Vintage Singles PartyDD12:AN26
Game play has two parts: 1) Lists of Wants and Have to do Matchmaking and 2) Sending people cards on their want list
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Dr. Chaos's notes on being Kind
(Last updated 7/2/2022)

Being Kind is both good for the people, as well as good for the game.

This game can be wonderful, but it's hard to make it work for all of us playing in the sandbox. The trick, I think, is to encourage people to KIND by recognizing that we aren't all the same. The way Chaos thinks about it is that we have people with big dupes boxes and people with small dupes boxes. Usually, the people with big dupes boxes have tough lists and people with small dupes boxes have easy lists. That's not a great combination, but it is what it is. It is a kindness for us friends to be respectful of the differences and helpful to each other. That's the OBC way (well... for those of us in OBC).

How can you help by being Kind you ask? If you are a person with a deep dupes box, please focus on the people with tough lists, and leave the easy-to-hit-lists to the guys with small dupes boxes. The game tries to help by guessing that the people with the most chips in the bank have the biggest dupes boxes. They will be at the top of your Match List below so you hit them first. It's good for the game as it helps more cards fly for everyone, and keeps the game sustainable. Unltimately, once a guy with a small dupes boxes become a DH, if they have no one they can hit , then as a DH no one in the game can hit them. If that happens with enough people, then game grinds to a halt.
Notes on formatting to make Chaos's life easier (Last updated 10/25/2023)

1) For strikeouts send a single set per line (hitting Shift+Return or CTRL+Return between sets usually does the trick) using the set name and then the person's last name with a dash between them so Chaos can copy/paste paste it to his magic converter so he can copy directly to the "Hits and Strikeout" tab. Please use the set name that is used in the games rather than an abbreviation. Common problems include adding a space between the year and the brand, or using "football" or "Fb" instead of "FB" . Other problems include not indicating if the strikeout is for a 2nd if that is what you are calling. Put a return BEFORE the first set. If you are calling strikeouts for your 2nd player indicate that explicitly. A good example:
Strikeouts from Biggs2nd

2) For sending hits with no corrections, say who they are for, give the set name (same as above) and then give the card numbers together with no comments. Space separated is easiest, but you can do comma separated but only if you add a space otherwise the computer thinks it's one long number. If you have comments, put it on a separate line AFTER the list of cards. If you have muliple sets/cards put them together one per line. A good example:
VSP Hits for @James Keenum
1972Topps 417 620
1974Topps 6 532

3) If there are corrections, or you are sending a big dog, please confirm with the person you are sending them to privately and indicate explicitly at the end so Chaos doesn't have to ask. Also, please use a specific format as it makes Chaos's life easier (yes this changed, again): List all the cards with the same correction together so the computer can figure out they all need the same correction. Put the corrections inside parenthesis. If there is no correction, then no need to indicate anything. If there are comments put them all at the bottom. A good example:
VSP Hits for @James Keenum
1972Topps 2 4 25 232 578 (2x)
1972Topps 417 620
1972Topps 5, 17, 634 (0.5x)
1972Topps 299
Agreed with Keenum. The 1972 is the Aaron
Comments on the players with the "2nd" after their name
(Last updated 8/16/2022)
As many of you have noticed a number of players have the "2nd" after their names. This was my attempt to deal with the fact that sometimes we get a big chunk of new dupes to share, or that people have added upgrade lists (I don't yet have a good way of adding when people want another version of the same card as a "second set").

First, what you should "do" with "how it works" interspersed

- What you should do when you are looking at a Match List: Example: If you see a match on your board from a player like "Toback2nd", you should look for hits as SOMETHING has changed. While this may seem weird, you should call out any hits you find on the "Toback" player (that's the account with the checkbook) and THEN call out the strikeout on "Toback2nd" (you don't have any hits for them, but you still want to remove them from your Match list). For newer players, you may see a match for both "Toback" and "Toback2nd" for the same set. In this case, it's the same only different. If you find hits, call them out on Toback and call the strikeout on the "Toback2nd" account. If you don't find any hits, call strikeouts on both so they both get removed from your Match list (the sheet is smart, but not THAT smart).

- What you should do if you have added to your "upgrade list" or have a new chunk of dupes: If you have a new upgrade list, tell Chaos you want add the set to your Want List as "YourName2nd". This way it will show up again on people's Match list and they should look again. If you have a new chunk of dupes to share, tell Chaos to add that set to your Have List as "YourName2nd" and it will pull up all the matches as if you were a new player. Of course, you'll have to call strikeouts on the full "player name" to get stuff off your board, but that's a small price to pay.
A lightweight version of this page can be found at Notes for people who want to check all people who want the same set at once
(Last updated 10/6/2023)

The idea for the game is to look at the person and set at the top of your Match List when trying to find hits. Since many people find it helpful to look for everyone else when they pull out a stack of dupes, we have tried to make doing so more efficient. If you go to the bottom of your match list, below the black line, you will see two sets of names. The first set of names is all the people who want that set, and are not a DH (can accept hits). Of course, there is a chance you have already check their lists and called hits or strikeouts. The list of people underneath that list are the people where you haven't called out either a hit or a strikeout.

So, feel free to check them all. However, you shouldn't call a strikeout if you've already checked them once and sent a hit or called a strikeout. If they are on the second list, treat them as if they were on your main list (call a hit or a strikeout).

If you are going to use this method, then we recommend you look at all of people for a set and then call them all out at the same time (that way the list doesn't change if you call the first strikeout).

While we usually ask people to call strikeouts using the method in column P, if you want to call lots of strikeouts at once for the SAME SET then just list the names as they are in the games, one per line (hitting Shift+Return or CTRL+Return usually does the trick). Put a return BEFORE the first name. A good example:
VSP strikeouts for 1973Topps
Matchmaking: (Last updated 5/29/2022)
- Each player should tell Chaos which sets (single year/brand) they would like to receive hits from, and which sets they have cards from to share. There is no limit on the number of sets you list for each as the sheet simply "matches" between people. Football, Basketball, Hockey, Non-sports etc. are allowed, but will be indicated as such (unless otherwise indicated it's baseball). Need a list of sets to consider? See the first column on this page. Example: Bob wants 1964 Topps, and has 1952 Topps. He tells Chaos to add 1964Topps to his Want List, and 1952Topps to his Have list. All the people who have 1964Topps on their Have List will get Bob on their list to hit (a Match) under their name below. People who need 1952Topps will show up below (under Bob's name) as needing it on his Match list.

- A reasonable question is whether you have enough cards in your dupes box to put a set on your Have List to post. Ultimately, it's up to you. The pro is that any card in your dupes box that goes to a home where it will be appreciated is a good thing, and you will get chips for it; don't underestimate your chance to be a Set Killers. The con is that if you don't have many cards to share it takes time to pull them out and check someone's list. In practice, it's up to how much work you want to do. Chaos's Advice: I just add them since it's better for a card to go to someone's home where it will be appreciated than sit in my Dupes Box. I'm willing to report a few strikeouts.
Sending Cards: (Last updated 8/22/2023)
- Before pulling cards for someone: Only pull cards for for sets/people combinations (matches) under your name below. DO NOT do it from their personal lists or the blue list on the left. We do this so people who don't want big debt don't go into big debt. To make this easier we have indicated in Red which people not accepting hits at the moment (we call them a DH). People with Chips to burn are indicated in Green.

What to do if you find a Set match under your name in yellow: Here it both simple and complicated. It's simple in that all you need to send Chaos 3 pieces of information: 1) Which set, 2) The name of the person you are sending to, 3) Which card numbers you are sending. For example, you have 1952Topps on your Have list and Bob has them on his want list. You pull cards 132 and 307. All you need to do is tell Chaos (post on the Messenger thread for example) "I have 1952 Topps, cards 132 and 307 for Bob." The spreadsheet is set up to find the values and convert it to Chips.
Note 1) If you have a bunch of hits for someone, send the card numbers in a single line in a comma separated manner. Put any comments (like condition corrections) AFTER the list of cards. Example: "Bob is sending 1964Topps #'s 5, 22, 36, 48, 242, 588 to John"
Note 2) It is considered good form to check with someone if you are sending a big HOFer or RC to make sure they can afford it.
Note 3) The game assumes that everyone is agreeing to accept hits on their Want Lists unless otherwise specified as long as the card is in the G-VG range and calculates the "standard value" of $15 of HBV at 15% is 1 chip (this is the typical range for cards from the 1960-80). If your card is in better or lower condition (or older than that), then we need to do a bit. If it is in lower condition, you should make sure they will want to send Chips for it. Ask explicitly (Chaos can help). If they agree, then often people will negotate a "Condition correction". For simplicity, we typically just say "half off because of the card being in Poor/Fair condition." However, we can put whatever you both agree to. If the card is in better than VG condition, say EX, we typically have a correction which doubles the value. If it's from the 1950's, a 1.5 correction might be appropriate for something in VG. If you just want to send at the standard value then there is nothing to do. If you want the higher value then the person receiving it needs to agree. Whatever you both agree on will be entered. Just be explicit since a number has to be entered. Please don't ask Chaos to guess or "figure it out".

What to do if you don't find any cards on a set for someone: If, after looking, you DON'T find any cards for someone on their list this is called a "strikeout". Simply tell Chaos "I struck out on 1952 Topps for Bob" or "1952T Strikeout for Bob". This will remove that Match from beneigth your name which keeps thing cleaner (you don't have to remember which sets you've already looked for).
A Chip calculator can be found at
Problem on Contract Killers: Problem: Need to update dates in Column Y
Full list of sets people have mentioned as a Have or WantWho hasWho WantsComments on the Match Listings Below
(Last updated 7/2/2022, matches themselves are updated in real time)
In general, the matches for each person are listed below their name (there are caveats for the good of the game). The Want List for a person you have matches with is listed under their name. The Matches are sorted so that the matches at the top are with people with the most chips to spend (thus, your list may change fairly frequenly). Green means they are a pitcher (have more than 10 chips in the bank), so hit them first. Yellow means they are not a DH, but have less than 5 chips. Matches with DH's are not listed. If you ARE a pitcher we have blacked out all the names except other pitchers. Either way, we have limited the number of matches, but when you call out hits or strikouts that match will be removed and another will replace it. This means you should report strikeouts to Chaos to make sure you always have always lots of active matches to check. Running low? Send more Have's! Have new dupes for sets you have already checked? Let Chaos know and he'll add a 2nd version of you.
Last updated:7/13/2024 12:42:17
1911T206Cook,TobackCook,Neuser,TobackCentral Bank Total = 6.4Central Bank Total = 12.93Central Bank Total = 12.93Central Bank Total = 0.14Central Bank Total = 2.42Central Bank Total = -5.91Central Bank Total = -5.91Central Bank Total = 0.27Central Bank Total = 0.27Central Bank Total = -10.96Central Bank Total = -10.96Central Bank Total = 2.28Central Bank Total = 2.28Central Bank Total = -22.66Central Bank Total = -22.66Central Bank Total = -113.09Central Bank Total = -113.09Central Bank Total = -16.37Central Bank Total = -6.42Central Bank Total = -3.65Central Bank Total = 1.39Central Bank Total = -4.09Central Bank Total = 0.23Central Bank Total = -83.58Central Bank Total = -83.58Central Bank Total = 9.82Central Bank Total = -1.58Central Bank Total = 14.13Central Bank Total = 14.13Central Bank Total = -3.17Central Bank Total = -37.98Central Bank Total = -27.14Central Bank Total = -0.67Central Bank Total = -0.67Central Bank Total = 78.65Central Bank Total = -2.7Central Bank Total = 19.06Central Bank Total = 19.06Central Bank Total = 8.19Central Bank Total = 2.86Central Bank Total = 2.86Central Bank Total = 2.97Central Bank Total = 2.97Central Bank Total = 2.97Central Bank Total = 15.85Central Bank Total = 15.85Central Bank Total = 4.73Central Bank Total = 8.75Central Bank Total = 1.71Central Bank Total = -17.21Central Bank Total = 27.34Central Bank Total = 27.34Central Bank Total = -2.48Central Bank Total = -2.48Central Bank Total = -20.9Central Bank Total = 2.34Central Bank Total = -0.51Central Bank Total = 12.15Central Bank Total = 12.15Central Bank Total = 12.15Central Bank Total = -45.41Central Bank Total = -45.41Central Bank Total = 134.36Central Bank Total = 134.36Central Bank Total = -21.67Central Bank Total = -20.22Central Bank Total = -20.22Central Bank Total = -3.17Central Bank Total = -7.19Central Bank Total = -7.19Central Bank Total = 0.73
191415CrackerJackArchibald,Toback1954Bowman - Toback2nd1979Topps - Toback2nd(No current Matches - some other error)1970Topps - Konkoff(No current Matches - some other error)1956Topps - Konkoff1956Topps - Konkoff1969Topps - Toback2nd1975ToppsMini - Toback2nd1959Topps - Konkoff1971Topps - Delott1954Topps - Delott1959Topps - Dworchak1971Fleer - Salinsky(No current Matches - some other error)1959Topps - Konkoff(No current Matches - some other error)197980ToppsBkb - Toback2nd1972Topps - Toback2nd1973Topps - Toback2nd1967Topps - Toback2nd1963Topps - Toback2nd1967Topps - Toback2nd1954Bowman - Toback2nd1966Topps - Toback2nd1973Topps - Toback2nd1972Topps - Konkoff1954Bowman - Toback2nd1959Topps - Konkoff1974Topps - Toback2nd1959Topps - Konkoff1976ToppsFB - Toback197576ToppsBkb - Toback2nd1972Topps - Toback2nd1976Topps - Toback2nd1972ToppsFB - Toback197677ToppsBkb - Toback2nd(No current Matches - some other error)1973Topps - Toback2nd1972Topps - Toback2nd1976ToppsFB - Toback1979ToppsFB - Toback1959Topps - Toback2nd(No current Matches - some other error)1968ToppsGame - Toback1954Bowman - Toback2nd1970ToppsFB - Lipsky2nd(No current Matches - some other error)1972Topps - Konkoff1954Bowman - Toback2nd1971Topps - Konkoff1971Topps - Konkoff1973Topps - Toback2nd1979Topps - Toback2nd1976ToppsFB - Toback1974Topps - Toback2nd1967Topps - Toback2nd1952Bowman - Dworchak(No current Matches - some other error)(No current Matches - some other error)1974Topps - Salinsky1953Topps - Papacek2nd1972Topps - Konkoff1955Topps - Papacek2nd197576ToppsBkb - Toback2nd1971Topps - Konkoff1979ToppsFB - Toback1959Topps - Konkoff1959Topps - Konkoff(No current Matches - some other error)1955BowmanFB - Toback(No current Matches - some other error)(No current Matches - some other error)(No current Matches - some other error)(No current Matches - some other error)(No current Matches - some other error)
1921W51621D'Angelo1972Topps - Konkoff1979Topps - Toback1969Topps - Konkoff1973Topps - Salinsky1956Topps - Papacek2nd1968Topps - Toback2nd1975ToppsMini - Toback1952Bowman - Dworchak1970Topps - Delott1974ToppsFB - Musgrove1958Topps - Dworchak1980Topps - Thayer2nd1956Topps - Konkoff197980ToppsBkb - Toback1968Topps - Toback2nd1952Topps - Toback2nd1967Topps - Toback1963Topps - Toback1967Topps - Toback1961Topps - Konkoff1971Topps - Konkoff1973Topps - Toback1971Topps - Konkoff1953BowmanColor - Toback1961Topps - Papacek2nd1974Topps - Toback1973Topps - Salinsky1975ToppsMini - Toback2nd1974Topps - Toback2nd1955Topps - Toback2nd1976Topps - Toback1972Topps - Toback2nd197677ToppsBkb - Toback1972Topps - Toback2nd1972Topps - Toback1974Topps - Toback2nd1978ToppsFB - Toback1959Topps - Toback1951Bowman - Toback1959Topps - Konkoff1973ToppsFB - Archibald1971Topps - Konkoff1972Topps - Konkoff1963Topps - Konkoff1971Topps - Papacek2nd1972Topps - Toback2nd1979Topps - Toback1975Topps - Toback2nd1974Topps - Toback1967Topps - Toback1973Topps - Salinsky1969Topps - Konkoff1954Topps - Papacek2nd197576ToppsBkb - Toback1970Topps - Konkoff1978ToppsFB - Toback1967Topps - Salinsky2nd1973Topps - Salinsky1935DiamondStars - Toback
1922Nielson'sChocolateV61Archibald1971Topps - Konkoff1978Topps - Toback1974Topps - Salinsky1974Topps - Papacek2nd1956Topps - Papacek1972Topps - Konkoff1972Topps - Toback2nd1974ToppsFB - Musgrove1970Topps - Betza2nd1967ToppsFB - Musgrove1959Topps - Archibald1965Topps - Neuser2nd1974Topps - Salinsky197879ToppsBkb - Toback2nd1966Topps - Toback2nd1952Topps - Toback1966Topps - Toback2nd1956ToppsFB - Toback1911T205 - Toback1960Topps - Konkoff1970Topps - Konkoff1972Topps - Toback2nd1970Topps - Konkoff1972Topps - Konkoff1958Topps - Papacek2nd1973Topps - Toback2nd1974Topps - Papacek2nd1975ToppsMini - Toback197475ToppsBkb - Toback2nd1955Topps - Toback1954Topps - Toback2nd1970ToppsFB - Toback1974Topps - Toback2nd1971Topps - Toback2nd1972Topps - Konkoff1974Topps - Toback1977ToppsFB - Toback1959Topps - Konkoff1973Topps - Salinsky1973Topps - Salinsky1979Topps - Neuser3rd1970Topps - Konkoff1971Topps - Konkoff1959Topps - Konkoff1971Topps - Dworchak1971Topps - Toback2nd1954Topps - Toback2nd1975Topps - Toback1973Topps - Toback2nd1965Topps - Toback2nd1950Bowman - Salinsky2nd1962Topps - Konkoff1953Topps - Papacek2nd197172ToppsBkb - Toback2nd1969Topps - Konkoff1977ToppsFB - Toback1967Topps - Salinsky1974Topps - Papacek2nd1955BowmanFB - Lipsky2nd
1929KashinLevinson1970Topps - Konkoff1977Topps - Toback2nd1973Topps - Salinsky1972Topps - Papacek2nd1956Topps - Delott1969Topps - Konkoff1972Topps - Toback1967Topps - Musgrove1958ToppsFB - Musgrove1959Topps - Delott1971Fleer - Berg1973Topps - Salinsky197879ToppsBkb - Toback1966Topps - Toback1979Hostess - Salinsky2nd1966Topps - Toback1956Topps - Toback2nd1967Topps - Konkoff1959Topps - Konkoff1969Topps - Konkoff1972Topps - Toback1969Topps - Konkoff1971Topps - Konkoff1957Topps - Papacek2nd1973Topps - Toback1972Topps - Papacek2nd1969ToppsFB - Toback197475ToppsBkb - Toback1972Topps - Konkoff1954Topps - Toback1970Topps - Toback2nd1974Topps - Toback1970Topps - Toback2nd1959Topps - Konkoff1973Topps - Toback2nd1976ToppsFB - Toback1959Topps - Salinsky1972Kellogg's - Salinsky1967Topps - Salinsky1974ToppsFB - Musgrove1969Topps - Konkoff1970Topps - Konkoff1971Topps - Dworchak1971Topps - Delott1970Topps - Toback2nd1954Topps - Toback1974ToppsFB - Toback1973Topps - Toback1967Topps - Konkoff1952Bowman - Dworchak1959Topps - Konkoff1952Topps - Papacek2nd1972Topps - Konkoff1974Topps - Papacek2nd1978ToppsFB - Lipsky1966Topps - Salinsky2nd1972Topps - Papacek2nd1935DiamondStars - Papacek
1930GoudeyIndianGumGlidden1969Topps - Konkoff1977Topps - Toback1970ToppsFB - Lipsky2nd1965Topps - Papacek2nd1956Topps - Neuser1968Topps - Konkoff1972Topps - Konkoff1964ToppsFB - Musgrove1955Bowman - Musgrove1958Topps - Delott1970ToppsFB - Lipsky2nd197778ToppsBkb - Toback2nd1964Topps - Toback2nd1979Hostess - Salinsky1965Topps - Toback2nd1956Topps - Toback1967Topps - Salinsky2nd1958Topps - Konkoff1968Topps - Konkoff1970Topps - Toback2nd1967Topps - Konkoff1963Topps - Konkoff1961Topps - Delott1972Topps - Toback2nd1964Topps - Papacek2nd1968ToppsFB - Toback1973Topps - Toback2nd1955Topps - Konkoff1953Topps - Toback2nd1970Topps - Toback197374ToppsBkb - Toback2nd1969Topps - Toback2nd1973Topps - Salinsky1973Topps - Toback1975ToppsFB - Toback1976Topps - Papacek2nd1953BowmanColor - Salinsky1960Topps - Salinsky2nd1980Topps - Williams1967Topps - Konkoff1969Topps - Konkoff1952Bowman - Dworchak1974ToppsFB - Musgrove1969Topps - Toback2nd1979Hostess - Salinsky2nd1974Topps - Toback2nd1972ToppsFB - Toback1967Topps - Salinsky2nd1951Bowman - Dworchak1958Topps - Konkoff197677ToppsBkb - Thayer1971Topps - Konkoff1954Topps - Papacek2nd1980ToppsFB - Thayer2nd1966Topps - Salinsky1965Topps - Papacek2nd1955BowmanFB - Archibald
1930W554Levinson1968Topps - Konkoff1976Topps - Toback2nd1977Topps - Papacek1958Topps - Papacek2nd1956Topps - Betza1961Topps - Konkoff1972Topps - Lipsky1964Topps - Musgrove1972Topps - Smart1958Topps - Rittenberg1974Topps - Papacek2nd197778ToppsBkb - Toback1962ToppsFB - Toback2nd1978Hostess - Salinsky2nd1965Topps - Toback1971Topps - Konkoff1967Topps - Salinsky197677ToppsBkb - Salinsky1967Topps - Konkoff1970Topps - Toback1964Topps - Konkoff1962Topps - Konkoff1960Topps - Musgrove1972Topps - Toback1968Topps - Dworchak1968Topps - Toback2nd1972Topps - Toback2nd1955Topps - Salinsky1952Bowman - Toback1969ToppsFB - Toback1972Topps - Toback2nd1968Topps - Toback2nd1972Topps - Lipsky1971Topps - Konkoff1974ToppsFB - Toback1976Topps - Papacek1951Bowman - Salinsky1959Topps - Salinsky1964Topps - Konkoff1968Topps - Konkoff1951Bowman - Dworchak1968Topps - Smart1968Topps - Toback2nd1977Hostess - Salinsky1974Topps - Toback1972Topps - Toback2nd1967Topps - Salinsky1950Bowman - Dworchak1956Topps - Konkoff1954Topps - Thayer2nd1970Topps - Konkoff1971Topps - Dworchak1980ToppsFB - Thayer1962Topps - Salinsky2nd1964Topps - Papacek2nd1935DiamondStars - Archibald
1933GoudeyArchibald,Papacek,Papacek2nd,Roach,TobackD'Angelo,Neuser,Papacek,Roach,Thayer,Toback,Toback2nd1967Topps - Konkoff1976Topps - Toback1976Topps - Papacek2nd1956Topps - Papacek2nd1956Topps - Wubben1979Hostess - Salinsky2nd1972Topps - Papacek2nd1961Topps - Musgrove1970Topps - Smart1959Topps - Barnett1972Topps - Papacek2nd197677ToppsBkb - Toback2nd1962Topps - Toback2nd1975Hostess - Salinsky1964Topps - Toback2nd1970Topps - Konkoff196162FleerBkb - Salinsky1974Topps - Salinsky1966Topps - Konkoff1968Topps - Toback2nd1963Topps - Konkoff1959Topps - Konkoff1961Topps - Betza2nd1970Topps - Toback2nd1967Topps - Dworchak1968Topps - Toback197273ToppsBkb - Toback2nd1972Topps - Lipsky1951Bowman - Toback1969Topps - Toback2nd197273ToppsBkb - Toback2nd1967Topps - Toback2nd1976Topps - Papacek2nd1966Topps - Konkoff1973ToppsFB - Toback1959Topps - Papacek2nd1951Bowman - Lipsky1958Topps - Salinsky1962Topps - Konkoff1967Topps - Konkoff1971Topps - Delott1971Topps - Betza1967Topps - Toback2nd1976Hostess - Salinsky2nd1971Topps - Toback2nd1972Topps - Toback1965Topps - Salinsky2nd1974Topps - Thayer3rd1973Topps - Salinsky1954Topps - Thayer1969Topps - Konkoff1971Topps - Thayer2nd1977ToppsFB - Thayer1962Topps - Salinsky1963Topps - Papacek2nd1955BowmanFB - Musgrove
1933GoudeySportsKingsArchibald,Cook1966Topps - Konkoff1975Topps - Toback2nd1975Topps - Papacek2nd1954Topps - Papacek2nd1956Topps - Williams1978Hostess - Salinsky2nd1972Topps - Papacek1960Topps - Musgrove1969Topps - Smart1959Topps - Williams1964Topps - Papacek2nd197677ToppsBkb - Toback1960Topps - Toback2nd1973Topps - Salinsky1964Topps - Toback1964Topps - Konkoff1967Topps - Lipsky1973Topps - Salinsky1974Topps - Salinsky1968Topps - Toback1961Topps - Konkoff1956Topps - Konkoff1960Topps - Williams2nd1970Topps - Toback1966Topps - Dworchak1967Topps - Toback2nd197273ToppsBkb - Toback1972Topps - Papacek2nd1967Topps - Salinsky2nd1969Topps - Toback197172ToppsBkb - Toback2nd1966Topps - Toback2nd1976Topps - Papacek1961Topps - Konkoff1972ToppsFB - Toback1959Topps - Papacek1971Topps - Dworchak1957Topps - Salinsky1961Topps - Konkoff1966Topps - Konkoff1970Topps - Delott1979Kellogg's - Rittenberg1966Topps - Toback2nd1976Hostess - Salinsky1971Topps - Toback197273ToppsBkb - Toback2nd1967Topps - Lipsky1972Topps - Thayer3rd1972Kellogg's - Salinsky1953Topps - Thayer2nd1968Topps - Konkoff1971Topps - Thayer1980ToppsFB - Rittenberg1961Topps - Salinsky2nd1961Topps - Papacek2nd1935DiamondStars - Rittenberg
193436BatterUpArchibald,D'Angelo1964Topps - Konkoff1975Topps - Toback1974Topps - Papacek2nd1953Topps - Papacek2nd1977HostessTwinkie - Salinsky1972Topps - Dworchak1955BowmanFB - Musgrove1968Topps - Smart1958Topps - Williams1963Topps - Papacek2nd197576ToppsBkb - Toback2nd1958Topps - Toback2nd1971Kellogg's - Salinsky1963Topps - Toback2nd1963Topps - Konkoff196162FleerBkb - Lipsky2nd1961Topps - Salinsky2nd1973Topps - Salinsky1967Topps - Toback2nd1958Topps - Konkoff1955Topps - Konkoff1959Topps - Toback2nd1965ToppsEmbossed - Dworchak1967Topps - Toback1971Topps - Toback2nd1972Topps - Papacek1967Topps - Salinsky1968Topps - Toback2nd197172ToppsBkb - Toback1965Topps - Toback2nd1975Topps - Papacek2nd1960Topps - Konkoff1972Topps - Toback2nd1959Topps - Dworchak1960Topps - Dworchak1956Topps - Salinsky1959Topps - Konkoff1964Topps - Konkoff1969Topps - Delott1973ToppsFB - Rittenberg1965Topps - Toback2nd1954Topps - Papacek2nd1970ToppsFB - Toback1971Topps - Toback2nd1965Topps - Lipsky1970Topps - Thayer2nd1964ToppsStandUps - Salinsky1953Topps - Thayer1967Topps - Konkoff1971Topps - Delott1979ToppsFB - Rittenberg1961Topps - Salinsky1958Topps - Papacek2nd1935DiamondStars - Cook
1934ButterfingerLevinsonLevinson1963Topps - Konkoff1974Topps - Toback2nd1973Topps - Papacek2nd1974Topps - Thayer3rd1977Hostess - Salinsky1972Topps - Archibald1970Topps - Betza2nd1967Topps - Smart1959Topps - Berg1961Topps - Papacek2nd197475ToppsBkb - Toback2nd1955Topps - Toback2nd1970Kellogg's - Salinsky1963Topps - Toback1962Topps - Konkoff196162FleerBkb - Lipsky1970ToppsFB - Lipsky2nd1967Topps - Lipsky1967Topps - Toback197576OPCHky - Salinsky197879ToppsHky - Salinsky1959Topps - Toback1964Topps - Dworchak1967PhillyFB - Toback2nd197172ToppsBkb - Toback2nd1955Topps - Papacek2nd1966Topps - Salinsky2nd1968Topps - Toback197071ToppsBkb - Toback1964Topps - Toback2nd1974Topps - Papacek2nd1974Topps - Salinsky1971ToppsFB - Toback1959Topps - Archibald1959Topps - Dworchak1955Topps - Salinsky1972Topps - Papacek2nd1963Topps - Konkoff1961Topps - Delott1971Topps - Williams1962Topps - Toback2nd1954Topps - Papacek1969ToppsFB - Toback1971Topps - Toback1967Topps - Papacek2nd1962Topps - Thayer3rd1960Fleer - Salinsky1952Topps - Thayer2nd1966Topps - Konkoff1970Topps - Delott1978ToppsFB - Berg1960Topps - Salinsky2nd1957Topps - Papacek2nd1955BowmanFB - Berg
1934GoudeyPapacek,Papacek2nd,TobackArchibald,D'Angelo,Keenum,Neuser,Thayer,Toback1962Topps - Konkoff1974Topps - Toback1970Topps - Papacek2nd1972Topps - Thayer3rd1976HostessTwinkie - Salinsky1972Topps - Thayer3rd1966Topps - Betza2nd1966Topps - Smart1958Topps - Berg1958Topps - Papacek2nd1973Topps - Toback2nd1954Topps - Toback2nd1952Topps - Salinsky1962Topps - Toback2nd1960Topps - Konkoff1967Topps - Papacek2nd1956ToppsFB - Lipsky2nd1966Topps - Lipsky1966ToppsFB - Toback2nd197374ToppsHky - Salinsky197576ToppsHky - Salinsky1958Topps - Toback2nd1959Topps - Dworchak1966Topps - Toback2nd197172ToppsBkb - Toback1955Topps - Papacek1966Topps - Salinsky1967Topps - Toback2nd1967PhillyFB - Toback2nd1964Topps - Toback1972Topps - Papacek2nd1973Topps - Salinsky1969ToppsFB - Toback1976Topps - Thayer2nd1958Topps - Dworchak1955Bowman - Salinsky1965Topps - Papacek2nd1962Topps - Konkoff1956Topps - Delott1973ToppsFB - Berg2nd1961Topps - Toback2nd1954Topps - Dworchak1969Topps - Toback2nd1970Topps - Toback2nd1967Topps - Papacek1953Topps - Thayer2nd1974Topps - Papacek2nd1952Topps - Thayer1964Topps - Konkoff1969Topps - Delott1960Topps - Salinsky1956Topps - Papacek2nd
1934NationalChicleSkyBirdsGlidden1961Topps - Konkoff1973Topps - Toback2nd1969Topps - Papacek2nd1956Topps - Delott1976Hostess - Salinsky2nd1972Topps - Thayer2nd1964Topps - Betza2nd1960Topps - Williams2nd1957Topps - Papacek2nd197374ToppsBkb - Toback2nd1951BowmanFB - Toback2nd1973Topps - Papacek2nd1962Topps - Toback1956Topps - Konkoff1967Topps - Papacek1976Topps - Papacek2nd1976Topps - Papacek2nd1966Topps - Toback2nd1971OPC - Salinsky1974Topps - Salinsky1957Topps - Toback2nd1972Topps - Mack1966Topps - Toback1970Topps - Toback2nd1955Topps - Dworchak1965Topps - Salinsky2nd1967Topps - Toback1967PhillyFB - Toback1963Topps - Toback2nd1972Topps - Papacek1976ToppsFB - Lipsky1968ToppsFB - Toback1959Topps - Thayer2nd1957Topps - Dworchak1953Topps - Salinsky1964Topps - Papacek2nd1961Topps - Konkoff1954Topps - Delott1973ToppsFB - Berg1960Topps - Toback2nd1977Hostess - Archibald1969Topps - Toback1970Topps - Toback1965Topps - Papacek2nd1953BowmanColor - Thayer1972Topps - Papacek2nd1954Topps - Delott1963Topps - Konkoff1954Topps - Delott1959Topps - Salinsky1954Topps - Papacek2nd
1934V94Levinson1960Topps - Konkoff1973Topps - Toback1980ToppsFB - Thayer2nd1954Topps - Delott1975Hostess - Salinsky1972Topps - Thayer1963Topps - Betza2nd1956Topps - Papacek2nd197374ToppsBkb - Toback1972Topps - Konkoff1952Topps - Papacek2nd1961Topps - Toback2nd1955Topps - Konkoff1967Topps - Dworchak1974Topps - Papacek2nd1975Topps - Papacek2nd1965ToppsEmbossed - Toback1969OPC - Salinsky197475ToppsHky - Salinsky1956Topps - Toback2nd1971Topps - Delott1966PhillyFB - Toback2nd1969Topps - Toback2nd1955Topps - Archibald1965Topps - Salinsky1967PhillyFB - Toback2nd1965PhillyFB - Toback2nd1963Topps - Toback1965Topps - Papacek2nd1974Topps - Lipsky1968Topps - Toback2nd1959Topps - Thayer1956Topps - Dworchak1952Topps - Salinsky1961Topps - Papacek2nd1960Topps - Konkoff1976Hostess - Reed1960Leaf - Toback2nd1954Topps - Archibald1968Topps - Toback2nd1969Topps - Toback2nd1967Topps - Dworchak1952Topps - Thayer2nd1965Topps - Papacek2nd197677ToppsBkb - Betza1962Topps - Konkoff1961Fleer - Reed1955Topps - Salinsky1953Topps - Papacek2nd
1935DiamondStarsCole,Toback,WubbenArchibald,Cook,Neuser,Papacek,Rittenberg,Toback1959Topps - Konkoff1972Topps - Toback2nd1980Topps - Thayer2nd1979Topps - Neuser3rd1976ToppsFB - Lipsky1972Topps - Mack1962Topps - Betza2nd1955Topps - Papacek2nd1972Topps - Toback2nd1968Topps - Konkoff1952Bowman - Papacek1961Topps - Toback197576ToppsHky - Salinsky1967Topps - Archibald1973Topps - Papacek2nd1974Topps - Papacek2nd1965Topps - Toback2nd195960ToppsHky - Salinsky1973Topps - Salinsky1955Topps - Toback2nd1970Topps - Delott1966PhillyFB - Toback1968Topps - Toback2nd1972Topps - Thayer3rd1964Topps - Salinsky1967PhillyFB - Toback1965PhillyFB - Toback1963Fleer - Toback1963Topps - Papacek2nd1974Topps - Papacek2nd1967ToppsFB - Toback2nd1959Topps - Delott1955Topps - Dworchak1948Bowman - Salinsky1962Topps - Thayer3rd1959Topps - Konkoff1975Hostess - Reed1959Topps - Toback2nd1980Topps - Thayer2nd1968Topps - Toback1969Topps - Toback1965Topps - Dworchak1971Topps - Delott1964Topps - Papacek2nd1953Topps - Betza1961Topps - Konkoff1974ToppsFB - Musgrove1967Topps - Lipsky1953Topps - Dworchak
1935GoudeyArchibald,Cook,Duguid,Neuser,Rittenberg,Roach,Toback1958Topps - Konkoff1972Topps - Toback1979Topps - Thayer2nd1967Topps - Neuser2nd197576ToppsBkb - Lipsky2nd1972Topps - Delott1961Topps - Betza2nd1954Topps - Papacek2nd197273ToppsBkb - Toback2nd1966Topps - Konkoff1951Bowman - Papacek1960Topps - Toback2nd1974Topps - Salinsky196162FleerBkb - Archibald1972Topps - Papacek2nd1973Topps - Papacek2nd1965Topps - Toback1958Topps - Salinsky1977Topps - Papacek1955Topps - Toback1969Topps - Delott1965Topps - Toback2nd1967Topps - Toback2nd1955Topps - Thayer2nd1962Topps - Salinsky2nd1966Topps - Toback2nd1964ToppsFB - Toback2nd1962Topps - Toback2nd1962Topps - Papacek2nd1974Topps - Papacek1967ToppsFB - Toback1976Topps - Betza1955Bowman - Dworchak1975Topps - Dworchak1971Topps - Delott1958Topps - Konkoff1961Fleer - Reed1958Topps - Toback2nd1979Topps - Thayer2nd1967Topps - Toback2nd1968Topps - Toback2nd1967Topps - Archibald1970Topps - Delott1963Topps - Papacek2nd1952Topps - Betza1960Topps - Konkoff1968Topps - Smart1966Topps - Lipsky1971Topps - Delott
1938GoudeyArchibald,Neuser,TobackOther non-DH matches for 1954BowmanOther non-DH matches for 1979ToppsNo sets to matchOther non-DH matches for 1970ToppsNo sets to matchOther non-DH matches for 1956ToppsOther non-DH matches for 1956ToppsOther non-DH matches for 1969ToppsOther non-DH matches for 1975ToppsMiniOther non-DH matches for 1959ToppsOther non-DH matches for 1971ToppsOther non-DH matches for 1954ToppsOther non-DH matches for 1959ToppsOther non-DH matches for 1971FleerNo sets to matchOther non-DH matches for 1959ToppsNo sets to matchOther non-DH matches for 197980ToppsBkbOther non-DH matches for 1972ToppsOther non-DH matches for 1973ToppsOther non-DH matches for 1967ToppsOther non-DH matches for 1963ToppsOther non-DH matches for 1967ToppsOther non-DH matches for 1954BowmanOther non-DH matches for 1966ToppsOther non-DH matches for 1973ToppsOther non-DH matches for 1972ToppsOther non-DH matches for 1954BowmanOther non-DH matches for 1959ToppsOther non-DH matches for 1974ToppsOther non-DH matches for 1959ToppsOther non-DH matches for 1976ToppsFBOther non-DH matches for 197576ToppsBkbOther non-DH matches for 1972ToppsOther non-DH matches for 1976ToppsOther non-DH matches for 1972ToppsFBOther non-DH matches for 197677ToppsBkbNo sets to matchOther non-DH matches for 1973ToppsOther non-DH matches for 1972ToppsOther non-DH matches for 1976ToppsFBOther non-DH matches for 1979ToppsFBOther non-DH matches for 1959ToppsNo sets to matchOther non-DH matches for 1968ToppsGameOther non-DH matches for 1954BowmanOther non-DH matches for 1970ToppsFBNo sets to matchOther non-DH matches for 1972ToppsOther non-DH matches for 1954BowmanOther non-DH matches for 1971ToppsOther non-DH matches for 1971ToppsOther non-DH matches for 1973ToppsOther non-DH matches for 1979ToppsOther non-DH matches for 1976ToppsFBOther non-DH matches for 1974ToppsOther non-DH matches for 1967ToppsOther non-DH matches for 1952BowmanNo sets to matchNo sets to match
1938KashinLevinsonSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetNo matchesSubset of people which haven't been checked yetNo matchesSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetNo matchesSubset of people which haven't been checked yetNo matchesSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetNo matchesSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetNo matchesSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetNo matchesSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetSubset of people which haven't been checked yetNo matches