TierNameCast TimeElementEntryCast TimeElement / SchoolCommand 1Cast TimeElement / SchoolCommand 2
OKOnion Knight2.5Grants Haste, ATK and MAG +30% for 25 seconds1.65- / CelerityFour single attacks (0,47 each), grants Instant Physical Attacks 1 to the user1.65- / Black MagicFour single attacks (2,25 each), grants Instant Magical Attacks 1 to the user
RainesCid Raines2.5Dark, HolySix single attacks (2,57 each), 3,31 mult. if the user has any Doom, min. 500, DEF and MAG +30% to all allies for 25 sec.1.65Dark, Holy / Black MagicFour single attacks (2,20 each), grants Instant Magical Attacks 1 to the user1.65Dark, Holy / Black MagicTwo group attacks (3,90 each), grants Soul Residuum to the user for 20 seconds
RaphaRapha2.5Lightning, NEEight random attacks (2,10 each), MAG and RES +30% to all allies for 25 seconds1.65Lightning, NE / Black MagicFour single attacks (2,36 each), restores HP (60) to the lowest HP% ally1.65Lightning, NE / Black MagicTwo group attacks (3,93 each), grants Stitch in Time to the user for 20 seconds
GodVaan0.01-Five single ranged attacks (1,52 each), DEF and MAG -40% for 25 seconds0.825- / SupportSingle attack (2.00), DEF -40% for 15 seconds0.825- / SupportSingle attack (2.00), MAG -50% for 15 seconds
GodIrvine2.5Fire, NEFive group ranged attacks (1,20 each), ATK and DEF -40% for 25 seconds1.65- / SupportSingle attack (2.10), ATK and RES -20% for 15 seconds, ranged attack1.65- / SupportSingle attack (2.10), DEF and MAG -20% for 15 seconds, ranged attack
GodLion0.01-Five single attacks (1,52 each), ATK and DEF -40% for 25 seconds0.825- / ThiefSingle attack (2.00), ATK -40% for 15 seconds0.825- / ThiefSingle attack (2.00), DEF -40% for 15 seconds
GodVanille0.01Restores HP (85), MND +30% to the user for 25 seconds1.65Holy / White MagicTwo single attacks (5,30 each), RES -30% for 25 seconds1.65Holy / White MagicRestores HP (25) AoE, damages undeads
GodLarsa2.5Restores HP (85), grants Astra0.01Holy / White MagicInstant Cast, Restores HP (105), damages undeads1.65Holy / White MagicRestores HP (25) AoE, damages undeads
GodY'shtola2.5Restores HP (85), grants Stoneskin: 30%0.01Holy / White MagicRestores HP (105), damages undeads1.65Holy / White MagicRestores HP (25) AoE, damages undeads
GodFran2.5-Five group attacks (1,18 each), ATK, DEF, MAG, RES and MND -30% for 25 seconds1.65- / SupportTwo single ranged attacks (1,20 each), ATK -40% for 15 seconds1.65- / SupportTwo single ranged attacks (1,20 each), RES -50% for 15 seconds
GodFirion0.01Holy, NEFour group ranged attacks (1,46 each), grants Magical Blink 1 to all allies1.65Holy, NE / Combat1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 single ranged attacks (0,52 each) increasing with every use1.65Holy, NE / CombatFour single attacks (0,42 each), grants Cast Speed *999 to the user for 1 turn
GodTyro2.75Grants Protect, Shell and Magical Blink 11.65- / SupportSingle attack (2.10), ATK and MAG -20% for 15 seconds1.65- / SupportSingle attack (2.10), DEF and RES -20% for 15 seconds
GodZell0.01-Ten random attacks (0,74 each), causes Stun (7%), grants Critical 50% to all allies for 25 seconds1.65- / CombatFour single attacks (0,63 each), grants Dark Bargain to the user for 20 seconds1.65- / CombatFour single attacks (0,48 each), grants Instant Cast 1 to the user
GodSazh2.5ATK and MAG +30% for 25 seconds, Instant Cast 21.65- / SupportSingle attack (2.10), ATK and DEF -20% for 15 seconds, ranged attack1.65- / SupportSingle attack (2.10), MAG and RES -20% for 15 seconds, ranged attack
GodRed XIII2.5ATK and MAG +30% for 25 seconds, grants High Regen0.825- / SupportSingle attack (2.00), DEF -40% for 15 seconds0.825- / SupportSingle attack (2.00), RES -50% for 15 seconds
GodAlphinaud2.5Wind, NEEight single attacks (1,88 each), Attach Wind1.65Wind, NE / SummoningFour single attacks (1,91 each), grants Instant Cast 1 to the user1.65Wind, NE / SummoningTwo single attacks (4,28 each), restores 1 consumed ability use (priority to lowest remaining uses) to the user
GodMaria2.5Earth, NEEight single attacks (1,88 each), Attach Earth1.65Earth, NE / Black Magic3/4/5/6 single attacks (2,00 each) at 624/973/1032 MAG, causes Petrify (5%)1.65Earth, Fire / Black MagicTwo group attacks (3,09 each), grants Stitch in Time to the user for 20 seconds
GodPapalymo2.5Fire, NEEight single attacks (1,88 each), Attach Fire1.65Fire, NE / Black Magic3/4/5/6 single attacks (2,00 each) at 720/1123/1193 MAG1.65Fire, NE / Black MagicTwo group attacks (3,09 each), grants Stitch in Time to the user for 20 seconds
GodEdea2.5Ice, DarkEight single attacks (1,88 each), Attach Ice1.65Ice, Dark / Black Magic3/4/5/6 single attacks (2,00 each) at 726/1133/1205 MAG1.65Ice, Dark / Black MagicTwo group attacks (3,09 each), grants Stitch in Time to the user for 20 seconds
GodDesch2.5Lightning, NEFive group attacks (2,34 each), Attach Lightning1.65Lightning, NE / Black MagicFour single attacks (2,00 each), grants Quick Magical Attacks 1 to the user1.65Lightning, NE / Black MagicTwo group attacks (3,09 each), grants Stitch in Time to the user for 20 seconds
GodSquall 22.5Ice, NEEight single attacks (0,83 each), Attach Ice1.65Ice, NE / SpellbladeTwo single attacks (0,40 each), Increase Junction Level by 1 (Up to 3)1.65Ice, NE / Spellblade4/5/6/7 single attacks (0,54/0,89/1,05/1,25 each) increasing with Junction Level, 0/5/10/25% chance to deal a critical hit
GodCloud 22.5Wind, NEEight single attacks (0,83 each), Attach Wind1.65Wind, NE / CombatFour single attacks (0,14 each), multiplier increases with user's ATK (capping at 0,65 each at around 977 attack)1.65Wind, NE / CombatTwo group attacks (0,65 each), grants Dark Bargain to the user for 20 seconds
GodRefia2.5Fire, NEEight single attacks (0,78 each), Dance of Carnage, Attach Fire1.65Fire, NE / MonkFour single ranged attacks (0,49 each), critical hits deal 100% more damage (instead of 50%)1.65Fire, NE / MonkTwo group ranged attaks (0,65 each), grants Dark Bargain to the user for 20 seconds
GodAyame2.5Ice, NEEight single attacks (0,78 each), Meikyo Shisui, Attach Ice0.825Ice, NE / SamuraiFour single attacks (0,47 each)1.65Ice, NE / SamuraiTwo group attaks (0,65 each), grants Dark Bargain to the user for 20 seconds
GodEiko2.5Restores HP (85), grants Critical 50% for 25 seconds1.65Holy / White MagicRestores HP (105), grants Physical Blink 1, damages undeads1.65Holy / White MagicRestores HP (25) AoE, damages undeads
GodSetzer2.5-Randomly deals seven (80%) or fourteen (20%) random ranged attacks (0,95 each), ATK and MAG -40% for 25 seconds1.65- / SupportSingle attack (2.10), ATK and DEF -20% for 15 seconds, ranged attack1.65- / SupportSingle attack (2.10), MAG and RES -20% for 15 seconds, ranged attack
GodRelm2.5Holy, NEThree group attacks (3,13 each), restores HP (55) to all allies, grants Last Stand to all allies0.01Holy / White MagicRestores HP (105), damages undeads1.65Holy / White MagicRestores HP (25) AoE, damages undeads
GodFujin0.01Wind, NEFive group attacks (2,40 each), MAG and RES -40% for 25 seconds0.825Wind, NE / Black MagicFour single attacks (2,25 each)0.825Wind, NE / Black MagicSingle attack (8.7), RES -30% for 25 seconds
Tier 1Garnet 22.5Causes Imperil Lightning 20% for 25 seconds, ATK and MAG +30% to all allies for 25 seconds1.65Lightning, NE / SummoningNo Summon Status: Restores HP for 40% of the target's maximum HP, grants Summon Ramuh to the user

With Summon Status: Two group attacks (2,70 each), min. 1100, restores HP to all allies for 30% of their max. HP, removes Summon Ramuh
1.65Lightning, NE / SummoningNo Summon Status: Four single attacks (2,62 each), minimum damage 1100

With Summon Status: Five single attacks (2,62 each), minimum damage 1100
Tier 1Edward2.5Causes Imperil Holy 20% for 25 seconds, ATK +50% to all allies for 25 seconds1.65Holy / SupportSingle attack (1.95), ATK and MAG -20% for 15 seconds, causes Sap (100%) to the user, ranged attack1.65Holy / SupportSingle attack (1.95), DEF and RES -20% for 15 seconds, causes Sap (100%) to the user, ranged attack
Tier 1Celes2.5ATK and MAG +30% to all allies for 25 seconds, Attach Holy1.65Holy, Fire / SpellbladeFour single attacks (0,54 each)1.65Holy, Ice / SpellbladeFour single attacks (0,54 each)
Tier 1Ashe2.5Lightning, NEEight single attacks (2,20 each), Attach Lightning1.65Lightning / Black MagicFour single attacks (2,63 each), restores HP (60) to the user1.65Lightning, NE / Black MagicTwo group attacks (3,14 each)
Tier 1Shadow0.01Dark, NESeven group ranged attacks (0,69 each), Attach Dark0.825Dark, NE / NinjaFour single attacks (0,47 each)0.825Dark, NE / NinjaTwo group attacks (0,60 each)
Tier 1Leila2.5Poison, NEEight group attacks (0,62 each), Attach Poison0.6Poison, NE / ThiefFour single attacks (0,47 each)1.2Poison, NE / ThiefTwo single attacks (0,86 each), ATK and MND -20% for 20 seconds, ATK and MND +20% to the user for 20 seconds
Tier 1Sarah2.5Restores HP (55), grants Magical Blink 1, RES and MND +30% to the user for 25 seconds0.01Holy / White MagicRestores HP (80), grants High Regen, damages undeads1.65Holy / White MagicRestores HP (25) AoE, damages undeads
Tier 1Master Monk2.5-Ten single attacks (0,78 each), Critical 50%, Last Stand1.65- / MonkFour single attacks (0,40 each), eight attacks if the user has Wild Mode1.65- / MonkFour single attacks (0,60 each), grants Wild Mode to the user
Tier 1Prishe2.5-Eight single attacks (0,93 each), Quick Monk Abilities 51.65- / Monk3/4/5/6 single attacks (0,80 each) at 1/2/3 different Monk abilities used, resets counter1.65- / MonkFour single attacks (0,55 each), grants Dark Bargain to the user
Tier 1Ovelia2.5Holy, NEFive single attacks (2,34 each), restores HP (55) to all allies, MND +30% to the user for 25 seconds0.01Holy / White MagicRestores HP (105), damages undeads1.65Holy / White MagicRestores HP (25) AoE, damages undeads
Tier 1Ceodore2.5Holy, NEEight single attacks (0,94 each), restores HP to all allies for 40% of their maximum HP1.65Holy, NE / KnightFour single attacks (0,55 each), restores HP to the lowest HP% ally for 25% of their maximum HP1.65Holy, NE / KnightTwo group attacks (0,79 each), removes negative effects to a random ally with negative effects
Tier 1Curilla2.5Holy, NESix group attacks (0,96 each), grants Intervene to all allies for 25 seconds1.65Holy, NE / KnightFour single attacks (0,58 each), grants High Regen to the user for 25 seconds1.65Holy, NE / KnightTwo group attacks (0,75 each), grants Sentinel to the user for 25 seconds
Tier 1Quina2.5-Five random ranged attacks (1,50 each), ATK, DEF, MAG and RES -40% for 25 seconds1.65- / SupportATK and DEF -20% for 15 seconds1.65- / SupportMAG and RES -20% for 15 seconds
Tier 1Wakka2.5-Twelve random ranged attacks (0,63 each), ATK, DEF, MAG and RES -40% for 25 seconds1.65- / SupportSingle attack (2.30), MAG -50% for 15 seconds, ranged attack1.65- / SupportSingle attack (2.30), ATK -40% for 15 seconds, ranged attack
Tier 1Faris2.5-Five single ranged attacks (1,50 each), ATK, DEF, MAG and RES -40% for 25 seconds1.65- / SupportSingle attack (2.30), MAG -50% for 15 seconds, ranged attack1.65- / SupportSingle attack (2.30), ATK -40% for 15 seconds, ranged attack
Tier 1Noel2.5-Five single ranged attacks (1,50 each), ATK, DEF, MAG and RES -40% for 25 seconds1.65- / SupportSingle attack (2.30), ATK -40% for 15 seconds1.65- / SupportSingle attack (2.30), MAG -50% for 15 seconds
Tier 1Yuffie2.5Water, NEFive group ranged attacks (1,02 each), Attach Water0.825Water, NE / NinjaFour single ranged attacks (0,47 each)1.65Water, NE / NinjaTwo single ranged attacks (0,86 each), ATK and DEF -20% for 20 seconds, ATK and DEF +20% to the user for 20 seconds
Tier 1Cid (VII)2.5Wind, NETen single ranged attacks (0,80 each), Attach Wind1.65Wind / CombatFour single attacks (0,52 each), five attacks if exploiting elemental weakness1.65Wind / CombatTwo group attacks (0,63 each), three attacks if exploiting elemental weakness
Tier 1Steiner2.5Fire, NEEight single attacks (0,83 each), Attach Fire1.65Fire / CombatFour single attacks (0,52 each), five attacks if exploiting elemental weakness1.65Fire / CombatTwo group attacks (0,63 each), three attacks if exploiting elemental weakness
Tier 1Basch2.5Holy, NESix group ranged attacks (0,82 each), Attach Holy1.65Holy, NE / KnightFour single attacks (0,52 each), five attacks if exploiting elemental weakness1.65Holy, NE / KnightTwo group attacks (0,65 each), grants Retaliate to the user for 15 seconds
Tier 1Edge2.5Water, NEEight single attacks (0,83 each), Attach Water0.825Water, NE / NinjaFour single attacks (0,47 each)0.825Water, NE / NinjaTwo group attacks (0,60 each)
Tier 1Ingus2.5Earth, NEFour group attacks (1,20 each), Oathsworn Espada, Attach Earth1.65Earth, NE / KnightTwo single attacks (0,98 each), grants Sentinel to the user for 25 seconds1.65Earth, NE / KnightTwo single attacks (0,98 each), grants Retaliate to the user for 15 seconds
Tier 1Minfilia2.5Holy, NEEight single attacks (0,81 each), Attach Holy1.65Holy, NE / SupportTwo single attacks (0,88 each), ATK -40% for 15 seconds1.65Holy, NE / SupportTwo single attacks (0,88 each), MAG -50% for 15 seconds
Tier 1Lann2.5Fire, NESix group ranged attacks (0,82 each), Attach Fire1.65Fire, NE / CombatFour single ranged attacks (0,48 each), 0,60 multiplier if exploiting elemental weakness1.65Fire, NE / CombatTwo group ranged attacks (0,65 each), grants Dark Bargain to the user for 20 seconds
Tier 1Luneth2.5Wind, NEEight single ranged attacks (0,78 each), causes Stun (100%), Attach Wind1.65Wind, NE / CombatFour single ranged attacks (0,49 each), causes Stun (9%)1.65Wind, NE / CombatTwo group ranged attacks (0,65 each), grants Hailstorm to the user for 20 seconds
Tier 1Auron 22.5Fire, NESix group attacks (0,82 each), Attach Fire1.65Fire, NE / SamuraiFour single attacks (0,54 each)1.65Fire, NE / SamuraiTwo single attacks (0,98 each), grants Dark Bargain to the user for 20 seconds
Tier 1Porom2.5Restores HP (55), MAG and MND +30% for 25 seconds1.65Holy / White MagicRestores HP (80), damages undeads, removes KO (20% HP)1.65Holy / White MagicRestores HP (25) AoE, damages undeads
Tier 1Arc2.5Holy, NEFive single attacks (2,34 each), restores HP (55) to all allies, MND +30% to the user for 25 seconds1.65Holy / White MagicRestores HP (80), damages undeads, removes negative effects1.65Holy / White MagicRestores HP (25) AoE, damages undeads
Tier 1Quistis2.5Poison, NEEight random attacks (1,88 each), Attach Poison1.65Poison, NE / Black MagicFour single attacks (2,17 each), causes Poison (7%), Blind (7%), Silence (7%) and Confuse (7%)1.65Poison, NE / Black MagicTwo group attacks (3,09 each), grants Stitch in Time to the user for 20 seconds
Tier 1Yang2.5Earth, NESeven single attacks (0,95 each), Attach Earth1.65Earth, NE / MonkFour single attacks (0,47 each), five attacks if the user has Wild Mode1.65Earth, NE / MonkFour single attacks (0,51 each), grants Wild Mode to the user
Tier 2Gogo2.5Water, NESix group attacks (1,99 each), Attach Water1.65/ SpecialCasts the last ability used by an ally (default: single, 1,50 physical), cast time -0,15 for each consecutive use1.65Water, NE / Black MagicFour single attacks (2,24 each)
Tier 2Kain2.5Lightning, NEFour group ranged attacks (1,25 each), Attach Lightning1.65Lightning / DragoonTwo single ranged attacks (1,03 each), grants No Air Time 2 to the user1.65Lightning / DragoonTwo single ranged attacks (1,03 each), restores 1 consumed ability use (priority to lowest remaining uses) to the user
Tier 2Yuna 22.5Restores HP (55), MAG and MND +30% for 25 seconds1.65Holy / SummoningNo Summon Status: Grants Summon Valefor

With Summon Status: Four group attacks (4,80 each), minimum damage 1100, removes Summon Valefor to the user
1.65Holy / White MagicNo Summon Status: Restores HP (25) AoE, damages undeads

With Summon Status: One group attack (4,80 each) minimum damage 1100, restores HP (25) to all allies
Tier 2Shantotto2.5Lightning, Fire, IceSix group attacks (1,94 each), Attach Lightning0.825Lightning, Fire / Black MagicFour single attacks (2,00 each)0.825Lightning, Ice / Black MagicFour single attacks (2,00 each)
Tier 2Reynn2.5Ice, NESix group attacks (1,99 each), minimum damage 1100, Attach Ice1.65Ice, NE / Black MagicFour single attacks (2,00 each), 2,49 multiplier if exploiting elemental weakness1.65Ice, NE / Black MagicTwo single attacks (4,20 each), restores HP to the user for 25% of the user's maximum HP
Tier 2Vayne2.5Dark, NEEight single physical (0,81 each) or magical (1,49 each) attacks, Attach Dark1.65Dark, NE / MonkFour single attacks (0,47 each), restores HP to the user for 25% of the user's maximum HP1.65Dark, NE / Black MagicFour single attacks (2,10 each), restores HP to the user for 25% of the user's maximum HP
Tier 2Krile2.5Fire, NESix group attacks (1,99 each), Attach Fire1.65Fire, NE / Black MagicFour single attacks (2,17 each), causes Stun (9%)1.65Fire, NE / Black MagicTwo group attacks (3,04 each), causes Slow (16%)
Tier 2Emperor2.5Wind, DarkSix group attacks (1,99 each), Attach Wind1.65Wind, Dark / Black MagicFour single attacks (2,17 each), causes Stun (9%)1.65Wind, Dark / Black MagicSingle attacks (7,96) Heals the user for 20% of the damage dealt
Tier 2Rydia2.5Earth, NEFive group attacks (2,37 each), minimum damage 1100, Attach Earth1.65Earth, NE / SummoningFour single attacks (2,24 each), minimum damage 11001.65Earth, NE / SummoningTwo group attacks (3,14 each), minimum damage 1100
Tier 2Kefka2.5Poison, NESix random attacks (1,88 each), Attach Poison1.65Posion, Dark / Black MagicFour single attacks (2,24 each)1.65/ DancerATK -40%, causes Slow (20%)
Tier 2Vivi2.5Fire, NEFour group attacks (2.98 each), Attach Fire1.65Fire, NE / Black MagicFour single attacks (2,24 each)1.65Fire, NE / Black MagicTwo group attacks (3,14 each)
Tier 2Serah2.5Ice, NEEight single attacks (1,88 each), Attach Ice1.65Ice, NE / Black MagicFour single attacks (2,24 each)1.65Ice, NE / Black MagicTwo group attacks (3,14 each)
Tier 2Hope2.5HolyFour group attacks (2,98 each), Attach Holy1.65Holy, NE / Black MagicFour single attacks (2,24 each)1.65Earth, NE / Black MagicFour single attacks (2,62 each)
Tier 2Sephiroth2.5-Four group attacks (1,54 each)1.65- / CombatTwo single attacks (12,25 each), ignores DEF1.65Fire, NE / CombatFour single attacks (0,63 each)
Tier 2Golbez2.5Dark, NESeven single attacks (2,49 each), MAG +30% to the user for 25 seconds, Sentinel1.65Dark / SummoningNo Summon Status: Grants Summon Black Dragon and Stoneskin: 30%

With Summon Status: Four group attacks (4,30 each), minimum damage 1100, removes Summon Black Dragon to the user
1.65Dark / Black MagicNo Summon Status:: Four single attacks (2,55 each)

With Summon Status: Four single attacks (2,55 each), heals the user for 20% of the damage dealt
Tier 2Vincent2.5Fire, NESix group physical (0,94 each) or magical (2,26 each) attacks, grants Radiant Shield: 100% to all allies1.65Fire, NE / DarknessFour single attacks (0,47 each), 0,65 multiplier if the user has any Doom1.65Fire, NE / DarknessFour single attacks (2,04 each), 2,86 multiplier if the user has any Doom
Tier 2Cloud of Darkness2.5Dark, HolyEight random attacks (2,20 each), grants Radiant Shield: 100% to all allies1.65Dark, Holy / Black MagicFour single attacks (2,55 each), causes Silence (7%) and Blind (7%)1.65Dark, Holy / Black MagicFour single attacks (2,55 each), causes Paralyze (7%) and Stop (7%)
Tier 2Hope 22.5Holy, NESix group attacks (1,86 each), 2,09/2,32/2,90 multiplier if there are 3/2/1 enemies, causes Stun (100%), MAG and RES +30%1.65Holy, NE / SummoningNo Summon Status: Causes Slow (29%), removes positive effects, grants Summon Alexander to the user

With Summon Status: Four group attacks (4,25 each), minimum damage 1100, removes Summon Alexander to the user
1.65Holy, NE / Black MagicNo Summon Status: Four single attacks (2,50 each)

With Summon Status: Four single attacks (2,50 each), causes Stun (15%)
Tier 2Palom2.5Fire, Lightning, IceEight single attacks (2,00 each), ten attacks if exploiting elemental weakness1.65Fire, Lightning / Black MagicFour single attacks (2,30 each), grants Instant Magical Attacks 1 to the user if exploiting elemental weakness1.65Ice, Lightning / Black MagicFour single attacks (2,30 each), grants Instant Magical Attacks 1 to the user if exploiting elemental weakness
Tier 2Yda2.5Fire, NEEight single attacks (0,92 each), ATK, DEF, MAG and RES -40% for 25 seconds1.65Fire, NE / MonkFour single attacks (0,58 each), grants a stack of Greased Lightning to the user1.65/ MonkGrants Stoneskin: 30%
Tier 2Marach2.5Lightning, DarkEight random attacks (2,13 each), MAG and RES -40% for 25 seconds0.825Lightning, Dark / Black MagicFour single attacks (2,25 each)0.825Lightning, Dark / Black MagicTwo group attacks (3,44 each)
Tier 2Mustadio2.5-Eight random ranged attacks (0,84 each), ATK and MAG -40% for 25 seconds1.65- / MachinistTwo single ranged attacks (1,20 each), grants Instant Machinist Abilities 2 to the user1.65- / SupportSingle ranged attack (2,30), DEF -40% for 15 seconds
Tier 2Freya2.5Wind, NEEight random attacks (0,95 each), ATK and DEF -50% for 25 seconds1.65Wind, NE / DragoonTwo single attacks (0,96 each), grants No Air Time 2 to the user1.65Wind, NE / DragoonTwo single attacks (0,96 each), restores 1 consumed ability use (priority to lowest remaining uses) to the user
Tier 2Rosa2.5HolyFive group attacks (1,90 each), restores HP (85) to all allies1.65Holy / White MagicRestores HP (105), grants Magical Blink 1, damages undeads1.65Holy / White MagicRestores HP (25) AoE, damages undeads
Tier 2Aerith2.5HolyFive group attacks (1,90 each), restores HP (85) to all allies1.65Holy / White MagicRestores HP (105), damages undeads, MND +30% for 25 seconds1.65Holy / White MagicRestores HP (25) AoE, damages undeads
Tier 2Penelo2.5HolyEight random attacks (1,50 each), restores HP (55) to all allies, MAG and MND +15% to all allies for 25 seconds1.65Holy / White MagicFour single attacks (2,63 each), MND +15% to the user for 25 seconds1.65Holy / White MagicRestores HP (25) AoE, damages undeads
Tier 2Lenna2.5Restores HP (55), grants Reraise: 40%, RES and MND +30% to the user for 25 seconds1.65Holy / White MagicFour single attacks (2,63 each), MND +15% to the user for 25 seconds1.65Holy / White MagicRestores HP (25) AoE, damages undeads
Tier 2Selphie2.5HolyFour group attacks (3,50 each), causes Instant KO (100%), MAG and MND +30% to all allies for 25 seconds1.65Holy / White MagicRestores HP (105), grants High Regen, damages undeads1.65Holy / White MagicTwo single attacks (5,25 each), removes positive effects
Tier 2Minwu2.5HolyFour group attacks (2,38 each), grants Haste and High Regen to all allies0.01Holy / White MagicRestores HP (105), damages undeads1.65Holy / White MagicTwo group attacks (3,04 each), MAG and MND -20% for 15 seconds
Tier 2Raijin2.5Lightning, NEEight single attacks (0,83 each), Attach Lightning1.65/ MonkRestores HP for 40% of the target's maximum HP1.65Lightning, NE / Monk4/5/6/7/8/9/10 single attacks (0,54/0,92/1,17/1,40/1,62/1,86/2,05 each) increasing with Concentrate(Command 1) uses, resets counter
Tier 2Warrior of Light2.5Holy, NEEight single attacks (0,81 each), Attach Holy1.65Holy, NE / Knight1/2/3/4/5 single attacks (0,48 each) at 327/654/1700/2490 DEF1.65Holy, NE / KnightTwo group attacks (0,65 each), DEF +50% to the user for 25 seconds
Tier 2Sabin2.5Fire, NE7/8/9/10 single attacks (0,70 each) at 700/1250/1700 ATK, Attach Fire1.65Fire, NE / Monk4 single attacks (0,40 each), ATK and DEF +10/20/30/40/50/60/70/80% increasing with every use to the user for 25 seconds1.65Fire, NE / MonkTwo group attacks (0,75 each)
Tier 2Reno2.5Lightning, NESix group ranged attacks (0,82 each), Attach Lightning1.65Lightning, NE / Combat1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 single ranged attacks (0,52 each) increasing with every use1.65Lightning, NE / CombatFour single ranged attacks (0,49 each), causes Stun (9%)
Tier 3Bartz 22.5Water, NEEight single attacks (0,83 each), Attach Water1.2- / ThiefSingle attack (2.00), ATK -40% for 20 seconds, ATK +50% to the user for 20 seconds1.65Water, NE / SpellbladeFour single attacks (0,54 each)
Tier 3Exdeath?Dark, NESix group attacks (? each), causes Imperil Dark 20% for 25 seconds?Dark, NE / ?Four single attacks (? each), ? multiplier if the user has any Doom?Dark, NE / ?Group attack (? each) ,Causes Light Doom: 45 to the user, MAG +?% to the user for ? seconds
Tier 3Gilgamesh2.5-Eight single attacks (0,98 each), Sentinel1.65- / SamuraiTwo single attacks (1,30 each), removes positive effects1.65- / SamuraiTwo single attacks (1,30 each), grants Retaliate to the user for 15 seconds
Tier 3Seifer2.5Dark, NEEight single attacks (0,96 each), Sentinel1.65Dark, NE / DarknessFour single attacks (0,56 each), causes Dying Frenzy and Radiant Shield 100/125/150/175/200/225/250/275/300% to the user1.65Dark, NE / DarknessSingle attack (2.20), Heals the user for 20% of the damage dealt
Tier 3Orlandeau3.75Holy, DarkTen random attacks (1,00 each), causes Instant KO (100%), Intervene3.3Holy, NE / KnightFour single attacks (1,00 each), ATK and DEF -20% for 15 seconds3.3Dark, NE / KnightTwo single attacks (1,90 each), heals the user for 20% of the damage dealt
Tier 3Gordon2.5Fire, NESix group attacks (0,99 each), grants Last Stand to all allies1.65- / SupportSingle attack (2.30), ATK - 40% for 15 seconds1.65- / SupportSingle attack (2.30), DEF -40% for 15 seconds
Tier 3Snow2.5Ice, NEEight single attacks (0,84 each), 0,96 multiplier if all allies are alive, grants Last Stand to all allies1.65Ice, NE / MonkFour single attack (0,54 each), ATK increases as HP decreases1.65Ice, NE / MonkThree single attacks (0,80 each), grants Oathsworn Espada to the user for 20 seconds
Tier 3Cyan2.5-Eight single attacks (0,92 each), grants Critical 50% to all allies for 25 seconds, Retaliate1.65- / SamuraiSingle attack (2.40), Heals the user for 20% of the damage dealt1.65- / SamuraiFour single attaks (0,63 each), grants Dark Bargain to the user for 20 seconds