading exercises

Regular email with the class = 1 per week previewing the weekly thematic topic, assignments for the week, suggestions for successfully completing assigned work and general comments on previous assignments that the entire class can benefit from
Regular feedback on assignments including written work and discussions = comments in canvas
Message students via canvas messaging and announcements typical messages might be reminders about upcoming deadlines, changes to the class schedule, updates on assignments Synchronous office hours via zoom to discuss any myriad of issues concerning the class, overall academic performance or any other questions related to the college experience
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Peer Review type activities
In person:
Regular face to face class meetings that include class discussions and group close reading exercises

Students will be able to provide feedback to each other via the class discussion board. They will learn from each other as they respond to prompts but also be able to engage in discussion as directed in assignment. Students will first assess and describe the historical circumstances depicted in either an image or video and discuss how they relate to course material including instructor created video presentations and assigned readings. After they submit an initial response they will then respond to a post of at least one other classmate. Interrogating their interpretation of the video, assessing if they had similar views or distinct views, what they learned from their classmate, and sharing any specific insights with them. They will need to make comments on how their classmate interpreted the image or film
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
#N/A#N/A#N/ACopied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Juan Pablo Mercado_HIS 12_2/14/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 14 2022 2:51 PM
2/14/2022 12:51:05, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.eduError: Invalid email: #N/A
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:22 PM
2/14/2022 12:34:272/14/202271Jesus Preciado
Applied Technology & Business
Fast Track
I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot, I have completed an online teaching certification program through another institution
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
BUS 98
Bus 98, Agile Project Management
3YesSummer 2022
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
Online Lectures (synchronous), Student Presentations (synchronous), Assignments (synchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Student Presentations (asynchronous), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Other
Responding to questions about the content of the course
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations
Canvas Course Discussion assignments, individual student presentations available for review and comment.
I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Don Carlson
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Jesus Preciado_BUS 98_2/14/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 14 2022 3:34 PM
2/14/2022 12:51:06, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/14/2022 12:51:06, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:22 PM
2/14/2022 14:02:592/14/202272Jeanine Grillo
Health, Kinesiology, & Athletics
Fast Track
I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot, I have taken an @One course, I have taken courses through the CVC-OEI, I have completed an online teaching certification program through another institution
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Nutr 1Intro to Nutrition Science3YesFall 2022
Hybrid Asynchronous (course meets On-campus AND is Asynchronous in Canvas)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
N/A54 lecture hours
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous)
Lectures (on-campus), Discussions (on-campus), Group Projects/Presentations (on-campus), Student Presentations (on-campus), Assignments (on-campus - example: in-class writings - not homework)
The asynchronous portion of the course will include instructor recorded video lectures (some will include embedded Studio quizzes or required comments/questions). There is at least one video for each chapter; content heavy chapters will have multiple videos. Additionally each chapter will have a quiz and discussion. These will help prepare the students for the face-to-face class meetings where students will work on activities designed to reinforce the chapter content and practice applying that information to novel situations. Unit Exams will be done on Canvas. A capstone project for this course is a Diet Analysis project where students track their eating habits for 3 days, determine the nutrient value and compare it their nutrient needs. This assignment is broken into several pieces and discussed during the chapters that cover the macro/micronutrients.
Video lectures (16 hours per semester)
Canvas Quizzes and Exams (4 hours per semester for Quizzes and 6.25 hours per semester for Exams)
Canvas Discussions (8 hours per semester)
Diet Analysis Project (4.75 hours per semester)
Face-to-face meetings will occur at the end of each unit. A lecture summarizing the unit content will take place at the start of class. Students will then work both in groups (as allowed per Covid restrictions on social distancing, if any) and alone on assigned topics and present their findings. As an example, student groups will be assigned to popular weight loss diet like the Ketogenic Diet. They will research the details of the diet, explain if/how the diet promotes weight loss on a physiological level and discuss pros/cons/limitations/safety. Other face-to-face activities include think-pair-share discussion topics related to unit content. Planned face-to-face meetings total 15 hours per semester.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio)
Before the start of the semester, Students receive an email from me that includes a reminder that our first class meeting will take place on campus. Also in this welcome email are instructions on how to access Canvas, basic course information (including textbook details), and general details on course delivery (hybrid & asynchronous online, face-to-face meeting dates, etc). A reminder email is sent the day before class starts. The first class meeting will be a face-to-face class. Each Monday morning, Announcements with highlights of the week's assignments and alerts about upcoming face-to-face class meetings, Exams or projects. Reminders that assignments are due by Sunday night are sent through the Gradebook to students who have not submitted work by Friday. I send Monday "what happened?" messages to students who did not submit that week's assignments. I do allow students to submit late work.
I provide the majority of my feedback to students individually through the Gradebook. I do drop into the Discussion Boards and make a comment but typically only to facilitate a discussion. Using the Gradebook, I am able to humanize and customize my feedback to each student.
I also engage with students through the Canvas Inbox messages! I do provide students my cell phone number for immediate, quick questions/issues.

Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Student Presentations (live or video)
In this hybrid format, students will have the opportunity to interact both in online Canvas discussion and in class. Canvas discussions require Peer Comments. An example is a discussion formatted similar to a pro and con where students are assigned one side of issue for their initial post and then are asked to respectfully comment on a post from a member in the opposing side. One such topic is the Sugar Tax that some cities and many countries have adopted. In the classroom, students will engage in small group work (as previously mentioned).
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Kevin Kramer
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Jeanine Grillo_Nutr 1_2/14/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 14 2022 5:03 PM
2/14/2022 14:50:58, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/14/2022 14:50:59, email sent from to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:22 PM
2/14/2022 14:08:172/14/202273Quigley, Daniel
Science & Mathematics
Fast Track
I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Designing Information Devices and Systems I
4YesFall 2022
Hybrid Asynchronous (course meets On-campus AND is Asynchronous in Canvas)
A 4-unit lecture and lab course meets for 54 Lecture inside of class hours and 54 lab inside of class hours. total inside of class hours = 108 hours
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (asynchronous), Student Presentations (asynchronous), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
Online Lectures (asynchronous) (12 hours)
Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group) (10 hours)
Group Projects/Presentations (asynchronous) (5 hours)
Student Presentations (asynchronous) (5 hours)
Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework) (5 hours)
Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous) (6 hours)
Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.) (11 hours)
Lab students will attend a 3-hour-per-week activity on-campus, working in teams conducting tests, collaboratively reviewing course concepts, and making presentations to the class
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Facilitated Group Collaborations
I respond and give feedback to students discussion posts and assignments submitted. Weekly announcements are given for weeks activities, including lecture recordings. Students who do not submit an assignment or do poorly will receive messages from me with support and tutoring information. Some weeks, students will work asynchronously on projects/assignments using google docs where I facilitate each group and there tasks.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations, Peer Review type activities
Students will post solution and video recordings on how to solve problems in the course. Students will reply with feedback and review each others work. Students will work in groups to complete assignments/projects and present their assignment with a posted video.
I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr. Safiyyah Forbes
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Quigley, Daniel_ENGR 16_2/14/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 14 2022 5:08 PM
2/14/2022 14:50:59, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/14/2022 14:51:00, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:22 PM
2/14/2022 14:21:242/14/202274Jesus
Applied Technology & Business
Fast Track
I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot, I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college, I have completed an online teaching certification program through another institution
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
BUS 12Introduction to Business3YesFall 2022
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (asynchronous), Student Presentations (asynchronous), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Facilitated Group Collaborations
I will participate in discussion of the current material presented, the reading, interactive presentations, and Video Cases weekly. Also, I will monitor the discussion boards and comments on the topics as needed.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required)
There will be extensive student-student interaction via the weekly case study discussions.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards., I have taken other training for Online teaching at another program (ACUE).
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Don Carlson
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Jesus PReciado_BUS 12_2/14/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 14 2022 5:21 PM
2/14/2022 14:51:00, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/14/2022 14:51:01, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:22 PM
2/14/2022 14:44:532/14/202275Quigley, Daniel
Science & Mathematics
Fast Track
I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
MTH 20
5YesFall 2022
Hybrid Combo (course meets On-campus AND meets Synchronously online AND is Asynchronous in Canvas)
A 5 unit lecture only course meets for 87.5 Lecture Inside of class hours. Total inside of class hours = 87.5 hours
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Student Presentations (synchronous), Assignments (synchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Student Presentations (asynchronous), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous)
Group Projects/Presentations (on-campus), Exams or Quizzes (on-campus)
There will be three aspects of the course:

Asynchronous (35 hours)- Video lectures corresponding to course workbook will be posted to canvas each week for students to watch, take notes, and save questions to be addressed. Students will also post solutions in discussion and reply to others in the class with feedback.

Synchronous (26.25 hours)- Students will join a zoom meeting for three hours per week to go over questions from lecture and homework. Also, students will present problems to the class, work on assignments individually and in groups, and receive one on one tutoring and group tutoring

On campus (26.25 hours)- students will meet on campus to complete group projects together and take exams individually.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio)
I will respond to discussions and student work by giving feedback. Each week, I will post an announcement in canvas to go post lecture links, assignments, announcements, in person meetings, etc. Students who do not submit an assignment or did poorly will receive an individual message on impacts of there grade and college resources. Students will also meet synchronously on zoom.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations, Peer Review type activities
Students will work together to complete majority of the problems in the section by posting solutions in a discussion. Students will reply with feedback or different ways to approach the problem for class to see. These discussions will take place both synchronously and asynchronously. Students will also meet on campus to work collaboratively by complete group projects.
I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr. Safiyyah Forbes
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Quigley, Daniel_MTH 20_2/14/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 14 2022 5:45 PM
2/14/2022 14:51:02, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/14/2022 14:51:02, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:22 PM
2/14/2022 15:39:522/14/202276Abramowitsch, Simon
Language ArtsNew
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic
Only teaching remotely during the pandemic
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Critical Thinking and Writing about Literature
4YesFall 2022
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
My inside of class work/time includes reading instructional materials, watching short instructor lectures, reading some literature, and writing some discussion posts. Generally the literature that we read is conducted mostly for homework but also, in small sections, in class. In the asynchronous online space, both of those kinds of reading are grouped together.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio)
I post 2 announcements a week, with written and video-recorded messages about the activities of the week. I also participate in some Canvas Discussions, and provide regular written feedback on some Canvas Discussions and all individual assignments. I reply to student message and offer zoom/phone office hour meetings.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Student Presentations (live or video), Peer Review type activities
Students participate in discussions together. They also produce some creative projects that are submitted via Discussions and visible to other students. I also occasionally host small group office hours for student discussion.
I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr, Roam Romagnoli
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Abramowitsch, Simon_ENGL 4A_2/14/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 14 2022 6:40 PM
2/14/2022 15:51:05, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/14/2022 15:51:05, email sent from to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:22 PM
2/14/2022 16:02:372/14/202277Shari Benson
Social SciencesNewOther and Explain
Only teaching remotely during the pandemic
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Anth 1L
Biological/Physical Anthropology lab
1 unitYes
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
My class will have 1 hour per week of online lectures ( asynchronous ) delivered through Canvas Studio with student comments enabled. Students will also complete weekly homework assignments as well as 3 midterms given via Canvas quizzes
Students will have a weekly lab assignment to complete as part of their homework
Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students
I provide written feedback for homework and lab assignments and post regular announcements to the class about upcoming classes. When indicated I also send messages to individual students.
I have not previously included student-student contact so I'm not sure what is required
I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
#N/A#N/A#N/ACopied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Shari Benson_Anth 1L _2/14/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 14 2022 7:03 PM
2/14/2022 16:51:07, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.eduError: Invalid email: #N/A
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:22 PM
2/14/2022 16:05:392/14/202278Mejia, Debbie
Language ArtsNew
I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot
Only teaching remotely during the pandemic
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
ESL 110A
Low Intermediate Reading, Writing and Grammar
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Hybrid Synchronous (course meets On-campus AND meets Synchronously online)
NoNoI just requested it.108
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Assignments (synchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (synchronous), External Applications/Tools (example: Hypothesis, Perusal, etc.)
Lectures (on-campus), Discussions (on-campus), Assignments (on-campus - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (on-campus)
My class will receive 3 hours of lecture in-person and online (synchronous), 1 hour of discussion (class and small group) per week in-person and online (synchronous), and 2 hours of quizzes and in-class writing.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students
I respond to students in person and during our online class meetings. In addition, I keep up email communication as well as respond to their assignments.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Peer Review type activities
Students perform group work during every class session and will complete peer reviews for writing assignments.
Please see below.
I would like assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr, Roam Romagnoli
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Mejia, Debbie_ESL 110A_2/14/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 14 2022 7:05 PM
2/14/2022 16:51:08, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/14/2022 16:51:08, email sent from to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:22 PM
2/14/2022 23:29:522/14/202279Mark Wagner
Arts, Media, & Communication
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot
Only teaching remotely during the pandemic
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Art 2AIntroduction to Drawing3YesSummer 2022
Online Combo (course is both Asynchronous AND meets Synchronously online)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Lecture - 36 hrs., Lab - 54 hrs., Studio - 18 hrs.Total: 108 hrs.
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (synchronous), Student Presentations (synchronous), Assignments (synchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Student Presentations (asynchronous), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.), Publisher created content, Other
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
My class will have 2 hour per week of Online Lectures (synchronous) delivered through Canvas Studio which will also be recorded for (asynchronous) students. I plan to offer students questions and discussions that create opportunities to interact with each other.
Students will complete 4 hours of assignments and discussions per week and will post work in Canvas. Students complete 3 hours of studio/lab, where I introduce the assignment in a synchronous zoom that will be recorded for students asynchronous to complete on their own time. There will then be 1 hour interaction and discussion with me and other students as needed. This totals 4 hours for course outline per week.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Facilitated Group Collaborations, Other
I send out a weekly announcement and communicate to individual students through Canvas Inbox Message. I provide a weekly overview via Canvas Studio and videos with student comments enabled and reply to all posted questions. I have students talk to each other and show artwork through Discussions. I read all discussions and comment when needed. In the synchronized lectures I will invite the students to ask questions and answer. Asynchronized students will answer questions in Discussions that are read by everyone.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations, Peer Review type activities, Lab Activities/Experiments, Field Trips/Performances, Other
All students are required to post to Canvas Discussions each week and reply to the posts of six other students. Students also show their art assignments to each others in Discussions. Students meet weekly on Zoom and work in breakout groups in lab/studio. Zoom meetings are recorded for Asynchronized students who will show their work and interact in Discussions with everyone.
I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards., I have worked with Scott Hildreth to go through Canvas assessment tools.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Deone Kunkel Wu
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Mark Wagner_Art 2A_2/14/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 15 2022 2:30 AM
2/14/2022 23:51:08, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/14/2022 23:51:08, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:23 PM
2/14/2022 23:53:502/14/202280Mark Wagner
Arts, Media, & Communication
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot
Only teaching remotely during the pandemic
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Art 232D Foundations3YesFall 2022
Online Combo (course is both Asynchronous AND meets Synchronously online)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Lecture - 36 hrs., Lab - 54 hrs., Studio - 18 hrs.Total: 108 hrs.
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (synchronous), Student Presentations (synchronous), Assignments (synchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Student Presentations (asynchronous), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.), Publisher created content, Other
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
My class will have 2 hour per week of Online Lectures (synchronous) delivered through Canvas Studio which will also be recorded for (asynchronous) students. I plan to offer students questions and discussions that create opportunities to interact with each other.
Students will complete 4 hours of assignments and discussions per week and will post work in Canvas. Students complete 3 hours of studio/lab, where I introduce the assignment in a synchronous zoom that will be recorded for students asynchronous to complete on their own time. There will then be 1 hour interaction and discussion with me and other students as needed. This totals 4 hours for course outline per week.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Facilitated Group Collaborations, Other
I send out a weekly announcement and communicate to individual students through Canvas Inbox Message. I provide a weekly overview via Canvas Studio and videos with student comments enabled and reply to all posted questions. I have students talk to each other and show artwork through Discussions. I read all discussions and comment when needed. In the synchronized lectures I will invite the students to ask questions and answer. Asynchronized students will answer questions in Discussions that are read by everyone.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations, Peer Review type activities, Lab Activities/Experiments, Field Trips/Performances, Other
All students are required to post to Canvas Discussions each week and reply to the posts of six other students. Students also show their art assignments to each others in Discussions. Students meet weekly on Zoom and work in breakout groups in lab/studio. Zoom meetings are recorded for Asynchronized students who will show their work and interact in Discussions with everyone.
I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Deone Kunkel Wu
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Mark Wagner_Art 23_2/14/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 15 2022 2:54 AM
2/15/2022 0:51:06, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/15/2022 0:51:07, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:23 PM
2/15/2022 7:28:422/15/202281Ryan Scherbart
Arts, Media, & Communication
Fast Track
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college, I have had courses approved for the CVC-OEI Course Exchange, I have completed an online teaching certification program through another institution
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
PHIL 60Ethics3YesFall 2022
Hybrid Asynchronous (course meets On-campus AND is Asynchronous in Canvas)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Assignments (synchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (synchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
Lectures (on-campus), Discussions (on-campus), Exams or Quizzes (on-campus)
This is a hybrid class where 50% of the inside-of-class hours are spent in person, and 50% of them are conducted online asynchronously. The class is set up to be comparable to a F2F section that meets, e.g., T-Th from 9-10:15am, where the Tuesday meeting is on campus and the 'Thursday meeting' is conducted virtually.

27 synchronous in-person inside-of-class hours:

Of the 54 in-person contact hours, half of them (27 hours) are spent in-person in the classroom. There is a major lecture component during these meetings (about 20 hours), along with many opportunities for active learning. I keep in mind the variety of learning styles (auditory, kinesthetic, visual, etc.), as well as students’ varying abilities and background knowledge. Organization is vital. Students should not get lost or not have the tools they need to succeed. Presenting material with enthusiasm is paramount as well. I often pause in class to assess how students are faring with the material. My teaching mantra is “be clear and captivating.” I am mindful about keeping material straightforward and interesting. 7 hours of these 27, will be spent on synchronous in-person class discussions.

27 asynchronous online inside-of-class hours:

About 20 of these are spent on asynchronous Canvas discussions, where the exchange is a combination of written, video, and audio posts by students and myself. There is both student to student and instructor to student interaction.

Here are the typical instructions for the discussions:

"Let's talk to one another! For the material from this week, you are required to: Ask a question about something you were confused about. Be specific: describe in general what was being covered, as well where you got lost or confused. Read through all the posts, and reply to two other student's questions. At least one of your questions or replies should include video or audio. Go ahead and 'like' posts that you found particularly helpful!"

7 of the 27 asynchronous inside-of-class hours are spent on assessment, i.e., quizzes and exams. Autogenerated feedback and tailored written feedback are provided for each student.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio)
This is a hybrid class with 50% of inside-of-class hours are spent in person.
Of the in-person hours, about 20 are spent on active learning lectures where students participate by responding to prompts and asking questions.

About 20 hours of the online component are spent on asynchronous Canvas discussions, where the exchange is a combination of written, video, and audio posts by students. There are about 15 discussions a term. There are about 5 discussions where I provide a brief response to every student (though a combination of written, audio, and video posts). There are about 10 other discussions where I provide a longer, more thorough response to the questions that drive home the most important and common question themes.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required)
Again, this is a hybrid class with 50% of inside-of-class hours are spent in person.
Of the in-person hours, students spend several hours (~3) asking each other questions about the material.

About 20 hours of the online component are spent on asynchronous Canvas discussions, where the exchange is a combination of written, video, and audio posts by students and myself.

Here are the typical instructions for the discussions:

"Let's talk to one another! For the material from this week, you are required to: Ask a question about something you were confused about. Be specific: describe in general what was being covered, as well where you got lost or confused. Read through all the posts, and reply to two other student's questions. At least one of your questions or replies should include video or audio. Go ahead and 'like' posts that you found particularly helpful!"
I have taken accessibility training as part of the CVC-OEI or POCR process., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Deone Kunkel Wu
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Ryan Scherbart_PHIL 60_2/15/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 15 2022 10:29 AM
2/15/2022 7:50:56, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/15/2022 7:50:57, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:23 PM
2/15/2022 7:32:582/15/202282Ryan Scherbart
Arts, Media, & Communication
Fast Track
I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college, I have had courses approved for the CVC-OEI Course Exchange, I have completed an online teaching certification program through another institution
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Introduction to Philosophy: Social and Political Philosophy
3YesFall 2022
Hybrid Asynchronous (course meets On-campus AND is Asynchronous in Canvas)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Exams or Quizzes (synchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous)
Lectures (on-campus), Discussions (on-campus)
This is a hybrid class where 50% of the inside-of-class hours are spent in person, and 50% of them are conducted online asynchronously. The class is set up to be comparable to a F2F section that meets, e.g., T-Th from 9-10:15am, where the Tuesday meeting is on campus and the 'Thursday meeting' is conducted virtually.

27 synchronous in-person inside-of-class hours:

Of the 54 in-person contact hours, half of them (27 hours) are spent in-person in the classroom. There is a major lecture component during these meetings (about 20 hours), along with many opportunities for active learning. I keep in mind the variety of learning styles (auditory, kinesthetic, visual, etc.), as well as students’ varying abilities and background knowledge. Organization is vital. Students should not get lost or not have the tools they need to succeed. Presenting material with enthusiasm is paramount as well. I often pause in class to assess how students are faring with the material. My teaching mantra is “be clear and captivating.” I am mindful about keeping material straightforward and interesting. 7 hours of these 27, will be spent on synchronous in-person class discussions.

27 asynchronous online inside-of-class hours:

About 20 of these are spent on asynchronous Canvas discussions, where the exchange is a combination of written, video, and audio posts by students and myself. There is both student to student and instructor to student interaction.

Here are the typical instructions for the discussions:

"Let's talk to one another! For the material from this week, you are required to: Ask a question about something you were confused about. Be specific: describe in general what was being covered, as well where you got lost or confused. Read through all the posts, and reply to two other student's questions. At least one of your questions or replies should include video or audio. Go ahead and 'like' posts that you found particularly helpful!"

7 of the 27 asynchronous inside-of-class hours are spent on assessment, i.e., quizzes and exams. Autogenerated feedback and tailored written feedback are provided for each student.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students
This is a hybrid class with 50% of inside-of-class hours are spent in person.
Of the in-person hours, about 20 are spent on active learning lectures where students participate by responding to prompts and asking questions.

About 20 hours of the online component are spent on asynchronous Canvas discussions, where the exchange is a combination of written, video, and audio posts by students. There are about 15 discussions a term. There are about 5 discussions where I provide a brief response to every student (though a combination of written, audio, and video posts). There are about 10 other discussions where I provide a longer, more thorough response to the questions that drive home the most important and common question themes.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required)
Again, this is a hybrid class with 50% of inside-of-class hours are spent in person.
Of the in-person hours, students spend several hours (~3) asking each other questions about the material.

About 20 hours of the online component are spent on asynchronous Canvas discussions, where the exchange is a combination of written, video, and audio posts by students and myself.

Here are the typical instructions for the discussions:

"Let's talk to one another! For the material from this week, you are required to: Ask a question about something you were confused about. Be specific: describe in general what was being covered, as well where you got lost or confused. Read through all the posts, and reply to two other student's questions. At least one of your questions or replies should include video or audio. Go ahead and 'like' posts that you found particularly helpful!"
I have taken accessibility training as part of the CVC-OEI or POCR process., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Deone Kunkel Wu
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Ryan Scherbart_PHIL 70_2/15/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 15 2022 10:33 AM
2/15/2022 7:50:57, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/15/2022 7:50:58, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:23 PM
2/15/2022 7:37:362/15/202283Ryan Scherbart
Arts, Media, & Communication
Fast Track
I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college, I have had courses approved for the CVC-OEI Course Exchange, I have completed an online teaching certification program through another institution
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Introduction to Philosophy: Knowledge
Hybrid Asynchronous (course meets On-campus AND is Asynchronous in Canvas)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Exams or Quizzes (synchronous), Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous)
Lectures (on-campus), Discussions (on-campus)
This is a hybrid class where 50% of the inside-of-class hours are spent in person, and 50% of them are conducted online asynchronously. The class is set up to be comparable to a F2F section that meets, e.g., T-Th from 9-10:15am, where the Tuesday meeting is on campus and the 'Thursday meeting' is conducted virtually.

27 synchronous in-person inside-of-class hours:

Of the 54 in-person contact hours, half of them (27 hours) are spent in-person in the classroom. There is a major lecture component during these meetings (about 20 hours), along with many opportunities for active learning. I keep in mind the variety of learning styles (auditory, kinesthetic, visual, etc.), as well as students’ varying abilities and background knowledge. Organization is vital. Students should not get lost or not have the tools they need to succeed. Presenting material with enthusiasm is paramount as well. I often pause in class to assess how students are faring with the material. My teaching mantra is “be clear and captivating.” I am mindful about keeping material straightforward and interesting. 7 hours of these 27, will be spent on synchronous in-person class discussions.

27 asynchronous online inside-of-class hours:

About 20 of these are spent on asynchronous Canvas discussions, where the exchange is a combination of written, video, and audio posts by students and myself. There is both student to student and instructor to student interaction.

Here are the typical instructions for the discussions:

"Let's talk to one another! For the material from this week, you are required to: Ask a question about something you were confused about. Be specific: describe in general what was being covered, as well where you got lost or confused. Read through all the posts, and reply to two other student's questions. At least one of your questions or replies should include video or audio. Go ahead and 'like' posts that you found particularly helpful!"

7 of the 27 asynchronous inside-of-class hours are spent on assessment, i.e., quizzes and exams. Autogenerated feedback and tailored written feedback are provided for each student.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio)
This is a hybrid class with 50% of inside-of-class hours are spent in person.
Of the in-person hours, about 20 are spent on active learning lectures where students participate by responding to prompts and asking questions.

About 20 hours of the online component are spent on asynchronous Canvas discussions, where the exchange is a combination of written, video, and audio posts by students. There are about 15 discussions a term. There are about 5 discussions where I provide a brief response to every student (though a combination of written, audio, and video posts). There are about 10 other discussions where I provide a longer, more thorough response to the questions that drive home the most important and common question themes.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required)
Again, this is a hybrid class with 50% of inside-of-class hours are spent in person.
Of the in-person hours, students spend several hours (~3) asking each other questions about the material.

About 20 hours of the online component are spent on asynchronous Canvas discussions, where the exchange is a combination of written, video, and audio posts by students and myself.

Here are the typical instructions for the discussions:

"Let's talk to one another! For the material from this week, you are required to: Ask a question about something you were confused about. Be specific: describe in general what was being covered, as well where you got lost or confused. Read through all the posts, and reply to two other student's questions. At least one of your questions or replies should include video or audio. Go ahead and 'like' posts that you found particularly helpful!"
I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., I have taken accessibility training as part of the CVC-OEI or POCR process., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Deone Kunkel Wu
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Ryan Scherbart_PHIL 65_2/15/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 15 2022 10:37 AM
2/15/2022 7:50:58, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/15/2022 7:50:58, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:23 PM
2/15/2022 7:40:462/15/202284Ryan Scherbart
Arts, Media, & Communication
Fast Track
I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college, I have had courses approved for the CVC-OEI Course Exchange, I have completed an online teaching certification program through another institution
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
PHIL 55Symbolic Logic3YesOther
Hybrid Asynchronous (course meets On-campus AND is Asynchronous in Canvas)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous)
Lectures (on-campus), Discussions (on-campus)
This is a hybrid class where 50% of the inside-of-class hours are spent in person, and 50% of them are conducted online asynchronously. The class is set up to be comparable to a F2F section that meets, e.g., T-Th from 9-10:15am, where the Tuesday meeting is on campus and the 'Thursday meeting' is conducted virtually.

27 synchronous in-person inside-of-class hours:

Of the 54 in-person contact hours, half of them (27 hours) are spent in-person in the classroom. There is a major lecture component during these meetings (about 20 hours), along with many opportunities for active learning. I keep in mind the variety of learning styles (auditory, kinesthetic, visual, etc.), as well as students’ varying abilities and background knowledge. Organization is vital. Students should not get lost or not have the tools they need to succeed. Presenting material with enthusiasm is paramount as well. I often pause in class to assess how students are faring with the material. My teaching mantra is “be clear and captivating.” I am mindful about keeping material straightforward and interesting. 7 hours of these 27, will be spent on synchronous in-person class discussions.

27 asynchronous online inside-of-class hours:

About 20 of these are spent on asynchronous Canvas discussions, where the exchange is a combination of written, video, and audio posts by students and myself. There is both student to student and instructor to student interaction.

Here are the typical instructions for the discussions:

"Let's talk to one another! For the material from this week, you are required to: Ask a question about something you were confused about. Be specific: describe in general what was being covered, as well where you got lost or confused. Read through all the posts, and reply to two other student's questions. At least one of your questions or replies should include video or audio. Go ahead and 'like' posts that you found particularly helpful!"

7 of the 27 asynchronous inside-of-class hours are spent on assessment, i.e., quizzes and exams. Autogenerated feedback and tailored written feedback are provided for each student.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students
This is a hybrid class with 50% of inside-of-class hours are spent in person.
Of the in-person hours, about 20 are spent on active learning lectures where students participate by responding to prompts and asking questions.

About 20 hours of the online component are spent on asynchronous Canvas discussions, where the exchange is a combination of written, video, and audio posts by students. There are about 15 discussions a term. There are about 5 discussions where I provide a brief response to every student (though a combination of written, audio, and video posts). There are about 10 other discussions where I provide a longer, more thorough response to the questions that drive home the most important and common question themes.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required)
Again, this is a hybrid class with 50% of inside-of-class hours are spent in person.
Of the in-person hours, students spend several hours (~3) asking each other questions about the material.

About 20 hours of the online component are spent on asynchronous Canvas discussions, where the exchange is a combination of written, video, and audio posts by students and myself.

Here are the typical instructions for the discussions:

"Let's talk to one another! For the material from this week, you are required to: Ask a question about something you were confused about. Be specific: describe in general what was being covered, as well where you got lost or confused. Read through all the posts, and reply to two other student's questions. At least one of your questions or replies should include video or audio. Go ahead and 'like' posts that you found particularly helpful!"
I have taken accessibility training as part of the CVC-OEI or POCR process., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Deone Kunkel Wu
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Starting at Tue Feb 15 2022 10:40:54 GMT-0500 (EST)
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:23 PM
2/15/2022 7:43:392/15/202285Ryan Scherbart
Arts, Media, & Communication
Fast Track
I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college, I have had courses approved for the CVC-OEI Course Exchange, I have completed an online teaching certification program through another institution
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Introduction to Philosophy
Hybrid Asynchronous (course meets On-campus AND is Asynchronous in Canvas)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous)
Lectures (on-campus), Discussions (on-campus)
This is a hybrid class where 50% of the inside-of-class hours are spent in person, and 50% of them are conducted online asynchronously. The class is set up to be comparable to a F2F section that meets, e.g., T-Th from 9-10:15am, where the Tuesday meeting is on campus and the 'Thursday meeting' is conducted virtually.

27 synchronous in-person inside-of-class hours:

Of the 54 in-person contact hours, half of them (27 hours) are spent in-person in the classroom. There is a major lecture component during these meetings (about 20 hours), along with many opportunities for active learning. I keep in mind the variety of learning styles (auditory, kinesthetic, visual, etc.), as well as students’ varying abilities and background knowledge. Organization is vital. Students should not get lost or not have the tools they need to succeed. Presenting material with enthusiasm is paramount as well. I often pause in class to assess how students are faring with the material. My teaching mantra is “be clear and captivating.” I am mindful about keeping material straightforward and interesting. 7 hours of these 27, will be spent on synchronous in-person class discussions.

27 asynchronous online inside-of-class hours:

About 20 of these are spent on asynchronous Canvas discussions, where the exchange is a combination of written, video, and audio posts by students and myself. There is both student to student and instructor to student interaction.

Here are the typical instructions for the discussions:

"Let's talk to one another! For the material from this week, you are required to: Ask a question about something you were confused about. Be specific: describe in general what was being covered, as well where you got lost or confused. Read through all the posts, and reply to two other student's questions. At least one of your questions or replies should include video or audio. Go ahead and 'like' posts that you found particularly helpful!"

7 of the 27 asynchronous inside-of-class hours are spent on assessment, i.e., quizzes and exams. Autogenerated feedback and tailored written feedback are provided for each student.

Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students
This is a hybrid class with 50% of inside-of-class hours are spent in person.
Of the in-person hours, about 20 are spent on active learning lectures where students participate by responding to prompts and asking questions.

About 20 hours of the online component are spent on asynchronous Canvas discussions, where the exchange is a combination of written, video, and audio posts by students. There are about 15 discussions a term. There are about 5 discussions where I provide a brief response to every student (though a combination of written, audio, and video posts). There are about 10 other discussions where I provide a longer, more thorough response to the questions that drive home the most important and common question themes.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required)
Again, this is a hybrid class with 50% of inside-of-class hours are spent in person.
Of the in-person hours, students spend several hours (~3) asking each other questions about the material.

About 20 hours of the online component are spent on asynchronous Canvas discussions, where the exchange is a combination of written, video, and audio posts by students and myself.

Here are the typical instructions for the discussions:

"Let's talk to one another! For the material from this week, you are required to: Ask a question about something you were confused about. Be specific: describe in general what was being covered, as well where you got lost or confused. Read through all the posts, and reply to two other student's questions. At least one of your questions or replies should include video or audio. Go ahead and 'like' posts that you found particularly helpful!"
I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Deone Kunkel Wu
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Ryan Scherbart_PHIL 50_2/15/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 15 2022 10:43 AM
2/15/2022 7:50:59, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/15/2022 7:50:59, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:23 PM
2/15/2022 7:46:082/15/202286Ryan Scherbart
Arts, Media, & Communication
Fast Track
I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college, I have had courses approved for the CVC-OEI Course Exchange, I have completed an online teaching certification program through another institution
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
RELS 50Religions of the World3YesOther
Hybrid Asynchronous (course meets On-campus AND is Asynchronous in Canvas)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous)
Lectures (on-campus), Discussions (on-campus)
This is a hybrid class where 50% of the inside-of-class hours are spent in person, and 50% of them are conducted online asynchronously. The class is set up to be comparable to a F2F section that meets, e.g., T-Th from 9-10:15am, where the Tuesday meeting is on campus and the 'Thursday meeting' is conducted virtually.

27 synchronous in-person inside-of-class hours:

Of the 54 in-person contact hours, half of them (27 hours) are spent in-person in the classroom. There is a major lecture component during these meetings (about 20 hours), along with many opportunities for active learning. I keep in mind the variety of learning styles (auditory, kinesthetic, visual, etc.), as well as students’ varying abilities and background knowledge. Organization is vital. Students should not get lost or not have the tools they need to succeed. Presenting material with enthusiasm is paramount as well. I often pause in class to assess how students are faring with the material. My teaching mantra is “be clear and captivating.” I am mindful about keeping material straightforward and interesting. 7 hours of these 27, will be spent on synchronous in-person class discussions.

27 asynchronous online inside-of-class hours:

About 20 of these are spent on asynchronous Canvas discussions, where the exchange is a combination of written, video, and audio posts by students and myself. There is both student to student and instructor to student interaction.

Here are the typical instructions for the discussions:

"Let's talk to one another! For the material from this week, you are required to: Ask a question about something you were confused about. Be specific: describe in general what was being covered, as well where you got lost or confused. Read through all the posts, and reply to two other student's questions. At least one of your questions or replies should include video or audio. Go ahead and 'like' posts that you found particularly helpful!"

7 of the 27 asynchronous inside-of-class hours are spent on assessment, i.e., quizzes and exams. Autogenerated feedback and tailored written feedback are provided for each student.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students
This is a hybrid class with 50% of inside-of-class hours are spent in person.
Of the in-person hours, about 20 are spent on active learning lectures where students participate by responding to prompts and asking questions.

About 20 hours of the online component are spent on asynchronous Canvas discussions, where the exchange is a combination of written, video, and audio posts by students. There are about 15 discussions a term. There are about 5 discussions where I provide a brief response to every student (though a combination of written, audio, and video posts). There are about 10 other discussions where I provide a longer, more thorough response to the questions that drive home the most important and common question themes.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required)
Again, this is a hybrid class with 50% of inside-of-class hours are spent in person.
Of the in-person hours, students spend several hours (~3) asking each other questions about the material.

About 20 hours of the online component are spent on asynchronous Canvas discussions, where the exchange is a combination of written, video, and audio posts by students and myself.

Here are the typical instructions for the discussions:

"Let's talk to one another! For the material from this week, you are required to: Ask a question about something you were confused about. Be specific: describe in general what was being covered, as well where you got lost or confused. Read through all the posts, and reply to two other student's questions. At least one of your questions or replies should include video or audio. Go ahead and 'like' posts that you found particularly helpful!"
I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Deone Kunkel Wu
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Ryan Scherbart_RELS 50_2/15/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 15 2022 10:46 AM
2/15/2022 7:51:00, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/15/2022 7:51:00, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:23 PM
2/15/2022 7:51:202/15/202287Ryan Scherbart
Arts, Media, & Communication
Fast Track
I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college, I have had courses approved for the CVC-OEI Course Exchange, I have completed an online teaching certification program through another institution
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
PHIL 55Symbolic Logic3YesOther
Hybrid Asynchronous (course meets On-campus AND is Asynchronous in Canvas)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous)
Lectures (on-campus), Discussions (on-campus)
This is a hybrid class where 50% of the inside-of-class hours are spent in person, and 50% of them are conducted online asynchronously. The class is set up to be comparable to a F2F section that meets, e.g., T-Th from 9-10:15am, where the Tuesday meeting is on campus and the 'Thursday meeting' is conducted virtually.

27 synchronous in-person inside-of-class hours:

Of the 54 in-person contact hours, half of them (27 hours) are spent in-person in the classroom. There is a major lecture component during these meetings (about 20 hours), along with many opportunities for active learning. I keep in mind the variety of learning styles (auditory, kinesthetic, visual, etc.), as well as students’ varying abilities and background knowledge. Organization is vital. Students should not get lost or not have the tools they need to succeed. Presenting material with enthusiasm is paramount as well. I often pause in class to assess how students are faring with the material. My teaching mantra is “be clear and captivating.” I am mindful about keeping material straightforward and interesting. 7 hours of these 27, will be spent on synchronous in-person class discussions.

27 asynchronous online inside-of-class hours:

About 20 of these are spent on asynchronous Canvas discussions, where the exchange is a combination of written, video, and audio posts by students and myself. There is both student to student and instructor to student interaction.

Here are the typical instructions for the discussions:

"Let's talk to one another! For the material from this week, you are required to: Ask a question about something you were confused about. Be specific: describe in general what was being covered, as well where you got lost or confused. Read through all the posts, and reply to two other student's questions. At least one of your questions or replies should include video or audio. Go ahead and 'like' posts that you found particularly helpful!"

7 of the 27 asynchronous inside-of-class hours are spent on assessment, i.e., quizzes and exams. Autogenerated feedback and tailored written feedback are provided for each student.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students
This is a hybrid class with 50% of inside-of-class hours are spent in person.
Of the in-person hours, about 20 are spent on active learning lectures where students participate by responding to prompts and asking questions.

About 20 hours of the online component are spent on asynchronous Canvas discussions, where the exchange is a combination of written, video, and audio posts by students. There are about 15 discussions a term. There are about 5 discussions where I provide a brief response to every student (though a combination of written, audio, and video posts). There are about 10 other discussions where I provide a longer, more thorough response to the questions that drive home the most important and common question themes.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required)
Again, this is a hybrid class with 50% of inside-of-class hours are spent in person.
Of the in-person hours, students spend several hours (~3) asking each other questions about the material.

About 20 hours of the online component are spent on asynchronous Canvas discussions, where the exchange is a combination of written, video, and audio posts by students and myself.

Here are the typical instructions for the discussions:

"Let's talk to one another! For the material from this week, you are required to: Ask a question about something you were confused about. Be specific: describe in general what was being covered, as well where you got lost or confused. Read through all the posts, and reply to two other student's questions. At least one of your questions or replies should include video or audio. Go ahead and 'like' posts that you found particularly helpful!"
I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Deone Kunkel Wu
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Ryan Scherbart_PHIL 55_2/15/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 15 2022 10:51 AM
2/15/2022 8:51:07, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/15/2022 8:51:07, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:23 PM
2/15/2022 9:12:212/15/202288Mark Wagner
Arts, Media, & Communication
I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot
Only teaching remotely during the pandemic
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
DIGM 1Intro to Digital Media3YesFall 2022
Online Combo (course is both Asynchronous AND meets Synchronously online)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Lecture - 36 hrs., Lab - 54 hrs., Studio - 18 hrs.Total: 108 hrs.
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (synchronous), Student Presentations (synchronous), Assignments (synchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Student Presentations (asynchronous), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.), Publisher created content, Other
My class will have 2 hour per week of Online Lectures (synchronous) delivered through Canvas Studio which will also be recorded for (asynchronous) students. I plan to offer students questions and discussions that create opportunities to interact with each other.
Students will complete 4 hours of assignments and discussions per week and will post work in Canvas. Students complete 3 hours of studio/lab, where I introduce the assignment in a synchronous zoom that will be recorded for students asynchronous to complete on their own time. There will then be 1 hour interaction and discussion with me and other students as needed. This totals 4 hours for course outline per week.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Facilitated Group Collaborations, Other
I send out a weekly announcement and communicate to individual students through Canvas Inbox Message. I provide a weekly overview via Canvas Studio and videos with student comments enabled and reply to all posted questions. I have students talk to each other and show artwork through Discussions. I read all discussions and comment when needed. In the synchronized lectures I will invite the students to ask questions and answer. Asynchronized students will answer questions in Discussions that are read by everyone.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations, Peer Review type activities, Lab Activities/Experiments, Field Trips/Performances, Other
All students are required to post to Canvas Discussions each week and reply to the posts of six other students. Students also show their art assignments to each others in Discussions. Students meet weekly on Zoom and work in breakout groups in lab/studio. Zoom meetings are recorded for Asynchronized students who will show their work and interact in Discussions with everyone.
I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Deone Kunkel Wu
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Mark Wagner_DIGM 1_2/15/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 15 2022 12:12 PM
2/15/2022 9:51:07, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/15/2022 9:51:08, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:23 PM
2/15/2022 18:01:562/15/202289Sturgess, Anan
Social SciencesNew
I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college, I have taken an @One course, I have taken courses through the CVC-OEI
I have more than 5 years of online teaching experience at Foothill College
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.)
Principles of Microeconomics
2 unitsYes
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.), Publisher created content
My class will have 2 hour per week of Online Lectures (asynchronous) delivered through Canvas Lecture Slides and video tutorials. Students will also complete 1 hour per week of Discussions in Canvas every other week (asynchronous - class, group, small group) and be required to reply to the posts of two other students. Students will also have weekly Quizzes for reading assignment quizzes and chapter quizzes along with 3 Midterm Exams and Final Exam all given via Canvas Quizzes
No lab work
This course does not have lab work
Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Other
I respond to student Discussions and give constructive feedback. I send out a weekly Announcement and Canvas Inbox Message. I hold Zoom office hours. I reply to students’ emails within 24 hours during the weekdays and within 24-48 hours during weekends.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Other
Students are required to post to Canvas Discussions each week and reply to the posts of two other students.
I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., I have taken accessibility training as part of the CVC-OEI or POCR process., I received a certificate of POCR from CVC-OEI
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
#N/A#N/A#N/ACopied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Sturgess, Anan_Economics _2/15/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 15 2022 9:02 PM
2/15/2022 18:51:07, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.eduError: Invalid email: #N/A
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:23 PM
2/15/2022 20:25:162/15/202290Bonnie Stipe
Arts, Media, & Communication
Fast Track
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot, I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college, I have taken an @One course, I have completed an online teaching certification program through another institution
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Art 2AIntroduction to Drawing3 unitsYes
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Hybrid Asynchronous (course meets On-campus AND is Asynchronous in Canvas)
Online Lectures (synchronous), Student Presentations (synchronous), Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Student Presentations (asynchronous), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.), Other
Lectures (on-campus), Discussions (on-campus), Group Projects/Presentations (on-campus), Assignments (on-campus - example: in-class writings - not homework), Other
Online Lectures= 18 per semester
Video Presentations= 2.25 per semester
Slide Presentations= 2.25 per semester
Discussions= 9 per semester
Individual Presentations= 2.25per semester
VIdeos= 2.25 per semester
Other (student projects) 18 per semester

In-person Lectures= 18 per semester
In-person Demos= 4.5 per semester
In-person critiques= 9 per semester
Other (student projects) 22.5 per semester

Online Lectures= 18 per semester
Video Presentations= 2.25 per semester
Slide Presentations= 2.25 per semester
Discussions= 9 per semester
Individual Presentations= 2.25per semester
VIdeos= 2.25 per semester
Other (student projects) 18 per semester

In-person Lectures= 18 per semester
In-person Demos= 4.5 per semester
In-person critiques= 9 per semester
Other (student projects) 22.5 per semester
There will be an equal distribution of lecture and lab activities in-person and online. 1 hour lecture in person each week, 1 hours online. 2 hours lab in-person each week, 2 hour online.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Facilitated Group Collaborations, Other
Through Canvas tools, i.e. discussion posts and assignment feedback, they will post images of projects and receive feedback, both from myself and other students. We will also use discussion posts to view and critique professional artwork. I will hold regular Zoom sessions as well as have 24-48 hour response time to emails. I have google text number students can ask simple questions.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations, Peer Review type activities, Lab Activities/Experiments, Other
Through use of the Canvas tools like discussion posts, the chat function, and assignment posts.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Deone Kunkel Wu
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Bonnie Stipe_Art 2A_2/15/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 15 2022 11:25 PM
2/15/2022 20:51:07, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/15/2022 20:51:07, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:24 PM
2/16/2022 14:14:522/16/202291Crew, Daryl
Science & Mathematics
Fast TrackOther and Explain
Only teaching remotely during the pandemic
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Math 1Calculus I5YesFall 2022
Online Synchronous (course meets live online at specific days/times)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
90 Lecture, 0 Lab, 90 Total
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous)
5 hours of lecture per week
not applicablenot applicable
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings)
5 hours lecture per week, exams approximately every 2 weeks
Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Other
no student-student contact required
My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr. Safiyyah Forbes
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Crew, Daryl_Math 1_2/16/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 16 2022 5:15 PM
2/16/2022 14:51:09, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/16/2022 14:51:09, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:24 PM
2/16/2022 14:19:252/16/202292Crew, Daryl
Science & Mathematics
Fast TrackOther and Explain
Only teaching remotely during the pandemic
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Math 2Calculus II5YesFall 2022
Online Synchronous (course meets live online at specific days/times)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
90 Lecture, 0 Lab, 90 Total
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous)
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
5 hours lecture per weeknot applicablenot applicable
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings)
5 hours lecture per week, exams approximately every 2 weeks
Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings)
no student-student interaction required
My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr. Safiyyah Forbes
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Crew, Daryl_Math 2_2/16/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 16 2022 5:19 PM
2/16/2022 14:51:10, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/16/2022 14:51:10, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:24 PM
2/16/2022 21:14:462/16/202293Kang , Manny
Science & Mathematics
Fast Track
I have taken an @One course
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
CSCI-08Computer Literacy3 unitsYesSummer 2022
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
Lecture= 35, Lab = 35; Total hours = 70
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (asynchronous), Student Presentations (asynchronous), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), External Applications/Tools (example: Hypothesis, Perusal, etc.), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
N/A (This course does not have an On-Campus LECTURE component)
This CSCI-08 class will have 1 hour per week ( 18 hours/semester ) of Online Lectures (asynchronous) delivered through Canvas Studio with the option for student comments enabled. Students will also complete 0.74 hour per week ( = 11 hours/semester) of Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous) and be required to reply to the posts of two other students. Students will also have weekly Quizzes (7 hours/semester ) , Two Midterms and Final Exam ( 2+2+2 = 6 hours) all given via Canvas Quizzes. Total Lecture Hours = 35
The students will complete a 1-hour pre-lab discussion ( total 18 hours/semester) post related with MyITlab assignment related with computer concepts, networking and internet concepts, Microsoft office, windows la, each week in Canvas, posting responses and commenting upon classmates' work in the weekly forum prior to class. Lab students will attend a 1 hour-per week ( total = 18 hours/semester) in using their own computers at home , working in online teams conducting experiments, and will work asynchronously in the following week to complete a post-lab summary assessment submitted and discussed in Canvas. Total Lecture Hours = 36
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio)
I respond to every discussion, provide constructive and positive comments to help students improve their work. The students will get feedback on each lab
assignment, either directly through Canvas or Microsoft application tools. I will
contact students who are at risk, and I also send out weekly reminders for each week’s programming lab assignments. When students keep missing lab
assignments or other related work, they receive personalized reminders to
communicate with me by phone, email, or by using canvas conference online tools, and Skype. I will provide very good support online by using Canvas and email to students. The 24 hour and 7 days week instructor support will be provided to students to resolve their homework or other problems.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Group Collaborations, Peer Review type activities, Lab Activities/Experiments
There will be online class discussion, so that they can interact with each other.
Students will have to respond to at least 3 other student’s posts • There will be online group projects and lab assignments for students to work with each other.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I have completed the "Digital Access and Inclusion" course., I have taken accessibility training as part of the CVC-OEI or POCR process., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr. Safiyyah Forbes
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Kang , Manny_CSCI-08_2/16/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 17 2022 12:15 AM
2/16/2022 21:51:07, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/16/2022 21:51:08, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:24 PM
2/17/2022 11:35:112/17/202294Richard Cartwright
Language ArtsFast Track
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have taken an @One course, Other and Explain
Taught online at Chabot and elsewehere. Also have trained others to teach online.
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
ENGL 215
English Skills - Support with Reading and Writing
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
N/A18 total for semester
Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Other
Students will work instructor on drafts of essays for other classes. 18hrs total for semester.
Instructor Feedback on student work, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings)
Working one on one with students on their essays.
This is a support class. It's designed to be one on one with the instructor.
I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr, Roam Romagnoli
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Richard Cartwright_ENGL 215_2/17/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 17 2022 2:35 PM
2/17/2022 11:50:55, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/17/2022 11:50:55, email sent from to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:24 PM
2/17/2022 11:48:012/17/202295Richard Cartwright
Language ArtsFast Track
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have taken an @One course, Other and Explain
Taught both at Chabot and elsewhere for 16 years. Also have trained others.
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Critical Thinking and Writing Across Disciplines
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
1 Hour of discussions, with the standard responses to other students. Another hour is for quizzes and other short assignments that mimic what is done in on ground classes. Another hour is for online lectures, videos, and other instructional items I want them to look at.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio)
There is some interaction in the discussions. But most of my contact with students is responding to their assignments with feedback and grades. Also, I will do office hours via zoom and respond in a timely manner to their emails and messages to me. I also believe in interventions. So I do send out periodic messages to students who might need a bit of encouragement or who might need someone to check in on them to see if they need help.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Peer Review type activities
There are discussions each week. Peer reviews are also another way that students interact with each other.
I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr, Roam Romagnoli
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Richard Cartwright_ENGL 7A_2/17/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 17 2022 2:48 PM
2/17/2022 11:50:55, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/17/2022 11:50:56, email sent from to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:24 PM
2/17/2022 14:50:562/17/202296Jacque Scharlach
Arts, Media, & Communication
Fast Track
I have completed an online teaching certification program through another institution
I have taught online for other colleges
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
MUSC23AVoice 11 unitYes
Spring 2022 (currently teaching)
Hybrid Synchronous (course meets On-campus AND meets Synchronously online)
Lecture: 54, Lab: 18, Total:72
Online Lectures (synchronous), Discussions (synchronous - class, group, small group), Group Projects/Presentations (synchronous), Student Presentations (synchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
Lectures (on-campus), Discussions (on-campus), Group Projects/Presentations (on-campus), Student Presentations (on-campus), Exams or Quizzes (on-campus)
My class will have a 1 hour per week Online Lecture and Class Discussions. This class will also have a 15-20 minute discussion component(asynchronous- group) and will be required to respond to at least one other student each week.
All lab hours will take place in person.
Students will use this one hour a week class time for: singing together, singing individually, doing sight singing together, speaking text of pieces, etc.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings)
I will respond to students discussion posts. I also post articles and additional materials via Canvas regularly through Announcements. All of our Monday classes are synchronous Zoom sessions with the whole class.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Synchronous Video Conference Class Meetings (example: Zoom class meetings), Student Presentations (live or video), Group Collaborations, Peer Review type activities
Students are required to respond to at least one other student discussion response via Canvas a week. Additionally students work collaboratively weekly through our Synchronous Zoom meetings. Students present their songs and their peers give constructive critique.
I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards., I have taken courses at SJSU and West Valley College on course accessibility.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Deone Kunkel Wu
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Jacque Scharlach_MUSC23A_2/17/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Failed to add as editor: API call to drive.permissions.insert failed with error: Bad Request. User message: "You are trying to invite Since there is no Google account associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient."; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 17 2022 5:51 PM
2/17/2022 15:51:06, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/17/2022 15:51:06, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:24 PM
2/17/2022 16:02:372/17/202297Wong, Wanda
Science & Mathematics
Fast Track
I have received Online Teaching training at Chabot, I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college, I have taken an @One course, I have completed an online teaching certification program through another institution
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have consulted with my department/ discipline/ subject., I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Intro to computer programming concepts
3YesSummer 2022
Online Asynchronous (course does not meet on specific days and times - course completed in Canvas)
N/A (This course is not Hybrid)
54 lecture, 18 lab, total 72 hours
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), External Applications/Tools (example: Hypothesis, Perusal, etc.), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.), Publisher created content
54 lecture hours via Canvas: 18 hours for quizzes, 6 hours of exams, 9 hours of discussion topics among students and/or instructor, 21 lecture hours via pdf, Word, PPT, Videos, and programming demos.
Lab hours (18) will have students to work together in a supported site (publisher or other programming compiler sites) to make partial small module of a program or make revisions/addition to a provided program. Students can ask for help or guidance via zoom with instructor standby at a zoom link.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students
Weekly announcement/messages to class; Email/message individual students to offer additional help/explanations to all identified struggling students; provide feedback to student's lab assignment, programming assignment, and discussion assignment; there is a "Questions for the instructor" forum in the discussion board.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Lab Activities/Experiments
Students must participate in discussion by posting and replying to each other; students work in groups during lab activities
Studied accessibility for online class at CSUEB
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
Dr. Safiyyah Forbes
Copied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Wong, Wanda_CSCI 7_2/17/2022_File
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Emails Sent: [To:; Reply To:;]; Run via form trigger as; Timestamp: Feb 17 2022 7:02 PM
2/17/2022 16:51:06, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.edu2/17/2022 16:51:06, email sent from to, cc'd to
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:24 PM
2/17/2022 20:53:232/17/202298Clemente, Rafael
Social SciencesFast Track
I participated in the remote education training offered at the beginning of the pandemic, I have received Online Teaching training at LPC/ another college, I have taken an @One course, I have completed an online teaching certification program through another institution
I have taught online for Chabot (been through the COOL process before))
No, I do not need training/ guidance for setting up the Canvas course site and/or content.
I have consulted with my Division Dean. The Dean supports my teaching this course in online/hybrid format. (Note that Deans have full discretion over course assignments.), I have reviewed online teaching resources & updates at, I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at
Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences Workshop
0.5YesFall 2022
Hybrid Asynchronous (course meets On-campus AND is Asynchronous in Canvas)
This course is already Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) or Low Textbook Cost (LTC os $50 or less).
Online Lectures (asynchronous), Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous - class, group, small group), Assignments (asynchronous - example: in-class writings - not homework), Exams or Quizzes (asynchronous), Videos (not instructor-created - TedTalks, YouTube, etc.)
Lectures (on-campus), Discussions (on-campus)
Online Lectures (asynchronous) 8 hours, Discussions in Canvas (asynchronous) 7 hours, Assignments (asynchronous) 3 hours, Exams/Quizzes (asynchronous) 2 hours, Videos (non-instructor) 1 hour), Lectures (on-campus) 8 hours, Discussions (on-campus) 7 hours.
Instructor participation in Discussions, Instructor Feedback on student work, Regular Announcements/Messages to class, Messages to Individual Students, Instructor-created videos for announcements/class communications with student comments enabled (example: Canvas Studio), Other communication tools such as Pronto/Remind/
I respond to student Discussions with answers and provide insightful Feedback/comments. weekly Announcements are sent to students with expectations/assignments for the week. Reminder Messages are sent to individual students and any necessary outreach. Instructor-created studio videos are posted with comments enabled for student dialogue and sharing. Pronto Chat is used to send reminders, answer questions, share ideas and assignment insights with all students.
Discussions - class, group, small group (replies required), Peer Review type activities, Other communication tools such as Pronto/Remind/
Students are required to post a reply to the Canvas Discussions each week and validate work as part of a Peer Review process. Pronto is used by students to share concept insights, and obtain peer support.
I have attended a Chabot Online Teaching Workshop on Accessibility., I've taken an accessibility workshop at another local Community College., I am taking the necessary steps to make my course site and content accessible., My course site and content already comply with all of the above accessibility standards.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with ADA regulations at this time.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the above information and will comply with FERPA regulations in this online course.
I do not need assistance setting up my Canvas site to comply with FERPA regulations.
#N/A#N/A#N/ACopied down all formats, and formulas from row 2 in columns B-C, AI-AK. Copied and pasted back values in column(s) B-C, AI-AK.
Clemente, Rafael_PSY 5W_2/17/2022_File
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2/17/2022 21:51:06, email sent from to, cc'd to jgrillo@chabotcollege.eduError: Invalid email: #N/A
<Name> <Course Subject and Number> <Semester>
Document successfully created; Document successfully merged; Manually run by; Timestamp: Oct 2 2022 11:24 PM