QuestionAnswerAdditional information
1What is the benefit of writing a concept note? The key benefit in submitting a concept note to the Regional Block Grant process is that your plastic pollution reduction related project might be able to obtain up to USD 1.5 M in funding.
2Is there a guideline for the concept note? Are there any specific requirements?Yes there are required headings and a page limit for the Concept Note, the guidelines and specifications are found on the PLEASE Project Website and we are also linking it in the cell to the right. Call for Concept Note
3Can the concept note include research, testing, technology validation as part of the new solution/products?Yes, you may add all of these components to the proposed project.
4Can we submit a concept note in collaboration with the government?Yes, you can collaborate with the government, just note that the funds cannot be transferred to them.
5Can we include a percentage of the cost for technical instruments in the proposal?Yes, you can include the procurement of technical instruments into your budget
6Can we propose to establish capital intensive industries for making new products to recover/recycle plastic?Yes, this is aligned to the Parley AIR priorities
7Microplastic generation happens in most of the recycling process, but how can this be determined if there isn't enough data on microplastic generations? (eg: plastic roads) The decision will be taken based on the impact of plastic pollution. Quantitative and qualitative data needs to be part of the proposal. For example, your proposal could also focus on tracking microplastic and its impact.
8Can we include multiple ideas in one concept note?Yes, you can submit multiple project ideas in one concept note
9How does question No. 2 and No. 4 (in the concept note) differ from each other and in what ways? Both the questions talk about the organization's experience, history and involvement.Question No. 2 is about organization and its strength and question No. 4 is related to the project and it could also highlight similar projects that you have implemented in the past and how it is relevant to the project that you are proposing. You may also focus on your capacity to implement your proposed project.
10Is it obligatory to include a circular business model in the concept note? Can we include awareness campaigns and offer alternative environment friendly measures instead of using plastic? The circular business model is desirable. Awareness campaigns can be included. Circular economic model could be considered while looking for alternative measures / products that you are interested in.
11Do we need to prove personal experience of previous work in the concept note?Providing personal experience is not required at the concept note level. It may support during the project proposal submission.
12Should the concept note include a Logical Framework (Logframe) or Theory of Change (ToC)?Logical framework and theory of change is not required at the concept note submission but it can be included as an annex if you wish.
13What's the preferred project size?Organizations can decide the size of the project but it must be within the set financial limit of USD 1.5 million per project.
14As there is a page-limit for documents and annexures, can we provide a link for additional documents?Total number of pages for the concept note is 14 and the number of pages that could be accommodated in the annex is 10. Links to information outside of the submission will not be opened or considered as it would breach the page/information limit.
15Is it necessary to submit an MOU of collaboration with the partners with the concept note, or would a letter of consent be enough?No. MOUs or letters of consents are not required at the concept note level.
16According to Requirement 4 of the concept note, there is a need to include "Nature of existing presence". Does this mean the existing presence of the NGO in the region or existing related work in the region?Nature of existence means that an organizations needs to be in the country of operations. Organization can present in one district / province and work for other districts / provinces in the same country. You could also elaborate about your sub office, regional office, and etc.
17Can one project cover all 3 thematic areas?Yes. One project can cover three thematic areas.
18In the title page, there is a description - window 1 or 2, please clarifyThe funds for Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan are coming from the World Bank IDA fund, the funds for India and Sri Lanka are coming from Parley. At the moment, Window 1 Part 1 is Bangladesh, Maldives and Nepal.
Window 1 Part 2 will be open to some of the rest of the countries.
Window 2 is a different type of grant from the Window 1 grant, more information on Window 2 will be made available at a later time.
19Who are the target geographies?Target geographies relate to the geographical areas /localities you intend to target with your proposed project.
20How will sustainability and scalability be addressed?Under sustainability and scalability you need to explain the strategies you intend to adopt to ensure the continuity, the growth of your proposed project and its ability to continuously make an impact, after the grant is completed
21From where can we get EOI you can find both the call for concept note and the concept note template in the "call for concept note " section of the PLEASE project website .
link to the website is given
22Are we allowed to add pictures of our technology in the concept note for a better understanding of what we do?Yes you can add pictures of our technology. Its advisable to PDF and add them as annexures as there is a limit on the no of pages in the concept note should have
23Please let me know I am writing a proposal for improvement of waste management and recovery of recyclable waste in the biggest city of Pakistan. Would it be in the considerable in the theme of proposal requirement.The main objective of the PLEASE Project is to strengthen innovation and coordination of circular economy solutions to plastic pollution flowing into South Asian Seas.

This call for concept notes is seeking creative innovations that target change on ground and support for select innovative ideas, respectively at local, national and/or regional levels (within participating SAR nations), while being rooted in one of the following Parley AIR hematic categories: Avoid (Reduce and Replace), Intercept (Retrieve and Recycle) and Redesign (Create New Materials; Create Smart Products;Develop New Industry Standards), which includes and innovates beyond the 3R’s framework (Reduce,
Reuse, and Recycle) of the past several decades.

Selected concept notes will prioritize organizations that can demonstrate within 12-18 months, a meaningful and recurrent reduction in plastic waste that otherwise would have accumulated in South Asia’s rivers and seas and that would not have been possible without support from the project.

Therefore please note that your proposed project should address plastic waste
24Does this call accept projects that respond to any one of the Parly thematic areas i.e. only Avoid (reduce and Replace)? Or, must the proposed project propose projects for all of the areas?The proposed project should be based on one or more than one Parley AIR thematic categories
25What percent of plagiarism is allowedPLAGIARISM IS NOT ALLOWED.
Applicants are permitted to use and/or reference research done by another party to develop their own proposals, however all external sources must be accurately credited. Kindly ensure that proper references are given at all times.
Furthermore, applicants are recommended NOT to use software such as ChatGPT when submitting concept notes.
26What is the difference between the written inquiries in Round 1 and the concept note in Round 2? Round 2 is applicable for the development of the full proposal, and is only for countries currently shortlisted, i.e. Maldives and Bangladesh.
Current applicants from Pakistan and Bhutan are at the Concept Note Submission stage, and will be subsequently invited to develop a full proposal if shortlisted. This offers applicants the opportunity to work closely with the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of the PLEASE Project and ask questions pertaining to the development of the full proposal.
27Are there any guidelines/TORs for drafting the concept note available online that we can use?Yes. Please visit the PLEASE Project website where there are 2 very important links under the “Call for Concept Notes” tab.
The Call for Concept Note - this has all the guidelines and selection criteria relevant for the concept note. Please read through it carefully.
The Concept Note template - Follow this template in order to be able to provide all the required information clearly; this enables the review team to assess the application against it.
Read the Concept Note carefully and follow the template provided to be able to do well in the assessment
28In the template, we need to add text in tables as added under main parts of the template or the questions in the tables are just guidance and we can delete the table format later on and send only text under main parts of the template as per guidance.Yes , you can send only the text , but please ensure that all areas mentioned in the table are covered in your text , if you fail to cover any of the areas mentioned in the table, you will loose the marks allocated for them
29Under brief description- what do you mean by “how will the project work?Under brief description of organization, applicants must write about their organizations. Please make sure to include relevant information only; i.e. details relevant to the plastic wastage project only.
If the applicant’s organization has experience working in specific plastic projects in the past, ensure that these activities are particularly highlighted, especially activities undertaken with regard to plastic waste management. This will provide better insight to evaluate the capacity of your organization.

Further, applicants are encouraged to mention implementation modality. For example, whether planning will be carried out to implement directly, through a partner or through a number of partners.
30Is it necessary to include all 3 priority areas, Avoid, Intercept & Redesign in the concept note or is it okay to focus on only one area in the concept note?Yes, applicants can focus on one area, but applicants have to specifically highlight the area of choice. It could be “Avoid, Intercept or Redesign”. However if applicants wish to focus on all three they may do so, but this should be highlighted very clearly.
31Can the project be focused on Pakistan / Bhutan and after its successful completion, can it be replicated regionally?Yes. If the project succeeds in Pakistan/ Bhutan, applicants can replicate it in another country in the region. This is a key criteria that will be considered in terms of scalability and sustainability.
32How will the project work?This has been elaborated at the beginning of the information session about the concept note, the marking criteria and evaluation process. There is a selection committee to evaluate concept notes; selected projects will proceed to the next stage and will be notified in writing. Those who are not selected will not be notified. In the next stage selected potential grantees will be requested to submit the full proposal. Full proposals will be again evaluated and projects will be selected to award grants to implement the respective projects.
33Under section 8 of the format the question refers to how scalability and sustainability will be addressed . Does it mean the sustainability of the proposed project or the sustainability of the entity established within this project ?Sustainability in this sense, is directly linked with the proposed project. The capacity of the organization will also be assessed. 3 main areas will be examined in terms of sustainability, namely; Environmental sustainability, Social sustainability and Financial sustainability.
34Under section 3 of the format, under brief description there is a question on “ how will the project work” ? Are you referring to methodology and approaches of the project or something else because there are questions on methodology and approaches on a separate section. Please explain what is meant by this question
This refers to whether the applicant is going to implement the project directly by themselves or if they plan to establish a partnership with a NGO/CBO or a similar organization to work within a certain city or an area. Therefore applicants are required to clearly highlight whether their project is going to be a direct implementation or through partners.
35Does the CN have to be in the tabular form (OR)can we write in paragraphs so long it addresses the questions and are within the limited page nos.?Yes , you can write paragraphs , but please ensure that all areas mentioned in the table are covered in your paragraphs , if you fail to cover any of the areas mentioned in the table, you will loose the marks allocated for them
36When will applicants know about the status of the recently submitted application for PLEASE?Only those selected to proceed to the full proposal development will be contacted and when the process is completed it will be notified in the PLEASE website
37A woman generates approximately 4000 sq ft of plastic waste by using regular sanitary pads during her menstrual cycle. Each year tons of plastics in regular sanitary pads are dumped as wastes in the ocean, river, canals and ponds which are dangerous to the marine and coastal ecosystem. My organization is working to reduce this costs by creating awareness, training on reusable pad making, producing and distributing reusable pads. Am I eligible? Yes, your organization is eligible to receive funding for such a project as this is providing an alternative to the use of plastic, which is in line with the Parley AIR priorities.
38How can I register in order to apply for funds?To apply, please submit a concept note as per the Call for Concept Note specifications in the form on the PLEASE Project Website. Updated deadlines for submissions will be shared soon. The links are also provided in the cells to the right.Call for Concept NoteConcept note submission form
39Can a limited company (from one of the eligible countries) affiliated with a Dutch Consulting firm apply for the fund as a joint venture?Yes, you just need to submit your registration documentation in the Concept Note submission form to show to us that you are operating in from one of the eligible countries.
40Our non-profit is registered in one of the eligible counrties, but is interested to pursue the project in several other eligible countries too. If so, does the organization need to be registered in the particular country the project will be implemented or can the organization be registered from any of the three eligible countries?Organizations can be registered in any of the eligible countries, when you submit your concept note it would be good to obtain the registration information for your organization in the other partnering entities just to confirm you operate in all three countries eligible for funding.
41Is it possible to submit a concept note from an academic institution (eg: a university)? Yes, it is possible for an academic institution such as a university to submit a concept note.

When submitting the concept note, you just need to provide any documentation that proves that your organization is legally operating within the eligible country. The documentation format should be in document (Word) or in a PDF, please refrain from submitting other formats like jpg.
clarify the following point which is mandatory to upload during online submission 'Please upload registration documentation for the selected country in document or PDF form'.
42Can a joint venture with a foreign university based in another country be submitted?An organization based in any of the eligible counrties can obtain support from a foreign university, however the foregin university cannot recieve any funds. The funds must be transferred to and maintained in the account of the organization based in an eligible country. The funds are unable to go to the organization based abroad.
43Can a person can apply for the grant if s/he doesn't belong to an organization but has a concept?No, an individual is not eligible to apply for a grant. We would encourage you to seek to join an established organization that would be able to implement your ideas.
44What are the minimum eligibility criteria for lead and partner organizations? Should they individually qualify?Eligibility criteria is published on the in the call for concept notes document. Only the lead organization will be scored based on the criteria, the partner organization will not be evaluated.
45Can a registered private organization with no prior experience apply?Yes, it is possible to apply. However, the organization will be evaluated based on the criteria which includes explaining how your organization has the experience and resources to deliver the proposed project, and without past experience this might be difficult to prove.
46We want to propose PPP model to reduce plastic pollution? Do you encourage it?Yes. PPP is encouraged.
47Pls elaborate on what do you mean by RBG entities and what kind of entities can participate in this? The PLEASE Project is hosting a Regional Competitive Block Grant (RBG) to eligible organizations in South Asia (Eligible RBG Beneficiaries).

Eligible entities/ organizations have to be from one of SACEP’s eight member states and have to be registered in their respective country

Eligible entities organizations could be private entities, social enterprises, nongovernmental organizations, community-based organizations that can demonstrate that with the use of project grant proceeds the entity could accelerate toward a more circular plastic economy that would otherwise not be possible.
48an the solution only focus on creating a digital platform that connects different players of the circular waste economy supply chainYes, but the concept note should strongly support how the objectives and the purpose of the digital platform are connected to Parley AIR theme.
49Can the proposed solution address plastic waste in another part of the country, even if that area is not located near the sea, but is still likely to end up in the ocean eventually?Yes, absolutely.
A high percentage of plastic located anywhere will eventually end up in the sea or other inland water bodies. Therefore even if the proposed solution addresses plastic waste in another part of the country (not located near the sea) it will ultimately help to reduce the influx of plastic waste that finds itself into the seas and rivers.
50In the budget section, how do we explain VFM in words order every outputApplicants have the opportunity to decide on how they would like to express VFM.
An example on how value for money is calculated in the USA in the waste management sector: it is considered that there is no value for money, if more than USD 5 is spent to collect 1 kg of waste. It has to be between USD 3 and 5.
There are several formulas to calculate VFM. One way to calculate VFM is by comparing the quantity of waste you have collected and the amount of funds incurred to collect it.
51Who are the eligible RBG Beneficiaries registered in PakistanAny entity other than the respective governments and UN agencies, are eligible for the grant (including Pakistan).This includes all RGB Beneficiaries from the participating countries, non-profit or for-profit organizations and community-based organizations.
Kindly note that it is mandatory that applicants have the proper legal documentation to prove that they are a registered entity operating in the respective country.
52Can we add an excel spreadsheet in the concept note ? To give financial model detailsYes, you can. The concept note has annexures allowing up to 10 pages In this case convert the Excel spreadsheet into a 1 or 2-paged PDF document and attach it as one of the annexures
53Please elaborate the idea of bundling projects?In some cases, applicants may be engaged in several small projects which are both linked to the theme and purpose of the PLEASE Project. For example, an applicant could be working on a community-awareness project while also developing eco-friendly, zero-plastic packaging. In this scenario, there are two different projects which could be submitted together as one programme.
This is what is meant as “bundling projects”. As long as both projects can be implemented within 18 months and the combined cost can be managed within the USD 1.5M grant, “bundled” projects are permissible.

If applicants have projects with budgets exceeding than USD 1.5M, they are allowed to submit 2 concept notes worth up to USD 1.5M each.
54Can we present a model where we used plastics recycled in Pakistan but exported to the US/EU etc?Yes, that's fine, as long as the main applying agency/ organization is in Pakistan/ Bhutan and the grant money is spent locally.
55Can the proposed solution be established in the landfill area? Yes, absolutely. Landfills are one area which absorbs a lot of plastics. One type of pollution caused by landfills is Marine Ecotoxicity. To end Marine Ecotoxicity, solutions must be provided to the issue of dumping waste in landfills. Therefore applicants are most welcome to submit concept notes focusing on plastics in landfill areas.
56I want to apply for this grant. I just want to ask that I am assistant prof in the public sector university. Are the prof from universities can apply for this grant?No, an individual is not eligible to apply for a grant. We would encourage you to seek to join an established organization that would be able to implement your ideas.
57Can UN Agencies apply under SACEP Call for ProposalsSorry UN agencies are not eligible therefore cannot apply
58If a denovo process (for plant or technology set up) is started that means the set up may take several months to achieve the target ( beyond 12-18 months), so is denovo plant set up discouraged?The proposed project should meet the time & budget criterias stipulated
59How much will startups working in plastic waste be encouraged / qualified?
Startup organizations are welcome to apply. There are 10 criteria under which they will be assessed, out of which they may lose marks under the section allocated for prior experience. However, startups may be able to regain the lost marks from another criteria which they excel in.Therefore, being a startup is not grounds for disqualification and applicants are encouraged to apply.
60We have a full proposal on other waste management solutions and are looking for funding. Would SACEP be interested? If not, could you recommend anyone else who will be interested ?At this stage, the focus will be on the ongoing grant and its thematic area of work.

61Project implementation time is 18 months or is it that we should finish this project in 18 months?As the project timeline is 18 months, project implementation must also conclude within the 18 months.
62Can a plastic producer and a plastic waste to resource provider work together and propose a new technology and use the proceeds to make infrastructure for making those products ?Yes, applicants can work with current plastic producers and set up infrastructure related to plastic waste processing, plastic waste disposal or converting plastic into raw material. Applicants can also work with collectors, producers to develop new technologies as long as it is viable, feasible and can be presented within the grant timeline.
As a registered NGO in Bhutan, are we eligible to apply for the SouthAsia Regional Competitive BlockGrants (RBG) to Reduce Plastic Waste - Window 1 (W1).
Yes you can apply
64Can Government university employees apply for this call? if yes :what is the meaning of registration number in case of universities ?No, an individual is not eligible to apply for a grant. We would encourage you to seek to join an established organization that would be able to implement your ideas.
However, it is possible for an academic institution such as a university to submit a concept note.
When submitting the concept note, you just need to provide any documentation that proves that your organization is legally operating within the eligible country. The documentation format should be in document (Word) or in a PDF, please refrain from submitting other formats like jpg.
65Is inter-governmental (quasi) organizations are eligible to this grant to be the lead applicant?private entities, social enterprises, nongovernmental organizations, community-based organizations are eligible to apply
66Can 2 or more entities submit an application as partners?Yes, we encourage partnerships.
67In case of a consortium/ partnership, is it mandatory for the subordinate firm to be based out of the eligible countries as well? Is it acceptable if the lead firm in the consortia is based out of one of the eligible countries and the subordinate firm is based out of, say, India?Organizations that are not registered in the eligible countries can provide technical support to the organization that is registered but they cannot recieve funding. The funds must be transferred to and maintained in the account of the organization based in these countries, the funds are unable to go to the organization based abroad, in this case, India.
68If there are multiple private organization as partners, will all directly recieve funding or will the funding be maintained by a single private partner?Grantees must open a separate bank account for the project to ensure transparency regarding financial transactions and renders financial reviews more efficient.
69Is co-funding/ leverage/financial inclusion allowed?Yes, if you already have or are seeking other funding sources for your project, you can also apply to this funding source. It would be good to note that in your concept note so we are aware that other funders will be contributing to your project.
70Do you encourage multi-country partnerships? For example, can two organizations from eligible countries submit one proposal to address transboundary waste management challenges?Yes, we encourage multi-country partnership
71Could we include international organizations from other than the eligible countries for the project like India, Switzerland and Thailand, etc as the partners for this call for concept note? Yes, other organizations from abroad can support the organization registered in the eligible country but they cannot recieve any funds. The funds must be transferred to and maintained in the account of the organization based in an eligible country. The funds are unable to go to the organization based abroad, in this case, India, Switzerland or Thailand.
72How can we ensure that our partners comply with given requirements? Is there a pre-set standard?You can establish partnerships with companies that you are interested in. The capacity of the lead entity will be evaluated and the lead entity will be responsible for ensuring any sub-partners comply.
73Can the principal applicant provide resources such as transport to the goverment members?Principal organizations are strongly discouraged from using project funds to support to government entities but with a strong justification it can be considered.
74For the sub-partners in a consortium, do they have to be exclusive with one consortium? Or can they submit non-exclusively from more than one consortium?It could be an exclusive or non-exclusive partnership.
75According to the regulations, the government partner cannot recieve funds, however as part of the project can equipment for a government entity (eg: sorting equipment) be purchased?Funds cannot be transferred to the government entity. However, tools and equipment can be provided to government institutions but it is not encouraged unless there is a strong justification presented.
76In case of join venture, can a consortium be formed with stakeholders outside of the eligible countries ?Consortiums with entities outside of the eligible countries could be established but the funds must remain with the organizations registered in the eligible country.
77Is there a limit on the number of consortium partners?No. There is no limit set by the project.
78Is local government, private and civil society partners within Bhutan allowed?Yes, However it should be noted that the funds cannot be transferred to the government.
79Can consortiums including local and international organizations apply?The main/leading applying organization has to be locally-based, but applicants can partner with international organizations. If the partnering organization is not within the region (say it's located in the US, the EU or Thailand) the grant money will not be awarded to them directly. The World Bank funds are strictly meant for the countries eligible to apply for the PLEASE Project.
Therefore, applicants cannot send funds to organizations based outside of their own country. If applicants are required to pay partnering organizations as part of their project activities, a separate system must be allocated to do so, as they are not eligible to be paid through the PLEASE Project grant.

80Can the local government and municipalities be the co-implementing partners?Yes, however funds from the grant can not be transferred to them and applicants are not allowed to transfer funds to them. When the detailed activities of each project are examined, the funds from the grant must remain with the lead implementing organization.
The grant money can only go to private organizations and non government organizations, community & civil society organizations and NOT the government and municipalities.
81Can the lead partner based in Bhutan transfer funds to their consortium partner based in India or can the consortium partner based outside Bhutan only provide pro bono support?Grant funds cannot be transferred out of Bhutan
82Project emphasizes the importance of consortiums and beyond geographies. If I plan on partnering with an entity from a non eligible country, say India then can I still transfer the Professional feeThe grant is allocated to a respective country. Applicants can hire a foreign professional /consultant and his/her professional fee can be paid if internal resources are not available. However there should be a limit on the amount of money which can be transferred as a professional fee. Applicants are not permitted to transfer an entire grant or major portion of the grant to this foreign consultant/entity. We strongly encourage applicants to use internal resources to help avoid transferring money to a foreign country. This is with the intention of promoting local capacity-building of the respective country itself.
In the event that a foreign consultant is hired, the PIU will take measures to closely monitor the funds being transferred out of the applicant’s country.
83Under stakeholders analysis, do we write about all stakeholders, their weaknesses and strengths, or do we write about the lead agency only?Stakeholder analysis requires focus on key entities. For example it could be the Municipality or it could be a private entity who is the main competitor. If the competitor uses most of the available raw waste materials, the applicant will not have enough raw waste materials to meet your production requirements. The applicant is free to decide on the number of stakeholders you aim to address, however please note that they should be the key, most prominent stakeholders.
84While the current priority is plastic, will SACEP ever be interested in other forms of waste (organic waste, paper) management solutions too?The PLEASE Project’s primary focus is on plastics. Therefore, organic waste, paper or any other materials will not be considered. Grants are awarded only to provide solutions to plastic waste.
85Should a co-lead be specifically from the private sector?No, it is not required to partner with the private sector, but it is encouraged.
86I just saw this from Facebook. Is it too late for us to submit a proposal or concept note? We would like to take part in this if possible.
Updated deadlines for submissions will be shared soon - you may not be too late!
87Kindly confirm if the deadline for concept submission is the 13th for both Bhutan and Nepal. Please note that while the Call for Concept note mentions 13th as the deadline for both countries, the web page ( does not include Bhutan in the deadline date provided. Kindly clarifyYes the deadline for concept submission is the 13th of March 2023 for both Bhutan and Nepal. Please refer to the " timeline " section of the site for all deadlines.
Link to the site is given
88What are other legal and administrative documents that need to be submitted (other than registration certificate of the participating organization)? 2. Is there any minimum limit of financial capacity of participating organization? 1. No further legal or administrative documents are required, we just need to see some confirmation that you are eligible to operate within the eligible countries.
2. There is no minimum limit for the organization's financial capacity.
89Do we need to submit the partnership agreement paper during submitting concept note?You do not need to submit the partnership agreement, but if you have space in the annexes (10 pages of Annexes only) it would be useful to see it