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1 | Title | First Name | Last Name | Dept | HEI | Summary of Research Interests | Webpage | ||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Prof | Dominic | Abrams | School of Psychology | Kent | Equality and human rights, prejudice, discrimination, social attitudes and social change across the life course. Social and developmental psychology and gerontology. | https://www.kent.ac.uk/psychology/people/212/www.kent.ac.uk/psychology/people/212/abrams-dominic | d.abrams@kent.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
3 | Dr | Maria | Abranches | School of International Development | UEA | Migration and material culture | https://people.uea.ac.uk/m_abranches | m.abranches@uea.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
4 | Dr | Zografia | Bika | Norwich Business School | UEA | Social innovation and rural, family and institutional entrepreneurship issues, integrating the broader forces for change with the responses of actors and businesses set in their particular local and regional contexts. | https://people.uea.ac.uk/z_bika | z.bika@uea.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
5 | Dr | Magda | Borokowska | Institute for Social and Economic Research | Essex | Ethnicity and migration; political behaviour and attitudes; civil society; socioeconomic inequalities; and social cohesion. I am particularly interested in the life-course perspective and often work with longitudinal data. I am also interested in survey data quality and new types of social research data. | https://www.essex.ac.uk/people/borko71601/magda-borkowska | m.borkowska@essex.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
6 | Dr | Sally | Burrows | Department of Government/School of Health and Social Care | Essex | Equalities and inclusion, and access to health and care. | https://www.essex.ac.uk/people/smith51676/sally-burrows | sally.burrows@essex.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
7 | Dr | Isabel | Crowhurst | Department of Sociology | Essex | Commercial sex, migrant prostitution, governance of prostitution, sex trafficking, intimacy and personal life | https://www.essex.ac.uk/people/crowh01503/isabel-crowhurst | icrow@essex.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
8 | Dr | Neli | Demireva | Department of Sociology | Essex | Migration, inter-ethnic ties, social cohesion, ethnic penalties and multiculturalism. | https://www.essex.ac.uk/people/demir19100/neli-demireva | nvdem@essex.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
9 | Dr | Emily | Dolmans | School of Literature, Drama and Creative Writing | UEA | multilingualism, historiography, material culture, and the relationships between literature and cultural geography, especially borders and boundaries, displacement, migration, travel, intercultural contact and exchange, national/regional/local identities, and conceptions of home. | https://people.uea.ac.uk/e_dolmans | e.dolmans@uea.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
10 | Prof | Roger | Few | School of International Development | UEA | The connections between environmental change, risk and human wellbeing, mainly in lower-income settings, including displacement following natural disasters. | https://people.uea.ac.uk/r_few | r.few@uea.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
11 | Prof | Maria Cristina | Fumagalli | Department of Literature Film and Theatre Studies (LiFTS) | Essex | Caribbean migration, migration and denationalisation issues in Haiti and the Dominican Republic | https://www.essex.ac.uk/people/fumag44408/maria-cristina-fumagalli | mcfuma@essex.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
12 | Dr | David | Garbin | School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research | Kent | Migration, diaspora and transnationalism, Religion among minorities and diasporas, Religion and the city, Globalisation, urbanisation and development, South Asian diasporas and new African diasporas in Europe and North America, Politics of identity and ethnicity, Space, exclusion and urban processes, Youth and popular culture in urban settings. | https://www.kent.ac.uk/social-policy-sociology-social-research/people/1579/garbin-david | d.garbin@kent.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
13 | Dr | Nicolas | Geeraert | Department of Psychology | Essex | Acculturation, cross-cultural psychology, and social psychology. | https://www.essex.ac.uk/people/geera58603/nicolas-geeraert | geeraert@essex.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
14 | Dr | Federica | Genovese | Department of Government | Essex | International organizations and international political economy, with particular attention to environmental policy, economic interdependence and international crises. Particular interest in migration politics and policy in Italy. | https://www.essex.ac.uk/people/genov53609/federica-genovese | fgenov@essex.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
15 | Dr | Carlos | Gigoux Gramegna | Department of Sociology | Essex | Impact of migration for indigenous peoples, and the role of social movements in advancing migrants and refugees rights. | https://www.essex.ac.uk/people/gigou62605/carlos-gigoux-gramegna | cgigou@essex.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
16 | Prof | Kristian | Gleditsch | Department of Government | Essex | Conflict and cooperation, democratization, and spatial dimensions of social and political processes | https://www.essex.ac.uk/people/gledi90109/kristian-gleditsch | ksg@essex.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
17 | Dr | Jurgen | Grotz | School of Health Sciences | UEA | Participative approaches and public engagement, working across the academic, public and voluntary and community sectors | https://people.uea.ac.uk/j_grotz | j.grotz@uea.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
18 | Prof | Richard | Guest | School of Engineering and Digital Arts | Kent | Image processing and pattern recognition specialising in biometric and forensic applications, His current research work is exploring the relationship between human and machine decision making processes, and issue concerning the use of mobile platforms for biometric authentication. | https://www.kent.ac.uk/engineering-digital-arts/people/669/www.kent.ac.uk/engineering-digital-arts/people/669/guest-richard | r.m.guest@kent.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
19 | Dr | Ayse | Guveli | Department of Sociology | Essex | Stratification and social mobility, international migration, religion, life course, families and gender. | https://www.essex.ac.uk/people/guvel55100/ayse-guveli | aguveli@essex.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
20 | Dr | Liliana | Harding | School of Economics | UEA | Migration economics, and her interests extend to further areas of labour economics, regional economic development, economic systems. She is currently exploring related questions in the economics of arts and culture. | https://people.uea.ac.uk/liliana_harding | liliana.harding@uea.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
21 | Prof | Tim | Hatton | Department of Economics | Essex | Research interests include the causes and effects of international migration, and policy on immigration and asylum. | https://www.essex.ac.uk/people/hatto30902/tim-hatton | hatton@essex.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
22 | Prof | David | Herd | School of English | Kent | Poet, critic and Professor of Modern Literature. He has published widely on Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Literature and for the past ten years his work has focused on the intersection between literature and human rights. | https://www.kent.ac.uk/english/people/91/www.kent.ac.uk/english/people/91/herd-david | d.herd@kent.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
23 | Dr | Anuj | Kapilashrami | School of Health and Social Care | Essex | The intersections of health policy and development praxis, with particular interest in their interface with gender, human rights and social justice. | https://www.essex.ac.uk/people/kapil61907/anuj-kapilashrami | a.kapilashrami@essex.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
24 | Dr | Sean | Kelley | Department of History | Essex | Transatlantic slave trade, Africans in the Americas, transnational mercantile networks and connections, global and transnational approaches to history | https://www.essex.ac.uk/people/kelle34600/sean-kelley | skelley@essex.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
25 | Dr | Bahriye | Kemal | School of English | Kent | border/broader crossing geographic and disciplinary boundaries, | https://www.kent.ac.uk/english/people/146/kemal-bahriye | b.kemal@kent.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
26 | Prof | Sally | Kendall | Centre for Health Services Studies | Kent | Patient and public experience of health and health care in the community, public health in relation to children and families and implementation and application of health policy into practice. | https://www.kent.ac.uk/chss/staff/research/kendall.html | S.Kendall-608@kent.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
27 | Dr | Amanda | Klekowski von Koppenfels | Brussels School of International Studies | Kent | Citizenship, both formal and substantive, and the engagement of migrants with their home country and their host country. She examines the interaction of identity, transnational engagement and integration. | https://www.kent.ac.uk/brussels/people/2612/www.kent.ac.uk/brussels/people/2612/von-koppenfels-amanda-klekowski | a.k.von-koppenfels@kent.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
28 | Dr | Margherita | Laera | School of Arts | Kent | Contemporary theatre in Europe, especially in Italy; adaptation and translation for the stage; ‘classical’ Greek tragedy and its modern appropriations; theatre criticism; theatre and ideology. Recent AHRC Fellowship on ‘Translation, Adaptation, Otherness: “Foreignisation” in Theatre Practice’ | https://www.kent.ac.uk/arts/people/2153/www.kent.ac.uk/arts/people/2153/laera-margherita | m.laera@kent.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
29 | Dr | Zibiah | Loakthar | Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies | Essex | Experience of working in social justice and equality sectors with BAMER (Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee) communities, leading arts, community development, education, heritage and oral history projects | https://www.essex.ac.uk/people/loakt09501/zibiah-loakthar | z.loakthar@essex.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
30 | Dr | Renee | Luthra | Department of Sociology | Essex | International migration, social stratification, education, and quantitative methods. Current research interests include migration and inequalities in parenting, education, work and health. | https://www.essex.ac.uk/people/luthr02104/renee-luthra | rrluthra@essex.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
31 | Dr | Hazel | Marsh | School of Politics, Philosophy, Language and Communication Studies | UEA | Popular music and social activism, politics and popular culture, the creative arts and community action, collective memory and identity, culture and disaster risk reduction, music and social movements, heritage studies, and the contributions of Gypsy/Roma/Traveller groups to the societies they live in. | https://people.uea.ac.uk/hazel_marsh | hazel.marsh@uea.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
32 | Prof | Jay | Mitra | Essex Business School | Essex | Migration and entrepreneurship, innovation, economic and social development; Diaspora and Transnational entrepreneurship; Migrant refugee, and settler communities in entrepreneurial spaces; Race, migration and entrepreneurship development | https://www.essex.ac.uk/people/mitra41200/jay-mitra | jmitra@essex.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
33 | Prof | Anshuman | Mondal | School of Literature, Drama and Creative Writing | UEA | postcolonial literature and theory, nationalism, multiculturalism and the literature of diaspora | https://people.uea.ac.uk/a_mondal | a.mondal@uea.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
34 | Prof | Andreas | Musolff | School of Politics, Philosophy, Language and Communication Studies | UEA | Intercultural Communication, Cognitive Linguistics, Political Discourse Analysis, Historical Semantics and Pragmatics and the History of Applied Linguistics. My most recent work has focused on cross-cultural comparison of metaphor use, language and racism, and quotation in intercultural communication. | https://people.uea.ac.uk/a_musolff | a.musolff@uea.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
35 | Dr | Alita | Nandi | Institute for Social and Economic Research | Essex | Ethnicity and gender, specifically differences in subjective wellbeing (e.g., life satisfaction, mental health) as well as economic wellbeing (e.g., income, wages). In addition: (i) in the formation, measurement and impact of identity on life outcomes, (ii) causes and consequences of harassment and discrimination, (iii) in measurement of institutional characteristics in developing countries and exploring their effects. | https://www.iser.essex.ac.uk/people/anandi | anandi@essex.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
36 | Dr | Bridget | Ng’ andu | School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research | Kent | Working with children and families, specifically issues around child sexual exploitation and race, safeguarding and unaccompanied asylum seekers, social work activism, alternative ways of social work practice, social work diversity and international social work practice. BAME Staff Network Co-Chair. | https://www.kent.ac.uk/social-policy-sociology-social-research/people/1951/ng-andu-bridget | b.ng'andu@kent.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
37 | Dr | Sophie | North | School of Health Sciences | UEA | https://people.uea.ac.uk/s_north1 | s.north1@uea.ac.uk | ||||||||||||||||||||
38 | Dr | Niall | O'Connor | School of Law | Essex | Employment law, European Union law, fundamental rights | https://www.essex.ac.uk/people/oconn43006/niall-o-connor | n.oconnor@essex.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
39 | Dr | Tom | Parkinson | Unit for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching | Kent | Global disparities in access to opportunity and resources in higher education, and in the relationship between higher education, society, the individual and the state. | https://www.kent.ac.uk/uelt/staff/apt/profiles/Centre%20Staff/tparkinson2.html | T.Parkinson@kent.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
40 | Prof | Peter | Patrick | Department of Language and Linguistics | Essex | Language testing of asylum claimants | https://www.essex.ac.uk/people/patri91909/peter-patrick | patrickp@essex.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
41 | Dr | Sara | Polo | Department of Government | Essex | The causes, diffusion, and targets of terrorism and on the the determinants and dynamics of violent and nonviolent conflict. | https://www.essex.ac.uk/people/polos77609/sara-polo | sara.polo@essex.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
42 | Dr | Gabrina | Pounds | School of Politics, Philosophy, Language and Communication Studies | UEA | The expression of attitude, subjectivity and emotion in news and advertising discourse and the communication of empathy and person-centeredness in medical consultations, police interviews and other professional contexts, both online and face-to-face. | https://people.uea.ac.uk/g_pounds | g.pounds@uea.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
43 | Dr | Brigitte | Rabe | Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) | Essex | Early child development: the effect of breastfeeding on cognitive child outcomes; free child care and child attainment; Education and schools: effects of school resources on school attainment; sibling spillover effects in school achievement; interactions between school quality and parental investments; Child care and maternal labour supply; Migration and residential mobility | https://www.iser.essex.ac.uk/people/brabe | brabe@essex.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
44 | Dr | Sweta | Rajan-Rankin | School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research | Kent | Sociology of race and ethnicity, and in particular: Globalization, transnationality, embodiment and worker identity; Social work, embodiment and social location; Ageing, racialized bodies, ethnicity and diasporic imaginaries. | https://www.kent.ac.uk/social-policy-sociology-social-research/people/1953/www.kent.ac.uk/social-policy-sociology-social-research/people/1953/rajan-rankin-sweta | s.rajan-rankin@kent.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
45 | Prof | Nitya | Rao | School of International Development | UEA | Gender analysis of land and livelihoods; women's organisation and empowerment; literacy and education; gender and public policy; indigenous peoples and social movements, identities and well-being; sociology and anthropology; methodologies of monitoring and evaluation of development initiatives, India; South Asia. | https://research-portal.uea.ac.uk/en/persons/nitya-rao | N.Rao@uea.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
46 | Dr | Gina | Reinhardt | Department of Government | Essex | Political economy of foreign aid, economic and social development, and the political and policy implications of disasters. She has studied race, trust, and migration; the construction of trust by the media across levels of government; and how the allocation of foreign aid conditions its performance effectiveness. | https://www.essex.ac.uk/people/reinh47500/gina-reinhardt | gina.reinhardt@essex.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
47 | Dr | Jonathan | Rock Rokem | Anthropology and Conservation | Kent | Rapid urbanisation and rising global inequalities; Geopolitics and international migration; Barriers to urban mobility and diversity; cities, climate change and conservation | https://www.kent.ac.uk/anthropology-conservation/people/1914/www.kent.ac.uk/anthropology-conservation/people/1914/rock-rokem-jonathan | j.rock@kent.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
48 | Dr | Johanna | Romer | Department of Sociology | Essex | How state power and political authority are produced through the everyday interactions and experiences of persons working within and subject to criminal justice institutions. | https://www.essex.ac.uk/people/romer76406/johanna-romer | johanna.romer@essex.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
49 | Dr | Camilla | Schofield | School of History | UEA | The politics of memory, histories of immigration, the impact of decolonisation and international development, transnational race politics and ideas of citizenship and the nation in postwar Britain. | https://people.uea.ac.uk/camilla_schofield | camilla.schofield@uea.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
50 | Dr | Anna | Sergi | Department of Sociology | Essex | Criminology, comparative criminal justice and criminal mobility. | https://www.essex.ac.uk/people/sergi58502/anna-sergi | asergi@essex.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
51 | Prof | Yasemin | Soysal | Department of Sociology | Essex | Transnational and global perspectives on the historical development and contemporary reconfigurations of the nation-state, citizenship, and human rights, with specific interest in the transnational transformations of the national | https://www.essex.ac.uk/people/soysa07903/yasemin-soysal | soysal@essex.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
52 | Dr | Becky | Taylor | School of History | UEA | Minorities, migration and the state, including Gypsies, Roma and Travellers. Contributes directly to histories of state expansion, migration, ideologies and violence as well as histories of empire, xenophobia and identity. | https://people.uea.ac.uk/b_taylor | b.taylor@uea.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
53 | Dr | Mark | Tebboth | School of International Development | UEA | Human migration / mobility and forced displacement, vulnerability, resilience and adaptation, and disaster risk reduction and risks linked to a changing global climate. | https://people.uea.ac.uk/m_tebboth | m.tebboth@uea.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
54 | Dr | Ulrike | Theuerkauf | School of International Development | UEA | Civil wars and political violence, formal and informal political institutions, forms of government, electoral systems, state structures, corruption, democracy and democratization. | https://people.uea.ac.uk/u_theuerkauf | u.theuerkauf@uea.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
55 | Dr | Matthew | Whittle | School of English | Kent | Postcolonial and global literatures, with special emphasis on the climate emergency, extinction, decolonisation and migration. | https://www.kent.ac.uk/english/people/120/www.kent.ac.uk/english/people/120/whittle-matthew | m.whittle@kent.ac.uk | |||||||||||||||||||
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