Track List
NameAlbumRatingLyric NotesMusic Notes
TJ-01The SunTigers Jaw10
The Sun swallowed me is still just a good line. It's delivered so well.
Fast intro is great. Harmonies are great. The cut to half time/slow minor chord is great. Adam sounds great. Even though there is simplicity on this record, it feels refined instead of feeling amatuerish. Maybe not for every song. Incredible guitar solo. This song has a little bit of everything
TJ-03I Saw WaterTigers Jaw10
There are so many incredible phrases to yell in this song. Of course I liked you!!!
This is the first appearance of the three part harmony I think and they're great. Great verse. Great energy. Great chorus. There are so many nice little stop and start parts in these songs. That's what makes this song interesting. It's when the guitars cut and they sing over upbeat drums. Honestly, I think this song goes on for just a little too long but it still gets me so hyped up that I can forgive it
Plane vs. Tank vs. Submarine
Tigers Jaw9
So very young but still so straight to the point. Perfect for an Emo track.
I like having the second track on the record as an acoustic one. Just a great melody. Great harmony. I think this song does a good job of being incredibly succinct. Ben has never written a better song. Unexpected breakdown at the end? It's great. And it's an incredible transition into I saw water
TJ-04ChemicalsTigers Jaw9
I absolutely love the guitar solo in this song. I think it's perfectly tasteful and fits the mood of the song so we'll. I think the production on this one sounds bad these days but idk I still love this song. "Cuz you are everything and I am nothing"
Another song with an example of a pause instrumentally and then the band sings. It's a powerful move
BCS-02Jet Alone
Balance and Composure Split
see notes from belongs to the dead
the bounce is so good. the haromies sound so great. this song is a great example of why dennis bassist is so important to the band. the man is going all over the place
One of the only in their catalog. it's a great change of pace. It's a great reminder that you need various feelings.
QUIET LEAD IS GOOD. Great chorus. Perhaps the MOST chorusy of any tigers jaw song to this point. Like that chorus is a pop chorus. This is an uplifting song.
SD-01Spirit DesireSpirit Desire8
Codependance - the song. 'even when you yell i still love your belly' is a good line. 'im not bored at all, you call me when you wanna call' is a great line to repeat. 'Spirit Desire' is exactly what I was talking about when I said that Adam makes up phrases or words that are interesting. Idk what Spirit Desire means, but its compelling. 'Spirit Desire, spend my time, tell me you're always going to be in my life.' feels like such a pleading phrase. It's why it's so good. It's a slow repetitive song, but it just feels so good
This is a good example of a song where the music ties with the vocals well. This song plods along but like, it feels good.
TW-08I Saw The WolfTwo Worlds8
A total outlier but one that is so needed in the soundtrack. I think that this song is perfectly moody and sad. I love the vocals at the end. I think the vibe is fantastic. The guitar solos in this are really incredible as well and sit in such a nice pocket. I'd rather listen to this than any of the acoustic drum songs on Charmer. Adam's vocals are pretty rough, but they feel genuine. The "Am I Alone? Hello?" at the end is perfect
I Was Never Your Boyfriend
Tigers Jaw8
Another great pause and vocal delivery at the beginning. "If you call me and ask for his name" incredible delivery. Trademark TJ tempo
TJ-09Arms Across AmericaTigers Jaw8
This first record is really all about perfect delivery of simple lines. I absolutely love the delivery of "it's so warm outside" Americanized, it's time I love my life is a cool line)
Another classic tigers jaw tempo. I like how the verse is a quiet guitar though.
TJ-10Never Saw It ComingTigers Jaw8
Another incredible simple and straightforward truth said so openly
Glad we get some more acoustic guitar. Another breakdown at the end. The whoas are fuckin fun. Can't deny it.
Balance and Composure Split
Simple story but some good lines about memory
Repetitive like all of the songs on this album, but Brianna's vocal tambre is really nice on this one. Really cool guitar outro. Song doesn't oversay its welcome.
C-08Slow Come OnCharmer7
Lyrically this song is REALLY hit and miss. The line "SLOW COME ON" when it's being yelled is incredible. but the "turn me on" lyrics are weird. Why am I so cruel? Why I am so mean? They're delivered so weird and I think they fall really really flat
Instrumentally this song rules. There's so much energy. The ending is incredible. Adam kind of sounds like shit. I don't think this album really sounds that good. Sometimes instruments sort of sound like shit. The slow gutiar palm muted part is really necessary in this song. It builds tension in an album that is SO repetitive.
I Won't Care How You Remember Me
I Won't Care How You Remember Me
really great and cohesive ben son
Really cool song. Good haromines. Cool opener. Bangs really hard.
I think the story of the lyrics is coherent. I like it
Some really nice energy
SD-03Crystal VisionSpirit Desire7
another example of a cool phrase 'with my crystal vision' - what does that mean? idk but its cool
i knowwwww youreeee bored!!!!! i like the vocal melodies in the verses. very downtrodden. the fade out is WAY too long and detracts from the song i think. I wish this song had a better ending
SKS-01Jimmy PiersallSidekicks Split7
good initial riff. the quality sounds great. good verses. i like the ben and adamn tradeoff. very good pause after the chorus. synth lead!
TW-06Test PatternTwo Worlds7
Couple of nice changes in volume and tempo here. Much needed after so many songs doing the same thing over and over instrumentally. Love the outro. All points are for the instruments on this one
Between Your Band and the Other Band
Tigers Jaw7
I always think of this as an instrumental song for a while and then forget that there's singing. I think that's because the verses are pretty forgettable. The cuts are really fun. I think this song might be a little too long.
Balance and Composure Split
black timing' not really sure what they're talking about
upbeat rocker. its pretty good. i dont mind it. Sounds like a Two Worlds track
Belongs to the Dead
this summers not for everyone, but you sweat that its for me' is a good line
It sounds like shit but the song is good. The vocal melody is interesting enough that it works
Jet Alone
Belongs to the Dead
i want to talk all over you like a floorboard is great.
i love the instrumental chords in this song so much. i think the bounce is great. even the original demo of it is great.
Stun Gun
Belongs to the Dead
standard adam melancholy about friends, but i like it
did not expect the loud fast ending. i enjoy the vocal melody
Belongs to the Dead
Verse 2 is really good. "It's how you keep wearing me all on your clothes, Or pull me bac kon my own bed, Or let me see you getting changed, It's a cruel world, but it's cool" I think it does a good job of portraying someone who is trying to be cool with a 'fling' or a one-night lifestyle but truly its eating them up. It's the only verse of the song that I like but I think it's quite a good verse.
Repetitive. Idk. It's fine
Adam's lyrics are incredibly cringeworthy on this album. He comes across as really pompous compared to their older work. This song is a good example. It's the "in the club" mindset. Flexing as a way of peacocking even if it isnt true. I guess I like the idea of that at its core.
So repetitive. There's a decent climax. I like hearing Adam yelling at the end but the verses aren't worth it.
More coheret story about not hiding your thoughts. I think its decent.
Another repetitive one. The pocket of this one is better, though. I like the acoustic gutiar driven song. Nice bass licks.
C-09Teen RocketCharmer6
Nothing really that interesting
Another good acoustic driven pocket. Repetitive but it's a nice pocket at least. I like the harmonies in the "it's hard for me" part. A song that has parts!!!! By the time this song is on, I'm thinking: This record has to be over soon, right?
C-12What Would You DoCharmer6
The character is Adam's songs is crystal clear. Every song is kind of about the same thing. I like the lyrics of this song. "I know that you were sleeping in the car" says a lot about the girl. "everyone waits by the corner of my bed til im out of my body to talk" is a really, really interesting line. 'i want to feel you, i mean the real you' is a good couplet too.
Love the 'what would you do?' bridge
I Won't Care How You Remember Me
Sounds like a Tigers Jaw main riff but I like that there's less distorion on the guitar. I think these songs mostly struggle from having standard song structures. Kind of generic
Ben sounds good on this album. His voice is way less harsh. I would rather listen to this than like any Ben song on Charmer. Really repetititve. Song is a little too long. It's a lot more pop oriented. Sounds more generic I think, but the songs are decent
We Are Great, There Is Only One (Tigers Jaw)
Spirit Desire6
i always like when adam and ben trade vocals
When there are two vocalists, i love when they're fully used. Fun little guitar interlude that i wish was longer
SD-04Meet at the CornerSpirit Desire6
i like the song about getting over death. good lyrically.
unoffensive musically. it's fine!
Jimmy Piersall (Alternate Version)
RFC Subscription Singles Series
I like Brianna taking lead on the vocals. The piano sounds nice.
TW-01ReturnTwo Worlds6It's okaySome good riffs
TW-02Coil/RecoilTwo Worlds6
At first, I recoil at the thought of you smoking but then I think it'd make you fun again' is very very good
I like the main riff when it happens. All of the songs on this record are so quick. I can hear that they are in a room and each person is actually playing their instruments together. Everyone is fucking punching their instruments
TW-03SmileTwo Worlds6
Lots of songs about being boring or fun on this record
I love the two part of this song. They feel really dissimilar but that's interesting
TW-04Two WorldTwo Worlds6
Drums sound so good again. I want drums to always sound like this
TW-05Let Go/Trashed FloorsTwo Worlds6
I like the trading lead vocals throughout. All of the songs on this are so fast that like, I'm not offended by any of them. They all struggle to stand out but they're all cool.
TW-09Buona PizzaTwo Worlds6
Incredible bass work on this track
TW-10StaticTwo Worlds6
Some fun change ups in thsi track that make it feel a little different
TW-11Thank You , Noah LowryTwo Worlds6
WM-1Warn MeWarn Me6
It's fine. I like the "I expected a warning" part. We didn't need the final chorus. I don't like the whoas in this song
TE-1Neighbors2008 Tour EP6
Feels vulnerable when it's acoustic
Good folk song.
TE-2Spirit Desire2008 Tour Ep6
Even the acoustic version of the song is great. I miss the harmonies at the choruses though
TE-3Sammy Davis Jr.2008 Tour Ep6
Just a little vignette but I like it
Balance and Composure Split
song is too long. the initial bounce riff is cool but it overstays its welcome. its not that long of a song but it feels long
Okay Paddy
Belongs to the Dead
Belongs to the Dead
Belongs to the Dead
The Sun
Belongs to the Dead
i like the harmonica intro. crazy how repetitive compared to the banger of the final version
It's About Killing People
Belongs to the Dead
fuzzed the fuck out. really crazy synth lead that feels kind of kooky. id still rather listen to it than their later generic pop songs
The Times Tower Belongs to the Dead
Belongs to the Dead
oh acoustic track! the pause at the baseball coach line is kind of hilariously bad
C-06I Envy Your ApathyCharmer5
Last time I saw you, you were love is a relaly cool line. However, I never knew that was what he was saying until today reading the lyrics. Lyrically, I actually think that it fits really well into the love songs of Adam's on this album. I really like that.
This vocally feels nothing like a Tigers Jaw song. I actually really like it instrumentally though. I just wish this song didn't feel like a Pearl Jam song. The chorus vocal delivery isn't great either. But instrumentally it's really cool. This song actually has different parts! And tbh, it sounds like a Three Man Cannon song. I like the little guitar ring at the end.
C-10Soft SpokenCharmer5
I like Adam's character of a guy who is posh and money obsessed but is also a fuck. I wish this character was more tightly tied into the character of Ben's songs. I can't figure out if these songs are supposed to be autobiographical. Some seem liek they are but then you get a song like this that feels like a character.
C-11Distress SignalCharmer5Pretty shallow
I cannot stand the repetitive songs. There's a really good bridge trading with Brianna.
F-01Fake Death4 Way Split5
I like the speedy nature of it. Kind of forgettable overall though.
IWC-02Cat's Cradle
I Won't Care How You Remember Me
Nothing really stands out. I think the main riff is really grating.
IWC-06Lemon Mouth
I Won't Care How You Remember Me
5I think the story is clearKinda boring
IWC-09Never Wanted To
I Won't Care How You Remember Me
afraid of heights wondering if i woud die if i fell from this' would be better without 'afraid of heights'
I like how the end of each verse area lets the chord ring. It's refreshing. Boring guitar solo
IWC-10Heaven Apart
I Won't Care How You Remember Me
5kinda boring lyrics
Okay, unique synth intro. I'm into it. I love when the synth has more of a roll to play. Cool chord progression. Decent vocal melody. The quiet chorus start is good. Chorus isn't good enough to repeat 3 times. Good bridge
S-05Blurry VisionSpin5
Boring. Idk, feels kind of just like a standard pop song to me
S-09Oh TimeSpin5
Main riff feels like another re-tread from Two Worlds. Drags. Boring. But at least it sounds like a Tigers Jaw Song. I like the quiet part of the pre-chourses. Okay, there's a surprise faster part that I will say caught me off guard. The song really needed that.
S-10Same StoneSpin5
Slow one. The piano part of the chorus is really beautiful. I like that this is something different for them. I think the verses are kind of boring.
S-12WindowSpin5not ad
SKS-02Boots N' Hanks (Cover)Sidekicks Split5
A riff that feels pretty different for them, which is cool. This kind of feels like a nirvana song. I like the music during the "Why Do I Change First?" section. I kind of wish the song ended here
TW-07WindmillsTwo Worlds5
I think the vocals are really grating on this one.
TJ-06HeatTigers Jaw5
I think this is one of the worst lyrically
I think this song is kind of annoying. I'm glad it doesn't last longer
TJ-08Meals on WheelsTigers Jaw5
This one drags for me. A little too repetitive
ES-1Eyes ShutEyes Shut5
I like the "it's not your fault" breakdown. I just don't think the melody or phrase match up that well. Sounds fine just not anything that interesting
OC-1Old ClothesOld Clothes5
The pop song choruses just aren't good enough
OC-2SwearOld Clothes5
OC-3RecklessOld Clothes5
Okay the slow instrumental part in the bridge is the best past however I thought it was the start of the next song.
OC-4WaltzOld Clothes5
I like the big synth wash at the beginning. The most interesting song on this EP but it's not that captivating
TES-1My Friend Morrissey
Tiny Empires Split
This is like an Adam love song
Similar bounce to Jet Alone but quicker. I like the energy of it. No real good memories in here. I think adam's vocal delivery doesn't sound great.
TES-2No Mask/Haze Coffin
Tiny Empires Split
These sound like demos compared to their other stuff. The vocals sit really weird for both of these tracks. The Haze Coffin part is kind of cool. I
C-02Frame YouCharmer4Repetitive
IWC-04New Detroit
I Won't Care How You Remember Me
BORING. There was promise at the beginning but no go.
Really boring main riff. Generic boring song but it isn't horrible to listen to since it's pretty upbeat. Getting 4 for genericness
IWC-05Can't Wait Forever
I Won't Care How You Remember Me
The 'i cant wait forever' feels unearned. There's a more direct storytelling approach by ben. I think it's pretty generic but I don't find it offensive.
IWC-07Body Language
I Won't Care How You Remember Me
boring. There was promise at the beginning but no go.
I Won't Care How You Remember Me
if you wanted to ask for forgiveness, then commit and say it' is a good line.
Barely sounds like a Tigers Jaw song. Kind of sounds like an old Paramore song?
I Won't Care How You Remember Me
S-04Escape PlanSpin4
Boring. These songs have more traditional song structure and it makes them predictable in a boring way. I guess I like the acoustic intro. The song drags
S-11Make It UpSpin4
Repetitve boring. Retreads so much classic Tigers Jaw shit
Musically is like identical to nervous kids. That's so annoying. I hate their songs that do this. The song isnt terrible but the repetition just makes me feel like, 'why are you wasting my time?' i already iknow what this song is going to do
S-08Brass RingSpin3
Drags. I don't like the main chord progression. I don't think the vocal line is strong. Chorus is really boring. Any band could make this
C-05Nervous KidsCharmer2
Ben is much more strightforward than Adam and I often dislike it. What the fuck are ben's songs even about?
Perhaps the most repetitive song on the album. I can't stand it sonically.