Title & Description Tribal AffiliationFederal Indian Policy PeriodDateCollection Media/File Type URL/Location ThumbnailFederal Indian Policy PeriodTranscription?Additional InformationCurrent or Previous tribe of Montana/region?Primary or secondary source (or both)
Project Archaeology: Investigating the First Peoples, the Clovis Child Burial examines new findings about the Anzick site near Wilsall, the oldest documented archaeological site in North America. Designed for grades 8-12, the curriculum asks students to read current news reports, write an archaeology discovery report, debate the ethics of studying ancient human remains, write a persuasive essay and join students from across the nation in creating memorials to the Clovis Child.Clovis/PaleoIndian0. Pre-Colonization Pre-contactOPI/Project ArchaeologyPDF lesson planhttps://projectarchaeology.org/product/investigating-the-first-peoples-the-clovis-child-burial/
Pre-Colonization PDF download - with an article written by Dr. Shane Doyle, ApsáalookeYBoth
Songs from Indian Reading Series, which tell traditional Indigenous stories including animal stories, Napi stories, etc. PDF guide to teaching the Indian Reading Series curriculum for K-8, with lyrics and links to performances of the songs. Blackfeet, Crow, Kootenai0. Pre-Colonization and 6. Self-Determination Period, 1975-presentSongs from Native Americans in a collection from OPIMT OPI/ Cayuse Prairie School Indian Education for AllDocumenthttps://opi.mt.gov/Portals/182/Page%20Files/Indian%20Education/Music/Songs%20from%20the%20Indian%20Reading%20Series.pdf?ver=2020-09-11-121931-377
Pre-Colonization and Self-Determination Period, 1975-presentDoc includes song lyrics & ASL video linksThese are based on the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory's Indian Reading Series, which was developed in consultation with tribes from twelve reservations in the Northwest. http://apps.educationnorthwest.org/indianreading/index.htmlYBoth
Blackfeet Star Stories - Scarface as told by Cynthia Kipp-Davis "Good Leader" Amskapi Pikuni. 17 minute video narration of the stories Scarface, Morning Star, and Solar System. Blackfeet0. Pre-Colonization/6. Self-Determination Periodsc. 2018Montana OPIyoutube videoBlackfeet Star Stories - Scarface
Pre-Colonization/Self-Determination PeriodsYPrimary
Red Jacket Lectures a Missionary. Transcript of a speech by Seneca chief Sagu-ua-what-hath explaining why he wants to keep his own religion rather than converting to Christianity.Seneca1. Colonization/Colonial Period, 1492-1800s1805LOCOnline resourcehttps://www.loc.gov/resource/rbpe.04702500/?st=pdf&pdfPage=2Colonization/Colonial Period and Treaty-making and Removal Period, 1778-1871PDF availableOriginal image of doc and PDF availableNPrimary
Letter from the Seneca Chiefs to George Washington. Letter listing grievances (taking of Seneca land without compensation, treaty violations, dishonest dealings, and unpunished murders of Senecan people by Whites.)Seneca1. Colonization/Colonial Period, 1492-1800sC. 1791National Archives, Washington Papers.Online resourcehttps://founders.archives.gov/documents/Washington/05-07-02-0005#:~:text=1%20Our%20Councillors%20and%20warriors,the%20possession%20of%20our%20Land.Colonization/Colonial Period, 1492-1800sTranscriptedLinked here is Washington's response: https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Washington/05-07-02-0080NPrimary
374 Ratified Indian Treaties digitized by the National Archives, along with visualizations of land transfersMulti Tribal1. Colonization/Colonial Period, 1492-1800s and 2. Treaty-Making and Removal Period, 1778-18711701-1871National Archives PDFs and Maps https://digitreaties.org/
Colonization/Colonial Period, 1492-1800s and Treaty-Making and Removal Period, 1778-1871YBothPrimary
Charlo Tries to Farm the Bitterroot (Salish). Edited excerpt of an essay originally in Verne Dusenberry's manuscript Samples of Pend d' Oreille literature and Salish Narratives, housed in the Merrill G. Burlingame Special Collections at Montana State University. Salish2. Treaty-Making and Removal Period (1778-1871)1890-1910 Montana State University, published by Museum of the RockiesGoogle Dochttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1K0B4pS0Xluk5YCufJmSRPSE25Kq-YoW8X6tdVwYFkTA/edit?usp=sharing https://archiveswest.orbiscascade.org/ark:80444/xv06240Treaty-Making and Removal Period, 1778-1871N/AThis document was edited for students by Dylan Huisken.YPrimary
Lone Dog Winter Count Lesson Plan. PDF to assist teachers introducing Native American artwork and pictographs to students in grades 4-8.Nakota2. Treaty-Making and Removal Period (1778-1871)mid-1800sSmithsonian InstitutionOnline lesson planhttps://americanindian.si.edu/sites/1/files/pdf/education/poster_lone_dog_final.pdf
Treaty-Making and Removal Period, 1778-1871Searchable PDFYBoth
Four Versions of a Little Turtle Speech on Treaty of Greenville. Webpage offering differnet translations of accounts made about Little Turtle's speech, in which he defines Miami territory, explains that the Miamis do not want to sell or give away their land and that other tribes, who did offer up the land, did not represent them.Myaamia (Miami)2. Treaty-Making and Removal Period (1778-1871)1795Aacimotaatiiyankwi (Miami Tribe Blog site)Online resourcehttps://aacimotaatiiyankwi.org/2021/04/13/four-versions-of-a-little-turtle-speech-at-greenville-1795/
Colonization/Colonial Period, 1492-1800sTranscriptedContains phrases in Miama language and a brown bag conversation by tribal historians. A great resource on how things get translated and common themes that still come through. NPrimary
Speckled Snake's Reply to Andrew Jackson and Elias Boudinot opposing Removal. Webpage with photocopied image of Speckled Snake's response.Cherokee2. Treaty-Making and Removal Period (1778-1871)1830 and 1828Major Problems in American Indian History (book)Photocopy https://inside.sfuhs.org/dept/history/US_History_reader/Chapter4/nativeresponsestoJackson.pdfTreaty-Making and Removal Period, 1778-1871N/AWikipedia has the speech and it is similar to the one in the photocopy, if you are looking for an easy way to copy/paste the speech into a Google Doc for students NPrimary
Chief Petalsharro Gives Speech to President Monroe in White House. Transcription of speech given by Petalsharro discussing the relationship between Native Americans and White settlers.Pawnee2. Treaty-Making and Removal Period (1778-1871)1821The White House Historical AssociationSpeech with context (Online resource)https://www.whitehousehistory.org/an-eloquent-visitor-from-the-great-plains
Treaty-Making and Removal Period, 1778-1871N/AA nuanced example of white encroachment fueling the "vanishing Indian" myth NPrimary
Old Lady Horse (Kiowa) Tells how the Buffalo Disappeared. Short narrative written from the perspective of Old Lady Horse discussing the role of white men in the extinction of the American bison. Kiowa2. Treaty-Making and Removal Period (1778-1871)n.d.New York City PBS (thirteen.org)PDF Documenthttps://www.thirteen.org/wnet/historyofus/web08/features/source/docs/C04.pdfTreaty-Making and Removal Period, 1778-1871NPrimary
Ledger drawing of Buffalo Calf Woman, in an elk tooth dress, rescuing her brother, Comes in Sight, in a war bonnet. According to the Northern Cheyenne, the horse’s split ear indicates it was a fast one. Northern Cheyenne named this 1876 battle, “Where the Girl Saved Her Brother.” The U.S. Army labeled it the Rosebud Battlefield. Northern Cheyenne2. Treaty-Making and Removal Period (1778-1871)c. 1879Smithsonian Institution, National Anthropologic al Archives, Bureau of American Ethnology, ms. 166.032 JPEG Image https://mhs.mt.gov/education/Textbook/ARS/7-8.jpg
Treaty-Making and Removal Period (1778-1871)NAYPrimary
Ledger drawing by Little Fingernail. Little Fingernail, a Northern Cheyenne warrior, was killed helping his people escape from Fort Robinson in 1879. Strapped to his chest was a ledger book filled with drawings he had made chronicling the Northern Cheyenne's fight to return to Montana. The bullet that killed him first passed through the ledger book, which is why this drawing is torn. Northern Cheyenne2. Treaty-Making and Removal Period (1778-1871)c. 1879Courtesy Department of Library Services, American Museum of Natural History, No. 50, 1/661984 JPEG Image https://mhs.mt.gov/education/Textbook/ARS/7-15.jpg
Treaty-Making and Removal Period (1778-1871)NAYPrimary
Letter from Chief Victor to Territorial Gov. Sidney Edgerton, 1865, Asking Edgerton to Enforce the 1855 Hellgate Treaty, which he claimed was being violated by white settlement of the Bitterroot. Salish2. Treaty-Making and Removal Period (1778-1871)1865Learning From Historical Documents, Ch. 7, Montana: Stories of the LandOnline resourcehttps://mhs.mt.gov/education/StoriesOfTheLand/Part2/Chapter7/HistoricalDocCh71
Treaty-Making and Removal Period (1778-1871)Both transcripted excerpt and originalYPrimary
Medicine Bear Yanktonai Dakota Winter Count. 11 slide interactive powerpoint, highlighting and magnifying depictions of specific years on Medicine Bear's Winter Count - an animal hide pictorial record of a specified time period. Yanktonai (Dakota Sioux)2. Treaty-Making and Removal Period (1778-1871)c. 1823-1911Montana Historical SocietyPowerPointhttps://mhs.mt.gov/education/IEFA/YanktonaiDakotaWinterCount.pptx
Treaty-Making and Removal Period (1778-1871) and Reservation Period (1887-1934)N/ANPrimary
Letter from Malcolm Clark to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Short letter written by Clark, addressed to the commisioner of Indian Affairs relating to charges against Blackfeet Superintendent McFatridge, including misappropriation of funds.Blackfeet3. Reservation Period--Allotment and Assimilation, 1887-19341915Natives of Montana Archival Project, Montana History PortalPDF https://www.mtmemory.org/nodes/view/64527#idx633168
Reservation Period – Allotment and Assimilation, 1887-1934 NoThis file has other letters both supporting and accusing the Indian Agent of mismanagement.YPrimary
Teddy Draper, Navajo Code Talker in WWII. 1.5 hour video interview with Teddy Draper, reflecting on his childhood attending boarding schools, his reaction to the bombing of Pearl Harbor and subsequent decision to join the Marine Corps, and experience in the Battle of Iwo Jima.Navajo3. Reservation Period--Allotment and Assimilation, 1887-1934 and 4. Tribal Reorganization Period, 1934-19531935-1949Library of CongressPersonal Narrative videohttps://www.loc.gov/item/afc2001001.52556/
Reservation Period--Allotment and Assimilation, 1887-1934 and Tribal Reorganization Period, 1934-1953TranscriptedNPrimary
Chester Nez, Navajo Code Talker, WWII and Korean War Vet. 1.5 hour video interview discussing his motivation for joining the Marine Corps, the creation of Navajo code talkers and his childhood experience in boarding schools.Navajo3. Reservation Period--Allotment and Assimilation, 1887-1934 and 4. Tribal Reorganization Period, 1934-19531939-1945 (World War II); Korean War, 1950-1953Library of CongressPersonal Narrative videohttps://www.loc.gov/item/afc2001001.54891/
Reservation Period--Allotment and Assimilation, 1887-1934 and Tribal Reorganization Period, 1934-1953TranscriptedNPrimary
Roy Orville Hawthorne, Navajo Code Talker, WWII and Korean War Vet. 1.5 hour video interview in which Hawthorne discusses his childhoood in Arizona, service in the Marine Corps and his experiences on Okinawa. Navajo3. Reservation Period--Allotment and Assimilation, 1887-1934 and 4. Tribal Reorganization Period, 1934-19531939-1945 (World War II); Korean War, 1950-1953Library of CongressPersonal Narrative videohttps://www.loc.gov/item/afc2001001.52528/
Reservation Period--Allotment and Assimilation, 1887-1934 and Tribal Reorganization Period, 1934-1953TranscriptedNPrimary
Native American Firefighter on Salty. 3 minute audio recording by Bud Moore interviewing a Native American wilderness firefighter, after borrowing Moore's horse, Salty.unspecified4. Tribal Reorganization Period, 1934-1953 and 5. Termination and Relocation Period, 1953-1968c. 1950Bud Moore Photographs and Sound Recordings @ UofM Mansfield LibrarySound recordinghttps://www.mtmemory.org/nodes/view/65808?keywords=Native%20Americans&type=all&highlights=WyJuYXRpdmUiLCJhbWVyaWNhbnMiXQ==&lsk=1fe2ca080d591779ab01b6c1fb0bb8e1
Tribal Reorganization Period, 1934-1953 and Termination and Relocation Period, 1953-1968?Primary
Winona LaDuke on Tribes' Place in the Ecosystem. PDF copy of a periodical that published LaDuke's (Anishinabe) essay on the realtionship between Native cultures and industrial society in the 1990s. Anishinabe6. Self-Determination Period, 1975-present1990Journal of Race, Poverty, and the EnvironmentArticlehttps://www.reimaginerpe.org/files/1-2%20all.pdfSelf-Determination Period, 1975-presentPDF download the article NPrimary
Greetings from American Indian Youth 2009. Four minute video highlighting students from across Montana's resevations and tribes speaking in their Native languages.MT's 12 Tribal Nations6. Self-Determination Period, 1975-presentModern Native American students introducing themselves in their own languagesMT OPI Indian Education DivisionYouTube videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxiEBkojASo
Self-Determination Period, 1975-presentAuto-TranscriptionYPrimary
Rainbow Star Medallion Blue and Red Quilt by Almira Buffalo Bone Jackson. Image of Jackson's quilt in the Marlene Saccoccia Quilt Heritage Project collection at the Museum of the Rockies. According to the Museum of the Rockies Almira Buffalo Bone Jackson (1917-2004) was a member of the Red Bottom band of the Fort Peck Assiniboine and an incredible quilter. She made hundreds of quilts in her lifetime, including star quilts, like this one, which were often gifts for family and friends or created to give away at social gatherings or to mark important events. Almira could create as many as two quilts in a week but usually averaged closer to four quilts per month. Assiniboine6. Self-Determination Period, 1975-presentoriginal photo 1994. Marlene Saccoccia Quilt Heritage Project collection at the Museum of the RockiesJPEGhttps://www.mtmemory.org/nodes/view/64660?keywords=created%20by%20native%20american&type=all&highlights=WyJhbWVyaWNhbiIsIm5hdGl2ZSIsImNyZWF0ZWQiXQ==&lsk=326f97b8073e657de38a3db54962d01c
Self-Determination Period, 1975-Present Found in Marlene Saccoccia Quilt Heritage Project on Montana History Portal siteYPrimary
Doorway Style Song by Shane Doyle (Apsáalooke/Crow). Dr. Shane Doyle is a Bozeman-based scholar/historian, member of Apsáalooke/Crow tribe, performing artist and filmmaker. 6 minute recording of Doyle's performance of Doorway Style Song, one example of Native American music.Apsáalooke/Crow6. Self-Determination Period, 1975-presentc. 2018MTHS YoutubeYouTube Videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOgGDR252ik
Self-Determination Period, 1975-presentAuto generated captions availableYPrimary
“Prayer Loop Song,” by Supaman (Apsáalooke/Crow), courtesy of the Billings Gazette. Supaman is a contemporary Montana-based rapper and musician. 4-minute video of Supaman's live performance of "Prayer Loop Song."Apsáalooke/Crow6. Self-Determination Period, 1975-presentc. 2018MT OPIVideohttps://vimeo.com/453800243/cdd5778522
Self-Determination Period, 1975-presentNYPrimary
Interview with Supaman (Apsáalooke/Crow). 2.5 minute video interview with Supaman, a contemporary rapper and fancy dancer, including live performance footage. Apsáalooke/Crow6. Self-Determination Period, 1975-presentc. 2018MT OPIVideohttps://vimeo.com/452182541/28c0ce3723
Self-Determination Period, 1975-presentNYPrimary
Northwest Indian Reading Series. This series of graded, illustrated books was developed in consultation with tribes from twelve reservations in the Northwest. The series contains 140 culturally relevant stories written by local Indian authors and illustrated by Indian artists.Multiple6. Self-Determination Period, 1975-presentc. 1972Northwest Regional Educational LaboratoryPDFhttp://apps.educationnorthwest.org/indianreading/index.htmlSelf-Determination Period, 1975-Present N/AMariah Gladstone worked with Rob Quist turn some of these into songs. See https://opi.mt.gov/Portals/182/Page%20Files/Indian%20Education/Music/Songs%20from%20the%20Indian%20Reading%20Series.pdf BothPrimary
I am a survivor’: Resolution would recognize Indigenous boarding school experience. News article describing the introduction Senate Joint Resolution 6 by Sen. Susan Webber of Browning, MT.Blackfeet, MT's 12 Tribal Nations6. Self-Determination Period, 1975-presentJan. 25, 2023MissoulianMissoulian Newspaperhttps://missoulian.com/news/local/i-am-a-survivor-resolution-would-recognize-indigenous-boarding-school-experience/article_5462cfaa-f4cc-58ba-ae49-f38c57afb2f9.html
Self-Determination Period, 1975-presentThis is a secondary source that quotes Blackfeet State Senator and boarding school survivor Susan Webber.Yboth
Western Native Voice. Website for an organization advoating for more political power for Native Americans. MT's 12 Tribal Nations6. Self-Determination Period, 1975-presentCopyright 2023Website gives information about current Western Native American Caucus Websitehttps://westernnativevoice.org/
Self-Determination Period, 1975-presentThis website has links to other educational resources pertaining to current caucus information.YPrimary
Montana Tribes Digital Archive. Interactive website encompassing 1-5 minute video interviews with Native Peoples, activities, visual aids, and additional resources.MT's 12 Tribal Nations7. Comprehensive Modern speakers on a variety of historical topicsOPI/IEFA/TribesA comprehensive collection of videos about every EUhttps://montanatribes.org/
Comprehensive YPrimary
A Song for the Horse Nation: Horses in Native American Cultures. Website for an exhibition originally shown at the National Museum of the American Indian. Exhibition gives information about the relationship of natives and horses and how those relationships affected life and culture. Various, from across U.S.7. Comprehensive 2011National Museum of the American Indian, part of the Smithsonian Institution.Websitehttps://americanindian.si.edu/exhibitions/horsenation/index.html
Comprehensive This is a secondary source with many primary sources integrated throughoutYBoth
Historical timeline Crow Tribe. Webpage with written timeline of the development of the Crow Tribe and their interaction with white settlement.Crow7. Comprehensive March 7, 2000Little Big Horn College LibraryWebsitehttp://lib.lbhc.edu/index.php?q=node/86
Comprehensive This is a secondary source. YSecondary
Northern Cheyenne Archives for Chief Dull Knife CollegeCheyenne7. Resources span multiple policy periodsCopyright 2020Woodenlegs Library, Chief Dull Knife Colllege Websitehttps://woodenlegslibrary.com/archives
Resources span multiple policy periodsOnline access primarily limited to local newspapers and photography collections.Yboth