7 New Wonders of the World1 - The Taj Mahal
2- The Great Wall of China
3 - The Colosseum of Rome
4 - Chichén-Itzá
5 - Petra
6 - Rio de Janeiro
7 - Machu Picchu
Various LocationsVisit the new seven wonders of the world like you never experienced borew. This collection contains unique aerial views of the new seven wonders of the world. Available Lesson Plans:
Sept Nouvelles Merveilles Du Monde -
How were the Wonders of the World selected? -
Living on the Edge at Machu Picchu -
9/11 Memorial & Museum1 - 9/11 Memorial North
2 - 9/11 Memorial South
3 - Inside the Museum
4 - Memorial Hall
5 - Center Passage
6 - Foundation Hall
7 - Memorial exhibition “In Memoriam”
8 - Education Center
9 - Historical exhibition “September 11, 2001”
New York City, USAAn educational guide on the history of 9/11, the design of the 9/11 Memorial & Museum, and some of the artifacts preserved in its collection. If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
A Day in the Life of a Surgeon1 - Into X-ray
2 - Taking the Picture
3 - Surgical Assessment
4 - Joint Assessment
5 - The Stage is Set
6 - During the Operation
7 - In Recovery
Various Locations in the U.K.Have you ever wondered what it would be like to perform an operation? Dr Nick Cook is an orthopaedic surgeon who has helped hundreds of people with problems with their bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, muscles and nerves. We are going to look at what happens when a patient comes to him with joint pain.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
A Journey Along the Great Barrier Reef1- Lady Elliot Island
2- Heron Island
3- Myrmidon Reef
4- Yongala Shipwreck
5- Cod Hole
6- Opal Reef
7- Ribbon Reefs
8- North Broken Passage
Great Barrier Reef, AustraliaJoin us on an underwater journey along the largest living structure on the planet and one of the natural wonders of the world - Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. Learn about this awe-inspiring coral reef environment and meet its fascinating marine creatures.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
A Journey to the Mesozoic at the Senckenberg Nature Museum in Frankfurt1 - The Senckenberg Nature Museum in Frankfurt
2 - Dinosaurs – Prehistoric Giants
3 - Marine Reptiles – Aquatic Giants
4 - Marine Reptiles – Reptiles of the Mesozoic
5 - Do Dinosaurs Still Exist Today?
Frankfurt, GermanyIf you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes. German: Eine Reise ins Erdmittelalter im Senckenberg Naturmuseum Frankfurt
A Life Tale1 - A sparkle of life
2 - To conquer and vanish
3 - The formidable lizards
4 - Back to the sea
5 - Here come the Mammals
6 - A wonderful radiation
7 - Primates
Various LocationsA five billion years journey, from the very beginning of the Solar System to the radiation of Mammals and the appearance of our own species.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
A National Trust Britânica1 - Monte St. Michael
2 - Kedleston Hall
3 - Ilha de Brownsea
4 - Lyveden New Bield
5 - A Stourhead House e os jardins
InglaterraIf you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
A Trip to the North Pole1 - A Trip to the North Pole
2 - Who Lives at the North Pole?
3 - The ice
4 - An Abandoned Station
The North PoleIn this Expedition we’ll board a Russian “icebeaker” and traverse the icy Arctic Ocean to the North Pole. Along the way we’ll learn about three different poles in the Arctic Circle, the Midnight Sun, the Arctic’s animal inhabitants, and some of the explorers who preceded us to this difficult-to-reach and inhospitable location.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
A walk through the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN)1 - Fossil vertebrates
2 - Big Fossil Mammals
3 - Biodiversity
4 - Representative fauna of the National Park Sierra de Guadarrama
5 - The Royal Cabinet of Natural History
Various LocationsIf you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes. Spanish: Un paseo por el MNCN (ES)
Adaptation1 - The most complete Stegosaurus
2 - Human evolution
3 - Lasting impressions
4 - Birds
5 - Sea dragons
7 - Marine crocodiles
Various LocationsThis is the most complete Stegosaurus fossil skeleton ever found, missing only its left foreleg, the base of its tail, and a few other small bones. Because all of the bones in this fossil belonged to a single animal, the specimen shows better than ever before what Stegosaurus would have looked like in life, around 150 million years ago.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Admiral at War: Nelson and HMS Victory1 - A Call to Arms
2 - The Great Cabin
3 - Clear Away the Hammocks
4 - A Bite to Eat
5 - The Battle Begins
6 - Seeing the Surgeon
7 - Heading For the Bucentaure
8 - The Trap is Set
United KingdomIf you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Ahupua‘a: From the Mountains to the Sea1 - From the Mountains to the Sea
2 - Mānoa Falls
3 - The Dwellings
4 - Kalo
5 - The Beach
6 - The Sea
Various locations, Hawai'iThe Hawaiian ahupua‘a is a land division that extends from the mountains to the sea. It represents the extension of Hawaiian values into the natural surroundings as the Hawaiian belief system emphasizes the interrelationship of nature and people. If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Amazon1- Rio Mariepaua
2- Rio Negro
3- Primary Old Growth - Amazon
4-Manioc Flour Production
5- Tumbira Community
Rio Madeira, Brazil
Amazon Forest, Brazil
Amazon Forest, Brazil
Igrega, Brazil
The amazon is a moist broadleaf forest that covers most of the Amazon Basin of South America. This basin covers 2,700,000 sq miles, 2,100,000 sq mi of which are covered by the rainforest.Available Lesson Plans:
Reforestation in the Amazon -
Rivers - Similarities and Differences -
Portuguese: Amazônia
Ambush Bug1 - Phymatinae
2 - Young Ambush Bug
3 - Full Grown Adults
4 - Well Equiped
5 - Sharing Prey
Various locationsFormally known as the Phymatinae, ambush bugs are known for their great camouflage when waiting for prey. They are a part of a larger group known as assassin bugs. Available Lesson Plans:
Day in the life of a mini-beast -
America Expands West1 - Outside Fort Mandan
2 - The Corps of Discovery
3 - Studying the Land
4 - Sacagawea and Charbonneau
5 - Preparing to Leave
6 - A Mandan Earth Lodge
7 - Inside the Earth Lodge
8 - Covered Wagons
9 - Cattle Ranching
10 - Chuck Wagon
USADuring the Civil War period most Americans thought of the Great Plains and other western lands as the Great American Desert. In the years following the Civil War, Americans witnessed the rapid growth of the U.S. population and the spread of settlements throughout the West. With the admission of the state of California to the Union in 1850, the western boundary of the American frontier had reached the Pacific Ocean.

The American frontier of the mid-1800s changed dramatically as more and more people moved westward. Settlers built homes, fenced off land, and laid out ranches and farms. Miners, ranchers, and farmers remade the landscape of the West as they adapted to their new surroundings. The geography of the West was further changed by the development and expansion of a large and successful railroad industry that moved the West’s natural resources to eastern markets. Gold and silver were the most valuable natural resources, and mining companies used the growing railroad network to bring these precious metals to the East.
If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
America’s National Parks (HMH Social Studies)1 - Yellow Stone National Park
2 - Grand Prismatic Spring
3 - Yosemite National Park
4 - El Capitan
5 - The Grand Canyon
6 - Everglades National Park
7 - Kilauea Volcano
8 - Tafeu Cove
Various LocationsIf you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
American Ghost Towns: Goldfield, Nevada1 - Main Street, Goldfield, Nevada
2 - Mines, Saloons and Trains
3 - The Banks of Goldfield
4 - The Cook Bank Interior
5 - The Court and Crime
6 - Goldfield Hotel Porch
7 - Goldfield Hotel Lobby
8 - Columbia Street and The Goldfield Hotel
Goldfield, Nevada, USAGoldfield is nearly halfway between Reno and Las Vegas on Highway 95 through Nevada. In 1908 it was the largest city in Nevada with more than 20,000 people. Today the population is only around 300 hearty souls. In the center of town is a magnificent stone structure completed in 1908, the County Courthouse, which is still in use. Across the street is the fire station, built in 1907.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
American Museum of Natural History1- The Bernard Family Hall of North American Mammals
2 - Alaskan Brown Bear
3 - Wolves
4 - Hall of Saurischian Dinosaurs
5 - Glen Rose Trackway
6 - Tyrannosaurus rex
7 - Apatosaurus and Allosaurus
8 - Milstein Hall of Ocean Life
9 - Dolphin and Tuna
10 - Walrus
New York City The American Museum of Natural History is located on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, New York City and is one of the largest museums in the world. The museum complex comprises 27 interconnected buildings housing 45 permanent exhibition halls, in addition to a planetarium and a library. The museum collections contain over 32 million specimens of plants, humans, animals, fossils, minerals, rocks, meteorites, and human cultural artifacts.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
An intimate look inside the National Museum of Iraq1 - Welcome to the National Museum of Iraq
2 - Winged demons and a god of wisdom
3 - Bas reliefs, a cuneiform slab and other relics
4 - The Assyrian Hall’s prized artifacts
5 - A map of the Assyrian state
6 - Statues
Baghdad, IraqAfter the destruction heaped upon archaeological sites by the Islamic State group, the collections at the National Museum of Iraq in Baghdad have taken on greater significance. It's now one of the only places you can find relics from the ancient cities that fell into the extremists' hands. As many as 4,000 archaeological sites are still under the domination of the Islamic State group and around 100 sites have been destroyed, according to Iraqi Culture Minister Firyad Rwandzi. The sites in their grip show the multiple civilizations that rose and fell during Iraq's long history, ranging from mosques, churches and small shrines to large sites of old cities. Fortunately, some of the artifacts from the sites in northern Iraq had been moved long ago to the National Museum.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Ancient Greek Art1 - Ancient Greek art in the Altes Museum in Berlin
2 - Paestum, Italy
3 - East Frieze of the Parthenon (Acropolis Museum)
4 - West Frieze of the Parthenon, 442–438 B.C.E.
5 - Parthenon Frieze and Pediment Sculptures, British Museum
6 - Pediment sculptures, Parthenon, c. 438-32 B.C.E. (British Museum)
7 - Caryatid and Column
Various LocationsIf you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Ancient World of Syria1 - Souk al-Hamidiya in Damascus
2 - The Citadel in Aleppo
3 - The Ancient City of Palmyra
4 - Krak des Chevaliers
5 - The Roman Theater of Bosra
6 - The Khalid ibn al-Walid Mosque in Homs
SyriaIf you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Angel Falls1 - A Hidden Wonder
2 - Who Discovered Angel Falls?
3 - Veil of Fog
4 - The Falls
5 - How to visit
Canaima National Park, VenezuelaThe world's tallest uninterrupted waterfall remains undiscovered in the forests of Venezuela for years. You now have the opportunity to visit this breath taking from a unique aerial angles.Available Lesson Plans:
Visiting Waterfalls -
Creating a Tourist Brochure -
Angkor Wat1 - Ta Prohm
2 - Faces of Bayon
3 - Towers of Angkor Wat
4 - Statue of Vishnu
5 - The Churning of the Ocean of Milk
CambodiaAngkor is a region of Cambodia that served as the seat of the Khmer Empire, which flourished from approximately the 9th to 15th centuries. The ruins of Angkor are located amid forests and farmland to the north of the Great Lake and south of the Kulen Hills, near modern-day Siem Reap city in Siem Reap Province.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Antarctica1-Antarctica's Environment
2 - The Antarctic Peninsula
3 - Port Lockroy
4 - Sir Ernest Shackleton's Hut
5 - Antarctica's Penguins
6 - Leopard Seals
7 - Antarctica's Future
8 - The Real Sotuh Pole?"
Cape Royds, Ross Island, Antarctica
Antarctica is Earth's southernmost continent, and contains the geographic South Pole. It is situated in the Antarctic region of the Southern Hemisphere, almost entirely south of the Antarctic Circle, and is surrounded by the Southern Ocean. It is the coldest, driest, and windiest continent, and has the highest average elevation of all the continents.Available Lesson Plans:
Les Manchots & Antarctica Lesson -
Humans in Antarctica -
Sex Around the World: Asexual and Sexual Reproduction Strategies in the Animal Kindgom -
Antietam1 - Visitor Center
2 - North Woods
3 - The Cornfield
4 - Hagerstown Pike
5 - Bloody Lane
6 - Burnside's Bridge
7 - The Final Attack
8 - National Cemetery
Maryland, USAThe Battle of Antietam was fought on September 17th, 1862, outside the town of Sharpsburg, Maryland. It was one of the most consequential battles of the American Civil War, and to this day remains the bloodiest day in American military history, with more than 23,000 Americans killed, wounded, or missing. The battle was fought between the Union Army of the Potomac under General George B. McClellan and the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia under General Robert E. Lee.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Apollo/ Saturn V Center1 - Scale Model of Saturn V
2 - Stage 1
3 - Stage 2
4 - Stage 3
5 - Apollo Spacecraft
6 - Lunar Module
Kennedy Space Center, FLIf you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Archeon (Dutch)1 - Introductie
2 - Welkom in Gravendam
3 - Ambachten
4 - Het Klooster
5 - Dorestad
6 - Het gilde
7 - De smid en de stal
Archeon, NetherlandsIf you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Arizona State University1 - Graduation
2 - "A" Mountain
3 - Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Building 4
4 - Biodesign Institute
5 - Hayden Lawn
6 - Changemaker Central
7 - Memorial Union
8 - ASU GAmmage
Tempe, Arizona, USAWalk through various vibrant and beautiful college campuses through the world. For these set of tours, Google recently teamed up with Michele Obama's Reach Higher program to bring the college experience directly to students.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Artifacts of the Tuskegee Airmen1 - WWII Rolls Royce Merlin V-12 Aircraft Engine
2 - Tuskegee Airmen Artwork
3 - Tuskegee Airmen Interactive Geographic Chronology
4 - Red Tails P-51 “Mustang” Model
5 - WWII Tuskegee Airmen Uniform
Dallas, Texas, USATake a journey through the history of America’s first African American World War II combat aviators known as the Tuskegee Airmen as we walk through the Frontiers of Flight Museum.

Located within the Museum’s World War II Gallery, is a permanent exhibit of artifacts dedicated to the Tuskegee Airmen of World War II. This exhibit tells the story of how African American pilots and crews overcame racial prejudice at home to become one of America’s elite fighter units in history. Often misunderstood and looked down upon because of their race, American heavy bomber crews soon came to respect the Tuskegee “Red Tails” as they escorted them deep into the heart of Nazi-occupied Germany.
If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Astronomy1 - What is up there?
2 - Our Universe
3 - How do we know what we do?
4 - Life of a star
5 - Our Star - the Sun
6 - Our solar system – The Terrestrial planets
7 - The Gas Giants and Ice Giants
8 - The Moon
SpaceAstronomy is the study of what we know about the universe. We explore our position in space; and discover what stars, planets, and moons really are.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Australian Government House1 - Government House
2 - State Entrance
3 - State Drawing Room
4 - Small Drawing Room
5 - Small Dining Room
6 - State Dining Room
7 - Governor-General's Study
Government House, CanberraIf you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Australian Museum Specimens and Stores1 - Palaeontology store
2 - Entomology store
3 - Australia’s deadliest spiders
4 - Big Spiders
5 - Fish Type Collection
6 - Ichthyology wet storage
7 - Ornithology Storage
Sydney, AustraliaThe Australian Museum holds more than 18 million objects in biological, geological and cultural collections. In this expedition, you’ll discover some of the natural science collections stores that contain many specimens of great historical and scientific value.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Aztec and Mayan Ruins1 - El Osario - Chichen Itza
2 - El Castillo - Chichen Itza
3 - Teotenango
4 - Aztec Ruins National Monument
5 - Chacchoben Mayan Ruins
6 - Tulum - Temple of the Wind
Yucutan, Mexico
Valley of Toluco, Mexico
New Mexico, USA
Quintana Roo, Mexico
Quintana Roo, Mexico
This expedition showcases the modern-day look of years of erosion and destruction of different societies in Central and Southern America. If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes. Spanish: Ruínas astecas, maias e incas
Beating Ebola in Sierra Leone
1 - Welcome to Freetown
2 - Meet the People
3 - King Jimmy Wharf Market
4 - Meet the People
5 - Connaught Hospital
6 - Meet the People
7 - Waterloo Cemetery
8 - Meet the People
9 - Malamah Thomas Street
10 - Meet the People
Sierra LeoneIf you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Beautiful Nature1 - The Senckenberg Nature Museum
2 - Pedras Secas
3 - Half Moon Island, Antarctica
4 - Chapelle de Rosemont, Reunion Island
5 - Jewels insects and incredible birds
6 - Oceans
7 - Gems
Various LocationsShe’s capricious—but she’s beautiful—and she assumes myriad forms worldwide. Mother Nature is full of riches, surprises, and variety, from the Mariana Trench to Chomolungma, from frigid polar seas to tropical coral reefs, and from feathers to fins to fur. Not only does she offer a bounty of flora and fauna, she also offers gems and minerals that dazzle the eye and seemingly last forever. Museums all over the world offer these visual delights to the public, so that we can learn from, admire, and be inspired by their magnificent diversity and stunning beauty. Let’s visit a few now.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Behind the Scenes
1- American Museum of Natural History Exhibitions Lab
2 - Too Big for the Room
3 - Geologists at the Museo delle Scienze di Trento
4 - The Musei Civici di Reggio Emilia
5 - The Royal Cabinet of Natural History
6 - The Smithsonian Department of Entomology
7 - The Museum für Naturkunde
Various LocationsIf you’ve ever visited a museum, you’ve probably stood before an exhibit that takes your breath away. Maybe it’s diamonds or dinosaurs that dazzle you; maybe it’s termites or toucans or a toad in a jar. But have you ever wondered how these exhibits are made? Who are the people who work behind the scenes to handle the specimens, plan and build the exhibits, and present all that information? In this Expedition, you’ll go behind the curtain to learn about these museum wizards and how they work their magic.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Behind the Scenes at the Australian Museum1 - Taxidermy Lab
2 - Taxidermist at Work
3 - Digitising Collections in the DigiVol Lab
4 - Digital Collections Unit
5 - Australian Centre for Wildlife Genomics DNA Lab
6 - Minus 80-degree Freezer
The Australian Museum's mission is to use the vast collections it houses to research, interpret, communicate and apply understanding of the environments and cultures of the Australian region to increase their long-term sustainability. Museum collections have three broad functions: they are used for education, research and as a permanent store for specimens of great historical and scientific importance. These include specimens of extinct species, as well as “type specimens” – the first specimen used to describe and name a new species. The collections provide a reference to the fauna, geology and cultural heritage of Australia and the region. In this Expedition, you’ll discover staff and researchers at work in the laboratories behind the scenes at the Australian Museum.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Berklee College of Music1 - Berklee College of Music
2 - 160 Massachusetts Avenue
3 - Recording Studio
4 - Control Room
5 - The Dining Hall
6 - Dorm Room
7 - Lounge Areas
8 - Rehearsal Space
9 - In the Classroom - Songwriting
10 - In the Classroom - Ensembles
11 - In the Classroom - Turntable Ensemble
12 - Berklee Global Jazz Institute
13 - Electronic Production and Design Lab
14 - Boston Night Sky
Boston, Massachusetts, USAWalk through various vibrant and beautiful college campuses through the world. For these set of tours, Google recently teamed up with Michele Obama's Reach Higher program to bring the college experience directly to students.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Beyond the Sun: Inside a Fusion Reactor1 - Making the Sun on Earth
2 - Understanding Fusion
3 - Underneath the MAST Fusion Reactor
4 - Inside the JET Reactor
5 - Controlling the Robotic Arm
6 - Solving Engineering Problems
7 - How Does a Fusion Reactor Work?
8 - How to Build a Fusion Reactor
United KingdomIf you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Bhutan - Paro and Thimphu1 - Paro Valley
2 - Rinpung Dzong
3 - Rinpung Dzong—Interior Courtyard
4 - Bhutan National Museum
5 - Thimphu, Bhutan
6 - National Memorial Stupa, Thimphu
7 - Dochula Pass, Thimphu
8 - Simtokha Dzong, Thimphu
9 - Tashichho Dzong, Thimphu
BhutanIf you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Bhutan - Punakha to Jakar1 - Punakha, Bhutan
2 - Punakha Dzong—Interior Details
3 - Gangtey Valley, Wangdue Phodrang District
4 - Gangtey Monastery
5 - Trongsa Dzong, Trongsa
6 - Jakar, Bumthang District
BhutanIf you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Big Cypress National Preserve1 - Introduction to Big Cypress
2 - Airboat Ride
3 - Cypress Swap
4 - Pinelands
5 - The Seminoles
6 - Abiaka Statue
The Evergaldes, FloridaWelcome to Big Cypress National Preserve. This vast wetland covers more than 729,000 acres in southern Florida. The preserve protects not only the plants and animals that live and interact here but also the water itself. Fresh water falls on the wetland as rain, saturates the ground, and floods the surface. The water then flows through five different ecosystems, ending in an estuary. There it mixes with the salty water of the ocean. Let’s explore the watery world of Big Cypress.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Bikini Atoll1 - Paradise Lost
2 - Baker Test Explosion
3 - MV Alucia and Triton Sub
4 - Saratoga Flight Deck
5 - Nagato Propeller
6 - Eneu Firing Bunker
Bikini Atoll, Marshall IslandsIn this expedition, students will learn about a period in history, sixty years ago, when some of the most powerful nuclear weapons ever created were detonated over the Bikini Atoll; a remote chain of islands in the crystal blue waters of the tropical Pacific. Students will join the state-of-the-art MV Alucia and her crew to discover the secrets below the waves. What remains of this paradise today? We descend into Bikini’s tropical lagoons to discover unprecedented shipwrecks. Come face to face with a historical world, and explore ‘The Ghost Fleet’
If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Biodiversity and Preservation1 - Biodiversity Wall
2 - Museum fur Naturkunde
3 - Biodiversity in Madrid’s museum of natural sciences
4 - Preserving and Conserving Species
5 - Diversity Begins in the Ocean
6 - The Amazon Rainforest
7 - Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System, Belize
8 - Biodiversity in Food Webs
Various LocationsIf you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Biomes1 - Tundra
2 - Tiaga
3 - Temperate Forest
4 - Tropical Rainforest
5 - Savannah
6 - Desert
1 - Torngat Mountain Park, Canada
2 - Wood Buffalo National Park, Canada
3 - Redwood National Forest, USA
4 - Amazon, Brazil
5 - Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, Kenya
6 - Joshua Tree National Park, USA
See all the various biomes across the world. Compare the conditions and biodiversity in each.Available Lesson Plans:
Introduction to Biomes -
Biomes: Rainforests & Temperate Forests -
Biomes: Tundra & Taiga -
Biomes: Savannah & Desert -
Characteristics of a Savanna Biome -
Birds1 - Handsome birds
2 - Museo Civico di Storia Naturale - Ferrara
3 - Half Moon Island, Antarctica
4 - Nesting birds
5 - Australian Museum
Various LocationsBirds are the only remaining examples of dinosaurs alive today, and have existed for over 100 million years. There are almost 10,000 different species of birds found on the planet today. While that number doesn’t compare with the number of insect species (950,000-plus!), birds are found all over the globe, in every climate, and new species are being discovered every year. All birds share some characteristics—a four-chambered heart, feathers, toothless beaks—but appearance and behaviors can vary greatly from species to species. No matter which natural history museum you visit, you are sure to find several exhibits featuring many kinds of birds and bird-related information.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Blast to the Edge: Eurofighter Typhoon1 - I Fly Alone
2 - Dress to Survive
3 - In the Hangar
4 - No Ordinary Job
5 - Learning to Fly
6 - Preparing for Take-off
7 - In the Cockpit
8 - Comparing Aircraft
United KingdomIf you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Boise State University1 - Blue Turf
2 - B Plaza
3 - The Quad
4 - Stock Ticker Room of Micron Business and Economics Building
5 - COBE Courtyard
6 - Friendship Bridge
7 - Campus Recreation Climbing Wall
8 - Student Union Game Center
9 - Ben Victor Studio
10 - Morrison Center
Boise, Idaho, USAWalk through various vibrant and beautiful college campuses through the world. For these set of tours, Google recently teamed up with Michele Obama's Reach Higher program to bring the college experience directly to students.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Borneo Rainforest, Animal Adaptations1 - Bats
2 - Python
3 - Green Praying Mantis
4 - Dead Leaf Mantis
5 - Cicada
6 - Rhinoceros Beetle
Borneo, IndonesiaBorneo rain forests are home to many unique animals. Emmerse your students in this exciting trip to the Borneo Rainforests and learn all about various animals and insects.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Borneo Rainforest, Plant Adaptations1 - Mangroves and Avicennia Trees
2 - Ampullaria Pitcher Plants
3 - Vines
4 - Johannesteijsmania Palm
5 - Borneo Rainforest
6 - Strangling Fig
Borneo, IndonesiaBorneo lowland rain forest is an ecoregion, within the Tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests Biome, of the large island of Borneo in Southeast Asia. With this expeditions you will learn all about the various plants of Borneo, Indonesia in their most natural habitat. Available Lesson Plans:
Plant Adaption in Borneo -
Bowdoin College1 - Bowdoin begins on the main quad
2 - A history in arts and culture
3 - A prolific scientific research community
4 - Student life at Bowdoin
5 - Bowdoin health, fitness and well-being
6 - Bowdoing athletics: Go U Bears!
7 - Residential life at Bowdoin
8 - Brunswick: Quintessential New England
9 - Beyond the classroom
10 - The offer of the college
Brunswick, MaineWalk through various vibrant and beautiful college campuses through the world. For these set of tours, Google recently teamed up with Michele Obama's Reach Higher program to bring the college experience directly to students.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Brandeis University1 - The Three Chapels
2 - Shapiro Science Center
3 - International Business School
4 - Goldfarb Library
5 - Shapiro Campus Center
6 - Sherman Dining Hallz
7 - Masell Quad
8 - Gosman Athletic Complex
9 - Rose Art museum
10 - Usdan Student Center
11 - The Castle
12 - Shapiro Admission Center
Waltham, Massachusetts, USAWalk through various vibrant and beautiful college campuses through the world. For these set of tours, Google recently teamed up with Michele Obama's Reach Higher program to bring the college experience directly to students.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Brazil's World Cup, Stadiums and Streets1 - Arena de Sao Paulo - Arena Corinthians
2 - Rue Tavares Bastos
3 - Rue Vicente Reis
4 - Rua Alvorada
5 - Beira Rio Estadio Jose Pinheiro Borda
BrazilJoin the pandemonium of the world's largest sporting event and get an exclusive look behind the scenes of the epic 2014 World Cup in Brazil.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes. Portuguese: Estádios e ruas da Copa do Mundo no Brasil
Brown University1 - The Quiet Green
2 - College Green
3 - Wriston Quad
4 - Seven Libraries
5 - List Art Building
6 - Sciences Quad
7 - North Campus
8 - Ittleson Quadrangle
Providence, Rhode Island, USAWalk through various vibrant and beautiful college campuses through the world. For these set of tours, Google recently teamed up with Michele Obama's Reach Higher program to bring the college experience directly to students.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Buckingham Palace1 - The Grand Entrance
2 - Grand Staircase
3 - Throne Room
4 - Green Drwaing Room
5 - Picture Gallery
6 - The Ballroom
7 - White Drawing Room
London, United Kingdom For years the the royal family of England has referred to Buckingham Palace as their home. Now you can tour the inside of this royal home like never before.Available Lesson Plans:
Google Expedition: Buckingham Palace -
Visiting the Queen-Diary Writing -
Byodo-In Temple1 - Byodo-In Temple
2 - A Commemorative Temple
3 - Phoenix Hall
4 - Zen Rock Garden
5 - Animal Life Around the Temple
Kaneohe, HIExplore the peaceful serenity of Byodo-In Temple in the Valley of the Temples Memorial Park on the windward side of Oahu, Hawaii.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
California State Parks1- Pigeon Point Light Station State Historic Park
2 - Torrey Pines Park Natural Reserve
3 - Big Basin Redwoods State Park
4 - Angel Island State Park
5 - Huntington State Beach
CaliforniaThe California Department of Parks and Recreation, also known as California State Parks, manages the California State parks system. The system administers 280 separate park units on 1.4 million acres, with over 280 miles of coastline. Headquartered in Sacramento, the California State Parks system is the largest state park system in the United States.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes. Portuguese: Parques do Estado da Califórnia
Canada1- Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré
2 - Massey Hall
3 - Riel House National Historic Site
4 - British Columbia Aviation Museum
5 - CN Tower
6 - Old Town Lunenburg
Toronto, Ontario
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Victoria, British Colombia
Toronto, Canada
Lunenburg, Canada
A historic look at the northernmost country in North America, incorporating historical sites, museums, and other preservations of culture.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Career Expedition : Veterinarian, Dr. Carolyn Brown1 - ASPCA Stationary Spay/ Neuter Clinic
2 - Dr. Brown's Office
3 - Examination Room
4 - Surgery Prep Room
5 - Operationg Room
N/AA day in the life of small animal veterinarian.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Career Expedition: Airline Pilot, Pam Torell1 - Appraoching the Gate
2 - Computer Terminal
3 - Ramp Control Room
4 - Jetbridge
5 - Walk around
6 - Wheel well
7 - Examining fuselage
8 - Before takeoff
9 - Cockpit
N/AA day in the life of an airplane pilot.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Career Expedition: Aquarist, Vicki Sawyer1 - Fish Kitchen
2 - River Otter Exhibit
3 - River Otter Holding Area
4 - Seal Feeding Show
5 - Shark tank
6 - Water testing lab
7 - Turtle tank
8 - Jellyfish exhibit
N/AA day in the life of an aquarist.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Career Expedition: Chef/Restaurant Owner, Laura Frangiosa1 - Placing the order
2 - Talking o the kitchen staff
3 - Kitchen Prep
4 - Cooking a dish
5 - Checking out
N/AA day in the life of a chef and resturant owner.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Career Expedition: Civil Engineer, Arthur Alzamora1 - Arthur's Desk
2 - Core Samples
3 - Printing Plans
4 - Reviewing Plans
5 - Heading out
6 - Hudson Yards Project
7 - Top of Excavation
8 - Anchoring bedrock
9 - Rock support system
10 - Emanining bedrock
11 - Excavation Equipment
N/AA day in the life of a civil engineer.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Career Expedition: Coder/Entrepreneur, Miral Kotb1 - Design Studio
2 - Electronics workshop
3 - Costume Workroom
4 - Checking out the Suit
N/AA day in the life of a modern day entrepreneur and coder.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Career Expedition: Dean of Engineering, Vijay Kumar1 - MRS Lab
2 - Autonomous Drone
3 - Microdrone
4 - Back of MRS Lab
5 - Soccer Robots
6 - Surgical Robot
7 - Baxter Robot
8 - Organ on a chip
9 - Singh Center
N/AA day in the life of a dean in a higher educational organization.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Career Expedition: Handmade Product Entrepreneur, Nadira El Khang1 - NY Designs
2 - Nadira's Studio
3 - Etsy Store
4 - Preparing for Photography
5 - Photographing Product
6 - Shipping a Product
N/AA day in the life of a handmade goods designer.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Career Expedition: Manager Monell Cryo Facility, Julie Feinstein1 - Traditional Samples
2 - Tools and supplies
3 - Cryo Tank
4 - Extracting samples
5 - Extracting samples 2
N/AA day in the life of a cryo facilities manager.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Career Expedition: Metal Artisan, Rob Ferraroni1 - Main office
2 - Reviewing Staircase Stringer
3 - Brass Ring
4 - Door Assembly
5 - Waterjet Cutter
6 - Teamwork with railing
7 - 50A Design Studio
N/AA day in the life of an artist that uses metal.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Career Expedition: Microbiome Scientist, Susan Perkins1 - In the Lab
2 - Lab Sequencer
3 - Post PCR Lab
4 - PCR Visualizer
5 - Susan's Office
N/AA day in the life of a microbiome scientist.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Career Expedition: Museum Photographer, Hyla Skopitz1 - Steps of the MET
2 - The Photo Deptartment
3 - Photo studio
4 - Review station
5 - Washington Crossing the Deleware
6 - Under construction exhibit
7 - Drawings and Prints Department
8 - Roof garden
9 - Greek and Roman Gallery
10 - Islamic Gallery
N/AA day in the life of a photographer for museum exhibits and various works.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Career Expedition: Paleontologist, Mark Norrell1 - Examining Specimen
2 - Examining Specimen Better
3 - Using a microscope
4 - At his computer
5 - Velociraptor Index Specimen
6 - At his desk
7 - Catalog of new samples
8 - New Specimen in Lab
N/AA day in the life of a paleontologist.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Career Expedition: Park Ranger, Sunny Corrao1 - Belvedere Castle Office
2 - Top of the Castle
3 - The Ramble
4 - Oak Bridge
5 - Giving Directions
6 - Educational Programs
7 - Emergency Response
8 - The Reservoir
N/AA day in the life of a Central Park Ranger.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Career Expedition: Pharmacist, Ian Ginsberg1 - Cosmetics Counter
2 - Pharmacy Counter
3 - Filling Prescriptions
4 - Compounding area
5 - Perscription counter
6 - Office Lobby
N/AA day in the life of a pharmacist.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Career Expedition: Product Engineer, JD Albert1 - At workstation
2 - In the lab
3 - 3D Printing
4 - Wood shop
5 - Chop saw
6 - Metal shop
7 - With team
N/AA life in the engineer that builds physical products.Available Lesson Plans:
The Life of an Inventor for Hire -
Career Expedition: Project Engineer, Gary Gibson1 - Small package sorting
2 - Packages arriving
3 - Reviewing plans
4 - System monitor
5 - Alignment system
6 - Sorter overview
7 - Vision system
8 - Long-haul trailer
9 - Ready for local delivery
10 - Outside Peak Village
11 - Reviewing construction progress
N/AA day in the life of a project manager, who oversees a project from conception to delivering the product to the customers.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Career Expedition: Public Defense Attorney, Shannon Cumberbatch1 - Shannon's Desk
2 - Mentoring meeting
3 - Advocate conference
4 - Immigration attorney
5 - Halls of Justice
6 - Waiting at the Courthouse
7 - Client meeting
N/AA day in the life of a public defense attorney.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Career Expedition: Radio Producer, Sruthi Pinnamaneni1 - Vox Pop
2 - Reply all team
3 - Radio class
4 - Studio interview
5 - Pro Tools editing
6 - Working with an editor
N/AA day in the life of a radio producer.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Career Expedition: Social Worker, Xristina Bichay1 - Daily group meeting
2 - Supervision consultation
3 - New directions
4 - Client lobby
5 - Therapy session
6 - Advising meeting
7 - Art Therapy
N/AA day in the life of a social workerIf you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Career Expedition: TV News Anchor, Mary Alice Williams1 - NJTV Newsroom
2 - Scripwriting
3 - Working on graphics
4 - Edit room
5 - Control Room
6 - Hair and makeup
7 - Final check in the control
8 - Remote interview
9 - Reporter 2-way
10 - Starting the show
N/AA day in the life of a TV news anchor.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Castle Rushen, Part 1: The Medieval Castle1 - Entrance to the Castle
2 - At the Heart of the Castle
3 - The Portcullis Chamber
4 - The Castle Keep - Interior Courtyard
5 - The Medieval Kitchen
6 - Battlements
Isle of Man, United KingdomCastle Rushen is situated at the centre of the Isle of Man’s historic capital, Castletown. This is one of Europe’s most finely preserved medieval castles. Its origins are in the Norse period when Norse Kings fortified a strategic site guarding the entrance to the Silverburn River. The earliest evidence of construction on the site dates from about 1190, when a square tower was built. The castle was expanded and its defences strengthened by successive rulers of Mann between the 13 th and 17 th centuries. Throughout those years, its towering limestone walls would have been a continual reminder to the local populace of the dominance of the Kings and Lords of Mann.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Castle Rushen, Part 2: Lords and Governors1 - Prison Stairs and Portraits
2 - The Lords’ Dining Hall
3 - The Lord’s Great Chamber
4 - The Lord’s Treasury
5 - The 17th Century Dining Room
6 - The Presence Chamber
7 - The Imprisonment of Bishop Wilson
Isle of Man, United KingdomThe Isle of Man’s political history is long and complex. Even in long periods during which a single country held suzerainty over the island, rule on the ground frequently changed hands. This was especially true after Scandinavian rule came to an end in the mid-13th century. For the next 70 years, rule went back and forth between the Scots and the English. Then in 1333, when King Edward III of England granted the island to William de Montacute, the period of undisputed English dominance began. Not that Montacute held the land for long: in 1392 his son sold it to Sir William le Scrope. Le Scrope was beheaded for treason in 1399, and the island went to the Crown. In 1405, Henry IV granted the land to Sir John Stanley. Thus began the reign of the Stanley dynasty as Lords of Mann that lasted well into the 18th century.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Celebrating America’s Diversity1 - Crow Fair
2 - Juneteenth
3 - Cinco de Mayo
4 - Chinese New Year
5 - Mardi Gras
Various Locations, USAIf you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Cempoala1 - Central Plaza
2 - Round Structure
3 - Ehecatl Building
4 - Facade of the Great Pyramid
5 - Little Faces Building
Veracruz, MexicoIf you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
CERN1 - CERN Large Hadron Collider Tunnel
2 - CERN - Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS)
3 - CERN Atlas
4 - CERN - Alice
Border between France and SwitzerlandTake a tour of the European Organization for Nuclear Research and their massive underground labratory.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Chapman University1 - Welcome to Chapman University
2 - Attallah Piazza
3 - Dodge College of Film
4 - Performing Arts
5 - Fowler School of Law
6 - Launch Labs
7 - Lastinger Athletics Complex
8 - Wilson Field
9 - Argyros Forum
10 - On-campus housing
11 - Old Towne Orange Plaza
Orange, California, USAWalk through various vibrant and beautiful college campuses through the world. For these set of tours, Google recently teamed up with Michele Obama's Reach Higher program to bring the college experience directly to students.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Chichén Itzá1 - Archeological Complex
2 - Temple of Kukulkan
3 - El Caracol
4 - Temple of Warrios
5 - Group of a Thousand Columns
6 - Las Monjas (The Nunnery)
MexicoChichen Itza in Yucatán State, Mexico, was a pre-Columbian city built by the Mayans. The area was originally settled sometime around 450 A.D. It became a center of Mayan culture and society and remained so for nearly 1,000 years. Excavation of the ruins began in 1841. By then, over 100 years had passed since the city was abandoned, but the building materials and techniques used by the Mayans assured that much had survived. Many of the site’s structures are notable for their beautiful proportions and their remarkable carved decorations. Join this Expedition to explore this UNESCO World Heritage Site and learn about the ancient Mayan civilization.Available Lesson Plans:
No Fun in the Sun: How the Environment Influences Cultural Development -
Chief Plenty Coups: From Teepees to Square Houses1 - Inside the Visitor Center
2 - The Property
3 - The Chief's House
4 - Chief's Private Room
5 - The Sacred Spring
6 - The Sweat Lodge
Memorial Park, Montana, USAGet an inside look at the life of the last traditional Chief of the Crow tribe and his adoption of the culture of white settlers. If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Churchill, Manitoba: Life in the Far North1 - Churchill Beach
2 - Downtown Churchill
3 - Eskimo Museum
4 - Polar Bear Holding Facility
5 - Dog Sledding Adventures
6 - Parks Canada Visitors Museum
7 - Cape Merry
Churchill, Manitoba, USAView the “Polar Bear Capital of the World”, Churchill, Manitoba, a small town rich in Inuit culture on the shores of Hudson Bay in Canada. See what life in the far north is like, in a town with many challenges due to the harsh winter climate and its remote location. The population of Churchill is under 1,000 people, but around 11,000 eco-tourists from all over the world visit each year. Tourists travel there to observe polar bears on the tundra as they begin to journey out on the frozen Hudson Bay in the fall; view thousands of beluga whales as they travel to the Churchill river estuary to calf in July and August; and birdwatch the 270 recorded species of birds that are present between May and August. If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Clemson University1 - Welcome to Tigertown
2 - Dedication
3 - The Heart of Campus
4 - Hartwell Lake and the Snow Family Outdoor Fitness and Wellness Center
5 - An Engaged Campus
6 - Living next to history
7 - Excelling creatively
8 - Building the future
9 - Picture yourself here
10 - Hendrix Student Center
11 - Eating and living on campus
12 - Supporting our engineering and business students
Clemson, South Carolina, USAWalk through various vibrant and beautiful college campuses through the world. For these set of tours, Google recently teamed up with Michele Obama's Reach Higher program to bring the college experience directly to students.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Climate Change1 - California Academy of Sciences
2 - Deforestation in Brazil
3 - Loss of Arctic Sea
4 - The sinking city of Venice
5 - The Great Barrier Reef
6 - Retreating Glaciers and then Matterhorn Mountain
Various locationsTake a view of the adverse effects of climate change in various environments throughout the globe.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Colgate University1 - Academic Quad
2 - Ho Science Center
3 - Frank Dining Hall
4 - Olin Hall Laboratory
5 - 405 Lathrop Hall
6 - Classics Room
7 - Ho Tung Viz Lab
8 - Residence Halls
9 - Trudy Fitness Center
10 - Inside Case
11 - Persson Hall
12 - Andy Kerr Stadium
Hamilton New York, USAWalk through various vibrant and beautiful college campuses through the world. For these set of tours, Google recently teamed up with Michele Obama's Reach Higher program to bring the college experience directly to students.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Colonial Churches and Religion1 - Entracne to the church
2 - Church interior from floor
3 - Chruch interior from pulpit
Virginia, USATake a glimpse into what a church looked like in colonial America.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Conservation International Film: 'Valen's Reef'1 - Landscape view of Raja Ampat
2 - Coral reef with school of fish and a shark
3 - Day in the life of Ronald
4 - Monitoring team out on patrol
5 - Destroyed coral reef
6 - Reef Manta: what we now know
7 - Playing in the mangroves
Raja Ampat Islands, IndonesiaConservation International’s film, “Valen’s Reef,” will take you to The Bird’s Head Seascape in Raja Ampat, in Indonesia’s West Papua province. This region — the epicenter of the world’s marine biodiversity — is a source of immeasurable value for the communities that rely on its ecosystems for food, livelihoods and protection from rising seas and storms. For decades, the abundant natural resources of the Bird’s Head Seascape were a major target for development and exploitation, leading to destructive fishing practices that wiped out fish stocks and degraded the coral reefs. If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Coral Reefs1 - Apo Island
2 - Deep Reef in the Red Sea
3 - Aquarius Reef Base
4 - Osprey Reef
5 - Tern Island
6 - Pollution on East Island
7 - Carysfort Reef
8 - Unhealthy Coral Reef
9 - The Coral Nursery
10 - The underwater museum
1 - Apo Island, Philippine
2 - Red Sea
3 - Floride Keys, USA
4 - Osprey Reef, Coral Sea, Australia
5 - Tern Island, Hawaii
6 - Fajardo, Puerto Rico
7 - Florida Keys, USA
8 - Unhealthy Coral Reef
9 - The Coral Nursery
10 - Cancun, Mexico
Take a tour of some of the most biodiverse areas in our oceasn. Coral reefs have all types of marine life.If you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.
Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary1 - Entrance to Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary
2 - Pine Flatwoods
3 - Wet Prairie
4 - Pond Cypress Swamp
5 - Lettuce Lakes
Florida, USAIf you have a lesson plan you would like to share, please upload the lesson on tes.