Programme Information & PLOs
Title of the new programme – including any year abroad/ in industry variants
BA Hons Sociology
Level of qualification
Please select:Level 6
Please indicate if the programme is offered with any year abroad / in industry variants Year in Industry
Please select Y/N
Year Abroad
Please select Y/N
Where more than one department is involved, indicate the lead department
Lead Department Sociology
Other contributing Departments: N/A
Programme Leader
Emily Nicholls
Purpose and learning outcomes of the programme
Statement of purpose for applicants to the programme
Sociology is the study of the social processes, global issues and cultural changes that shape and characterise contemporary societies. As such, Sociology explores issues and trends from multiple perspectives that range from the individual to the international, from the private to the public, and from the human to the technological aspects of our social worlds. As a Sociology student, you will develop the ability to analyse social problems and cultural practices in critical, complex, and cutting-edge ways – you will be intellectually curious about, and challenge, commonly held assumptions about the ways in which societies work. As a graduate of the programme, you will be prepared for a range of careers in a variety of sectors – including media; research; public services; charities; education, and health. Whatever you choose as a career path, you will be in a position to contribute rigorous empirical techniques, creative ways of thinking, and culturally sensitive approaches to social issues in your working lives and beyond.

Programme Learning Outcomes
Please provide six to eight statements of what a graduate of the programme can be expected to do.
Taken together, these outcomes should capture the distinctive features of the programme. They should also be outcomes for which progressive achievement through the course of the programme can be articulated, and which will therefore be reflected in the design of the whole programme.
PLOOn successful completion of the programme, graduates will be able to:
1Define, interpret, and explain multi-faceted contemporary issues, and their implications for individual lives, social groups, and institutions, by combining knowledge of key sociological concepts and theories with a critical and reflexive understanding of the complexities of present-day societies.
2Access, evaluate, and critically analyse evidence-based claims concerning social issues and cultural trends.
3Address and evaluate social problems and interactions effectively by systematically challenging commonly held assumptions.
4Design and undertake ethical, responsible research projects which draw upon appropriate qualitative and/or quantitative skills to produce empirically rigorous analysis of social issues.
5Critically synthesise and communicate complex information and arguments about emerging social issues in appropriate formats and via a range of media and digital technologies.
6Work creatively in teams by cooperating with others in a manner which recognises diverse views, values, and the cultural position of others.
Programme Learning Outcome for year in industry (where applicable)
For programmes which lead to the title ‘with a Year in Industry’ – typically involving an additional year – please provide either a) amended versions of some (at least one, but not necessarily all) of the standard PLOs listed above, showing how these are changed and enhanced by the additional year in industry b) an additional PLO, if and only if it is not possible to capture a key ability developed by the year in industry by alteration of the standard PLOs.
Programme Learning Outcome for year abroad programmes (where applicable)
For programmes which lead to the title ‘with a Year Abroad’ – typically involving an additional year – please provide either a) amended versions of some (at least one, but not necessarily all) of the standard PLOs listed above, showing how these are changed and enhanced by the additional year abroad or b) an additional PLO, if and only if it is not possible to capture a key ability developed by the year abroad by alteration of the standard PLOs.
Sociology graduates who study for a year abroad will be able to:
1. Define, interpret, and explain multi-faceted contemporary issues, and their implications for individual lives, social groups, and institutions in different national and cultural contexts, by combining knowledge of key sociological concepts and theories with a critical understanding of the complexities of present-day societies;
2. Access, evaluate, and critically review evidence-based claims concerning contemporary issues and cultural trends in different national contexts;
3. Address emerging social problems and situations effectively by challenging common assumptions in culturally attuned ways;
4. Design and undertake ethical, responsible research projects which draw upon appropriate qualitative and/or quantitative skills to produce empirically rigorous analysis of social issues;
5. Synthesise and communicate complex information and arguments about emerging social issues in appropriate formats and via a range of media and digital technologies;
6. Work creatively in teams by cooperating with others in a manner which recognises diverse views, values and the cultural position of others.
Explanation of the choice of Programme Learning Outcomes
Please explain your rationale for choosing these PLOs in a statement that can be used for students (such as in a student handbook). Please include brief reference to:
i) Why the PLOs are considered ambitious or stretching?
They are considered ambitious and stretching because of the degree of independent learning, thinking, and writing that our students engage in, combined with our encouragement - from term one - of students to immerse themselves in challenging debates and research. Only by doing so, and avoiding the textbook approach, can our students graduate into critical thinkers who can apprehend the complexity of social worlds, and attune themselves to the impact of culture in the shaping of emerging economic, political, and technological forces that affect how we live our lives.
ii) The ways in which these outcomes are distinctive or particularly advantageous to the student:
Taken together, we are confident that our PLOs articulate the progression of our students throughout the degree to the point that they graduate as truly independent thinkers, with the ability to reflexively and cogently analyse social dynamics, issues, and situations in all their complexities. Our graduates leave with a diverse range of skills and a critical sensibility that transfers across disciplines and professions and can point to a host of varied empirically driven tasks and projects that demonstrate their flexibility to prospective employers.
iii) How the programme learning outcomes develop students’ digital literacy and will make appropriate use of technology-enhanced learning (such as lecture recordings, online resources, simulations, online assessment, ‘flipped classrooms’ etc)?
This is most explicitly addressed in PLO 5. Our department has, over many years, designed its programmes of study alongside considered use of technological developments - we were early adopters of the vle, and individual modules (such as Contemporary Political Sociology or Popular Culture, Media and Society) have been innovative in their use of the full functionality of the vle (such as the use of wikis and module blogs). As a department we have made the move to online submission and online assessment in all undergraduate modules. We also made the move as a staff and student body to adopt Lecture Capture across the board in departmental teaching in 2018 and developed strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic such as use of padlet and discussion boards and the 'flipped classroom' model, with lectures recorded by staff as shorter talks and added to the vle the week before seminars on the topic. These strategies will continue to inform our teaching strategies on individual modules. Overall, we continue to work, as individuals and collaboratively as a staff body, to review how we enhance our programme and develop our students' digital literacies.
iv) How the PLOs support and enhance the students’ employability (for example, opportunities for students to apply their learning in a real world setting)?
The programme's employability objectives should be informed by the University's Employability Strategy:
All PLOs contribute to the development in our graduates of excellent transferable skills, but especially PLOs 4, 5 and 6, which have been articulated to highlight the importance of employability within the programme. These are developed in an iterative way throughout the programme, through workshop tasks and assessed work (both formative and summative). Transferable skills are also developed through our structured programme of support for students across all year groups, through their twice-termly supervision sessions with their personal supervisors (in recent years, we have developed more group supervision slots at particular points in the degree). Transferable skills are also addressed through the Sociology Hour, a weekly session timetabled to be open to all undergraduate students that offers a sustained programme of talks and group activities on employability and the development of transferable skills. The experience of the Sociology Hour has fed into the development of a student led week-long initiative in Spring term to develop and demonstrate key skills that will enhance their employability. Opportunities for our students to participate in this are open to all year groups, as are opportunities to be involved in the department's established programme of summer internships for our undergraduate and postgraduate students, working with academics and management on departmental projects, or alongside partner organisations in the community.
vi) How will students who need additional support for academic and transferable skills be identified and supported by the Department?
This is monitored and supported, as currently, primarily through the supervisory relationship. In year one, student issues are often first raised through contact with GTAs, but we have established over many years good practices in following through particular needs and support through communications between tutors, first year director of studies and academic supervisors. The increased integration of Careers, e-learning and other support staff makes sources of support outwith and alongside the department more visible - both within particular modules and also through our programme of events open across year groups. We remain keen to find opportunities wherever possible to learn from, and introduce to, students the expertise held across the University in developing academic skills and transferable skills.
vii) How is teaching informed and led by research in the department/ centre/ University?
Staff teach students in every year on topics that they also research in - this is most apparent in the options offered to year 2 and year 3 students, but it is also a focus of year 1 teaching too. The demonstrable link between teaching and research has been a long-standing strength of Sociology at York, and is appreciated by students throughout the degree.
Stage-level progression
Please complete the table below, to summarise students’ progressive development towards the achievement of PLOs, in terms of the characteristics that you expect students to demonstrate at the end of each year. This summary may be particularly helpful to students and the programme team where there is a high proportion of option modules.

Note: it is not expected that a position statement is written for each PLO, but this can be done if preferred (please add information in the 'individual statement' boxes). For a statement that applies across all PLOs in the stage fill in the 'Global statement' box.
Stage 0 (if your programme has a Foundation year, use the toggles to the left to show the hidden rows)
On progression from the first year (Stage 0), students will be able to:
Stage 1
On progression from the first year (Stage 1), students will be able to:
Understand core sociological concepts, engage with primary research in core sociological topics, and demonstrate that understanding and awareness of the academic field. They will do so through a series of individual assessments, that develop independent learning and require excellent time management skills, and group activities that encourage collaborative modes of working.
Use introductory core disciplinary concepts and theories to identify the sociological significance of contemporary issues.

Access and evaluate sociological literature on contemporary issues and cultural trends.Understand social situations effectively by assessing real-life interactions.Undertake ethically approved scoping studies which draw upon appropriate empirical skills to produce summary analysis of social issues.

Synthesise and communicate sociological research and arguments to peers, via a range of media and digital technologies.Work creatively in teams by cooperating with others in a manner which develops awareness of diverse views, values, and the cultural position of others.
Stage 2
On progression from the second year (Stage 2), students will be able to:Consolidate their understanding of core and specialist sociological concepts, engage with primary research in core and specialist sociological topics, and use their understanding and awareness of the academic field. These are evidenced through a series of individual assessments and group activities, in order to plan their own independent research, develop their own analytical approach, and demonstrate increasing confidence in critically evaluating social issues and situations.
Use core disciplinary concepts and theories to identify and interpret the sociological significance of a range of contemporary social issues.Access, evaluate, and critically review empirical sociological literature on contemporary issues and cultural trends.Interpret social problems and situations effectively by challenging common assumptions systematically.Design responsible research projects which demonstrate awareness of appropriate qualitative and/or quantitative skills to produce empirically rigorous analysis of social issues.Synthesise and communicate complex information and sociological arguments, in appropriate formats and via a range of media and digital technologies.Work creatively in teams by cooperating with others in a manner which recognises diverse views, values, and the cultural position of others.
Stage 3
(For Integrated Masters) On progression from the third year (Stage 3), students will be able to:Apply their understanding of core and specialist sociological concepts to emerging social issues, and translate the findings of primary research in core and specialist sociological topics within their own analyses of social situations and cultural areas of enquiry. These are assessed through a series of individual assessments that demonstrate students' abilities to research within specialist sociological areas, and group activities that encourage reflective and respectful ways of working. All students carry out their own independently conceived and responsibly designed research project.
Use sociological and interdisciplinary concepts and theories to define, interpret and explain multi-faceted contemporary issues, and their implications for individual lives, social groups and institutions.From a basis in sociological debates, access, evaluate, and critically review evidence-based claims concerning contemporary issues and cultural trends.Address emerging social problems and situations effectively by challenging common assumptions and assessing social interactions systematically.Design and undertake ethical, responsible research projects which draw upon appropriate qualitative and/or quantitative skills to produce empirically rigorous analysis of social issues.Synthesise and communicate complex information and arguments about emerging social issues, in appropriate formats and via a range of media and digital technologies.Work creatively in teams by cooperating with others in a manner which recognises diverse views, values, and the cultural position of others.
Programme Structure
Module Structure and Summative Assessment Map
Please complete the summary table below which shows the module structure and the pattern of summative assessment through the programme.

‘Option module’ can be used in place of a specific named option. If the programme requires students to select option modules from specific lists these lists should be provided in the next section.

From the drop-down select 'S' to indicate the start of the module, 'A' to indicate the timing of each distinct summative assessment point (eg. essay submission/ exam), and 'E' to indicate the end of the module (if the end of the module coincides with the summative assessment select 'EA') . It is not expected that each summative task will be listed where an overall module might be assessed cumulatively (for example weekly problem sheets).

If summative assessment by exams will be scheduled in the summer Common Assessment period (weeks 5-7) a single ‘A’ can be used within the shaded cells as it is understood that you will not know in which week of the CAP the examination will take place.
Stage 0 (if you have modules for Stage 0, use the toggles to the left to show the hidden rows)
CreditsModuleAutumn TermSpring Term Summer Term
Stage 1
CreditsModuleAutumn TermSpring Term Summer Term
30SOC00001CCultivating a Sociological ImaginationSAAEEA
30SOC00002CIntroduction to Sociological TheorySAAEEA
30SOC00003CSociology of Crime and DevianceSAAEEA
30SOC00004CIntroducing Social PsychologySAAEEA
Stage 2
CreditsModuleAutumn TermSpring Term Summer Term
30SOC00003IDoing ResearchSAAEEA
30Various3 Options from List ASAEEA
Stage 3
CreditsModuleAutumn TermSpring Term Summer Term
40SOC00052HUndergraduate Dissertation SEA
20Various2 Options from List BSEA
20Various2 Options from List CSEA
Optional module lists

If the programme requires students to select option modules from specific lists these lists should be provided below. If you need more space, use the toggles on the left to reveal ten further hidden rows.
Option List AOption List B (Autumn)Option List C (Spring)Option List DOption List EOption List FOption List GOption List H
Popular Culture, Media and SocietyAdvanced Social TheoryTalk at Work
Contemporary Political SociologyBody and Society
Crime, Media and Culture
Gender, Sexuality and InequalityHumans and Other AnimalsMorbidity Culture and Corpses
Sociology of Health and illnessCrime, Gender and SexualityCinema Cities and Historical Sociology
Division and Inequalities: Race & Ethnicity, Class & ReligionThe Racial StateThe Global Transformation of Health
Social Interactions and Conversation AnalysisSociology of the FutureWorking in the Criminal Justice System