Los Angeles Quad Gymnasts German WAG Elite Scoring
This is a score tracker for German Women's Artistic Gymnastics. It includes all scores from the given years at international, DTB, and 1st Bundesliga competitions for all gymnasts who are eligable for the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics (AK-12 in 2024). The data set starts in 2022 and goes forward. Sheets labeled "Playground" are where I'm doing some data analysis and should be ignored.
Because the author of this spread sheet is from the United States, datas are entered in the (yes I know incorrect and illogical) American format for my own sanity.
Occasional foreign gymnasts compete in German domestic competitions as well as in the Bundesliga. Those gymnasts are included in this data set but their names are italicized with their country in [brackets]. All vaults are on the "single vault" page, but vaults performed as the second vault are in grey.
Because of different judging standards, each meet is color coded by their type. German domestic scoring isn't as outrages as some, all countries have domestic overscoring. Bundesliga scoring tends to be relatively normal for about 95% of the meet but there will be an occasional score (usually associated with a big name gymnast) which is absolutely delusional.
-International Meet
-DTB Domestic Meet
-DTL Bundesliga Meet
-Italian Series A2
A note about levels: All German juniors are divided by age group. So AK-12 are those gymnasts who are turning 12 during that competition year, while AK-15 are those who are currently turning 15 and who will be senior the following year. The Germans have a bonus system for junior gymnasts in AK-12 and 13 to reward difficulty. All juniors can get a "smiley" which is effectively a .1 stick bonus. In general thse bonuses deminish as they get closer to turning senior and there are no bonuses for seniors.
I have listed the bonuses seperately but removed them from the actual scores so that they can be compared against others. So a gymnast that got a *8.033 E score (with the * indicating a smiley) it's listed on the sheet as a 7.933 with a .1 in the bonus column.