General notes: Face Danger always works for React Under Fire, but Secure an Advantage and Gain Ground are separate.

The intention is to reproduce the moves into Starforged terminology as closely as possible, with only very occasional tweaks or made-up alternatives. The balancing of these is another question.
AssetNumberOld TextNew TextJustification
Cave Lion1Eager: When your cat chases down big game, you may Resupply with +edge (instead of +wits). If you do, take +1 supply or +1 momentum on a strong hit.Eager: When your cat chases down big game, you may Resupply +edge. If you do, take +1 supply or +1 momentum on a strong hit.Brackets not needed in Starforged rules, but in practice it's the Wits version you'll be replacing
Cave Lion2Inescapable: When you Enter the Fray or Strike by sending your cat to attack, roll +edge. On a hit, take +2 momentum.Inescapable: When you Enter the Fray or Strike by sending your cat to attack, roll +edge. On a hit, take +2 momentum.NO CHANGE
Cave Lion3Protective: When you Make Camp, your cat is alert to trouble. If you or an ally choose to relax, take +1 spirit. If you focus, take +1 momentum.Protective: When you Face Danger to avoid an imminent threat, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit if your cat is alert to the trouble.
Protective: When you Hearten in a perilous location, your cat is alert to trouble. Add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.
Protective: When you Hearten in a perilous location, your cat is alert to trouble. Take +1 spirit and +1 momentum on a hit.
Bottom option is most direct translation, but may not be exciting. Two alternatives offered.
Giant Spider1Discreet: When you Secure an Advantage by sending your spider to scout a place, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.Discreet: When you Secure an Advantage or Gain Ground by sending your spider to scout a place, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.Just an update for Gain Ground
Giant Spider2Soul-Piercing: You may Face Danger +shadow by sending your spider to secretly study someone. On a hit, the spider returns to reveal the target’s deepest fears through a reflection in its glassy eyes. Use this to Gather Information and reroll any dice.Soul-Piercing: You may Face Danger +shadow by sending your spider to secretly study someone. On a hit, the spider returns to reveal the target’s deepest fears through a reflection in its glassy eyes. Use this to Gather Information and reroll any dice.NO CHANGE
Giant Spider3Ensnaring: When your spider sets a trap, add +1 as you Enter the Fray +shadow. On a strong hit, also inflict 2 harm.Ensnaring: When your spider sets a trap, add +1 as you Enter the Fray +shadow. On a strong hit, also mark 2 progressFollowing principle 1 Harm = 1 Progress
Hawk1Far-seeing: When you Undertake a Journey, or when you Resupply by hunting for small game, add +1.Far-seeing: When you Undertake an Expedition or Set a Course in open terrain, or when you Resupply by hunting for small game, add +1.Matched to Starforged's journey rules, and clarified the type of expedition that is relevant
Hawk2Fierce: When you Secure an Advantage +edge using your hawk to harass and distract your foes, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.Fierce: When you Gain Ground +edge using your hawk to harass and distract your foes, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.I interrpeted this as combat-only, but you could easily use it for Secure an Advantage as well
Hawk3Vigilant: When you Face Danger +wits to detect an approaching threat, or when you Enter the Fray +wits against an ambush, add +2Vigilant: When you Face Danger +wits to detect an approaching threat, or when you Enter the Fray +wits against an ambush, add +2NO CHANGE
Horse1Swift: When you Face Danger +edge using your horse’s speed and grace, or when you Undertake a Journey, add +1.Swift: When you Face Danger +edge using your horse’s speed and grace, or when you Undertake an Expedition or Set a Course by employing your steed's speed, add +1.Matched to Starforged's journey rules, and clarified the type of expedition that is relevant
Horse2Fearless: When you Enter the Fray or Secure an Advantage +heart by charging into combat, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.Fearless: When you Enter the Fray or Gain Ground +heart by charging into combat, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.Combat use only
Horse3Mighty: When you Strike or Clash at close range while mounted, add +1 and inflict +1 harm on a hit.Mighty: When you Strike or Clash at close range while mounted, add +1 and mark one additional progress on a hit.Following principle 1 Harm = 1 Progress
Hound1Sharp: When you Gather Information using your hound’s keen senses to track your quarry or investigate a scene, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.Sharp: When you Gather Information using your hound’s keen senses to track your quarry or investigate a scene, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.NO CHANGE
Hound2Ferocious: When you Strike or Clash alongside your hound and score a hit, inflict +1 harm or take +1 momentum.Ferocious: When you Strike or Clash alongside your hound and score a hit, mark 1 additional progress or take +2 momentum.Following principle 1 Harm = 1 Progress, also rebalanced the momentum to be vaguely tempting
Hound3Loyal: When you Endure Stress in the company of your hound, add +1.Loyal: When you Endure Stress in the company of your hound, add +1.NO CHANGE
Kindred1Skilled: When you make a move outside of combat aided by your companion’s expertise, add +1.Skilled: When you make a move outside of combat aided by your companion’s expertise, add +1.NO CHANGE
Kindred2Shield-Kin: When you Clash or Battle alongside your companion, or when you Face Danger against an attack by standing together, add +1.Shield-Kin: When you Clash or Battle alongside your companion, or when you Face Danger against an attack by standing together, add +1.NO CHANGE
Kindred3Bonded: Once you mark a bond with your companion, add +1 when you Face Desolation in their presence.Bonded: Once you mark a bond with your companion, add their rank when you Face Desolation in their presence. When you Develop Your Relationship further, take +1 momentum on a missIncreased the bonus to make this a less weak pick, and also gave a small bonus when developing the relationship further. The latter is less impactful when the rank of the kindred is higher and so the power of the first ability is higher
Mammoth1When your mammoth travels with you as you Undertake a Journey, you may add +2 but suffer -1 momentum (decide before rolling).When your mammoth travels with you as you Undertake an Expedition or Set a Course, you may add +2 but suffer -1 momentum (decide before rolling).Matched to journey rules.
Mammoth2When you make a move which requires you to roll +supply, you may instead roll +your mammoth’s healthWhen you make a move which requires you to roll +supply, you may instead roll +your mammoth’s healthNO CHANGE
Mammoth3Overpowering: When you Strike or Clash by riding your mammoth against a pack of foes, add +1 and inflict +1 harm on a hit.Overpowering: When you Strike or Clash by riding your mammoth against a pack of foes, add +1 and mark one additional progress on a hit.Following principle 1 Harm = 1 Progress
Owl1Nocturnal: If you Resupply at night by sending your owl to hunt, take +2 momentum on a hit. When you Enter the Fray +wits against an ambush in darkness, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.Nocturnal: If you Resupply at night by sending your owl to hunt, take +2 momentum on a hit. When you Enter the Fray +wits against an ambush in darkness, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.NO CHANGE
Owl2Sage: When you leverage your owl’s secret knowledge to perform a ritual, add +1 or take +1 momentum on a hit (decide before rolling).Sage: When you leverage your owl’s secret knowledge to perform a ritual, add +1 or take +1 momentum on a hit (decide before rolling).NO CHANGE
Owl3Embodying: When you Face Death, take your owl’s health as +momentum before you roll.Embodying: When you Face Death, take your owl’s health as +momentum before you roll. If you roll a hit, mark one tick on your Bonds legacyThe ability is quite weak, so taking advantage of the legacy rules to improve it
Raven1Sly: When you Secure an Advantage or Face Danger +shadow using your raven to perform trickery (such as creating a distraction or stealing a small object) add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.Sly: When you Secure an Advantage, Gain Ground or Face Danger +shadow using your raven to perform trickery (such as creating a distraction or stealing a small object) add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.Added Gain Ground
Raven2Knowing: When you Face Death,add +2 and take +1 momentum on a hit.Knowing: When you Face Death,add +2 and take +1 momentum on a hit.NO CHANGE
Raven3Diligent: When your raven carries messages for you, you may Secure an Advantage, Gather Information, or Compel from a distance.Diligent: When your raven carries messages for you, you may Secure an Advantage, Gather Information, or Compel from a distance.NO CHANGE
Wyvern1Insatiable: When you Undertake a Journey and score a hit, you may suffer -1 supply in exchange for +2 momentumInsatiable: When you Undertake an Expedition or Set a Course and score a hit, you may suffer -1 supply in exchange for +2 momentumMatched to Starforged's journey rules.
Wyvern2Indomitable: When you make the Companion Endure Harm move for your wyvern, add +2 and take +1 momentum on a hitIndomitable: When you make the Companion Takes a Hit move for your wyvern, add +2 and take +1 momentum on a hitMatches to Starforged terminology
Wyvern3Savage: When you Strike by commanding your wyvern to attack, roll +heart. Your wyvern inflicts 3 harm on a hit.Savage: When you Strike by commanding your wyvern to attack, roll +heart. Mark three progress on a hit (instead of the move's normal progress)Following principle 1 Harm = 1 Progress, ugly clarification needed to make sure you get exactly 3
Alchemist1When you create an elixir, choose an effect: Deftness (edge), audacity (heart), vigor (iron), slyness (shadow), or clarity (wits). Then, suffer -1 supply and roll +wits. On a strong hit, you create a single dose. The character who consumes the elixir must Face Danger +iron and score a hit, after which they add +1 when making moves with the related stat until their health, spirit, or momentum fall below +1. On a weak hit, as above, but suffer an additional -1 supply to create it.When you create an elixir, choose an effect: Deftness (edge), audacity (heart), vigor (iron), slyness (shadow), or clarity (wits). Then, suffer -1 supply and roll +wits. On a strong hit, you create a single dose. The character who consumes the elixir must Face Danger +iron and score a hit, after which they add +1 when making moves with the related stat until their health, spirit, or momentum fall below +1. On a weak hit, as above, but suffer an additional -1 supply to create it.NO CHANGE
Alchemist2As above, and you may choose two effects for a single dose, or create two doses of the same effect.As above, and you may choose two effects for a single dose, or create two doses of the same effect.NO CHANGE
Alchemist3When you prepare an elixir, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.When you prepare an elixir, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.NO CHANGE
Animal Kin1When you make a move to pacify, calm, control, aid, or fend off an animal (or an animal or beast companion), add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.When you make a move to pacify, calm, control, aid, or fend off an animal (or an animal or beast companion), add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.NO CHANGE
Animal Kin2You may add or upgrade an animal or beast companion asset for 1 fewer experience. Once you mark all their abilities, you may Forge a Bond with them and take an automatic strong hit. When you do, mark a bond twice and take 1 experience.You may add or upgrade an animal or beast companion asset for 1 fewer experience. Once you mark all their abilities, you may Forge a Bond with them and take an automatic strong hit, counting the companion as one rank higher for your legacy track. If you already share a bond with the companion, instead Develop Your Relationship and take an automatic strong hit with a match. When you do, mark twice the usual progress on your Bonds legacy track.Rebalance around bond rules.
Animal Kin3Once per fight, when you leverage your animal or beast companion to make a move, reroll any dice. On a hit, take +1 momentum.Once per fight, when you leverage your animal or beast companion to make a move, reroll any dice. On a hit, take +1 momentum.NO CHANGE
Banner Sworn1When you Swear an Iron Vow to serve your leader or faction on a mission, you may reroll any dice. When you Fulfill Your Vow and mark experience, take +1 experience.When you Swear an Iron Vow to serve your leader or faction on a mission, you may reroll any dice. When you Fulfill Your Vow, mark a tick on your Bonds legacy track.Rebalance around legacy rules
Banner Sworn2When you Sojourn or Make Camp in the company of your banner-kin, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.When you Sojourn, Heal or Hearten in the company of your banner-kin, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.Replaced Make Camp
Banner Sworn3When you Enter the Fray bearing your banner, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit. When you burn momentum while carrying your banner in combat, take +1 momentum after you reset.When you Enter the Fray bearing your banner, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit. When you burn momentum while carrying your banner in combat, take +1 momentum after you reset.NO CHANGE
Battle-scarred1You focus your energies: Reduce your edge or iron by 1 and add +2 to wits or heart, or +1 to each (to a maximum of +4).You focus your energies: Reduce your edge or iron by 1 and add +2 to wits or heart, or +1 to each (to a maximum of +4).NO CHANGE
Battle-scarred2You overcome your limitations: Reduce your maximum health by 1. Maimed no longer counts as a debility, and does not reduce your maximum momentum or reset value. When you Endure Stress +heart, take +1 momentum on a strong hit.You overcome your limitations: Reduce your maximum health by 1. Permanently Harmed no longer counts as an impact, and does not reduce your maximum momentum or reset value. When you Endure Stress +heart, take +1 momentum on a strong hit.Terminology updated
Battle-scarred3You have stared down death before: When you are at 0 health and Endure Harm, you may roll +wits or +heart (instead of +health or +iron). If you do, take +1 momentum on a hit.You have stared down death before: When you are at 0 health and Endure Harm, you may roll +wits or +heart (instead of +health or +iron). If you do, take +1 momentum on a hit.NO CHANGE
Blade-Bound1When you Enter the Fray or Draw the Circle while wielding your kin-blade, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.When you Enter the Fray or Draw the Circle while wielding your kin-blade, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.NO CHANGE
Blade-Bound2When you Gather Information by listening to the whispers of your kin-blade, add +1 and take +2 momentum on a hit. Then, Endure Stress (2 stress).When you Gather Information by listening to the whispers of your kin-blade, add +1 and take +2 momentum on a hit. Then, Endure Stress (2 stress).NO CHANGE
Blade-Bound3When you Strike with your kin-blade to inflict savage harm (decide before rolling), add +1 and inflict +2 harm on a hit. Then, Endure Stress (2 stress).When you Strike with your kin-blade to inflict savage harm (decide before rolling), add +1 and mark two additional progress on a hit. Then, Endure Stress (2 stress).Following principle 1 Harm = 1 Progress
Bonded1When you make a move which gives you an add for sharing a bond, add+1 more.When you make a move which gives you an add for sharing a connection, add+1 more.Use connection instead of bond as the basis
Bonded2When you completely fill a box on your bonds progress track, envision what your relationships have taught you. Then, take 1 experience and +2 momentum.When you fill a box on your bonds legacy track, envision what your relationships have taught you, then take +2 momentum. This box provides 3 experience instead of 2.Rebalanced around legacy rules
Bonded3When you make a move in a crucial moment and score a miss, you may cling to thoughts of your bond-kin for courage or encouragement. If you do, reroll any dice. On another miss, in addition to the outcome of the move, you must mark shaken or corrupted. If both debilities are already marked, Face Desolation.When you make a move in a crucial moment and score a miss, you may cling to thoughts of your bond-kin for courage or encouragement. If you do, reroll any dice. On another miss, in addition to the outcome of the move, you must mark shaken or tormented. If both impacts are already marked, Face Desolation.Terminology updated
Dancer1When you Secure an Advantage +edge by dancing for an audience, add +1 and take +2 momentum on a hit. On a strong hit, also add +2 (one time only) if you make a move to interact with someone in the audience.When you Secure an Advantage +edge by dancing for an audience, add +1 and take +2 momentum on a hit. On a strong hit, also add +2 (one time only) if you make a move to interact with someone in the audience.Disallowing combat usage is deliberate, but you could make a case for Gain Ground
Dancer2When you Face Danger +edge in a fight by nimbly avoiding your foe’s attacks, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.When you Face Danger +edge in a fight by nimbly avoiding your foe’s attacks, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.NO CHANGE
Dancer3When you or an ally make a progress move and score a hit, you may perform a dance to commemorate the event. If you do, roll +edge. On a strong hit, you and each of your allies take +2 momentum and +1 spirit. On a weak hit, you take +1 momentum or +1 spirit, but your allies are unmovedWhen you or an ally make a progress move and score a hit, you may perform a dance to commemorate the event. If you do, roll +edge. On a strong hit, you and each of your allies take +2 momentum and +1 spirit. On a weak hit, you take +1 momentum or +1 spirit, but your allies are unmovedNO CHANGE
Devotant1When you say your daily prayers, you may Secure an Advantage by asking your god to grant a blessing. If you do, roll +your god’s stat. On a hit, take +2 momentum.When you say your daily prayers, you may Secure an Advantage by asking your god to grant a blessing. If you do, roll +your god’s stat. On a hit, take +2 momentum.NO CHANGE
Devotant2When you Swear an Iron Vow to serve your god on a divine quest, you may roll +your god’s stat and reroll any dice. When you Fulfill Your Vow and mark experience, take +1 experience.When you Swear an Iron Vow to serve your god on a divine quest, you may roll +your god’s stat and reroll any dice. When you Fulfill Your Vow, mark an additional two ticks on your Quests legacy trackRebalanced in line with similar Starforged abilities
Devotant3When you Sojourn by sharing the word of your god, you may roll +your god’s stat. If you do, take +1 momentum on a hit.When you Sojourn by sharing the word of your god, you may roll +your god’s stat. If you do, take +1 momentum on a hit.NO CHANGE
Empowered1When you Sojourn and score a weak hit or miss, you may claim the rights of hospitality warranted by your title or lineage. If you do, roll all dice again and add +1. On a miss, you are refused, and your presumption causes significant new trouble.When you Sojourn and score a weak hit or miss, you may claim the rights of hospitality warranted by your title or lineage. If you do, roll all dice again and add +1. On a miss, you are refused, and your presumption causes significant new trouble.NO CHANGE
Empowered2When you exert your title or lineage to Compel, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.When you exert your title or lineage to Compel, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.NO CHANGE
Empowered3When you forgo your title or lineage and Forge a Bond as an equal, or when you Swear an Iron Vow to serve someone of a lower station, add +1 and take +1 momentum or +1 spirit on a hit.When you forgo your title or lineage and Make a Connection as an equal, or when you Swear an Iron Vow to serve someone of a lower station, add +1 and take +1 momentum or +1 spirit on a hit.Adapted to Starforged relationship rules
Fortune Hunter1When you Swear an Iron Vow to someone under the promise of payment, add +1 and give the quest a special mark. When you successfully Fulfill Your Vow to them, take +wealth equal to the rank of the quest. If you leverage wealth when making a move where resources are a factor, add +wealth and suffer -1 wealth.When you Swear an Iron Vow to someone under the promise of payment, add +1 and give the quest a special mark. When you successfully Fulfill Your Vow to them, take +wealth equal to the rank of the quest. If you leverage wealth when making a move where resources are a factor, add +wealth and suffer -1 wealth.NO CHANGE
Fortune Hunter2When in a community or trading, you may suffer -1 wealth and take +2 supply.When in a community or trading, you may suffer -1 wealth and take +2 supply.NO CHANGE
Fortune Hunter3When you Resupply by scavenging or looting, and score a strong hit with a match, you may envision finding an object of value. If you do, take +1 supply (instead of +2) and +1 wealth.When you Resupply by scavenging or looting, and score a strong hit with a match, you may envision finding an object of value. If you do, take +1 supply (instead of +2) and +1 wealth.NO CHANGE
Herbalist1When you attempt to Heal using herbal remedies, and you have at least +1 supply, choose one (decide before rolling).• Add +2.• On a hit, take or give an additional +1 health.When you attempt to Heal using herbal remedies, and you have at least +1 supply, choose one (decide before rolling).• Add +2.• On a hit, take or give an additional +1 health.NO CHANGE
Herbalist2When you Heal a companion, ally, or other character, and score a hit, take +1 spirit or +1 momentum.When you Heal a companion, ally, or other character, and score a hit, take +1 spirit or +1 momentum.NO CHANGE
Herbalist3When you Make Camp and choose the option to partake, you can create a restorative meal. If you do, you and your companions take +1 health. Any allies who choose to partake also take +1 health, and do not suffer -supply.When you Sojourn by sharing your healing skills with a community, suffer -1 supply to roll +wits (instead of +heart) and take +2 momentum on a hit.Replaced Make Camp and rebalanced because Sojourn is more powerful.
Honour Bound1When you Turn the Tide, envision how your vows give you strength in this moment. Then, when you make your move, add +2 (instead of +1) and take +1 momentum on a hit.When you Take Decisive Action in a bad spot, envision how your vows give you strength in this moment. On a weak hit, count this is a weak hit not a miss, and take +1 momentumThere isn't a Turn the Tide ability, but Take decisive action while in a bad spot is the closest analogue
Honour Bound2When you Secure an Advantage or Compel by telling a hard truth, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit. On a weak hit or miss, envision how this truth complicates your current situation.When you Secure an Advantage or Compel by telling a hard truth, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit. On a weak hit or miss, envision how this truth complicates your current situation.NO CHANGE
Honour Bound3When you Fulfill Your Vow and score a miss, you may reroll one challenge die. If you score a miss again, reduce your maximum spirit by 1. You may recover this lost spirit when you next Fulfill Your Vow and score a strong hit.When you Fulfill Your Vow and score a miss, you may reroll one challenge die. If you score a miss again, reduce your maximum spirit by 1. You may recover this lost spirit when you next Fulfill Your Vow and score a strong hit.NO CHANGE
Improviser1When you Check your Gear, you may roll +wits (instead of +supply). If you do, envision how you make do with a clever solution, and take +1 momentum on a hit.When you Check your Gear, you may roll +wits (instead of +supply). If you do, envision how you make do with a clever solution, and take +1 momentum on a hit.NO CHANGE
Improviser2When you Secure an Advantage or Face Danger by cobbling together an ad hoc tool or apparatus, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit. After rolling, you may also suffer -1 supply and add +1 more.When you Secure an Advantage, Gain Ground or Face Danger by cobbling together an ad hoc tool or apparatus, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit. After rolling, you may also suffer -1 supply and add +1 more.Added Gain Ground
Improviser3When you throw caution to the wind and make an impulsive move in a risky situation, you may add +2. If you do, take +1 momentum on a strong hit, but count a weak hit as a miss.When you throw caution to the wind and make an impulsive move in a risky situation, you may add +2. If you do, take +1 momentum on a strong hit, but count a weak hit as a miss.NO CHANGE
Infiltrator1When you make a move to breach, traverse, or hide within an area held by an enemy, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.When you make a move to breach, traverse, or hide within an area held by an enemy, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.NO CHANGE
Infiltrator2When you Gather Information within an enemy area to discover their positions, plans, or methods, or when you Secure an Advantage within that area through observation, you may roll +shadow (instead of +wits). If you do, take +1 momentum on a hit.When you Gather Information within an enemy area to discover their positions, plans, or methods, or when you Secure an Advantage within that area through observation, you may roll +shadow (instead of +wits). If you do, take +1 momentum on a hit.NO CHANGE
Infiltrator3When you Resupply within an enemy area by scavenging or looting, you may roll +shadow (instead of +wits). If you do, take +1 momentum or +1 supply on a hit.When you Resupply within an enemy area by scavenging or looting, you may roll +shadow (instead of +wits). If you do, take +1 momentum or +1 supply on a hit.NO CHANGE
Loyalist1When you Aid Your Ally, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit. This is in addition to the benefits taken by your ally.When you Aid Your Ally, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit. This is in addition to the benefits taken by your ally.NO CHANGE
Loyalist2When an ally makes the Endure Stress move in your company, they add +1 and you take +1 momentum on a hit.When an ally makes the Endure Stress move in your company, they add +1 and you take +1 momentum on a hit.NO CHANGE
Loyalist3When you stand with your ally as they make a progress move, envision how you support them. Then, roll one challenge die. On a 1-9, your ally may replace one of their challenge dice with yours. On a 10, envision how you inadvertently undermine their action; your ally must replace their lowest challenge die with yours.When you stand with your ally as they make a progress move, envision how you support them. Then, roll one challenge die. On a 1-9, your ally may replace one of their challenge dice with yours. On a 10, envision how you inadvertently undermine their action; your ally must replace their lowest challenge die with yours.NO CHANGE
Masked1Choose your mask’s material.
-Thunderwood: Edge / Health
- Bloodwood: Iron / Health
- Ghostwood: Shadow / Spirit
- Whisperwood: Wits / Spirit
When you wear the mask and make a move which uses its stat, add +1. If you roll a 1 on your action die, suffer -1 to the associated track (in addition to any other outcome of the move).
Choose your mask’s material.
-Thunderwood: Edge / Health
- Bloodwood: Iron / Health
- Ghostwood: Shadow / Spirit
- Whisperwood: Wits / Spirit
When you wear the mask and make a move which uses its stat, add +1. If you roll a 1 on your action die, suffer -1 to the associated track (in addition to any other outcome of the move).
Masked2As above, and you may instead add +2 and suffer -2 (decide before rolling).As above, and you may instead add +2 and suffer -2 (decide before rolling).NO CHANGE
Masked3When you Face Death or Face Desolation while wearing the mask, you may roll +its stat (instead of +heart).When you Face Death or Face Desolation while wearing the mask, you may roll +its stat (instead of +heart).NO CHANGE
Oathbreaker1Use Starforged assetSlight rebalance in Starforged, makes sense to use
Oathbreaker2Use Starforged assetNO CHANGE
Oathbreaker3Use Starforged assetSlight rebalance in Starforged, makes sense to use
Outcast1When your supply is reduced to 0, suffer any remaining -supply as -momentum. Then, roll +wits. On a strong hit, you manage to scrape by and take +1 supply. On a weak hit, you may suffer -2 momentum in exchange for +1 supply. On a miss, you are Out of Supply.When your supply is reduced to 0, suffer any remaining -supply as -momentum. Then, roll +wits. On a strong hit, you manage to scrape by and take +1 supply and +1 momentum. On a weak hit, you may suffer -1 momentum in exchange for +1 supply. On a miss, you are Unprepared.Slight rebalance because Unprepared isn't as dangerous in Starforged
Outcast2When you Sojourn, you may rerollany dice. If you do (decide before your first roll), your needs are few, but your isolation sets you apart from others. A strong hit counts as a weak hit.When you Sojourn, you may rerollany dice. If you do (decide before your first roll), your needs are few, but your isolation sets you apart from others. A strong hit counts as a weak hit.NO CHANGE
Outcast3When you Reach Your Destination and score a strong hit, you recall or recognize something helpful about this place. Envision what it is, and take +2 momentum.When you Finish an Expedition and score a strong hit, you recall or recognize something helpful about this place. Envision what it is, and take +2 momentum.Terminology updated
Pretender1When you establish a false identity, roll +shadow. On a strong hit, you may add +2 when you make moves using this identity to deceive or influence others. If you roll a 1 on your action die when using your false identity, someone doubts you. Make appropriate moves to reassure them or prevent them from revealing the truth. On a weak hit, as above, but add +1 (instead of +2).When you establish a false identity, roll +shadow. On a strong hit, you may add +2 when you make moves using this identity to deceive or influence others. If you roll a 1 on your action die when using your false identity, someone doubts you. Make appropriate moves to reassure them or prevent them from revealing the truth. On a weak hit, as above, but add +1 (instead of +2).NO CHANGE
Pretender2As above, and you may roll +shadow (instead of +heart) when you Sojourn under your false identity. If you do, take +1 momentum on a hit.As above, and you may roll +shadow (instead of +heart) when you Sojourn under your false identity. If you do, take +1 momentum on a hit.NO CHANGE
Pretender3When you Secure an Advantage by revealing your true identity in a dramatic moment, reroll any dice.When you Secure an Advantage or Gain Ground by revealing your true identity in a dramatic moment, reroll any dice.Added Gain Ground
Revenant1When you are at 0 health, and Endure Harm or Face Death, add +1. If you then burn momentum to improve your result, envision what bond or vow binds you to this world, and take +2 momentum after you reset.When you are at 0 health, and Endure Harm or Face Death, add +1. If you then burn momentum to improve your result, envision what bond or vow binds you to this world, and take +2 momentum after you reset.NO CHANGE
Revenant2When you make a move to investigate, oppose, or interact with a horror, spirit, or other undead being, add +1.When you make a move to investigate, oppose, or interact with a horror, spirit, or other undead being, add +1.NO CHANGE
Revenant3When you bring death to your foe to End the Fight, you may burn momentum to cancel one (not both) of the challenge dice if your momentum is greater than the value of that die. If you do, Endure Stress (2 stress).When you bring death to your foe to End the Fight, you may burn momentum to cancel one (not both) of the challenge dice if your momentum is greater than the value of that die. If you do, Endure Stress (2 stress).NO CHANGE
Rider1When you Heal your horse, or when you Face Danger to calm or encourage it, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.When you Heal your horse, or when you Face Danger to calm or encourage it, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.NO CHANGE
Rider2When you Undertake a Journey, you may push your horse harder and add +1 (after rolling). If you do, make the Companion Endure Harm move (1 harm).When you Undertake an Expedition or Set a Course using your steed, you may push your horse harder and add +1 (after rolling). If you do, make the Companion Takes a Hit move (-1 health).Terminology updated
Rider3When you Secure an Advantage +wits by sizing up a perilous situation from the saddle, you are one with your horse’s instincts. Add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.When you Secure an Advantage or Gain Ground +wits by sizing up a perilous situation from the saddle, you are one with your horse’s instincts. Add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.Added Gain Ground
RitualistOnce you Fulfill Your Vow (formidable or greater) in service to an elder mystic, and Forge a Bond to train with them...Once you Fulfill Your Vow in service to an elder mystic, and Forge a Bond (Formidable or higher) to train with them...Switched the formidable requirement to the Bond not the Vow
Ritualist1When you Secure an Advantage to ready yourself for a ritual, envision how you prepare. Then, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.When you Secure an Advantage to ready yourself for a ritual, envision how you prepare. Then, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.You may wish to allow Gain Ground here if your rituals are plausibly used in combat
Ritualist2When you perform a ritual, you may suffer -1 supply and add +1 (decide before rolling).When you perform a ritual, you may suffer -1 supply and add +1 (decide before rolling).NO CHANGE
Ritualist3When you tattoo the essence of a new ritual onto your skin, envision the mark you create. You may then purchase and upgrade that ritual asset for 1 fewer experience.When you tattoo the essence of a new ritual onto your skin, envision the mark you create. You may then purchase and upgrade that ritual asset for 1 fewer experience.NO CHANGE