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OrganizationAbout organization in generalStrategyEvaluate Strategy
Main direction
(to be translated into Eng)
What actually does/projects
(to be translated into Eng)
(to be translated into Eng)
Likn to strategyStrategy itselfComments on strategyComments, generalIs it a strategy at all?Are there holes within strategy?Are funding sources clear?Does such a strategy give the effect of exponential advance?Will the strategy get public approval?Are there any successful analogues?
1AFAR (American Federation for Aging Research)Раздает грантыИсследования в области старения. AFAR оказывает финансовую поддержку учёным - молодым и в середине карьеры - чьи исследования могут расширить знания об основных механизмах старения и возраст-зависимых заболеваниях. Бюджет программы: 6,4 млн. долларов.$6.4mhttps://www.afar.org1981Уильям Дж. Липтон, Стефани Ледерман American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR) is a national non-profit organization whose mission is to support and advance healthy aging through biomedical research.
Key Initiatives
AFAR focuses its activities on these major initiatives:
Identifying and funding a broad range of cutting-edge research most likely to increase knowledge about healthy aging.
Attracting more physicians to specialize in geriatric medicine to meet the demands of an aging population with expert health care.
Creating opportunities for scientists and clinicians to share knowledge and exchange ideas to drive innovation in aging research.
Providing information to the public on new medical findings that can help people live longer lives, less susceptible to disease and disability.
What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?
MSTAR (Medical Student Training in Aging Reserach) - программа стажировки студентов-медиков в области исследований старения.
Paul B. Beeson Career Development Awards in Aging Research Бюджет: 1 млн. долларов.
TAME (Targeting Aging with Metformin) Бюджет: 64 млн. долларов.
Glenn Foundation for Medical Research and AFAR Grants for Junior Faculty. 1 млн. долларов
2Academy for Health and Lifespan ResearchСоздает сообщество ведущих специалистов в области продления жизниПровели первую конференцию с участием учредителей 30 - 31 июля 2019 в Париже?Дэвид Синклер Academy embraces a 4C MISSION: First to catalyze the world’s ongoing research to accelerate the development of life-changing enhancements of healthy aging. Second to connect our founders to each other through the auspices of the academy. The third C: Convene experts and authorities around the world to advance their missions and that of the Academy’s in public and private settings. Finally, we shall communicate with the public at large to educate them about this new generation of health span and longevity research, what it means and what it doesn’t mean, and to engage in constructive conversations.What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?
3Biomedical Research and Longevity Society (former Life Extention Foundation) Финансирует научные исследованияКомпания 21st Century Medicine: Исследования по трансплантация органов; Криосохранение, криопротекторы и втирификация: глубокое охлаждение без кристаллизации.Уильям Фалун, Сол Кент?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?
Лаборатория Critical Care Research (CCR): Ишемия и головной мозг; Последствия охлаждения для современной хирургии; Жидкостная вентиляция, Исследования по реанимации.
Биотехнолгическая компания Suspended Animation, Inc.
Биомедицинская исследовательская компания Advanced Neural Biosciences (ANB).
Публикации. Questioning the inevitability of aging,
Josh Mitteldorfa and Gregory M. Fahy
4Bold Capital PartnersИнвестрирует в технологические компанииИнвестировал в Insilico Medicine$200mhttps://www.boldcapitalpartners.com2015Питер Диамандис believe that the combination of AI, genome sequencing technology, DNA editing technology, stem cell technologies, sensors and big data will allow us to add 10 – 30 years to the healthy human lifespan. BOLD looks for companies that have a unique approaches to this multi-trillion dollar marketplace.What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?
Инвестировал в Fountain Therapeutic Services, компанию, которая создает глобальную сеть клиник для лечения возраст-зависимых дегенеративных заболеваний с целью "возраст 100 лет - новые 60".
Инвестировал в Elevian, компанию, развивающую регенеративную медицину, направленную на устранение первопричин процессов старения. "Элевиан" определила факторы крови, которые регулируют старение и стимулируют естественные механизмы восстановления и регенерации организма, и разрабатывает биотерапию, направленную на эти факторы.
5Buck Institute for Research on Aging
Проводит научные исследования в области антиэйджингаСоздали Paul F. Glenn Center for Biology of Aging Research at the Buck Institute (Центр биологии старения им. Пола Ф. Гленна при Институте Бака) совместно с Glenn Foundation for Medical Research (Фондом медицинских исследований Гленна).$38.7mhttps://www.buckinstitute.org1999Эрик Вердин opened our doors in 1999, becoming the world’s only research institution singularly focused on the biology of aging, yielding insights into age-related diseases before they start. We hire scientists from a variety of disciplines to attack the problem from all sides because the answers we’re after won’t come from a single field.What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?
6CalicoПроводит научные исследования в области антиэйджингаСотрудничество с Broad Institute $2500https://www.calicolabs.com2013Дэвид Ботштейн, Артур ЛевинсонСтратегии как таковой нет

ещё ссылки
Calico is a research and development company whose mission is to harness advanced technologies to increase our understanding of the biology that controls lifespan. We will use that knowledge to devise interventions that enable people to lead longer and healthier lives. Executing on this mission will require an unprecedented level of interdisciplinary effort and a long-term focus for which funding is already in place.What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?
Сотрудничество с University of Pennsylvania’s Institute for Translational Medicine and Therapeutics (ITMAT) в области старения и возраст-зависимых заболеваний.
Сотрудничество с Jackson Laboratory (JAX)
Сотрудничество с AbbVie по вопросам старения и возраст-зависимых заболеваний, включая нейродегенеративные заболевания и рак.
Сотрудничество с AncestryDNA в области исследований роли наследственности в продолжительности жизни.
Сотрудничество с Buck Institute for Research on Aging по поддержке исследований в области долголетия и возраст-зависимых заболеваний.
Сотрудничество с UC San Francisco (UCSF) вобласти разработки потенциальных терапий для возрастного снижения умственных способностей.
Партнерство с QB3 по проведение исследований в области биологии старения и выявление потенциальных терапий для лечения возрастзависимых заболеваний.
Сотрудничество с 2M по развитию технологии UTSW.
Сотрудничество на срок в пять лет с Therapeutics (C4T) по открытию, развитию и коммерциализации терапий для лечения связаннных со старением заболеваний, включая рак.
Публикации: A prospective analysis of genetic variants associated with human lifespan; A new experimental platform facilitates assessment of the transcriptional and chromatin landscapes of aging yeast;Estimates of the heritability of human longevity are substantially inflated due to assortative mating;
7Coalition for Radical Life ExtensionПрводит встречиПроводит RAADfest$0.08mhttp://www.rlecoalition.com2015Джеймс Строул, Бернадин Браун, Билл Эндрюс, Билл Фалун, Лиз Пэрриш, Дэвид Кикич Coalition for Radical Life Extension is rallying like-minded people to come together to stand up for radical life extension and physical immortality. Powered by People Unlimited, the Coalition is a not-for-profit organization reaching out to groups and individuals who already have interest in radical life extension and physical immortality, in order to galvanize and focus our energy into a popular movement that is self-sustaining and expansive. This group of early adopting advocates, numbering in the thousands, is forming a platform for influencing a much broader audience, and ultimately the mainstream.What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?
Проводит Super Longevity Spring Meetup
8The Ellison Medical FoundationРаздает грантыLawrence J. Ellison Institute for Transformative Medicine of USC, изучение персонализированного подхода к лечению онкологических заболеваний.?http://www.ellisonfoundation.org1997Ларри Эллисон primary mission of The Lawrence Ellison Foundation (formerly The Ellison Medical Foundation) has been to support basic biomedical research, with a focus on understanding how humans and other organisms age, and on defining the fundamental biological mechanisms that prevent age-related diseases and disabilities. In particular, the Foundation has aimed to stimulate new, creative research approaches that might not be funded by traditional sources or that has been neglected by existing U.S. research funding programs.What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?
New Scholar in Aging Award. The award is intended to provide significant support to new investigators needed to permit them to become established in the field of aging. The New Scholars Program provides awards of up to $100,000 per year for a four year period for successful candidates.
9Forever HealthyПроводит конференцииПроект Rejuvenation Now?forever-healthy.orgМайкл Грив are a private, non-profit initiative with the mission to enable people to vastly extend their healthy lifespan and be part of the first generation to cure aging.What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?
Конференции Undoing Aging
Поддержка стартапов. Компания Майкла Грива Kizoo курирует и поддерживает следующие биомедицинские стартапы: LIfT Biosciences, Turn Biotechnologies, Elevian, Antoxerene, FoxBio, AgeX, Oisin Biotechnologies, LysoClear, CellAge, Grapeseed.Bio.
Финансирование исследований в SENS (Грив дал $10m), Yale University, The Babraham Institute, The Buck Institute for Research on Aging, Rice University.
Гид по здоровью и здоровому образу жизни, опенсорсный проект.
Митапы сторонников в Берлине - Berlin Rejuvenation Meetup, Life Extension Meetup
10Gero LLCПроводит исследования in silicoСоздали платформа молекулярного моделирования для выявления предполагаемых регуляторов старения.?https://gero.ai2012Петр Федичев, Максим Холин is a longevity biotech company founded by a team of scientists and entrepreneurs with extensive experience in the area of life sciences. Our goal is to extend healthy lifespan and delay age-related health issues. We identify novel anti-aging targets, develop life-extending therapies and estimate personal risks of diseases and mortality with the help of AI and proprietary models.
Our research has revealed new targets, which in our opinion, will translate into innovative medical treatments that will delay a number of age-related diseases, including human frailty and mortality itself.
By combining our powerful molecular modeling capabilities with our insights of the new drug targets, we are establishing a portfolio of new medicines to delay human mortality while still maintaining a high quality of life.
What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?
Создали компанию Gero Discovery
Публикации: Longitudinal analysis of blood markers reveals progressive loss of resilience and predicts ultimate limit of human lifespan; Biological age is a universal marker of aging, stress, and frailty; Identification of 12 genetic loci associated with human healthspan; Quantitative characterization of biological age and frailty based on locomotor activity records; Hacking Aging: A Strategy to Use Big Data From Medical Studies to Extend Human Life; Extracting biological age from biomedical data via deep learning: too much of a good thing? Strehler-Mildvan correlation is a degenerate manifold of Gompertz fit; Extracting biological age from biomedical data via deep learning: too much of a good thing? Critical dynamics of gene networks is a mechanism behind ageing and Gompertz law
11Human Cell Atlas (HCA)Создает атлас клеток человекаВстречи Human Cell Atlas General Meeting?https://www.humancellatlas.org2016? Pediatric Cell Atlas will focus not only on understanding the molecular characteristics of normal cells from children’s tissues, but how these cells and tissues change over the course of the pediatric age range. This data will complement adult and developmental-focused Human Cell Atlas projects to provide a rich cytogenomic framework for understanding not only pediatric health and disease but also environmental and genetic impacts across the human lifespan.What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?
Pediatric Cell Atlas
12Human LongevityСобирает базы данныхHealth Nucleus - программа медицинский обследований и секвенирования генома.$220mhttps://www.humanlongevity.com2013Питер Диамандис, Джон Крейг Вентер combining the largest collection of genomic and phenotypic data, HLI is able to use machine learning and expert analysis to transform the data into meaningful and useful insights. This turns the information into new discoveries that can inform health decisions leading to new treatment options, personal health plans, and the potential for longer, healthier human lifespans.What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?
13JuvenescenceСоздает пайплайн подходов для исследований старенияФинансировали Insilico Medicine$165mhttps://juvenescence.ltd2016Джим Меллон’s core thesis is that treating aging will require multiple, well-differentiated approaches that are tailored to key pathologies and the tissue-specific signatures of aging and senescence. We believe that people may need different therapeutics or combinations of therapeutics at different points in their lives. To that end, Juvenescence is constructing a diversified pipeline of companies targeting different features of aging, frailty, and senescence.

Our aim is to create a pipeline of approaches to be in every major area of aging research and to be the preferred development partner for innovators in the field.
What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?
14Life BiosciencesУправляет группой биомедицинских компанийКомпания Lua$75mhttps://lifebiosciences.com2017Дэвид Синклер, Тристан Эдвардс create a future where age-related decline is not a fact of life. We will accomplish this by changing the scientific paradigm, by making medicines affordable, and by changing the culture around aging.What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?
Компания LifeAI
Компани Selphagy Therapeutics
Компания Animal Biosciences
Компания Senolytic Therapeutics
Компания Continuum Biosciences
Компания Jumpstart Fertility
15Life Extension Advocacy FoundationФинансирует научные исследованияФандрайзинговая платформа Успешно собрали деньги на проекты: MitoMouse: SENS Transgenic Mouse Project, Can NMN Increase Longevity? MouseAge: Visual Biomarker for Mouse Aging, AgeMeter: Physiological Biomarkers to Determine Functional Age, CellAge: Targeting Senescent Cells With Synthetic Biology, OncoSENS Control ALT Delete Cancer, The Major Mouse Testing Program, MitoSENS Mitochondrial Repair Project. Всего собрали $0.3m c 2015.$0.15mhttps://www.leafscience.org2014Кит Комито, Оливер Медведик, Ричард Кауфман, Елена Милова mission is to promote biomedical technologies that will increase healthy human lifespan. By crowdfunding research efforts and engaging the public, we aim to more quickly bring about a future free from age-related diseases.What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?
Дорожная карта Rejuvenation Roadmap, регулярно получает апдейты, демонстрируя прогресс в исследованиях и терапии старения.
Вебинары с ведущими учеными (Обри ди Грей, Девид Синлер и другие) для патронов проектов.
Journal Club - ежемесячное, транслируемое на Facebook научное шоу с обсуждением передовых. исследований.
Longevity Investor Network - группа инвесторов ежемесячно проводи встречи с представителями новых компаий и стартапов.
Longevity Book Club - ридинг-группа для сторонников продления жизни.
Интервью с ведущими учеными в области старения, с 2017 опубликовали более 60 интервью (Обри ди Грей, Джордж Черч, Вадим Гладышев и другие)
LifeXtenShow - шоу на YouTube, пополяризирующее исследования и омоложение.
Rejuvenation Roundup - ежемесячный новостной подкаст о событиях в отрасли.
Провели конференцию Ending Age-related diseases 2018 conference
Программа Lifespan Heroes для спонсоров проектов, позволяет им получать ранний доступ к контенту и другие преимущества.
16The Longevity FundФинансирует научно-исследовательские компанииКомпании Precision BioSciences,
UNITY Biotechnology
$500https://www.longevity.vcЛора Деминг https://www.longevity.vcIn the 20th century, we learned that healthy lifespan is malleable. The scientific pathways behind this effect are incredibly complex and difficult to correctly control, but manipulating them may lead to new treatments for age-related disease. We want to get these therapeutic advances translated safely to patients as quickly as possible. Longevity Fund companies have collected >$500M in follow-on funding, resulting in the 2018 IPO of the first company dedicated to reversing the diseases of aging, and multiple programs in clinic to reverse or prevent age-related disease. What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?
17Longevity Vision Fund
Инвестирует в технологические компании
Инвестировал в Fountain Therapeutic Services, компанию, которая создает глобальную сеть клиник для лечения возраст-зависимых дегенеративных заболеваний с целью "возраст 100 лет - новые 60".$100mhttps://lvf.vc2019Сергей Янг Vision Fund is a $100M investment fund dedicated to making longevity affordable and accessible to all. The fund accelerates longevity breakthroughs by investing in companies that develop technologies, products, and services that extend healthy human lifespans and overcome the negative effects of aging.What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?
Инвестировал в Freenome - технологическую компанию в области здравоохранения, которая разрабатывает новое поколение анализов крови для раннего выявления рака на основе мультиомической платформы.
Инвестировал в Juvenescence
18Methuselah Foundation
Раздает премииMprize$1.03https://www.mfoundation.org2001Обри ди Грей, Дэвид Гобел do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?
19National Institute on Aging (NIA)
Проводит научные исследованияИсследования болезни Альцгеймера$1,988.2https://www.nia.nih.gov1974Ричард Дж. Ходс, Мари Бернард Institute seeks to understand the nature of aging and the aging process, and diseases and conditions associated with growing older, in order to extend the healthy, active years of life.
The Institute's mission is to:
Support and conduct genetic, biological, clinical, behavioral, social, and economic research on aging.
Foster the development of research and clinician scientists in aging.
Provide research resources.
Disseminate information about aging and advances in research to the public, health care professionals, and the scientific community, among a variety of audiences.
NIA pursues this mission by funding extramural research at universities and medical centers across the United States and around the world; maintaining an active communications and outreach program; and conducting a vibrant intramural research program at NIA laboratories in Baltimore and Bethesda, Maryland.
Strategic Directions
Aging Well in the 21st Century: Strategic Directions for Research on Aging, most recently updated in 2016, is NIA's "road map" for progress in aging research and outlines our goals and vision. It provides a point of reference for setting priorities and a framework for systematically analyzing the Institute's scientific portfolio and assessing progress.
What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?
Гранты NIA
Дорожная карта Aging Well in the 21st Century: Strategic Directions for Research on Aging
20Open LongevityСоздает сообществоДиагностика старения?http://openlongevity.org2016Михаил Батин, Анастасия Егорова, Алексей Кадет do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?
Исследование диеты
Школа долголетия
21Partei für Gesundheitsforschung (Party for Health Research)Участвует в выборах в органы властиУчаствовала в выборах в Палату депутатов Берлина в 2016.?https://parteifuergesundheitsforschung.de2015Феликс Верт do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?
Участвовала в парламентских выборах в Германии в 2017 г.
22People UnlimitedПроводит встречиВстречи RAADfest?https://peopleunlimitedinc.com1996Джеймс Строул, Бернадин of my goals as Co-Founder of People Unlimited is to let people know that we are now in a new era where it is possible for us to begin to reverse aging. But I also know that if we are serious about doing this we will have to form a stronger community to support each other to make it happen. Together we can energize each other to not only have a great vision, but to take real action in our lives to manifest this great reality.What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?
Встречи Super Longevity Week
Super Longevity Weekend
23RAADfest (Revolution Against Aging and Death Festival)
Проводит встречиhttps://www.raadfest.com2016Джеймс Строул is the world's largest gathering of radical life extension enthusiasts. RAADfest combines the energy and fun of a festival, the empowerment and interaction of personal development, with cutting edge science presented for a lay audience to create the most holistic radical life extension event ever. What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?
24SENS (Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence)Проводит научные исследованияThe SRF Research Center - собственная лаборатория. Внутренние исследовательские программы: Engineering New Mitochondrial Genes to Restore Mitochondrial Function (MitoSENS); A Small Molecule Approach to Removal of Toxic Oxysterols as a Treatment For Atherosclerosis; Enhancing Innate Immune Surveillance of Senescent Cells (совместно с Buck Institute), Identification and Targeting of Noncanonical Death Resistant Cells.$7.87mМайкло Коуп, Обри ди Грей, Джефф Холл, Сара Марр и Кевин Перротт mission to develop rejuvenation biotechnologies is based on the notion that it may be possible to apply the principles of regenerative medicine to the cellular and molecular damage of aging. In short, we think it ought to be possible to engineer solutions to age-related disease that stave off pathology indefinitely – such that, like the rockfish, lobster, and hydra – we are able to get old without becoming sick or frail.
Finally, we emphasize that our approach is a strategy, not a fixed and final platform of new medicines. We work today to catalyze the development of a panel of rejuvenation biotechnologies, each of which addresses one of the known forms of aging damage. But that panel is only a provisional iteration of the damage-repair strategy, and could well change in the future in light of new information, the discovery of superior methods, etc.
The Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence, then, amount to a flexible way of approaching the development and continuous improvement of rejuvenation biotechnologies, to combat age-related disease and frailty however it may manifest itself now and tomorrow.
What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?
Внешние исследовательские программы, в других организациях, при поддержке SENS: Enhancing Innate Immune Surveillance of Senescent Cells (Buck Institute); Remediation of Aberrant Intracellular Tau (Buck Institute); The Maximally-Modifiable Mouse (Applied StemCell, Inc.); Target Prioritization of Tissue Crosslinking (The Babraham Institute); Glucosepane Crosslinks and Undoing Age-Related Tissue Damage (Yale University);
Functional Neuron Replacement to Rejuvenate the Neocortex (Albert Einstein College of Medicine)
Гранты SENS
SRF Summer Scholars Program - программа для студентов, позволяющая им проводить научные исследования.
SRF Postbaccalaureate Fellowship Program
Конференции SENS (проводятся с 2003)
Конференции Rejuvenation Biotechnology (проводятся с 2014)
25X PrizeРаздает призы за инновацииДорожная карта "Будущее долголетия"$27.06mhttps://www.xprize.org1995Питер Диамандис,
Роберт К. Уайсс role is to define the problems, set the targets, and crowdsource solutions through global competitions to incentivize the development of technological breakthroughs that accelerate humanity toward a better future. We provide the opportunity and the platform for people to take risks that ultimately lead to solutions that seemed out of reach or impossible. Instead of simply celebrating great ideas, we reward innovators who follow through on their vision and create tangible solutions that are validated through extensive testing and judging... we have launched seventeen competitions in the areas of Energy, the Environment, Civil Society, Human Health & Longevity, Learning, Exploration, and Mobility.What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?
26Росийское Трансгуманистическое ДвижениеСтроит Утопию"Модель Старения" (бывшая "Системная схема старения человека"), НаноЛаб, "Утопия на "НейроКоде".?http://transhuman.ru2003Данила Медведев, Валерия Прайд, Михаил Батин, Алексей СамыкинОдной из главных особенностей нашего проекта является желание тщательно изучить среду, в которой нам придётся действовать. В рамках Обзора борьбы со старением мы изучаем различные крупные научные (и не только) проекты, причины их успехов и неудач. Мы изучаем возможности по продвижению программы, финансированию, отношение общества, методологии разработки дорожных карт и пр. Планировать работу по созданию и продвижению научной программы нам помогают специалисты из самых разных областей. Мы считаем, что именно такой — междисциплинарный — подход к проблеме приведет нас к успеху.
Мы стремимся сделать борьбу со старением более организованной, ведь любая область человеческой деятельности требует эффективного управления и борьба со старением — не исключение. Изучение старения и разработка методов продления жизни требуют не только научной работы, но и эффективного управления процессом.
Мы считаем, что поодиночке мы старение не победим, поэтому нужна организация, объединяющая борцов со старением. В рамках этой коалиции союзники по борьбе со старением смогут эффективнее работать и сотрудничать. Именно эта коалиция завершит создание обзора, разработает управленческую стратегию проекта и, самое главное, — комплексную научную программу или "дорожную карту".
What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?What do you think?
"Утопия на "НейроКоде"