Spring 2024Literacy / NumeracyEngagementIndigenous KnowledgeData and Research Data Collection for 2024-2025
Student VoiceCPSSELAttendancePartnershipsLand Acknowledgement: We respectfully recognize that Prairie Spirit School Division schools are located on the traditional territories of Treaty One, and the shared lands of the Anishinabe peoples and on the homeland of the Metis Nation.
Preamble: In keeping with our commitment to Truth and Reconciliation the priorities listed below reflect our intention to work in partnership with Swan Lake First Nation.
Manitoba Data Tool is used to inform school planning. Research based classroom structures and strategies employed in classrooms. Formative and summative assessment practices based on triangulated data.

Use the 250 + Influences on Student Achievement
NavigatorK-4 Academic Administrator - Jodie Desrochers | 5-8 Academic Administrator - Wendy WirthStudent Support Services - Sheldon Gardiner | Student Services - Leslie Norrie | Superintendent - Cheryl ManginSuperintendent | Student Support Services
Last update: May 22 2024To ensure teachers have the proper tools to facilitate a balanced literacy / numeracy classroom. Provincial and PSSD assessment data will be used to plan for professional development, resource allocations, and instructional support.

Approved online and offline resources will be made available to all schools to support literacy / numeracy development.
Common evidence based practices are used to improve student social emotional learning and behavioural engagement
for all 3 tiers of support.

Continue to support the delivery of Play Based, Maker Education, Design Drafting, Riverwatch and Envirothon practices. Community Partnerships help students connect curricula to the local / global community in experiential learning and inquiry-based opportunities.
Build student capacity for intercultural understanding, empathy, and mutual respect. (TRC)
PrincipalsDivisional work - All participateEnsure that teachers are aware and participate in professional development to strengthen instructional practice, and that teachers are trained and follow the scheduled Literacy / Numeracy assessments for the grade level they are teaching.

Use the MB Data Tool with staff to analyze student data to improve student learning.

Provide PD & support for online/offline literacy / numeracy tools and for the MB Data Tool.

Continually use assessment data for school improvement.

Stay updated on NAP announcements to ensure teachers are utilizing the NAP resources.
SEL - use the CASEL Social emotional learning framework to guide SEL skill development programming system wide.

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) lessons infused into class schedules / school systems with focus on K-6
School Attendance
Divisional Tiered Intervention Supports procedures used when reviewing attendance to support engagement.

Professional Development and exploration of effective best practices for student Alternative Programming needs, specifically Credit Rescue and Credit Recovery.
Principals will contact community partners to identify community initiatives.
Every Principal in every school will engage in Professional Development that results in actions advancing their own, their staff and their students' Indigenous Knowledge.

Mamahtawisiwin - Applying the Indigenous Education Policy Framework to the Classroom

Utilize the Tools for Refelction Mamahtawisiwin document

Professional Development for K-12 Treaty Education.
PSSD Assessment Timeline 2024-205

MB Data Tools

Provincial Report Cards
PrincipalsDevelopmental WorkSchedule regular time for staff to collaborate and analyze data (such as MB Data Tool, School Profile, Provincial/Divisional/School-Based Assessments) to develop school-based literacy and numeracy initiatives.Schools will administer and analyze a school-based student voice survey for the year 2024-2025.

CPS - Collaborative and Proactive Solutions

Will support the use of the Assessment of Skills and Unsolved Problems as a tier 2-3 tool to support prioritizing interventions for students
Schools will use CASEL-aligned Learning Behaviours descriptors on the Provincial Report Card to report on and teach to the identified SEL skill
Provincial Report Card Teacher Support Document: Learning Behaviours/CASEL Quadrants
The Colony Blended Timetable will be developed to support student attendance.Consider Land Acknowledgement use in schools during appropriate/meaningful times.
(Meetings, assembly, professional development)
KDivisionalKindergarten teachers will continue to develop instructional practices to support the Learning Outcomes using Play-Based learning approaches.Collaborate with colleagues and use data to improve student learning.

Reference: A Time for Learning A Time for Joy

Kindergarten teachers will be provided with digital tools to support the development of literacy / numeracy skills in their classrooms.
Fast Phonics
Reading Eggs

Administer the Early Years Evaluation (EYE) as per provincial guidelines
SEL - use the CASEL Social emotional learning framework to guide SEL skill development programming system wide.

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) lessons infused into class schedules / school systems with focus on K-6
Mamahtawisiwin - Applying the Indigenous Education Policy Framework to the Classroom

Professional Development for K-12 Treaty Education.
Teachers collect products, observations and conversations as evidence of student learning in a play based classroom environment.

PSSD Assessment Timeline 2024-2025

Divisional Report Cards
Kindergarten (Optional) - Literacy Assessments

Professional Development in literacy will be available for kindergarten teachers to access:
The Six Shifts PD
Letter Lessons and First Words
A Comprehensive Literacy Approach: K-2 Classroom (mRLC)
Morning Meetings

Implement MILE (Math Interactive Learning Experience)
Baseline Summative (Optional) - Kindergarten teachers have the option of completing a baseline assessment in June.

Collaborate with colleagues and use data to improve student learning.
CPS - Collaborative and Proactive Solutions

Will use the Assessment of Skills and Unsolved Problems as a tier 2-3 tool to support prioritizing interventions for students
Incorporate Morning Meetings, Zones of Regulation, or other strategies to support student Learning Behaviours within in the CASEL Framework

Utilize the Tools for Refelction Mamahtawisiwin documentMB Data Tools

Gr. 1-2DivisionalGrade 1-2 Teachers will continue to develop instructional practices to support the Learning Outcomes. Collaborate with colleagues and use data to improve student learning.

Literacy Assessments (Grade 1 - Required) - Enter results in MB Data Tool
Literacy Assessments (Grade 2 - Required) - Enter results in MB Data Tool


Mental Math/Basic Facts (Required) end of Sept/Jan/May (note: Grade 1, Sept assessment is not required)
Grade 1-2 teachers will complete the Basic Facts Assessment and will enter results in MB Data Tool.

Online/Offline Resources
Fast Phonics, Reading Eggs, Mathseeds
SEL - use the CASEL Social emotional learning framework to guide SEL skill development programming system wide

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) lessons infused into class schedules / school systems with focus on K-6
School Attendance
Divisional Tiered Intervention supports and procedures used when reviewing attendance to support engagement
Mamahtawisiwin - Applying the Indigenous Education Policy Framework to the Classroom

Professional Development for K-12 Treaty Education.
Teachers collect products, observations and conversations as evidence of student learning in an inquiry based classroom with Rich Learning Experiences. The Manitoba Data Tool is used in November and June to plan instruction for whole group, small group and individual student instruction in ELA.
PSSD Assessment Timeline 2024-2025

MB Data Tools

Provincial Report Cards
Gr. 1-2DevelopmentalLiteracy - Professional Development in literacy will be available for Grade 1-2 teachers to access:
The Six Shifts PD
Letter Lessons and First Words
A Comprehensive Literacy Approach: K-2 Classroom (mRLC)
Morning Meetings

Implement MILE (Math Interactive Learning Experience)
Baseline Summative (Optional)- Grade 1-2 teachers can choose to complete a baseline assessment at the end of year to check the students' progress during the year.

Pre-Assessment (follow-up strategy to Basic facts)- Grade 1-2 teachers can choose to complete the pre-assessment with all of their students or only with students who were not successful in the Basic Facts (see Basic Facts guide)
Complete Pre-Assessment for specific students based on Basic Facts results (could choose to do entire class)
Provide opportunity for students to share what's going well or what isn't. For example, Morning MeetingsCPS - Collaborative and Proactive Solutions

Will use the Assessment of Skills and Unsolved Problems as a tier 2-3 tool to support prioritizing interventions for students.
Schools will use CASEL-aligned Learning Behaviours descriptors on the Provincial Report Card to report on and teach to the identified SEL skill.
Provincial Report Card Teacher Support Document: Learning Behaviours/CASEL Quadrants .
Classes will work on environmental or sustainability and other community experiential initiatives.
Utilize the Tools for Refelction Mamahtawisiwin document
Gr. 3-4DivisionalGrade 3-4 Teachers will continue to develop instructional practices to support the Learning Outcomes. Collaborate with colleagues and use data to improve student learning.

Literacy Assessments (Grade 3/4 - Required) - Enter results in MB Data Tool

Mental Math/Basic Facts (Required)- Grade 3-4 teachers will complete the Basic Facts Assessment and will enter results in MB Data Tool.

NAP - Grade 4 only - Grade 4 teachers will follow the Numeracy Achievement Program (NAP) from mRLC including pacing guide, quizzes and baseline assessment. Student results will be entered in MB Data Tool.

Provincial Assessment - Grade 3 only - Teachers enter results and complete all forms for the assessment. Use the guides to help.

Online/Offline Resources-
Fast Phonics, Reading Eggs, Mathseeds/Mathletics
SEL - use the CASEL Social emotional learning framework to guide SEL skill development programming system wide

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) lessons infused into class schedules / school systems with focus on K-6
School Attendance
Divisional Tiered Intervention supports and procedures used when reviewing attendance to support engagement
Mamahtawisiwin - Applying the Indigenous Education Policy Framework to the Classroom

Professional Development for K-12 Treaty Education.
Teachers collect products, observations and conversations as evidence of student learning in an inquiry based classroom with Rich Learning Experiences. The Manitoba Data Tool is used in November and June to plan instruction for whole group, small group and individual student instruction in ELA and Math (Grade 4). Teachers collect data using division supplied assessments for the Provincial Grade 3 (and Grade 4 French) collection of data.
PSSD Assessment Timeline 2024-2025

MB Data Tools

Provincial Report Cards
Gr. 3-4DevelopmentalLiteracy
Professional Development in literacy will be available for Grade 3-4 teachers to access such as Six Shifts PD, UFLI PD, and A Comprehensive Literacy Approach: Grade 3-5 Classroom mRLC session.

Implement MILE (Math Interactive Learning Experience)
Baseline Summative - (Optional for Grade 3 only) Grade 3 teachers can choose to complete a baseline assessment at the end of year to check the students' progress during the year.

mRLC 4 NAP training will be available.

Pre-Assessment (follow-up strategy to Basic facts)- Grade 3-4 teachers can choose to complete the pre-assessment with all of their students or only with students who were not successful in the Basic Facts (see Basic Facts guide)
Complete Pre-Assessment for specific students based on Basic Facts results (could choose to do entire class)

Provide opportunity for students to share what's going well or what isn't. For example, Morning MeetingsCPS - Collaborative and Proactive Solutions

Will use of Assessment of Skills and Unsolved Problems as a tier 2-3 tool to support prioritizing interventions for students.
Schools will use CASEL-aligned Learning Behaviours descriptors on the Provincial Report Card to report on and teach to the identified SEL skill.
Provincial Report Card Teacher Support Document: Learning Behaviours/CASEL Quadrants.
Classes will work on environmental or sustainability and other community experiential initiatives.

Use Applied Digital Skills resources.
Utilize the Tools for Refelction Mamahtawisiwin document
Gr. 5-6DivisionalGrade 5-6 Teachers will continue to develop instructional practices to support the Learning Outcomes. Collaborate with colleagues and use data to improve student learning.

Grade 5-6 teachers will plan, instruct, and assess students in a balanced literacy classroom.

Students' growth in comprehending texts will be monitored using the RAD assessment.

Literacy Assessments - (Grade 5/6 Required) - Enter results in MB Data Tool

Mental Math/Basic Facts - (Required) - Grade 5-6 teachers will complete the Basic Facts Assessment and will enter results in MB Data Tool.

NAP - Grade 5-6 teachers will follow the Numeracy Achievement Program (NAP) from mRLC including pacing guide, quizzes and baseline assessment.
Student results will be entered in MB Data Tool.

Online/Offline Resources-
Reading Eggspress, Sora, Google Workspace / TextHelp Read & Write for Google, Mathletics
SEL - use the CASEL Social emotional learning framework to guide SEL skill development programming system wide

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) lessons infused into class schedules / school systems with focus on K-6
School Attendance
Divisional Tiered Intervention supports and procedures used when reviewing attendance to support engagement
Mamahtawisiwin - Applying the Indigenous Education Policy Framework to the Classroom

Professional Development for K-12 Treaty Education.
Teachers collect products, observations and conversations as evidence of student learning in an inquiry based classroom with Rich Learning Experiences. The Manitoba Data Tool is used in November and June to plan instruction for the whole group, small group and individual student instruction in ELA, Mental Math, and NAP Math.
PSSD Assessment Timeline 2024-2025

MB Data Tools

Provincial Report Cards
Gr. 5-6DevelopmentalLiteracy
Teachers will receive training on how to facilitate the RAD.

mRLC: Reading Apprenticeship
mRLC: A Comprehensive Literacy Approach: Grade 3-5 Classroom
mRLC: Towards Engagement and Independence: Building Capacity in Reading and Writing for Middle Years Students

mRLC NAP training will be available.
Implement MILE (Math Interactive Learning Experience)

Pre-Assessment (follow-up strategy to Basic facts)- Grade 5-6 teachers can choose to complete the pre-assessment with all of their students or only with students who were not successful in the Basic Facts (see Basic Facts guide)
Complete Pre-Assessment for specific students based on Basic Facts results (could choose to do entire class)
Provide opportunity for students to share what's going well or what isn't. For example, Morning MeetingsCPS - Collaborative and Proactive Solutions

Will use the Assessment of Skills and Unsolved Problems as a tier 2-3 tool to support prioritizing interventions for students, where appropriate.
Schools will use CASEL-aligned Learning Behaviours descriptors on the Provincial Report Card to report on and teach to the identified SEL skill.
Provincial Report Card Teacher Support Document: Learning Behaviours/CASEL Quadrants
Classes will work on environmental or sustainability and other community experiential initiatives.

Use Applied Digital Skills resources.
Utilize the Tools for Refelction Mamahtawisiwin document
Gr. 7-8DivisionalGrade 7-8 Teachers will continue to develop instructional practices to support the Learning Outcomes. Collaborate with colleagues and use data to improve student learning.

Grade 7/8 teachers will plan, instruct, and assess students in a balanced literacy classroom.

Students' growth in comprehending texts will be monitored using the RAD assessment.

Literacy Assessments - (Grade 7/8 Required) - Enter results in MB Data Tool.

Mental Math/Basic Facts (Required) - Grade 7/8 teachers will complete the Basic Facts Assessment and will enter results in MB Data Tool.

NAP - Grade 7/8 teachers will follow the Numeracy Achievement Program (NAP) from mRLC including pacing guide, quizzes and baseline assessment. Student results will be entered in MB Data Tool.

Online/Offline Resources-
Sora, Google Workspace / TextHelp Read & Write for Google, Mathletics

Provincial Assessment - Grade 7/8 (Grade 7 Math & Grade 8 ELA/Francais) - Teachers enter results and complete all forms for the assessment. Use the Literacy / Numeracy websites as guides to help.
SEL - use the CASEL Social emotional learning framework to guide SEL skill development programming system wide.

School Attendance
Divisional Tiered Intervention supports and procedures used when reviewing attendance to support engagement
Mamahtawisiwin - Applying the Indigenous Education Policy Framework to the Classroom

Professional Development for K-12 Treaty Education.
Teachers collect products, observations and conversations as evidence of student learning in an inquiry based classroom with Rich Learning Experiences. The Manitoba Data Tool is used in November and June to plan instruction for the whole group, small group and individual student instruction in ELA, Mental Math, and NAP Math.

Manitoba Data Tool is used to inform school planning. Research based classroom structures and strategies employed in classrooms. Formative and summative assessment practices based on triangulated data.
PSSD Assessment Timeline 2024-2025

MB Data Tools

Provincial Report Cards
Gr. 7-8DevelopmentalLiteracy
Teachers will receive training on how to facilitate the RAD.

mRLC Reading Apprenticeship
mRLC Towards Engagement and Independence: Building Capacity in Reading and Writing for Middle Years Students

mRLC NAP training will be available.
Implement MILE (Math Interactive Learning Experience)

Pre-Assessment (follow-up strategy to Basic facts)- Grade 7/8 teachers can choose to complete the pre-assessment with all of their students or only with students who were not successful in the Basic Facts (see Basic Facts guide)
Complete Pre-Assessment for specific students based on Basic Facts results (could choose to do entire class)
Provide opportunity for students to share what's going well or what isn't. For example, Morning MeetingsCPS - Collaborative and Proactive Solutions

Will use the Assessment of Skills and Unsolved Problems as a tier 2-3 tool to support prioritizing interventions for students, where appropriate.
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) lessons infused into class schedules / school systemsClasses will work on environmental or sustainability and other community experiential initiatives.

Use Applied Digital Skills resources
Utilize the Tools for Refelction Mamahtawisiwin document
Gr. 9-12DivisionalGrade 9-12 Teachers will continue to develop instructional practices to support the Learning Outcomes. Collaborate with colleagues and use data to improve student learning.

Grade 9-12 teachers will plan, instruct, and assess students in a balanced literacy classroom.

An emphasis will be put on using reading strategies across all content areas.

Literacy Assessment - RAD Grade 9 (fall)

Mental Math/Basic Facts (Required) - Grade 9 teachers will complete the Basic Facts Assessment and will enter results in MB Data Tool.

NAP - (Grade 9 only) - Grade 9 teachers will follow the Numeracy Achievement Program (NAP) from mRLC including pacing guide, quizzes and baseline assessment.
Student results will be entered in MB Data Tool.

Online/Offline Resources-
Sora, Google Workspace / Google Read & Write, Mathletics

Provincial Assessment - Grade 10 only (Literacy/Numeracy) - Teachers enter results and complete all forms for the assessment. Use the guides to help.

Provincial Assessment - Grade 12 only - Teachers will support students to complete the Summative assessment and complete any required forms from the province.
SEL - use the CASEL Social emotional learning framework to guide SEL skill development programming system wide.School Attendance
Divisional Tiered Intervention supports and procedures used when reviewing attendance to support engagement
STEAM and Career Development integration across curriculum

Classes will work on environmental or sustainability and other community experiential initiatives.

Use Applied Digital Skills resources
Mamahtawisiwin - Applying the Indigenous Education Policy Framework to the Classroom

Professional Development for K-12 Treaty Education.
Teachers collect products, observations and conversations as evidence of student learning in an inquiry based classroom with Rich Learning Experiences. Grade 9 Teachers collect math data in the Manitoba Data Tool to guide instruction in math with the NAP.

Manitoba Data Tool is used to inform school planning. Research based classroom structures and strategies employed in classrooms. Formative and summative assessment practices based on triangulated data.
PSSD Assessment Timeline 2024-2025

MB Data Tools

Provincial Report Cards
Gr. 9-12DevelopmentalLiteracy
mRLC: Reading Apprenticeship
mRLC: Planning Using Manitoba’s 9-12 English Language Arts Curriculum

Teachers will receive training on how to facilitate the RAD

mRLC NAP training will be available (Grade 9 only).
Implement MILE (Math Interactive Learning Experience)
Provide opportunity for students to share what's going well or what isn't. CPS - Collaborative and Proactive Solutions

Will use the Assessment of Skills and Unsolved Problems as a tier 2-3 tool to support prioritizing interventions for students
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) lessons infused into class schedules / school systems Professional Development and exploration of effective best practices for student Alternative Programming needs, specifically Credit Rescue and Credit Recovery.Explore STEAM Opportunities, such as EnvirothonUtilize the Tools for Refelction Mamahtawisiwin document
Resource TeachersDivisional
Navigator - Leslie
Support classroom teachers in responding to the Literacy/Numeracy and School Profile data

Implement Tier 2/3 Literacy Intervention resources such as UFLI, Letter Lessons and FIrst Words, Levelled Literacy Intervention kits

Implement Tier 2/3 Numeracy Intervention resources such as Leaps and Bounds

Use the Adaptation Team Planning Template, Curriculum Modification Team Planning Template (CMP), and Individualized Programming Team Planning Template (IEP) to plan as a team (student, parent, teachers, clinicians, principal).

Online/Offline Resources-
CLEVR, Fast Phonics, Reading Eggs, Reading Eggspress, Google Workspace / Texthelp Read & Write for Google, Mathseeds/Mathletics

Plan Professional Development as per Student Services Interim Training Plan.
As case manager, advocate for the needs of students with SSPsUse the Adaptation Team Planning Template, Curriculum Modification Team Planning Template (CMP), and Individualized Programming Team Planning Template (IEP) to plan as a team (student, parent, teachers, clinicians, principal).

Work with Occupational Therapists to develop and support regulation programimng (ie regulation rooms, class-wide strategies).

Using School/Class Profile data- Collaborate with classroom teachers to develop student-specific and classroom SEL support plans using the CASEL framework.
School Attendance
Divisional Tiered Intervention supports and procedures used when reviewing attendance to support engagement
Mamahtawisiwin - Applying the Indigenous Education Policy Framework to the Classroom

Professional Development for K-12 Treaty Education.
Supporting classroom teachers in using classroom data to inform instruction and develop student specific plans

Manitoba Data Tool is used to inform school planning. Research based classroom structures and strategies employed in classrooms. Formative and summative assessment practices based on triangulated data.
Resource TeachersDevelopmental Navigator - LeslieLiteracy
Further implement the Four Guiding Principles for a Comprehensive Approach to Reading Instruction in Manitoba with school teams

-Implement MILE (Math Interactive Learning Experience)

Will use and facilitate the use of Assessment of Skills and Unsolved Problems as a tier 2-3 tool to support prioritizing interventions for students where appropriate (CPS)Professional development and exploration of effective best practices for student Alternative Programming needs specifically Credit Rescue and Credit Recovery.Utilize the Tools for Refelction Mamahtawisiwin document
School CounsellorsDivisional
Navigator - Sheldon
Use Planning Templates to co-publish Curriculum Modification Plans and Adaptation Plans.
Use Adaptation Plans in the area of Social-Emotional development that impacts Literacy / Numeracy.

Schools will administer and analyze an interim student voice survey for the year 2024-25.
Using student voice data, collaborate with classroom teachers to develop student-specific and classroom SEL support plans using the CASEL framework.

Plan Professional Development as per Student Services Interim Training Plan
School Attendance
Divisional Tiered Intervention supports and procedures used when reviewing attendance to support engagement.

Exploration of effective best practices for student Alternative Programming needs specifically Credit Rescue and Credit Recovery.
Mamahtawisiwin - Applying the Indigenous Education Policy Framework to the Classroom

Professional Development for K-12 Treaty Education.
School CounsellorsDevelopmental
Navigator - Sheldon
Will use and facilitate the use of Assessment of Skills and Unsolved Problems as a tier 2-3 tool to support prioritizing interventions for students where appropriate (CPS).Support SEL Divisional Committee in developing
Tier 1 SEL School System Implementation Framework.
Utilize the Tools for Refelction Mamahtawisiwin documentSupporting classroom teachers with Learning Behaviours of the Report Card - Pilot
Psychologists / Mental Health FacilitatorDivisional
Navigator - Leslie & Sheldon
Clinician recommendations are co-written as SMART goals in the IEP and monitored for progress by Classroom Teacher, Resource Teacher, School Counsellor and Clinician.

Recommendations and interventions include divisional recommendations and practices for literacy and numeracy.

Collaborate with the Academic Administrators to incorporate Literacy and Math recommendations.

Attend school PDs to align recommendations to classroom practices.
Use School Profile Data to inform SEL recommendations.
Support student services staff and classroom teachers in SEL approaches/resources
(CASEL Framework, CPS (Collaborative and Proactive Solutions), Regulation strategies such as Zones of Regulation, Mind Up, Social Thinkng, Lions Quest, Strong Kids.

Attend school PDs to align recommendations to classroom practices
School Attendance
Divisional Tiered Intervention supports and procedures are used when reviewing attendance to support engagement.

Exploration of effective best practices for student Alternative Programming needs specifically Credit Rescue and Credit Recovery.
Mamahtawisiwin - Applying the Indigenous Education Policy Framework to the Classroom

Professional Development for K-12 Treaty Education.
Use the Math and ELA student-specific data from teachers to inform assessments
Psychologists / Mental Health FacilitatorDevelopmental Navigator - Leslie & SheldonWill begin using and facilitating the use of Assessment of Skills and Unsolved Problems as a tier 2-3 tool to support prioritizing interventions for students where appropriate (CPS).Utilize the Tools for Refelction Mamahtawisiwin document
Navigator - Leslie
Clinician recommendations are co-written as SMART goals in the IEP and monitored for progress by Classroom Teacher, Resource Teacher, School Counsellor and Clinician.

Utilize common interventions for language development goals within the context of numeracy.

Support teachers in using strategies for division-wide phonological awareness screenings and stations/centres in Kindergarten and early years.

Attend school PDs to align recommendations to classroom practices.
Provide resources for social communication development and play skills as per student specific assessment results.Mamahtawisiwin - Applying the Indigenous Education Policy Framework to the Classroom

Professional Development for K-12 Treaty Education.
Assist teachers with using the data collected from the Phonological Awareness tasks in K-2 to guide instruction.
Navigator - Leslie
Utilize the Tools for Refelction Mamahtawisiwin document
Senior AdminStudent Services and Student Support Services Administrators will work with Academic Administrators, Clinicians and Resource Teachers to consolidate Literacy / Numeracy interventions.

Continue to explore finding a balance of the use of online and offline learning tools to support student learning in Tiers 1, 2 and 3.

Student Services and Student Support Services Administrators will work with new Resource Teachers and School Counsellors on their Student Services Interim Training Plans
Support school teams and clinicians in using and facilitating the use of Assessment of Skills and Unsolved Problems as a tier 2-3 tool to support prioritizing interventions for students where appropriate (CPS).Continue SEL Divisional Committee work developing Tier 1 SEL School system implementation framework.

Infuse the CASEL 5 Framework into planning tools for Tier 1, 2 and 3.
School Attendance
Divisional Tiered Intervention supports and procedures used when reviewing attendance to support engagement.

Divisional High School development and exploration of effective best practices for student Alternative Programming needs specifically Credit Rescue and Credit Recovery.
Mamahtawisiwin - Applying the Indigenous Education Policy Framework to the Classroom

Utilize the Tools for Refelction Mamahtawisiwin document

Professional Development for K-12 Treaty Education.

Work with High School Liaison to support students transitioning from ISS to PSSD schools

Work with Teacher Committee to analyze remommendations
Senior Admin will analyze data from the Provincial Sources, Divisional Report Card and Assessment data, and the Manitoba data tool to provide support and plan PD for the division.

Senior Admin will share this information with the Board of Trustees in order to inform a strategic plan.
PSSD Board of TrusteesDevelop, and be responsible for work related to achieving the priorities in the 2024 - 2027 Strategic Action PlanDevelop a relationship with SLFN Chief, Council through regular meetings and communications on shared topics.
Professional Development for the Board of trustees on the history of SLFN, their goals and plans as it relates to the TRC.
Trustees will make informed decisions based on data provided by Senior Admin.

Trustees will use data to develop and inform their Strategic Plan.