California Revealed Website Accessibility Audit
Test URL:
Test Dates:
March 8 to March 27, 2024
Compliance Level: WCAG 2.2 Level A / AA
Test Environments: Chrome 122/JAWS 2024 or later, iOS 17.4/Safari/VoiceOver or later
Severity Legend: 1-Critical (causes portions of the site to be extremely difficult to impossible to use); 2-High (causes portions of the site to be difficult to use); 3-Medium (impacts the efficiency of navigating the site); 4-Low (can impact the efficiency of using the site)
Usability (causes all users to have difficulty when trying to access these elements); Best Practice (Not a violation, but should be considered to ensure ease of use).
Complexity Legend: Simple (Basic coding changes requiring minimum effort); Moderately Complex (Involves detailed coding implementation); Complex (Requires multilevel coding solutions that involve extensive remediation).
Our IDPage TitleURLSection/ModuleSeverityComplexityIssueFailed WCAG Success CriteriaDescriptionScreenshotRecommendationsChrome/JAWSiOS/VODeveloper PriorityBD NotesMKL notesTW Task?Code or Content?Low estimateHigh EstimateStatusDone
124Elaine Black Yoneda oral history transcript viewer3-MediumModerately ComplexMissing focus indicator
Non-interactive element in tab order
2.4.3 Focus Order (A)
2.4.7 Focus Visible (AA)
The iframe is in the tab order, which is confusing for keyboard users as there is no focus indicator visible, and confusing for screen reader users as there is no label for it. JAWS guesses the label by reading the label for the next item in the tab order.#VALUE!Third party content, noting this issue as a record of the accessibility of the content.YesNot an issue in this environmentIt's not clear what the exact problem or proposed solution is. Remove the iframe from the tab order? I'm not sure if that will work while permitting tabbing into the iframe. High estimate is for getting into writing javascript to manage focus.BD issue, Different viewer would resolve this potentially.Code/Config18FALSE
125Elaine Black Yoneda oral history transcript viewer2-HighModerately ComplexButton labels are not available to keyboard-only users2.1.1 Keyboard (A)The buttons in the toolbar have labels available to mouse and screen reader users via the title attribute, but this is not available to keyboard users.

<button id="viewFind" class="toolbarButton"
title="Find in Document" tabindex="12" data-l10n-id="findbar">
<span data-l10n-id="findbar_label">Find</span>
#VALUE!Program the labels as tooltips which appear via focus as well as hover, instead of using the title attribute.YesYesPdf.js has some pretty old accessibility issues: We could try to patch - may not be too hard, given very clear instructions!BD issue, Different viewer would resolve this potentially.Code/ConfigFALSE
126Elaine Black Yoneda oral history transcript viewer3-MediumModerately ComplexFocus / reading order is not logical 1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence (A)
2.4.3 Focus Order (A)
If users open the sidebar menu (first button on the viewer), they need to move backwards to access the controls. To access the thumbnails, they need to tab to the end of the controls along the top of the document and then they are in the thumbnails.

The confusing tab order seems to be due to the use of positive tabindex values on the menu items but not the page thumbnails links.
#VALUE!When the menu opens, the ideal scenario would be to send focus to the first item in the menu.

Otherwise, the menu and the thumbnails underneath it should be directly after the triggering element in the code.
YesSwiping backwards from the Open Sidebar menu puts users at Page 277 (the last page) of the thumbnails once the document is loaded.Hacking the behavior of the pdf.js viewer is instantly high-difficulty territory. It would be impossible except that the iframe contents are being loaded from the same domain.BD issue, Different viewer would resolve this potentially.Code/Config36FALSE
127Elaine Black Yoneda oral history transcript viewer3-MediumModerately ComplexState of button is not being conveyed programmatically4.1.2 Name, Role, Value (A)The button to reveal the sidebar has the label 'Toggle sidebar', but there is no indication if the sidebar is currently visible or not.

<button id="sidebarToggle" class="toolbarButton toggled" title="Toggle Sidebar" tabindex="11" data-l10n-id="toggle_sidebar">
<span data-l10n-id="toggle_sidebar_label">Toggle Sidebar</span>
#VALUE!Third party content, noting this issue as a record of the accessibility of the content.YesYesSee ^ - javascript workBD issue, Different viewer would resolve this potentially.Code/Config24FALSE
128Elaine Black Yoneda oral history transcript viewer4-LowModerately ComplexState of button is not being conveyed programmatically4.1.2 Name, Role, Value (A)The thumbnail button is currently active (it is the only option available) but this is not being conveyed to assistive technology users.

<button id="viewThumbnail" class="toolbarButton toggled" title="Show Thumbnails" tabindex="2" data-l10n-id="thumbs">
<span data-l10n-id="thumbs_label">Thumbnails</span>
#VALUE!Set these buttons up as a tab panel and indicate the active button using aria-selected="true".
YesYesWholesale UI redesign of an external player. This does not seem feasible to me.BD issue, Different viewer would resolve this potentially.Code/ConfigFALSE
129Elaine Black Yoneda oral history transcript viewer2-HighModerately ComplexSidebar and Tools buttons become unavailable to keyboard users if certain options are selected2.1.1 Keyboard (A)Sidebar and Tools buttons become next page buttons for keyboard users when the Zoom level is set to Page Fit. Only the mouse button can then open the Tools menu, the keyboard only advances the page when activating the button using enter or space bar.#VALUE!Ensure that the buttons behave the same for keyboard and mouse users no matter what zoom level is selected.YesYesSee previous. An absence of specific instructions (and of in-house expertise) will push this into the harder end of the difficulty spectrum.BD issue, Different viewer would resolve this potentially.Code/ConfigFALSE
130Elaine Black Yoneda oral history transcript viewer3-MediumModerately ComplexForm field label is incomplete1.3.1 Info and Relationships (A)The label "Page" for the form input for the page number does not include the total number of pages.

<input type="number" id="pageNumber" class="toolbarField pageNumber" title="Page" value="1" size="4" min="1" tabindex="15" data-l10n-id="page" autocomplete="off" max="277">
<span id="numPages" class="toolbarLabel">of 277</span>
#VALUE!If possible, include the total page numbers in the label for the form field.YesYesSee ^ - javascript workBD issue, Different viewer would resolve this potentially.Code/Config24FALSE
131Elaine Black Yoneda oral history transcript viewer3-MediumModerately ComplexSearch results are not announced by screen readers4.1.3 Status Messages (AA)When a search term is submitted, the number of matches appears at the end of the search bar, but screen readers are silent.

Similar occurs when the message 'Reached end of document, continued from top' appears adjacent to the search results.
#VALUE!Add role="alert" to the containing div of the search results and wrapping to top text.YesYesSee ^ - javascript workBD issue, Different viewer would resolve this potentially.Code/Config24FALSE
132Elaine Black Yoneda oral history transcript viewer3-MediumModerately ComplexInsufficient text color contrast1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum) (AA)Message which appears on the far right of the search bar:
Reached end of document, continued from top

Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.91 (foreground color: #fb0000, background color: #f9f9fa, font size: 9.0pt (12px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
#VALUE!Use a darker red color in order to meet the required contrast of 4.5:1.YesYesWill require javascript to load css into the iframe, or else patch the pdf moduleBD issue, Different viewer would resolve this potentially.Code/Config23FALSE
133Elaine Black Yoneda oral history transcript viewer3-MediumModerately ComplexFocus does not return to triggering element when search is dismissed2.4.3 Focus Order (A)When the search bar is dismissed via the Esc key, focus behaves unpredictably. If the sidebar panel is open, focus moves to the thumbnails. If it is not, focus moves off the viewer.#VALUE!Return focus to the magnifying glass button when the search is dismissed.YesYesSee ^ - javascript workBD issue, Different viewer would resolve this potentially.Code/Config23FALSE
134Elaine Black Yoneda oral history transcript viewer3-MediumComplexSearch results are not available to blind users1.1.1 Non-text Content (A)There is no way to move to the search results in the text or hear what text is highlighted as being a search result when listening to the entire transcript.#VALUE!Third party content, noting this issue as a record of the accessibility of the content.YesYesNot feasibleBD issue, Different viewer would resolve this potentially.FALSE
135Elaine Black Yoneda oral history transcript viewer3-MediumModerately ComplexMenu button is not set up correctly for screen reader users4.1.2 Name, Role, Value (A)The button to reveal the Tools menu sidebar has the label 'Tools' but this does not indicate to screen readers that the button controls the visibility of a menu. In addition, focus is not sent to the menu when it opens and there is no indication if the menu is currently visible or not.

<button id="secondaryToolbarToggle" class="toolbarButton" title="Tools" tabindex="36" data-l10n-id="tools">
<span data-l10n-id="tools_label">Tools</span>
#VALUE!Third party content, noting this issue as a record of the accessibility of the content.YesYesNot feasibleBD issue, Different viewer would resolve this potentially.FALSE
136Elaine Black Yoneda oral history transcript viewer3-MediumModerately ComplexButtons are not in labeled groups
State of buttons are not being conveyed programmatically
1.3.1 Info and Relationships (A)
4.1.2 Name, Role, Value (A)
There are three sets of related buttons in the Tools menu. The grouping is being conveyed to sighted users using a separator line and the active button within each group is highlighted for sighted users using a darker background, but neither the group information or the currently selected button information is being conveyed by assistive technology.#VALUE!Third party content, noting this issue as a record of the accessibility of the content.YesYesNot feasibleBD issue, Different viewer would resolve this potentially.FALSE
137Elaine Black Yoneda oral history transcript viewer2-HighModerately ComplexFocus is not sent to the modal when it opens1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence (A)
2.4.3 Focus Order (A)
Document Properties modal accessible from the Tools menu:

The code for the modal is at the end of the code for the viewer. Focus is not sent to the modal when it opens. Keyboard users can access the Close button by hitting tab key twice, but in order for screen reader users to hear the content of the modal above the Close button they would need to listen to what seems like the entire document first or move backwards with reading commands from the Close button after tabbing to it. Blind users in particular may not even know to look for it, so this effectively makes the modal inaccessible to blind users.
#VALUE!Third party content, noting this issue as a record of the accessibility of the content.YesYesWith the caveat that this is patching an external library territory, it seems like in principle it should not be super-difficult to find the action that shows the modal dialog and add a bit about sending focus there. But my confidence for that is very low.BD issue, Different viewer would resolve this potentially.Code/ConfigFALSE
138Elaine Black Yoneda oral history transcript

Calipatria Farms, Nile-Land Farms
PDF.js viewer2-HighModerately ComplexOCR readout by JAWS has some errors and lacks semantic structure
Not possible to navigate to a specific page's readout
No alt text for images available
1.1.1 Non-text Content (A)
1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence (A)
2.4.3 Focus Order (A)
We reviewed the JAWS readout for the first 6 pages of the 277 page document, and the first 2 pages of the 6 page document. We found that the OCR cannot read handwriting, has difficulty with text in columns, image captions, and there were some typos in the text in general. The output in iOS with VoiceOver on was identical.

It was not possible to select a page either using the thumbnails or the page input field and listen only to that page. It was only possible to listen to the entire document in one go. This would make listening to long documents very difficult for screen reader users.

See second and third tab labeled 'JAWS speech output 1' and 'JAWS speech output 2' to get a sense of what screen reader users would hear.
#VALUE!If it is possible to find a document viewer in which it is possible to navigate to specific pages with a screen reader and only listen to those pages, that would be a big improvement over this viewer and may reduce the demand for transcripts as an alternative to the OCR output.

An even better option would be to structure these as accessible PDFs and allow users to use Adobe Reader to access these files with all the required semantic structure.
YesYesWhile the commentary wishes there were a better pdf reader, it recognizes that the better solution would be for the PDF to be better structured for accessibility. This second request could be something to take up with the digitization vendor(s), and that's the only practical option that I see.BD issue, Different viewer would resolve this potentially.ContentFALSE