TimestampWhat is your Sifchain Beta net Address? What is your Discord handle?What is your Telegram handle?What other Blockchains do you currently run nodes for?Share your experience in operating a Cosmos-SDK/Tendermint based BlockchainHow long has been your validator been active?What has been your historical uptime as Sifchain Node Validator?What kind of emergency response plans do you have?You have an uptime below 90% during the past one thousand blocks. To restore stability, what measures will you take?Your validator node is unstable due to a sudden rise in network transaction. What measures will you take? How do you protect yourself against DOS attack?Do you have 24/7 node monitoring tools? If so, could you please briefly describe it? How are you alerted when your validator node has a problem? Where are you going to operate your machine?Please share the security measures you use for your validator nodes. Good examples are TLS endpoint encryption, Firewalls, VPN, Hardware Security Modules (HSM), etc. How long do you plan to run Validator node?Under what circumstances will you stop operating node?Any other important notes you want to add about yourself and/or your node operations.
You authorize us to share any/all of the above information publicly to assist people in making their delegation decisions.
18/03/2021 23:06:31sifvaloper1lj3rsayj4xtrhp2e3elv4nf7lazxty27rqgngnwhataday2day#1271go_onSolana, Akash Network, Mina Protocol, Spacemesh, Desmos Network, Keep Network, Pocket Network, Sentinel Protocol, Crust, Chainx, Plasm Network, Tezos, Witnet, NYM, Robonomicsabout 2 yearsAbout monthDepends on what happened
If the problem is on the hosting provider's side, then I have a backup server to which I can quickly transfer the validator

For other cases, there is a montiroing with notifications
I'll check the logs, the connection, and the serviceability of the equipment. If this does not help to identify the cause, then I will transfer the validator to the backup serverincrease the ulimit
increase the minimum commission for transactions in app.toml
restart the service

If that doesn't help then nothing but moving to a more powerful server will help
Protection at the hosting provider levelnode_exporter + prometheus + grafana + alertingmessage in telegramData Centerfirewall
non-root user
ssh keys instead password
Till profit can be madewhen the server stops paying off
I am interested in new technologies. I know several programming languages (python, golang).
Using a modern stack of technological solutions for montoring, load balancing, orchestration (Prometheus, Grafana, Custom exporters, Alertmanager, Ansible, Nginx, docker etc).
Writing useful utilities for various projects. Examples can be found in my github -
I support an infrastructure of more than 23 dedicated servers (Hetzner).
18/03/2021 23:16:57sifvaloper1lnhxf6war6qlldemkqzp0t3g57hpe9a6nh3tyvBlockNgine#7943@NGINECardano,Kava,BandChain,Terra,Mina1+ years16 days100%We use Infrastructure as Code on a docker cluster; It it possible to fully re-provision validator on another hardware provider in very little time Check logs, ensure enough peer connectivity, disk IO, etcMove sentries to a bigger server with more resources. If transactions look spammy; then increase minimum fees instead
either horizontally scale sentires or fail2ban pending nature of attack
Prometheus + Alertmanager + Grafanawarning alerts via email only, critical alerts will be sent by SMS alsoCloud
Cluster communicates over VPN only. OS (UFW) and a VPS based firewall. Node runs as non-root user with read-only filesystem. SSH only possible with private key and only after allowing in VPS firewall to single IP.
Till the project is aliveIf developers abandon projectYes
18/03/2021 23:18:53sif15zqdf7svujgnvp909uzuyn4yxpc4htxcut8mzkProxy#9508prxy0Bitcoin / Ethereum / Tezos / CosmosCosmos ICO investor8 days100.00%Prevention of foreseeable failures + active responseAlert and debug situationLaunch higher spec nodeFirewall safeguards + separate backup nodesAlerts via lightweight Panic Cosmos appTelegramCloudFirewall and cloud security practices. Future investigation into cloud based HSMOne year or moreDevelopers stop supporting projectYes
19/03/2021 00:15:10sif15ju3gk2engupvd0zalqct32yt5wk79pusqjtnscryptoB3#5703@cryptoB3Presearch (on a different laptop)
Honestly, had a lot of issues in setting up and the docs were not up to date. Lost a few rowan while setting up and lost a few more due to network issues. Would appreciate if you guys can come up with a most uptodate page with all the details.
Started on 2nd March, still running. had some issues inbetween but mostly reliable since March 7.
Since March 7, down only once for ~5 hours. This was because I didn't setup an alert. Now I have an alert setup so I can bring it back online soon if it goes down.Setup a TG alert if my nodes goes down using the panic_cosmos code setupAs soon as I can, I will clean restart my node and will let it catch up the block heights before un-jail.I will reach out to other validators and sifchain devs to see how I can stabilize my node.
I admit I don't know how. Would you arrange for a session on how we can protect ourself from a DOS attack?
Yes I have panic_cosmos installedTelegramHomeI have plans to purchase a pro VPN which I will install soon on my server.Till the project is aliveI do not have any plans to stop operating the node.
I really hope you provide us with more time to bring the node back up if it goes down, lost quite a few Rowan because of that.
19/03/2021 00:35:10sifvaloper14tm9600fx088jw55gypcwkwh04j34e9jgc0p8nDanil Ushakov#5735@MasterDanila
My nodes-validator in Mainnets:








Participation in testnets as a validator: Oasis, Avalanche, Nucypher, KEEP, Casper Labs, Pocket, Akash, Plasm network, Near, Solana, Darwinia, Joystream, Bluzelle, Matic, Celer, Elrond, Stegos, Certik, Stafi, Phala, Bifrost, Crust, Sifchain, CODA/MINA, Orai, Clover, Regen, Compound, Nym, Robonomics, Moonbeam

Oasis (40+ million tokens in stake, ~$8 million), Akash (570k+ tokens in stake, ~$3 million), Certik (160k+ tokens in stake, ~$400k). So, i have a lot experience in operating Tendermint-based validator nodes.
from genesis time100%hot backup node running in parallel with main validator nodeswitch to reserve node, upgrade network connection bandwidthupgrade RAM/CPU/networksentry nodes, hosting provider have a DOS protection tooPrometheus+Grafana for monitoring and alarmingalerts send by Grafana to email and telegram botData CenterTill the project is alivetoo low income within long time (3-6 months)Yes
19/03/2021 00:35:46sif1v3hn6v0j6j8f4el9c0gkn5ef2zjeg9pxt4e370Bart | chainvibes#4802@CreamersAkash & & Polygon ( & & etc
Been active since 2017 and we have a lot of experience running cosmos based chains on multiple networks.
We have our validator active since we discovered Sifchain.
Up without downtime since we discovered Sifchain and it's future potential.
We always have multiple (sentry) nodes and backups in place in case of emergency. The use of VMWare gives us the possibility to fail over to a new server in matter of seconds. In case of disaster we also have offside servers available and ready to take over.
Because we have baremetal servers running in a private colo datacenter, we'll first check if there are any problems there, but in the meantime we can fallback to the offside backup node.
Because we use VMWare on our own baremetal servers, we can user vmotion to move the server to another server without downtime. We already have enough resources and bandwidth to prevent a resource issue.
Because we have a lot experience running cosmos based nodes, we know that it's important to run sentries to protect the validator against DDOS attacks. Also our datacenter has DDOS protection and besides our firewall we take all best practices to protect our nodes.
We use a combination of Icinga2 for alerting and Grafana/Prometheus for the overview/visuals and partial alerting.My phone will alert me when certain thresholds are triggered 24/7Data Center
All of our nodes are only accessible from certain sides (and jump boxes) using a secure VPN and nodes are protected by firewalls. To ensure that we applied the best practices to secure our nodes we make sure that we get a >90 score with Lynis.
We can keep the node running for as long as needed. We will stop our node if Sifchain stops developing which will probably never happen ;)
We have recently been audited by and of all the selected validators, chainvibes was one of the four that received 100% score!
19/03/2021 00:51:15devnulldev.null#7525devit0solana,swarm,hydrafxdevelopment.own isp ;) for reservemove to other datacenter!check network band, check tcplimits, or hardware upgrade.thats decenral!) change ip and welcome!grafana & notificationsupper. grafana.Data Centerangry cleaning lady!Till the project is aliveIn case of huge lossdev team, own isp and free servers with stable networking:)Yes
19/03/2021 01:47:42sif1k5cpjm6yu4zkkylzr659vzxcvy90l3xdz9s4ksquant.eth#0001@quantsoldierEth 2.0, Eth 1.02 weeks100%AWS Autoscaling + Data Lifecycle Management + VPCAWS Data Lifecycle ManagementAWS AutoscalingAWS IAM + VPCAWS CloudWatch Logs + MetricsCloudAWS IAM + VPC + KMSOne year or moreSifchain teams fails to deliver on promises in a reasonable timespanFull-Time FAANG Cloud Engineer, Part-Time Ethereum DeveloperYes
19/03/2021 02:02:51sif1av5d3fudnc2ts4uln3t4z5xlgg4999gpv4mlv3
rajjiv-vturbo - humble_staking (tag2113)
@humble_stakingNo others now part from sifchainExperience with Terra and SifchainSince 24th Feb 2021.
Mostly up all the time, once I was jailed for incorrect rights on my local docker group, solved that, another time I performed a graceful reboot of my node (no jailing just a planned restart), so I'm mostly up all the time.
Luckily I work from home, and live in a small-ish town, being able to access my host isn't an issue, important is to know I always have my laptop near me, and once slashing parameters hopefully get more realistic the time window will be sufficient to handle an issue.
Log in asap, analyse, attempt clean restarts or check for any hanging processes.Analyse potential performance increases on the server, I have backups and use digital ocean, to spin up another side won't be an issue.Currently only a standard firewall (I do not run a sentry setup).Small basic scripts, which serve the purpose of alerting me if the node is down or if space is filling up.
I used some scripts to alert me for downtime of Unix processes, I make daily spot checks.
CloudCurrently only firewalls in place, plan more in future.Till the project is alive
If slashing parameters remain mega short/unrealistic, and if the project itself collapses, otherwise I am generally happy to support aifchain as I believe in what you guys/gals are trying to achieve.
Keep it irie, keep it humble, and spread da love.Yes
19/03/2021 02:03:22sif1avau6q23mrmmuz2nlyqk0mgrdzna5tf6yvc0et
Mateip |; Knox | #3623
@Mateip96; @Minu06Graph; Matic; Mina;Moonbeam; NuCypher
Interacted with multiple projects based on Tendermint, running nodes for networks like Bluzelle, Terra, Cosmos and many others.
24.02.2021100%Dedicated on call engineersInvestigate the root cause and improve the monitoring/alert mechanismScale up the resources and bandwidth We've made sure we expose only the p2p port Prometheus configured to push alerts/notifications on slack channelVia Slack channel which is monitored by our on-call engineerCloudFirewalls and HSM are included in our cloud subscription and handled by our cloud providerTill the project is aliveIf we run out of resources(financial or human)New organization trying to prove itself in the blockchain industry with a highly experienced teamYes
19/03/2021 03:37:01sif1wzasf28xkhj4d2y6mdvgydppuzjkgja2k7ayssIlshat#0752@ilshat016Casper, hydradx, Agoric, aioz, spacemesh, joystream2 months, we are a young company uptime "21:36:29 up 14 days, 7:20, 1 user, load average: 0.27, 0.29, 0.25"the monitoring service is installed, a restart is configured in case of a node failure, a backup is made restart in case of node failure, analysis and elimination of the problem Use the testcookie module Zabbix and other tools e-mail, telegramCloudTill the project is aliveForce MajeureYes
19/03/2021 06:45:14sif1ll9avde82ja3k9wxjd0p8w5cykk3w3n0y68lrkjarbas#4214@jassilvaAgoric, Incognito and MINABand Protocol and Agoric
We began in Feb 20th still in testnet, and went live on BetaNet in the first week.
100% during the whole BetaNet life.We have monitoring and a Telegram Bot that warns us in case of failure. Node is running on a Service Provider in Germany with High Availability. We have to perform a root cause analysis, but this kind of problem used to be related to networking issues like peers unreachable, firewall misconfigurations or even any other resource contention.Scale up the computing resources in order to process the higher demand of network transactions.
Firewall proper configuration with limited connections per source address.
We are using a customized monitoring tool that warns us in case of node failures or resource constraints.Telegram bot.CloudFirewall, restricted SSH/TLS access using private keys, and operating system hardening with minimal active services.Till the project is alive
If the network becomes too centralized with few nodes controlling almost the total voting power.
Related to information sharing, we just authorize publishing the validator name EarnX, instead of my name.
19/03/2021 11:53:42
Photon#4219breathephotonPolygon (Matic), CertiK
Both CertiK and Matic run Cosmos/Tendermint. We have also run betanets with Akash and Nym.
A year.
When running the one built from source, almost 100% as it runs from a DC. It was no longer running after the March 4 update, where we moved to Docker and for reasons we tried to fix but haven't found out yet why it syncs but is not signing blocks. Ali_the_Curious #2359 kindly helped us and would ping us if a fix has already been found.
We have bash scripts that constantly monitor the node and automatically tries mitigations to keep the server and validator healthy.
Check error logs and health metrics to identify what is causing the problem. Once the cause is identified, then we can try to fix it. We also take note of these event and normally script them so that the same future events can be mitigated automatically.
Create a server with higher capacity from the snapshot of the current one. Take down the current server just before the new one goes online.
The DCs we use have built-in DDoS mitigations. We also run our validators in dedicated servers. There are no other services running other than just what the node requires, so it's resources are not shared to other services that can be DoSed.
Yes. We use custom-made bash scripts that monitor the health of the server and the node every minute. These are also programmed to apply known solutions without human intervention.
With each incident email alerts are sent to us with descriptions of what occurred.
Data Center
The node runs in its own dedicated server, without unnecessary services. We use UFW to open ports that are only needed by the node and SSH. We follow all security hardening best practices for servers. The servers automatically upgrade the OS and services every hour.
Till profit can be madeIf it is no longer profitable and there is no foreseeable future to the project.
Our passion is security and automation. We are Linux systems administrators for decades and who recently got interested in the blockchain.
19/03/2021 14:11:44sif1geft5af2gwtpympt92j77jm97lkn08j6zadrmfТуземунец#3488@JonnyMnXX-network, Regen, Kira, Solana, Mina, HydraDX, Agoric, Plasm, Sifchain
Participated in testnets of projects such as: Oasis, Akash, Regen, Sifchain, Bluzelle
More than one month100%I am setting up a Prometheus + Grafana monitoring system to keep track of server load as well as uptime and validator skip rate.I'll take a look at the situation. If there is not enough processor power or RAM, then I will change the server to a more powerful one. If there is not enough channel bandwidth, then I will increaseI will increase the bandwidth of the channel
Close all unused ports on the server. Connect the validator to the network via a sentry node.
Prometheus + Grafana SMS + e-mail alertsData CenterFirewall, VPNTill the project is aliveIf financially inexpedient
I have more than one year experience of participating in testnets. Participated in testnets of projects such as: Oasis, Elrond, Bluzelle, Pocket, Ava, Akash, Keep, Crust, XX-network, Regen, Kira, Stacks, Solana, Mina, Sifchain, Plasm, Agoric, HydraDX
19/03/2021 15:28:53sifvaloper1u7gfsx42k88sk6qr23gjdu2y5gkhm2h2zkryc5marcelmws | blockscape#6856@marcel_650cosmos, terra, emoney, regen, eth2, eth1, althea, desmos, band, kusama, lido
since cosmoshub-2 (you can find blockscape val in cosmoshub-3 genesis)
start_height: 216803Backupnode with multiple time secured keys Use higher IOPS and more throughput SSD's. Upgrade CPU, Ram.flush mempool with sentry nodes restarts, set higher minimum-gas-prices
monitor mempool of all nodes, sentry node architecture, backup node in different location
Yes, prometheus with grafana monitoring, with custom go websocket monitoring( missed blocks, chain health, rewards, val - ranking, alerts)
I conneced our monitoring with microsoft teams webhooks and appCloud
One year or moreIf slashing params do not change
Is it possible to refund our lost rowan token bacause of offline jailing? The first announcement for the update was to late
19/03/2021 15:43:14sifvaloper1ta2yj7yee373evu8xy73gludh8psy55rnczcqwdgtize#0050dgtizestakeNuCypher, Sifchain, Agoric.
We run validators for 2 Tendermint based blockchains and are exploring a number of others.
Active since 21 Feb 2021.100% uptime. We've never been jailed/slashed.
Our team spans multiple continents/timezones. With our monitoring and alerts in place we can respond preemptively to avoid emergencies. In the event of an emergency we have automated backups in place that we can recover from, and can we readily deploy new infrastructure if required.
Identify the root cause via our monitoring tools and scale as required.Our infrastructure will automatically scale out to handle the spike in load. If the increased load is persistent we will scale up our hardware.
Our Kubernetes cluster sits behind a load balancer and our nodes are spread across multiple availability zones.
Yes, Prometheus/Grafana for our Kubernetes cluster and sifnode.
Alerts configured in Grafana immediately notify us about performance degradation or other issues. AWS CloudWatch alerts as a backup.
CloudThe validator nodes are privately subnetted and sit behind a public facing load balancer. All infrastructure is secured by firewalls. Nodes persistent storage is encrypted at rest.Till the project is aliveWe have no plans to cease the operation of our validator.We are highly responsive and you'll very often find us in Telegram or Discord.Yes
19/03/2021 22:39:54sifvaloper1x5x0zghfep8jkg4n2gz88del6n22yescv3n3rsJ | WeStaking#2593@westakingcosmos, terra, kava, band protocol, emoney, akash, ...from 2019.05.2899% ~ 100%passive Validator node for failoveractivate the passive validator node.1. increase mempool size
2. increase minimum fees
sentry node architecture & twilioData Centerwe use tmkms to prevent double signing
All ports are blocked except for the port for the sifchain node.
ssh for management can only be accessed by VPN. .
Till the project is aliveif cryptocurrency is banned from the country, but that won't happen.No
19/03/2021 22:41:57sifvaloper1esq08388phznkerfhg2ce26f66yj3s5s2096tmretz80#5872retz80E-Moneywhile about 1 year (e-money validator)I use panic_cosmos to monitor node status and run another backup node.
My Validator node is connected to only sentry nodes. (Validator node is hidden from DOS attack.
CloudOne year or moreYes
19/03/2021 22:59:54sif15hx58qu3jpups0dhwcfy9w06d3h7pfe4tl46trfierydev#4953@fierydevFantom, Matic, MINA, LTO, Stafi, Fusion, AVAX, XXNetwork, Joystream, ETH, Pirl, CRO, etcFantom, CRO, Matic all had the same 8th March'2021100%Professional Validator with multiple team members, dedicated hardware with firewall
Extensive devops experience
RAID for data backup, 24x7 power and fallback gigabit ethernet
Server resources used will be verified, network connection, logs, etc
Appropriate action as per issue will be taken
Ensure sentry status and proper resources are allocated so as to prevent any bottlenecks
(Eg NVME is used)
Only SSH login, password disabled, Fail2ban, root login disabled, firewall, sentry, etc
Multiple, like prometheus, netdata, webmin, etcVia e-mail & TGData CenterOnly SSH login, password disabled, Fail2ban, root login disabled, firewall, sentry, etcTill the project is aliveThe project diesFull time node operator for multiple projects!Yes
20/03/2021 00:39:36sifvaloper15nlwad2sduj326t809wnxxvgrg78x3gzyw978kryandmeyernevesisjust sifchain currently26 Feb100%We have limited emergency response - while multiple people receive monitoring notifications, I am the sole person responsible for remediation. I do have, sadly, two decades of devops on-call experience though.cloudwatchcloudwatchCloudOne year or moreYes
20/03/2021 01:42:47sifvaloper1j26ce96k8xu8jywy6plth867mruzl26lrw5gpx@doorsjm@doorsjmPreviously EOS but currently not operating nodes for any other blockchain.
I've developed from the ground up a Cosmos SDK based blockchain/application (Peer-to-Peer, Reverse Auction, Invoice Discounting platform) using Launchpad and just completed the upgrades to Stargate and working on launching a testnet of the chain. So I have a full appreciation of the internals of Cosmos SDK both from a developer, operational and management standpoints.
February 19, 2021
99.9999999999999%. Missed only 8 blocks with 7 of those blocks happening due to me restarting the service to enable prometheus within the configuration file, which required the service to be restarted for it to take effect, which took less than a minute.
Our instances are located in separate zones as a redundancy, so if one goes down the other will take over fully giving us enough time to bring up another instance. Alerts are setup based on various metrics through Cloudwatch and if any issue arises an alert is sent via email. If it's a case where the validator is jailed we will do our necessary checks to figure out what the issue is before unjailing. To the extreme we might bright up a whole new cluster and test to make sure it's woring properly before trying to unjail to start signing blocks again.
We'll do the necessary health checks on our Instances to make sure everything is ok. If one or more instances are giving issues we will check if memory, cpu or its volume is an issue and make the necessary adjustments. If we see where an additional instance is needed we will bring up another and allow its volume to catch up to the latest block height before adding to the group of instances that our Load Balancer delegates to.
We utilize an Elastic Load Balancer through our AWS setup that distributes the traffic to our two backend EC2 instances to reduce the risk of overloading any one instance and in turn the application. This Load Balancer scales automatically which allows it to manage larger volumes when you have unanticipated extra traffic. If we still see that the stability is lacking we'll increase the number of load balancers.
We utilize an Elastic Load Balancer through our AWS setup that distributes the traffic to our two backend EC2 instances to reduce the risk of overloading any one instance and in turn the application. This Load Balancer scales automatically which allows it to manage larger volumes when you have unanticipated extra traffic.
We are currently utilizing Amazon CloudWatch with simple notification alerts but will be utilizing Prometheus with a Grafana dashboard to monitor our nodes soon.
EmailCloudVPN and AWS Security Groups which provides security at the protocol layer acting as a firewall restricting the different ports inbound and outbound.Till the project is alive
If it's total unprofitable to do and there is no revenue to continue operating our servers.
20/03/2021 10:45:42sifvaloper15ju3gk2engupvd0zalqct32yt5wk79puez6pnqcryptoB3@cryptoB3Presearch (on a different laptop)
Wasn't pleasant, I'd admit - the time to bring back the node is tight and there were almost no guidance to first time node validators.
Since Mar 7no downtime since last 7 days. Been running it since Mar 2, but had issues until Mar 7I have setup panic_cosmos TG alertI will upgrade my server, get the latest version of sif node and restart the node.I will try and restart my node and if it doesn't work I will contact other validators/sif moderators
I'm running node for the first time, just read about DOS attack. I do not know how to handle this, can you help provide training/documents for this?
I have setup cosmos_panic TG alert setupTG AlertHomeI'm working on setting up a paid VPN on my server.Till the project is aliveI do not have any plans to stop the node.
I submitted a response earlier but provided my address wrongly so re-submitting the form with the right address. My Node is called B3SifNode.
20/03/2021 10:56:19sif10p27crmq35mtgysrygvnrt29kp5q40t4hpd0qhHanmin#3657, PANICCloudTill the project is aliveNo
20/03/2021 14:05:46sifvaloper1yf6puqrdn0lmvz2vz27shtctyr2npnw4ygvjkjOranG3#1415@vasya_rusSOLANA, CRUST,AVALANCHE, MINA, HOPR, CERTIK, XX NETWORK, JOYSTREAM, DESMOS, BLUZELLE, BITSONGI have nodes in mainnet: Bluzelle, Certik, and also in testnet: Agoric, Regen, Althea.Since 25.02.2021Since 25.02.2021It all depends on what the situation is. Take the extreme case. For some reason, the server with my validator will disappear. In this case, I have a backup and I can install it on the new server within 30 minutes.
To begin with, I will find out in the discord whether this is a mass error or only concerns my validator, if only mine - I will check the server status and its operation parameters. In case of identification of non-rights - I will solve all problems.
I will reinstall the node on a better server so that this does not happen in the future.I have sentry nodes.I use netdata, configured to notify me immediately in telegram.I use netdata, configured to notify me immediately in telegram.Data CenterI have a port open only for sentry node, also do not forget about apt install fail2ban-y : - DTill the project is aliveIf the sifchain team stops working on the project.Yes
20/03/2021 14:13:09sifvaloper1hy9cgqnnssgq060hzl8zd7v8wavhx3haktll2nAnna1242#2262@icofanrusDESMOS, BLUZELLE, BITSONG, REGEN, AGORIC
I decided to specialize in the nodes of the cosmos network: DESMOS, BLUZELLE, BITSONG, REGEN, AGORIC
I started to validate on 24.02.2020So the same from 24.02.2020I'v got backup servers, that are ready to validate any of my cosmos nodes in case some troubles.I'll find out if any other validators have such problems. If not, I'll try restarting the server. I think this is quite enough, because I have not yet had to face such problems.I will move the node to a more powerful server.
It's very important to have the sentry nodes that I have to prevent this from happening.
I'v got PANIC alerter for all of my cosmos nodes.PANIC is great for that)Data CenterTill the project is aliveTill the project is aliveYes
20/03/2021 21:36:16 sif180jxtq2khd5pjru6l5z6nhmwu9stckkywu7xq5haroondilshad#6890LiskThis is my first Tendermint based node experience12 days100%Multiple redundant VMs running in different geo origins. A team in multiple time zones so someone will always be available to do rescue work.
Check my VMs health, rummage through logs and monitoring dashboards to make sure everything looks alright. Check netsec groups, firewalls for outgoing connections, resource usage of the VMs, check to see if HEAD is at the latest in the repo, reach out to community to see if someone else already faced and solved the recurrant issues. Manually monitor the VMs for some time.
My nodes will auto scale and I'll make sure that my node has enough processing power and storage to handle the load.Google Cloud Armor protects the nodes from dos attacks.I've heard good things about "Panic Cosmos" and plan to use it.Email, slack and webhook notificationsCloudBuilt in DDoS protection, Google Shield VMs, Firewall locked in, Verifiable integrity with secure and measured boot, Trusted UEFI firmware, Live migration and patchingOne year or morePersonal circumstances not permitting
I'm a Software Engineer by profession currently working in the IoT division of a renowned Equipment manufacturer. My team has a DevOps Engineer, Full stack Engineers based across 3 continents and we're all technology enthusiasts
21/03/2021 05:47:56sifvaloper1f35ll39hj9zv5690kgajh992r4q4384pygpekxKostya#3379stromsundSolana, Mina, HydraDX
I do like that Cosmos is a pretty consistent SDK, thus allowing me to more or less remember the details and use it in other projects as well.
Since 28th of February 202118 days (there was an update on 3rd or March and I had to reload my node)I have monitoring tools running, some extra spare hardware reserved, and my phone has access to the node.
In the future (once the inflation is on) I'm planning to switch to k8s mode with LoadBalancer
Check if I'm utilizing 100% of CPU/memory/disk/bandwidth, probably my hardware is not good enough. If all good, I will check other node's performance. Read logs. Ask in the chat.export node's private key from the node and copy to the host with more powerful hardware
Haven't thought about it yet, TBH,, but I have heard about The Sentry Node Architecture
Yes, some custom Prometheus collectors + graphana dashboards + telegram notificationsTelegram notificationsData CenterI have a jump server (another server, with ed ssh keys to access it), and ssh connections to my node are allowed only from that jump server.Till profit can be made
If I will not be able to understand the reason why I'm got slashed for example. If it will require too much attention, which I will not be able to automate
21/03/2021 14:57:35sifvaloper1ylhy46hryw4r8xcm73pswjcj57pja2ds9lqlw7daluxx | StakesStone#5158@dejonsCardano, Celo
We participated in several testnets, where the Blockchain was based on Cosmos (e.g. Akash, Cosmos itself, IRISnet).
Since the beginning.99%Failover plan, backup plan and redundancy.Increase hardware requirements, check connection stability, if needed migrate to another server with better connectivity.Increase hardware specs to catch the network load.With own maintained sentry nodes.Yes, Grafana in use.Via messenger.CloudBest-practice validating security including set-up Firewalls, VPN, bastillion host, sentry nodes and monitoring in use.Till profit can be madeAfter evaluating profitability.Yes
21/03/2021 22:59:49 sif1s8vsdkqv275zsafv5qz46qmg9952m39p85hyhkpaddyson#5479@pathrockAvalanche, Minaprotocol, Keepnetwork, Stafi, Dock, Matic, Bluezelle, Fusion
I've participated in several Cosmos-SDK/Tendermint based Blockchain project testnets and I'm currently also running a Bluezelle mainnet node with 100% uptime.
I created my validator on the 22 Feb 2021, 12:44:07pm UTC
I case of an emergency, I'll be notified by my reporting and monitoring system. I'm following nodes best practice setup procedures, run a backup node for my validator - should a problem occur that is not easily solved I can switch my validator to my backup node.
monitor the node and check the server / settings, consider moving the node Analyse where the problem comes from -considering moving the node to a machine with higher specs and capacity.
Strict firewall settings and my validator node is isolated from other nodes in the network, and is only connected to their sentry nodes. These are based on different public clouds which are privately and solely connected to our validator node servers which are located in secured colocation data centers. This allows hides the IP address of the validator node and protects my validator node from DDoS attacks.
I have reporting and monitoring in place which notifies me via email and telegram. For monitoring I use PANIC by SimplyVC a well known and trusted Validator for many networks.
email, telegramData CenterFirewalls, Sentries, Till the project is alive
If I'm not in the active validator set over a longer period of time and running the node is not profitable for a few months, I might need to consider to stop running it.
Long term commited to the projectYes
22/03/2021 01:38:51sif1fdppshyftmfxsqy9ln66qkxc8q6faktd26nhrrbunghi#2819BunghiElrond, Solana
Our validator journey started back in 2018, with the Game of Stakes (GoS) competition that tested the security of Cosmos' Byzantine-Fault-Tolerance (BFT) based Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus algorithm. Later on we have been running Kava node for a year.
More than 2 years.100%24/7Activate backup node.Activate backup node in different location/datacenter.Using firewall to protect for external access and DDOS attacks.We are using Grafana + Prometheus monitoring and SMS alerts 24/7.Depending on the severity, we use mailing, Telegram bots and SMS alerts.Data Center
Network security measures are already guaranteed by the datacenter provider where we are running the nodes. We use VPN clients to remotely access the servers and private key authentication.
Till the project is aliveWe don't plan to stop our operation.
We offer high quality operation services, highly skilled system administrators and more than 4 years experience in blockchain space.
22/03/2021 06:27:12sif1j26ce96k8xu8jywy6plth867mruzl26l2vuzpk@doorsjm@doorsjmPreviously EOS but currently not operating nodes for any other blockchain.
I've developed from the ground up a Cosmos SDK based blockchain/application (Peer-to-Peer, Reverse Auction, Invoice Discounting platform) using Launchpad and just completed the upgrades to Stargate and working on launching a testnet of the chain. So I have a full appreciation of the internals of Cosmos SDK both from the developer, operational and management standpoints.
February 19, 2021
99.9999999999999%. Missed only 8 blocks with 7 of those blocks happening due to me restarting the service to enable prometheus within the configuration file, which required the service to be restarted for it to take effect, which took less than a minute.
Our validator node is running on the recommended AWS Elastic Kubernetes setup provided by the Sifchain team with worker nodes spread across two Availability Zones for redundancy, so if one goes down the other will take over fully giving us enough time to figure out the issue and bring up another instance to keep our redundant setup in play. Our alerts solutions also allows us to know when something is wrong which allows us to respond in a timely manner as we receive alerts every 5 minutes.
We'll do the necessary health checks on our Instances to make sure everything is ok. If one or more instances are giving issues we will check if memory, cpu or its volume is an issue and make the necessary adjustments. If we see where an additional instance is needed we will bring up another and allow its volume to catch up to the latest block height before adding to the group of instances that our Load Balancer delegates to.
We utilize an Elastic Load Balancer through our AWS setup that distributes the traffic to our two backend EC2 instances to reduce the risk of overloading any one instance and in turn the application. This Load Balancer scales automatically which allows it to manage large volume of network traffic. If we still see that the stability is lacking we'll increase the number of load balancers.
We utilize an Elastic Load Balancer through our AWS setup that distributes the traffic to our two backend EC2 instances to reduce the risk of overloading any one instance and in turn the application. This Load Balancer scales automatically which allows it to manage larger volumne of network traffic.
Within AWS we have setup CloudWatch to track certain metrics and use Simple Notification Service (SNS) to send us notifications of any issues. Looking to also implement Prometheus later on for additional metrics.

We also utilize a monitoring and alert solution called PANIC for Cosmos ( which is setup on a separate server on Digital Ocean which sends us notifications every 5 minutes via Telegram.
Email and TelegramCloudVPN and AWS Security Groups which provides security at the protocol layer acting as a firewall restricting the different ports inbound and outbound.Till profit can be madeNot able to cover the costs to operate the nodeYes
22/03/2021 09:19:06sif1kp8vjx3a046xuuhduugx8yghuqjyx79xw283p5Jun | Wetez#9950jun9521cosmos ,chainlink, polkadot,mina,tezos,kava,irisnet,akash,matic,irisnet,eth2cosmos,irisnet,matic,akash,kavaa montha monthMonitor server performance and the number of missing blocksBased on the past experience of running cosmos series nodes, it is necessary to replace servers with better performance, such as cpu, memory, disk, network, etc. Upgrade server performanceRun sentinel node1. AWS has added monitoring of server performance fluctuations.
2. Run the script to monitor the change of block height and the number of missing blocks
The email alert is not timely, we purchased the SMS package, and when there is an alarm, the alarm will be sent out via SMS, which can be seen as soon as possible
CloudTill the project is aliveCan't cover costs
We are a professional node operator with rich experience in node operation, especially the cosmos series of nodes. I have also developed wallets for cosmos series nodes. We have rich community resources in China
22/03/2021 16:17:32sifvaloper1ypz9yl8j76gm277t3huegn906wrvxzqylu0qvsintothewildnoneit was good1 day1will CloudTLSOne year or moreNo
23/03/2021 04:55:210x724195D4679CFD4B1abfBfbBa5B323A234d9986bAliReis#8534youaremycure3binanceetherium is expensive1 yearnonei dont havei dont knowi donti donti doont knowi dontHomedLess than a yearddYes