This spreadsheet contains information about Twitter accounts that BuzzFeed News has observed to have been "withheld" in one or more countries. Not all accounts are currently withheld — some have since been un-withheld, removed entirely, or suspended for violating Twitter's "media rules." For important details and context, please see the following links:

- This Jan. 24, 2018 BuzzFeed News article: https://www.buzzfeed.com/craigsilverman/country-withheld-twitter-accounts

- This GitHub repository, containing additional data and analysis: https://github.com/BuzzFeedNews/2018-01-twitter-withheld-accounts

We encourage readers to send us examples of users we may have missed. To submit an example, fill out this short form: https://goo.gl/BfUe5X

Questions, comments, or other tips? Contact jeremy.singer-vine@buzzfeed.com.
Column Definitions
Column nameDescription
user_id_numfix (hidden)This is a copy of the user_id field, but prefixed with an ' so that it is not converted into scientific notation by spreadsheet programs.
user_idThis is the account's Twitter-assigned identification number.
screen_nameThis is the account's screen name, e.g., @screenname.
bioThis is the most recent profile bio that BuzzFeed News observed for this account.
withheld_categoryThis the account's most recent status, with regards to withholding, as categorized by BuzzFeed News in its most recent data collection. See below for possible values.
withheld_in_countriesThis is a +-separated list of two-letter abbreviations corresponding to the countries in which BuzzFeed News observed this account being withheld in its most recent data collection.
withheld_everThis is a list similar to withheld_in_countries, except for every country in which BuzzFeed News has observed this account being withheld at any point.
followers_countThis is the number of followers that this account had at the time of the most recent data collection.
following_countThis is the number of accounts this account followed at the time of the most recent data collection.
signup_dateThis is the date on which the account was created.
first_observedThis is the date on which BuzzFeed News first observed this account being withheld. See above for important caveats about this date.
Category Definitions
Category NameDescription
withheldAs of the most recent data collection, this account was still withheld in at least one country.
not_withheldAs of the most recent data collection, this account was no longer being withheld in any country.
media_violationThis account was previously withheld in one or more countries but, as of the most recent data collection, was "temporarily unavailable" globally for violating Twitter's Media Policy.
inactiveThis account was previously withheld in one or more countries but, as of the most recent data collection, was no longer accessible on Twitter — because, for example, the account has been suspended or the account's creator has deleted it.