A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | AA | AB | AC | AD | AE | AF | AG | ||
1 | Year | Name | Place (country) | Place (city) | Latitude | Longitude | Authority | Level (Global, Regional, National, State/Province, Local) | # attendees | # invitations | of which randomly selected | Description | Date(s) | www | Comments/other | Scripting data | ||||||||||||||||||
2 | 2020 | Climate Assembly UK: the path to net zero | UK | Birmingham | 52.4862 | -1.8904 | Government | National | 110 | 30,000 | 100% | This Citizens' Assembly will meet across four weekends in early 2020 to consider how the UK can meet the Government’s legally binding target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. The outcomes will be presented to six select committees of the UK parliament, who will form detailed plans on how to implement the assembly's recommendations. These plans will be debated in the House of Commons. | https://www.climateassembly.uk/ | Involve, SF, mySociety | { lat: 52.4862, lng: -1.8904, title: "Climate Assembly UK: the path to net zero", year: 2020, loc: "Birmingham, UK", desc: "This Citizens' Assembly will meet across four weekends in early 2020 to consider how the UK can meet the Government’s legally binding target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. The outcomes will be presented to six select committees of the UK parliament, who will form detailed plans on how to implement the assembly's recommendations. These plans will be debated in the House of Commons.", link: "https://www.climateassembly.uk/"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
3 | 2020 | Citizens' Biometric Council | UK | tbc | 51.518921 | -0.131338 | Civil Society | National | Building from a large survey on attitudes towards facial recognition, the Ada Lovelace Institute has announced that it will hold on biometrics technology in 2020. " The goal is not just to explore issues in more depth, but to empower people to say what they want policy and practice around new AI and data technologies to look like." | 2020 | https://www.adalovelaceinstitute.org/pieces-in-the-puzzle-why-we-need-to-convene-diverse-voices/ | { lat: 51.518921, lng: -0.131338, title: "Citizens' Biometric Council", year: 2020, loc: "tbc, UK", desc: "Building from a large survey on attitudes towards facial recognition, the Ada Lovelace Institute has announced that it will hold on biometrics technology in 2020. " The goal is not just to explore issues in more depth, but to empower people to say what they want policy and practice around new AI and data technologies to look like."", link: "https://www.adalovelaceinstitute.org/pieces-in-the-puzzle-why-we-need-to-convene-diverse-voices/"}, | ||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | 2020 | Sheffield Climate Assembly | UK | Sheffield | 53.3811 | -1.4701 | Government | Local | Sheffield City Council has announced that it " will convene a Citizens’ Assembly, representing all parts of the city, to guide our way towards becoming zero carbon. There will be a special role for the next generation with a young people’s Citizens’ Assembly, and wider opportunities for all sectors of the city to contribute to the plan." | 2020? | https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/home/your-city-council/climate-emergency-response | { lat: 53.3811, lng: -1.4701, title: "Sheffield Climate Assembly", year: 2020, loc: "Sheffield, UK", desc: "Sheffield City Council has announced that it " will convene a Citizens’ Assembly, representing all parts of the city, to guide our way towards becoming zero carbon. There will be a special role for the next generation with a young people’s Citizens’ Assembly, and wider opportunities for all sectors of the city to contribute to the plan."", link: "https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/home/your-city-council/climate-emergency-response"}, | ||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | 2019 | Citizens' Assembly of Scotland | UK | Edinburgh/Glasgow | 55.8642 | -4.2518 | Government | National | >99 | 100% | "The Citizens’ Assembly of Scotland is coming together to address the following 3 questions: What kind of country are we seeking to build? How best can we overcome the challenges Scotland and the world face in the 21st century, including those arising from Brexit? What further work should be carried out to give us the information we need to make informed choices about the future of the country?" | Oct 2019-May 2020 | https://www.citizensassembly.scot/ | { lat: 55.8642, lng: -4.2518, title: "Citizens' Assembly of Scotland", year: 2019, loc: "Edinburgh/Glasgow, UK", desc: ""The Citizens’ Assembly of Scotland is coming together to address the following 3 questions: What kind of country are we seeking to build? How best can we overcome the challenges Scotland and the world face in the 21st century, including those arising from Brexit? What further work should be carried out to give us the information we need to make informed choices about the future of the country?"", link: "https://www.citizensassembly.scot/"}, | ||||||||||||||||||||
6 | 2019 | Lambeth Climate Assembly | UK | Lambeth | 51.4571 | -0.1231 | Government | Local | After committing to achieving a net-zero carbon footprint by 2030, Lambeth council has committed to holding a Citizens' Assembly on the matter. "This will bring together Lambeth residents, fully representative of the population, to develop a collective response to the climate crisis. Together it will review the evidence, develop climate change commitments that can command broad support, consider new initiatives, and agree targets to respond to the climate crisis." | https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/carbon-neutral-council-2030 | { lat: 51.4571, lng: -0.1231, title: "Lambeth Climate Assembly", year: 2019, loc: "Lambeth, UK", desc: "After committing to achieving a net-zero carbon footprint by 2030, Lambeth council has committed to holding a Citizens' Assembly on the matter. "This will bring together Lambeth residents, fully representative of the population, to develop a collective response to the climate crisis. Together it will review the evidence, develop climate change commitments that can command broad support, consider new initiatives, and agree targets to respond to the climate crisis."", link: "https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/carbon-neutral-council-2030"}, | |||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | 2019 | Kingston Citizens' Assembly on Air Quality | UK | Kingston | 51.4123 | -0.3007 | Government | Local | 40 | 7,000 | 100% | "These assembly members will come together for two weekends over November and December to listen to evidence, consider and discuss what they hear and reach conclusions about what steps we should and can take together to improve air quality. The assembly’s recommendations will then be reported to the council decision makers to decide what will happen next." | Nov-Dec 2019 | https://www.kingston.gov.uk/CitizensAssembly | Involve, SF | { lat: 51.4123, lng: -0.3007, title: "Kingston Citizens' Assembly on Air Quality", year: 2019, loc: "Kingston, UK", desc: ""These assembly members will come together for two weekends over November and December to listen to evidence, consider and discuss what they hear and reach conclusions about what steps we should and can take together to improve air quality. The assembly’s recommendations will then be reported to the council decision makers to decide what will happen next."", link: "https://www.kingston.gov.uk/CitizensAssembly"}, | ||||||||||||||||||
8 | 2019 | Croydon Climate Assembly | UK | Croydon | 51.3762 | -0.0982 | Government | Local | "The assembly will be focused specifically on climate change and residents will work alongside an independent consultant to recommend possible initiatives to the council that will make Croydon carbon neutral by 2030." | https://wp.croydon.gov.uk/newsroom/citizens-assembly-to-help-create-a-greener-more-sustainable-croydon/ | { lat: 51.3762, lng: -0.0982, title: "Croydon Climate Assembly", year: 2019, loc: "Croydon, UK", desc: ""The assembly will be focused specifically on climate change and residents will work alongside an independent consultant to recommend possible initiatives to the council that will make Croydon carbon neutral by 2030."", link: "https://wp.croydon.gov.uk/newsroom/citizens-assembly-to-help-create-a-greener-more-sustainable-croydon/"}, | |||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | 2019 | Camden Climate Assembly | UK | Camden | 51.5517 | -0.1588 | Government | Local | 100% | In July 2019, a Citizens' Assembly discussed how Camden can help tackle the Climate Crisis. Their recommendations were presented to local politicians, in order to inform Camden Council's Environmental Action plan in 2020. | Jul 2019 | https://www.camden.gov.uk/climate-crisis | { lat: 51.5517, lng: -0.1588, title: "Camden Climate Assembly", year: 2019, loc: "Camden, UK", desc: "In July 2019, a Citizens' Assembly discussed how Camden can help tackle the Climate Crisis. Their recommendations were presented to local politicians, in order to inform Camden Council's Environmental Action plan in 2020.", link: "https://www.camden.gov.uk/climate-crisis"}, | |||||||||||||||||||||
10 | 2019 | Brent Climate Assembly | UK | Brent | 51.5673 | -0.2711 | Government | Local | 50 | 100% | "In November 2019, a Climate Assembly using the Citizens' Assembly model will be convened in Brent so that the voices, views and ideas of local residents can directly inform how the council responds to the climate and ecological emergency." | Nov 2019 | https://brentclimateassembly.commonplace.is/ | { lat: 51.5673, lng: -0.2711, title: "Brent Climate Assembly", year: 2019, loc: "Brent, UK", desc: ""In November 2019, a Climate Assembly using the Citizens' Assembly model will be convened in Brent so that the voices, views and ideas of local residents can directly inform how the council responds to the climate and ecological emergency."", link: "https://brentclimateassembly.commonplace.is/"}, | ||||||||||||||||||||
11 | 2019 | Romsey Future Citizen's Assembly | UK | Romsey | 50.989825 | -1.49614 | Government | Local | 100% | One of three projects in the UK government's 'Innovation in Democracy Programme'. Local residents convened across two weekends to discuss the question: 'How do we improve the area around Crosfield Hall and the Bus Station to deliver the maximum benefit to Romsey?' | Nov 2019 | https://www.romseyfuture.org.uk/citizens-assembly | Involve, Dem Soc, mySociety, RSA | { lat: 50.989825, lng: -1.49614, title: "Romsey Future Citizen's Assembly", year: 2019, loc: "Romsey, UK", desc: "One of three projects in the UK government's 'Innovation in Democracy Programme'. Local residents convened across two weekends to discuss the question: 'How do we improve the area around Crosfield Hall and the Bus Station to deliver the maximum benefit to Romsey?'", link: "https://www.romseyfuture.org.uk/citizens-assembly"}, | ||||||||||||||||||||
12 | 2019 | The Greater Cambridge Citizens’ Assembly on congestion, air quality and public transport | UK | Cambridge | 52.2053 | 0.1218 | Government | Local | 53 | 100% | One of three projects in the UK government's 'Innovation in Democracy Programme'. Fifty three local residents came together across two weekends to develop recommendations to the Greater Cambridge Partnership in response to the question: how do we reduce congestion, improve air quality, and provide better public transport in Greater Cambridge? | Sep-Oct 2019 | https://www.involve.org.uk/our-work/our-projects/practice/how-do-we-reduce-congestion-improve-air-quality-provide-better-public | Involve, Dem Soc, mySociety, RSA | { lat: 52.2053, lng: 0.1218, title: "The Greater Cambridge Citizens’ Assembly on congestion, air quality and public transport", year: 2019, loc: "Cambridge, UK", desc: "One of three projects in the UK government's 'Innovation in Democracy Programme'. Fifty three local residents came together across two weekends to develop recommendations to the Greater Cambridge Partnership in response to the question: how do we reduce congestion, improve air quality, and provide better public transport in Greater Cambridge?", link: "https://www.involve.org.uk/our-work/our-projects/practice/how-do-we-reduce-congestion-improve-air-quality-provide-better-public"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
13 | 2019 | Dudley People's Panel | UK | Dudley | 52.5123 | -2.0811 | Government | Local | 50 | 100% | One of three projects in the UK government's 'Innovation in Democracy Programme'. Local residents were brought together on four days to discuss the future of their town centres, focussing on the following questions: "What can communities and the Council do together to make Dudley and Brierley Hill town centres places that are vibrant, welcoming and somewhere we are proud of?" "How will we know we are making a difference in: 12 months; 3 years; by 2030?" | Nov 2019 | https://www.dudley.gov.uk/council-community/peoples-panel/ | Involve, Dem Soc, mySociety, RSA | { lat: 52.5123, lng: -2.0811, title: "Dudley People's Panel", year: 2019, loc: "Dudley, UK", desc: "One of three projects in the UK government's 'Innovation in Democracy Programme'. Local residents were brought together on four days to discuss the future of their town centres, focussing on the following questions: "What can communities and the Council do together to make Dudley and Brierley Hill town centres places that are vibrant, welcoming and somewhere we are proud of?" "How will we know we are making a difference in: 12 months; 3 years; by 2030?"", link: "https://www.dudley.gov.uk/council-community/peoples-panel/"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
14 | 2019 | Convention Citoyenne pour le Climat (Citizens' Assembly on Climate Change) | France | Paris | 48.8566 | 2.3522 | Government | National | 150 | 255,000 | 100% | A Citizens' Assembly with the mandate "to define a series of measures for France to achieve a reduction of at least 40% in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 (compared to 1990) in a spirit of social justice." President Macron has pledged that the resulting proposals will be implemented, put to referendum, or put into legislation "without filter". | Oct 19 - Jan 2020 | https://www.conventioncitoyennepourleclimat.fr/ | { lat: 48.8566, lng: 2.3522, title: "Convention Citoyenne pour le Climat (Citizens' Assembly on Climate Change)", year: 2019, loc: "Paris, France", desc: "A Citizens' Assembly with the mandate "to define a series of measures for France to achieve a reduction of at least 40% in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 (compared to 1990) in a spirit of social justice." President Macron has pledged that the resulting proposals will be implemented, put to referendum, or put into legislation "without filter".", link: "https://www.conventioncitoyennepourleclimat.fr/"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
15 | 2019 | Citizens’ Assembly on Democratic Reform in Germany | Germany | Leipzig | 51.3397 | 12.3731 | Government / Civil Society | National | 160 | 100% | A nationwide process was conducted to develop proposals to strengthen and further develop democracy in Germany. Prior to the four-day Citizens' Assembly in Leipzig, events were held in six different cities to involve the public in setting the agenda. | Jun-Nov 2019 | https://www.buergerrat.de/english/the-citizens-assembly/ | { lat: 51.3397, lng: 12.3731, title: "Citizens’ Assembly on Democratic Reform in Germany", year: 2019, loc: "Leipzig, Germany", desc: "A nationwide process was conducted to develop proposals to strengthen and further develop democracy in Germany. Prior to the four-day Citizens' Assembly in Leipzig, events were held in six different cities to involve the public in setting the agenda.", link: "https://www.buergerrat.de/english/the-citizens-assembly/"}, | ||||||||||||||||||||
16 | 2019 | Citizens' Assembly - Wales | UK | Newtown | 52.5121 | -3.3131 | Government | National | 60 | 10,000 | 100% | In July 2019, marking 20 years of devolution, 60 people took part in "a Citizens’ Assembly to make recommendations on how everyone in Wales can shape their future through the National Assembly for Wales." | July 2019 | https://devolution20.wales/citizens-assembly | { lat: 52.5121, lng: -3.3131, title: "Citizens' Assembly - Wales", year: 2019, loc: "Newtown, UK", desc: "In July 2019, marking 20 years of devolution, 60 people took part in "a Citizens’ Assembly to make recommendations on how everyone in Wales can shape their future through the National Assembly for Wales."", link: "https://devolution20.wales/citizens-assembly"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
17 | 2019 | Citizens' Assembly on Climate Change | UK | Oxford | 51.752 | -1.2577 | Government | Local | 50 | 100% | Oxford City Council created a citizen's assembly to inform local policy on climate change, spanning three broad themes: how to 1) use less energy, 2) make more renewable energy, and 3) improve environmental quality on the journey to 'net-zero'. | Sep-Oct 2019 | https://www.oxford.gov.uk/info/20011/environment/1343/oxford_citizens_assembly_on_climate_change | Ipsos MORI | { lat: 51.752, lng: -1.2577, title: "Citizens' Assembly on Climate Change", year: 2019, loc: "Oxford, UK", desc: "Oxford City Council created a citizen's assembly to inform local policy on climate change, spanning three broad themes: how to 1) use less energy, 2) make more renewable energy, and 3) improve environmental quality on the journey to 'net-zero'.", link: "https://www.oxford.gov.uk/info/20011/environment/1343/oxford_citizens_assembly_on_climate_change"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
18 | 2018 | Citizens’ Assembly for Northern Ireland | UK | Belfast | 54.5973 | -5.9301 | Civil Society | Regional/NI | 77 | 1,500 | 100% | The Citizens’ Assembly considered what the public’s aspirations are for a social care system fit for the future. | Autumn 2018 | https://citizensassemblyni.org/ | Involve | { lat: 54.5973, lng: -5.9301, title: "Citizens’ Assembly for Northern Ireland", year: 2018, loc: "Belfast, UK", desc: "The Citizens’ Assembly considered what the public’s aspirations are for a social care system fit for the future.", link: "https://citizensassemblyni.org/"}, | ||||||||||||||||||
19 | 2018 | Citizens' Assembly on Social Care | UK | London | 51.5074 | -0.1278 | Government | Regional/England | 47 | 5,500 | 100% | Housing, Communities and Local Government and the Health and Social Care Select Committees held a joint inquiry into the long term funding of adult social care. | April-May 2018 | https://www.involve.org.uk/our-work/our-projects/practice/how-can-we-find-sustainable-solution-funding-adult-social-care | Involve | { lat: 51.5074, lng: -0.1278, title: "Citizens' Assembly on Social Care", year: 2018, loc: "London, UK", desc: "Housing, Communities and Local Government and the Health and Social Care Select Committees held a joint inquiry into the long term funding of adult social care.", link: "https://www.involve.org.uk/our-work/our-projects/practice/how-can-we-find-sustainable-solution-funding-adult-social-care"}, | ||||||||||||||||||
20 | 2018 | Citizens' Panel on Air Quality | Poland | Lublin | 51.2465 | 22.5684 | Government | Local | 60 | 12,000 | 100% | Citizens' Panel to discuss air quality in Lublin and propose solutions for its improvement. | April-May 2018 | https://www.lublin.eu/mieszkancy/partycypacja/panel-obywatelski/ | Marcin Gerwin, https://www.lublin.eu/mieszkancy/partycypacja/panel-obywatelski/aktualnosci/pierwszy-dzien-panelu-za-nami,11,3846,1.html | { lat: 51.2465, lng: 22.5684, title: "Citizens' Panel on Air Quality", year: 2018, loc: "Lublin, Poland", desc: "Citizens' Panel to discuss air quality in Lublin and propose solutions for its improvement.", link: "https://www.lublin.eu/mieszkancy/partycypacja/panel-obywatelski/"}, | ||||||||||||||||||
21 | 2018 | Toronto Planning Review Panel (Round II) | Canada | Toronto, Ontario | 43.643226 | -79.393184 | Government | Local | 32 | 12,000 | 100% | Standing Residents' Panel that advises the Toronto City Planning Division about the development of planning policies and strategies of strategic or city-wide importance (16 full-day sessions) | 2018-2019 | https://www.toronto.ca/city-government/planning-development/outreach-engagement/toronto-planning-review-panel/ | MASS LBP | { lat: 43.643226, lng: -79.393184, title: "Toronto Planning Review Panel (Round II)", year: 2018, loc: "Toronto, Ontario, Canada", desc: "Standing Residents' Panel that advises the Toronto City Planning Division about the development of planning policies and strategies of strategic or city-wide importance (16 full-day sessions)", link: "https://www.toronto.ca/city-government/planning-development/outreach-engagement/toronto-planning-review-panel/"}, | ||||||||||||||||||
22 | 2018 | Preparatory Phase #Wetheinternet | Brazil | São Paulo | -23.564095 | -46.689878 | Civil Society | Global | 19 | 58 | 100% | A dialogue among non experts, internet users and non users, about the meaning and impact of the Internet on their lives, and on society now and in the future, raising questions about who owns and governs the Internet and what should be its general purposes. | December, 8, 2018 | http://wetheinternet.org/ | Global Initiative coordinated by Missions Publiques, the Brazilian Mini-public was Held by Delibera Brasil | { lat: -23.564095, lng: -46.689878, title: "Preparatory Phase #Wetheinternet", year: 2018, loc: "São Paulo, Brazil", desc: "A dialogue among non experts, internet users and non users, about the meaning and impact of the Internet on their lives, and on society now and in the future, raising questions about who owns and governs the Internet and what should be its general purposes.", link: "http://wetheinternet.org/"}, | ||||||||||||||||||
23 | 2018 | Jardim Lapenna Neighborhood Plan | Brazil | São Paulo | -23.490166 | -46.445508 | Government/Civil Society | Local | 17 | 37 | 100% | Participants interacted with experts and generated 22 recommendations for the redesign of the neighborhood main street, taking into account budget constraints. | 19-20 May, 2018 | https://www.facebook.com/deliberabrasil/ | { lat: -23.490166, lng: -46.445508, title: "Jardim Lapenna Neighborhood Plan", year: 2018, loc: "São Paulo, Brazil", desc: "Participants interacted with experts and generated 22 recommendations for the redesign of the neighborhood main street, taking into account budget constraints.", link: "https://www.facebook.com/deliberabrasil/"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
24 | 2017 | Regulation of the motorcycle taxi service | Brazil | Ilhéus | -14.79803 | -39.033817 | Government/ Civil Society | Local | 9 | not documented | not documented | One day informed deliberation. Participants proposed a series of recommendations that were mostly integrated into the municipal regulation of this transportation alternative. | September 2017 | http://www.nossailheus.org.br/semana-de-mobilidade-urbana-debate-regulamentacao-de-mototaxi-em-ilheus/ | Delibera Brasil and Instituto Nossa Ilhéus | { lat: -14.79803, lng: -39.033817, title: "Regulation of the motorcycle taxi service", year: 2017, loc: "Ilhéus, Brazil", desc: "One day informed deliberation. Participants proposed a series of recommendations that were mostly integrated into the municipal regulation of this transportation alternative.", link: "http://www.nossailheus.org.br/semana-de-mobilidade-urbana-debate-regulamentacao-de-mototaxi-em-ilheus/"}, | ||||||||||||||||||
25 | 2017 | Macedonia Deliberative Poll | Macedonia | Skopje | 41.9973 | 21.428 | Civil Society | National | 150 | 100% | A deliberative poll on citizens’ expectations of Macedonia’s accession to the European Union. | November 18th-19th | http://epi.org.mk/newsDetail.php?nwsid=193 | Deliberative Poll | { lat: 41.9973, lng: 21.428, title: "Macedonia Deliberative Poll", year: 2017, loc: "Skopje, Macedonia", desc: "A deliberative poll on citizens’ expectations of Macedonia’s accession to the European Union.", link: "http://epi.org.mk/newsDetail.php?nwsid=193"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
26 | 2017 | Deliberative Poll in Nsanje District, Southern Malawi | Malawi | Nsanje District | -16.7288 | 35.1709 | Civil Society? | Regional | 480 | 100% | Residents from the two Traditional Authorities met to discuss policy options on the topics of: relocation and resettlement, reducing vulnerabilities in the existing communities, and issues of population pressure, gender and access to social services. | June 3-4 | http://cdd.stanford.edu/2017/deliberative-polling-in-nsanje-district-southern-malawi/ | Deliberative Poll | { lat: -16.7288, lng: 35.1709, title: "Deliberative Poll in Nsanje District, Southern Malawi", year: 2017, loc: "Nsanje District, Malawi", desc: "Residents from the two Traditional Authorities met to discuss policy options on the topics of: relocation and resettlement, reducing vulnerabilities in the existing communities, and issues of population pressure, gender and access to social services.", link: "http://cdd.stanford.edu/2017/deliberative-polling-in-nsanje-district-southern-malawi/"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
27 | 2017 | Citizens' Jury on Nuclear Plant Construction | Korea | Seoul | 37.56653 | 126.97796 | Government | National | 471 | 100% | 471 people deliberate on continuing or abandoning the construction of nuclear power reactors. | ~September? | https://www.economist.com/news/asia/21730739-nuclear-energy-still-faces-uncertain-future-south-korea-two-reactors-are-saved-axe | { lat: 37.56653, lng: 126.97796, title: "Citizens' Jury on Nuclear Plant Construction", year: 2017, loc: "Seoul, Korea", desc: "471 people deliberate on continuing or abandoning the construction of nuclear power reactors.", link: "https://www.economist.com/news/asia/21730739-nuclear-energy-still-faces-uncertain-future-south-korea-two-reactors-are-saved-axe"}, | ||||||||||||||||||||
28 | 2017 | Madrid G1000 | Spain | Madrid | 40.41677 | -3.70379 | Civil Society | Local | more than a thousand | 100% | Groups of residents developed proposals for the participatory budgeting process. | March 4 | https://www.opendemocracy.net/democraciaabierta/yago-bermejo-abati/random-election-g1000-and-deliberation-to-change-madrid | { lat: 40.41677, lng: -3.70379, title: "Madrid G1000", year: 2017, loc: "Madrid, Spain", desc: "Groups of residents developed proposals for the participatory budgeting process.", link: "https://www.opendemocracy.net/democraciaabierta/yago-bermejo-abati/random-election-g1000-and-deliberation-to-change-madrid"}, | ||||||||||||||||||||
29 | 2017 | Greater Toronto Airport Authority Residents’ Reference Panel on Airport Growth | Canada | Toronto, Ontario | 43.643226 | -79.383184 | Government | Local | 36 | 15,000 | 100% | Residents' Panel for the development of recommendations about mitigating and sharing the effects of airport growth and airport noise | https://www.torontopearson.com/rrp/# | MASS LBP | { lat: 43.643226, lng: -79.383184, title: "Greater Toronto Airport Authority Residents’ Reference Panel on Airport Growth", year: 2017, loc: "Toronto, Ontario, Canada", desc: "Residents' Panel for the development of recommendations about mitigating and sharing the effects of airport growth and airport noise", link: "https://www.torontopearson.com/rrp/#"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
30 | 2017 | Metrolinx Residents’ Reference Panel on the Regional Transportation Plan | Canada | Toronto, Ontario | 43.643226 | -79.373184 | Government | Local | 36 | 10,000 | 100% | Residents' Panel for the development and refinement of recommendations for a 25-year regional transportation plan | http://www.metrolinx.com/en/aboutus/inthecommunity/theplan/default.aspx | MASS LBP | { lat: 43.643226, lng: -79.373184, title: "Metrolinx Residents’ Reference Panel on the Regional Transportation Plan", year: 2017, loc: "Toronto, Ontario, Canada", desc: "Residents' Panel for the development and refinement of recommendations for a 25-year regional transportation plan", link: "http://www.metrolinx.com/en/aboutus/inthecommunity/theplan/default.aspx"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
31 | 2017 | Deliberative Poll for Constitutional Change | Mongolia | Ulaanbaatar | 47.88639 | 106.90574 | Government | National | 669 | 100% | There is little in English to be found about this yet, but here is one article. | 29-20 April 2017 | http://www.constitutionnet.org/news/deliberative-polling-constitutional-change-mongolia-unprecedented-experiment | { lat: 47.88639, lng: 106.90574, title: "Deliberative Poll for Constitutional Change", year: 2017, loc: "Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia", desc: "There is little in English to be found about this yet, but here is one article.", link: "http://www.constitutionnet.org/news/deliberative-polling-constitutional-change-mongolia-unprecedented-experiment"}, | ||||||||||||||||||||
32 | 2017 | Duncan-North Cowichan Citizens’ Assembly on Municipal Amalgamation | Canada | Duncan and North Cowichan, British Columbia | 48.778691 | -123.707942 | Government | Local | 36 | 10,000 | 100% | Dual-municipality Residents' Panel to develop recommendations about whether and how to proceed with a proposed municipal amalgamation | https://www.dnc-cama.ca/ | MASS LBP | { lat: 48.778691, lng: -123.707942, title: "Duncan-North Cowichan Citizens’ Assembly on Municipal Amalgamation", year: 2017, loc: "Duncan and North Cowichan, British Columbia, Canada", desc: "Dual-municipality Residents' Panel to develop recommendations about whether and how to proceed with a proposed municipal amalgamation", link: "https://www.dnc-cama.ca/"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
33 | 2017 | Irish Citizens' Assembly | Ireland | Dublin (Malahide) | 53.45374 | -6.14906 | Government | National | 100 | 99% | Meeting on various weekends throughout 2017-18 | various throughout 2017-18 | https://www.citizensassembly.ie/en/ | { lat: 53.45374, lng: -6.14906, title: "Irish Citizens' Assembly", year: 2017, loc: "Dublin (Malahide), Ireland", desc: "Meeting on various weekends throughout 2017-18", link: "https://www.citizensassembly.ie/en/"}, | ||||||||||||||||||||
34 | 2017 | Citizens' Assembly on Brexit | UK | Manchester | 53.48075 | -2.24263 | Academia | National | approximately 45 | 100% | Deliberation on the terms of the Brexit deal. | 2 weekends in September | http://citizensassembly.co.uk/brexit/ | { lat: 53.48075, lng: -2.24263, title: "Citizens' Assembly on Brexit", year: 2017, loc: "Manchester, UK", desc: "Deliberation on the terms of the Brexit deal.", link: "http://citizensassembly.co.uk/brexit/"}, | ||||||||||||||||||||
35 | 2017 | Citizens' Panel Gdańsk II | Poland | Gdańsk | 54.351 | 18.645 | Government | Local | 56 | 100% | The panel of 56 people met twice to discuss 'How to improve air quality in Gdańsk?' | 2 meetings on March 25 and April 1 | http://www.gdansk.pl/panel-obywatelski/Drugi-gdanski-panel-obywatelski-jak-poprawic-jakosc-powietrza,a,2864 | { lat: 54.351, lng: 18.645, title: "Citizens' Panel Gdańsk II", year: 2017, loc: "Gdańsk, Poland", desc: "The panel of 56 people met twice to discuss 'How to improve air quality in Gdańsk?'", link: "http://www.gdansk.pl/panel-obywatelski/Drugi-gdanski-panel-obywatelski-jak-poprawic-jakosc-powietrza,a,2864"}, | ||||||||||||||||||||
36 | 2017 | Citizens' Panel Gdańsk III | Poland | Gdańsk | 54.352 | 18.6466 | Government | Local | 56 | 100% | The panel of 56 people each met over four weekends | 4 meetings on September 16, 23, October 7 and 21 | http://www.gdansk.pl/panel-obywatelski | { lat: 54.352, lng: 18.6466, title: "Citizens' Panel Gdańsk III", year: 2017, loc: "Gdańsk, Poland", desc: "The panel of 56 people each met over four weekends", link: "http://www.gdansk.pl/panel-obywatelski"}, | ||||||||||||||||||||
37 | 2016 | Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engagement | Australia | Adelaide | -34.92849 | 138.60074 | Government | State | 50+350 | 100% | May - September 2016 50+350 people met. | May-September | https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/316-sa-cj-nuclear-fuel-cycle | http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NP-Citizens-recommend-completion-of-Korean-units-2010175.html | { lat: -34.92849, lng: 138.60074, title: "Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engagement", year: 2016, loc: "Adelaide, Australia", desc: "May - September 2016 50+350 people met.", link: "https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/316-sa-cj-nuclear-fuel-cycle"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
38 | 2016 | Citizens' Initiative Review Arizona (Proposition 205) | US | Phoenix, Arizona | 33.44837 | -112.07403 | Government | State | 22 | 100% | Citizens' jury on proposed ballot topic. | Aug. 11-14 | http://healthydemocracy.org/wp-content/uploads/2016AZ-P205-Statement-1.pdf | { lat: 33.44837, lng: -112.07403, title: "Citizens' Initiative Review Arizona (Proposition 205)", year: 2016, loc: "Phoenix, Arizona, US", desc: "Citizens' jury on proposed ballot topic.", link: "http://healthydemocracy.org/wp-content/uploads/2016AZ-P205-Statement-1.pdf"}, | ||||||||||||||||||||
39 | 2016 | Massachusetts Citizens’ Initiative Review Pilot Project | US | Boston, Massachusetts | 42.36008 | -71.05888 | Civil Society/Government | State | 20 | 100% | Citizens' jury on proposed ballot topic. | August | https://healthydemocracy.org/wp-content/uploads/2016MA-Q4-Draft-Statement.pdf | { lat: 42.36008, lng: -71.05888, title: "Massachusetts Citizens’ Initiative Review Pilot Project", year: 2016, loc: "Boston, Massachusetts, US", desc: "Citizens' jury on proposed ballot topic.", link: "https://healthydemocracy.org/wp-content/uploads/2016MA-Q4-Draft-Statement.pdf"}, | ||||||||||||||||||||
40 | 2016 | St. Michael’s Hospital: Residents Health Services Panel | Canada | Toronto, Ontario | 43.633226 | -79.393184 | Government | Local | 28 | 14,500 | 100% | Standing Residents' Panel for the development of recommendations about opportunities to improve the local health care system and related hospital policies, plans, and services | https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25 | MASS LBP | { lat: 43.633226, lng: -79.393184, title: "St. Michael’s Hospital: Residents Health Services Panel", year: 2016, loc: "Toronto, Ontario, Canada", desc: "Standing Residents' Panel for the development of recommendations about opportunities to improve the local health care system and related hospital policies, plans, and services ", link: "https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
41 | 2016 | St. Michael’s Hospital: Academic Family Health Team Patient Design Session | Canada | Toronto, Ontario | 43.633226 | -79.383184 | Government | Local | 28 | 10,000 | 100% | Patients' and Family Members' Panel for the development of recommendations for the improvement of the family health team appointment experience | https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25 | MASS LBP | { lat: 43.633226, lng: -79.383184, title: "St. Michael’s Hospital: Academic Family Health Team Patient Design Session", year: 2016, loc: "Toronto, Ontario, Canada", desc: "Patients' and Family Members' Panel for the development of recommendations for the improvement of the family health team appointment experience", link: "https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
42 | 2016 | Toronto Planning Review Panel (Round I) | Canada | Toronto, Ontario | 43.633226 | -79.373184 | Government | Local | 32 | 12,000 | 100% | Inaugural Standing Residents' Panel that advises the Toronto City Planning Division about the development of planning policies and strategies of strategic or city-wide importance (16 full-day sessions) | 2016-2017 | https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25 | MASS LBP | { lat: 43.633226, lng: -79.373184, title: "Toronto Planning Review Panel (Round I)", year: 2016, loc: "Toronto, Ontario, Canada", desc: "Inaugural Standing Residents' Panel that advises the Toronto City Planning Division about the development of planning policies and strategies of strategic or city-wide importance (16 full-day sessions)", link: "https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25"}, | ||||||||||||||||||
43 | 2016 | Citizens' Initiative Review Oregon (Measure 97) | US | Monmouth, Salem, Oregon | 44.8536068 | -123.2431685 | Government | State | 20 | 100% | Citizens' jury on proposed ballot topic. | https://healthydemocracy.org/wp-content/uploads/2016OR-M97-Statement-1.pdf | { lat: 44.8536068, lng: -123.2431685, title: "Citizens' Initiative Review Oregon (Measure 97)", year: 2016, loc: "Monmouth, Salem, Oregon, US", desc: "Citizens' jury on proposed ballot topic.", link: "https://healthydemocracy.org/wp-content/uploads/2016OR-M97-Statement-1.pdf"}, | |||||||||||||||||||||
44 | 2016 | Citizens' Reference Panel on Pharmacare in Canada | Canada | Ottawa, Ontario | 45.42153 | -75.697193 | Government | National | 35 | 10,000 | 100% | National Residents' Panel for the development of recommendations about whether and how to implement a national pharmacare strategy/program | https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25 | MASS LBP | { lat: 45.42153, lng: -75.697193, title: "Citizens' Reference Panel on Pharmacare in Canada", year: 2016, loc: "Ottawa, Ontario, Canada", desc: "National Residents' Panel for the development of recommendations about whether and how to implement a national pharmacare strategy/program", link: "https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
45 | 2016 | Lethbridge Citizens’ Assembly on Councillor Employment and Compensation | Canada | Lethbridge, Alberta | 49.69349 | -112.84184 | Government | Local | 36 | 5,000 | 100% | Residents' Panel to develop recommendations about the compensation of elected city councillors, particularly full-time or part-time status | https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25 | MASS LBP | { lat: 49.69349, lng: -112.84184, title: "Lethbridge Citizens’ Assembly on Councillor Employment and Compensation", year: 2016, loc: "Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada", desc: "Residents' Panel to develop recommendations about the compensation of elected city councillors, particularly full-time or part-time status", link: "https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
46 | 2016 | Citizens' Panel Gdańsk I | Poland | Gdańsk | 54.353 | 18.647 | Government | Local | 56 | 100% | The panel of 56 people each met 3 times to discuss 'How to better prepare Gdańsk for the occurrence of heavy rainfall' | 3 meetings on November 19, 26, December 3. | http://www.gdansk.pl/panel-obywatelski/Pierwszy-panel-Jak-lepiej-przygotowac-Gdansk-na-wystapienie-ulewnych-opadow-deszczu,a,2812 | { lat: 54.353, lng: 18.647, title: "Citizens' Panel Gdańsk I", year: 2016, loc: "Gdańsk, Poland", desc: "The panel of 56 people each met 3 times to discuss 'How to better prepare Gdańsk for the occurrence of heavy rainfall'", link: "http://www.gdansk.pl/panel-obywatelski/Pierwszy-panel-Jak-lepiej-przygotowac-Gdansk-na-wystapienie-ulewnych-opadow-deszczu,a,2812"}, | ||||||||||||||||||||
47 | 2016 | Democracy in Geelong | Australia | Geelong | -38.1499 | 144.3617 | Government | State | 100 | 100% | Over four months a randomly selected group of 100 people from the City of Greater Geelong convened to deliberate on the remit: How do we want to be democratically represented by a future council? | https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/329-local-government-victoria-democracy-in-geelong | nDF | { lat: -38.1499, lng: 144.3617, title: "Democracy in Geelong", year: 2016, loc: "Geelong, Australia", desc: "Over four months a randomly selected group of 100 people from the City of Greater Geelong convened to deliberate on the remit: How do we want to be democratically represented by a future council?", link: "https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/329-local-government-victoria-democracy-in-geelong"}, | ||||||||||||||||||||
48 | 2016 | City of Greater Bendigo Citizens' Jury | Australia | Bendigo | -36.757 | 144.2794 | Government | Local | 28 | 100% | The jury informed the City of Bendigo's new Council Plan setting out the key strategic issues and outcomes it will focus on in its term of office and outlining the services they provide to the community. | https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/314-city-of-greater-bendigo-citizens-jury | nDF | { lat: -36.757, lng: 144.2794, title: "City of Greater Bendigo Citizens' Jury", year: 2016, loc: "Bendigo, Australia", desc: "The jury informed the City of Bendigo's new Council Plan setting out the key strategic issues and outcomes it will focus on in its term of office and outlining the services they provide to the community.", link: "https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/314-city-of-greater-bendigo-citizens-jury"}, | ||||||||||||||||||||
49 | 2016 | Eurobodalla Shire Council | Australia | Eurobodalla (Moruya) | -35.8895 | 149.9335 | Government | Local | 27 | 100% | The jury informed the Delivery Program, detailing the principal activities the shire will undertake to achieve the objectives established in the Community Strategic Plan, within the resources available under the Resourcing Strategy. | https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/315-eurobodalla-citizens-jury | nDF | { lat: -35.8895, lng: 149.9335, title: "Eurobodalla Shire Council", year: 2016, loc: "Eurobodalla (Moruya), Australia", desc: "The jury informed the Delivery Program, detailing the principal activities the shire will undertake to achieve the objectives established in the Community Strategic Plan, within the resources available under the Resourcing Strategy.", link: "https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/315-eurobodalla-citizens-jury"}, | ||||||||||||||||||||
50 | 2016 | Infrastructure Victoria | Australia | Shepparton and Melbourne | -36.3833 | 145.4 | Government | State | 43+43 | 100% | Input into Infrastructure Victoria’s 30-year infrastructure strategy, answering: What should we do to meet Victoria’s infrastructure needs? | https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/291-infrastructure-victoria-meeting-victoria-s-infrastructure-needs | nDF | { lat: -36.3833, lng: 145.4, title: "Infrastructure Victoria", year: 2016, loc: "Shepparton and Melbourne, Australia", desc: "Input into Infrastructure Victoria’s 30-year infrastructure strategy, answering: What should we do to meet Victoria’s infrastructure needs?", link: "https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/291-infrastructure-victoria-meeting-victoria-s-infrastructure-needs"}, | ||||||||||||||||||||
51 | 2016 | Deliberative Poll in Tivaoune Peul, Senegal | Senegal | Tivaoune Peul, Senegal | 14.8069 | 17.2805 | Civil Society | Local | 167 | 100% | A Deliberative poll was held to assess issues such as rapid growth and access to water and electricity | 24-25 September, 2016 | http://cdd.stanford.edu/2016/deliberative-polling-in-tivaoune-peul-senegal/ | Deliberative Poll | { lat: 14.8069, lng: 17.2805, title: "Deliberative Poll in Tivaoune Peul, Senegal", year: 2016, loc: "Tivaoune Peul, Senegal, Senegal", desc: "A Deliberative poll was held to assess issues such as rapid growth and access to water and electricity", link: "http://cdd.stanford.edu/2016/deliberative-polling-in-tivaoune-peul-senegal/"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
52 | 2015 | Donostia-San Sebastián European Capital of Culture | Spain | Donostia-San Sebastián | 43.27427 | -1.94902 | Government (EU/National/State/Local) | Local | 194 in 7 juries of ~25 every 4 months | ~2000? | 100% | Citizen committees ('Ardora') selected citizen projects from the 'Olas de Energía' ('Waves of energy') program, allocating €241,920 in 2015 and €201.600 in 2016, distributed in 121 projects. Juries of 25 citizens, attended 4 working sessions in 3 months, and were randomly selected every 4 months. Organised by the Capital of Culture team with assistance from Aztiker. | also continued in 2016 | http://dss2016.eu/es/san-sebastian-2016/olas-de-energia/ardora.html | { lat: 43.27427, lng: -1.94902, title: "Donostia-San Sebastián European Capital of Culture", year: 2015, loc: "Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain", desc: "Citizen committees ('Ardora') selected citizen projects from the 'Olas de Energía' ('Waves of energy') program, allocating €241,920 in 2015 and €201.600 in 2016, distributed in 121 projects. Juries of 25 citizens, attended 4 working sessions in 3 months, and were randomly selected every 4 months. Organised by the Capital of Culture team with assistance from Aztiker.", link: "http://dss2016.eu/es/san-sebastian-2016/olas-de-energia/ardora.html"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
53 | 2015 | Halton Region Citizens’ Reference Panel on Strategic Priorities | Canada | Oakville, Ontario | 43.477517 | -79.687666 | Government | Local | 36 | 10,000 | 100% | Residents' Panel for the development of priorities and recommendations for a regional government's stategic plan | https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25 | MASS LBP | { lat: 43.477517, lng: -79.687666, title: "Halton Region Citizens’ Reference Panel on Strategic Priorities", year: 2015, loc: "Oakville, Ontario, Canada", desc: "Residents' Panel for the development of priorities and recommendations for a regional government's stategic plan", link: "https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
54 | 2015 | Metrolinx Residents’ Reference Panel on the Davenport Community Rail Overpass | Canada | Toronto, Ontario | 43.663226 | -79.393184 | Government | Local | 35 | 10,000 | 100% | Highly local Residents' Panel to develop recommendations about the development and design of a rail overpass bisecting a neighhourbood | https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25 | MASS LBP | { lat: 43.663226, lng: -79.393184, title: "Metrolinx Residents’ Reference Panel on the Davenport Community Rail Overpass", year: 2015, loc: "Toronto, Ontario, Canada", desc: "Highly local Residents' Panel to develop recommendations about the development and design of a rail overpass bisecting a neighhourbood", link: "https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
55 | 2015 | The Citizens’ Reference Panel on the Mental Health Action Plan for Canada | Canada | Ottawa, Ontario | 45.41153 | -75.697193 | Government | National | 36 | 10,000 | 100% | National Residents' Panel for the development of recommendations for a national mental health care strategy | https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25 | MASS LBP | { lat: 45.41153, lng: -75.697193, title: "The Citizens’ Reference Panel on the Mental Health Action Plan for Canada", year: 2015, loc: "Ottawa, Ontario, Canada", desc: "National Residents' Panel for the development of recommendations for a national mental health care strategy", link: "https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
56 | 2015 | Democracy Matters Citizens' Assembly Pilots | UK | Southampton (and Sheffield) | 50.9097 | -1.40435 | Academia/Civil Society | National | 87 | 84% | Two citizens' assemblies - one with politicians and one without, met over two weekends. | Ocotber and November | http://citizensassembly.co.uk/democracy-matters/ | { lat: 50.9097, lng: -1.40435, title: "Democracy Matters Citizens' Assembly Pilots", year: 2015, loc: "Southampton (and Sheffield), UK", desc: "Two citizens' assemblies - one with politicians and one without, met over two weekends.", link: "http://citizensassembly.co.uk/democracy-matters/"}, | ||||||||||||||||||||
57 | 2015 | Calgary Commission on Municipal Infrastructure | Canada | Calgary, Alberta | 51.048615 | -114.070846 | Government | Local | 36 | 10,000 | 100% | Residents' Panel for the development of recommendations for funding stategies related to municipal infrastruture | https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25 | MASS LBP | { lat: 51.048615, lng: -114.070846, title: "Calgary Commission on Municipal Infrastructure", year: 2015, loc: "Calgary, Alberta, Canada", desc: "Residents' Panel for the development of recommendations for funding stategies related to municipal infrastruture", link: "https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
58 | 2015 | VicHealth Citizens' Jury on Obesity | Australia | Melbourne | -37.8136 | 144.9631 | Government (Statutory Body) | State | 100 | 100% | To inform VicHelath on post-deliberative community input into the question: How can we make it easier to eat better? | https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/287-vichealth-victoria-s-citizens-jury-on-obesity-2015 | nDF | { lat: -37.8136, lng: 144.9631, title: "VicHealth Citizens' Jury on Obesity", year: 2015, loc: "Melbourne, Australia", desc: "To inform VicHelath on post-deliberative community input into the question: How can we make it easier to eat better?", link: "https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/287-vichealth-victoria-s-citizens-jury-on-obesity-2015"}, | ||||||||||||||||||||
59 | 2015 | Penrith Community Panel | Australia | Penrith, Sydney | -33.75 | 150.7 | Government | Local | 34 | 100% | The Penrith Community Panel provided the Council with a set of recommendations on what services and infrastructure are needed in Penrith and to what level of quality; and how these services and infrastructure should be paid for. | Met six times between September and December | https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/276-penrith-city-community-panel | nDF | { lat: -33.75, lng: 150.7, title: "Penrith Community Panel", year: 2015, loc: "Penrith, Sydney, Australia", desc: "The Penrith Community Panel provided the Council with a set of recommendations on what services and infrastructure are needed in Penrith and to what level of quality; and how these services and infrastructure should be paid for.", link: "https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/276-penrith-city-community-panel"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
60 | 2015 | South Australian Community Panel for SE Drainage | Australia | Keith, South Australia | -36.0925 | 140.3472 | Government | State | 26 | 100% | Community input into: Who Pays? Agreeing Fair Shares in Infrastructure Funding (for South Eastern Drainage) | https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/180-south-australian-minister-for-the-environment | nDF | { lat: -36.0925, lng: 140.3472, title: "South Australian Community Panel for SE Drainage", year: 2015, loc: "Keith, South Australia, Australia", desc: "Community input into: Who Pays? Agreeing Fair Shares in Infrastructure Funding (for South Eastern Drainage)", link: "https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/180-south-australian-minister-for-the-environment"}, | ||||||||||||||||||||
61 | 2015 | Noosa Community Jury | Australia | Noosa | -26.3645 | 152.9677 | Government | Local | 24 | 3000 | 100% | Two juries met (one from February, one from August) to deliberate on reducing organic waste sent to landfill and the future management of the Noosa River. | https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/178-noosa-community-jury | nDF | { lat: -26.3645, lng: 152.9677, title: "Noosa Community Jury", year: 2015, loc: "Noosa, Australia", desc: "Two juries met (one from February, one from August) to deliberate on reducing organic waste sent to landfill and the future management of the Noosa River.", link: "https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/178-noosa-community-jury"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
62 | 2014 | Citizens' Initiative Review Arizona (Proposition 487) | US | Phoenix, Arizona | 33.44937 | -112.07403 | Government | Local | 20 | 100% | Citizens' jury on proposed ballot topic. | September | https://healthydemocracy.org/wp-content/uploads/2014AZ-P487-Statement-1.pdf | { lat: 33.44937, lng: -112.07403, title: "Citizens' Initiative Review Arizona (Proposition 487)", year: 2014, loc: "Phoenix, Arizona, US", desc: "Citizens' jury on proposed ballot topic.", link: "https://healthydemocracy.org/wp-content/uploads/2014AZ-P487-Statement-1.pdf"}, | ||||||||||||||||||||
63 | 2014 | Citizens' Initiative Review Colorado (Proposition 105) | US | Denver, Colorado | 39.73923 | -104.99025 | Government | State | 20 | 100% | Citizens' jury on proposed ballot topic. | https://healthydemocracy.org/wp-content/uploads/2014CO-P105-Statement-1.pdf | { lat: 39.73923, lng: -104.99025, title: "Citizens' Initiative Review Colorado (Proposition 105)", year: 2014, loc: "Denver, Colorado, US", desc: "Citizens' jury on proposed ballot topic.", link: "https://healthydemocracy.org/wp-content/uploads/2014CO-P105-Statement-1.pdf"}, | |||||||||||||||||||||
64 | 2014 | Jackson County Citizens' Initiative Review | US | Jackson County, Oregon | 42.33453 | -122.76465 | Government | Local | 20 | 100% | Citizens' jury on proposed ballot topic. | https://healthydemocracy.org/wp-content/uploads/2014ORJC-M15-119-Statement-1.pdf | { lat: 42.33453, lng: -122.76465, title: "Jackson County Citizens' Initiative Review", year: 2014, loc: "Jackson County, Oregon, US", desc: "Citizens' jury on proposed ballot topic.", link: "https://healthydemocracy.org/wp-content/uploads/2014ORJC-M15-119-Statement-1.pdf"}, | |||||||||||||||||||||
65 | 2014 | St. Joseph’s Health Centre Community Reference Panel | Canada | Toronto, Ontario | 43.663226 | -79.383184 | Government | Local | 36 | 10,000 | 100% | Residents' Panel for the development of priorities and recommendations for an urban hospital's strategic plan | https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25 | MASS LBP | { lat: 43.663226, lng: -79.383184, title: "St. Joseph’s Health Centre Community Reference Panel", year: 2014, loc: "Toronto, Ontario, Canada", desc: "Residents' Panel for the development of priorities and recommendations for an urban hospital's strategic plan", link: "https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
66 | 2014 | Residents’ Reference Panel on Supervised Injection Services | Canada | Toronto, Ontario | 43.663226 | -79.373184 | Government | Local | 36 | 16,500 | 100% | Residents' Panel for the development of priorities, recommendations, and a process related to the review of supervised injection service site applications | https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25 | MASS LBP | { lat: 43.663226, lng: -79.373184, title: "Residents’ Reference Panel on Supervised Injection Services", year: 2014, loc: "Toronto, Ontario, Canada", desc: "Residents' Panel for the development of priorities, recommendations, and a process related to the review of supervised injection service site applications", link: "https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
67 | 2014 | Citizens' Initiative Review Oregon (Measure 90) | US | Salem, Oregon | 44.939 | -123.0429352 | Government | State | 19 | 100% | Citizens' jury on proposed ballot topic. | https://healthydemocracy.org/wp-content/uploads/2014OR-M90-Statement-1.pdf | { lat: 44.939, lng: -123.0429352, title: "Citizens' Initiative Review Oregon (Measure 90)", year: 2014, loc: "Salem, Oregon, US", desc: "Citizens' jury on proposed ballot topic.", link: "https://healthydemocracy.org/wp-content/uploads/2014OR-M90-Statement-1.pdf"}, | |||||||||||||||||||||
68 | 2014 | Citizens' Initiative Review Oregon (Measure 92) | US | Salem, Oregon | 44.94 | -123.0429352 | Government | State | 20 | 100% | Citizens' jury on proposed ballot topic. | https://healthydemocracy.org/wp-content/uploads/2014OR-M92-Statement-1.pdf | { lat: 44.94, lng: -123.0429352, title: "Citizens' Initiative Review Oregon (Measure 92)", year: 2014, loc: "Salem, Oregon, US", desc: "Citizens' jury on proposed ballot topic.", link: "https://healthydemocracy.org/wp-content/uploads/2014OR-M92-Statement-1.pdf"}, | |||||||||||||||||||||
69 | 2014 | G1000 Citizens’ Summit Amersfoort | Netherlands | Amersfoort | 52.15611 | 5.38782 | Civil Society | Local | 701 | ~70% | 701 people came together for a day of deliberation about local matters. | https://g1000nu.ning.com/english | https://participedia.net/en/cases/g1000-amersfoort-citizens-summit-netherlands | { lat: 52.15611, lng: 5.38782, title: "G1000 Citizens’ Summit Amersfoort", year: 2014, loc: "Amersfoort, Netherlands", desc: "701 people came together for a day of deliberation about local matters.", link: "https://g1000nu.ning.com/english"}, | ||||||||||||||||||||
70 | 2014 | City of Sydney – Safe and Vibrant Nightlife | Australia | Sydney | -33.8688 | 151.2093 | Government | Local | 43 | 20000 | 100% | February and April. | https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/187-city-of-sydney-safe-vibrant-nightlife | nDF | { lat: -33.8688, lng: 151.2093, title: "City of Sydney – Safe and Vibrant Nightlife", year: 2014, loc: "Sydney, Australia", desc: "February and April.", link: "https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/187-city-of-sydney-safe-vibrant-nightlife"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
71 | 2014 | Marrickville Infrastrcuture Jury | Australia | Marrickville, Sydney | -33.9051 | 151.1551 | Government | Local | 30 | 3000 | 100% | The jury focused on physical infrastructure. Once citizens were exposed to and informed about the full extent of asset renewal options, they prioritised and deliberated on how to pay for them. | Met five time in September and October 2014 | https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/181-marrickville-infrastructure-jury | nDF | { lat: -33.9051, lng: 151.1551, title: "Marrickville Infrastrcuture Jury", year: 2014, loc: "Marrickville, Sydney, Australia", desc: "The jury focused on physical infrastructure. Once citizens were exposed to and informed about the full extent of asset renewal options, they prioritised and deliberated on how to pay for them.", link: "https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/181-marrickville-infrastructure-jury"}, | ||||||||||||||||||
72 | 2014 | City of Melbourne People's Panel | Australia | Melbourne | -37.8236 | 144.9631 | Government | Local | 43 | 100% | Community input into the City of Melbourne's 10 Year Financial Plan. | Over 6 Saturdays. | https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/183-city-of-melbourne-people-s-panel | nDF | { lat: -37.8236, lng: 144.9631, title: "City of Melbourne People's Panel", year: 2014, loc: "Melbourne, Australia", desc: "Community input into the City of Melbourne's 10 Year Financial Plan.", link: "https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/183-city-of-melbourne-people-s-panel"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
73 | 2014 | Citizens' Jury on Cycling in the City | Australia | Adelaide | -34.9185 | 138.6007 | Government | State | 35 | 6000 | 100% | The jury met over five weeks to consider the question: Cyclists and motorists will continue to share our roads. What ideas can we pilot to make sure they do it safely? | https://www.thefifthestate.com.au/business/government/citizens-jury-inspires-south-australia-to-become-more-bike-friendly/72022 | nDF did recruitment: https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/179-premier-of-south-australia-cycling-in-the-city-citizens-jury-recruitment-only | { lat: -34.9185, lng: 138.6007, title: "Citizens' Jury on Cycling in the City", year: 2014, loc: "Adelaide, Australia", desc: "The jury met over five weeks to consider the question: Cyclists and motorists will continue to share our roads. What ideas can we pilot to make sure they do it safely?", link: "https://www.thefifthestate.com.au/business/government/citizens-jury-inspires-south-australia-to-become-more-bike-friendly/72022"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
74 | 2014 | Moorebank Intermodal Citizens' Jury | Australia | Moorebank, Sydney | -33.933 | 150.9502 | Government (Statutory Body) | National | 30 | 4000 | 100% | The jury determined how $1m should be spent to benefit the local community. | Met five times across July, August and September. | https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/184-moorebank-intermodal-citizens-jury | nDF | { lat: -33.933, lng: 150.9502, title: "Moorebank Intermodal Citizens' Jury", year: 2014, loc: "Moorebank, Sydney, Australia", desc: "The jury determined how $1m should be spent to benefit the local community.", link: "https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/184-moorebank-intermodal-citizens-jury"}, | ||||||||||||||||||
75 | 2014 | Darebin Participatory Budgeting Citizens' Jury | Australia | Darebin, Melbourne | -37.7278 | 145.0163 | Government | Local | 43 | 3000 | 100% | The jury informed the Darebin City Council's $2 million infrastructure fund. | https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/182-darebin-participatory-budgeting-citizens-jury | nDF | { lat: -37.7278, lng: 145.0163, title: "Darebin Participatory Budgeting Citizens' Jury", year: 2014, loc: "Darebin, Melbourne, Australia", desc: "The jury informed the Darebin City Council's $2 million infrastructure fund.", link: "https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/182-darebin-participatory-budgeting-citizens-jury"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
76 | 2014 | Tunisian Citizens' Jury on Health Systems | Tunisia | Tunis | 36.8065 | 10.1815 | Civil Society | National | 100 | 3600 | 100% | Jury members were asked to guide the government on: health system-financing, neighbourhood health services, revitalizing and rebuilding confidence in the health sector, and promoting healthy lifestyle choices. | http://www.who.int/features/2014/tunisia-citizens-jury-health/en/ | WHO sponsored | { lat: 36.8065, lng: 10.1815, title: "Tunisian Citizens' Jury on Health Systems", year: 2014, loc: "Tunis, Tunisia", desc: "Jury members were asked to guide the government on: health system-financing, neighbourhood health services, revitalizing and rebuilding confidence in the health sector, and promoting healthy lifestyle choices.", link: "http://www.who.int/features/2014/tunisia-citizens-jury-health/en/"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
77 | 2013 | sortition policy juries and citizens' assemblies that we know about that have happened since 2000 | Canada | Toronto, Ontario | 43.673226 | -79.393184 | Government | Local | 36 | 10,000 | 100% | Residents' Panel for the development of recommendations and funding model options related to a 25-year regional transportation plan | https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25 | MASS LBP | { lat: 43.673226, lng: -79.393184, title: " sortition policy juries and citizens' assemblies that we know about that have happened since 2000", year: 2013, loc: "Toronto, Ontario, Canada", desc: "Residents' Panel for the development of recommendations and funding model options related to a 25-year regional transportation plan", link: "https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
78 | 2013 | Prince Edward County Citizens’ Assembly (Lottery Only) | Canada | Prince Edward County, Ontario | 44.000505 | -77.250589 | Government | Local | 23 | 5,000 | 100% | Residents' Panel for the development of recommendations for the size and composition of a municipal council of elected officials | https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25 | MASS LBP | { lat: 44.000505, lng: -77.250589, title: "Prince Edward County Citizens’ Assembly (Lottery Only)", year: 2013, loc: "Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada", desc: "Residents' Panel for the development of recommendations for the size and composition of a municipal council of elected officials", link: "https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
79 | 2013 | BC Services Card User Panel on Digital Services | Canada | Vancouver, British Columbia | 49.272729 | -123.130738 | Government | Provincal | 35 | 16,500 | 100% | Province-wide Residents' Panel for the development of priorities and recommendations for the privacy rights and management of a singular digital provincial identification card and associated resident data | https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25 | MASS LBP | { lat: 49.272729, lng: -123.130738, title: "BC Services Card User Panel on Digital Services", year: 2013, loc: "Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada", desc: "Province-wide Residents' Panel for the development of priorities and recommendations for the privacy rights and management of a singular digital provincial identification card and associated resident data", link: "https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
80 | 2013 | Irish Constitutional Convention | Ireland | Dublin/various? | 53.3498 | -6.2603 | Government | National | 100 | 66% | 100 people (2/3 randomly selected, 1/3 appointed) met for more than a year to deliberate on the Irish Constitution. | Dec 2012-March 2014 | https://www.constitution.ie/ | { lat: 53.3498, lng: -6.2603, title: "Irish Constitutional Convention", year: 2013, loc: "Dublin/various?, Ireland", desc: "100 people (2/3 randomly selected, 1/3 appointed) met for more than a year to deliberate on the Irish Constitution.", link: "https://www.constitution.ie/"}, | ||||||||||||||||||||
81 | 2013 | A Vibrant and Safe Nightlife for Adelaide | Australia | Adelaide | -34.9285 | 138.6007 | Government | State | 50 | 100% | In April 2013, the Department of Premier and Cabinet conducted a Citizens' Jury to complement other measures and policy responses linked to alcohol related violence. | Met five times between July and October. | https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/188-premier-s-project-in-sa-a-vibrant-and-safe-nightlife-for-adelaide | nDF | { lat: -34.9285, lng: 138.6007, title: "A Vibrant and Safe Nightlife for Adelaide", year: 2013, loc: "Adelaide, Australia", desc: "In April 2013, the Department of Premier and Cabinet conducted a Citizens' Jury to complement other measures and policy responses linked to alcohol related violence.", link: "https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/188-premier-s-project-in-sa-a-vibrant-and-safe-nightlife-for-adelaide"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
82 | 2013 | Korean Green Party Representative Congress | South Korea | Soeul | 37.5765 | 126.978 | Political Party | National | 134 | 90-100% | The South Korean Greens used sortition to populate first representative congress of party members. | https://www.asiapacificgreens.org/news/korean-greens-vote-sortition-democracy?q=news/korean-greens-vote-sortition-democracy/ | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLoPGyxGEaA | { lat: 37.5765, lng: 126.978, title: "Korean Green Party Representative Congress", year: 2013, loc: "Soeul, South Korea", desc: "The South Korean Greens used sortition to populate first representative congress of party members.", link: "https://www.asiapacificgreens.org/news/korean-greens-vote-sortition-democracy?q=news/korean-greens-vote-sortition-democracy/"}, | ||||||||||||||||||||
83 | 2012 | Ontario Ministry of Consumer Services Reference Panel on the Condominium Act | Canada | Toronto, Ontario | 43.673226 | -79.383184 | Government | Provincal | 36 | 10,000 | 100% | Province-wide Residents' Panel for the development of priorities and recommendations for the rewriting of legislation governing condominium residents, working alongside an expert panel | https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25 | MASS LBP | { lat: 43.673226, lng: -79.383184, title: "Ontario Ministry of Consumer Services Reference Panel on the Condominium Act", year: 2012, loc: "Toronto, Ontario, Canada", desc: "Province-wide Residents' Panel for the development of priorities and recommendations for the rewriting of legislation governing condominium residents, working alongside an expert panel", link: "https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
84 | 2012 | Citizens' Initiative Review Oregon (Measure 85) | US | Salem, Oregon | 44.9390391 | -123.044 | Government | State | 24 | 100% | Citizens' jury on proposed ballot topic. | https://healthydemocracy.org/wp-content/uploads/2012OR-M85-Statement-1.pdf | { lat: 44.9390391, lng: -123.044, title: "Citizens' Initiative Review Oregon (Measure 85)", year: 2012, loc: "Salem, Oregon, US", desc: "Citizens' jury on proposed ballot topic.", link: "https://healthydemocracy.org/wp-content/uploads/2012OR-M85-Statement-1.pdf"}, | |||||||||||||||||||||
85 | 2012 | Citizens' Initiative Review Oregon (Measure 82) | US | Portland, Oregon | 45.5307072 | -122.6577464 | Government | State | 24 | 100% | Citizens' jury on proposed ballot topic. | https://healthydemocracy.org/wp-content/uploads/2012OR-M82-Statement-1.pdf | { lat: 45.5307072, lng: -122.6577464, title: "Citizens' Initiative Review Oregon (Measure 82)", year: 2012, loc: "Portland, Oregon, US", desc: "Citizens' jury on proposed ballot topic.", link: "https://healthydemocracy.org/wp-content/uploads/2012OR-M82-Statement-1.pdf"}, | |||||||||||||||||||||
86 | 2012 | Grandview-Woodland Citizens’ Assembly | Canada | Vancouver, British Columbia | 49.292729 | -123.130738 | Government | Local | 48 | 19,000 | 100% | Long-term Residents' Assembly for the development of priorities and urban planning recommendations for a 30-year community plan | 2012-2013 | https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25 | MASS LBP | { lat: 49.292729, lng: -123.130738, title: "Grandview-Woodland Citizens’ Assembly", year: 2012, loc: "Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada", desc: "Long-term Residents' Assembly for the development of priorities and urban planning recommendations for a 30-year community plan ", link: "https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25"}, | ||||||||||||||||||
87 | 2012 | Calgary Arts Plan Citizens’ Reference Panel | Canada | Calgary, Alberta | 51.058615 | -114.070846 | Government | Local | 36 | 5,000 | 100% | City-wide Residents' Panel for the development of priorities and recommendations about a vision for a municipal arts development and investment plan | https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25 | MASS LBP | { lat: 51.058615, lng: -114.070846, title: "Calgary Arts Plan Citizens’ Reference Panel", year: 2012, loc: "Calgary, Alberta, Canada", desc: "City-wide Residents' Panel for the development of priorities and recommendations about a vision for a municipal arts development and investment plan", link: "https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
88 | 2012 | City of Canada Bay Citizens’ Panel | Australia | Canada Bay, Sydney | -33.8671 | 151.1139 | Government | Local | 36 | 100% | The City of Canada Bay Council asked a random selection of 36 citizens drawn from the local government area, ‘What services should we deliver in the City of Canada Bay, and how should we pay for them?’ | 2.5 months | https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/192-city-of-canada-bay | nDF | { lat: -33.8671, lng: 151.1139, title: "City of Canada Bay Citizens’ Panel", year: 2012, loc: "Canada Bay, Sydney, Australia", desc: "The City of Canada Bay Council asked a random selection of 36 citizens drawn from the local government area, ‘What services should we deliver in the City of Canada Bay, and how should we pay for them?’", link: "https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/192-city-of-canada-bay"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
89 | 2012 | NSW Citizens' Jury on Energy Generation | Australia | Tamworth (and Sydney) | -31.0927 | 150.932 | Governement | State | 90 | 4000 | 100% | Two policy juries (45 people each) – one in regional NSW and one in Metropolitan Sydney – in order to identify an informed view of everyday citizens on the potential for, and barriers to, development of alternative forms of energy generation (eg: tidal, geothermal) in NSW. | https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/191-citizens-jury-on-energy-generation | nDF | { lat: -31.0927, lng: 150.932, title: "NSW Citizens' Jury on Energy Generation", year: 2012, loc: "Tamworth (and Sydney), Australia", desc: "Two policy juries (45 people each) – one in regional NSW and one in Metropolitan Sydney – in order to identify an informed view of everyday citizens on the potential for, and barriers to, development of alternative forms of energy generation (eg: tidal, geothermal) in NSW.", link: "https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/191-citizens-jury-on-energy-generation"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
90 | 2012 | City of Canada Bay Policy Panel | Australia | Canada Bay, Sydney | -33.8771 | 151.1139 | Government | Local | 24 | 3000 | 100% | The Citizens' Panel was asked the question, 'What services should we deliver in the City of Canada Bay, and how should we pay for them?' | https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/185-city-of-canada-bay-policy-panel | nDF | { lat: -33.8771, lng: 151.1139, title: "City of Canada Bay Policy Panel", year: 2012, loc: "Canada Bay, Sydney, Australia", desc: "The Citizens' Panel was asked the question, 'What services should we deliver in the City of Canada Bay, and how should we pay for them?'", link: "https://www.newdemocracy.com.au/our-work/185-city-of-canada-bay-policy-panel"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
91 | 2011 | Hamilton Citizens’ Reference Panel on Cultural Policy and Planning | Canada | Hamilton, Ontario | 43.250021 | -79.866091 | Government | Local | 30 | 5,000 | 100% | City-wide Residents' Panel for the development of priorities and recommendations for a municipal cultural plan and strategy | https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25 | MASS LBP | { lat: 43.250021, lng: -79.866091, title: "Hamilton Citizens’ Reference Panel on Cultural Policy and Planning", year: 2011, loc: "Hamilton, Ontario, Canada", desc: "Residents' Panel for the development of priorities and recommendations for a regional government's stategic plan", link: "https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
92 | 2011 | Halton Region Citizens’ Reference Panel on Strategic Priorities | Canada | Oakville, Ontario | 43.467517 | -79.687666 | Government | Local | 36 | 7,500 | 100% | Residents' Panel for the development of priorities and recommendations for a regional government's stategic plan | https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25 | MASS LBP | { lat: 43.467517, lng: -79.687666, title: "Halton Region Citizens’ Reference Panel on Strategic Priorities", year: 2011, loc: "Oakville, Ontario, Canada", desc: "City-wide Residents' Panel for the development of priorities and recommendations to abate intercity income inequality ", link: "https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
93 | 2011 | Toronto Residents’ Reference Panel on Household Income | Canada | Toronto, Ontario | 43.673226 | -79.373184 | Government | Local | 44 | 7,500 | 100% | City-wide Residents' Panel for the development of priorities and recommendations to abate intercity income inequality | https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25 | MASS LBP | { lat: 43.673226, lng: -79.373184, title: "Toronto Residents’ Reference Panel on Household Income", year: 2011, loc: "Toronto, Ontario, Canada", desc: "City-wide Residents' Panel for the development of priorities and recommendations to abate intercity income inequality ", link: "https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
94 | 2011 | Citizens’ Reference Panel on Ontario Health Services | Canada | Toronto, Ontario | 43.623226 | -79.393184 | Business | Provincal | 28 | 10,000 | 100% | Province-wide Residents' Panel for the development of priorities and recommendations related to the strategy, management, and delivery of provincial health care services | https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25 | MASS LBP | { lat: 43.623226, lng: -79.393184, title: "Citizens’ Reference Panel on Ontario Health Services", year: 2011, loc: "Toronto, Ontario, Canada", desc: "Province-wide Residents' Panel for the development of priorities and recommendations related to the strategy, management, and delivery of provincial health care services", link: "https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
95 | 2011 | Toronto Community Housing Tenant Communications Strategy & Tenants’ Reference Panel | Canada | Toronto, Ontario | 43.623226 | -79.383184 | Government | Local | 28 | 7,500 | 100% | Public housing Residents' Panel for the development of priorities and recommendations to improve communications with residents | https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25 | MASS LBP | { lat: 43.623226, lng: -79.383184, title: "Toronto Community Housing Tenant Communications Strategy & Tenants’ Reference Panel", year: 2011, loc: "Toronto, Ontario, Canada", desc: "Public housing Residents' Panel for the development of priorities and recommendations to improve communications with residents", link: "https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
96 | 2011 | The Ottawa Hospital Patients' Reference Panel on Clinical Services Transformation | Canada | Ottawa, Ontario | 45.42153 | -75.687193 | Government | Local | 36 | 15,000 | 100% | Patients' and Family Members' Panel for the development of recommendations for the improvement of cancer patients' and family members' experiences and patient outcomes at a city hospital | https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25 | MASS LBP | { lat: 45.42153, lng: -75.687193, title: "The Ottawa Hospital Patients' Reference Panel on Clinical Services Transformation", year: 2011, loc: "Ottawa, Ontario, Canada", desc: "Patients' and Family Members' Panel for the development of recommendations for the improvement of cancer patients' and family members' experiences and patient outcomes at a city hospital", link: "https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
97 | 2011 | G1000 (Belgium) | Belgium | Brussels | 50.85033 | 4.35171 | Civil Society | National | 704 | ~90% | 741 people came together for a day of discussion and proposals. | extended into 2012 | http://www.g1000.org/en/ | { lat: 50.85033, lng: 4.35171, title: "G1000 (Belgium)", year: 2011, loc: "Brussels, Belgium", desc: "741 people came together for a day of discussion and proposals.", link: "http://www.g1000.org/en/"}, | ||||||||||||||||||||
98 | 2011 | Citizens' Forum (BürgerForum 2011) | Germany | Berlin and various | 52.51757 | 13.35279 | Civil Society | National | ~10,000 (25 x 400-people regional forums) | 100% | 25 regional forums, each with ~400 people discussing broad topics and developing political proposals in committees. | https://www.participedia.net/en/cases/b-rgerforum-2011 | by the Federal President with the Heinz-Nixdorf-Stiftung and the Bertelsmann Stiftung | { lat: 52.51757, lng: 13.35279, title: "Citizens' Forum (BürgerForum 2011)", year: 2011, loc: "Berlin and various, Germany", desc: "25 regional forums, each with ~400 people discussing broad topics and developing political proposals in committees.", link: "https://www.participedia.net/en/cases/b-rgerforum-2011"}, | ||||||||||||||||||||
99 | 2011 | We the Citizens | Ireland | The Royal Hospital, Kilmainham, Dublin | 53.25243 | -6.12264 | Academia/Civil Society | National | 100 | 1242 | 100% | Regional forums were held, followed by the Citizens' Assembly. | June | http://www.wethecitizens.ie/ | { lat: 53.25243, lng: -6.12264, title: "We the Citizens", year: 2011, loc: "The Royal Hospital, Kilmainham, Dublin, Ireland", desc: "Regional forums were held, followed by the Citizens' Assembly.", link: "http://www.wethecitizens.ie/"}, | |||||||||||||||||||
100 | 2010 | Ontario Youth Matter Youth Advisory Council | Canada | Toronto, Ontario | 43.623226 | -79.373184 | Government | Provincal | 24 | 5,000 | 100% | Province-wide Residents' Panel for the development of priorities and recommendations for the provincal government and public service's youth engagement strategy | https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25 | MASS LBP | { lat: 43.623226, lng: -79.373184, title: "Ontario Youth Matter Youth Advisory Council", year: 2010, loc: "Toronto, Ontario, Canada", desc: "Province-wide Residents' Panel for the development of priorities and recommendations for the provincal government and public service's youth engagement strategy", link: "https://www.masslbp.com/celebrate25"}, |