Abigail S.How can I prevent people who play sports form getting injured?If I stretch before games and practice and then not stretch at all which will be betterExperiment Journal/Report/PresentationProductPresentation Video
Adilynn H.How can I help teenagers with depression?Experiment Journal/Report/PresentationProductPresentation Video
Aiden M.How to prevent catastrophic injuries to the head in footballIf rules are stricter more people will follow themExperiment Journal/Report/PresentationProductPresentation Video
Alex H.How can you prevent elbow injuries in baseball?If baseball players stretch their arm more efficiently every time before they throw, then the amount of baseball elbow injuries will decrease.Experiment ReportProductPresentation VideoI like how you stated the problem. What would some of the tips be?
Amelia P.How can I stop teen vaping?If teens knew what they were putting in their bodies when they vape, would they stop?PresentationProductPresentation Video
Andi can i better the mental health of teenagersIf teens had more people to connect to, would it help?Experiment Journal/Report/PresentationProductPresentation Video
Annie S.How can we prevent volleyball injuries?If the amount of stretching you are doing before or after a game is not long enough, it could potentially increase the risk of a back injury or pulling a muscle.ReportProductPresentation VideoYour product can be very helpful for people who struggle with sprained ankles in volleyball.
Austin R.Ways to increase speed on my BMX bike. Does higher air pressure in a bike tire make you go faster when racing BMX bikes. Are clip on pedals faster than flat pedals.If the amount of air pressure in a tire increases does that make the BMX bike go faster. Do clip on tires increase speed over flat pedals.JournalProductPresentation Video
Autumn R.How might I help improve the moods of people with essential oilsIf the time of diffusing winter mint incressed then it will improve the mood ReportProductPresentation VideoGreat job at explaining your product!
Avery B.How might I create a stretch routine to help heal common ankle injuries fasterIf injured players try to stretch or exercise the injured body part to a certain extent more often they will heal faster.PresentationProduct
Presentation Video
Bailey S.How does the amount of homework affect the amount of sleep teens get?If the amount of time spent on homework would increase then the amount of sleep decreases.Experiment ReportProductPresentation Video
Ben L.How can I help solve hunger in Liberia?If the quality of the drainage system rises then the amount of flood water would drain better, causing plants, Liberia's main food source, to have a greater survival rate.Experiment JournalProductPresentation Video
Ben M.Can a baseball be made lighter to decrease injury when hit by it?If the mass of the baseball decreases, then injuries will decrease.Experiment JournalProductPresentation Video
Ben S.How to reduce leg injuries in footballIf the qulity of the equipment changes will the number of injuries go downReportProductPresentation VideoThis was just wonederful Ben S. very well done.
Ben S.Why do adults lose an extreme lack of sleep?gather information about the different madeications adults take to help them gain more sleep and see what the effects are on the hours of sleep they get. Then, I would see if there could be a mental aspect about adults losing their sleepExperiment Journal/Report/PresentationProductPresentation Video
Brady R.How can going to bed early vs late effect wake up time?The earlier you go to bed, the more ready and prepared and well rested you will be for the next dayPresentationProductPresentation Video
Braeden C.Can you filter the pollutants out of CO2 to prevent the breaking down of Ozone.If you filter out a CO2 emission, then it will take longer for it to deplete off ozone.PresentationProductPresentation VideoYou did a nice job on your video. I like how you picked a topic that is a very important issue. My question is how much would this cost?
Brianna B.How can we keep animals healthier?Giving the right vaccines, and giving them safely without putting the animal under stress.ReportProductPresentation video
Caleb G.How might I help someone get more sleepIf the amount of time spent on a phone throughout the day decresses the sleep quality will increaseReportProductPresentation VideoGood job on presenting your project and product!
Cayden M.How can music effect your mood?When listening to music of your choice, will this effect your mood and emotions.Experiment Journal/Report/PresentationProductPresentation Video
Charlie B.What substances should athletes consume before physical exertion?
Natural foods like vegetables contain more calories than human-processed foods like some dairy products.
Experiment Journal ProductPresentation Video
Chloe can i help dogs get adopted in shelters as opposed to being bought purebred the more knowledge someone has about shelters and the dogs in the shelter make them more willing to adopt rather than shopReportProjectPresentation VideoI liked how you provided information on both the problem and the solution. I thought you used both paragraphs and images well.You provided a lot of really good information that backed up your hypothesis!That was a really good plan with the brochure. You did a really nice job with supporting facts on why you should adopt from shelters.
Chris K.Stop the declining christain populationSocial media and all that is our generation and it is easy to comunicate, so I will create a site. PresentationProduct Product video
Christa C.How do different genres of music affect your sleep?Besides Classical, listening to country music is the best choice to listen to before falling asleep.Experiment JournalProductPresentation VideoI think your results are really interesting and I like how your presentation was easy to read!
Christian S.I believe an increase in temperature will allow a rubberband to stretch further than before. Experiment Journal/Report/PresentationProductPresentation VideoNice video, you did a nice job with the topic.
Cia H.How might I decrease the stigma around mental illness in teens?If the factors that can become mental illnesses are addressed as factors the stigma around mental illness will decrease.PresentationProductPresentation Video
Cole S.fastfood compared to homecooked food See what the benefits of homecooked food is Experiment Journal/Report/PresentationProductPresentation Video
Corey can i reduse the amount of bullys in schoolsPresentationProductPresentation Video
Daniel B.What kind of music will help you fall asleep faster and give you better sleep I will have people listen to a different kind of music everynight for 3 nights and see witch gives the best sleepPresentationProductPresentation Video
Dennis G.How can I make Baseball safer to play?What helmet would be safe to use when you play?journalProductPresentation Video
Drew V. Interveiw youth group leaders/Talk to teenagers and see there point of veiw. Then hopefully come take the answers im given then make a soltuion out of itReport: ProductPresentation Video
Elijah B.How to prevent car accidents in new driversIf the ampunt of time a drive has their temps incresses ten they will feel more comfortable driving when they get their licensePresentationProductPresentation Video
Elijah M.How can we stop children from vaping and developing a nicotine addiction?Experiment Journal/Report/PresentationProductPresentation Video
Elijah Z.How to help people get better quality sleep.If someone is on a screen more before the go to bed, then the quality of sleep will decrease.Experiment ReportProject Explaination Presentation VideoWell done. It is very thourough and complete. Exceptional work.Nice idea, why would you pick that topic however
Ella W.How might listening to music before sleep influence your dreams?If a person listens to more active and moving music, they will have dreams of adventure and action. If a person listens to calm and soothing music, they will have dreams of peace and joy. PresentationProductPresentation VideoYour idea is really interesting! I thought the product was well done and easy to understand.
Emalyn P.How might exercise and other distractions affect someone's focus?If the amount of exercise increases and distractions increase then that person's focus will decreaseExperiment JournalProductPresentation Video
Eric O.How will I protect football players from head injuries I will take three different types of padding or protection and put them to the test. I will use rubber, cotton stuffing and packing peanuts. I will use an air cannon with a tennis ball to simulate geting hit in the headExperiment ReportProductPresentation Video
Estalla L.How does the amount of screen time and how it affects how you sleep?If the amount of screen time increasses then will the amont of hours you sleep decrease Experiment JournalProductPresentation Video
Ethan E.How can I help prevent the amount of food wasted?Track the amount of food thrown away each day.Experiment Journal/Report/PresentationProductPresentation Video
Ethan M.How can i help people eliminate lower back pain, in there every day life?If people use heat pads, ice, or streches, then what one reduces the most back pain?Experiment JournalProductPresentation Video
Ethan S.How can fitness affect our energy level?If an athlete's fitness goes up then they will feel more energized and play better.ReportProductPresentation VideoI thought you did a very good job explaining your problem. I think you could have explained what your product would do for you and how it would help improve are energy level while doing fitness.You did very well and I was impressed. There were a few spots that were a little dull but otherwise it was really good.
Gavin Z.How might I reduce the number of arm injuries in baseball.If Someone spends more time warming up and taking care fo there arm there would be less arm injuries in baseball.ReportProductPresentation VideoNice work I like how you explained very wellwhat other throwing warmups did you find?
Hannah B.How can I help people get more sleep at nightIf our parents take away all our devices we can get more sleep and pay more attention in class.Experiment PresentationProductPresentation Video
Hans K.How coud I clean up water pollution to make water clean and drinkable?If I can clean the water and make it safe for consumption, then I could solve water problems and have a clean safe environment for animals and humans.Experiment JournalProductPresentation Video
HazelWhich activity will show the most decrease of stress levels after a week of doing so?If time management is applied to a daily routine, that will show the most stress reduction.ReportProduct
Presentation Video
Hudson W.How might We decrease the amount of poachers If the amount of poachers deacrease the amount of animals increaseExperiment JournalProductPresentation Video
Hunter A.What are the best foods to eat before an athletic event?My hypothesis is that the more natural and nutritious meals you eat, the better you will perform. And the more artificial and processed foods you eat will lead to a lazy and poor performance.PresentationProductPresentation VideoMake sure you make the links public.Seems like a good idea
Ian G. How can I come up with a way to decrease the amount of impact for football helmets? The foam that will record the least amount of impact is memory foam.Experiment PresentationProductPresentation Video
Isa M.How might I decrees the amount of screentime teens use and increase preserveiance?If you decresse the amount of time spent on social media and games then the amount of hours or miuntes you spend in the real world will incesse. JournalProductPresentation Video Your topic is a great idea. Your product has great information on it and it was very well planned out.
Isaac L.How can I help students get enough sleep at nightIf the amount of homework increases then the quality of sleep decreases.Experiment JournalProductPresentation Video
Isabella L.How might music therapy help calm anxiety and what kinds of music will help which kinds of anxiety.What is i could create and app where you would click on the type(s) of anxiety you had and when you tap on it, it has a play list of the kind of music that will help calm it. Experiment Journal/Report/PresentationProductPresentation Video
Jack N.How to reduce the amount of ankle injuries in basketballIf athletes wear ankle braces will the amount of ankle injuries in basketball decreaseExperiment Journal/Report/PresentationProductPresentation Video
Jake K.How does sleep effect your efficiency?PresentationProductPresentation Video
Jayda S.Does the amount of sleep we get effect our moodIf we get more sleep then our mood would be better the next dayPresentationProductPresentation VideoGreat job on your description in the Presentation video. Your data was easy to read.
Jayde K.How different types of music help teens study and learn and relieve stressIf people listen to music while they are studying or stressed then it will calm a person down and help them understand the concept.PresentationProductPresentation Video
Jesse S.How we can prevent peopel from getting sick? We need people to stay home from school if they feel sick and tell people to not cough on anyone and wash there hands. We can tell people to calm down. vitamin D, Keep Moving PresentationProductPresentation Video
Jessica L.Does starrting school later in the day benefit the learning experience If the school day starts later then kids will be more focusedPresentationProductPresentation Video
John M.How can teens get more sleep?If the time between when you last used a screen and when you go to bed is greater your level of tiredness in the morning will decrease?PresentationProductPresentation VideoI like your topic and how you shared that your results may be different for everybody.Good job being clear and to the point, maybe try and redo the product link. It said I don't have access to it. Make sure everyone with the link can access it.The video was really nice and the research behind it was good. I liked how the results would vary and they aren't always the same.
Jonah D.How can I reduce muscle soreness such as aches?If the amount of time I spend stretching before a workout increases then the level of soreness in my muscles will decrease.
Experiment- Presentation LINKProductPresentation Video
Jonah W.How might I make water straight from a well safe to drink?If I could get the ph, alkalinity, and hardness to the correct levels and use a carbon filter to purify the water, it will be safe to drink.Experiment ReportProductPresentation Video
Jonathan W.How might I improve water quality?If I tested how efficient a water filter vs. a water purifier is at getting bacteria out,then I can prove which device is better at making cleaner water.JournalProduct Presentation VideoVery interesting topic. It was well done and very good. What was your inspiration for this project?
Jordan can I reduce the amount of elbow injury's wile pitching or throwing in baseballif you strech and warm up properly the number of elbow injurys in baseball will decrease.Investigation reportProductPresentation Video
Joshua A.amount of sleep and the affect it can have on athletes and there performance? If the amount of sleep increases then the athletes performance level will increase such as in free throws made or time it takes to do a gopher.Report ProductPresentation VideoIt was a very good video and you explained everything very well. The product is a good idea but when I go into your website the playlist doesn't work but other than that it was very good.It was a very good presentation, and a good creative idea. Good video that would intrigue the person listening to this idea.
Joshua N.How can i protect football players from mouth injuries in footballIf I change the different size of mouth guard to fit in your mouth will the outcome of the mouth protection stay the same. Journal ProductPresentation Video
Justice to reduce knee injuries in basketballIf you strech the ligaments the amount of injuries will go down PresentationProduct
Kaitlyn S.How can youth make more sustainable clothing choices?If the awareness of their clothing impact increases, then their willingness to make positie clothing choices will increase. (buying secondhand, donating, avoiding fast fashion)ReportProduct DescriptionPresentation VideoYour exhibition night video was very well structured, it described your project well.
Kate M.How can clothing waste be prevented?If more people were educated on problem of clothing waste, then the willingness to change will increase, and therefore the amount of waste will decreaseReportProductPresentation VideoYour topic is such a good idea! Your website is really easy to understand!
Kathryn M. How might I help teenagers find the right volume of music for working on their homework.If the volume of the music goes down you will have an easier time focusing.ReportProductPresentation VideoGood job! I loved that you clearly stated the problem you solved and the results! I also love how unique your product is; you described it really well! You did a really good job!
Landon H.How can I keep teens safe on the web?Teens can be kept safe by turning off their phonesJournalProductPresentation Video
Leonard might sleep help u in your every day life Experiment Journal/Report/PresentationProductPresentation Video
Lucas C.How can i save people during severe weather when there's a tornado?The amount of data i gather the better i understead the weather Journal ProductPresentation Video
Luke S.Left and Right BrainMake a surveyPresentationProductPresentation Video
Mackenzie W.What is the best way to sleep on your pillow to prevent snoring?If someone sleeps with their head propped up on a firm pillow they will not snore. ReportProductPresentation VideoYour product is very helpful to people with bad snoring habits.
Madi G.How can I reduce the homeless population in cities?What career strategy would help the homeless find a job they enjoy doing?JournalProductPresentation Video
Madi do you help those with depression?If I could find a way to help with those with depression, those who have to deal with it won't have to suffer anymoreExperiment Journal ProductPresentation Video
Marcus M.How can athletes prevent ankle injuries while jumping?If you increase the distance of your knee inside/outside of your foot the number of ankle injuries increaseExperiment JournalProductPresentation VideoVery detailed and thought out
Margaret D.How can I help encourage teens to get more physical activity? If I can help change the percentage of teens that think working out is beneficial and possibly fun I think it will increase the amount of teens that workout/ physical activity.ReportProductPresentation VideoYour description of the app was very thourough. I also like the way you applied setting goals to daily life.
Marlea H.How is social media ruining children?If children have limits to how much they use social media, will they be overall happier?Experiment Journal/Report/PresentationProduct Presentation Video
Matthew T.Live more energy efficient. If I try to live more energy efficient then I will save money.Experiment Journal/Report/PresentationProductPresentation VideoI like th beginning, because it really grabbed my attention.
Max S.ankle injurieshow to prevent ankle injuriesSlide Presentation Video
Mayda C.What methods can we preform to prevent sports injuriesIf we strech and prepare out muscles for a higher impact of activity, will injuries be less common?Experiment Journal/Report/PresentationProductPresentation Video
McKenna S.How can we reduce the amount of headaches in teenagersIf lack of sleep is the main reason for headaches, adding more sleep at a time will reduce the amount of headaches.Experiment Journal/Report/PresentationProductPresentation Video
McKenzie K.How can we prevent euthanasia is animal shelters.If more people would step up and adopt an animal then the animals wouldn't get euthenized for overpopulating the animal shelters.Experiment Journal/Report/PresentationProductPresentation Video
Megan S.How does listening to music and what kinds of music affect your focus while doing homework? If a student listens to background music while they do their homework, then they are more focusedExperiment ReportProductPresentation VideoGreat job with the organization of your website. It was easy to find information and your experiment was explained well.
Melanie M.How might I make the ocean cleaner so sea creatures don’t die ?
If they learn the long term side affects of things then it'll change how they view vaping. Experiment Journal/Report/PresentationProductPresentation Video
Meredith B.How does breakfast affect your energy levels throughout the morning?Eating breakfast will give you the most energy and productivity throughout the moring. ProductPresentation Video
MIcah V.How might I prevent injuries in Cross country?If you frequently ice and strech you can prevent many injuries.ReportProductPresentation Video
Micah Y.Stoping School ShootingsIf the School has mehtods of defence, the caluaties of a Shooting would decreaseExperiment PresentationProductPresentation Video
Mitchel H. How does music relieve stress?If your level of stress increases then calming music will cause your stress level to decrease.PresentationProductPresentation VideoI found your method of gaining the data to be accurate, and I really liked how you used classmates to survey to get research.
Nairy can we reduce screen time for teens/kids?limiting screen timePresentationProductPresentation Video
Nathan B.what helps the average person learn the best? videos or books?I beleive that videos will be the best way because it is the most modern source.JournalProductPresentation VideoI like how you explained on how you got your answers. I also like how you fromated your ideas
Nick. CHow can I make football gloves sticker?If the amount of groves increases on the gloves grip on the ball. JournalProductPresentation video
Nora B.How can student athletes get better sleep at night?Eating almonds an hour before you go to bed will increase your sleep quality.ReportProductPresentation VideoYour brochure was very well designed! What in almonds helps you fall asleep?
Olivia R-G.How does technology effect the behavior in children?If technology is introduced at a younger age,then it will be hurtful to children.SlidesProductPresentation Video
Parker G.Is manure better than chemicals when growing plants?If the different type of grower is used then the growth of the plants will increase. The Chemicals will do the best until they die because of the chemicals they will die off earlier.PresentationProductPresentation VideoI really like how you started with questions to get everyone interested. It is crazy how many different things you can put into the plants.Very interesting testing. I never knew that there were so many different types of minerals and nutruients that plants need
Peter M.How could I decrease the number of false information in the internet. If the people has more knowledge about something, it is less likely that he will believe in the false information. JournalProductPresentation VideoThat is a very good idea to help weed out the false information on the internet.
Peyton G. How might I get student athletes the amount of energy needed through enough sleep?If the amount of sleep increases, then the level of energy the next day will also increase.JournalProductPresentation Video
Peyton S.Does an athlete's diet affect their performance?If athletes maintain a balanced diet, then their overall performance and energy levels will increase.ReportProductPresentation Video