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1 | ID | Subject | Type | Priority | Status | Added By | Date Added | Version | Description/Notes |
16 | 65 | Review documentation | Bug | 1 - High | 2 - Open | AJR | 06/06/2013 | Pre 1.0 | |
33 | 100 | Make form editable | Feature | 1 - High | 2 - Open | AJR | 21/10/2015 | v3 | Requested by mjyearout@gmail.com |
41 | 101 | Email the whole job request to the admin | Feature | 1 - High | 2 - Open | AJR | 08/12/2015 | v3 | Requested by pilgrimtravels@gmail.com |
52 | 111 | Privacy Policy on website | Feature | 1 - High | 2 - Open | AJR | 01/09/2017 | ||
56 | 119 | Multiple GCal events trigger duplicate emails | Bug | 1 - High | 2 - Open | AJR | 23/11/2017 | Two events triggers two form submissions, each trigger then processes the new submissions and duplicate emails get sent out | |
59 | 16 | Create unit tests | Feature | 2 - Normal | 2 - Open | AJR | 02/05/2013 | ||
60 | 63 | Test 1.4. Fail (TestDoc v0.1) | Bug | 2 - Normal | 2 - Open | AJR | 05/06/2013 | Pre 1.0 | Test 1.4. Fail (TestDoc v0.1) - Need form validation as blank form can be submitted. Make all fields mandatory and indicate this. |
61 | 64 | Test 3.2. Fails (TestDoc v0.1) | Bug | 2 - Normal | 2 - Open | AJR | 05/06/2013 | Pre 1.0 | Test 3.2. Fails (TestDoc v0.1) - No warning when try to send an update email with a blank email address. |
63 | 77 | Create a weekly report of closed jobs (status changes?) | Feature | 2 - Normal | 2 - Open | AJR | 02/07/2013 | Pre 1.0 | |
64 | 78 | Create a form for updating the job list | Feature | 2 - Normal | 2 - Open | AJR | 02/07/2013 | Pre 1.0 | Rather than having access to the raw data - the job list itself - a new form could be created that could be used to adjust the job list not only add jobs. This would automatically put in a date for closed jobs and remove the confusion about the row and ID numbers (Job 82). |
65 | 80 | Seperate sheet for projects | Feature | 2 - Normal | 2 - Open | AJR | 28/07/2013 | Pre 1.0 | It would be possible to set up a seperate sheet that just contained the Projects. |
67 | 94 | Add underscore after local functions | Feature | 2 - Normal | 2 - Open | AJR | 12/11/2013 | Pre 1.0 | |
77 | 96 | Create an import task list feature | Feature | 2 - Normal | 2 - Open | AJR | 27/12/2014 | v3 | 16Nov2017 - Some of the code is there to export to Trello. |
78 | 97 | Add one off tasks back to Calendar | Feature | 2 - Normal | 2 - Open | AJR | 13/01/2014 | v3 | Hi there Andrew, I have been testing out using Rose Task Manager for the business that I run and just had a quick query. I was reading through the help section on your website but was unable to find anywhere that showed if it was possible to go from Google Sheet->Google Calendar. I of course recognise that Rose allows the sync of data from Google Calendar -> Google Sheets but was wondering if there was functionality to make tasks added in a Google Sheet then show up on Google Calendar as a reminder on a certain date? Thanks for any help you can give. Regards, Lewys. (lstocks@titanmouthguards.co.uk) |
80 | 98 | Configure cal name to allow mult instances of RTM | Feature | 2 - Normal | 2 - Open | AJR | 16/05/2014 | 16Nov2017 - v1.6 uses the calendar ID, so the name could be changed although only instance of RTM can be installed. | |
82 | 99 | Add deadline reminders to Rose Task manager | Feature | 2 - Normal | 2 - Open | AJR | 16/05/2014 | ||
88 | 102 | Status Update Page | Feature | 2 - Normal | 2 - Open | AJR | 06/01/2016 | Thanks for doing this. It is a great tool to help us doing our job easier. I am wondering if possible to put a status follow up page for the requester. I know that it sends status updates to requester. Also we can send it very easily. If we have status update page about the problem or request online, people could see if someone already have same problem or request in the room or location. They may not submit the same problem again. Also, that would be nice anyone can see the progress of the work online with subject line and location. I hope it is clear :) Thanks for your time and enormous work. Huseyin Sari (see email https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/#inbox/15216777917c9e2d) | |
93 | 103 | Make sender of status email configurable | Feature | 2 - Normal | 2 - Open | AJR | 18/04/2016 | Is there a way to change settings so anyone can send a status email? Right now, I think I'm the only one who has that option as "owner" of the google doc. I would like our students who are completing the tasks to be able to send a status update email." - Requested by leverh...@gmail.com in April 2016. | |
94 | 104 | Make calendar name configurable | Feature | 2 - Normal | 2 - Open | AJR | 27/06/2017 | Thanks for an amazing resource. I am wondering if multiple spreadsheets with this add-on can run at the same time. I would like to have a separate calendar for each project I am working on and tied to each calendar the spreadsheet syncing all the tasks from that projects calendar. The old version of the calendar allowed for the name of the calendar to be edited. But I am not sure the add one allows that or if multiple sheets can run at the same time (i.e. would they all try to sync with the "Rose" Calendar?) | |
96 | 105 | Manual entries stop the auto-numbering | Bug | 2 - Normal | 2 - Open | AJR | 01/09/2017 | ||
97 | 106 | During BST today spans two days if cal trig recreated | Bug | 2 - Normal | 2 - Open | AJR | 01/09/2017 | Tomorrows events are picked up during BST (but not always??) Only get this is the calendar trigger has been deleted and then recreated (due to an error like there being no calendar). | |
98 | 108 | "Reinstate calendar" menu option when there is trigger (but no ID stored) | Bug | 2 - Normal | 2 - Open | AJR | 01/09/2017 | Get "Script onStartCalendarTrigger experienced an error" if then try to restart it. This more to do with failing to refresh the menu as it goes away on refresh. | |
99 | 109 | When calendar trigger is disabled, menu not updated | Bug | 2 - Normal | 2 - Open | AJR | 01/09/2017 | ||
100 | 110 | "Re-enable calendar trigger" can be called with no calendar | Bug | 2 - Normal | 2 - Open | AJR | 01/09/2017 | ||
101 | 112 | Make calendar trigger run at 4am local timezone | Feature | 2 - Normal | 2 - Open | AJR | 02/09/2017 | ||
102 | 114 | Empty draft option list if no draft choosen | Bug | 2 - Normal | 2 - Open | AJR | 21/11/2017 | I've tried to make this say "Default draft", but can't work out why it won't. | |
103 | 115 | If header name has changed the default email template isn't filled in | Bug | 2 - Normal | 2 - Open | AJR | 21/11/2017 | ||
104 | 116 | Setup regular events using the Settings sidebar | Feature | 2 - Normal | 2 - Open | AJR | 22/11/2017 | ||
105 | 117 | andrewroberts.net bad position in sidebar "About" | Bug | 2 - Normal | 2 - Open | AJR | 22/11/2017 | ||
106 | 118 | onEdit doesn't work if headers change - can't use meta data | Bug | 2 - Normal | 2 - Open | AJR | 23/11/2017 | Could I use an installable onEdit trigger?? | |
107 | 127 | Customisable completed task email | Feature | 2 - Normal | 2 - Open | AJR | 01/12/2019 | From Gabriel Calel: "On your settings you gave us the option of customizing a “new task” and a “status update” email, would it be possible for me to create a 3rd option so I could create another draft email that would be mainly for reporting a “completed task” and it would include a small report and other {{Columns}} for example {{Total Time Spent}} ." | |
108 | 128 | Automatically send "job done" email | Feature | 2 - Normal | 2 - Open | AJR | 01/12/2019 | From Gabriel Calel: " In regard, to sending emails, is it possible to have have an email sent once a status is chosen - for example once “5 - Done” button gets selected it sends an email rather than having to go Add-Ons > RTM > Send status email? " | |
109 | 33 | Define enums for constants | Feature | 3 - Low | 2 - Open | AJR | 03/05/2013 | Pre 1.0 | AJR 8/6/13 Started doing this, but I don't know if the rest are worth converting as you are actually replicating enums with objects (?) |
110 | 41 | Create a class for spreadsheet access | Feature | 3 - Low | 2 - Open | AJR | 06/05/2013 | Pre 1.0 | |
111 | 52 | Facility to pre-notification about jobs coming up | Feature | 3 - Low | 2 - Open | AJR | 26/05/2013 | Pre 1.0 | This could be done by using calendar notifications as the calendar is the PPM job email notifications are presently created by the MJL script. See task 14. |
112 | 56 | Automatically escalate jobs after a month | Feature | 3 - Low | 2 - Open | AJR | 29/05/2013 | Pre 1.0 | Although there is the risk that escalation will just be ignored if every thing becomes high priority. Perhaps a nagging email to the MM instead. Or a weekly report. |
114 | 59 | Don't list regular jobs when it hasn't been done the last time | Feature | 3 - Low | 2 - Open | AJR | 30/05/2013 | Pre 1.0 | |
115 | 60 | Use speadsheet as master list for regular tasks | Feature | 3 - Low | 2 - Open | AJR | 03/06/2013 | Pre 1.0 | I have added the long id assigned by the calendar to job list, but it would be nice to have an easy ID to search for in the calendar. The PPM job could be saved in a spreadsheet master list - they'll ultimately be stored in a db table - and the calendar could just be the visual rep of them. But then a new interface would have to be created to add calendar PPM events and assign a simple ID that could be searched for in the emails. |
116 | 61 | Link to the regular calendar event in notification email | Feature | 3 - Low | 2 - Open | AJR | 03/06/2013 | Pre 1.0 | |
117 | 67 | Look at other CMMS features I could employ | Feature | 3 - Low | 2 - Open | AJR | 06/06/2013 | Pre 1.0 | See development journal |
118 | 82 | Can we hide the row numbers? | Feature | 3 - Low | 2 - Open | AJR | 28/07/2013 | Pre 1.0 | People are getting confused the row number and the ID number. They are used to manually assign ID numbers, we'd need a different way of displaying the job list maybe via a webpage. |
119 | 88 | Add facility to subscribe to task list/add email addresses | Feature | 3 - Low | 2 - Open | AJR | 22/10/2013 | Pre 1.0 | |
120 | 93 | JSDoc? | Feature | 3 - Low | 2 - Open | AJR | 02/11/2013 | Pre 1.0 | |
121 | 107 | Reinstate Dialog when run from UI | Feature | 3 - Low | 2 - Open | AJR | 01/09/2017 | ||
122 | 120 | Automate log analysis | Feature | 3 - Low | 2 - Open | AJR | 23/11/2017 | I'm never getting around to checking the firebase log, so either move back to Analytics or automate the download and analysis of the Firebase log. | |
123 | 121 | Move "disable calendar check" to Settings | Feature | 3 - Low | 2 - Open | AJR | 23/11/2017 | ||
124 | 122 | Move script properties out of library | Bug | 3 - Low | 2 - Open | AJR | 24/11/2017 | ||
125 | 123 | "Invalid email" warning if task from calendar | Bug | 3 - Low | 2 - Open | AJR | 24/11/2017 | Want some way of distinguishing the two ways a task can be listed, as coming from the calendar it doesn't provide an email address and just the admin email gets used. Also remove "NO EMAIL SENT TO USER as no valid email address found." from default email template. | |
126 | 124 | Add meta data for "task list" sheet. | Feature | 3 - Low | 2 - Open | AJR | 24/11/2017 | ||
127 | 125 | Add BCC for email notifications | Feature | 3 - Low | 2 - Open | AJR | 17/03/2018 | ||
128 | 126 | Configure "event requested by" | Feature | 3 - Low | 2 - Open | AJR | 29/10/2019 | From fidelfidelfidelqc@gmail.com: Would like to ask when i create an event on the calendar, for the "requested by" entry , its always request by Rose Task Manager. Is there any way i can create an event on the calendar and i can input the name who request it. Cause i would like to share the calendar with my colleagues so they can input the name who requested it. | |
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