A | B | C | D | ||
1 | Roles & Responsibilities | Qualifications | |||
2 | Senior Leadership Team | ||||
3 | Andy Fraser | Tumuaki | Principal | PGCert of Ed, Higher Dip tchg, Adv Dip Tchg | afs@otakicollege.school.nz | |
4 | Hamish Wood | Tumuaki Tuarua | Deputy Principal | BSc (Hons), Dip Tchg | hwd@otakicollege.school.nz | |
5 | Jarrad Porima | Tumuaki Āwhina | Assistant Principal & Head of Pastoral Team, Acting Curriculum Leader, Social Sciences | BA, Dip Tchg | jpr@otakicollege.school.nz | |
6 | Cindy Hall, Business Manager | Kaiwhakahaere Matua | Business Manager | chl@otakicollege.school.nz | ||
7 | Keremihana Heke | Kaitohutohu Mātauranga Māori | Mātauranga Māori Integration Specialist | Dip Bi-Lingual/Bi-Cultural Tchg, Tohu Mātauranga Māori, PG Dip Te Pinakitanga o Te Reo Kairangi, Tohu Te Reo Rangatira, Tohu in Assessment of Māori Language Knowledge | khk@otakicollege.school.nz | |
8 | Dawn Hirschberg | Pou Taituarā Tohu Haikura | Principal's NCEA Nominee Curriculum Leader, Science | BSc, Dip Tchg | dhb@otakicollege.school.nz | |
9 | Jessica Torley | Pou Te Ara Poutama | NPDL Development Leader Curriculum Leader, English | Master of Public Policy, BA (Hons) English, BA English/Italian, Dip Tchg, Dip Māoritanga, Dip Tchg Italian, Poupou Karanga | jty@otakicollege.school.nz | |
10 | Kaihautū Kaiārahi | Deans | ||||
11 | Megan Nelson-Latu | Year 7- 9 Kaihautū | Dean Curriculum Leader of Year 7&8 | BEd, PGDipLitEd | mnl@otakicollege.school.nz | |
12 | Jude Broughton | Year 10 & 11 Kaihautū | Dean | Dip Exercise Science, BEd, PGDipEd, MEd | jbt@otakicollege.school.nz | |
13 | Coline Diver | Year 12 & 13 Kaihautū | Dean Curriculum Leader of Mathematics | BSc, Dip Tchg (Post Grad) | cdv@otakicollege.school.nz | |
14 | Curriculum Leaders | ||||
15 | Joanna Devane | Performing Arts Teacher of Music, Teacher of Mathematics | B.Mus, Dip Tchg, LTCL (Flute) | jdv@otakicollege.school.nz | |
16 | Chris Georgetti | Technology Teacher In Charge Physics, Health and Safety Representative | BE (Hons), Dip Tchg (Post Grad) | cgt@otakicollege.school.nz | |
17 | Gillian Gordon | Japanese TIC Japanese year 7 to 13, TC Distance Education | BA, Dip Tchg | ggd@otakicollege.school.nz | |
18 | Karen Hamilton | Visual Arts | Dip Fine Arts, Dip Tchg | khm@otakicollege.school.nz | |
19 | Evan Hunt | Digital Technologies and Computer Science | BSc (Computer Sci), Dip Music Production & Performance, Post Grad Dip Tchng | eht@otakicollege.school.nz | |
20 | Rachael Kneepkens | SENCO | BEd, Bilingual Diploma of Education, Cert Adult & Tertiary Tchg | rkk@otakicollege.school.nz | |
21 | Valerie Lees | Teacher of English and Social Sciences | BA, BEd, MEd, Cert Learner Support Team | vls@otakicollege.school.nz | |
22 | Marcia Ohlson | Health & Physical Education | BSR, GradDipTchg | mos@otakicollege.school.nz | |
23 | Stephanie Putt | Transition Careers Advisor, STP and STAR Coordinator, Teacher of Gateway | Dip PE, Dip Tchg, Dip Career Guidance | spt@otakicollege.school.nz | |
24 | Penny Quinn (On Leave) | Social Sciences | B Tchg, Higher Dip in Ed | pqn@otakicollege.school.nz | |
25 | Teachers | ||||
26 | Tamsin Dashfield-Speight | Teacher of Dance and Drama | BA (Hons), PG Dip Tchg | tds@otakicollege.school.nz | |
27 | Benita De Kock | Teacher of Technology | Dip Ed | bdk@otakicollege.school.nz | |
28 | Gail Dewar | Specialist Teacher, Te Puna Aroha | B.Ed, Dip Tchg, Te Ahu o te Reo Māori Level 2, CEN, Cert in Animal Assisted Therapy | gdw@otakicollege.school.nz | |
29 | Alan Flaws | Teacher of Mathematics | BA, PG Dip Tchg | aflrl@otakicollege.school.nz | |
30 | Emma Fothergill | Teacher of Year 7 & 8 | BA, TESOL Cert, Cert in Te Reo Māori, GradDipTchg | efg@otakicollege.school.nz | |
31 | Seuga Frost | Teacher of Y7-9 Science, Teacher of Y7-10 Health and Physical Education | BA, Dip Tchg | sfs@otakicollege.school.nz | |
32 | Destine Haeata Kuku | Teacher of Year 7 & 8, Development of Tikanga Maori, Yr 7 & 8, Mandarin | BEd, Poupou Karanga, Language Teaching Certificate | dht@otakicollege.school.nz | |
33 | Anne Hagan | Teacher of Home Econimics and Childcare | Dip HSc, BA, Dip Tchg, PpPT (Certificate in Physical Wellbeing) | ahg@otakicollege.school.nz | |
34 | Keremihana Heke | Te Kahui Tokotoko o Otaki Community of Learning (Across Community) Teacher | Dip Bi-Lingual/Bi-Cultural Tchg, Tohu Mātauranga Māori, PG Dip Te Pinakitanga o Te Reo Kairangi, Tohu Te Reo Rangatira, Tohu in Assessment of Māori Language Knowledge | khk@otakicollege.school.nz | |
35 | Amy Jefferies | Teacher of Year 7 & 8 | BA, GradDipTchg | ajf@otakicollege.school.nz | |
36 | Caleb Lipinski | Teacher of Mathematics and Physical Education | BEd, Dip Tchg | clp@otakicollege.school.nz | |
37 | Sean O'Leary | Teacher of English and Social Studies | BA, Dip Tchg | sol@otakicollege.school.nz | |
38 | Ashley Perfect | Teacher of Biology, Science & Horticulture | BHortSci, Dip Tchg | apf@otakicollege.school.nz | |
39 | Kent Pollard | Teacher in Charge of Outdoor Education | BSp&EXsci, Post Grad Dip Sec Ed | kpl@otakicollege.school.nz | |
40 | Katera Rikihana-Tukerangi | Teacher of Te Reo | krt@otakicollege.school.nz | ||
41 | Te Tahi Takao | Teacher of Technology | BDA (Bachelor of Design & Art), Dip MA (Māori Arts), PPMR (Dip Computers), Dip Hr (Animation), PW (Bachelor of Teaching), PpPT (Cert Fitness) | ttt@otakicollege.school.nz | |
42 | Sapphire Taylor | Teacher of Year 7 & 8 | BA, GradDip Sci, GradDip Tchng | stl@otakicollege.school.nz | |
43 | Genevieve Vine | Teacher of English and Technology | B.A, PGDip in Education (Secondary Field-Based), PGDip in Education (Guidance and Counselling) | gvn@otakicollege.school.nz | |
44 | Sam Ward | Teacher of Physical Education, Outdoor Education, Manukura GPS | BSpEx, Dip Tchg (Post Grad), PG Cert in Applied Practice (Digital & Collaborative Learning) | swd@otakicollege.school.nz | |
45 | Siniece Williamson | Teacher of Year 7 & 8, Teacher of Year 9 Mathematics | BTchg | swl@otakicollege.school.nz | |
46 | Guidance | ||||
47 | Jo McInerney | Guidance Counsellor | BPhEd, DipTchng, Postgrad Dip Counselling | jmi@otakicollege.school.nz | |
48 | Janine Moody | Counselling Support | jmd@otakicollege.school.nz | ||
49 | Learning Support Coordinators/ Tautoko Akoranga | ||||
50 | Ricki Baker | B.Ed, Dip Tchg, Te Puāwaitanga o te Reo, Dip Specialist Bilingual Tchg (Post Grad), Poupou Mātauranga Rorohiko (Part 1 & 2), Certificate in Mauri Ora, Dip Te Aupikitanga ki te Reo Kairangi, Dip Te Pinakitanga ki te Reo Kairangi, Poutāhū Whakaakoranga (Post Grad) | rib@otakicollege.school.nz | ||
51 | Andre Kneepkins | akk@otakicollege.school.nz | |||
52 | International | ||||
53 | Tania Te Kira-Glensor | International Department Co-ordinator | ttk@otakicollege.school.nz | ||
54 | Andre Kneepkins | Homestay Co-ordinator | akk@otakicollege.school.nz | ||
55 | Teacher Aides | ||||
56 | Lee Bain | Teacher Aide | lbn@otakicollege.school.nz | ||
57 | Rachel Esslemont | Teacher Aide | rel@otakicollege.school.nz | ||
58 | Hayley Grace | Teacher Aide | |||
59 | Tara-Leigh Harris | Teacher Aide | |||
60 | Phillipa Jones | Teacher Aide | |||
61 | Natasha Mills | Teacher Aide | |||
62 | Shayla Puketapu-Parkinson | Teacher Aide | |||
63 | Administration | ||||
64 | Fiona Irvine | Absence Manager, Office Administrator, Chromebook Administration, School Nurse | fiv@otakicollege.school.nz | ||
65 | Laurie Painter | Student Centre, Accounts Payable | lpt@otakicollege.school.nz | ||
66 | Tania Te Kira-Glensor | Administration Manager, Te Puna Aroha | ttk@otakicollege.school.nz | ||
67 | Vivienne White | Principal’s Secretary | BA (Hons) | vwt@otakicollege.school.nz | |
68 | Caretaker | ||||
69 | Colin Rice | Caretaker | crc@otakicollege.school.nz | ||
70 | ICTS Support | ||||
71 | Ray Nickson | ICTS Technician | PhD (Computer Science) | rnk@otakicollege.school.nz | |
72 | Itinerant Music Teachers | Roles & Responsibilities | Qualifications | ||
73 | Vacancy | Piano | |||
74 | Hannah Goodin | Voice | hgd@otakicollege.school.nz | ||
75 | Milton Matehaere | Guitar, Bass, Drums | |||
76 | Library | ||||
77 | Sue McMillan | Librarian | NZLACert | smm@otakicollege.school.nz | |
78 | Sports Director | ||||
79 | Kirsty Doyle | Sports Director | kdl@otakicollege.school.nz |