UsernameFirst NameLast Name
DESI Service Effort
2023 Effort2022 Effort2021 Effort2020 Effort2019 Effort2018 Effort2017 Effort2013-16 EffortActivities2023 Narrative2022 Narrative2021 Narrative2020 Narrative2019 Narrative2018 Narrative2017 Narrative2016 Narrative2015 Narrative2014 Narrative2013 NarrativeBuilder?
Focal Plane System, Maintenance activities, Instrument Control System || Instrument Control System || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Focal Plane System, Spectrographs, Instrument Control System, Assembly, Integration & Test, Institutional Board || Instrument Control System, Assembly, Integration, & Test, Institutional Board || Instrument Control System, Assembly, Integration, & Test, Publication Board, Institutional Board || nan || DESI-II|Focal Plane System|Instrumentation|Observing Operations|Speakers Board || Cosmological Parameter Estimation|DESI-II|Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee|Focal Plane System|Imaging Surveys|Instrumentation|Maintenance Activities|Speakers Board
Co-Instrument Scientist, Instrument Operations Lead
see titles
mostly instrument, instrument operations, DESI II

DESI Commissioning, SV Operations, Instrument Operations Manager, ICS,
Instrument Control System Lead, Instrument Operations Lead, Ex-Com
WBS 1.7 L2 manager, wbs 1.9 scientist, wbs 2.4 and 3.4 instrument operations lead
WBS 1.7
DESI ICS, Publication Board
DESI ICS, Publication Board
DESI ICS, Publication Board
DESI ICS, Publication Board
Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Target Selection, Survey Design and Survey Validation, Focal Plane System, Maintenance activities, Observing operations, Membership Committee, Press Committee || Focal Plane System, Fiber System, Spectrographs, Assembly, Integration & Test, Institutional Board || Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Corrector and Optical System, Corrector BArrel & Cage, Focal Plane System, Fiber System, Spectrographs, Assembly, Integration & Test, Membership Committee, Institutional Board || Imaging, Corrector and Optical System, Corrector Barrel & Cage, Focal Plane System, Fiber System, Spectrographs, Assembly, Integration, & Test || Imaging, Corrector and Optical System, Corrector Barrel & Cage, Focal Plane System, Fiber System, Spectrographs, Instrument Control System, Data System, Assembly, Integration, & Test, Membership Committee, Institutional Board || DESI-II|Focal Plane System|Maintenance Activities|Meetings Committee|Membership Committee|Survey Design|Other[[Management]]
Mostly involved in management (WBS 3.) of the experiment and operations program, plus promotion of DESI-II to DOE.
mostly management WBS 3.
Past year I've been heavily involved in DESI management, operations management (WBS 3.1) and an effort to improve the functioning of the focal plane (WBS 3.4.6).
WBS 1.0 Project Management, plus operations WBS 3.0
WBS 1.1 Management for the Project, and WBS 2.1 & 3.1 for the Operations Program.
WBS 1.0: Project management and direction, and WBS 3.0: preliminary effort on creating the operations program.
WBS 1.0, Experiment director.
WBS 1.0, Experiment director.
WBS 1.0, Experiment director.
WBS 1.0, Experiment director.
Maintenance activities, Spectrograph System || Spectrographs || Fiber System, Spectrographs || Corrector and Optical System, Fiber System, Spectrographs || Spectrographs || DESI-II|Instrumentation|Maintenance Activities|Observing Operations
I worked on Management of DESI Operations (3.1), Telescope Operations (3.2), and instrument operations (3.4).
WBS 3.1 = 15 hours, WBS 3.2 = 10 hours, WBS 3.4 15 hours.
Managing the Operations of DESI (WBS 3.1). Maintaining DESI (WBS 3.4)
Managing, Assembling and Testing the DESI spectrographs
Building and Managing the Spectrographs
Managing the construction and testing of the spectrographs. Aiding with the corrector optics and aiding with fiber measurements.
Headed the WBS 1.6 spectrograph effort
Headed the WBS 1.6 spectrograph effort
Headed the WBS 1.6 spectrograph effort
Headed the WBS 1.6 spectrograph effort
Maintenance activities, Observing operations || Assembly, Integration & Test || Corrector and Optical System, Corrector BArrel & Cage, Focal Plane System, Fiber System, Assembly, Integration & Test || Corrector and Optical System, Corrector Barrel & Cage, Focal Plane System, Fiber System, Spectrographs, Instrument Control System, Assembly, Integration, & Test || Imaging, Corrector and Optical System, Corrector Barrel & Cage, Fiber System, Spectrographs, Instrument Control System, Assembly, Integration, & Test || Focal Plane System|Instrumentation|Maintenance Activities|Observing Operations || DESI-II|Instrumentation|Maintenance Activities|Observing Operations
WBS 3.2, Telescope and Site Operations. L2 manager, full time.
about 50/50 between Observing Operations and Instrumentation/Maintenance
WBS 3.2 Leader - Managing the Telescope and Site activities
All to DESI infrastructure tasks.
WBS 3.2, Telescope and Site. I am L2 manager.
WBS 1.9, 2.2, 3.2: AITC, and Telescope/Site OPerations
WBS 1.9.3, DESI installation
WBS 1.09, Assembly Integration and Test
Assembly, Integration and Test; especially preparation of the Mayall telescope and commissioning planning.
Preparation of the Mayall telescope, including interface definition and tracking.
Preparation of the Mayall telescope, including interface definition and tracking.
Planning the preparations of the Mayall telescope.
Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Target Selection, Survey Design and Survey Validation || Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Survey Design and Survey Validation, Assembly, Integration & Test, Meetings Committee, Institutional Board, Commissioning || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Target Selection, Survey Design, Spectrographs, Assembly, Integration & Test, Meetings Committee, Institutional Board || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Imaging, Target Selection, Survey Design, Spectrographs, Meetings Committee || Imaging, Target Selection, Survey Design, Corrector and Optical System, Focal Plane System, Spectrographs, Institutional Board || nan || DESI-II|Imaging Surveys|Meetings Committee|Target Selection || DESI-II|Imaging Surveys|Survey Design
Member of the Survey Operations team and in the shift schedule for Survey Daily Ops.
Co-lead of the DESI imaging team, acquiring the DR11 data during 2023.
Designing and developing the medium-band imaging program for DESI-II and testing target selection.

Member of the Survey Operations team and in the shift schedule for Survey Daily Ops (10 hrs).
Co-lead of the DESI imaging team, acquiring the DR11 data during 2023 (10 hrs).
Designing and developing the medium-band imaging program for DESI-II and testing target selection (15 hrs).
WBS project executive
WBS 3.5 survey operations management, transitioned oversight to Eddie Schlafly but continuing work with the team
Imaging and targeting
Meetings committee for Berkeley-hosted June 2022 meeting
WBS - 5 hours
WBS 3.5 - 15 hours
Imaging and targeting - 10 hours

Worked on Data Release 9 of the DESI imaging surveys, setting up Survey Operations, contributed to target selection studies
Project Scientist, Imaging, Commissioning, Survey Ops
Project Scientist responsibilities, leadership in the DECaLS and MzLS imaging surveys, imaging survey strategy code, reduction and target selection validation tasks, supervision of students and postdocs developing analysis tools for the galaxy clustering key project
Project Scientist responsibilities, leadership in the DECaLS and MzLS imaging surveys, reduction and target selection validation tasks, supervision of students and postdocs developing analysis tools for the galaxy clustering key project
DESI imaging surveys: coordination, survey strategy, observing, data reduction.
DESI imaging surveys: coordination, survey strategy, observing, data reduction.
DESI imaging surveys: coordination, survey strategy, observing, data reduction.
Instrument design and detailed requirements for subsystems.
Focal Plane System, Maintenance activities, Management / Engineering || Assembly, Integration & Test, Project Management || Corrector and Optical System, Corrector BArrel & Cage, Focal Plane System, Fiber System, Spectrographs, Instrument Control System, Data System, Assembly, Integration & Test || Corrector and Optical System, Corrector Barrel & Cage, Focal Plane System, Fiber System, Spectrographs, Assembly, Integration, & Test || Corrector and Optical System, Corrector Barrel & Cage, Focal Plane System, Fiber System, Spectrographs, Instrument Control System, Data System, Assembly, Integration, & Test || DESI-II|Instrumentation
Participated in next-generation fiber positioner development efforts.
Reviewed and critiqued Spec-S5 documentation for P5.
Did conceptual design work for Spec-S5 possibilities at Mayall/Blanco.
Participated in DESI-2/Spec-S5 workshop in Napa.
Most time was spent preparing for and attending workshops. Maybe 10 hours total were spent on office work for DESI/DESI-2/Spec-S5
Project Management and Engineering Work
Project Manager and AIT&C Manager (WBS 1.1, 1.9)
Project Management, Instrument Development
Project Management (WBS 1.1), AIT Management (WBS 1.9)
Project Manager
Project Systems Engineer
Project Systems Engineer
AIT&C Subsystem Manager
Focal Plane System, Observing operations, Meetings Committee || Focal Plane System, Meetings Committee || Focal Plane System, Data System, Meetings Committee || Focal Plane System, Fiber System, Assembly, Integration, & Test, Membership Committee || Focal Plane System || DESI-II|Instrumentation|Meetings Committee || DESI-II|Focal Plane System|Instrumentation|Meetings Committee|Observing Operations
1) Member of the meetings committee since May 2023 (0.5 hour/week)
2) Lead organizer of Winter 2023 meeting, organized ECS grants (1 hour/week)
3) Provided operations support (focal plane) throughout the year (1 hour/week)
4) Development of mitigation code for linear phi positioners (1 hour/week)

1) Member of the meetings committee since May 2023 (0.5 hour/week)
2) Lead organizer of Winter 2023 meeting, organized ECS grants (1 hour/week)
3) Provided operations support (focal plane) throughout the year (1 hour/week)
4) Development of mitigation code for linear phi positioners (1 hour/week)
contributions to survey hardware and software, supported instrument upgrade summer 2021( 6 weeks at KP), wrote updated petalcontroller code, tested and installed new positioner firmware. Seeved as meetings committee chair until summer 2021. served as IB secretary since summer 2021, supervised undergraduate student working on DESI
1 / week for committee work, 2/week supervising student, 13/week remainder of contributions
focal plane hardware / software support, fiber positioning system, meetings committee, supervising undergrad student
Focal plane, fiber positioner system
Fiber positioner testing, focal plane integration and testing, petal control electronics and software development
DESI fiber positioner production and testing, fiber positioner firmware and software, petal control electronics
Fiber positioner firmware and control software, fiber positioner control electronics, fiber positioner testing and QA, fiber positioner performance analyis and evaluation, ProtoDESI, EM petal test
Fiber positioner firmware and control software, fiber positioner control electronics, fiber positioner testing and QA, Fiber positioner inventory database
Fiber positioner firmware and control software, fiber positioner control electronics, fiber positioner testing and QA
Fiber positioner firmware and control software, fiber positioner control electronics, fiber positioner testing and QA
Survey Design and Survey Validation, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Maintenance activities, Observing operations || Survey Design, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Data System, Assembly, Integration & Test || Survey Design, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Data System || Survey Design, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Data System || Data Systems
I lead the Data Systems team (WBS 3.6).
100% Data Systems
Lead WBS 3.6 Data Management team; significantly involved with WBS 3.5 Survey Operations
Leader of WBS 1.8, Data Systems, including connections to imaging, target selection, survey design, fiber assignment, spectroscopic pipeline, data archiving, spectrograph testing, and QA.
Data Systems / Spectro Pipeline
Leader of Data Systems development WBS 1.8
Leader of Data Systems development WBS 1.8
Leader of Data Systems development WBS 1.8
Leader of Data Systems development WBS 1.8
Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Milky Way Survey, Observing operations || Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Survey Design and Survey Validation, Milky Way Survey, Assembly, Integration & Test, Commissioning team activities || Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Image Validation, Target Selection, Milky Way Survey, Commissioning activities || Imaging, Image Validation, Galaxy & Quasar Physics, Assembly, Integration, & Test, NOAO Project Scientist for DESI || Imaging, Image Validation, Galaxy & Quasar Physics, Assembly, Integration, & Test, Many items associated with DESI hardware, installation, commissioning, operations || DESI-II|Galaxy & Quasar Physics|Imaging Surveys|Milky Way Survey|Other[[Spec-S5 planning]]
1) DESI-II - co-PI of succesful DECam survey for medium-band imaging to identify high-z LAE targets; involved in studies to optimize selection of DESI-2 LAEs and in design of DESI-2 project for both high-z and Milky Way targets; led large VI campaign of LAE sources, did thousands of them myself, and constructed the summary files.
2) MWS - participated in many key aspects of MWS survey science; worked on the definition of DESI-2 and tertiary pilot projects; participated in writing of several papers
3) Imaging surveys - Key member of imaging surveys; organized / staffed / completed DESI-extension imaging for the grz extension to DEC=-30 footprint and in prep for DR11
4) GQP - Less involved, but contributed to some papers and VI efforts, especially for weird QSOs. Kept GQP updated on progress of LAE samples and prep for science with these.
5) Also worked on interfacing with the ODIN team for the ODIN-DESI MoU, worked with NOIRLab management on various issues, and also on the planning for Spec-S5.
6) Gave two talks to ECS group, incl a tutorial on spectroscopy at the Dec Collab meeting
Imaging - 5
MWS - 4
DESI2 - 4
GQP - 1
I am the L2 Manager for Observing Operation (WBS3.3.1). I have also participated on the commissioning (and recommissioning) team, the telescope operations team, and the instrument ops (to a lesser extent). In addition, I worked on the imaging surveys team, where the effort during 2020 was focused on the DR9 release and the definition of DESI targets. I also am very active on the MWS working group and worked on defining the targets for SV and the Main Survey, analyzing the SV data, and drafting the overview paper for the MWS.
Observing Operations (WBS 2.3/3.3); Commissioning team tasks / observing ; Imaging Surveys; Planning for DESI2020 meeting in Tucson; various meetings and reviews, etc.
Imaging surveys
Imaging surveys; AIT WBS1.9
Imaging surveys; NOAO Project Scientist for DESI; WBS1.9
Imaging surveys; early efforts on target selection; NOAO Project Scientist for DESI; WBS1.9
launched the imaging surveys for DESI targeting. 2014B was the first official DECaLS semester.
2013 and prior: I was key in helping with the original BigBOSS effort, getting it through NOAO, etc.
Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Milky Way Survey, Commissioning || Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Assembly, Integration & Test || Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Commissioning || Imaging || Imaging || Imaging Surveys
I spent a couple months during summer 2023 processing the spring 2023 NEOWISE release of several million infrared images through the "unWISE coadd" pipeline, which is a major aspect of the DESI imaging effort complementary to the ground-based optical imaging. I also usually attended the weekly Wednesday morning calls of the DESI imaging team, led by David Schlegel. I also performed a custom reprocessing of the DECaLS DR9 grz optical imaging with the LSST Science Pipelines, to compare Tractor versus the LSST pipeline, which has relevance for both DESI systematics and future versions of DESI target selection (e.g., DESI-2).
100% Imaging Surveys
singe-handedly completed coaddition of 2020 NEOWISE data release for inclusion in DESI imaging DR9, numerous optical photometry QA analyses for DESI imaging DR9, AAS Hawaii special session presenter "DESI Imaging and First Light Spectroscopy" (January 2020), multiple outreach presentations about DESI including Steward Observatory Public Evening Lecture Series (March 2020) and virtual presentation at Mexborough & Swinton Astronomical Society (September 2020), first author of SPIE manuscript entitled "Performance of Kitt Peak's Mayall 4-meter Telescope During DESI Commissioning" (, core member of DESI commissioning team (1/2020-3/2020) and DESI re-commissioning team (11/2020-12/2020), GFA re-characterization lead during DESI re-commissioning (e.g., DESI-5923), sole developer of Mayall pointing camera photometry / sky brightness data analysis pipeline (DESI-5779), various contributions to desimeter astrometry/metrology (e.g., DESI-5784), various contributions to DESI commissioning acceptance including comprehensive delivered image quality study (DESI-5563) and GFA system throughput validation (DESI-5652), uniform/comprehensive tabulation of observing conditions during DESI commissioning and into SV1 (e.g., DESI-5675), demonstration of Kitt Peak all-sky camera transparency / sky brightness measurements (DESI-6083), inventory of focus scans toward enabling/optimizing DESI AOS (DESI-5760), wrote "" code that was used to put the telescope into focus during much of DESI commissioning all of re-commissioning and early SV1 (, inventory and many analyses of GFA darks (e.g.,, internal reviewer for DESI SPIE abstract "Installation of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument at the Mayall 4-meter telescope", member of DESI co-spokesperson search committee (summer 2020), analysis and GFA observations for Mayall/DESI pointing model (e.g., DESI-5731, DESI-5589; with Behzad Abareshi), 11 nights of DESI commissioning / SV observing (January 2020, February 2020, November 2020, December 2020)
DESI pre-imaging surveys (DR8 QA, single-handedly performing exposure-level "NEO5" WISE reductions for DR9 which involves processing 210 terabytes of pixel data by myself), commissioning (25 nights of observing combined between CI and full focal plane campaigns, sole/lead author of CI and GFA off-line image reduction pipelines, remote observing support for other observers, numerous low-level commissioning data analyses related to the CI and GFA cameras, many DocDB write-ups, multiple review presentations at CI software review, CMX readiness review, attended virtually every 4:30pm observing planning meeting throughout 2019 including weekends for both CI and full focal plane time periods, ...)
observing for DESI pre-imaging (11 nights total including both MzLS and DECaLS), personally created/validated/documented the full-sky unWISE NEO5 coadds for DESI pre-imaging, much work on DESI pre-imaging overview paper, unWISE artifact bitmask images for DESI pre-imaging, DECaLS/MzLS/BASS/WISE QA for DR6, DR7 and DR8 of DESI pre-imaging, commissioning preparations (such as writing task worksheets and investigating early sample CI data), various WISE/unWISE related DESI pre-imaging improvements for DR8 (see DR8 wiki page), helping and being on call with novice DESI pre-imaging observers on at least three separate DECaLS observing runs, many miscellaneous tasks such as personally writing the DESI pre-imaging AAS abstract and writing and developing graphics for NOAO currents announcement of DESI pre-imaging DR7 in summer of 2018
I perform all of the exposure-level WISE reductions that feed into the DESI imaging surveys and ultimately allow DESI to meet its target selection requirements. For the purposes of grant applications, David Schlegel and I have previously estimated this effort at 0.49 FTE, i.e. 19.6 hours per week. I also perform extensive and important service for the optical portion of the DESI imaging surveys. For example, during every data release processing, I perform and document the definitive astrometric and photometric quality assurance analyses of the Tractor catalogs. I estimate my average fractional effort on the analysis of DESI imaging Tractor catalogs to be 0.1 (6.5 hours per week on average). Other time devoted to imaging surveys service includes observing (16 nights for MzLS in 2017), adding another 240 hours = 4.62 hours per week on average (assigning 15 hours per night including afternoon calibrations, science observations, and documenting results of observations in logs/plots/messages/wiki). I have contributed additional time on a variety of miscellaneous tasks that may count as DESI service but which I have not bothered to include in my calculations (e.g., attending weekly DECaLS/MzLS telecons, working on the recently submitted DESI imaging surveys overview paper, ...).
I perform 100% of the exposure-level WISE reductions that feed into the DESI imaging surveys and ultimately allow DESI to meet its target selection requirements. For the purposes of grant applications, David Schlegel and I have previously estimated this effort at 5.9 calendar months of my time per year. I also perform extensive and critical service for the optical portion of the DESI imaging surveys. For example, during every data release processing, I perform and document the definitive astrometric and photometric quality assurance analyses of the Tractor catalogs. I estimate my average fractional effort on the analysis of DESI imaging Tractor catalogs to be 0.15. Other miscellaneous time devoted to the imaging surveys includes attending weekly telecons (1 hour/week) and observing (4 nights at CTIO in 2016), adding another 148 hours = 2.8 hours per week on average.
I perform 100% of the exposure-level WISE reductions that feed into the DESI imaging surveys and ultimately allow DESI to meet its target selection requirements. For the purposes of grant applications, David Schlegel and I have previously estimated this effort at 5.9 calendar months of my time per year. I also perform extensive and critical service for the optical portion of the DESI imaging surveys. For example, during every data release processing, I perform and document the definitive astrometric and photometric quality assurance analyses of the Tractor catalogs. I estimate my average fractional effort on the analysis of DESI imaging Tractor catalogs to be 0.15. Other miscellaneous time devoted to the imaging surveys includes attending weekly telecons (1 hour/week) and observing (2 nights at CTIO in 2015), adding another 94 hours = 1.8 hours per week on average. Where applicable, I have prorated the above quantities to account for the fact that I did not begin working on DESI imaging until mid-February 2015.
Maintenance activities, SM11 cryostats set integration & tests - monitoring and maintenance of the Cryostats System || Spectrographs, Assembly, Integration & Test || Spectrographs, Assembly, Integration & Test || Spectrographs, Assembly, Integration, & Test || Spectrographs, Assembly, Integration, & Test
Level-3 Project Manager of the Cryostat System WBS_1.6.8. -
monitoring and maintenance of the 30 cryostats.
Level-3 Project Manager of the Cryostat System WBS_1.6.8. -
Assemblies, Integrations and Tests of SM 33's cryostats production at Saclay
& Winlight. Installation at Mayall Telescope and monitoring during IC.
Level-3 Project Manager of the Cryostat System WBS_1.6.8. - Integrations and tests of SM 33's cryostats production at Saclay & Winlight.
Manager Level-3 of the Cryostat System - Integration and test at Saclay & Winlight.
Manager Level-3 of the Cryostat System - Integration and test of EM#1 at Saclay & Winlight.
Manager Level-3 of the Cryostat System - Integration and test of EM#1 at Saclay & Winlight.
Manager Level-3 of the Cryostat System - Cryostat R&D phase at Saclay
Manager Level-3 of the Cryostat System - Cryostat R&D phase at Saclay
|| Corrector BArrel & Cage, Focal Plane System, Fiber System || Corrector Barrel & Cage, Focal Plane System, Fiber System, Assembly, Integration, & Test || Corrector Barrel & Cage, Focal Plane System, Fiber System, Instrument Control System, Assembly, Integration, & Test || nan || nan


Management of Focal Plane System.
L2 manager of WBS 1.4
WBS 1.4 Level 2 Manager
WBS 1.4 Level 2 Manager
WBS 1.4 Level 2 Manager
WBS 1.4 Level 2 Manager
Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Observing operations || Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Commissioning || Imaging and Imaging Surveys || Imaging, Data System || Imaging, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Data System || DESI-II|Observing Operations
Lead observing scientist.
Lead observing scientist for 35% of calendar nights (40% is considered full time)
Contributions to the imaging survey, observations during commissioning and survey validation.
Contributions to imaging surveys, commissioning activities (including, but not limited to, laser tracker analysis for generating first hexapod look-up table), 3 shifts as DESI lead observing scientists (25 nights total)
Contributions to the imaging surveys.
I was mostly involved in the processing of the imaging data.
Survey simulations and imaging surveys pipeline
Maintenance activities, Spectrographs, Assembly, Integration & Test || Spectrographs, Assembly, Integration & Test || Spectrographs, Assembly, Integration & Test || Spectrographs, Assembly, Integration, & Test || Spectrographs, Assembly, Integration, & Test || nan || DESI-II|Maintenance Activities|Other[[Spectrographs, Assembly, Integration & Test]]
WBS 1.6.
- cryostats maintenance and replacement, CCD integration metrology and tests,
- building science spectro SM12 , CCD and image caracterisation.
- Improvement of robustness and update of the cryostat system (june - july 2023 shutdown)
Spectrographs 33%, AIT 33%, Maintenance 33%

cryostats building, CCD integration metrology and tests,
science spectro SM10 and SM11 integration and installation, CCD
and image caracterisation WBS 1.6
cryostats building, CCD integration metrology and tests,
science spectro SM1 to S10 integration and installation, CCD and image caracterisation WBS 1.6
cryostats building, CCD integration metrology and tests, science
spectro SM1 to SM4 integration and installation, CCD and image
caracterisation WBS 1.6
cryostats building, CCD integration and metrology, science spectro SM1 + SM2 integration, CCD and image caracterisation WBS 1.6
cryostats building, CCD integration and metrology, spectro EM#1 integration, image testing
cryostats building, CCD integration and metrology, spectro EM#1 integration, image testing
cryostats building, CCD integration and metrology, spectro EM#1 integration, image testing
cryostats building, CCD integration and metrology, spectro EM#1 integration, image testing
Survey Design and Survey Validation, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Focal Plane System || Lyman-alpha Forest, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Spectrographs, Data System || Lyman-alpha Forest, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Spectrographs, Data System || Lyman-alpha Forest, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Spectrographs, Data System || Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Spectrographs || Data Systems|DESI-II|Instrumentation|Lyman-alpha Forest
KP7 co-lead
Spectroscopic pipeline
Spectrograph calibration
1/3 KP7 co-lead
1/3 Spectroscopic pipeline
1/3 Spectrograph calibration
positioner calibration, spectrographs calibration, spectroscopic pipeline development, survey validation
spectrographs verification, spectroscopic pipeline, commissioning
spectroscopic pipeline
spectroscopic pipeline and simulations
Spectrograph calibration (WBS 1.6.10), spectrograph tests and spectroscopic pipeline development (WBS 1.8.4)
Spectrograph calibration (WBS 1.6.10), spectrograph tests and spectroscopic pipeline development (WBS 1.8.4)
Spectroscopic pipeline development (WBS 1.8.4)
Spectroscopic pipeline development (WBS 1.8.4)
|| Corrector and Optical System, Corrector BArrel & Cage || Corrector Barrel & Cage || Corrector and Optical System, Corrector Barrel & Cage
Installation of telescope top end, barrel, hexapod and ADC rotator
L2 manager for the Barrel&Cage effort
L2 manager for 1.03 (100%)
L2 manager for 1.03 (100%)
L2 manager for 1.03 (100%)
I worked in the early stages of setting up every thing related to the barrel, cage and telescope top end
Focal Plane System || Focal Plane System || Focal Plane System || Focal Plane System
Ongoing research into focal plane positioner technology
Building Fiber Positioners
Final prototype
Supervisor for Building the fiber positioners
Prepare production facilities
Prototype and validate production methods
Procurement of vendors and parts
Design of tooling
Prepare production facilities
Prototype and validate production methods
Procurement of vendors and parts
Design of tooling
Focal Plane System, Maintenance activities, Instrument Control System || Fiber System, Instrument Control System, Assembly, Integration & Test || Focal Plane System, Fiber System, Instrument Control System, Assembly, Integration & Test || Imaging, Focal Plane System, Assembly, Integration, & Test || Imaging, Focal Plane System, Fiber System || Focal Plane System|Instrumentation
Focal plane and instrumentation support for FVC and GFA camera and upgrade to fast-FVC camera
focalplane: 10%,
instrumentation 90%
WBS 3.4.2 : instrument scientist for GFAs and FVC. Efforts to monitor and improve performance of the GFAs and the FVC. Tier-2 support for observing operations
commissioning the FVC and GFAs
Development and testing of fiberview camera hardware/software and GFA camera software
Fiberview Camera fabrication and testing
constructing and testing the fiberview camera
building the mosaic3 camera and control software for the Mayall Z-band Legacy survey
Imaging and Imaging Surveys || Imaging and Imaging Surveys || Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Image Validation || Imaging, Image Validation || Imaging, Image Validation || Bright Galaxy Survey|Galaxy & Quasar Physics|Imaging Surveys || Galaxy & Quasar Clustering|Galaxy & Quasar Physics|Observing Operations
contributions to alphabetically author-ordered Key Papers (2 hours/week) ,
discussion on GQP telecons (2 hours/week)
Preparation for DESI Observing as SO (1 hours/week)
contributions to alphabetically author-ordered Key Papers (2 hours/week) ,
discussion on GQP telecons (2 hours/week)
Preparation for DESI Observing as SO (1 hours/week)
reporting of quality assurance investigations on survey data; contributing to spectra checking; introducing DESI information to others in reports and helping junior members to use DESI data
contributions to DECaLS, BASS, MzLS, and WISE imaging surveys, and quality investigations on survey data;
*contributions to imaging surveys.
My mainly contributions are on BASS (Beijing-Arizona Sky Survey), one of the imaging surveys of DESI. My mainly work is focused on the observation of the survey, data reduction (mainly for flux calibration), data comparisons and tests, managements of data and servers we used.
* contributions to data release papers or technical papers;
including the data release papers for BASS and imaging survey, and photometric calibration paper for BASS.
* contributions to DECaLS, BASS, MzLS, and WISE imaging surveys.
My mainly contributions are on BASS (Beijing-Arizona Sky Survey), one of the imaging surveys of DESI. My mainly work is focused on the observation of the survey, data reduction (mainly for flux calibration), data comparisons and tests, managements of data and servers we used.
* contributions to data release papers or technical papers;
including the data release papers for BASS and imaging survey, and photometric calibration paper for BASS.
*contributions to DECaLS, BASS, MzLS, and WISE imaging surveys.
My mainly contributions are on BASS (Beijing-Arizona Sky Survey), one of the imaging surveys of DESI. My mainly work is focused on the observation of the survey, data reduction (mainly for flux calibration), data comparisons and tests, managements of data and servers we used.
Taking BASS observation, making photometric calibration for BASS data, taking data checking for BASS.
Taking BASS observation, making photometric calibration for BASS data, making model photometry for BASS images, taking data checking for BASS.
Discussing about BASS survey, preparing for the observation.
Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Galaxy & Quasar Physics || Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Image Validation || Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Image Validation, Bright Galaxy Survey, Galaxy & Quasar Physics || Imaging, Image Validation || Imaging, Target Selection, Bright Galaxy Survey, Galaxy & Quasar Physics || nan || nan


Participating in the imaging data release and use the imaging data for detecting galaxy clusters;
work on the BASS survey and related validations
work on the imaging survey; participate in the targeting and data validation
Mainly do the BASS imaging survey and some validation work
Work on the BASS imaging survey
Work on the BASS imaging survey
Work on the BASS imaging survey
Instrument Control System, Lead Observer || Instrument Control System, Lead Observer || Instrument Control System || Instrument Control System || nan

Develop and maintain ICS software, and manage the ICS computers.
ICS: design and implement user interfaces, maintain computers, develop software
WBS 1.7, design and implement the ICS
WBS 1.7, developing and implementing the ICS
WBS 1.7, developing and implementing the ICS
WBS 1.7, developing and implementing the ICS
WBS 1.7, developing and implementing the ICS
Lyman-alpha Forest, Survey Design and Survey Validation, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Focal Plane System, Instrument Control System, Observing operations || Survey Design and Survey Validation, Focal Plane System, Data System, Membership Committee || Lyman-alpha Forest, Survey Design, Data System, Membership Committee || Survey Design, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Instrument Control System, Data System, Membership Committee, Publication Board || Lyman-alpha Forest, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Data System, Membership Committee, Publication Board || Focal Plane System|Lyman-alpha Forest|Observing Operations|Outreach Committee
Focal plane system manager, support of online ETC and SkyCam.
75% focal plane system
Contributions to survey hardware, pipelines, operations, survey simulations & supervising junior members on service tasks.
Survey simulations; next tile selector; online exposure time calculator; sky camera functional verification; GFA image analysis; commissioning data analysis; supervising junior members.
Data Systems Scientist (WBS 1.8.1), Survey Simulation and strategy (WBS 1.8.3), Instrument simulations (WBS 1.8.6), Exposure Time Calculator and Sky Camera (WBS, Membership Committee member, supervising postdoc and students.
Data Systems Scientist (WBS 1.8.1), Survey Simulation and strategy (WBS 1.8.3), Instrument simulations (WBS 1.8.6), Exposure Time Calculator and Sky Camera (WBS, Membership Committee member, Pub Board member, Spokeperson nominating committee member, supervising postdoc and students.
Data Systems Scientist (WBS 1.8), Exposure Time Calculator (WBS, Lya WG convener, Pub Board member, supervising postdoc and students.
Data Systems Pipeline algorithms (WBS and simulations (WBS, Exposure Time Calculator (WBS, Lya WG convener, Pub Board member
Lya WG convener
Instrument Control System, Observing operations || Instrument Control System || Corrector and Optical System, Instrument Control System || Corrector and Optical System, Instrument Control System || Corrector and Optical System, Instrument Control System || nan || Instrumentation
I continued to support and improve the "PlateMaker" program that provides focal plane coordinates to fiber positioners needed to align fibers with DESI targets. This year I added a 350-term vector polynomial model of the focal plane distortion that achieves an on-target positioning accuracy of 0.08" (6 microns) rms 2D. I also monitor telemetry data nightly to ensure that field acquisition is working properly and identifying problems such as degradation in telescope pointing accuracy.
See above

WBS PlateMaker, fiber positioning telescope pointing model, astrometric calibrations.
PlateMaker WBS
WBS PlateMaker. I am responsible for implementing the code that maps from the sky to the focal plane. It is on the DESI project risk registry as R7-03 and is one of only 4 activities with risk factor HIGH.
I also work with the optics and corrector groups and carry out various analyses to understand the impact of factors such as polishing and alignment errors on the overall optics performance.
I wrote and am responsible for "platemaker" (WBS 1.7.4 or thereabouts). I am working with Eric Neilsen and Klaus Honscheid to integrate it into DOS. I was part of the protoDESI observing team.

I sit in on the optics telecons and occassionally perform analyses to evaluate the peformance of the optics compared to our requirements.
Same as 2016Similar to above.
Similar to above. I also worked on evaluating the performance of prototype optical designs. I also worked for a bit on the science requirements document.
Focal Plane System, Institutional Board (Chair), Leadership Committee, Executive Committee, Change Control Board || Focal Plane System, Institutional Board, Executive Committee, Techboard, Directorate || Assembly, Integration & Test, Institutional Board, Executive Committee, Tech Board || Institutional Board, Executive Committee, Technical Board, Press Committee (ex-officio) || Focal Plane System, Membership Committee, Institutional Board, Technical Board, Executive Committee || Other[[Institutional Board Chair, Executive Committee, Leadership Group, Ex-Officio on most committees ]]
Institutional Board Chair
Executive Committee
Leadership Team
Ex-Officio on most committees
UM co-supervision (with Dragan Huterer) of graduate student Sikander Hanif
Organization of Dec 2023 Collaboration Meeting at Waikoloa, HI
Institutional Board Chair (6 hours)
Executive Committee (1 hour)
Leadership Team (0.5 hours)
Ex-Officio on most committees (1 hour)
UM co-supervision (with Dragan Huterer) of graduate student Sikander Hanif (2 hours)
Organization of Dec 2023 Collaboration Meeting at Waikoloa, HI (2 hrs)
Institutional Board Chair
Focal Plane, Institutional Board, Executive Committee
WBS 1.4.4 Fiber Positioner System
Finishing the Positioner System CAM WBS 1.04.04
Level 3 Control Account Manager (Fiber Positional System), Institutional Board (Chair), Executive Committee ( Member), Technical Board (Member)
Level 3 Control Account Manager (Fiber Positional System), Institutional Board (Chair), Membership Committee (Chair), Executive Committee ( Member), Technical Board (Member)
Level 3 Control Account Manager (Fiber Positional System), Membership Committee (Chair), Executive Committee ( Member)
Level 3 Control Account Manager (Fiber Positional System), Membership Committee (Chair), Executive Committee ( Member)
Spectrograph System, Institutional Board || Spectrographs, Institutional Board || Fiber System, Spectrographs, Institutional Board || Fiber System, Spectrographs, Institutional Board || Fiber System, Spectrographs, Institutional Board || Instrumentation|Other[[Institutional Board]]
**PRIMARY SERVICE EFFORT DESCRIPTION**: Spectrograph support Science collaboration
50% 50%
contribution to technical papers, collaboration management
Spectrograph installation and commissioning WBS 1.6
Spectrograph delivery, inspection and installation.
1.6 Spectrograph and 1.5 fiber system development, Spectrograph Scientist
1.6 Spectrograph and 1.5 fiber system development, Spectrograph Scientist
1.6 Spectrograph and 1.5 fiber system development, Spectrograph Scientist
1.6 Spectrograph and 1.5 fiber system development, Spectrograph Scientist
1.5 Fiber system development, Fiber lead
|| Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters and cross-correlations), Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Image Validation || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Image Validation, Target Selection || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Imaging, Image Validation, Target Selection || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Imaging, Image Validation, Target Selection, Bright Galaxy Survey
- image validation, wide-field tests of imaging, writing journal paper on tests (SRP 3.6, 3.13, 3.18)
- assessing target selection, characterizing samples (SRP 4.4.3, 4.6 / 4.9 / 4.14)
- developing masks and weights for LSS catalogs (SRP 7.3.1, 7.3.3)
- understanding variations in imaging data used for targeting (SRP 8.1.1)
- image validation, wide-field tests of imaging, writing journal paper on tests (SRP 3.6, 3.13, 3.18)
- assessing target selection, characterizing samples (SRP 4.4.3, 4.6 / 4.9 / 4.14)
- developing masks and weights for LSS catalogs (SRP 7.3.1, 7.3.3)
- understanding variations in imaging data used for targeting (SRP 8.1.1)
- image validation, wide-field tests of imaging, writing journal paper on tests (SRP 3.6, 3.13, 3.18)
- assessing target selection, characterizing samples (SRP 4.4.3, 4.6 / 4.9 / 4.14)
- developing masks and weights for LSS catalogs (SRP 7.3.1, 7.3.3)
- understanding variations in imaging data used for targeting (SRP 8.1.1)
* construction and documentation of imaging target catalogs (SRP 7.1, 7.3.1)
* contributions to galaxy and quasar clustering tasks (SRP 8.1.1, 8.1.4, 8.3.4)
* wide-field tests of the imaging data (SRP 3.13)
* assessment of target selections (SRP 4.4.3)
Maintenance activities || Spectrographs, Assembly, Integration & Test || nan || Spectrographs, Assembly, Integration, & Test || Focal Plane System, Spectrographs
Spectrograph and Commissioning Instrument Support
papers and documentation
Commissioning instrument design and build. Spectrograph mounting racks design and install
Spectrograph Design, Assembly
Spectrograph Design, Shack Design
Spectrograph Design
None || Corrector and Optical System || Corrector and Optical System
Alignment of the corrector
The corrector design
The corrector design
The corrector design
The corrector design
Lyman-alpha Forest, Maintenance activities, Meetings Committee, Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee || Lyman-alpha Forest, Spectrographs, Assembly, Integration & Test, Meetings Committee || Lyman-alpha Forest, Spectrographs, Assembly, Integration & Test || Lyman-alpha Forest, Spectrographs, Assembly, Integration, & Test || Lyman-alpha Forest, Imaging, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Corrector and Optical System, Corrector Barrel & Cage, Focal Plane System, Spectrographs, Assembly, Integration, & Test || Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee|Instrumentation|Lyman-alpha Forest
Chair of the DEI committee through August 2023.
Chair of the DESI Spokesperson search committee from September through December 2023
Generation and documentation of BAL catalogs in support of LyA projects.
Mentoring of ECS members working on infrastructure for the LyA WG.
Instrumentation (hardware support, DESI-II planning, support of the fiber systems paper)
Reviewing collaboration papers
DEI Committee: 5h/week
LyA infrastructure: 5h/week
Instrumentation: 5h/week
Instrumentation (incl. commissioning-related activities, analysis of engineering data) and QSO catalogs and BAL identification
Commissioning Instrument, AIT&C more broadly, Spectrographs, December workshop at OSU
WBS 1.6 (esp. 1.6.6, 1.6.11-13) and WBS 1.9 (esp. 1.9.2, 1.9.4, 1.9.6). This includes the mechanisms and a number of optical mounts for the ten spectrographs, the Rack and Shack, the Commissioning Instrument, general monitoring of the progress of all instrumentation, the AI&T process, subsystem acceptance, and planning for functional verification and commissioning. I also did some development of a BAL finder for the LyA WG.
WBS 1.6 and 1.9.
WBS 1.6 (esp spectrograph mechanisms, Rack & Shack), DESI Instrument Scientist, AIT&C planning, Commissioning Instrument, DOE Reviews
WBS 1.6 (esp spectrograph mechanisms, Rack & Shack)
WBS 1.6 (esp spectrograph mechanisms, Rack & Shack)
Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Target Selection || Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Target Selection || Target Selection || Target Selection || Imaging, Target Selection || DESI-II|Galaxy & Quasar Clustering|Imaging Surveys|Observing Operations
In 2023, I was mainly involved in 1) the Y1 KP3 as co-convener, and specifically in the analysis of imaging and spectroscopic systematics; 2) survey operations, specifically QA and afternoon planning; 3) DESI-II contributions, specifically on LAE programs.
- Preparing for the DESI imaging data
- Preparing for the LRG target selection, including analyzing the imaging and commissioning/SV data
- Preparation of LRG target selection for Survey Validation (SRP Task 4.7)
- Identifying potential imaging systematics and studying their impact on target selection; contributing to the efforts in the imaging surveys to mitigate such systematics
I've worked on tuning and documenting the DESI LRG selection for the general survey and for Survey Validation (SRP Task 4.7); looked into imaging systematics that affects the selection of LRGs and other DESI targets (SRP Task 3.13); continued on the halo modeling work for LRG targets; participated in remote observation for DECaLS (4 nights).
In 2017, I've compiled spectroscopic and imaging truth tables that overlap with DESI imaging (SRP 4.5.1, 4.8.1, etc.); utilized these truth tables to develop photometric redshifts for the DECaLS dataset (incorporating grz+W1W2 photometry and shape information) with good accuracy down to z-band magnitude of 21; used these photometric redshifts to test and improve the DESI LRG selection algorithm (SRP 4.7.1); identified significant bright star contamination in the LRG sample and proposed methods to removed the contamination; explored the possibility of incorporating location and magnitude prior into star-galaxy separation; developed algorithms for generating randoms for clustering measurements using the correct CCD information (and identified incorrect CCD information in the Legacy Surveys DR5 data release); developed flexible methodologies for splitting the highly irregular Legacy Survey area (with multiple exposures) into jackknife subregions; used prototype DESI LRG sample and the photometric redshifts to measure the clustering as a function of redshifts (SRP 4.6), enabling the determination of halo model parameters and the development of improved DESI mock catalogs. I've also contributed to the observing efforts of DECaLS (5 nights) and MzLS (4 nights).
Producing DECaLS photo-z's and compiling truth tables.
Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Target Selection, Survey Design and Survey Validation || Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Target Selection, Survey Design and Survey Validation || Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Target Selection || Imaging, Target Selection || Imaging, Target Selection || DESI-II|Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee|Imaging Surveys|Observing Operations
- DECaLS observing & planning
- DESI daily ops
- DESI-2 pilot surveys
- Imaging surveys operations
1 - DECaLS observing
1 - DESI DailyOps
4 - DESI-2 pilot surveys
4 - Imaging DR11
Imaging surveys -- data release 9
Imaging surveys -- data reduction
I'm part of the core team working on the Imaging Surveys. I also made small contributions to the commissioning efforts (astrometry for the CI).
Imaging surveys - observing, calibration, data reduction
Imaging surveys - observing & data reduction
Imaging surveys - observing & data reduction
Imaging surveys - observing & data reduction
|| Imaging, Milky Way Survey, Assembly, Integration, & Test, Outreach Committee, Overall management of Mayall, including all operations, upgrades & improvements; weekly Exec Committee mtgs || Imaging, Milky Way Survey, Assembly, Integration, & Test, Outreach Committee || DESI-II|Outreach Committee|Other[[Mayall operations]] || DESI-II|Milky Way Survey|Outreach Committee|Other[[Mayall operations]] || DESI-II|Milky Way Survey|Outreach Committee|Other[[Mayall operations]]
1) Oversight of Kitt Peak operations, including the Mayall (WBS 3.2): as director of NOIRLab's Mid Scale Observatories, I am responsible for the operations of KPNO and CTIO. I spend roughly 20 hours/week on KPNO operations issues (Mayall/DESI is our highest priority on Kitt Peak); 2) Coordination of NOIRLab resources: as a member of the NOIRLab leadership team, I advocate for support for Mayall operations and improvement projects within NOIRLab; 3) Meetings: attendance weekly at DESI Executive Committee meeting and monthly at DESI Institutional Board meeting, approximately bi-weekly attendance at Spec S5 Implementation meeting; 4) Coordinating and supporting NOIRLab staff participation in DESI-2 and Spec S5 workshops; 5) Irregular attendance at MWS meetings; 6) Remote attendance at DESI collaboration meeting; 7) Reporting to NOIRLab, AURA, and NSF on DESI status
95% operations support
5% science (MWS) and DESI-2 + Spec S5
1) Oversight of Kitt Peak operations, including the Mayall (WBS 3.2): as director of NOIRLab's Mid Scale Observatories, I am responsible for the operations of KPNO and CTIO. I spend roughly 20 hours/week on KPNO operations issues (Mayall/DESI is our highest priority on Kitt Peak); 2) Coordination of NOIRLab resources: as a member of the NOIRLab leadership team, I advocate for support for Mayall operations and improvement projects within NOIRLab; 3) Meetings: attendance weekly at DESI Executive Committee meeting and monthly at DESI Institutional Board meeting, approximately bi-weekly attendance at Spec S5 Implementation meeting; 4) Coordinating and supporting NOIRLab staff participation in DESI-2 and Spec S5 workshops; 5) Irregular attendance at MWS meetings; 6) Remote attendance at DESI collaboration meeting; 7) Reporting to NOIRLab, AURA, and NSF on DESI status
95% Mayall Operations
5% DESI-2
1) Oversight of Kitt Peak operations, including the Mayall (WBS 3.2): as director of NOIRLab's Mid Scale Observatories, I am responsible for the operations of KPNO and CTIO. I spend roughly 20 hours/week on KPNO operations issues (Mayall/DESI is our highest priority on Kitt Peak); 2) Coordination of NOIRLab resources: as a member of the NOIRLab leadership team, I advocate for support for Mayall operations and improvement projects within NOIRLab; 3) Meetings: attendance weekly at DESI Executive Committee meeting and monthly at DESI Institutional Board meeting, 4) Irregular attendance at MWS meetings; 5) Remote attendance at DESI collaboration meeting; 6) Reporting to NOIRLab, AURA, and NSF on DESI status
95% Mayall operations
I oversaw the daily operation, maintenance, and performance of the Mayall telescope and staff, as well as all improvement and upgrade projects to telescope and enclosure, and review of DESI-related documentation, and made available >100 nights of Mayall time for MzLS. On average, this is a 20 hours/week effort, mostly in direct support of WBS1.9
I oversaw the daily operation, maintenance, and performance of the Mayall telescope and staff, as well as all improvement and upgrade projects to telescope and enclosure, and review of DESI-related documentation, and made available >100 nights of Mayall time for MzLS. On average, this is a 20 hours/week effort, mostly in direct support of WBS1.9
I oversaw the daily operation, maintenance, and performance of the Mayall telescope and staff, as well as all improvement and upgrade projects to telescope and enclosure, and review of DESI-related documentation. On average, this was a 20 hours/week effort, mostly in direct support of WBS1.9
I oversaw the daily operation, maintenance, and performance of the Mayall telescope and staff, as well as all improvement and upgrade projects to telescope and enclosure, and review of DESI-related documentation. On average, this was a 20 hours/week effort, mostly in direct support of WBS1.9
I oversaw the daily operation, maintenance, and performance of the Mayall telescope and staff, as well as all improvement and upgrade projects to telescope and enclosure, and review of DESI-related documentation. On average, this was a 20 hours/week effort, mostly in direct support of WBS1.9
|| Focal Plane System || Focal Plane System || Focal Plane System || Corrector Barrel & Cage, Focal Plane System, Fiber System, Assembly, Integration, & Test || Other[[None]]
I did no work on DESI in 2023
I did no work on DESI in 2023
I designed and built the Focal Plane Enclosure, which I then traveled to the mountain to install and test.
I was heavily involved in the design and construction of the focal plane enclosure. WBS 1.4.8. I also helped with Focal Plane Integration WBS 1.4.9.
WBS 1.4
I have mostly been involved with WBS 1.4, Focal Plane, but have also helped with 1.5 and 1.3.
I have mostly been involved with WBS 1.4, Focal Plane, but have also helped with 1.5 and 1.3.
I started on the project in September of 2015, so no work in 2014.
I started on the project in September of 2015, so no work in 2013.
Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Galaxy & Quasar Physics, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Membership Committee || Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Data System || Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Data Distribution Committee, Data System || Imaging, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Data Distribution Committee, Data System, Publication Board || Imaging, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Data Distribution Committee, Data System || nan

I am primarily responsible for data transfers from KPNO to NERSC & NERSC to NOIRLab. In addition, tape backups of critical data, and maintenance of collaboration tools. I am not able to actually find the WBS, so I can't report which WBS items that corresponds to.
I have been continuing to monitor and develop data transfer infrastructure for imaging surveys and the raw data transfer.
Data Systems (WBS 1.8.5); imaging surveys
I was primarily working on WBS 1.8.5, Data Transfer, Archive, Distribution
WBS 1.8.5, Data Transfer, Archive, Distribution
WBS 1.8.5, Data Transfer, Archive, Distribution
WBS 1.8.5, Data Transfer, Archive, Distribution
WBS 1.8.5, Data Transfer, Archive, Distribution
|| Focal Plane System || Focal Plane System || Focal Plane System || Focal Plane System
Focal plane testing and software work, until end of March
Focal plane software
Software development and testing for Focal plane
Developing and testing software for Focal Plane
Developing and testing software for Focal Plane
Developing and testing software for Focal Plane
Focal Plane System, Maintenance activities, Instrument Control System, Observing operations, Outreach Committee || Focal Plane System, Assembly, Integration & Test, Membership Committee, Outreach Committee || Survey Design, Focal Plane System, Assembly, Integration & Test, Membership Committee, Outreach Committee || Focal Plane System, Assembly, Integration, & Test || Focal Plane System, Fiber System, Assembly, Integration, & Test
Chair of Outreach Committee; Operations Supervisor for DESI
Test and Integration of Focal Plate System
Focal Plate I&T; Membership committee; Outreach committee
observing for MzLS, development of the DESI website, had published ProtoDESI paper
Implementation and Commissioning of ProtoDESI
Development of the Fiber Splicing approach
Fibre system || Fiber System || Fiber System || Fiber System || Fiber System || nan || Instrumentation|Other[[No activity in 2023]]
No effort in 2023. I was involved in building the DESI instrument, and my work on it ceased around 2019. While I am motivated in any future participation, as DESI is an excellent project, I just use this 0 hour effort reporting to show I am still interested in the DESI project.

I was part of the Durham DESI fibre system team until end of May 2019. My role was engineering.
Manufacture, assembly and quality control of the DESI fibre cable assembly, including science cables and calibration systems.
Optical fibre link. Development of cable manufacture process and verification setups. Start of cable and slit manufacture and the associated verification/ quality assurance setups.
Development of slit architecture and verification that it works with the spectrograph. Development of a feasible fibre link and of production methods for the fibre blocks and slits. Optical fibre QA.
Develepment of optical slit architecture, namely verification that the chosen method of parallel blocks in a curve arrangement works with the spectrograph.
Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Focal Plane System, Instrument Control System || Focal Plane System, Instrument Control System, Assembly, Integration & Test || Focal Plane System, Instrument Control System || Focal Plane System || Focal Plane System || nan || nan


Developing software to operate and mitigate problems for the focal plane system. Commissioning and operation of the focal plane system.
I lead the integration of the focalplane into the instrument control system. I worked with the rest of the focalplane team to write software for the focalplane as well as assist in its operation for fuinctional verification. I contributed towards its safe operation and understanding its behavior in the commissioning campaign.
Development of focal plane software and analysis of hardware tests. Working towards integration with the Instrument Control System.
Testing and analysis of fiber positioners for the focal plane system, especially lifetime testing, calibration and anticollision. Prepared documents and trained people for test stand operation through the bulk of positioner production.
Focal Plane System, development of fiber positioner test stand and operation and analysis of results of preproduction positioners.
Development of the fiber positioner test stand, working on petal controller candidates.
|| Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Target Selection || Imaging, Image Validation, Target Selection, Bright Galaxy Survey || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Imaging, Image Validation, Target Selection, Survey Design, Bright Galaxy Survey
work on the imaging surveys and care about the commissioning
BASS imaging observation and data reduction, target selection
Imaging observation with BOK for BASS and very few nigths in Mayall for MzLS. and image data reduction
Imaging observation with BOK for BASS and image data reduction
Discussion about DESI imaging and developing BASS project
Lyman-alpha Forest, Target Selection, Survey Design and Survey Validation, Membership Committee, Publication Board, Outreach Committee || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Membership Committee || Lyman-alpha Forest, Target Selection, Spectrographs || Lyman-alpha Forest, Target Selection, Spectrographs || Lyman-alpha Forest, Target Selection || nan || Other[[All of the above]]
As DESI co-spokesperson, I interacted with all WGs and Key Projects, and also had some level of interaction with most committees. A significant part of my activity was focused of the Year 1 KPs. At a lower level, I also worked on planning for Year 3 KPs and for DESI2

Most of my DESI effort was spent on spokesperson's tasks (committees, key projects, follow-up of working groups), on work related to SV (planning, visual inspection of QSO targets) or to TS (selection of QSO targets), and contributing to the secondary target committee.
Work on science planning (definition of key projects, chairing of the science WGs, preparation of reviews, science readiness);
co-chair of Lya WG, then DESI co-spokesperson. I've also contributed to the follow-up of the work on the cryostat building, and I've co-supervised the work of CA Claveau on Target Selection.
SRP chapter 11 (co-chair of Ly-a WG) + WBS 1.6.8 (head of Saclay group, supervision of work on cryostats)
SRP chapter 4 + WBS 1.6.8
SRP chapter 4
SRP chapter 4 + WBS 1.6.8
SRP chapter 4 + WBS 1.6.8
Spokesperson || Survey Design and Survey Validation || Target Selection, Survey Design || Survey Design, Data System || Target Selection, Survey Design, Data System, Assembly, Integration, & Test || Other[[all of the above]]
Survey Validation, Spokesperson
I worked toward survey validation in planning, reviews, and supervision of postdoctoral researcher Sarah Eftekharzadeh in her work planning for commissioning and SV. WBS (Sarah and CMX) and WBS 3.5.2 (Survey Validation Coordination)
WBS1.8.3 (Survey): planning for Survey Validation
Data Systems development; specifically WBS1.8.3
WBS 1.8.3, chair of Survey WG, WBS 1.8 FDR, Science Readiness Review, CD3 Director's review, CD3, target selection for LRG sample
WBS1.8.3, chair of Survey WG, WBS 1.8 PDR, CD-2 Director's Review, CD-2
Establishing the WBS schedule for 1.8.3 (Survey), recruiting and managing effort for WBS1.8.3, CD-1 Review, chair of Survey WG
Survey Planning and Running initial simulations of the survey, CD-0 (if that was 2013?), and CD-1 Director's review
Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Lyman-alpha Forest, Cosmological Simulations, Speakers Board, Meetings Committee || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Lyman-alpha Forest, Cosmological Simulations, Bright Galaxy Survey, Speakers Board || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Cosmological Simulations, Speakers Board || Lyman-alpha Forest, Cosmological Simulations, Speakers Board || Lyman-alpha Forest, Cosmological Simulations, Bright Galaxy Survey || C3|Cosmological Simulations|Galaxy & Quasar Clustering|Meetings Committee || C3|Cosmological Simulations|External Collaborators Committee|Galaxy & Quasar Clustering|Meetings Committee|Other[[da0_2forkp4 - Core Team for DA0.2 data quality validation]] || C3|External Collaborators Committee|Galaxy & Quasar Clustering|Meetings Committee
In reference to the above points, schematically my primary contributions to DESI service in 2023 encompassing all efforts toward the DESI common good have been:

(1) Contribution towards committees, as chair of the DESI Meetings Committee
(2) Contribution towards the organization of collaboration meetings: SOC chair of the DESI July 2023 Hybrid Collaboration Meeting in Durham, and of the DESI December 2023 Hybrid Collaboration Meeting in Hawaii (full SOC responsibility for both meetings)
(3) Contribution towards committees, as member of the DESI External Collaborators Committee in 2023 (till July 2023) - review, responsibility, and follow-up of several EC proposals
(4) Aid to documentation, public or collaboration web presence for aspects of the wiki pages for collaboration meetings
(5) Reporting of quality assurance investigations on survey data, through KP3/4 service work focused on dedicated DA0.2 analysis (project #230 of first BAO detection from early DESI data, now published in MNRAS as Moon et al. 2023)
(6) Contributions to KP4/5 mock challenges infrastructure (for AbacusSummit QSO post-reconstructions and EZmocks pre- and post-reconstruction measurements and correlation functions)
(7) Contributions to survey simulations for C3 Lensing Infrastructure, with the commissioned development of CoLoRe mocks for lensing year 1 data analyses (see
(8) Supervision of Jeongin Moon on DESI KP3/4, DESI KP4/5 tasks, and GQC WG, and of Hogyun Yu

(1) Chair of the DESI Meetings Committee in 2023, including telecons and all related activities mentioned above (6.0 hrs/week)
(2) SOC chair of the DESI June 2022 Hybrid Collaboration Meeting (4.0 hrs/week)
(3) SOC chair of the DESI December 2022 Hybrid Collaboration Meeting (4.0 hrs/week)
(4) Member of the DESI External Collaborators Committee, including telecons and related activities mentioned above (2.0 hrs/week)
(5) KP3/4 service work focused on DA0.2 analysis, as explained above (4.0 hrs/week)
(6) Contributions to KP4/5 infrastructure with mock challenges (2.0 hrs/week)
(7) Contributions to C3 Lensing Infrastructure, with the commissioned development of CoLoRe mocks (5.0 hrs/week)
(8) Supervision of Jeongin Moon on DESI KP3/4, DESI KP4/5 tasks, and GQC WG (2.5 hr/week)
(9) Supervision of Hogyun Yu (0.5 hr/week)
In reference to the above points, schematically my primary contributions to DESI service in 2022 encompassing all efforts toward the DESI common good have been:

(1) Contribution towards committees, as member of the DESI Meetings Committee in 2022, and future Chair of the Meetings Committee (starting in March 2023) - see below for detailed tasks and accomplishments
(2) Contribution towards the organization of collaboration meetings: SOC member of the DESI June 2022 Hybrid Collaboration Meeting in Berkeley, and of the DESI December 2022 Hybrid Collaboration Meeting in Cancun – see below for main responsibilities, in particular related to ECS funding, plenary program, and external speaker invitations
(3) Contribution towards committees, as member of the DESI External Collaborators Committee in 2022 - see below for detailed tasks and accomplishments
(4) Aid to documentation, public or collaboration web presence for aspects of the wiki pages for collaboration meetings, see below for detailed tasks
(5) Reporting of quality assurance investigations on survey data, through KP3/4 service work focused on dedicated DA0.2 analysis (see below for details, and also project #230 of first BAO detection from early DESI data, now in CWR)
(6) Contributions to KP4/5 mock challenges infrastructure (for AbacusSummit QSO post-reconstructions and EZmocks pre- and post-reconstruction measurements and correlation functions)
(7) Contributions to survey simulations for C3 Lensing Infrastructure, with the commissioned development of CoLoRe mocks for lensing year 1 data analyses (see
(8) Supervision of Jeongin Moon on DESI KP3/4, DESI KP4/5 tasks, and GQC WG, and of Hogyun Yu

In particular, the most relevant service efforts can be summarized as follows:

- Member of the DESI Meetings Committee in 2022
- SOC member of the DESI June 2022 Hybrid Collaboration Meeting (June 21-24, 2022), with main responsibility of the organization and coordination of the plenary program, and of ECS travel grants selection and assignment (54 grants covering accommodation & conference fees). See
- SOC member of the DESI December 2022 Hybrid Collaboration Meeting (December 5-9, 2022), with main responsibility of the organization and coordination of the plenary program, invitation of external ACT plenary speaker (Jo Dunkley) and of ECS travel grants selection and assignment (84 grants covering accommodation costs). See
- Regular Meetings Committee telecons participation (generally bi-weekly, and weekly closer to the main meeting)
- Development of a database of DESI institutional Zoom accounts, see new wiki link: and help with collaboration meetings wiki pages
- Future meetings committee responsibility: see
- Member of the DESI External Collaborators Committee in 2022
- Aid to documentation for the external Collaborator Policy (external_collaborator.approved_v1.03.pdf at ): added IB suggested text and included hyperlinks to DESI publication process/policy
- Review, responsibility, and follow-up of 5 EC proposals (1. `use Zowada observing to do a photometric follow up on transients’ ; 2. `Effect of quasar redshift errors on Lyman-alpha BAO parameters’ ; 3. `Stars Interstellar Media, and Dust in High-Redshift LAE, LBG’ ; 4. `Redshifts and classification of Strong Lensing Candidates from ZTF-II’ ; 5. Automatic Detection and Classification of Transients in DESI Galaxy Spectra’)
- KP3/4 service work focused on DA0.2 analysis (2PCFs, reconstructions, BAO fits for all of the tracers, with analytical, RascalC, or EZmocks covariances). This is a subgroup called da0_2forkp4 composed of 5 senior people (Hee-Jong Seo, Nikhil Padmanabhan, Ashley Ross, Arnaud de Mattia, and myself), and 4 core ECS (Jeongin Moon, David Valcin, Michael Rashkovetskyi, Christoph Saulder), who have regular weekly telecons. The main goal is to report on quality assurance investigations with DA0.2, in support of KP3/4 efforts and internal understanding of key systematics. This includes efforts in the key project #230, the first BAO detection from early DESI data, which is now contained in a key early BAO paper now in CWR
- Contributions to KP4/5 infrastructure with mock challenge, for the QSOs post-reconstructions with AbacusSummit & with EZmocks for all of the tracers
- Contributions to C3 Lensing Infrastructure, with the commissioned development of CoLoRe mocks for lensing year 1 data analyses & telecon regular reports. See
Also, versions 1 and 2 are available on NERSC at /global/project/projectdirs/desi/cosmosim/CoLoRe_lensing/CoLoRe_mocks_V0/
- Supervision of Jeongin Moon on DESI KP3/4, DESI KP4/5 tasks, and GQC WG
- Supervision of Hogyun Yu
(1) Member of the DESI Meetings Committee in 2022, including telecons and related activities mentioned above (3.0 hrs/week)
(2) Future meetings subcommittee & ECS grants subcommittee (1.0 hrs/week)
(3) SOC member of the DESI June 2022 Hybrid Collaboration Meeting (3.0 hrs/week)
(4) SOC member of the DESI December 2022 Hybrid Collaboration Meeting (3.0 hrs/week)
(5) Member of the DESI External Collaborators Committee, including telecons and related activities mentioned above (3.0 hrs/week)
(6) KP3/4 service work focused on DA0.2 analysis, as explained above (6.5 hrs/week)
(7) Contributions to KP4/5 infrastructure with mock challenges (3.0 hrs/week)
(8) Contributions to C3 Lensing Infrastructure, with the commissioned development of CoLoRe mocks (7.0 hrs/week)
(9) Supervision of Jeongin Moon on DESI KP3/4, DESI KP4/5 tasks, and GQC WG (3.0 hr/week)
(10) Supervision of Hogyun Yu (0.5 hr/week)
In reference to the above points, schematically my primary contributions to DESI service in 2021 encompassing all efforts toward the DESI common good have been:

(1) Contribution towards committees, as member of the DESI Meetings Committee in 2021 - see below for detailed tasks
(2) Contribution towards the organization of collaboration meetings: SOC member of the Summer DESI 2021 virtual collaboration meeting, and of the Winter DESI 2021 virtual collaboration meeting
(3) Aid to documentation, public or collaboration web presence for aspects of the wiki pages for collaboration meetings, see below for detailed tasks
(4) Reporting of quality assurance investigations on survey data, through KP3/4 service work focused on DA0.2 analysis (see below for details, and also project #230 of first BAO detection from early DESI data)
(5) Contributions to KP4/5 mock challenges infrastructure (for AbacusSummit QSO post-reconstructions and EZmocks pre- and post-reconstruction measurements and correlation functions)
(6) Contributions to C3 Lensing Infrastructure, with the commissioned development of CoLoRe mocks for lensing year 1 data analyses (see
(7) Supervision of Jeongin Moon on DESI KP3/4, DESI KP4/5 tasks, and GQC WG, and of Hogyun Yu (GQC and DESI observing shift)

In particular, the most relevant service efforts can be summarized as follows:
- Member of the DESI Meetings Committee in 2021
- SOC member of the Summer DESI 2021 virtual collaboration meeting (June 14-18, 2021), with main responsibility of the organization and coordination of the plenary program and organization of two parallel Asia-America friendly sessions (novelty in our collaboration meeting), and chair of a plenary session. See
- SOC member of the Winter DESI 2021 virtual collaboration meeting (December 6-10, 2021), with main responsibility of the organization and coordination of the plenary program and organization of the Asia/Australia friendly’ Plenary on Cosmology, and chair of a plenary session. See
- Regular Meetings Committee telecons participation (generally bi-weekly, and weekly closer to the main meeting)
- Development of a database of DESI institutional Zoom accounts, see new wiki link:
- Responsibility in particular of the Asian/Australia representation part at collaboration meetings
- KP3/4 service work focused on DA0.2 analysis (2PCFs, reconstructions, BAO fits for all of the tracers, with analytical, lognormal, or EZmocks covariances). This is a subgroup of more senior people (Hee-Jong, Nikhil, Ashley, myself), and a few ECS, who have regular weekly telecons. The main goal is to report on quality assurance investigations with DA0.2, in support of KP3/4 efforts and internal understanding of key systematics. This includes efforts in project #230, the first BAO detection from early DESI data
- Contributions to KP4/5 infrastructure with mock challenge, for the QSOs post-reconstructions with AbacusSummit & with EZmocks for all of the tracers
- Contributions to C3 Lensing Infrastructure, with the commissioned development of CoLoRe mocks for lensing year 1 data analyses. The first version is available on NERSC at /global/project/projectdirs/desi/cosmosim/CoLoRe_lensing/CoLoRe_mocks_V0/
- Supervision of Jeongin Moon on DESI KP3/4, DESI KP4/5 tasks, and GQC WG
- Supervision of Hogyun Yu for GQC work and DESI observing shift
(1) Member of the DESI Meetings Committee in 2021, including telecons and related activities mentioned above (3.5 hrs/week)
(2) SOC member of the Summer DESI 2021 virtual collaboration meeting (2 hrs/week)
(3) SOC member of the Winter DESI 2021 virtual collaboration meeting (2 hrs/week)
(4) KP3/4 service work focused on DA0.2 analysis (3.5 hrs/week)
(5) Contributions to KP4/5 infrastructure with mock challenges (2 hrs/week)
(6) Contributions to C3 Lensing Infrastructure, with the commissioned development of CoLoRe mocks (6 hrs/week)
(7) Supervision of Jeongin Moon on DESI KP3/4, DESI KP4/5 tasks, and GQC WG (2.5 hr/week)
(8) Supervision of Hogyun Yu for GQC work and DESI observing shift (0.5 hr/week)
In reference to the above points, my primary contributions to DESI service in 2020 have been: (1) being a convener of the DESI Speakers Board – till September 2020 (2) online wiki development related to the DESI Speakers Board (3) help with the organization of the DESI special session at the 237th AAS, held virtually (4) being a member of the DESI Meetings Committee - since September 2020 (5) LOC member of the Winter DESI 2020 Collaboration Meeting (December 7-11, 2020) (6) contribution towards survey simulations/mocks. In particular, the most relevant service efforts can be summarized as follows:

- Chair of the DESI Speaker Board – till September 2020
- Organization of DESI Speakers Board telecons
- Organization and management of open calls to the entire collaboration for selecting appropriate speakers, following up on specific invitations (this includes emails to the entire collaborations, dedicated telecons for decisions, interactions with conference organizers, etc.).
- Highlights in 2020: APS 2020 (including a DESI mini symposium `Advances in Spectroscopic Cosmology’), Moriond Cosmology (postponed to December 2020 and after canceled), INFIERI 2020, ICNFP 2020 Crete, Cosmology from Home
- Organization and supervision of the DESI Special Session at the 237th AAS in January 2021 (held virtually). This includes a dedicated open call to individuate speakers, speakers selection, program set up and overall organization, coordination between Speakers Board and AAS staff
- Provided finalized official acknowledgment slide, now available at: (
- Expansion and continuous maintenance of the DESI Speakers Board wiki 
- Finalized the scope/remittance/goals of the Speakers board, now included in a formal document (`Remittance of the DESI Speakers Board’)
- Finalized the procedure for handling speakers invitations/requests
- Expansion of useful DESI material for presentations (logos, presentation templates, key figures, etc), see the Speakers Board wiki in the part `Useful DESI Material for Presentations’
- Provided a collection of DESI Key Presentations database
- Member of the DESI Meetings Committee – since September 2020
- LOC for the Winter DESI 2020 Collaboration Meeting (December 7-11, 2020), with main responsibility of the organization and coordination of the plenary sessions, see
- Regular Meetings Committee telecons participation (generally bi-weekly, and weekly closer to the main meeting)
- Development of a database of DESI institutional Zoom accounts, see
- Responsibility in particular of the Asian/Australia representation part at collaboration meetings
- Work towards the development of simulations and mocks (and mock challenges) relevant for Cosmological Simulations, QGC & LyA WGs. The recent final eBOSS mock challenge paper 2007.09002 and the related available mock products are directly useful for DESI and available at NERSC
My contributions towards DESI service in 2019 - in reference to the above points - are primarily towards (a) being a convener of the DESI Speakers Board, (b) aid to documentation and online wiki development as specified below, (c) help with the DESI special session at 235th AAS, and (d) contribution towards survey simulations. In particular, the most relevant service efforts can be summarized as follows:

- Chair of the DESI Speaker Board
- Organized DESI Speakers Board telecons
- Organized and managed open calls to the entire collaboration for selecting appropriate speakers following up on plenary invitations (this includes emails to the entire collaborations, dedicated telecons for decisions, interactions with conference organizers, etc.).
- Sent DESI members at meetings/conferences. Highlights include Moustakas at STANYS, Palmese at Northwestern, Rockosi at MSE, Yutong at APS2019, BenZvi at LP19, Myers at Colloquium Series, University of New Mexico, Gontcho a Gontcho and Schubnell at 15th Rencontres du Vietnam, Palanque-Delabrouille at Webinar 2019
- Individuation and appointment of 6 main leadership tasks to Speaker Board members with detailed assignments (1. Open Calls, Invitations, Speakers Selection, Supervision (personal major effort); 2. AAS+APS coordination; 3. Selection and advertisement of relevant meetings; 4. Material for talks; 5. DESI Sponsorship & social media presence; 6. Students and Early Career scientists representation)
- Finalized the scope/remittance/goals of the Speakers board, now included in a formal document (`Remittance of the DESI Speakers Board’)
- Finalized the procedure for handling speakers invitations/requests
- Built and continuous maintenance of the DESI Speakers Board wiki -->
- DESI speakers list of members volunteering to give talks at meetings/seminars/ect -->
- Provided a selected list of key meetings for DESI -->
- Provided useful DESI material for presentations (logos, presentation templates, key figures, etc), see the Speakers Board wiki in the part `Useful DESI Material for Presentations’
- Help in the construction of official acknowledgement slide, now available at -->
- Provided collection of DESI Key Presentations database -->
- Help and synergy with the organization of the DESI Special Session at the 235th AAS in Honolulu, Hawaii
- Help with the Science Readiness Plan in the Cosmological Simulations part and with the Simulations Requirement Document
- Work towards the development of simulations and mocks (and mock challenges) relevant for Cosmological Simulations, QGC & LyA WGs
Regarding science/research activities, my primary focus/interest in DESI is in the
Simulations WG and in the Galaxy & Quasar Clustering and LyA Forest WGs. Specifically, in 2018:

- I have been developing mock catalogs and cosmological hydrodynamical simulations that will be able to meet the more stringent DESI requirements (especially for the Lyman-Alpha forest), exploiting the synergy eBOSS/DESI.
- I have been developing mock challenges for eBOSS DR16 using the OuterRim simulation, and those mocks and similar products (already available at NERSC) & mock challenges are being extended and used for DESI mock challenges.
- I am the Chair of the eBOSS simulations WG, and we have been having a synergies with the corresponding DESI simulations WG. In particular, I have organized several joint OuterRim-based eBOSS/DESI telecons
- I have also contributed to the Science Readiness Document for all these science aspects.

Regarding service efforts, in 2018 I have been the chair of the DESI Speakers Board. In this respect, I have basically built from scratch the entire Board, and the 2018 specific efforts can be summarized as follows:

- Built (from scratch) the DESI Speakers Board. This includes the entire shaping/scope/remittance/goals of the board, included in a formal document (`Remittance of the DESI Speakers Board’) which was sent to the executive committee and then approved by the executive board
- Built the DESI Speakers Board wiki
- Shaped and made formal the procedure for handling speakers invitations/requests
- Provided a DESI speakers list of members volunteering to give talks at meetings/seminars/ect
- Provided a selected list of key meetings for DESI
- Organized and held regular DESI Speakers Board telecons (at least once per month and when needed)
- Organized and managed open calls to the entire collaboration for selecting appropriate speakers following up on plenary invitations (this includes emails to the entire collaborations, dedicated telecons for decisions, interactions with conference organizers, etc)
- Interacted with organizers of key meetings and obtained key invitations for DESI speakers in plenary. In particular, 15th Rencontres du Vietnam where we have 2 plenary DESI speakers, LP2019 (1), DPF2019 (1), etc.
- Prepared slides for advertisement of the Speakers Board at collaboration meetings
- Provided Speakers Board feedback for the special DESI session @235th AAS meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii
At the moment, my primary focus is in the development of cosmological hydrodynamical simulations and mock catalogs that will be able to meet the more stringent DESI requirements, especially for the Lyman-Alpha forest but also for the LSS (Outer Rim-based mocks), and in exploiting the synergy eBOSS/DESI (see for example Rossi 2017, ApJS, 233, 1). I have also served on the Speakers board in 2017.

Specific DESI service effort in 2017 include:

- I have been serving on the Speakers Board
- I am the chair of the eBOSS sims WG, and in 2017 I have organized and being holding a series of bi-weekly OuterRim-based telecons jointly with the eBOSS sims & GC WGs & the co-chairs of the DESI simulation working group (Heitmann/Habib & Norberg).
- I am leading & working on a joint project eBOSS-DESI (eBOSS project 0256), with the main goal of constructing Outer Rim-based mock catalogs for LRGs, ELGs, and QSOs. This effort is carried out in synergy with the corresponding DESI simulation working group, and in particular the main developers of the Outer Rim simulations (Salman Habib and Katrin Heitmann) are included in the project as external collaborators. This effort will be beneficial for both collaborations
- I have contributed to the Science Readiness Document (written parts mainly on simulations, LyA forest, and neutrino science) + several input on systematics white papers, all relevant for the upcoming document on simulations requirements for DESI
- I have recently started the organization of a new Outer Rim-based mock challenge, particularly timely given the new DESI campaign toward the development of cosmological simulations for the survey and the simulations requirement document due this June 2018.
Currently, my main focus is in the development of cosmological hydrodynamical simulations and mock catalogs that will be able to meet the more stringent DESI requirements (especially for the Lyman-Alpha forest but also for the LSS), and in exploiting the synergy eBOSS/DESI.

Specific DESI service effort in 2016:

- I have organized and chaired two simulations parallel sessions (OuterRim-based) at the eBOSS/DESI 2016 International collaboration meeting, OSU, Columbus, OH, USA, December 4-9, 2016.
- I have contributed to the Science Readiness Document (written parts on simulations, LyA forest, and neutrino science)
- I have started a joint project eBOSS-DESI (eBOSS project 0256), with the goal of constructing Outer Rim-based mock catalogs for LRGs, ELGs, and QSOs. This effort is carried out in synergy with the DESI simulation working group, and in particular the main developers of the Outer Rim simulations (Salman Habib and Katrin Heitmann) are included in the project as external collaborators. This effort will be beneficial for both collaborations.
- I have recently started the organization of a new Outer Rim-based mock challenge, along with a new series of bi-weekly Outer Rim telecons, in synergy with the eBOSS Galaxy & Quasar clustering cosmology working group and the co-chairs of the DESI simulation working group (Heitmann/Habib & Norberg). This mock challenge is particularly timely, given the new DESI campaign toward the development of cosmological simulations for the survey, with a specific call to write white paper(s), to be completed by September 2017, detailing practical plans to assess the systematic errors in the core cosmological deliverables.
- In 2017, I will be serving as a member of the speakers board committee
- Similar focus on the pipeline development for cosmological hydrodynamical simulations and mock catalogs that will be able to meet the more stringent DESI requirements

- Organized and chaired the Lyman-α Forest parallel session at the DESI 2015 International collaboration meeting, Fermilab, Chicago, USA
Maintenance activities, Observing operations || Assembly, Integration & Test || Corrector and Optical System, Corrector BArrel & Cage, Focal Plane System, Assembly, Integration & Test || Assembly, Integration, & Test || Assembly, Integration, & Test || DESI-II|Instrumentation|Observing Operations
WBS 3.2: Mayall Telescope Scientist--assist in optimizing telescope/image quality performance; work on facility upgrades; attend daily tagup meetings to coordinate day efforts, instrument operations meetings, technical board meetings. Also working on proposal to extend DESI operations into the DESI-II era and working on SpecV concepts.

Hard to estimate: maybe 25 on DESI operations; 3 on instrumentation, 2 on DESI-II per week.
WBS 3.2 Telescope & site Operations
WBS 1.9 Installation on Mayall telescope; Mayall telescope testing during and after DESI installation
Disassembly and removal of old Mayall components; assembly of corrector and barrel; installation of top ring on Mayall; commissioning planning; several review committees
As the Mayall telescope scientist, my involvement has been in three broad areas: 1). responsibility for maintaining the telescope image quality and performance, particularly with regard to the MzLS observing program; 2). participation in the NOAO efforts to upgrade the Mayall telescope to optimize the image quality, pointing/tracking performance, and reliability; 3). participation in the engineering efforts with respect to the Mayall interfacing (WBS 1.9), design of the Commissioning Instrument, and the DESI commissioning tasks.
Planning Installation for DESI on Mayall (WBS1.9) and ProtoDESI Experiment
Planning Installation for DESI on Mayall (WBS 1.9) and ProtoDESI Experiment
Planning Installation for DESI on Mayall (WBS 1.9)
Planning Installation for DESI on Mayall (WBS1.9)
Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Target Selection, Survey Design and Survey Validation, survey operations || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Image Validation, Target Selection, Commissioning Instrument and general commissioning || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Commissioning Instrument || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Image Validation, Publication Board, Commissioning || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Image Validation, Commissioning || Galaxy & Quasar Clustering|Other[[Survey Operations]]
Construction and documentation of DESI LSS catalogs and applying the process to simulations
The service was entirely within Survey Operations and the Y1 KPs
LSS catalog generation and data assembly prep (WBS 3.5.3); general survey operations preparation/execution; KP3 coordination (though this is linked to 3.5.3)
Commissioning instrument final construction/installation/operation
Commissioning Instrument
I worked on the design and testing of components for the Commissioning Instrument. My work on this started in Feb. and my effort increased until it took about half of my time starting in Sep.
Imaging Validation: depth analysis, telecon notes
Imaging Validation: depth analysis, telecon notes
|| Corrector and Optical System, Assembly, Integration & Test || Corrector and Optical System, Assembly, Integration, & Test || Corrector Barrel & Cage, Assembly, Integration, & Test
WBS1.2 Assembly, testing, commissioning and L2 management of the optical corrector
WBS 1.2 T2 manager -Design, assembly and alignment of corrector
Corrector design, management and procurement
Corrector design, management and procurement
Corrector design, management and procurement
Corrector design, management and procurement
C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters and cross-correlations) || C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters and cross-correlations), Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Image Validation || C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters, and cross-correlations), Imaging, Image Validation || C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters, and cross-correlations) || nan

Weak lensing shear catalog with DECaLS DR8 data
- Contributions to weak lensing measurement of DECam Legacy Survey (DECaLS); - Contributions to alphabetically author-ordered Key Papers (Overview of the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys;
- Contributions to weak lensing measurement of DECam Legacy Survey (DECaLS);
- Contributions to MzLS imaging survey.
DECaLS weak lensing analysis
DECaLS weak lensing mass mapping
DECaLS weak lensing analysis
macorraAxelde la Macorra1329001223251053
Lyman-alpha Forest, C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters and cross-correlations), Membership Committee, Meetings Committee || Lyman-alpha Forest, C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters and cross-correlations), Galaxy & Quasar Physics, Meetings Committee, Institutional Board || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Lyman-alpha Forest, C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters and cross-correlations), Cosmological Simulations, Meetings Committee, Institutional Board, DESI Funding || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Lyman-alpha Forest, C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters, and cross-correlations), Cosmological Simulations, Institutional Board || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Lyman-alpha Forest, C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters, and cross-correlations), Cosmological Simulations, Institutional Board || nan || nan || Galaxy & Quasar Clustering|Lyman-alpha Forest|Meetings Committee|Membership Committee
In conjunction with my student Andrea Munoz we have been involved the Lyman-Alpha Working Group and in particular in studying the metal forests Carbon III, Carbon IV, Magnesium II, Silicon IV, and Lyman b). The work includes implementation and modifications in PICCA, by adding metal transitions in the codes.With my student we were involved in PICCA Task force as a possible tester of a branch dedicated in the unblinding of metal forests for large scale structure analysis. My student authored the section on metal contamination for the QuickQuasars' paper ( and send to JCAP in 2024.
Worked in Lyman-Alpha WG (80%) and meetings committee (10%).


I am a member of the Meetings Committee.
I am a member of the Institutional Board.
I am a member of the Membership Committee.

I have been involved in the planning/organizing the DESI meetings within Meetings Committee.

1) DESI-2020 virtual Collaboration meeting - Tucson, AZ, 9-13 Mar 2020
2) Lyman-alpha workshop - 29-30 July 2020 for 3 hours per day
3) Survey Validation Workshop - November 23-25, 2020 (virtual)
4) DESI Virtual Collaboration Meeting 7-11 Dec 2020

III) With my PhD student Andrea Munoz, we have modified and tested PICCA code to developed and improve PICCA code (within the Ly-Alpha forest subgroup “PICCA Task Force”). We have implemented C-IV forest to use it as a BAO tracer besides the standard Ly-Alpha forest at high redshifts. The main goal is to understand the cosmological implications of C-IV as a tracer for determining BAO and also as a contaminant of Ly-Alpha BAO. We have also worked in the implementation of metals Si-II and Si-III in the Ly-Alpha mocks for the Y1 forecast and in the BAO analysis in the correlation and cross-correlation Ly-Alpha QSO functions.

IV) My PhD student Andrea Munoz has kindly take my shifts to observe in Mayall telescope in 2020.
- I am a member of the Meetings Committee.
- I am a member of the International Board.
- I am a member of the Membership Committee.

I have been involved in the planning of the DESI meetings:

i) Summer 2019 Collaboration meeting - Berkeley, CA, 8-12 July 2019

ii) DESI Imaging Workshop - Tucson, 25-27 September 2019

iii) Survey Validation and Early Spectroscopy Workshop - Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 9-12 Dec 2019

iv) I traveled to Cancun and the Riviera Maya to scout for venus to organize the Winter Collaboration Meeting in December 2020. After visiting more than 10 hotels we decided to host the DESI meeting in the Iberostar Hotel Cancun ( ). I worked out a contract with the Hotel and managed to obtain funds to reserve the hotel, condition required by Iberostar Hotels. The DESI collaboration meeting will take place December 7-11, 2020.

v) I am also organizing a "Cosmology on the Beach School" at a venue close to Cancun and taking place the week before our DESI meeting (December, 1-5). The school will focus on
topics related to DESI science to benefit students and postdocs in DESI.

vi) Outreach. I organized conference at CONACyT (Mexican NSF) to announce DESI First Light. This conference was at a national level with a follow up of over 15 interviewees (TV, Radio and newspapers) with an important outreach impact for DESI.

vi) With my PhD student Andrea Munoz, we have have study the effect of metal absorption in the Ly-Alpha Forest mock spectra. These spectra were added in LyaCoLoRe and quickquasars codes and have an important impact in the 1D and 3D flux auto and cross correlation functions. These results will have an important impact in DESI year one analysis. We also studied the effect of having extra high magnitude Quasars in the survey strategy for Ly-Alpha Working Group.
I have been involved in the following DESI Committees:

I am a member of the International Board meeting

2) I am a member of the Meetings Committee

a) I was involved in the planning and set up of the DESI Collaboration Meeting in Tucson
b) I was involved in the planning and set up of the DESI Collaboration Meeting in the Barcelona Meeting (at Sant Feliu Guixol) October, 2018
c) I was involved in the planning and set up of the Collaboration Meeting in Utah 2019
d) I have been involved in the planning and set up of the Collaboration Meeting LBNL (July, 2019)

e) I am currently planning to host the winter 2020/2021 DESI Collaboration Meeting in Mexico.
Since it may take place in the Mexican Caribbean coast and the hotels get fully booked well in advance (specially for a group of 150/180 attendees) I would need to sign a proposal at least one year in advance. I already made an inspection visit to several hotels to se the quality of the hotel, food and conference rooms facilities including testing the wifi to make sure that it is suitable for a DESI meeting. I have currently several hotels proposals to be submitted this summer to the Meetings Committee and to the International Board.

Regarding work towards DESI goals I have been involved in several groups (task from srp_06192018 document) :

Lyman Alpha Group
a) I have worked and supervised my PhD student Andrea Munoz in her work to introduce metals in the London Mocks and Saclay Mocks. This work is important due to the contaminant in the correlation function (the metals show a peak at smaller than BAO distance). This work is relevant for measuring auto-correlation and cross correlation function in Lyman Alpha Forest and is part of the DESI main task and goals and also include contributions towards the SRP task. In particular this work has an impact in tasks 11.1.1, 11.2.1, 11.2.2, 11.4,11.6, 11.6.4, 11.6.7, 11.7, 11.9.3. This work was done in part in conjunction with Alma Gonzales (Univ. og Guanajuato, Mexican Regional Participation Group), Andreu Font (Univ. of London) and Helion du Mas des Bourboux within the DESI Lyman Alpha group.
b) I have also supervised my PhD student Andrea Munoz to determine the optimum strategy in the deep vs wide survey observational plan, as asked by the Collaboration. In particular this work has an impact in part in tasks 17.1.2, 17.1.3, 4.17, 4.18

2) C3 Group
I have worked and supervised my PhD student Dante Gomez in topics of higher order correlation function (e.g. 3pcf). We have been studying and developing the possible signals from 3pcf comparing LCDM and alternative models. The 3pcf may give an important alternative test to differentiate different cosmological models. The 3pcf is pioneering work in LSS and DESI may give importante results in cosmology. This work has been done in conjunction with Gustavo Niz (Univ. of Guanajuato, Mexican Regional Participation Group) and Mariana Vargas (IF- UNAM, Mexican Regional Participation Group). In particular this work impact in part in tasks 9.51, 9.52, 9.53, 9.55, 9.56, 9.57

3) Cosmological Simulations WG and C3 Group

- We have provided cosmological simulations and generate the proper mocks catalogues (in conjunction with Octavio Valenzuela (IA-UNAM) and my postdoc Chandrachani Ningombam (IF-UNAM) with two weekly meetings, Mariana Vargas (IF-UNAM)), as a mean to study LCDM and modified gravity models and dynamical Dark Energy as required in the white papers of the C3, suitable for the DESI project and collaboration with modification of codes like Ramses, COLA, L-PICOLA and CPL. In particular the 3 point function, power spectrum, relevant for large and small scales. Provided theoretical studies of the non-linear perturbation theory to reconstruct the BAO signal and to extract the underlying DE model and gravity theory from RSD, as required in the white papers of the C3. To obtain the covariance matrix as written in the white papers.

This work has an impact in task such as 12.8, 12.2,12.3, 12.6, 12.7, 13.2,13.3,13.4

4) Regarding public outreach I made an effort to present DESI to the Mexican society to learn about the main international science projects with mexican participation. This effort is vital to promote DESI and science in a country with a small experience in international collaborations.
The outreach was done via television and radio interviews as well as general public conferences.

Coauthor of
1)Dark Energy and Modified Gravity.
By Anže Slosar et al..
[arXiv:1903.12016 [astro-ph.CO]].

2) Inflation and Dark Energy from spectroscopy at $z > 2$.
By Simone Ferraro et al..
[arXiv:1903.09208 [astro-ph.CO]].

3) Primordial Non-Gaussianity.
By P. Daniel Meerburg et al..
[arXiv:1903.04409 [astro-ph.CO]].
We have generated mock catalogues for Dynamical Dark Energy (DDE) and Modified Gravity (MGR) models, as part of the tasks and requirements in the white papers in the C3, Quasar and Galaxy Clustering working groups. We used Ramses N-Body code and fast codes such as COLA, L-PICOLA and CPL to obtain the covariance matrices for these models. These mocks were done in part in collaboration with Baojiu Li (U. Durham) and Mexican RPG participants.

We are also analyzing quasar spectra and the redshift errors to improve their detection as part of the task required by in the Lyman Alpha group (with my student Andrea Munoz and Alma Gonzalez (Mexican RPG) and in collaboration with A. Font). We are also working in DESI Lyman-α BAO systematics. In particular we are studying to incorporate extra absorption lines besides Lyman_alpha, such as Lyman_beta, and other metal lines in mocks (3.1 task of the Ly-alpha white paper). We are also working in extending the 3 point correlation function analysis for quasars.

Member of the Institutional Board
I have concentrated in two different topics relevant in more than one WG and tasks. The first one is in testing cosmological models, either LCDM and alternative models (motivated from particle physics or MGR), with new parametrizations on w and obtain the perturbations growth index for these models and RSD. This work has an impact in task such as 8.5.1, 10.18.3, 10.26 and 10.29. The second topic is studying non-linear contributions and higher order correlation functions, in particular the 3 point function, power spectrum, relevant for large and small scales in task such as 8.8.3, 8.8.6, 9.36

Regarding public outreach I made an effort to present DESI to the Mexican society to learn about top class interaction science projects with Mexican participations. This is important in a nation with not much experience in science. The outreach was at TV and Radio interviews as well as general public conferences.

I participated in the monthly International Board meetings.
The MOU between the Berkely University and CONACYT was finally signed in 2015, after a long and sometimes complicated road, taking a considerable amount of time, in part due to the Mexican bureaucracies but also because it was the first time that CONACYT signed an International Cosmological Project.

I am entirely responsible for obtaining the full financial support of the Mexican participation group in DESI, worth $1,280,000USD.

I participated in the monthly International Board meetings.

I have concentrated in two different topics relevant in more than one WG and tasks. The first one is in testing cosmological models, either LCDM and alternative models (motivated from particle physics or MGR), with new parametrizations on w and obtain the perturbations growth index for these models and RSD. This work has an impact in task such as 8.5.1, 10.18.3, 10.26 and 10.29. The second topic is studying non-linear contributions and higher order correlation functions, in particular the 3 point function, power spectrum, relevant for large and small scales in task such as 8.8.3, 8.8.6, 9.36

Regarding public outreach I made an effort to present DESI to the Mexican society to learn about top class interaction science projects with Mexican participations. This is important in a nation with not much experience in science. The outreach was at TV and Radio interviews as well as general public conferences.
I wrote a new proposal for participating in DESI including scientist form other universities besides my own (UNAM). I spend a great amount of time and effort to lobbying the CONACYT authorities and thanks to the previous effort done at UNAM I was able to presented it to CONACYT (the Mexican NSF) and members of the Mexican Congress.

I finally obtained the necessary funds for 8 participants (8 researchers from 4 different Institutions in Mexico).

I participated in the monthly International Board meetings.
I was responsible in writing the Mexican Regional Participation Group science proposal for obtaining funds towards DESI. I invested a great amount of time and effort in this proposal and in lobbying the Directors of the Science Institutes at my University (UNAM) (Physics Institute �IF-UNAM�, Astronomy Institute �IA-UNAM� and Nuclear Science Institute �ICN-UNAM�). ). I also had an interviews with the overall Science Director (Dr. Carlos Arámburo) and the University Dean (Rector Dr. Jose Narro Robles). I had several meetings during the year with most of them.

I participated in full in the DESI meetings and I was also involved in the previous organization (BigBOSS, I am coauthor of the white paper �The BigBOSS Experiment� arXiv:1106.1706). I also attended the DES meeting in the Royal Astronomical Society, London U.K. in March 2011. Both BigBOSS and the DES meeting were the precursor of DESI.

I participated in the monthly International Board meetings.
C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters and cross-correlations), Survey Design and Survey Validation, Bright Galaxy Survey, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Early Career Scientist Committee || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters and cross-correlations), Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Bright Galaxy Survey, Focal Plane System, Data System, Outreach Committee || Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Bright Galaxy Survey, Focal Plane System || Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Focal Plane System || C3|Data Systems|Early Career Scientist Committee|Survey Design|Transients and Low-z cosmology
DESI data systems development and operations. I also co-chaired the ECS Committee.
35 - data systems
3 - ECS
Running the spectroscopic pipeline for daily's and productions. Also heavily involved in spectro pipeline development. Member of the ECS committee.
collision avoidance and BGS redshift efficiency studies
BGS redshift efficiency studies, including contributions to the data systems quicksim to better/more efficiently simulate observations. I also spent a lot of time on the fiber collision avoidance code and algorithms.
- Development and support of focal plane system through anticollision.
- Service work to data systems team:
--- Participated in redshift data challenge.
--- Performed efficiency estimates on simulated spectra redshift recovery.
--- Attended telecons
- Development and support of focal plane system through anticollision.
- Service work to data systems team:
--- Performed efficiency estimates on simulated spectra redshift recovery.
--- Attended telecons
Imaging and Imaging Surveys || Imaging and Imaging Surveys || Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Image Validation, Data System || Imaging, Image Validation, Survey Design, Milky Way Survey || Imaging, Target Selection, Survey Design, Milky Way Survey, Data System || Imaging Surveys|Milky Way Survey || Imaging Surveys|Milky Way Survey || Imaging Surveys|Milky Way Survey|Observing Operations
contributions to data release papers or technical papers;
contributions to alphabetically author-ordered Key Papers;
contributions to DESI remote observations (Observing scientist, Data QA observing scientist);
contributions to DECaLS, BASS, MzLS, and WISE imaging surveys.

contributions to data release papers or technical papers (2 hours/week);
contributions to alphabetically author-ordered Key Papers (2 hours/week);
contributions to DESI remote observations, as Observing scientist, Data QA observing scientist (0.5 hours/week);
contributions to DECaLS, BASS, MzLS, and WISE imaging surveys (0.5 hours/week).
contributions to survey hardware, pipelines, target selection, survey simulations, or imaging data sets
contributions to DECaLS, BASS, MzLS, and WISE imaging surveys;
contributions to DECaLS, BASS, MzLS, and WISE imaging surveys;
contributions to survey hardware, pipelines, target selection, survey simulations, or imaging data sets;
contributions to DECaLS, BASS, MzLS, and WISE imaging surveys.
contributions to DECaLS, BASS, MzLS, and WISE imaging surveys.
Contributions to BASS imaging surveys
contributions to DECaLS, BASS, MzLS, and WISE imaging surveys.
BASS image survey: observations, data reduction
BASS image survey: observations, data reduction
|| Spectrographs || Spectrographs || Spectrographs || Spectrographs
Spectrograph AIT
Spectrograph tests
Spectrograph AIT
Spectrograph tests
Spectrograph tests
Spectrograph tests
Not involved in Desi project
gqcristhianCristhianGarcia Quintero127.52319.54045
Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters and cross-correlations) || C3|Galaxy & Quasar Clustering || C3|Early Career Scientist Committee|Galaxy & Quasar Clustering|Meetings Committee || C3|Cosmological Parameter Estimation|Early Career Scientist Committee|Galaxy & Quasar Clustering|Meetings Committee
Committees and Leadership:
I worked as a Group lead for Galaxy-lensing cross-correlations Topical Group within the C3 working group.
Hours/week: 4.50 hours/week
Description: I organize weekly telecons within our topical group. I keep track of the advances done within our topical group and papers that are soon to be finished. I pay special attention to having all of our analysis within the timeline for our topical group. I also help keep the wiki page up to date. This includes organizing from-time-to-time “busy weeks” fully dedicated to having online meetings for one whole week in order to make progress on specific items.
I worked as a member of the Early Career Scientist (ECS) committee.
Hours/week: 0.75 hours/week
Description: I was a member of the ECS committee. In particular, I was a liaison person with the Meetings Committee and organized activities for the 2023 Summer DESI Durham meeting. In doing so, I have to design the activities and get in touch with volunteers and participants. For example, at Durham, I organized a career panel with faculties and postdoc to share their experiences in job applications with ECS. I had to attend on a weekly basis the meetings committee zoom calls and report the status of ECS activities.

I worked on the following task (in collaboration and under advice of my PhD advisor Mustapha Ishak),
- 2pt-measurements in both configuration and Fourier space to several HOD mocks to assess HOD dependent systematics in BAO analysis for both ELG and BGS tracer.
The service part of the work I did is: 2.25 hr/wk

- Performed BAO reconstruction to several HOD mocks for both ELG and BGS tracer towards HOD-dependent systematics assessment in BAO DESI-Y1 analysis.
The service part of the work I did is: 1.50 hr/wk
- Analytical covariance estimation in configuration space (using RascalC) and in Fourier space (using CovaPT) for a plethora of HOD models. This effort is part of the HOD systematics assessment in DESI-Y1 main BAO analysis. The estimation was done for both ELG and BGS tracer.
The service part of the work I did is: 0.75 hr/wk
- BAO fits with Barry and using data-products (measurements and analytical covariances) mentioned before. The BAO fits were performed in both Fourier and configuration space, for both the ELG and BGS tracer.
The service part of the work I did is: 2.25 hr/wk
- HOD-dependent systematics impact on BAO analysis for DESI-Y1. We co-developed a strategy to quantify the systematics error budget based on heatmaps and analyzing several permutations of pairs of HOD models in terms of the isotropic BAO scale parameter and the AP parameter. This analysis verified the robustness of DESI BAO modelling against HOD dependence and led to the systematic error budget for this particular systematics for both ELG and BGS tracer.
The service part of the work I did is: 1.50 hr/wk

I worked on the following task (in collaboration and under advice of with my PhD advisor Mustapha Ishak),
- performed infrastructure work in a CosmoMC based pipeline that is being used for the 3x2-pt fits for C3 DESI lensing analysis. Extended the original code to include modeling choices according to the needs of the C3 Buzzard mock fitting analysis. Our implementations include a point mass marginalization scheme, lens magnification effects, and the implementation of the alcock-paczynski effect for the projected clustering correlation. The service part of the work I did is: 3 hr/wk
- tested fitting ranges of the 3x2-pt analysis methodology in order to investigate the scale cuts for C3 Lensing mocks. The service part of the work I did is: 2 hr/wk
- worked on testing C3 DESI-Lensing own blinding scheme, by performing 3x2-pt fits and analysing shifts and chi2 values due to our cosmological blinding strategy. The service part of the work I did is: 0.75 hr/wk
- performed a platform comparison with alternative codes within our topical group to assess consistency across different analyses for DESI-Y1. The service part of the work I did is: 0.75 hr/wk

Survey Validation:
I worked on the following task (in collaboration and under advice of my PhD advisor Mustapha Ishak),
- ran forecasts for DESI-Y5 data using GoFish to validate final results for the SV overview paper, and calculated the expected forecasted error on fsigma8 and the dilation parameter R.
Hours/week: 0.5
- ran cosmological parameter estimation using DESI-Y5 forecasts as well as in a combined probe analysis through MCMC chains.
Hours/week: 0.5
- calculated figures of merit from the cosmological parameter chains in order to validate the DESI Stage-IV survey requirements.
Hours/week: 0.5

I worked on the following task (in collaboration and under advice of with my PhD advisor Mustapha Ishak),
Work on weak lensing likelihoods for DES-Y3 for combined probe analysis with DESI-Y1 and modified gravity parameters constraints.
Hours/week: 1.5 hr/wk
Committees and Leadership:
I worked as a Group lead for Galaxy-lensing cross-correlations Topical Group within the C3 working group.
Hours/week: 4.50 hours/week
Description: I organize weekly telecons within our topical group. I keep track of the advances done within our topical group and papers that are soon to be finished. I pay special attention to having all of our analysis within the timeline for our topical group. I also help keep the wiki page up to date. This includes organizing from-time-to-time “busy weeks” fully dedicated to having online meetings for one whole week in order to make progress on specific items.
I worked as a member of the Early Career Scientist (ECS) committee.
Hours/week: 0.75 hours/week
Description: I was a member of the ECS committee. In particular, I was a liaison person with the Meetings Committee and organized activities for the 2023 Summer DESI Durham meeting. In doing so, I have to design the activities and get in touch with volunteers and participants. For example, at Durham, I organized a career panel with faculties and postdoc to share their experiences in job applications with ECS. I had to attend on a weekly basis the meetings committee zoom calls and report the status of ECS activities.

I worked on the following task (in collaboration and under advice of my PhD advisor Mustapha Ishak),
- 2pt-measurements in both configuration and Fourier space to several HOD mocks to assess HOD dependent systematics in BAO analysis for both ELG and BGS tracer.
The service part of the work I did is: 2.25 hr/wk

- Performed BAO reconstruction to several HOD mocks for both ELG and BGS tracer towards HOD-dependent systematics assessment in BAO DESI-Y1 analysis.
The service part of the work I did is: 1.50 hr/wk
- Analytical covariance estimation in configuration space (using RascalC) and in Fourier space (using CovaPT) for a plethora of HOD models. This effort is part of the HOD systematics assessment in DESI-Y1 main BAO analysis. The estimation was done for both ELG and BGS tracer.
The service part of the work I did is: 0.75 hr/wk
- BAO fits with Barry and using data-products (measurements and analytical covariances) mentioned before. The BAO fits were performed in both Fourier and configuration space, for both the ELG and BGS tracer.
The service part of the work I did is: 2.25 hr/wk
- HOD-dependent systematics impact on BAO analysis for DESI-Y1. We co-developed a strategy to quantify the systematics error budget based on heatmaps and analyzing several permutations of pairs of HOD models in terms of the isotropic BAO scale parameter and the AP parameter. This analysis verified the robustness of DESI BAO modelling against HOD dependence and led to the systematic error budget for this particular systematics for both ELG and BGS tracer.
The service part of the work I did is: 1.50 hr/wk

I worked on the following task (in collaboration and under advice of with my PhD advisor Mustapha Ishak),
- performed infrastructure work in a CosmoMC based pipeline that is being used for the 3x2-pt fits for C3 DESI lensing analysis. Extended the original code to include modeling choices according to the needs of the C3 Buzzard mock fitting analysis. Our implementations include a point mass marginalization scheme, lens magnification effects, and the implementation of the alcock-paczynski effect for the projected clustering correlation. The service part of the work I did is: 3 hr/wk
- tested fitting ranges of the 3x2-pt analysis methodology in order to investigate the scale cuts for C3 Lensing mocks. The service part of the work I did is: 2 hr/wk
- worked on testing C3 DESI-Lensing own blinding scheme, by performing 3x2-pt fits and analysing shifts and chi2 values due to our cosmological blinding strategy. The service part of the work I did is: 0.75 hr/wk
- performed a platform comparison with alternative codes within our topical group to assess consistency across different analyses for DESI-Y1. The service part of the work I did is: 0.75 hr/wk

Survey Validation:
I worked on the following task (in collaboration and under advice of my PhD advisor Mustapha Ishak),
- ran forecasts for DESI-Y5 data using GoFish to validate final results for the SV overview paper, and calculated the expected forecasted error on fsigma8 and the dilation parameter R.
Hours/week: 0.5
- ran cosmological parameter estimation using DESI-Y5 forecasts as well as in a combined probe analysis through MCMC chains.
Hours/week: 0.5
- calculated figures of merit from the cosmological parameter chains in order to validate the DESI Stage-IV survey requirements.
Hours/week: 0.5

I worked on the following task (in collaboration and under advice of with my PhD advisor Mustapha Ishak),
Work on weak lensing likelihoods for DES-Y3 for combined probe analysis with DESI-Y1 and modified gravity parameters constraints.
Hours/week: 1.5 hr/wk
Below find the report of DESI-effort during 2022 that I did while being in UT-Dallas under the advice and in collaboration with my PhD advisor Mustapha Ishak:

1. I created scripts and adapted codes, run and document 2pt-measurements in First-Generation Abacus mocks for the ELG tracer in both Fourier and Configuration space for Cubic Box mocks and Cut Sky mocks. Additionally, I also performed reconstruction into the First-Generation Abacus mocks. I also performed 2-pt measurements for ELG tracer for a set of 1000 EZMocks simulations to produce covariance matrices for fits, in both Cubic Box and Cut Sky mocks. All these measurements, fits and covariances were made available on DESI NERSC folders. These are important data-products for the collaboration because they can be used for other projects and for comparison/validation and more importantly for the pipeline to analyze year 1 data. (8 hours/week)
2. I have co-led and conducted efforts in assessing BAO-HOD systematics, which will be important for future DESI BAO detections and KP4 main paper (probably related to task 8.4 in SRP document). I produced pre- and post-reconstruction 2-pt measurement calculations for 12 alternative HOD models to assess BAO HOD systematics that will serve the collaboration in future BAO detections. I also worked on validation tests for analytical covariance matrices produced with RascalC compared to covariance matrices from 1000 EZMocks simulations. I performed stochasticity tests on HOD mocks to assess the systematics coming from randomness in populating host halos. These are all important data-products for the collaboration because they can be used for other projects and for comparison/validation and more importantly to assess the systematics level for the analysis of year 1 data. (3 hours/week)
3. I am part of the Early Career Scientists (ECS) Committee and attend its meetings and help with specific duties. (0.5 hours/week)
4. I was one of the ECS liaison for the meetings committee in this Cancun Meeting and organized the Job-Mock-Interview session. (0.5 hours/week)
5. I have done analysis pipeline development for the C3-lensing mock challenge for DESI-Y1 analysis in the C3 working group. I have implemented a non-Limber model for clustering and a projected clustering statistics. All the products were made available for the C3 working group to serve for first year date analysis papers. This work constitutes infrastructure building for C3 analysis. (4 hours)
6. I produced forecasts for extended models using DESI-Y1 forecasts as part of KP7 and also for the 5 years forecasts in SV main paper as well as parameter estimation as well as contributing to the manuscript writing. (3 hours/week)
7. I have contributed to the DA0.2 analysis which is a preliminary analysis towards the KP4 main paper. (0.5 hours/week)
1. I have done analysis pipeline development for the C3-lensing mock challenge for DESI-Y1 analysis in the C3 working group. I have implemented a non-Limber model for clustering and a projected clustering statistics. All the products were made available for the C3 working group to serve for first year date analysis papers. This work constitutes infrastructure building for C3 analysis. (4 hours)
1. I created scripts and adapted codes, run and document 2pt-measurements in First-Generation Abacus mocks for the ELG tracer in both Fourier and Configuration space for Cubic Box mocks and Cut Sky mocks. Additionally, I also performed reconstruction into the First-Generation Abacus mocks. I also performed 2-pt measurements for ELG tracer for a set of 1000 EZMocks simulations to produce covariance matrices for fits, in both Cubic Box and Cut Sky mocks. All these measurements, fits and covariances were made available on DESI NERSC folders. These are important data-products for the collaboration because they can be used for other projects and for comparison/validation and more importantly for the pipeline to analyze year 1 data. (8 hours/week)
2. I have co-led and conducted efforts in assessing BAO-HOD systematics, which will be important for future DESI BAO detections and KP4 main paper (probably related to task 8.4 in SRP document). I produced pre- and post-reconstruction 2-pt measurement calculations for 12 alternative HOD models to assess BAO HOD systematics that will serve the collaboration in future BAO detections. I also worked on validation tests for analytical covariance matrices produced with RascalC compared to covariance matrices from 1000 EZMocks simulations. I performed stochasticity tests on HOD mocks to assess the systematics coming from randomness in populating host halos. These are all important data-products for the collaboration because they can be used for other projects and for comparison/validation and more importantly to assess the systematics level for the analysis of year 1 data. (3 hours/week)

Meetings committee:
1. I was one of the ECS liaison for the meetings committee in this Cancun Meeting and organized the Job-Mock-Interview session in Cancun Meeting. (0.5 hours/week)
1. I am part of the Early Career Scientists (ECS) Committee and attend its meetings and help with specific duties. (0.5 hours/week)
Below find the report of DESI-effort during 2021 that I did while being in UT-Dallas under the advice of my sponsor Mustapha Ishak:
1) I contributed to tasks related with DESI Key-Project 7 during 2021. Some of the tasks I did was to implement a likelihood module for BAO/RSD galaxy clustering and BAO lyman-alpha into CosmoMC to do mcmc parameter estimation. The likelihood module can be found in the cosmodesi repository at With this implementation, we helped to debug the official DESI-forecasting tool GoFish ( and we use the forecasted constraints on the standard compressed variables to produce the expected constraints for DESI-Y1 for LCDM model and a variety of extended models. These extended models are the models planned to be analyze within the scope of KP7. Additionally, we have documented our work in DESI-trac wikipage.
2) During 2021 we contributed to infrastructure tasks within the C3-WG, specifically on the Lensing Mock Challenge effort. The infrastructure tasks we have been working on can be found We have being involved in the large-scale cosmology methodology and platform comparison within the C3-Lesing Mock Challenge, extending the public available mcmc sampler code CosmoMC to include features that are of convenience to analyze buzzard mock data. We have helped to improve the buzzard mocks by producing cosmological fits and observe how the recovery of cosmological parameter information is behaving. Additionally, we have implemented new features into CosmoMC for weak lensing analysis of DESI and overlapping surveys (such as KIDS, HSC and DES). The code can be found in the cosmodesi repository at Additionally, we have documented our work in DESI-trac wikipage.
3) We participated in the DESI-BAO Mock Challenge, part of the series of DESI Y1 mock challenges, using our own code that can be found at, we produced BAO fits for different cases of interests within the DESI-BAO Mock Challenge.
4) We helped on trying to debug GoFish to produce forecasts for DESI-Y5, this as part of the DESI SV overview paper.
5) We also modified GoFish to include the ShapeFit compression method, in order to produce DESI-Y5 forecasts for this extended compression method. This was a declared task within KP7 that counts as DESI-service effort. This tasks continues in 2022.
I mostly dedicated 30% of the time to C3 and the remaining 70% to GQC, among different activities and KP work.
In collaboration with my PhD advisor (Mustapha Ishak), we have contributed to DESI in the following aspects:
* Develop pipeline for KP7 likelihood analysis.
* Help with debugging and testing forecast for DESI Year 1 (within KP7).
* Run MCMC analysis for cosmological parameter estimation within KP7 year 1 goals.

* Develop pipeline to perform fits for C3 mock-challenge cosmological analysis.
* Perform MCMC fits for C3 mock-challenge cosmological analysis.

* Participate in biweekly (for C3) and monthly meetings (for KP7) to report progress and get feedback.
* Update trac-wiki webpage to document implementation and specifications of points mentioned above.
* Contribute with GitHub commits to cosmodesi repositories for DESI analysis framework development.
Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Target Selection, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Observing operations || Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Target Selection, Data System || Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Target Selection, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Data System || Imaging, Target Selection, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Data System || Imaging, Target Selection, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Data System || nan || Data Systems|DESI-II|Galaxy & Quasar Clustering|Imaging Surveys|Observing Operations|Survey Design|Target Selection
Daily Survey Operations (28 total shift-days in 2023; fba reproducibility spectroscopic QA, MTL updates, afternoon planning, etc.; WBS 3.5.1)
Maintenance of the DESI Legacy Surveys Imaging documentation and website
Producing Monte Carlo (random) catalogs and catalogs of matches to spectra for DR10.1 of the DESI Legacy Surveys Imaging
Writing the vast majority of the Appendix of the EDR Overview paper (; SRP 4.8)
Maintenance of DESI targets and MTLs, including fixing targeting issues that hinder ongoing DESI observations (WBS
Oversight of DESI secondary/tertiary (spare fiber/dedicated) targets and Targets of Opportunity (SRP 4.8)
Work with James Lasker/Ashley Ross/Lucas Napolitano to Monte Carlo DESI MTLs to produce PIP weights for LSS (WBS and 3.5.3)
Work with Marc Manera on incorporating maps of systematics into the LSS catalogs (WBS and 3.5.3 and SRP 7.3)
Multiple internal reviews of DESI publications, including for the key EDR Overview paper.
Completion of the DESI targeting pipeline technical paper (
Writing Section 6 of the DESI survey operations technical paper on MTLs (
Visual inspection of spectra of LAE targets for DESI-II
Producing Monte Carlo realizations (random catalogs) of LAE targets for DESI-II, to measure their clustering
According to the spokespersons, Builders, do need to provide detailed hours. A statement of the activities in which Builders are engaged is sufficient.

Targeting Scientist for Operations (WBS 3.5); see also under "geordie666").
Website maintenance/documentation for the Imaging surveys (; see also under "geordie666").
Level 3 Targeting Manager in pre-operations (WBS 1.08.02, Targeting Scientist for operations (WBS 3.5); see also under "geordie666").
Website maintenance for the Imaging surveys (; see also under "AD" and "geordie666").
Note that I was on sabbatical in 2018-2019 meaning that I had a 100% appointment to work on DESI from, effectively, January 1st to August 15th 2018. My DESI effort is therefore considerably higher in 2018 and 2019 than in previous years.
Level 3 Targeting Manager (WBS 1.08.02; see also under "geordie666").

Website maintenance for the Imaging surveys (; see also under "AD" and "geordie666").

Note that I am on sabbatical in 2018-2019 meaning that I had a 100% research appointment from, effectively, May 15th to December 31st 2018. My research effort is therefore considerably higher in 2018 and 2019 than in previous years.
Level 3 Targeting Manager (WBS 1.08.02; see also under "geordie666").
Website maintenance for the Imaging surveys (; see also under "geordie666").
Other general tasks related to the imaging surveys and targeting effort that didn't result in code committed to GitHub.
Level 3 Targeting Manager (WBS 1.08.02; see also
Website maintenance for the Imaging surveys (; see also under "AD" and "geordie666").
DESI Observing for MzLS (9 nights).
Website maintenance for the Imaging surveys (; see also under "AD" and "geordie666").
Observing for DECaLS (5 nights).
Target Selection, Survey Design and Survey Validation, Cosmological Simulations, Membership Committee, Publication Board, Meetings Committee, Research Forum Committee, Executive Committee, Directorate || Target Selection, Cosmological Simulations, Membership Committee, Meetings Committee, Institutional Board, Executive Committee, Directorate || Image Validation, Target Selection, Survey Design, Cosmological Simulations, Membership Committee, Publication Board, Speakers Board, Meetings Committee, Institutional Board, Executive Committee || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Image Validation, Target Selection, Survey Design, Cosmological Simulations, Bright Galaxy Survey, Membership Committee, Publication Board, Meetings Committee, Institutional Board, Executive Committee || Image Validation, Target Selection, Bright Time Task Force (2013-2014 only), Membership Committee, Publication Board, Spokesperson || Cosmological Simulations|Focal Plane System|Galaxy & Quasar Clustering|Membership Committee|Press Committee|Target Selection|Other[[Executive Committee]] || Galaxy & Quasar Clustering|Membership Committee|Press Committee
I served on the Executive Committee and Membership Committee, and on the Press Committee for the first half of the year.

I advise Claire Lamman on some of her outreach work.

I advise Misha Rashkovetskyi on his work on LSS covariances, which has been heavily used in Y1 KP3 and KP4.
EC and Memcom are 1 hr/week each, and the advising on student service is ~2 hrs/week.
Focal plane positioner performance (re-calibration campaigns and daily monitoring). Press Committee (lead). Membership Committee (service advisor). Executive Committee. Support of AbacusSummit cosmological simulation suite.
Rather fragmented. I'd estimate 3-4 hrs/week on focal plane this year, and then small portions of everything else.
I served as co-Spokesperson of the DESI Collaboration until August 2020. I helped organize DESI collaboration meetings and in staffing DESI committees and working group chairships. I chair the DESI Science Committee, serve on the DESI Executive Committee, and represent the DESI Collaboration in DOE reviews. In 2020, this included response to the pandemic, e.g., the emergency replanning of the March 2020 collaboration meeting. After August, I attended a weekly meeting to facilitate an orderly transition in the Spokesperson role. [8 hrs/week]

I work on Target Selection, particularly of ELG, LRG, and BGS. I work on Image Validation and on Survey Planning in that regard. I supervised Claire Lamman in studies of fiber assignment efficiencies. [5 hrs/week]

I took observing shifts at the telescope in early 2020 and have been engaged in the questions of observating operations and SV design. [3 hrs/week]

My group and I have completed a gigantic set of N-body simulations, AbacusSummit, which exceed the DESI cosmological simulations requirements and will contribute to a wide range of DESI cosmological analyses. This was a big project, not all of which should count as DESI Service. [4 hrs/week, prorated from a larger effort. ]
Co-Spokesperson, duties including leadership of Science Committee, organizing of telecons representing collaboration at DOE reviews and to the IB. Served on Director's executive committee and leadership committee. Primary technical activity this year has been target selection and cosmological simulations. I remain active in the design of the ELG and LRG selections. In cosmological simulations, my group won a major ALCC supercomputer allocation in spring 2019, which we are using to deliver 50 trillion particles of high-accuracy N-body simulations and data products to the full collaboration. These should form the backbone of the mock catalog efforts. There has been a lot of code development and testing this year; for example, I had to rewrite the group finder. Also, supervising a student who is testing fiber assignment. I also observed at KPNO in May and November 2019, and served as a reviewer at the Sept 2019 commissioning/SV review.
I served as co-Spokesperson of the DESI Collaboration. Notable
activities in 2018 were the development of the Code of Conduct and
the External Collaborator policies. I help in organizing DESI
meetings and in staffing DESI committees and working group chairships.
I chair the DESI Science Committee, serve on the DESI Executive Committee,
and represent the DESI Collaboration in DOE reviews. [8 hrs/week]

I work on Target Selection, particularly of ELG, LRG, and BGS.
I work on Image Validation and Survey Planning in that regard.
My group has conducted MMT observations in support of ELG target
selection; I have been advising Jae Hyeon Lee and Tanveer Karim
in this effort. [5 hrs/week]

I was a principal author of the Cosmological Simulations Requirements
document, finalized in June 2018. [2 hrs/week]

My group and I have developed an N-body code Abacus that we plan
to use to generate the required simulations for DESI. The scale of
the DESI simulations has required specific code development to
parallize the code for the Oak Ridge Summit supercomputer. We
also have been doing code validation tied to the DESI requirements.
I advise Lehman Garrison and Nina Maksimova in these developments.
[2 hrs/week, prorated from a larger effort]
I serve as collaboration co-Spokesperson. I co-chair of the Science Committee, in which role I direct the Working Group chairs. I serve ex officio on the Publication Board and have helped them to boot up the publication policy. I serve ex officio on the Membership Committee and the Executive committee. I help to organize the two annual collaboration meetings and am one of the more active members of the Meetings Committee. I present the collaboration and the science readiness for the annual project review. I am a principal author of the Science Readiness Plan and work with the WG chairs to keep it as a living document. I co-wrote various policies, including the draft Code of Conduct and draft External Collaborators policy.

I have been working on target selection and survey design. I have been mentoring my student Jae Hyeon Lee in his work on ELG target selection algorithm design and MMT spectroscopy of ELG and quasars; this is now one of the major options for the ELG selection. With a summer undergraduate, I studied new methods for star-galaxy separation in the BGS target selection. I am one of the frequent participants in the Image Validation Task Force and am studying the impact of imaging quality on target selection. I also work on Survey Design questions. More generally, I advise a wide range of working group activities.
I have served as Collaboration Spokesperson since January 2014. I
co-chair of the Science Committee, in which role I direct the Working
Group chairs. I co-wrote the Publication Principles, did much of
the writing on the Publication Policy, and serve ex officio on the
Publication Board. I serve on the Membership Committee. I helped
to organize 3 collaboration meetings (summers 2014, 2015, 2016) and
3 workshops (SLAC in Jan 2015, ANL in fall 2015, OSU in fall 2016).
I have served on the Executive Council since 2013. Particular
activities there have been the drafting of the by-laws, the approval
of new members, and the advising of the Director in the ramp up to
CD-1, CD-2, and CD-3. I am a principal author of the Science
Readiness Plan. I contributed substantially to Chapter 2 of the
CDR/TDR/FDR. I have presented at the CD-1, CD-2, and CD-3 review.
I was an active member of the Bright Time Committee and have been
shaping the Bright Galaxy Survey design. I also have been consulting
on target selection and survey design. I mentored my former student
Anna Patej in her work on DECaLS (PhD 2016); she was handling the
observational planning early in the survey. I have been mentoring
my student Jae Hyeon Lee in his work on ELG target selection algorithm
design and MMT spectroscopy of ELG and quasars. In 2016, I co-designed
a new version of the LRG target selection.
I have served as Collaboration Spokesperson since January 2014. I
co-chair of the Science Committee, in which role I direct the Working
Group chairs. I co-wrote the Publication Principles, did much of
the writing on the Publication Policy, and serve ex officio on the
Publication Board. I serve on the Membership Committee. I helped
to organize 3 collaboration meetings (summers 2014, 2015, 2016) and
3 workshops (SLAC in Jan 2015, ANL in fall 2015, OSU in fall 2016).
I have served on the Executive Council since 2013. Particular
activities there have been the drafting of the by-laws, the approval
of new members, and the advising of the Director in the ramp up to
CD-1, CD-2, and CD-3. I am a principal author of the Science
Readiness Plan. I contributed substantially to Chapter 2 of the
CDR/TDR/FDR. I have presented at the CD-1, CD-2, and CD-3 review.
I was an active member of the Bright Time Committee and have been
shaping the Bright Galaxy Survey design. I also have been consulting
on target selection and survey design. I mentored my former student
Anna Patej in her work on DECaLS (PhD 2016); she was handling the
observational planning early in the survey. I have been mentoring
my student Jae Hyeon Lee in his work on ELG target selection algorithm
design and MMT spectroscopy of ELG and quasars. In 2016, I co-designed
a new version of the LRG target selection.
I have served as Collaboration Spokesperson since January 2014. I
co-chair of the Science Committee, in which role I direct the Working
Group chairs. I co-wrote the Publication Principles, did much of
the writing on the Publication Policy, and serve ex officio on the
Publication Board. I serve on the Membership Committee. I helped
to organize 3 collaboration meetings (summers 2014, 2015, 2016) and
3 workshops (SLAC in Jan 2015, ANL in fall 2015, OSU in fall 2016).
I have served on the Executive Council since 2013. Particular
activities there have been the drafting of the by-laws, the approval
of new members, and the advising of the Director in the ramp up to
CD-1, CD-2, and CD-3. I am a principal author of the Science
Readiness Plan. I contributed substantially to Chapter 2 of the
CDR/TDR/FDR. I have presented at the CD-1, CD-2, and CD-3 review.
I was an active member of the Bright Time Committee and have been
shaping the Bright Galaxy Survey design. I also have been consulting
on target selection and survey design. I mentored my former student
Anna Patej in her work on DECaLS (PhD 2016); she was handling the
observational planning early in the survey. I have been mentoring
my student Jae Hyeon Lee in his work on ELG target selection algorithm
design and MMT spectroscopy of ELG and quasars. In 2016, I co-designed
a new version of the LRG target selection.
I have served as Collaboration Spokesperson since January 2014. I
co-chair of the Science Committee, in which role I direct the Working
Group chairs. I co-wrote the Publication Principles, did much of
the writing on the Publication Policy, and serve ex officio on the
Publication Board. I serve on the Membership Committee. I helped
to organize 3 collaboration meetings (summers 2014, 2015, 2016) and
3 workshops (SLAC in Jan 2015, ANL in fall 2015, OSU in fall 2016).
I have served on the Executive Council since 2013. Particular
activities there have been the drafting of the by-laws, the approval
of new members, and the advising of the Director in the ramp up to
CD-1, CD-2, and CD-3. I am a principal author of the Science
Readiness Plan. I contributed substantially to Chapter 2 of the
CDR/TDR/FDR. I have presented at the CD-1, CD-2, and CD-3 review.
I was an active member of the Bright Time Committee and have been
shaping the Bright Galaxy Survey design. I also have been consulting
on target selection and survey design. I mentored my former student
Anna Patej in her work on DECaLS (PhD 2016); she was handling the
observational planning early in the survey. I have been mentoring
my student Jae Hyeon Lee in his work on ELG target selection algorithm
design and MMT spectroscopy of ELG and quasars. In 2016, I co-designed
a new version of the LRG target selection.
Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Survey Design and Survey Validation, Milky Way Survey, Focal Plane System || Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Target Selection, Survey Design and Survey Validation, Milky Way Survey, Focal Plane System, Data System || Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Image Validation, Survey Design, Data System || Imaging, Survey Design || Imaging, Survey Design || nan || nan || Data Systems|Imaging Surveys|Instrumentation|Survey Design
I lead the survey operations effort. Practically this means assessing survey progress and making sure that we are smoothly delivering science quality data via routine quality assurance and resolving issues as they arise. Part of "resolving issues as they arise" means making various improvements to the data processing software to address emergent issues, the latest of those being improving our treatment of charge transfer efficiency issues that continue to crop up. I also manage the DailyOps team.
10 - survey operations
10 - data processing


Fiber positioning and system throughput through dither analyses, afternoon planning and survey planning.
Scheduling & survey design; imaging surveys; dither analysis
Preparation, validation, calibration, improvement of the imaging surveys.
Imaging surveys QA and calibration.
Imaging survey Q/A and calibration.
Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Target Selection, Bright Galaxy Survey, Galaxy & Quasar Physics, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data || Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Data System, Meetings Committee || Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Target Selection, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Bright Galaxy Survey, Galaxy & Quasar Physics, Time Domain, Data System, Meetings Committee || Imaging, Target Selection, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Bright Galaxy Survey, Milky Way Survey, Galaxy & Quasar Physics, Time Domain, Data System || Imaging, Target Selection, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Bright Galaxy Survey, Milky Way Survey, Galaxy & Quasar Physics, Time Domain, Data System, Institutional Board || nan || nan || Data Systems|DESI-II|Galaxy & Quasar Physics|Imaging Surveys|Speakers Board|Other[[Ad Hoc Spokespersons Nomination Committee]]
I am involved in multiple major aspects of DESI operations, particularly Data Systems. One major activity in 2023 (and continuing in 2024) is my service as the KP2 (Data Release 1) co-convener.
KP2 - 25%; Data Systems - 50%; Imaging - 10%; Speaker's Board - 5%; miscellaneous - 10%


My principal service effort to DESI in 2020 centered around the Ninth Data Release (DR9) of the Legacy Imaging Surveys (data reduction and validation; algorithm development; photometry; and documentation). I also actively contributed throughout the year to the Spectroscopic Pipeline Team (spectral simulations; data reduction and target selection algorithms), and (in a variety of areas) to the BGS, GQP, and Target Selection Working Groups; and I also supervised four (undergraduate) students. Finally, I spent time in Spring 2020 helping to validate and analyze early Commissioning and Survey Validation data.
My principal contributions in 2019 were to the imaging surveys (data reduction and validation, pipeline development, data releases), Data Systems (spectroscopic templates; spectral simulations); Commissioning support; and preparations for Survey Validation.
My principle major contributions in 2018 were to the imaging surveys (observing, data reduction and validation, pipeline development, data releases) and Data Systems (spectroscopic templates; spectral simulations; quicksurvey; Survey Validation data challenge).
My principle major contributions in 2017 were to the imaging surveys (observing, data reduction and validation, pipeline development, data releases); Data Systems (spectroscopic templates; spectral simulations; quicksurvey); Bright Galaxy Survey Working Group (redshift success; sample selection and characterization); the Time Domain Working Group (transient simulations and efficiency estimates); the Galaxy & Quasar Physics Working Group (white paper and SRP Chapter writing; spectral simulations); and Press Coordinator.

I also supervised four (undergraduate) students who working on various aspects of the imaging surveys, including observing for both DECaLS and MzLS.
Spectroscopic Templates (WBS
Contributions to redshift fitting and classification (WBS,, and
Contributions to the development of realistic Instrument Simulations (WBS

SRP Ch 3 - Imaging - Tasks 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 3.7, 3.9, 3.13, 3,14, 3.15, 3.19, 3.20, 3.21
SRP Ch 4 - Target Selection - Tasks 4.1, 4.2, 4.5, 4.8, 4.10, 4.13, 4.19, 4.20
SRP Ch 6 - Data Pipelines, Data Distributions, and Data Challenges - Tasks 6.1, 6.3
SRP Ch 10 - Bright Galaxy Survey - Tasks 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.6, 10.14
SRP Ch 14 - Milky Way Survey - Tasks 14.2, 14.3
SRP Ch 15 - Time-Domain Astrophysics - Task 15.4
SRP Ch 16 - Galaxy & Quasar Science - Tasks 16.4

Press Coordinator (Sep 2015 - Present)
Target Selection Working Group Co-Chair (Aug 2015 - Jan 2017)
Science Committee Member (Aug 2015 - Jan 2017)
At-Large Representative on the Institutional Board (Feb 2015 - Dec 2016)
Spectroscopic Templates (WBS
Contributions to redshift fitting and classification (WBS,, and
Contributions to the development of realistic Instrument Simulations (WBS

SRP Ch 3 - Imaging - Tasks 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 3.7, 3.9, 3.13, 3,14, 3.15, 3.19, 3.20, 3.21
SRP Ch 4 - Target Selection - Tasks 4.1, 4.2, 4.5, 4.8, 4.10, 4.13, 4.19, 4.20
SRP Ch 6 - Data Pipelines, Data Distributions, and Data Challenges - Tasks 6.1, 6.3
SRP Ch 10 - Bright Galaxy Survey - Tasks 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.6, 10.14
SRP Ch 14 - Milky Way Survey - Tasks 14.2, 14.3
SRP Ch 15 - Time-Domain Astrophysics - Task 15.4
SRP Ch 16 - Galaxy & Quasar Science - Tasks 16.4

Press Coordinator (Sep 2015 - Present)
Target Selection Working Group Co-Chair (Aug 2015 - Jan 2017)
Science Committee Member (Aug 2015 - Jan 2017)
At-Large Representative on the Institutional Board (Feb 2015 - Dec 2016)
Note: I officially joined DESI in September 2014. However, around June 2013 I began participating in Data Systems telecons with Stephen Bailey + collaborators.

Spectroscopic Templates (WBS
Contributions to redshift fitting and classification (WBS,, and
Contributions to the development of realistic Instrument Simulations (WBS
Note: I officially joined DESI in September 2014. However, around June 2013 I began participating in Data Systems telecons with Stephen Bailey + collaborators.

Spectroscopic Templates (WBS
|| Data System || Data System || Other[[four-point correlation studies]]
fiberassignment, data systems
Responsible for C++ fiber assignment code, but with some work connecting it to the python code in desisim.
Responsible for C++ fiber assignment code
Responsible for C++ fiber assignment code
Responsible for C++ fiber assignment code
|| Focal Plane System, Fiber System || Focal Plane System, Fiber System, Assembly, Integration & Test || Focal Plane System, Fiber System || nan || Focal Plane System
I was not actively involved in 2023. I'm a Builder from the construction days.
Not applicable

I supported these manufacturing efforts: incoming positioner processing, positioner into petal install, petal to cable splicing, petal final hardware assembly
I coordinated the manufacturing of PFAs, POS and Petal Assembly for WBS 1.4 & 1.6
Focal Plane System, Observing operations || Focal Plane System, Fiber System, Assembly, Integration & Test || Fiber System || nan

Focal Plane Management
WBS 1.5 Fiber system
WBS 1.4, WBS 1.5
Target Selection, Survey Design and Survey Validation || Image Validation, Target Selection, Survey Design and Survey Validation || Lyman-alpha Forest, Target Selection || Lyman-alpha Forest, Imaging, Target Selection, Spectrographs || Lyman-alpha Forest, Imaging, Target Selection, Spectrographs || DESI-II|Lyman-alpha Forest|Target Selection
I was co-Chair of the Survey Validation and of the DESI-II working group.
In the first half of the year, I worked mainly on target selection and survey validation, until the EDR was published. After that, my work mainly concerned DESI-2
Lead the Target Selection Group and the SV effort
Convenor of TS WG and convenor of SV
Working group chair + Target Selection + Survey Validation
Co-chair of the Target Selection Group -Validation of Imaging - Simulations of Lyman-alpha forest - Interaction with techninal groups from Saclay and LBNL for the construction of the spectrograph cryostats
I was involved in the Target Selection of the QSO and ELGs (algorithms, coding in desitarget package, ...). I have participated to the DECaLS and (MzLS+BASS) imaging validation. Since I'm in Berkeley, I have been acting as intermediary between engineering teams from Berkeley and Saclay.
I was involved in the Target Selection of the QSO (algorithms, selection of truth map, pilot surveys with MMT). As team leader of Saclay group, I have participated to the construction of spectrograph (supervision of technical teams, prototype validation, �)
I was involved in the Target Selection of the QSO (algorithms, selection of truth map). As team leader of Saclay group, I have participated to the construction of spectrograph (fundraising, supervision of technical teams, �)
I was involved in the Target Selection of the QSO (algorithms, selection of truth map). As team leader of Saclay group, I have participated to the construction of spectrograph (fundraising, supervision of technical teams, �)
Survey Design and Survey Validation, Focal Plane System || Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Data System || Survey Design, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Data System || Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Data System || Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Data System || Data Systems
I am no longer actively charging time to DESI, but remain on-call for support of Data Systems tasks like fiber assignment and state tracking.
Closing out remaining fiberassign action items, implementing focalplane model synchronization between the online and offline systems. Other miscellaneous infrastructure tasks.
The largest subject of my involvement was fiber assignment and hardware models for offline analysis.
Scaling and testing of the spectroscopic pipeline. Rewrite and testing of the fiber assignment codebase.
Spectroscopic pipeline development and scaling (WBS 1.8)
Spectroscopic pipeline workflow and scaling
Spectroscopic pipeline workflow and scaling
R & D for spectral extraction algorithms and implementation
R & D for spectral extraction algorithms and implementation
Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Survey Design and Survey Validation, Time Domain, Membership Committee, Outreach Committee, Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Data System, Membership Committee || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Data System, Membership Committee, Institutional Board || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Data System, Speakers Board, Institutional Board || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Data System, Speakers Board, Institutional Board
I served as Chair of the Membership Committee thru October 1, 2020. My work included guiding Effort Reporting, development of a database, processing of Continuing Members, and over 60 Builders. I started work on the DEI committee in fall 2020, and my primary project there has been in considering ways to encourage uptake of the Code of Conduct. I also contributed to the Outreach committee in Fall for preparation of some ideas for external presentation. I supervise an LOS James Lasker, and this extends to supervision of his work on Nightwatch and other online software and Operations projects.
Completion of QuickLook pipeline. Documentation and follow up in QLF Review. Chair of Membership Committee and generation and processing of Builder lists. Engagement in all other aspects of Membership Committee activities. Supervision of postdoc James Lasker in Operations and Commississioning involvement (Fall).
Efforts focused on QuickLook development and testing for Data Systems. This included implementation requests or addressed findings in April Utah discussion and MockObserving exercise. Participated in preparation execution and follow up from MockObserving. Fall work to prep for DESI reviews, and for the January 2019 QL/F review. Work also included supervising work on QuickLook. From July on, effort including Chair of Membership Committee role.
QuickLook development in Data Systems, WBS
Contributions to spectroscopic simulation.
1) Development of quicklook spectroscopic pipeline
2) development of QuickGen fast simulation application
3) development of flux calibration code for offline spectroscopic data reduction pipeline
4) assigned to review commissioning documents CD sections.
1) Development of quicklook spectroscopic pipeline
2) development of flux calibration code for offline spectroscopic data reduction pipeline
3) development of QuickGen fast simulation application
4) assigned to review commissioning documents CD sections.
1) Development of quicklook spectroscopic pipeline
2) development of QuickGen fast simulation application
3) development of flux calibration code for offline spectroscopic data reduction pipeline
Development of LOI for DESI
C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters and cross-correlations), Cosmological Simulations || nan || C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters and cross-correlations), Cosmological Simulations, Bright Galaxy Survey || C3|Cosmological Simulations|Galaxy & Quasar Clustering || C3|Cosmological Simulations|Galaxy & Quasar Clustering || C3|Cosmological Simulations
I try to construct ELG mock catalog for DESI.
working for HOD
10 10 10
ELG mock
Study the ELG-halo connection
cosmological simulation
Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Cosmological Simulations || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Data System || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Data System || Imaging, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Data System || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Data System
Development and maintenance of the QuickCat parameterized simulation software.
QuickLook Pipeline
QuickLook pipeline
QuickLook development, WBS
Spectroscopic simulation development and testing
QuickGen spectroscopic simulation, QuickLook pipeline, Flux Calibration
QuickGen spectroscopic simulation, Flux Calibration
Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Cosmological Simulations, Bright Galaxy Survey, Milky Way Survey || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Cosmological Simulations, Milky Way Survey, Institutional Board || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Cosmological Simulations, Institutional Board || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Cosmological Simulations, Institutional Board, Management activities || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Target Selection, Cosmological Simulations, Focal Plane System, Membership Committee, Institutional Board || Cosmological Simulations|Galaxy & Quasar Clustering|Galaxy & Quasar Physics
Participation in DESI WG meetings; Management of our RPG
Responsible and Institutional Representative of the Granada-Madrid-Tenerife RPG; PI of awarded funding grant based on DESI (2019-2021)
Responsible and Institutional Representative of the Granada-Madrid-Tenerife RPG; PI of awarded funding grant based on DESI; Co-author of "Overview of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument" by Martini et al. 2018 (SPIE Vol. 10702)
Institutional Board member; Time spent with Rich Kron ( Ombudsperson) and DESI management discussing a membership conflict within our RPG; Contribution to documentation on systematics errors; Time spent on funding-raising for my DESI activities; Admin duties related to DESI in Spain
Cosmological simulations: development of new code to generate thousands of mocks for covariance matrix estimates and galaxy mock generation (work in progress). Target selection work through the contribution of my postdoc J. Comparat.
Cosmological simulations: development of new code to generate thousands of mocks for covariance matrix estimates and galaxy mock generation (work in progress). Target selection work through the contribution of my postdoc J. Comparat.
Development and Prototyping of the Spain-Swiss Fiber Positioner and Focal Plate for DESI. Target selection work through the contribution of my postdoc J. Comparat. Membership & Spokesperson Committees
Development and Prototyping of the Spain-Swiss Fiber Positioner and Focal Plate for DESI. Target selection work through the contribution of my postdoc J. Comparat.
Imaging and Imaging Surveys || Imaging and Imaging Surveys || Imaging and Imaging Surveys || Imaging || Imaging
BASS astrometry
BASS astrometry BASS DR3
I am primarily responsible for BASS observation, data processing and reasearch in the BASS project.
Currently, I am primarily responsible for BASS observation, data processing in the BASS project.
BASS image survey and data processing
BASS data processing
|| Imaging, Image Validation, Target Selection, Time Domain || Imaging
BASS imaging observation and data reduction
BASS data observation (March & July) and data reduction
BASS data observation (March) and data reduction
BASS observation plan
Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Cosmological Simulations, Bright Galaxy Survey || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Bright Galaxy Survey || Bright Galaxy Survey || Bright Galaxy Survey || Bright Galaxy Survey || Bright Galaxy Survey|Cosmological Simulations|Galaxy & Quasar Clustering || Bright Galaxy Survey|Cosmological Simulations|Galaxy & Quasar Clustering || Cosmological Simulations|Galaxy & Quasar Clustering
Developed and made available to the collaboration the SecondGen BGS AbacusSummit mocks, tuned to the Y1 data
Part of the team developing the GLAM mocks for DESI
On the LOC of the Durham collaboration meeting
Reviewed one of the DESI science papers released at the same time as the EDR
10 hours - cosmological simulations
Finalising the BGS FirstGen mock catalogues, and making them available to the DESI collaboration. This includes HOD mocks from the MXXL and AbacusSummit simulations, and a SHAM mock from the Uchuu simulation, where the galaxies contain r-band magnitudes and g-r colours tuned to SDSS and GAMA data. The mocks created include cubic boxes, cut-sky mocks and lightcones. In addition, I have created AbacusSummit mocks in a range of cosmologies, and also with variations to the HOD model. These mocks are being widely used for KP4+5.
15 hours - Cosmological Simulations
Developing mock catalogues for the BGS which contain r-band magnitudes and g-r colours, tuned to SDSS and GAMA data. This includes an updated version of the MXXL HOD lightcone mock, with improved halo interpolation and colour distributions, and a SHAM lightcone mock from the Uchuu simulation. I have also worked with Cameron Grove and others on a HOD-fitting pipeline for the BGS (for KP3), which we have used to make AbacusSummit mocks tuned to the MXXL mock clustering - in the future this will be applied to the DESI clustering measurements. Preliminary versions of all these mocks were made available in 2021, for KP4+5.
15 hours - Cosmological Simulations
Creating mock catalogues for the BGS using the AbacusSummit simulations. Testing the AbacusSummit halo catalogues, helping to improve methods for cleaning ‘spurious’ haloes, which will be important for many projects in DESI that use these simulations.
Implemented and validated a method for rescaling the cosmology of a N-body simulation, which can be used for creating blind mock catalogues for DESI.
Assessing limitations of the BGS due to fibre assignment
Assessing limitations of the BGS due to fibre assignment. Creating and distributing MXXL mock catalogue for the BGS.
Creating and distributing MXXL mock catalogue for the BGS. Active LOC member for the Durham DESI collaboration meeting.
Creating mock catalogue for the BGS.
Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters and cross-correlations), Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Target Selection, Survey Design and Survey Validation, Membership Committee, External Collaborators Committee || Image Validation, Target Selection, Survey Design, Membership Committee, Institutional Board, External Collaborators Committee || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters and cross-correlations), Image Validation, Target Selection, Galaxy & Quasar Physics, Institutional Board || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters, and cross-correlations), Image Validation, Target Selection, Survey Design, Institutional Board || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters, and cross-correlations), Image Validation, Target Selection, Survey Design, Institutional Board || nan || C3|DESI-II|Galaxy & Quasar Physics|Speakers Board
- Oversaw Yoki Salcedo's work on testing the potential for z>1.1 ELG samples as part of DESI-2 (I was PI of the secondary target program which obtained spectra of such objects). As Yoki is a junior graduate student this has taken a fair bit of time.
- Oversaw Biprateep Dey's work on testing the ability of deep exposures with DESI to measure redshifts for faint galaxies
- Served as co-lead for LSST within the DESI-2 Working Group.
- Served on the meetings committee
95% DESI-2, 5% speakers' board.

- observing for DESI commissioning and SV
- worked with Rongpu Zhou and Biprateep Dey in development and testing of photometric redshifts for LRGs (the alternative route we have taken towards SRP 4.5.1-4.5.3)
- worked with Rongpu Zhou on measurements of LRG clustering using these photo-z's (SRP 4.6)
- worked with Rongpu Zhou and supervised Biprateep Dey in tests and refinements of LRG selection algorithms (SRP 4.7) and the RNAAS research note on preliminary LRG selections
- worked with Rongpu Zhou and supervised Biprateep Dey in development of Survey Validation target selection algorithms for LRGs
- supervised Biprateep Dey in tests of a potential intermediate-redshift filler sample.

I have also contributed to other tasks less directly via contributing actively to telecons and email threads, especially in the Target Selection and Image Validation working groups.

Also, I served as a member of the external collaborators committee, a member of the membership committee, at-large representative to the institutional board, and for part of 2020 as co-chair of the membership committee.
- observing for DECaLS and MzLS (SRP 3.2, 3.4)
- supervised Rongpu Zhou in development of tools for looking at locations of all target classes around bright stars, building on LRG efforts (SRP 3.13)
- supervised Rongpu Zhou on ongoing work to produce the truth table catalogs for each data release (SRP 4.5, 4.8, 4.13)
- supervised Rongpu Zhou in development and testing of photometric redshifts for LRGs (the alternative route we have taken towards SRP 4.5.1-4.5.3)
- supervised Rongpu Zhou in measurements of LRG clustering using these photo-z's (SRP 4.6)
- supervised Rongpu Zhou in tests and refinements of LRG selection algorithms (SRP 4.7)
- supervised Rongpu Zhou in development of Survey Validation target selection algorithms for LRGs
- supervised Biprateep Dey in development of a potential intermediate-redshift filler sample.

I have also contributed to other tasks less directly via contributing actively to telecons and email threads, especially in the Target Selection and Image Validation working groups.
- observing for DECaLS and MzLS (SRP 3.2, 3.4)
- supervised Rongpu Zhou in development of tools for looking at locations of LRGs around bright stars (SRP 3.13)
- supervised Rongpu Zhou on ongoing work to produce the truth table catalogs for each data release (SRP 4.5, 4.8, 4.13)
- supervised Rongpu Zhou in development and testing of photometric redshifts for LRGs (the alternative route we have taken towards SRP 4.5.1-4.5.3)
- supervised Rongpu Zhou in measurements of LRG clustering using these photo-z's (SRP 4.6)
- supervised Rongpu Zhou in tests and refinements of LRG selection algorithms (SRP 4.7)
- supervised Rongpu Zhou in development of Survey Validation target selection algorithms for LRGs

I have also contributed to other tasks less directly via contributing actively to telecons and email threads, especially in the Target Selection and Image Validation working groups.
- observing for DECaLS and MzLS (SRP 3.2, 3.4)
- supervised Rongpu Zhou in development of tools for looking at locations of LRGs around bright stars (SRP 3.13)
- supervised Rongpu Zhou on ongoing work to produce the truth table catalogs for each data release (SRP 4.5, 4.8, 4.13)
- supervised Rongpu Zhou in development and testing of photometric redshifts for LRGs (the alternative route we have taken towards SRP 4.5.1-4.5.3)
- supervised Rongpu Zhou in measurements of LRG clustering using these photo-z's (SRP 4.6)
- supervised Rongpu Zhou in tests and refinements of LRG selection algorithms (SRP 4.7)
- supervised Rongpu Zhou in development of random catalogs for clustering analyses, revealing various issues with DR4 and DR5 tracking of areas covered (CCD files, etc.)
- updated text of LRG section of Target Selection document in advance of its review (and supervised Rongpu Zhou in updating figures)

I have also contributed to other tasks less directly via contributing actively to telecons and email threads, especially in the Target Selection and Image Validation working groups.
Note: I'm going to be a bit fuzzy on what actually happened in 2016 vs. 2015 as my second child was born in 2015... I'll try to allocate activities as best I can.

Developed filter transformations from CFHT LS to DECam system and back (enabling transformation of CFHT LS color cuts to DECam). John Moustakas wrote up a tech note describing the results.

Work on developing a sky brightness model based on DECaLS sky brightness measurements.

SRP Tasks 3.2, 3.4, Aid in DECaLS/MzLS: Observed for both DECaLS and MzLS in 2016 (and also sent students to observe).

SRP Task 4.5 (4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.5.3), Assemble Truth Table for LRGs: Oversaw Rongpu Zhou in creating DR3 versions of the truth table catalogs and developing photometric redshifts for testing LRG selection.

Provided inputs for Task 9.29: Methodology: Assess simulation needs for photometric redshift cross-calibration methods.
Co-Chair of Target Selection Working Group (completed term in 2015).

In conjunction with Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille, led development of the target selection chapter of the SRP (and contributed to other sections, e.g. cross-correlation photo-z calibration discussion in C^3).

Contributed to SRP Task 3.5: Aid Project Scientists in the completion of an Imaging Requirements Document by reviewing document and providing feedback. Contributed to SRP Task 3.7: Write an Image Validation Plan by reviewing document and providing feedback.

Major contributions to SRP Task 4.1: Identify priority regions for imaging and spectroscopic tests.

Provided repeated nudges to the progress of and analyzed results from SRP Task 4.2: Identify deep grz DECam data and use it to perform Tractor error model tests within the Image Validation group. The results of these analyses have not been well absorbed by the team, though (they show that Tractor errors are underestimated and therefore our depth estimates are overoptimistic by ~0.1-0.2 mag).

Co-Chair of Target Selection Working Group. Design and testing of first version of DESI LRG selection; also contributed to designing and testing ELG selection based on DEEP2 spectroscopy (mostly led by John Moustakas); major contributions to CDR target selection chapter (including overall strategy as well as writing LRG section and significant portions of other sections); prepared and gave target selection presentations at CD-1 review.
Design and testing of LRG selection; contributed to designing and testing ELG selection based on DEEP2 spectroscopy (mostly led by John Moustakas); major contributions to CDR target selection chapter (including overall strategy as well as writing LRG section and significant portions of other sections); prepared and gave target selection presentations at director's review. Led Spectroscopic Needs white paper and made major contributions to the Cross-Correlations white paper submitted to the Snowmass process, both of which helped make the case for DESI (leading to P5 recommendation).
|| Focal Plane System, Assembly, Integration & Test || Fiber System || Fiber System
Manufacturing, testing, and failure analysis of the positioner system.
System thermal design and testing.
Focal Plane electronics design and testing.
Petal assembly
Positioner and fiber work
Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters and cross-correlations), Cosmological Simulations, Bright Galaxy Survey || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters and cross-correlations), Cosmological Simulations || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters and cross-correlations), Cosmological Simulations, Bright Galaxy Survey, Galaxy & Quasar Physics || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters, and cross-correlations), Cosmological Simulations, Bright Galaxy Survey, Galaxy & Quasar Physics || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Cosmological Simulations, Bright Galaxy Survey || Cosmological Simulations|DESI-II
Co-chair of Cosmosim WG and co-lead of DESI-II high density sample
4 hours per week on cosmosim taks and 1 hour per week on average in DESI-II high density sample. Note that DESI-II high density sample effort started mid-year but the number is average over year.
As DESI service I have contributed to:
1) Organising and executing mock challenges for BAO,RSD and covariance matrix.
2) KP3 end-to-end simulation testing the catalogues and providing feedback
3) SV3 1% preperation
4) Helping with KP4/KP5 and KP3 planning exercise.
5) Within simulation working group I have put in a number of effort in comparing various N-body simulations under the proto-desi umbrella project.
6) Orgnasizing and helping with imaging systematic effort for the clustering.
In 2019, I have worked on three things which should count as DESI service.
1) Mocks for Mock Challenge: We have been running a series of mock challenge in GQC to asses our ability to perform measurement of PK/Xi and obtain BAO/RSD result. I have helped run these mocks challenge and produces the set of mocks for all three dark time tracer ELG, QSO, LRG using UNIT sim N-body simulation. We produced mocks in periodic box, with cut sky and cut sky with redshift evolution. So, far these mock challenge have only used ELG mocks from this set but they will the core resource for the next few mocks challenge.

2) SV 1% simulation of Fibre assign: As part of C3 assessment, I have setup the Fibre assign code to run with additional passes which will be part of SV 1%. I have used BGS Buzzard mocks through realisations of FA for approximately 150 sq deg of sky and propagated the essential information to an easy to use catalog file. These files were made publicly available for everyone with DESI to asses the impact and ability of SV 1% for various science analysis. I have also perform preliminary clustering analysis and found that despite extra passes we will still need significant correction in SV 1% to remove the impact of Fibre assign.

3) Imaging incompleteness leading to fluctuation in ELG target density: I have worked only applying the effect of variation in imagining depth in ELG sample to 100 EZ mocks. This set of mocks have fluctuation in n(z) as the function of sky dependen on the 5 sigma depth in Legacy survey. We have then measured the correlation function and covaraince matrices. Finally the BAO fit was performed to see if these fluctuation introduce any bias. The mocks with systematic and survey mask is made available to the collaboration for more detailed study and test mitigation scheme.

I have also been involved in some efforts with COSMOSIM working group like covariance matrix mocks challenge and resolution effect on HOD but these were done in early 2020 and so I am just stating here for as indication of future effort but will be counted and detailed only in 2020 reporting.
In 2018, I worked on testing fibre assign code and running fibre assignment on various set of mocks namely EZmock, Buzzard and lognormal mocks. These mocks with fibre assignmnet were provided with easy to use documentation for collaboration using Jupyter notebook on NERSC for wider use especially to study and develop the essential pipeline for creating LSS catalogues. I have also used these survey simulations to compare depth vs breadth first strategy. These were also used to get the areal coverage with observing time and completeness maps including overlap with stage 4 CMB and lensing experiment to do both DESI and cross-correlation forecast. As part of this effort we also ran 100 EZmocks with randoms through fibre assign to study its impact and various correction method for both two and three point analyses.
In 2017 , I continued my work in GQC, BGS and C3 groups. In particular I have been heavily involved in GQC first data challenge including leading a sub-group on measurement and testing the catalogue generation for issues, helping improve the catalogues with frequent feedback and finalising the results of data challenge including presenting them in December 2017 collaboration meeting and discussing future direction.

I have been also involved in various discussion on simulation requirements and defining some of the strategy. I also occasionally helped GQC chairs in organising the group telecon, taking notes and organising a session in Stanford Collaboration meeting.

In BGS, I worked on BGS white paper specifically I generated randoms for BGS mocks and made both code and catalogue available to collaboration for other studies. I have also performed a tidal environment analysis on BGS mocks which is part of BGS white paper.

In C3, my main interest has been thinking about small scale RSD and propagating fibre assignment issue. I have worked on C3 White paper as well performing analysis to help define the deviation in Modified gravity can possibly be detected.

I have participating in GQP telecoms as well to learn groups priority and hopefully will provide some useful service in the future.
I continued some effort related to some basics tests of QSOs mocks. Later of of the year I started developing codes for correlation function measurement and environmental classification of galaxies based on tidal tensor prescriptions. These codes have been applied to DESI BGS mocks which should be added in DESI BGS paper. These will also be useful for GQP working group studying galaxy and QSOs physics. I worked extensively on these codes as part of DESI service in the last 4 months of 2016.
I started working with DESI from the collaboration meeting in Chicago (ANL). I was involved in DESI simulations requirement. I also helped writing certain sections related to LSS analysis, specifically Redshift space distortion, BAO and simulations volume and resolution requirements. From then onwards, I have been participating in DESI Galaxy and Quasar clustering telecon and presented several updates related to the QSO mocks I was analysing based on Outer-rim simulation created by Martin White.
leguilloulLaurentLe Guillou1062232253015
Maintenance activities, Spectrographs and in-situ Calibration System || Spectrographs, Assembly, Integration & Test, In situ Calibration System || Spectrographs, Assembly, Integration & Test, Calibration System || Lyman-alpha Forest, Spectrographs, Assembly, Integration, & Test, Calibration System (not sure in which section above it is included) || Lyman-alpha Forest, Imaging, Spectrographs, Assembly, Integration, & Test, Calibration System || DESI-II|Instrumentation
In 2023, I mainly worked for the maintenance of the calibration system, by helping remotely for the replacement of one humidity sensor of the calibration boxes, and testing new sensor models to replace them at our lab. I am also involved in discussion with Julien Guy, Claire Juramy and others about participating to the Skipper CCD effort for DESI-II.
Some work to achieve analysis and papers for the spectrographs tests at Winlight, and maintenance / upgrade preparation for the calibration system.
Calibration System Requirements, Design, Fabrication Tests, Installation and commissioning on site (WBS 1.06.10); Spectrograph Tests, especially the Measurement of the
Spectrograph Throughput of spectrographs SM4 to SM10 at Winlight (WBS 1.06). Contribution to Commissioning and early Observing in Sept-November 2019.
Calibration System Requirements, Design, Fabrication Tests and Installation (WBS 1.06.10); Spectrograph EM1 Tests, especially the Measurement of the Spectrograph Throughput (WBS 1.06).
Calibration System Requirements, Design, Fabrication and Tests (WBS 1.06.10); Spectrograph EM1 and SM1 Tests, especially the Measurement of the Spectrograph Throughput (WBS 1.06).
Fabrication, Lab tests and installation of the Throughput Measurement System at Winlight (WBS 1.06.10, activity 1610_100) ; DESI Calibration System : requirements (WBS 1.06.10, activity 1610_30) and design (WBS 1.06.10, activity 1610_40). Observations for the imaging survey on the Mayall/Mosaic3.
Design of the Throughput Measurement of the Spectrograph #1(WBS 1.06.10, activity 1610_100)
Not yet involved in DESI
Not yet involved in DESI
Focal Plane System, Press Committee || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Focal Plane System, Publication Board, Institutional Board, Press Release Committee || Target Selection, Focal Plane System, Membership Committee, Publication Board || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Focal Plane System, Publication Board, Institutional Board || Target Selection, Focal Plane System, Instrument Control System, Membership Committee, Publication Board, Institutional Board || nan || nan


Fiber View Camera commissioning
Chair of Press Release Committee
Commissioning Fiber View Camera System, Press Release Committee
Fiber View Camera Commisioning, Illum Fiducial testing and Commissioning
The Fiber View Camera System and the Illuminated Fiducials also Publication Board and Institutional Board
Focal plane system (Fiber View Camera),Institutional Board, Publication Board
Focal plane system (Fiber View Camera),Institutional Board, Membership Comm, Target Selection (MOSAIC3 Camera).
Focal plane system (Fiber View Camera),Institutional Board, Membership Comm, Target Selection (MOSAIC3 Camera)
Focal plane system (Fiber View Camera),Institutional Board, Membership Comm
Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters and cross-correlations), Cosmological Simulations, Key projects 4 and 5 || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters and cross-correlations) || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters and cross-correlations) || Cosmological Simulations|Galaxy & Quasar Clustering || Cosmological Parameter Estimation|Galaxy & Quasar Clustering || Galaxy & Quasar Clustering
Convener of Key Project 5 (weekly meetings with KP4, weekly meetings with KP5 core-group, GQC for coordination, design paper plan for KP5 projects, organization of KP5 telecons, unblinding document preparation, preparation and charing of DESI collaboration meeting(s) KP5 parallel session(s)): 15h/week

Architect of the blinding strategy of DESI (Assessing the blinding tests and helping to outline the blinding validation paper led by Uendert Andrade). 1 h/week

Architect of the ShapeFit strategy for compressing the 2-point statistics for KP5 DESI official analysis (Assessing the implementation of the method in Velocileptors/Pybird/Folps/EFT-GSM codes for DESI official analysis). 1 h/week

Mentoring Hernan Noriega in service effort (visiting PhD student in Barcelona August - December 2023) on the development and validation of the code FOLPS, which is now part of the official pipeline for analysing the full-shape DESI Y1 data.: 3h/week

DESI observer February 2023 4 Late-shift night shifts: 1h/week
Contribution to GQC working group only.
Convener of Key Project 5 (weekly meetings with KP4, GQC for coordination, design paper plan for KP5 projects, organization of KP5 telecons, preparation and charing of DESI collaboration meeting(s) KP5 parallel session(s)): 13h/w
Architect of the blinding strategy of DESI (see mentoring below for hour's report).
Mentoring a student in service effort (Sam Brieden) on the development of the blinding pipeline for desi catalogues, and mentoring other members to implement and validate that pipeline (Juan Mena): 3h/week
Mentoring a student in service effort (Sam Brieden) on the development and validation a new compression technique (ShapeFit) to be included in the official pipeline of DESI (reported only the time dedicated to development and understanding of the pipeline part and development of the code to transform ShapeFit compression parameter into LCDM variables, which will be directly applied to DESI supporting papers): 4h/week
DESI observer January 2022 5 night shifts : 1h/week
Computation of the Power Spectrum on DESI FirstGen mocks and validation of the result: 2h/week
Analysis of the FirstGen mocks to validate their signal and to test the compression: 2h/week
I only contributed to the GQC working group and associated/supporting KP projects
Convener of Key Project 5 (weekly meetings with KP4, GQC for coordination, design paper plan for KP5 projects, organization of KP5 telecons, preparing sessions for DESI meetings): 10h/w
Architect of the blinding strategy of DESI (see mentoring below for hour's report).
Mentoring a student in service effort (Sam Brieden) on the development of the blinding pipeline for desi: 6h/week
Mentoring a student in service effort (Sam Brieden) on the development and validation a new compression technique (ShapeFit) to be included in the official pipeline of DESI (only time dedicated to development and understanding of the pipeline part, which can be directly applied to DESI): 4h/week
DESI observer January 2021 2/4 night shifts (12h each) : 0.5h/week
Participation in the P(k) code comparison challenge with RUSTICO: 1h/week.
Contribution to the post-recon mock challenge: 0.5h/week
Participation in the RSD mock challenge with my own code: 1h/week
Analysis in Fourier Space power spectrum signal of SV3 data and first version of mocks in order to check and help to calibrate the HOD of LRG, QSO, ELG, including their cross-correlation spectra: 4h/week

I only contribute to GQC and KP5
I have been key project 5 (KP5) convener, organizing monthly telecons, and weekly coordinating with key project 4 conveners and the GQC chairs. As a KP5 convener I have prepared the paper KP5 strategy for Y1 data release, and coordinating with the Mock Challenge and simulation working group to make sure the progress of their activities was converging towards the needs of KP5. I have also worked on the blinding document and designed a strategy on how to blinding spectroscopic surveys a the catalogue level (the only one in the market so far), that now is decided that DESI will follow. Blinding is part of the DESI key requirements, and developing such blinding strategy had the specific goal of being applied to DESI, although per se the formalism and pipeline can be straightforwardly adapted to any spectroscopic survey. In this sense I count as a DESI service the time dedicated to the conceptual developement of this pipeline and coding those parts of the pipeline that will be adopted by DESI KP. This started formally in 2019, although at that time it was not clear that the efforts on developing this design and pipeline (including mentoring a student) would be part of the final DESI blinding pipeline, and therefore I did not counted in my 2019 desi service. I count these hours in the current 2020 report, along with the actual 2020 hours spent as DESI service.
Blinding Strategy for galaxy clustering BAO and RSD, Bispectrum and power spectrum estimator for galaxy clustering
Focal Plane System, Maintenance activities || Focal Plane System, Spectrographs || Focal Plane System, Spectrographs || Focal Plane System, Spectrographs || Focal Plane System|Instrumentation
Spectrograph readout and CCD maintenance
contributed to linear phi evaluation and mitigation
Focal plane upgrades and spectrograph maintenance
CCD testing, Spectrograph commissioning, Focal Plane interlock
Ccd testing, spectrograph commissioning, FPS electronics support
Fee design, build, testing and software
Survey Design and Survey Validation, Bright Galaxy Survey, Time Domain, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Observing operations, Publication Board || Bright Galaxy Survey, Time Domain, Fiber System, Data System, Outreach Committee || Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Time Domain, Outreach Committee || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Time Domain, Assembly, Integration, & Test || Data Systems|Instrumentation|Maintenance Activities|Observing Operations|Publication Board|Transients and Low-z cosmology || Data Systems|Instrumentation|Maintenance Activities|Meetings Committee|Observing Operations|Transients and Low-z cosmology || Galaxy & Quasar Clustering|Imaging Surveys|Instrumentation|Meetings Committee|Observing Operations|Publication Board|Transients and Low-z cosmology
- Meetings Committee (Jan. 2022-Sep. 2023):
-+ Coordination of DESI Spotlight sessions (including the Dec. 2023 meeting).
-+ Criteria for venue selection of future meetings.

- Publications Board (Sep. 2023-present)
-+ PubBoard Handler and internal reviewer

- Contributions to survey operations:
-+ DESI afternoon planning (WBS
-+ Daily quality assurance shifts and tile validation (4x7 days total).
-+ Maintenance and development of the Nightwatch data quality monitoring software for Observing Scientist shifts.

- Galaxy & Quasar Clustering
-+ Construction of void catalogs in BGS volume-limited sample
-+ Development of void VACs for Y1 data release

- Imaging Surveys
-+ Adapted unsupervised galaxy similarity search to ID large galaxies in the extended DESI footprint

- As a member of the Transients/Low-z Working group:
-+ Developed and maintained the pipeline afterburner to identify transients in DESI spectra (DESITRIP).
-+ Updated software to enable target-of-opportunity (ToO) follow-ups of alerts from DECam, ZTF, IceCube, LIGO, etc.
-+ Carried out weekly planning of low- and high-priority ToO secondary targeting in Main survey and calibration tiles.
-+ Tully-Fisher calibration for EDR and Y1 for the DESI Peculiar Velocity Survey.
-+ Co-chair of the Multimessenger Topical Working Group
Member, Meetings Committee (Jan. 2022-Sep. 2023)
- Coordination of Spotlight sessions at July 2023 and Dec 2023 meetings ............. 0.75 hr/wk

Publications Board (Sep. 2023-present)
- PB Handler for DESI-2022-0154 ....................... 0.25 hr/wk

Transients/Low-z Working Group:
- Production of transient simulation library, SRP 15.1 ............. 0.5 hr/wk
- Development of spectroscopic classifiers, SRP 15.1 ............. 1 hr/wk
-+ Supervision of undergraduates Anthony LaBarca and Delaney Cummins in classifier development ............. 1 hr/wk
- Maintenance of ToO ledger follow-up software ............. 0.5 hr/wk
- Processing of ToO follow-ups from DECam for low-priority Main observations and high-priority calibration tiles ............. 1 hr/wk
- Calibration of the DESI PV Tully Fisher sample for EDR and Y1 ............. 1 hr/wk
- Co-supervision of undergraduate MJ Keller in analysis of galaxy clusters for Tully-Fisher calibration ........... 1 hr/wk

Imaging Surveys:
- Adaptation of unsupervised galaxy similarity search for identifying large galaxies in extended DESI footprint ............. 1.5 hr/wk
- Supervision of undergraduates Sara Moore (REU) and Julia Largett on similarity search .......... 1.5 hr/wk
- Co-supervision of undergraduate Amii Matamoros on development of RF classifier of spiral galaxy type .......... 1 hr/wk

Galaxy and Quasar Clustering
- Development of void catalogs in BGS volume-limited sample ............ 0.5 hr/wk

Observing and Survey Operations:
- DESI daily ops (survey QA shifts, tile validation, and afternoon planning): 4 x 7-day shifts (Apr, June, Oct, Dec) ............. 1.5 hr/wk
- Maintenance and development of Nightwatch for Observing Scientist quality assurance shifts ............. 5 hr/wk
-+ Supervision of postdoc Jose Bermejo on Nightwatch development ............. 1 hr/wk
- Meetings Committee (Sep. 2022-present):
-+ Coordination of DESI Spotlight sessions.
-+ Criteria for venue selection of future meetings.

- Contributions to survey operations:
-+ DESI afternoon planning (WBS
-+ Observing Scientist shifts (WBS, 4 nights total)
-+ Daily quality assurance shifts and tile validation (4x7 days total).
-+ Maintenance and development of the Nightwatch data quality monitoring software for Observing Scientist shifts.

- As a member of the Transients/Low-z Working group:
-+ Developed and maintained the pipeline afterburner to identify transients in DESI spectra (DESITRIP).
-+ Updated software to enable target-of-opportunity (ToO) follow-ups of alerts from DECam, ZTF, IceCube, LIGO, etc.
-+ Carried out weekly planning of low- and high-priority ToO secondary targeting in Main survey and calibration tiles.
-+ Performed visual inspection and calibration of the Y1 Tully-Fisher sample of the DESI Peculiar Velocity Survey.
Member, Meetings Committee (Sep. 2022-present)
- Coordination of Spotlight sessions at DESI meetings ............. 0.75 hr/wk
- Meeting venue coordination and selection .............. 0.75 hr/wk

Transients/Low-z Working Group:
- Production of transient simulation library, SRP 15.1 ............. 0.5 hr/wk
- Development of DESITRIP transient classifier, SRP 15.1 ............. 1 hr/wk
-+ Supervision of undergraduates Edmund Sepeku and Anthony LaBarca in DESITRIP development ............. 1 hr/wk
- Development of ToO ledger follow-up software ............. 1 hr/wk
- Processing of ToO follow-ups from DECam for low-priority Main observations and high-priority calibration tiles ............. 1 hr/wk
- Visual inspection and calibration of the DESI PV Tully Fisher sample for Y1 ............. 1 hr/wk
-+ Supervision of undergraduates Hayley Nofi (REU), Navya Uberoi, and Rianna Ehrenreich on the visual inspection and calibration of the Tully-Fisher sample ............. 1.5 hr/wk

Observing and Survey Operations:
- Observing shifts (4 half-nights): Apr 28-30, May 1 ............. 0.1 hr/wk
- DESI daily ops (survey QA shifts, tile validation, and afternoon planning): 4 x 7-day shifts (Apr, June, Oct, Dec) ............. 1.6 hr/wk
- Maintenance and development of Nightwatch for Observing Scientist quality assurance shifts ............. 6 hr/wk
-+ Supervision of postdoc Jose Bermejo on Nightwatch development ............. 1 hr/wk

- Member of the Publications Board thru Sep. 2021.
- Contributed to DESI afternoon planning (WBS, Observing Scientist shifts (WBS, 27 nights total) and afternoon calibration shifts (3-5 pm MST, 20 nights total).
- Maintened and developed the Nightwatch data quality monitoring software for Observing Scientist shifts.
- As a member of the Transients/Low-z Working group:
-+ Acted as interim co-convener during summer 2021.
-+ Developed and maintained the pipeline afterburner to identify transients in DESI spectra (DESITRIP).
-+ Produced a library of transient templates simulated using DESI observing conditions.
-+ Implemented software to enable target-of-opportunity (ToO) follow-ups of alerts from DECam, ZTF, IceCube, LIGO, etc.
-+ Performed visual inspection and calibration of the Tully-Fisher sample of the DESI Peculiar Velocity Survey.
Member, Publications Board thru Sep. 2021 ............. 1.5 hr/wk

Time Domain Working Group:
- Interim WG Lead, Jun-Sep 2021 ............. 2 hr/wk
- Production of transient simulation library, SRP 15.1 ............. 0.5 hr/wk
- Development of DESITRIP transient classifier, SRP 15.1 ............. 1 hr/wk
-+ Supervision of undergraduate Edmund Sepeku in DESITRIP development ............. 1 hr/wk
- Development of ToO ledger follow-up software ............. 1 hr/wk
- Processing of ToO follow-ups from DECam (Apr 2021) and IceCube (Sep 2021) ............. 0.2 hr/wk
- Visual inspection and calibration of the DESI PV Tully Fisher sample for SV (everest and fuji releases) ............. 1 hr/wk
-+ Co-supervision of undergraduate Navya Uberoi on the visual inspection and calibration of the Tully-Fisher sample ............. 0.5 hr/wk

Observing and Survey Operations:
- Observing shifts (27 half-nights): Jan 16, Feb 11-14, 20-21, Mar 19-22, Apr 3-4, 17-18, 24-25, May 28-30, Sep 19-22, Nov 13-14, Dec 26-27 ............. 3.5 hr/wk
- Calibration shifts (20) 3-5 pm MST: Jan 14-15, Feb 1-4, Mar 12-16, Mar 19-22, Apr 3-4, Apr 14-17 ............. 0.75 hr/wk
- Survey afternoon planning: Jan 15 - Feb 15 ............. 0.25 hr/wk
- Focal plane calibrations during SV: fiber dither sequence setup and data analysis - Feb 19, Feb 23, Mar 23, Apr 29 ............. 0.2 hr/wk
- Maintenance and development of Nightwatch for Observing Scientist quality assurance ............. 4 hr/wk
-+ Supervision of postdoc Jose Bermejo on Nightwatch development ............. 0.5 hr/wk

Data quality monitoring:
- Visual inspection during SV - Round 3 / Blanc ............. 0.1 hr/wk
Time domain working group: co-convener through Sep. 2021.
- SRP 15.1.3 development of DESITRIP classifier for SN Ia, kilonovae, and other transients. Implementation of DESITRIP at NERSC.
- SRP 15.1.4 production of transient simulation library with diverse spectral templates.
- SRP 15.2 production of of secondary target catalogs for:
-+ targets of opportunity (fiber and tile-based secondary targets) for archival supernova hosts and active transients.
-+ peculiar velocity Tully-Fisher and Fundamental Plane targets.

Publication Board member: Jan. 2021 - present.

WBS 1.9 (Fiber system)
- Commissioning task C4.4-4.5: fiber positioner dither tests and dither analysis during re-commissioning and commissioning/engineering observations during SV.
- Scripts for fiber positioning tests: "precision" and "focus" dithers.

Survey operations:
- SV1 survey-ops nightly planning: Jan-Feb 2021.
- Observing scientist shifts (23): Jan16-19, Feb 11-14, Feb 20-21, Mar 19-22, Apr 3-4, Apr 17-18, Apr 24-25, May 28-31.
- DESI calibration shifts (20): Jan 14-15, Feb 1-4, Mar 12-14 + 16 + 19-22, Apr 3-4, Apr 14-17.

SV Visual inspection
- Round 2 (Andes, Aug 2020): BGS tile 70500 numbers 5, 6-9.
- Round 3 (Blanc, Jan 2021): BGS tile 80613 numbers 15-18, 31-33, 46-47.
Co-convener of Time Domain WG, with specific contributions to the following SRP tasks:
- 15.1 Transient discovery with DESI
-+ 15.1.3 development of classifiers for SN Ia, kilonovae, and other transients
-+ 15.1.4 development of simulation library with diverse transient spectral templates
-+ 15.1.5 development of model-independent methods to identify transients in spectra
- 15.2 Follow up measurements with DESI
-+ Development of secondary targeting of SNe and gravitational wave alerts
- 15.3 Synergies with Imaging Surveys and Multi-messenger detectors
-+ 15.3.3(4) compute projections for Hubble expansion with SNe Ia and GWs, with contribution submitted to Astro2020 decadal review (arXiv:1903.04730, arXiv:1903.07652)

WBS 1.8 (Data System)
- Refinement of cosmic ray masking in spectroscopic pipeline.

WBS 1.9 (Fiber System)
- Simulations for fiber positioning tests (commissioning task C4.4, 4.5).
- Scripts for fiber positioner operations (dither tests).
- Observing shifts (April 22-27, Oct 28-Nov 2, Dec 13-17).
- Documentation related to observing (basic wiki upkeep).
Co-convener of Time Domain WG. Development of survey simulation tools for transient spectra (desisim and desimodel projects, plus documentation). Observer on MzLS (January 2018) and DECaLS (August 2018). Development of tools for optimization of fiber flux and acquisition precision (commissioning tasks C4.4, C4.5, C4.9).
- WBS worked on simulations and algorithms for dithering of fibers in the focal plane, supervised postdoctoral researcher Tolga Yapici on fiber dithering project.
- MzLS shift: Aug. 31 - Sep. 2, 2017.
|| Focal Plane System, Instrument Control System, Assembly, Integration & Test || Focal Plane System, Assembly, Integration & Test || Focal Plane System, Assembly, Integration, & Test || Focal Plane System, Assembly, Integration, & Test, protoDESI
I helped test petal assemblies at LBL, integrate focal plane software with the DESI Instrument Control System, commission the focal plane system, take night observing shifts at KPNO, and re-write the software for calibration and evaluation of positioners from data acquisition to report generation.
focal plane integration, SPIE and JATIS papers on focal plate and poster presentation at SPIE meeting, MzLS observing
Focal plate structure metrology, integration, alignment, data analysis and documentation; MzLS observation at Kitt Peak
Quality assurance and metrology of focal plane petals (WBS 1.4); Development and commissioning of protoDESI; analysis of on-mountain data.
QA and metrology of critical jigging for positioner assembly; Maxon brushless motor control code; coating materials reflectivity studies for petal and ring plating.
Lyman-alpha Forest, Meetings Committee, Research Forum Committee || Lyman-alpha Forest, Survey Design, Meetings Committee || Lyman-alpha Forest, Survey Design, Meetings Committee || Lyman-alpha Forest, Survey Design || Lyman-alpha Forest || Lyman-alpha Forest || Lyman-alpha Forest
Convener of Key Project 6 (Lya BAO). Development of software to do the cosmological interpretation of Lya P1D (LaCE, cup1d). Development of software to improve the Lya mocks for Y3 (CoLoRe, LyaCoLoRe).

I only indicated contributions to the Lya WG (and its KP6).
Convener of KP6
Contributed only to KP6
Co-chair of the Lyman alpha WG (10 months); Co-convener of Key Project 6 (2 months); Member of the Meetings Committee; Co-organiser of the DESI Research Forum, Visual Inspection of quasars (expert) and training of students at IFAE who are now doing VI, 4 nights of observation during end of commissioning (March 2020)
1) Co-chair of the Lya WG (8 hours/week)
2) Member of the meetings committee since Feb 2019 (1 hours/week)
3) Single organiser of the DESI-UK meeting in July 2019 (0.5 hours/week)
4) Development / test of London mocks for DESI Lya (3 hours/week, Farr et al. 2020a)
5) Lya forecasts for deep / wide task force in survey design (0.5 hours/week)
6) Adapting QuasarNet to the needs of DESI (0.5 hours/week, Farr et al. 2020b)
7) Study of quasar classification algorithms with desisim spectra (0.5 hours/week)
8) Development of Picca, official pipeline of DESI Lya analysis (1 hours/week)
9) PI of a HPC allocation (4.5M CPUh) to provide hydro sims for DESI Lya P1D (0.5
hours/week, Pedersen et al. in prep)
10) Development of pipeline for P1D cosmological inference with DESI Lya (0.5
hours/week, Pedersen et al. in prep)
11) Development of COLA simulations for the Lya WG (0.5 hours/week)
12) Development of P1D analysis pipeline for DESI (0.5 hours/week)
13) Mentoring of students in service effort (task ID above): James Farr (4, 6, 7), Andrei
Cuceu (8), Chris Pedersen (9, 10), Andrea Muñoz (4), Oleg Burgueño (11), and Naim Karacayli (12). (3 hours/week)
- Conveener of the Lyman alpha WG
- Lyman alpha liaison for the "Wide vs Deep survey" task force
- Lyman alpha liaison and author of the new Section 17 of the SRP (Mission need cosmological analyses)
- Co-lead of the White paper on Lyman alpha BAO systematics (DocDB 3814-v1)
- Contributions to desisim to improve the simulation of DESI quasar spectra
- Supervision of James Farr (PhD student at UCL) on his work on simulating DESI quasar spectra (London mocks, DESI Project 15) - SRP task 11.7
- Supervision of Chris Pedersen (PhD student at UCL) on his work on hydrodynamic simulation of Lyman alpha - SRP task 11.8
- Mentoring of Andrea Muñoz (student at UNAM) on her work on adding meta contaminants in desisim - SRP task 11.7.5
- Mentoring of Oleg Burgueño (student at U Guanajuato) on his work on COLA synthetic datasets - SRP task 11.7
Convener of Lyman alpha working group since Feb 2017, and liaison with simulations and survey strategy working groups. I also co-wrote the White paper on Lyman alpha BAO systematics, and wrote section 17.2 of the SRP on mission needs for Lyman alpha science.

I lead the "Projection Developments" team of the Lyman alpha working group (, and I was involved in other teams like data simulations or cosmological mocks.
I was involved in generating synthetic Lyman alpha datasets in collaboration with Anze Slosar and Patrick McDonald.
I was involved in generating synthetic Lyman alpha datasets in collaboration with Anze Slosar and Patrick McDonald.
I was involved in the initial cosmology forecasts, specially those related to Lyman alpha forest and cross-correlations with quasars. Some of it was published in Font-Ribera et al. (2014).
Robertson Schmit
Survey Design and Survey Validation, Observing operations, Operating the Mayall 4m Telescope || Survey Design and Survey Validation, Assembly, Integration & Test, Operating the Mayall Telescope || Assembly, Integration & Test, Operating the Mayall Telescope for DESI commissioning || Observing Operations || Observing Operations
Operating the Mayall telescope for DESI Survey Validation Observing and Engineering.

Continued safe, efficient and proficient operation of the Mayall 4m Telescope for the DESI instrument.
100% of my efforts go to operating the Mayall 4m Telescope.
Operating the Mayall telescope for DESI commissioning and DESI Survey Validation Observing.
Operating the Mayall telescope for DESI commissioning and DESI Survey Validation Observing.
Operating the Mayall telescope for DESI commissioning.
Milky Way Survey, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee || Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Milky Way Survey || Target Selection, Survey Design, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Milky Way Survey, Data System || Target Selection, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Milky Way Survey, Data System, Bright Time Task Force (2013-2014 only) || Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data, Milky Way Survey, Bright Time Task Force (2013-2014 only) || Data Systems|Milky Way Survey
KP2: Coordination of activities for preparing DR1 documentation, tutorials and VACs. Writing up of the DR1 paper draft.
MWS: Processing all the stellar spectra included in iron to get stellar parameters/abundances with the SP pipeline. Building and distributing various versions of the stelar VACs for MWS (fuji/EDR and iron/DR1).
KP2/data systems: 2
MWS: 10
Co-chair of Milky Way Survey WG, development of software for the stellar analysis pipeline,
evaluation of commissioning data, preparation for SV, documentation
Co-chair of Milky Way Survey WG, development of software for stellar analyis pipeline, commissioning and SV
Co-chair of Milky Way Survey WG, target selection, flux calibration, formatting
models of stellar spectra, development of software for stellar
analysis/characterization, commissioning and SV preparation
Co-chair of Milky Way Survey WG, target selection, flux calibration, formatting models of stellar spectra, development of software for stellar analysis/characterization
chair of Milky Way Survey WG, assessment of flux calibration errors/target selection, computation of models of stellar spectra
chair of Milky Way Survey WG, assessment of flux calibration errors/target selection, computation of models of stellar spectra
Member of Bright Time Committee, flux calibration tests
Member of Bright Time Committee, flux calibration tests
Target Selection, Survey Design and Survey Validation || Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Target Selection, Survey Design and Survey Validation || Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Target Selection || Imaging, Target Selection || Imaging, Target Selection || nan || Data Systems|DESI-II|Imaging Surveys|Other[[Survey Operations]]
- Target Selection:
- publication of the ELG Target Selection paper;
- coordination of the various Target Selection papers for submission;
- co-lead of the Target Selection WG until its closure.

- Survey Operations:
- fiber assignment: handling of tertiary programs: design + documentation + status page (cosmos desi-ii pilot observations and other programs).

- co-lead of the desi-ii hiz-group.

- Data system:
- some updates on the QA tools used by the SurveyOps team;
- significant participation in the Survey Validation + EDR papers.
breakdown not requested for builders.

co-chair of the Target Selection WG ; contribution to target selection ; contribution to the Survey Validation; contribution to Survey Operations
co-chair of the Target Selection WG ; contribution to target selection ; contribution to LS/DR8 imaging surveys, reporting of quality assurance investigations on survey data; contribution to the Survey Validation preparation.
co-chair of the Target Selection WG ; contribution to target selection ; contribution to DECaLS/BASS/MzLS imaging surveys, reporting of quality assurance investigations on survey data,
contribution to DECaLS/BASS/MzLS imaging surveys, reporting of quality assurance investigations on survey data, contribution to target selection
contribution to DECaLS imaging survey, reporting of quality assurance investigations on survey data, contribution to target selection
contribution to DECaLS imaging survey, reporting of quality assurance investigations on survey data, contribution to target selection
contribution to DECaLS imaging survey, reporting of quality assurance investigations on survey data, contribution to target selection
Lyman-alpha Forest, Observing operations, Outreach Committee, Early Career Scientist Committee || Lyman-alpha Forest || Lyman-alpha Forest, Imaging and Imaging Surveys || Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee|Early Career Scientist Committee|Lyman-alpha Forest|Meetings Committee|Observing Operations|Outreach Committee || Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee|Early Career Scientist Committee|Lyman-alpha Forest|Meetings Committee|Outreach Committee || Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee|Early Career Scientist Committee|Lyman-alpha Forest
In the LYA WG, I conducted LSS analysis on metal forests (CIII, CIV, MgII, SiIV, and Lyb). I implemented Several modifications in Vega and PICCA for this analysis by adding the metal transitions in the corresponding codes.
I also was part of the PICCA Task force as tester of a branch dedicated to the unblinding of metal forests for LSS analysis.
Furthermore, I authored the section on metal contamination for the QuickQuasars' paper (, which was submitted to JCAP in the initial days of 2024.
Additionally, I contributed to the DESI+eBOSS joint analysis for Lya.
Until September 2023, I served as ECS co-chair. In this position, I coordinated roles and responsibilities within the ECS committee and collaborated on organizing ECS activities in meetings and monthly ECS sessions, including tutorials, talks, panels, and networking events. Moreover, I assisted in organizing the Women+ event at the Durham collaboration meeting.
Furthermore, I covered two remote observation shifts.
Builder report above
ECS Committee chair
DEI Committee Liaison
Meetings Committee liaison
Organization of ECS activities in collaboration meetings (tutorials, talks, panels, networking) in collaboration meetings.
Organization of ECS monthly meetings.
Q&A sessions with leadership, ombudspersons and IDEA.
Discussion of problems faced by ECS to bring up to DEI and Meetings Committees to solve together.
Outreach: Co-organization and participation of two DESI-High events, representation of DESI in UNAM events, translation of meet a DESI member to Spanish and parts of the website to Catalan
Observation (2 nights)
LOC in Cancún meeting
For the Lya forest WG:
PICCA task force (tester, find and report bugs in CIV forest research)
eBOSS + DESI joint analysis
QQ + EDR paper: Contribution with metals in quickquasars, discussion for the paper structure and contents
Analysis of metals in early data
Organization of Lya forest workshop
CIV Analysis: Tuning of CIV doublet as contaminant for Lya forest BAO analysis in mocks and as BAO tracer. Debugging for PICCA and helping for the optimization in CIV forest
ECS (3 hrs), Outreach + observation + LOC in Cancun (1 hr), Lya + KP6 (21 hrs)
ECS Committee chair
DEI Committee Liaison
Meetings Committee liaison

Organization of pre-meetings and ECS activities (tutorials, talks, panels, networking) in collaboration meetings.
Organization of ECS monthly meetings.
Q&A sessions with leadership, ombudspersons and IDEA.
Discussion of problems faced by ECS to bring up to DEI and Meetings Committees to solve together.
DESI High (Outreach) - Co-organization of DESI-High in Noche de las Estrellas, in Mexico. Contact with Girls who Code, participation in ~8 events as instructor.
Lya WG research for early data analysis and PICCA Task force
0.75 hr MC meetings
0.5 hr DEI meetings
0.35 hr ECS meetings
1 hr ECS activity organization.
0.83 hr Outreach + Observation + Lya research of early data and PICCA Task Force
As service, I participated in the VI campaigns, I helped with the organization of the Lya WG workshop, volunteered in the ECS pre-meeting to organize activities with the ECS (which lead to the ECS Committee that I currently co-chair). I observed 10 days at the Mayall in February/March covering two shifts, the day in between was of service to EPO taking video footage of the Mayall and DESI project. I also participated as instructor in three DESI-High events (BASF, Guanajuato Fest, and Noche de las Estrellas, the two latter in Mexico), and the elaboration of the DESI-High Repository in the Spanish version. I contributed to elaborate the Spanish version of the “Meet a DESI Member” interviews for the Spanish version of the DESI website. I have been a tester of the code PICCA (in the Lya forest subgrup “PICCA Task Force” in charge of its development), making sure that this tool can analyze forests apart from Lya, especially CIV forest. I contributed to the analysis of Andes data considering the needs of the Lya WG for the QSO catalogs, as well as testing our analysis tools on this dataset. All the contributions to DESI-High and webpage in Spanish have been collaborating with Alma González, and the two latter, with close discussion with Alma and other Lya WG members.
Study of the effect of metal absorption in the Ly-a forest mock spectra (added in LyaCoLoRe and quickquasars codes) in the 1D and 3D flux auto and cross correlation functions. These results will be used for DESI Y1 analysis.
Contribution to Mock development in the Ly-a working group.
|| Corrector and Optical System, Focal Plane System || Corrector and Optical System, Corrector BArrel & Cage || Corrector and Optical System || Corrector and Optical System || Other[[Stage-5 design work]]

corrector build, test, installation, and commissioning
WBS 1.2
1.2 Corrector optics - fabrication and analysis
1.2 Corrector optics - fabrication and analysis
1.2 Corrector optics - fabrication and analysis
spectrographs || Spectrographs || Spectrographs, Assembly, Integration & Test || Spectrographs || Spectrographs, Instrument Control System
Spectrograph controllers installation and testing
Spectrographs (WBS 1.6) and Commissioning Instrument (WBS 1.9.6)
Fabrication and testing of spectrograph controllers
Fabrication of Spectrograph Controllers. Design of Shack Controller.
Design of Spectrograph Controller and fabrication of prototype.
Preliminary design and budgeting for Spectrograph Controllers.
Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters and cross-correlations), Target Selection, Survey Design and Survey Validation || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters and cross-correlations), Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Image Validation, Target Selection, Survey Design and Survey Validation, Cosmological Simulations || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters and cross-correlations), Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Image Validation, Target Selection || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters, and cross-correlations), Image Validation, Target Selection, Survey Design, Cosmological Simulations, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Image Validation, Cosmological Simulations, Publication Board, Institutional Board || C3|DESI-II|Galaxy & Quasar Clustering|Publication Board || C3|DESI-II|Galaxy & Quasar Clustering|Publication Board || C3|DESI-II|Galaxy & Quasar Clustering|Publication Board
I am currently co-chair of the DESI-2 working group and a member of the publication board. I have been actively involved in the planning for DESI‐2 and preparing the DESI-2 proposal, synergies between LSST and CMB‐S4 (including whitepapers for Astro2020 and Snowmass) and whitepaper submissions for Astro2020 and Snowmass for future spectroscopic facilities and the DE science case.

Much of my recent "DESI-1" activity has been on BAO and RSD analyses under the auspices of KP4-5 and 7, work on cross-correlation of ACT CMB lensing with DESI under the DESI-ACT MOU and analyzing the ancillary data we've taken to build the science case for DESI-2. I am working closely with my former student, Stephen, on the collaboration paper on theoretical systematics in BAO. I worked with Boryana on implementing control variates into the Abacus analysis pipeline for mock catalogs being used for KP4-5. I served as the pub board handler for the ELG and LRG sample papers and as an internal referee for the EDA BAO paper (among others). I was referee for ancillary proposals for DESI-2, was lead organizer of the Asilomar DESI-2 conference and helped organize a DESI session at the last two Rubin/LSST community planning workshops.

I am supervising 3 students (Noah Sailer, Mark Maus and Haruki Ebina) working directly on DESI. I continue to work closely with my former student, Stephen Chen, who is leading the systematics effects characterization effort for Key Project 4 of our Y1 analysis. Noah Sailer works on C3 activities under the DESI-ACT MOU. Mark Maus is working intensively on Key Project 5. Haruki Ebina is just starting research, but has been working on multi-tracer forecasts for DESI-II.
Service mostly to DESI-2 and GQC.
Pub board handler ELG and LRG sample papers.
Referee for EDA BAO paper.
Referee for two rounds of ancillary proposals for DESI-2.
Active member of S5 taskforce.
Co-chair DESI-2 committee.
Lead organizer of Asilomar DESI-2 conference.
Helped organize DESI session at Rubin/LSST community planning workshop.
Met multiple times with LSST cadence optimization committee to advocate for u-band imaging/DESI coordination.
Participant in both RSD and BAO mock challenges.
Helped my student Mark Maus on ShapeFit vs. FullShape data (compression) challenges.
Helped my student Noah Sailer on DESI-2 ELG forecasts.
Helped my (former) student Stephen Chen work on BAO systematics and on Barry code for KP4, work that was incorporated into the "cosmodesi" pipeline.
Helped my postdoc Boryana implement control variates in Abacus for KP4-5.
The majority of my work has been on DESI-2, with the rest being largely support of the students and postdocs efforts on the other working groups (plus informal meetings with e.g. KP4-5 convenors about BAO/RSD topics and C3 convenors about CMB-related issues).
I am supervising 2 students (Stephen Chen and Noah Sailer) working directly on DESI with a third (Mark Maus) who has just joined the collaboration and is doing his first project. Stephen has been heavily involved in KP4/5 activities (leading reconstruction and BAO fitting efforts under the leadership of Nikhil and Hee-Jong) and has been an active participant in the various data challenges and fitting exercises. Noah is working within C3 and DESI will be the focus of his thesis. Mark will join the GQC efforts and DESI will form the basis of this thesis. I have been working closely with Rongpu Zhou, who has been leading the LRG TS. I have been serving as an informal mentor to Joe DeRose, who is working on simulations. I co-chair the DESI-II working group and continue serve on the publication board (and SciCom).
Most of my service time has been spent on DESI-II activities, but with a significant chunk devoted to supervision and helping students/postdocs write and debug code (see breakdown above).
I am supervising 2 students (Stephen Chen and Noah Sailer) and one postdoc (Mike Wilson) working directly on DESI. Mike is a co-chair of the BGS WG. Mike was also a leader of the "deep vs. wide'" exercise for DESI 1st year observations and the design of the strategy and survey field selection for the one percent survey. He has been critically involved in the design and validation of the phase one SV fields for the bright galaxy survey (BGS). He is a co-author of the BGS decision tree for the baseline strategy and has led the simulation of the DESI phase 1 SV data products. Mike is an integral part of the end-to-end simulation effort for the project. Mike has served as a DESI referee. Stephen Chen has been working on developing a "public" pipeline for modeling the key BAO and RSD measurements in both Fourier and configuration space, and the current plan is for his thesis to be largely DESI analysis. He is an active participant in KP4 and KP5 and the BAO and RSD mock challenges and has been working on a pipeline for C3. Noah Sailer is just beginning to work on DESI (in fact he is still taking classes, so his time is limited) but he is already digging into C3 and looking at improving some of the C3 codes (though we have nothing to report yet). Finally I have served on the PubBoard and been involved in several of the WGs and the SV and secondary activities and was the PI of a NERSC allocation to generate mock catalogs for DESI (for which the analysis continues). I have been serving as an informal mentor to Joe deRose, who is working on simulations. Stephen and Mike and I have been presenting our work regularly at collaboration meetings and telecons. We have regular group meetings to assess progress and find areas where we can help the project and collaboration and I meet with each student (and Mike) individually.
I am supervising 3 students (Ellie Kitanidis, Alex Krolewski and Stephen Chen) and one postdoc (Mike Wilson) working directly on DESI. Mike was a leader of the "deep vs. wide'" exercise for DESI 1st year observations and the design of the strategy and survey field selection for the one percent survey. He has been critically involved in the design and validation of the phase one SV fields for the bright galaxy survey (BGS) and the moon avoidance strategy (and bright time exposure factors). He is a co-author of the BGS decision tree for the baseline strategy and has led the simulation of the DESI phase 1 SV data products. Mike is an integral part of the end-to-end simulation effort for the project. He is actively involved in the blinding strategy development and the DESI futures working group (largely for Astro 2020 and similarly for MegaMapper). He organized a substantial portion (four sessions) at the Fall 2018 collaboration meeting, together with the weekly Berkeley round‐up group and additional spin‐off sessions and has served as a DESI referee. Alex Krolewski has done DESI observing for MzLS and will observe for SV. He particpated in the deep vs. wide exercise for DESI 1st year observations and has been helping Mike with forecasts. He studied the impact of imaging systematics on fiber assignment (they can be severe) and has been participating in the data challenges for the QGC working group, and is working on C3 activities for cross-correlation with upcoming CMB experiments. He is graduating in May 2020. Ellie Kitanidis worked on imaging data validation and characterization for her thesis (she is graduating in May 2020) and provided regular input to the working groups and imaging team over the last 4 years. Her paper on the imaging data has passed collaboration-wide review and been submitted to the journal as a DESI publication. Stephen Chen has been working on developing a "public" pipeline for modeling the key BAO and RSD measurements in both Fourier and configuration space, and the current plan is for his thesis to be largely DESI analysis. In addition I am working closely with a Berkeley graduate student (James Parkes; supervised by Simone Ferraro) to better understand the impact of systematics on QSO target selection which is not yet a solved problem. Finally I am the PI of a NERSC allocation to generate mock catalogs for DESI. All of the students and postdocs have been presenting their work regularly at collaboration meetings and telecons. We have regular group meetings to assess progress and find areas where we can help the project and collaboration and I meet with each student (and Mike) individually.
I have been involved in the target selection and validation activities, imaging systematics and survey optimization, blinding and desi-futures. In addition to my own work I have been supervising Mike Wilson (postdoc) and Ellie Kitanidis (graduate student) and Alex Krolewski working on these topics. Mike has been focused more on the spectroscopic pipeline, Ellie more on the imaging and Alex on survey optimization. I contributed extensively to several of the Astro2020 white paper efforts.
I have been involved in the pipeline efforts at LBNL and the target selection and validation activities and imaging systematics. In addition to my own work I have been supervising Mike Wilson (postdoc) and Ellie Kitanidis (graduate student) working on these topics. Mike has been focused more on the spectroscopic pipeline and Ellie more on the imaging. I have also been discussing with the project and the SO collaboration the possibilities for cross-correlation science, the impact of shifting footprints etc., and I have worked on survey strategy and mock catalogs for the pipeline. Finally I have served as an internal "referee" or provider of comments for several of the working group white paper efforts, and planning exercises and as a coordinator of "analysis" activities at Berkeley.
The publication board and work on validation/characterization of the DECALS imaging (SRP tasks 3.6, 3.12, 4.5.2, 4.8.2, 4.13.2, 4.14 and 7.3). At a lower level, effects of tiling and fiber placement on power spectrum and correlation function, work on early simulations. Developing models for combined BAO/RSD fitting, new statistics for modified gravity tests (SRP tasks 8.5.5 & 8.5.6) and redshift weighting (tasks 8.5.5 and part of 8.7).
Member of the publication board and started work on validation of the DECALS imaging and generation of "imaginglss" product (for tracking randoms, completeness etc. in the imaging data). Consulting on computing requirements for DESI analysis. Finished handing over fiber assignment code to Cahn. Made public a BAO reconstruction code [now being used by members of clustering WG; SRP task 8.5.2]. Started development of redshift weighting [SRP 8.5.5].
Berkeley member of the IB. Helping start up the SimWG. Started work on tiling solutions and tiling code/fiber assignment (handed over to Bob Cahn mid-year). Work on SRD, and DMP.
Work on scoping computing and simulation effort. Production of mocks for tiling and fiber assignment. Consulting on pipeline deliverables. Work on early versions of CDR and redteam reviewer on CDR/SRD. Berkeley member of the IB. Early work on simulations for tiling.
Gonzalez Morales
Lyman-alpha Forest, Outreach Committee || Lyman-alpha Forest || Lyman-alpha Forest || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Lyman-alpha Forest, C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters, and cross-correlations) || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering || Lyman-alpha Forest || Lyman-alpha Forest || Lyman-alpha Forest
Co-convener of KP6
Contributed to several papers on EDR that are also KP6 papers, in particular guided a PhD student towards the completion of his work on mocks for EDR and Y1 analysis.
Contributed with DESIHigh activities
Most of the time went into KP6 project
KP6 project co-convener
Maintenance and development of Lyman alpha synthetic spectra
coordinator of analysis of early Lyman alpha forest 3D analysis
KP6 project co-convener (6 hr)
Maintenance and development of Lyman alpha synthetic spectra. This includes my own work and the supervision of a Phd student (5hr)
Coordinator of analysis of early Lyman alpha forest 3D analysis and co-lead of two of the sub-projects (papers) (3hr)
Organization and participation of one DESI-High event on the international day of women and girls in science (0.5 hr)
Translation to Spanish of Meet a desi member section of the webpage (0.5 hr)
KP6 Convener
6 months of co-chair of Lyman alpha WG
Development and maintenance of synthetic spectra of the Lyman alpha forest
Analysis of SV data
Translation to Spanish of meet a desi member
Organization and participation on three desihigh events: Noche de las estrellas, UG fest, UIA fest
2 nights of observation
KP6 Convener (4hr)
6 months of co-chair of Lyman alpha WG (4hr)
Development and maintenance of synthetic spectra of the Lyman alpha forest (2hr)
Provided initial runs and checks of QuasarNET and SQUEEzE on SV data before those codes were integrated into the pipeline; discussions with VI lead and tests of the selection of quasars for the second VI run, as well as partial analysis of the results, in order to test the recovery of the missed quasars by redrock, using QuasarNET and SQUEEzE. Discussions and tests on defining the selection of quasars to re-observe. (2hr)
Translation to Spanish of meet a desi member (0.5 hr)
Organization and participation on three desihigh events: Noche de las estrellas, UG fest, UIA fest (1hr)
2 nights of observation (0.5 hr)
I have served as Lyman alpha working group chair during de 2020 year and to the outreach committee since October, 2020. On the later I have been mostly in charge of updates to webpage content, and follow up on translations to other languages, including the translation
To the Lya WG I have contributed to the improvement on complexity and delivery of Lyman alpha mocks which are contemplated in the Science Readiness Plan (SRP) Tasks 11.2 and 11.3 respectively. I have also supervised the work of several graduate students towards the same objective. My work, and the student ones, has contributed to complete SRP subtasks 11.2.2, 11.7.3 and 11.7.5. I’m also a co-lead of the key project 6.
I have served as Lyman alpha working group chair during de 2019 year. Also in Lya WG I have contributed to the improvement on complexity and delivery of Lyman alpha mocks which are contemplated in the Science Readiness Plan (SRP) Tasks 11.2 and 11.3 respectively. I have also supervised the work of several graduate students towards the same objective. My work, and the student ones, has contributed manly to the SRP subtasks 11.2.2, 11.7.3 and 11.7.5.
Lyman alpha WG chair since mid 2018. Contribution to web page translating science section to Spanish. Contribution to C3 white paper, mainly at an early stage. Supervision and co-working with several junior members within Lya WG tasks, including testing effect of metals, observation strategy deep vs wide, improvement of the continuum model, DLA/BAL implementation, file formats, add dust extinction, etc. Contribution to enhancement and testing for the quickquasars code within desisim.
Contribution to testing redrock on quasars for the Lya WG; Contribution to the education section of the new webpage to have an Spanish version; Contribution to the C3 withe paper; Supervised a graduate student working on a task related to mocks for Lya WG
None yet000YES
Lyman-alpha Forest, Spectroscopic Pipeline & Data || Survey Design and Survey Validation || nan || Data Systems|Lyman-alpha Forest || Data Systems|Lyman-alpha Forest || Data Systems|Lyman-alpha Forest
VI Work for improving QuasarNET, both VI as well as merging of final VI results and arbitration thereof - approx 0.6 hours/week
Studying flux calibration differences between DESI and EBOSS as well as preparing preliminary drafts of QuasarNET VAC - approx 3.8 hours/week
Non-negative matrix factorization templates and associated redrock improvements - 13 hours/week
VAC coordinator efforts (managing VACs, coordinating with data team, etc) - 2 hours/week
7 nights of remote first half observing - 0.67 hours/week
Outreach work for a public talk accompanying the planetarium show - 0.3 hours/week
Studies into different spectral coaddition methods - 1 hr/week
Most service time was data systems, with the exception of Outreach and the Observing. See prior effort breakdown for exact hours.
I observed 4 nights in Feb 2022, and 1 night in June 2022, with 7 nights of Observing canceled due to the fire, all in service of WBS 3.3.3. I also contributed work to maintaining QuasarNP/Net in the data pipeline. Additional work was done to improve QuasarNET in service of WBS 3.6.4., mostly visual inspection to construct a new training dataset as well as a new DESI improved structure for the network (not yet used in the pipeline but implemented). More details on this below.
Most of my service time this year was observing.
At the beginning of 2021 (through March) I worked on creating mock DESI data to train the cosmic ray finding algorithm deepCR to be used in DESI. This work was parallel to Josh Bloom's efforts, but used a distinctly different method. In February through April I wrote QuasarNP, translating QuasarNET into pure numpy that can be included in the base desi environment, and thus used for DESI science purposes and fulfilling WBS 3.6.4 through its redshifting feature, which is now occasoinally used as a redrock prior. April through the rest of the year was spent supporting QuasarNP (which was then moved to the desihub github account) for the data systems group, expanding its role for Lyman-alpha, and generally retraining and recreating QuasarNET to improve its QSO identification for further Lyman-alpha use (WBS 3.6.6). I also observed for four half-nights (first shift) in Semester 2021B, fulfilling WBS 3.3.3.
~50/50 data/Lyman-alpha
Contributions to survey hardware/pipelines.
Worked on the image pipeline wrt cosmic rays. Segev and I designed a rudimentary way to join cosmics that are broken up by the fibers in images. I've also been working with David Kirkby on potentially using machine learning to create a new method for detecting cosmics in the images.
Imaging and Imaging Surveys || Imaging and Imaging Surveys || Imaging and Imaging Surveys || Imaging || Imaging || DESI-II|Imaging Surveys
I play a role in the imaging surveys by calibrating the raw DECam data and staging it for use by downstream analysis pipelines at NERSC. The work is both with new observations (DECaLS II) and reprocessing older data to a more current version of the Community Pipeline. In addition to the processing time I also participate in near weekly telcons. I also help with the planning work for a DESI-II program for Lyman Alpha Emitters (LAE) using candidates from a medium band DECam survey.
Imaging surveys = 2 hr/wk, DESI-II = 1 hr/wk
DESI Targeting Surveys - aka Legacy Surveys. Instrumental calibration of all telescope imaging used.
Imagining Pipelines
Legacy Surveys
Development and operation of instrumental calibration pipelines for the targeting surveys (DECaLS, MzLS, BASS = Legacy Surveys)
Developed image calibration pipelines for MzLS and BASS. Calibrated imaging data from DECaLS, MzLS, BASS for DESI targeting.
Initial calibration pipeline development for MzLS and BASS. Calibrated imaging data from DECaLS and initial test data for MzLS, BASS for DESI targeting.
Calibrated imaging data from DECaLS
|| Imaging, Image Validation, Target Selection || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Imaging, Image Validation, Target Selection
- Development and testing of the Imaging WG's image-simulation code (obiwan). Wrote sphinx docs for it:
- Co-development of the instrumental zeropoint pre-processing code (legacyzpts) that gets run before the production run for an Imaging WG DR
- Help with construction and documentation for the Imaging WG DRs
- 1st author on the observing strategy paper for the Legacy Surveys:
- Contributed results included in the Overview of the Legacy Surveys paper:
- Convener of of a sub-group, of the Imaging WG, for image-simulations with obiwan. Weekly to bi-monthly telecons via google group:
Image simulations code (May onward)
Began DR4 (November)
NERSC PSQL db for DR3 (Sept. to Nov.)
NERSC PSQL db for DR2 (Feb. to Mar.)
Planned observation for DECaLS (April to June)
Observed for DECaLS (MzLS) for 8 (3) nights.
Start learning Tractor (Nov. on)
DR2 Cosmos subsets comparison (Nov. - Dec.)
Lyman-alpha Forest, Survey Design and Survey Validation || Lyman-alpha Forest || Lyman-alpha Forest || Lyman-alpha Forest || Lyman-alpha Forest
Within the Lyman-alpha WG. Contributions to the analysis pipeline. Creation of the Lyman alpha catalog for the EDR, with an associated publication (Ramírez-Pérez et al 2024). Working on the data validation for the Y1 DESI Lyman Alpha BAO (robustness tests).
Development of 2LPT mocks for DESI Lya. (4 hours/week)
Development of picca, official pipeline of DESI Lya analysis (2 hours / week)
Development of bookkeeper code for early 3D analysis (+ associated robustness tests) (+ other Y1 tasks) (15 hours / week)
Development of Lyman alpha catalog for EDR (+ associated publication) (10 hours/ week)
Within the Lyman-α forest WG. Working with simulations and development of mocks. Contributions to the analysis pipeline. And more importantly working in the creation of the Lyman alpha catalog using early data.
Development of 2LPT mocks for DESI Lya. (5 hours/week).
Development of picca, official pipeline of DESI Lya analysis (5 hours/week).
Developing bookkeeper code for early 3D analyses (1 hours/week).
Working with early DESI data withing the Lya working group. Developing of Lyman alpha catalog that will be used by others in the working group. (20 hours/week)
Within the Lyman-α forest WG. Tasks related with simulations and development of mocks. Also some contributions to the analysis pipeline.
Validating CoLoRe code, used to build DESI Lya mocks. (12 hours/week).
Development of 2LPT mocks for DESI Lya. (12 hours/week).
Development of picca, official pipeline of DESI Lya analysis (0.5 hours/week).
Organized small Lya mock challenge. Session in Summer 2021 DESI meeting. (0.5 hours/week).
Developing bookkeeper code for early 3D analyses. (1 hours/week).
Working with early DESI data withing the Lya working group. Developing of Lyman alpha catalog that will be used by others in the working group. Started by the end of 2021. (2 hours/week)
Lyman Alpha mock building (2LPT improvements to current lognormal mocks), Visual Inspection, Visual Inspection Training
Lyman-alpha Forest || Lyman-alpha Forest || Lyman-alpha Forest || Lyman-alpha Forest
Testing QSO classifiers on DESI data, making Lya mocks
Development of code to construct mock catalogues
Making the "London" Mocks for the Lya-forest WG
Making mock Lyman-alpha forest data sets
jaehyeonleeJae HyeonLee95203540
|| Target Selection || Imaging, Target Selection || Target Selection
I worked on developing and validating ELG selection algorithms via an observational study with MMT.
As part of Target Selection working group, I worked on the development of one of the two selection methods---namely Number Density Modeling (NDM)---alternative to the method described in the Final Design Report. I also spent a substantial effort on testing three ELG target selection methods via an observational study using Binospec spectrograph at MMT. Finally, I volunteered as an observer for MzLS survey between Feb 22 and Feb 27, 2017.
Developing DESI ELG sample target selection method
Developing DESI ELG sample target selection method
Non-participant in 2014
Non-participant in 2014
mmarianavMARIANAVargas Magaña950002520151520
Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Cosmological Simulations, Meetings Committee, Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters and cross-correlations), Survey Design and Survey Validation, Cosmological Simulations, Meetings Committee || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters and cross-correlations), Cosmological Simulations, Meetings Committee || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters, and cross-correlations), Cosmological Simulations || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Cosmological Simulations, Publication Board || nan || nan || nan



Co-Coordinator of Mock Challenge Activities with S. Alam and Albert Chuang and Coordinator of BAO and Reconstruction mock challenge, we cross-validated the simulations, tested estimators, planned the mock challenge and coordinate the test, analise the results, etc
I am the chair Member of the Meetings Committee.
I am member of the DEI committee.
I Co-supervised with S. Fromenteau and Davide Bianchi a Cesar Arroyo (graduate student on Fiber Assignment and Mitigation Techniques for LRG Sample), We worked on validating PIP weights for Fourier space lead by Davide Bianchi. Student graduated on April 2021 of the master degree.
I co-supervise Jenny (master student) contributing to the Covariance Mock Challenge S. Fromenteau, Shadab Alam and Chuang Chun. (Ongoing)
I co-supervise Javier Salas (undergrad student finishing June 2021) contributing to the Reconstruction Mock Challenge with S. Fromenteau.
I co-supervise Alejandro Perez (master student) participating to the BAO Mock Challenge with S. Fromenteau. (Ongoing)
I co-supervise Hernan Noriega (master student) participating to the RSD Mock Challenge with S. Fromenteau. (Ongoing)
I co-supervise Sadi Ramirez (PhDstudent) participating to the RSD Mock Challenge with S. Fromenteau. (Ongoing)
Contribute to Mock Challenge Design and coordination of Measurements Mock Challenge, Member of the Meetings Commitee, Co-supervising with S. Fromenteau and Davide Bianchi a Cesar Arroyo (graduate student on Fiber Assignement and Mitigation Techniques for LRG Sample, Contribution of Covariance Mock Challenge with Jennifer Meneses, S. Fromenteau, Shadab Alam and Chuang Chun. Contribute to White Paper of C3, co-supervising with S. Fromenteau Jennifer Meneses/Matias Rodriguez to generate HOD's of MGCOLA mocks.
Contribute to Mock Challenge Design, Contribute to White Paper of C3, Co-lead Sub-group of Survey Strategy, Member of the Meetings Commitee, Contributing to LSS Pipeline, Co-supervising with S. Fromenteau a Cesar Arroyo (graduate student on Fiber Assignement and Mitigation Techniques for LRG Sample, Co-supervising with S. Fromenteau Jennifer Meneses/Matias Rodriguez in Bispectrum and Marked Correlation analysis on MG simulations.
Co-lead of the subgroup of catalog/random generation task covering the tasks in section 7 of the SRP during 2017 with Lado Samushia and Angela Burden.
Observations of MzMayall survey for 4 days
Participation in the white paper Galaxy-Quasar Clustering, a plan for the assessment of systematic errors in BAO and RSD for the dark-time tracers.
Participation in the white paper in C^3, a plan for modified-gravity tests from small-scale clustering.
Contributed with the Generation of MG-COLA simulations for white paper with S. Fromenteau. We generated 300 simulations with different MG models and calibrated with B-Li high precision. We computed halos and we are still working on populating following the HOD for LRGs.
Colead for the organization of the Spotlight Talks in the SLAC meeting.
refereeing of collaboration papers previous to the publication policy,
contributions to the discussions about the pipelines for LSS catalogs.
co-lead of subgroup for generation of LSS catalogs since Novembre 2015
member of the Publication Policy; generation of the publication board policy Period Juin 2015 to November 2016
RSP contribution during the period for the clustering analyses.
Contribution to Cosmological Requirements document
refereeing of collaboration papers previous to the publication policy,
contributions to pipelines for LSS catalogs.
co-lead of subgroup for generation of LSS catalogs since Novembre 2015
member of the Publication Policy; generation of the publication board policy Period Juin 2015 to November 2016
RSP contribution during the period for the clustering analyses.
Contribution to Cosmological Requirements document
Gontcho A Gontcho
Lyman-alpha Forest, Observing operations, Speakers Board, Outreach Committee, Research Forum Committee || Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Galaxy & Quasar Physics, Time Domain, Spectrographs, Speakers Board, Outreach Committee, Commissioning, Futures Committee || Time Domain, Futures Committee || nan || nan || DESI-II|Lyman-alpha Forest|Speakers Board|Other[[Survey Operations]]
Survey Operations, Speakers Board.
Survey Operations: 22 hours
Speakers Board: 2 hours
DESI II: 2 hours
LyA: 10 hours hours


Lead Observer (LO) duties, Visual Inspection (VI), Research Forum (RF), Speakers Board (SB), Outreach (meet a desi member, social media, desi high)
Lead Observing Scientist duties : training (August), observing shifts (October, November, December), writing observing and commissioning documentation
"Observing": DECaLS Run 53 (Feb), Commissioning Instrument Run (May), Spectrograph Functional Verification (June)
Speakers Board : collecting and organizing resources
Outreach : includes managing DESI Survey instagram, twitter, facebook accounts and website, interview for Meet a DESI member
CWR for LyA Mocks paper (by James Farr)
13 observing nights for DECaLS (Feb 2018 run 39, Dec 2018 run 51).
Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, C^3 (Small-scale clustering, clusters and cross-correlations), Survey Design and Survey Validation || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Institutional Board || Galaxy & Quasar Clustering
I dabble in KP3/4/5. I also serve as the at-large representative on the Institutional Board. I help to mentor Alex Krolewski, Enrique Paillas, Hanyu Zhang and Marco Bonici. They are active in KP3, CMB-X, KP4, alternative probes, HOD and likelihood KPs/SWGs/task groups. I also have a student, Tristan Fraser working on DESI voids.
See above.
KP3 catalogue work (SRP chapter 7), Some work for KP4,5,7, IB at-large rep
DESI Galaxy-Quasar clustering science working group co-lead (to October)
DESI At Large representative for Waterloo
Setup DESI Key Project document
Started plan for DESI LSS catalogues
DESI Galaxy-Quasar clustering science working group co-lead
DESI Institutional Board representative for Portsmouth (to August)
DESI At Large representative for Waterloo (from September)
DESI Executive member (to August)
DESI:UK PI; Coordinating UK grant, including contingency requests and reviews (to August, end of hardware spend phase)
DESI:UK Coordinating UK STFC funding for travel to DESI meetings (to August)
Prep for and remote attendance at DOE review Feb 2018
Helped to organise DESI meeting in Tucson (May), Barcelona (Oct). Attended Tucson meeting.
Set up DESI blinding strategy and initiated document and review.
DESI SRP review September 2018
DESI Galaxy-Quasar clustering science working group co-lead
DESI Institutional Board representative for Portsmouth
DESI Executive member (from November)
DESI:UK PI; Coordinating UK grant, including contingency requests and reviews.
DESI:UK Coordinating UK STFC funding for travel to DESI meeetings
Clustering systematics white paper
Work on fiber collision correction: SRP 8.1.2, validated leading correction method
Helped organise DESI meetings at LBNL, SLAC
Presented at Directors review (LBNL) and DOE review (remote)
DESI Galaxy-Quasar clustering science working group co-lead
DESI Institutional Board representative for Portsmouth
DESI Executive member (from November)
DESI:UK PI; Coordinating UK grant, including contingency requests and reviews.
DESI:UK Coordinating UK STFC funding for travel to DESI meeetings
Major rewrite of SRP chapters 7 & 8
DESI Institutional Board representative for Portsmouth (from May)
DESI:UK PI; Coordinating UK grant, including money transfer and reviews.
DESI:UK Coordinating UK STFC funding for travel to DESI meeetings
DESI:UK PI; Coordinating UK funding proposal and review:
Including formal meetings with STFC:
STFC PPRP Panel visit covering DESI, London, August 2014
STFC PPRP presentation of the case for DESI, Abingdon, May 2014
Documents produced for STFC bid to support DESI:
STFC PPRP panel questions response, Sept 2014
STFC PPRP referee response, July 2014
STFC PPRP proposal (including impact case, data management plan, various possible cost schedules, other supporting docs), May 2014
Other DESI infrastructure work:
DESI-UK meeting (organiser for 2-day DESI focussed meeting), London, Oct 2014
DESI CD-1 directors review, CD-1 DOE review, LBNL, Sept 2014
DESI collab meeting, positioner down-select panel, LBNL, May 2014
DESI:UK PI; Coordinating UK funding proposal and review:
Formal meetings with STFC:
STFC PPAN DESI review, London, Sept 2013
DESI review with STFC, London, Feb 2013
Documents produced for STFC bid to support DESI:
STFC PPAN MOS review document outlining DESI (with supporting docs), Aug 2013
Plus many, many other emails and spreadsheets!

Other DESI infrastructure work:
DESI, CD-1 directors review, LBNL, Nov 2013
Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Target Selection, Bright Galaxy Survey || Galaxy and Quasar Clustering, Target Selection, Bright Galaxy Survey || Target Selection || Bright Galaxy Survey|Galaxy & Quasar Clustering || Galaxy & Quasar Clustering || Galaxy & Quasar Physics
- I have continued coordinating the work as KP5 convener
- I have started drafting the KP5 unblinding document
- I am supervising Svyatoslav Trusov who developed GLAM and EZ mocks for BGS, together we have also tested Full-Modelling/ShapeFit on BGS mocks.
WBS Project and Science Coordination (15 yr hours/week)
- KP5 co-convener (telecons, wiki, management with KP347+GQC+CosmoSim)
- Contribution to Abacus BGS mocks production lead by Cameron Grove and Alex Smith + compare mocks and data for BGS
- Supervision of PhD student Svyatoslav Trusov (March 2021-now): running BGS Full-Shape analysis pipeline on BGS mocks + contribution to DESI packages
- WBS Project and Science Coordination
WBS Project and Science Coordination (12 yr hours/week)
- KP5 co-convener (telecons, wiki, management with KP347+GQC+CosmoSim)
- Contribution to BGS mocks production lead by Cameron Grove (Durham) and Alex Smith (CEA) + compare mocks and data for BGS
- Supervision of PhD student Svyatoslav Trusov (March 2021-now): running BGS Full-Shape analysis pipeline on BGS mocks + contribution to DESI packages: pycorr - jackknife with Mohammad & Percival correction, pypower
WBS SV BGS task + BGS target selection (8 hours /week)
- Tests of BGS L2 requirements
- Tests of the BGS main selection with DR9 + preliminary clustering properties (Zarrouk, Ruiz-Macias et al. 2021b)
- Supervision of PhD student Omar Ruiz Macias at Durham until July 2021: BGS Target Selection main and SV (Ruiz-Macias, Zarrouk et al. 2021)
- Supervision of undergraduate student Elisa Russier (April-July 2021): BGS Visual Inspection + test Full-Shape pipeline on BGS 1%
WBS Data QA Observing (0.8 yr hour/week)
- WBS Project and Science Coordination (12 yr hours/week)
- WBS SV BGS task + BGS target selection (8 yr hours/week)
- co chair of BGS WG (September 2019-2020)
- co-convenor of KP5 (since October 2020) with construction of KP5 project plan
- contribution to BGS TS and SV tests (VI and redshift pipeline performance)
- co-supervision of Omar Ruiz-Macias (PhD) on BGS TS
- September 2019 - now: co-chair of the BGS WG
- involved in UK press release about DESI first light
- co-supervision of PhD thesis on BGS Target Selection (Omar Ruiz-Macias)
- contribution to BGS target selection: target density and imaging systematics for main and SV samples, clustering properties for main sample
- organisation of DESI UK meeting and weekly Durham DESI meeting
- run the target selection algorithm by imposing small shifts in g,r,z bands for the ELG and QSO samples to study the variation in target density related to uncertainties in the calibration of the photometry
- check the official DESI ELG targets: redshift distribution after cross-match with HSC data, contamination, angular clustering, cross-correlation with eBOSS tracers
Milky Way Survey || Milky Way Survey || Bright Galaxy Survey, Milky Way Survey, Data System || Bright Galaxy Survey, Milky Way Survey, Data System, Bright Time Task Force (2013-2014 only) || Milky Way Survey, Data System, Bright Time Task Force (2013-2014 only) || nan || nan || Milky Way Survey
Supervision of PhD Student (Namitha Kizhuprakkat on core MWS mock catalogues. Co-chair of MWS simulations topical sub-group. Contributions to MWS VAC preparation. Service as a support observer.
1.75 hr/week regular supervision of Ms. Kizhuprakkat and writing effort on the associated paper.
0.25 hr/week (averaged over the year) on tasks associated with MWS VACs and simulations topical group.
~7 half-night shifts.


Co-chair of MWS, MWS SV planning and targeting
Co-chair of MWS, MWS SV planning and targeting
Co-chair of MWS WG; writing MWS design documents; MWS survey simulations
Co-Chair of MWS Working Group from Feb 2017; coordination with BGS WG and other DESI activity at Durham.
Service on MWS WG; development of MWS mock catalogues and survey simulations; liaison of MWS WG and Data Systems WG; contributions to fiberassign and desitarget code and QA; contributions to end-to-end data challenge; organization committee for Durham collaboration meeting.
Service on MWS WG; development of MWS mock catalogues; co-supervision of undergraduate project student on the detection of dwarf galaxies in DECaLS data (relevant to BGS science).
Bright Time Task Force; contributions to DESI-UK funding submission.
DESI-GFA CCD`s Characterization
DESI-GFA CCDs Characterization and Validation
DESI-GFA CCD`s Characterization
Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Milky Way Survey, Instrument Control System, Observing operations || Milky Way Survey, Corrector and Optical System, Focal Plane System, Instrument Control System || Imaging and Imaging Surveys, Milky Way Survey, Corrector and Optical System || Milky Way Survey, Instrument Control System || DESI-II|Milky Way Survey|Observing Operations|Publication Board || DESI-II|Milky Way Survey|Publication Board || DESI-II|Milky Way Survey
desi ii planning for Milky Way Survey
MWS working group chair
DESI ii 5
MWS chair 7
MWS EDR Value Added Catalog Release 1
-- I served as a committee member for the PubBoard (PB) till Oct 2022, and was PB handler of 3 papers
-- I have served as the convener of Milky Way Survey Working Group since Oct 2022
-- I actively participate in the DESI-II related work, including attending the Asilomar workshop last year, preparing the science cases for DESI-II, working on target selection for the pilot survey for DESI-Ib and DESI-II.
-- I worked on data validation and quality assurance investigation on the DESI Milky Way Survey data
PubBoard -- 2 hrs
MWS -- 5 hrs
DESI-II -- 2 hrs
Contribution to the target selection and survey validation for MWS survey (both SV and main survey), including both main survey and several secondary programs.
Defining the science cases for DESI II
Handing DESI publications as a pubboard handler
DESI Observing
Pubboard: 2
Observing: 1
MWS: 5
1) DESI commissioning (GFA system, w/ Connie Rockosi), 2) MWS SV (target selection and validation), 3) Observations
DESI commissioning (including both the CI run in Apr-Jun and the CMX in Nov-Dec); DESI imaging observing for DECaLS and MzLS; Planning for MWS survey (e.g. targets and tile preparation for SV)
Develop the Adoptive Optical System for DESI Commissioning (for image focus and alignment); Coordinate the SV plan for DESI MWS (including target selection, scheduling design, etc).
DECaLS observing. Active Optics System for DESI commissioning
Lyman-alpha Forest || Lyman-alpha Forest || Lyman-alpha Forest || Lyman-alpha Forest || Lyman-alpha Forest
support the observation of DESI as SO for 3 nights
I only work in one WG
update the pipeiline 'DLA' finder in DESI, help to prepare the DAL catalog in DESI DR1
Building DESI DLA catalog, join the DESI observation, public a paper about DESI DLA finder
20h per week to do DLA research in Lya WG
5h per week to study the metal line together with members in Galaxy WG
DLA finder for DESI(a supporting project for KP6)
no service effort