1. Admissions/ Management Information
Title of the new programme – including any lower awards
Please provide the titles used for all awards relating to this programme. Note: all programmes are required to have at least a Postgraduate Certificate exit award.

See guidance on programme titles in:
Masters Master of Public Administration (MPA)
Postgraduate Diploma Postgraduate Diploma in Public AdministrationPlease indicate if the Postgraduate Diploma is available as an entry point, ie. is a programme on which a student can register or as an exit award, ie. that are only available to students exiting the masters programme early, or both.Exit
Postgraduate Certificate Postgraduate Certificate in Public AdministrationPlease indicate if the Postgraduate Certificate is available as an entry points, ie. is a programme on which a student can register, or as an exit award, ie. that are only available to students exiting the masters programme early, or both.Exit
Postgraduate Certificate - alternative award title
NB the Taught Postgraduate Framework (section F) allows for more than one PGCert title. Consult your AQ Team contact for advice and see sec 5.d
n/aPlease indicate if the Postgraduate Certificate is available as an entry points, ie. is a programme on which a student can register, or as an exit award, ie. that are only available to students exiting the masters programme early, or both.Exit
Level of qualificationLevel 7
This document applies to students who commenced the programme(s) in:June 2021
Awarding institutionTeaching institution
University of York University of York
Where more than one department is involved, indicate the lead department
Board of Studies
Lead Department Department of Social Policy and Social WorkDepartment of Social Policy and Social Work
Other contributing Departments: n/a
Length and status of the programme(s) and mode(s) of study
ProgrammeLength (years/ months) Status (full-time/ part-time)
Please select
Start dates/months
(if applicable – for programmes that have multiple intakes or start dates that differ from the usual academic year)
Face-to-face, campus-basedDistance learningOther
Master of Public Administration24 monthsPart-timesix intakes per year, as per timetable for York Online programmes in collaboration with HEPPlease select Y/NNoPlease select Y/NYes
Please select Y/NPlease select Y/N
Please select Y/NPlease select Y/N
Language(s) of study
Language(s) of assessment
2. Programme accreditation by Professional, Statutory or Regulatory Bodies (PSRB)
2.a. Is the programme recognised or accredited by a PSRB
Please Select Y/N: Noif No move to section 3
if Yes complete the following questions
2.b. Name of PSRB
2.c. Please provide details of any approval / accreditation event needed, including: timescales, the nature of the event, central support / information required:

Please also specify whether any accreditation agreement will require renewal during the expected period of study of the cohort of students covered by this document and, if such an event will be required, what the implications are for students who are already enrolled should accreditation not be renewed
(max 200 words)
2.d Does/ will approval or recognition require exceptions to University rules/practices?
Please select Y/N
if Yes, provide details
(max 200 words)
2.e. Any additional information (e.g. student attainment required to achieve accreditation) that are required by the PSRB should be recorded here
(max 200 words)
3. Additional Professional or Vocational Standards
Are there any additional requirements of accrediting bodies or PSRB or pre-requisite professional experience needed to study this programme?
Please Select Y/N: Yesif Yes, provide details
The programme is aimed at early- to mid-career professionals and aspiring managers working in the public or non-profit sector, or in private sector roles with a link to public policy or public management. Relevant professional experiences in this area are thus part of the entry requirements to the programme, and are to be checked during the admissions process. Students should normally have at least a 2:1 undergraduate degree or equivalent qualification. If they don't have experience of undergraduate study or only of a lower standard, the application may be considered if they have a suitable professional background, as outlined below. Students should also have professional experience in the public policy/public service/public administration field. This could be in roles in local or national government, or in non-governmental, intergovernmental or international organisations, the voluntary and charitable sector, and private sector roles which support or deliver public services or which interact with policy making. The extent of experience should be at least on an early career level, with some degree of involvement in organisational decision-making or with a clear career path towards such responsibilities. Students furthermore need to have a computer in their home with an internet connection (minimum 0.5mbps) and an office software suite compatible with Word and Excel formats, and if the native language is not English, students will need to show evidence of their English language ability.
4. Programme Design
4.a. Statement of purpose for applicants to the masters programme
Please express succinctly the overall aims of the programme as an
applicant facing statement for a prospectus or website. This should clarify to a prospective student why they should choose this programme, what it will provide to them and what benefits they will gain from completing it.
Public service managers face an increasing pace of change, combined with pressures to deliver more with less, navigate a complex policy context and enhance performance while sustaining public service values. Designed for professionals in public and non-profit organisations, this online Masters programme will equip you to meet these challenges. It spans three dimensions of public administration: the policy process, within which public services are developed; the organisational and human context through which public services are delivered; and the wider social, economic and political environment that shapes public service demands and constraints. You will be able to analyse complex public management problems and lead change effectively, and you will also develop your ability to manage through networks and partnerships. You will be able to shape and deliver the public services of the future, and move into more strategic roles in a wide range of public, non-profit and third sector organisations. Over the course of the programme you will grow further as a competent and reflective practitioner, both in your current role, and in preparation for more demanding roles in the future.Through this online mode of study you will join a global learning community with peers working in similar organisations around the world, and be guided by a department with a global reputation for its teaching and research.The design of the programme and the support provided will enable you to balance the requirements of postgraduate study with your work and private responsibilities.
4.a.i Statement of purpose for applicants registering for the postgraduate diploma programme (entry awards only)
Please express succinctly the overall aims of the programme as an
applicant facing statement for a prospectus or website. This should clarify to a prospective student why they should choose this programme, what it will provide to them and what benefits they will gain from completing it. This is only necessary if the PG. Diploma is available as an entry award.
(max 300 words)
4.a.ii Statement of purpose for applicants registering for the postgraduate certificate programme (entry awards only)
Please express succinctly the overall aims of the programme as an
applicant facing statement for a prospectus or website. This should clarify to a prospective student why they should choose this programme, what it will provide to them and what benefits they will gain from completing it. This is only necessary if the PG. Cert. is available as an entry award.
(max 300 words)
4.b.i. Programme Learning Outcomes - Masters
Please provide six to eight statements of what a graduate of the
Masters programme can be expected to do.
If the document only covers a Postgraduate Certificate or Postgraduate Diploma please specify four to six PLO statements for the PG Certificate and four-eight for the PG Diploma in the sections 5.b.ii and 5.b.iii as appropriate.
Taken together, these outcomes should capture the distinctive features of the programme. They should also be outcomes for which progressive achievement through the course of the programme can be articulated, and which will therefore be reflected in the design of the whole programme.
PLOOn successful completion of the programme, graduates will be able to:
1Identify, analyse and formulate responses to current challenges in public management, drawing on a critical understanding of continuities, change and reform in the delivery of public and non-profit services
2Critically analyse and influence policy processes, drawing on an advanced understanding of the factors that shape policy decisions and that influence policy success or failure
3Apply an in-depth understanding of approaches to strategy formulation and implementation, and critically evaluate the role these approaches play in clarifying and managing an organisation’s strategic direction
4Lead and manage the implementation of change initiatives and projects, drawing on an advanced understanding of their role as an effective and ethical change agent, and of the factors that help and hinder performance improvement
5Communicate, collaborate and continuously develop as public service managers and leaders in a digitally networked world, drawing on their skills as reflective practitioners
6Apply acquired specialised skills and in-depth knowledge in public management in order to independently research problems and identify solutions specific to their professional contexts
4.b.ii. Programme Learning Outcomes - Postgraduate Diploma (Entry Awards Only).
Please provide four to eight statements of what a graduate of the
Postgraduate Diploma programme can be expected to do.
Taken together, these outcomes should capture the distinctive features of the programme. They should also be outcomes for which progressive achievement through the course of the programme can be articulated, and which will therefore be reflected in the design of the whole programme.
Completion of this section is only necessary if the PG. Certificate is available as an entry award.
PLOOn successful completion of the programme, graduates will be able to:
4.b.iii. Programme Learning Outcomes - Postgraduate Certificate (Entry Awards only).
Please provide four to six statements of what a graduate of the
Postgraduate Certificate programme can be expected to do.
Taken together, these outcomes should capture the distinctive features of the programme. They should also be outcomes for which progressive achievement through the course of the programme can be articulated, and which will therefore be reflected in the design of the whole programme.
Completion of this section is only necessary if the PG. Certificate is available as an entry award.
PLOOn successful completion of the programme, graduates will be able to:
4.c. Exit Award Achievement
For taught postgraduate programmes which have exit awards, please summarise students’ progressive development towards the achievement of PLOs, in terms of the characteristics that you expect students to demonstrate at the end of the set of modules or part thereof, and provide appropriate detail of the module diet students will need to complete.

This summary may be particularly helpful to students and the programme team where there is a high proportion of option modules and in circumstances where students registered on a higher award will exit early with a lower one.

Note: it is not expected that a position statement is written for each masters PLO, but this can be done if preferred.
i) If the Postgraduate Certificate is an exit award only please:
Provide a global statement to explain what a student who exits with a PG Cert award will be able to do (this should capture the extent of the achievement of the programme learning outcomes).

NB: Where more than one PG Cert is available as an exit award a statement should be provided detailing what a student exiting with either award will be able to do
Detail the module diet that students will have to have completed to gain the PG Cert as an exit award.

NB: Where more than one PG Cert is available as an exit award the module diet required for each award should be given
Having completed four taught modules, a student exiting with the PG Cert award will have gained substantive insights into the challenges of contemporary public administration, will have applied theory to real-world examples and to their own professional experiences, and will have demonstrated their skills in academic work and writing. They will have furthermore covered all programme learning outcomes, albeit with less depth than a student who has completed the full Masters. completion of four taught modules (4x15 credits)
ii) If the Postgraduate Diploma is an exit award only please:
Provide a global statement to explain what a student who exits with a PG Dip award will be able to do (this should capture the extent of the achievement of the programme learning outcomes)Detail the module diet that students will have to have completed to gain the PG Dip as an exit award
With the completion of eight (out of a total of nine) taught modules, a student exiting with the PG Dip award will have gained comprehensive insights into the challenges of contemporary public administration, will have applied repeatedly and in different ways theory to real-world examples and to their own professional experiences, and will have demonstrated over a sustained period their skills in academic work and writing. They will have furthermore covered all programme learning outcomes, albeit without completing an Independent Study Module. completion of eight taught modules (8x15 credits)
4.d. Transition: Please detail how you would support students from diverse entry routes to transition into the programme? For example, disciplinary knowledge and conventions of the discipline, language skills, academic and writing skills, lab skills, academic integrity
The programme and its modules are aimed at students without prior study experience in the fields of public policy, public administration or public management. All modules will thus provide, in each week, substantive introductory material (in the form of text as well as concise video presentations, for example for threshold concepts) to outline the key issues, theories and debates that are at the centre of a given week. This introductory material will help to contextualise the core readings and prepare students for engagement with them. With respect to the particularities of distance-learning, students will begin their studies with two weeks of Induction, in order to familiarise themselves with this mode of study and to obtain advice on effective approaches to their learning. As part of the Induction, students will furthermore be introduced to referencing and academic integrity standards, and will need to complete the University's Academic Integrity Tutorial. The development and strengthening of academic and writing skills will be supported a) within the taught modules, by providing opportunities for practice, and b) by the usual channels for student support, such as the academic supervisor, the Student-Success-Coordinator, the provision of the Writing and Language Centre and other central University services.
4.e. Employability: Please give a broad idea of the sorts of fields that students of the programme may progress to after graduation and how this degree may help them to do that. This should be a short, applicant facing statement. Your Faculty Employability Manager can help reflection on this issue.
This programme is aimed at early- to mid-career professionals and aspiring managers working in the public or non-profit sector, or in private sector roles with a link to public policy or public management, whose aim it is to further develop their knowledge and skills in the field of public administration and public policy. This professional development will enable you to take on roles with higher degrees of leadership responsibility and strategic impact. The programme combines academic rigour with a practical focus, and you will be enabled, throughout your studies, to contrast the latest theoretical insights with real-world examples as well as your own professional experiences. In this way, you will become a more reflective and effective practitioner, and will also acquire the skills and knowledge that will help you to advance your career.
4f. Inclusivity
Please confirm below that the design, content and delivery of the programme will support students from all backgrounds to succeed. This refers to the University's duties under the Equality Act 2010. You may wish to refer to the optional Inclusive Learning self-assessment tools to support reflection on this issue.
Please Confirm by Selecting YesYes
4.g Involvement of Partner Organisations
i) Involvement of partner organisations
Are any partner organisations involved in the delivery of the programme?
Please Select Y/N: Yesif Yes, outline the nature of their involvement (such as contributions to teaching, placement provision). Where appropriate, see also the:
University guidance on collaborative provision
The programme is run in collaboration with HigherEd Partners (HEP), with HEP being responsible for marketing and recruitment; support for module development and training of tutors; and student support in form of the Student-Success-Coordinators who serve as first port of call for any student queries and who fulfil a triage function.
5. Reference points and programme regulations
5.a. Relevant Quality Assurance Agency benchmark statement(s) and other relevant external reference points
Please state relevant reference points consulted (e.g. Framework for Higher Education Qualifications, National Occupational Standards, Subject Benchmark Statements or the requirements of PSRBs): See also Taught Postgraduate Modular Scheme: Framework for Programme Design:
QAA Master's Degree Characteristics Statement (2020)