Lead partnerGeneral descriptionCrop performance in land with specific biophysical constraints Cultivation under marginal landQualitative characteristicsCurrent usesInnovative applications
Latin name Common nameOther namesShort descriptionLow Temp.DrynessSoil moistureSoil drainageSoil textureShallow rooting depthSalinitySodicityAciditySteep SlopeContaminated soil (general info)Ni contaminated soilCd contaminated soilPb contaminated soilZn contaminated soilPropagation Availability of genetic materialMin/MaxCycle Plant density Fertilization Harvesting periodHarvesting methodPotential production Main product
GSL <195dGDD <1575
T base 5°C
P/PET <0.6FC >210dPoorly or very poorly drainedCoarse material >10%Sand; loamy sand >40%Clay>50%OM>30% (30/100 cm)<35cm>3.2 dS/m>4.8 ESPpH<5.5>12%Soils contaminated with metals and post-mortem landfillsSeed, rhizom, cutting, plantles…High/medium/low°CAnnual/ perennialpt/m2kg/ha NPKSummer, fall...Seeds, biomass, oil…
Oil, fibre, carbohydrates, lignocellulose...
Score: 1 to 3 [YR=yield (actual) reduction]
1= YR>50%;
2= 25%< YR <50%;
3= YR < 25%;
0= Unfeasible
Score: 1 to 3 [YR=yield (actual) reduction]
1= YR>50%;
2= 25%< YR <50%;
3= YR < 25%;
0= Unfeasible
Score: 1 to 3 [YR=yield (actual) reduction]
1= YR>50%;
2= 25%< YR <50%;
3= YR < 25%;
0= Unfeasible
Score: 1 to 3 [YR=yield (actual) reduction]
1= YR>50%;
2= 25%< YR <50%;
3= YR < 25%;
0= Unfeasible
Score: 1 to 3 [YR=yield (actual) reduction]
1= YR>50%;
2= 25%< YR <50%;
3= YR < 25%;
0= Unfeasible
Score: 1 to 3 [YR=yield (actual) reduction]
1= YR>50%;
2= 25%< YR <50%;
3= YR < 25%;
0= Unfeasible
Score: 1 to 3 [YR=yield (actual) reduction]
1= YR>50%;
2= 25%< YR <50%;
3= YR < 25%;
0= Unfeasible
Score: 1 to 3 [YR=yield (potential) reduction]
1= YR>50%;
2= 25%< YR <50%;
3= YR < 25%;
0= Unfeasible
Score: 1 to 3 [YR=yield (actual) reduction]
1= YR>50%;
2= 25%< YR <50%;
3= YR < 25%;
0= Unfeasible
Score: 1 to 3 [YR=yield (actual) reduction]
1= YR>50%;
2= 25%< YR <50%;
3= YR < 25%;
0= Unfeasible
Score: 1 to 3 [YR=yield (actual) reduction]
1= YR>50%;
2= 25%< YR <50%;
3= YR < 25%;
0= Unfeasible
Score: 1 to 3 [YR=yield (actual) reduction]
1= YR>50%;
2= 25%< YR <50%;
3= YR < 25%;
0= Unfeasible
Score: 1 to 3 [YR=yield (actual) reduction]
1= YR>50%;
2= 25%< YR <50%;
3= YR < 25%;
0= Unfeasible
Score: 1 to 3 [YR=yield (potential) reduction]
1= YR>50%;
2= 25%< YR <50%;
3= YR < 25%;
0= Unfeasible
Score: 1 to 3 [YR=yield (actual) reduction]
1= YR>50%;
2= 25%< YR <50%;
3= YR < 25%;
0= Unfeasible
Score: 1 to 3 [YR=yield (actual) reduction]
1= YR>50%;
2= 25%< YR <50%;
3= YR < 25%;
0= Unfeasible
Score: 1 to 3 [YR=yield (actual) reduction]
1= YR>50%;
2= 25%< YR <50%;
3= YR < 25%;
0= Unfeasible
Score: 1 to 3 [YR=yield (actual) reduction]
1= YR>50%;
2= 25%< YR <50%;
3= YR < 25%;
0= Unfeasible
Score: 1 to 3 [YR=yield (actual) reduction]
1= YR>50%;
2= 25%< YR <50%;
3= YR < 25%;
0= Unfeasible
Propagation materialTemperature range for vegetative growth Growth cycleNormal annual dose to applied following expert knowledgeSeason (early/middle/late) Short descriptionNormal yield under favorable conditions (not marginal)ListMost important qualitative traitsCurrent commercial usesPotential future applications
UNIBOPanicum virgatum L.SwitchgrassPerennial herbaceous warm-season grass (C4) native to Northen America. Erect and caespitose plant, 1-3 m tall. Associated to their latitudinal origin, cultivars of switchgrass can placed into two distinct ecotypes: upland and lowland. Upland ecotypes are better adapted to the drier and colder habitats, while lowlands tends to thrive in warmer, wetter habitats.22232233NA2333223330SeedHigh10-35Perennial50-150
50-100 Kg N/y
80-100 kg P (only at establishment)
80-100 kg K (only at establishment)
Summer to springBaled straw15 Mg/ha/y (DM)LignocelluloseNDF= 75-80%
ADF= 45-50%
Lignin= 20-25%
Ash= 2-3%
Whole plant Higher Heating Value (HHV)= 18.8 MJ kg-1
Forage, CHP, erosion mitigation, wildlife habitat Advanced biofuels, bioplastics, phytoremediation
UNIBOCamelina sativa (L.) CrantzCamelinaFalse flax, Gold of pleasureAnnual oilseed crop native (C3) to Eurasia. Plants are erect (0.8-1.2 m tall). Each branch terminate in a raceme with yellow flowers typical of Brassicaceae family. Up to 10-12 seeds are enclosed in a "pear-shape" silique. Individual seed weight is below 1.5 mg. Both spring and winter biotypes are available in the market.33322121122NANA123133SeedHigh0-30Annual200-30050-70 Kg N/ha
50-60 kg P/y
30-50 kg K/y
Spring to summerCombine threshing2.5 Mg/ha (seeds)OilSeed: oil 35-42%, protein 25-30%. Main FAs: C18:1= 14-19%; C18:2=14-21%; C18:3=27-42%; C20:1=14-18%Aquaculture, cosmetics, food and feed uses, aviation fuel, winter cover cropHydraulic fluids, biopolimers
CRESSorghum bicolor (L.) MoenchSorghumIt's a C4 grass species largely grown in warm climate worldwide. Different types exist with different end-uses covering: food and non-food application. Plant morphology is depending to the end-uses, sugar and biomass types can be as tall as 4 m. Surghum is charatectized by high water use efficiency compared to corn1320SeedAnnual
WURCrambe abyssinica Hochst x R.E. FriesCrambe12233Seed
CRESRicinus communis L.CastorbeanPalm of ChristOilseed species belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family. It's a summer annual species which can grow also a perennial in tropical climate. Plants can grow up to 3 m tall, but dwarf hybrids are now avialable on the market to allow mechanlical harvest. Seeds are charectized by oil content >50%, but the toxic compound ricin is also present.2230SeedAnnual/ perennial
UHOHMiscanthus x giganteusMiscanthusPerennial rhizomatous grass native to East Asia. High biomass yield potential dur to C4 photosynthetic mechanism. Miscanthus x giganteus is presently the only commercially grown miscanthus genotype. It is a triploid, sterile hybrid between Miscanthus sinensis and Miscanthus sacchariflorus.31222331322NA3313233Rhizome, micropropagation; seeded hybrids are under developmentHigh8 - 45Perennial1 - 2
0 - 50 kg N/y; 40 kg P/y; 80 kg K/y
Solid fuel and building material: February to March; Biogas: October
Baled straw or Chips40 Mg DM/ha/yLignocelluloseHemicellulose= 24 - 32%
Cellulose= 28 - 49%
Lignin= 15 - 28%
Ash= 1.5 - 4%
Whole plant Higher Heating Value (HHV)= 17.5 MJ kg-1
Solid fuel; Buildung material (Isolation, thatching, panels), animal bedding, biocompositesBiogas, isobutanol (under investigation), erosion mitigation, other ecosystem services
UNICTArundo donax L.Giant reedCommon reed, Giant canePerennial herbaceous warm-season grass (C3) native to Asia, endemic in Mediterranean areas. Erect and caespitose plant, 2-5 m tall. Sterile plant, propagate exclusively by vegetative propagules (rhizomes, stem cuttings, node cuttings). Small degree of genetic variation due to clonal reproduction, but phenotypic variation has observed between the A. donax ecotypes according to their colonization sites. It is able to thrive in hot, drought prone environments, as well as wetter habitats, under salinity, steep slopes, poor soil texture and contaminated soil .
11233233NA13NANA222222Rhizome, cuttingsLow10-45Perennial1-2.550-100 Kg N/yFall to winterChopped30 Mg/ha/y (DM)LignocelluloseHemicellulose= 23-24%
Cellulose= 35-38%
Lignin= 20-22%
Ash= 4-7%
Whole plant Higher Heating Value (HHV)= 16-18 MJ kg-1
Fences, roofs, music instruments, paper Advanced biofuels, bioplastics, non-wood materials, phytoremediation, erosion mitigation, other ecosystem services
CIEMATAgropyron elongatum (Host.) Beauv.Tall wheatgrassThe plants commonly known as "agropiros" belong to several genera: Agropyron, Pascopyrum, Thinopyrum, Elymus, Elytrigia. Perennial herbaceous plants of gramineas family, adapted to a wide variety of soils and arid regions of cold climate, herefore they have great resistance to dry climates and extreme temperatures. In Spain its use as an energy crop is in experimental plots.32321331NA23NA32NASeedMedium15-25Perennial400-50055 kg N/haSummerBaled straw5-7 Mg/ha/y (DM)LignocelluloseForage, erosion mitigation
UHOHAmaranthus spp.AmaranthAmaranth is an annual dicotyledonous monoecious (self-pollinating) warm-season plant (>3 m tall) native to Southern America. Amaranth was used as a grain crop since millennia due to its high nutritional value. The use of amaranth for biogas production is under investigation and promising due to both its C4 photosynthetic pathway and its high water use efficiency. Additionally, a high heavy metal uptake efficiency could render amaranth suitable for phytomining or phytoremediation purposes on contaminated marginal land.21211231133NA312SeedLow12-35Annual30150 kg N; 50 kg P; 100 kg KLate summer / early fallChopped8-15 Mg DM/haLignocelluloseDry matter content= 26% Hemicellulose= 11%
Cellulose= 34%
Lignin= 6.5%
Ash= 13%
Specific methane yield= 266 lN CH4 / kg VS
Grain, forageBiogas, phytoremediation, phytomining, other ecosystem services (landscape heterogeneity, feed source for pollinators)
UNICTHelianthus annus L.SunflowerCommon sunflowerSunflower is a large annual, warm-season forb belonging to the Asteraceae family. It is adapted to a wide range of environments, from tropical to continental. Sunflower is mainly used as a source of edible seed oil, for seed direct consumption or as ornamental and industrial purposes. To be continued32211221NA12NA0NA1SeedHigh8-34Annual2-3130-90-350Summer to early fallCombine harvester2.5 Mg DM/ha seedsOilSeed: oil 30-45%, protein 20-22%, fiber 15%. 20-83% MUFAs and 4-65% PUFAs, 9-10% saturated FAFood, feed, fuelFAME biofuels, biogas, oil-platform products and lignocellulosic residue valorization
UNIBOBrassica carinata A. Braun.Ethiopian mustardcarinata Belonging to the Brassicaceae family, carinata is a low input crop, very tolerant to different biotic and abiotic stresses, and also to seed shattering. Plants are highly vigorous and they can present both white and yellow flowers. Despite being a spring crop in mild environments it could be grown also as a winter crop.221133322NANA222333SeedMedium4-30Annual50-120"0-70 Kg N/ha
50-60 kg P/ha 30-50 kg K/ha
Summer Combine threshing1-3 Mg/ha DMOilSeed: oil 30-38%, protein 28-33%. Main FAs: C18:1=8-13%, C18:2=12-15%, C18:3 =8-15%, C22:1=35-48%Food, biofuelAviation fuel
UNICTCannabis sativa L.HempIndustrial hemp, fiber hemp, seed hempHemp is an annual, dicotyledonous, warm-season (C3) plant belonging to the Cannabaceae family, adapted to a wide range of environments. Naturally it is dioecious, with the male plants that are taller and that come to flower earlier that the female ones. Hemp is wind pollinated and the male plantsdie after producing millions of pollen grains. Monoecious varieties have beens elected in modern times to reduce some agronomic problems rsuch as an efficient mechanization for harvesting the seeds, and the lower fibre quality and yield losses encountered when harvesting dioecious varieties at seed maturity22211130NA01NA0NA2SeedHigh10-30Annual
30-75 (seed); 150-250 (fiber)
60-120 Kg N/haSummer to FallDouble-cut combine1.0-1.5 Mg/ha (seeds), 8-15 Mg/ha (dry stems)Oil, fiberSeed: oil 30-35%, protein 20-25%. 13-19% MUFAs and 76-81% PUFAs
Food, textiles, ropes, composites materials, insulation mats, car interior panels, reinforce expanded starch foams in the food packaging sector, hemp concrete
Advanced biofules, biogas, secondary metabolites (cannabinoids, terpenoids and flavonois for pharmaceutical applications), bio-pesticides against nematodes, mesophilic fungi, insects and potentially weeds
Linum usitatissimum L.FlaxLinseed (oil flax), fiber flaxAnnual oilseed and fiber crop native to Meditarrenian and middle east. Panicle with numerous branches terminated with mostly blue and white flowers. Fruit - capsules with up to 10 seeds. Average MTS 6-8 g. Mostly spring crop available in market.332113212311333SeedHigh4-30Annual400 (seed); 1200 (fiber)
30-40 P, 120-140 K, 30-40 N (fiber flax), 70-90 N (linseed)
Combine/specialised machines
Seeds: up to 3 t/ha
Straw: up to 6 t/ha
Oil, FibreOil content ca 40%, total fiber content ca 30%, long fiber content ca 25%Oil - food, pharmacy, cosmetics, chemicals, fiber - textiles, technical textilesComposites, biologicallly active substances in medicine
LSFRI SILAVAPhalaris arundinaceae L.Reed canary grass
Widely spreaded as native specie groving in Europa as well in North America and Asia. Grass is a sod- forming, productive, vigorous, perennial(up to 7 years rotation). Plant have dominantly basal broad and moderately harsh, erect leaves on coarse, erect stems. Height of 1,5 to 2 m. The storage life of seeds is short, just 5 years. Seed quality should be checked for germination within 6 months of its use. Starts in early spring and continues through the growing season. Reed canary grass RCG is well suited to wet soils that are poorly drained or subject to flooding (1-3 weeks below oxygen rich water) and survives well in drought, it also has excellent frost tolerance. Forage quality is good prior to heading but then declines rapidly, owergrovn stems could be used as solid biobules fresh biomass forbiogas production. Regrowth after grazing and/ or mowing is very rapid on fertile sites and good on poor sites.
223322322333232Seeds,RhizomesHigh5-30Perennial200-300Opt. 60 Kg N/ha YSummer to Spring
Baled straw or Combine threshing
Biomass - nonfertilized 3.67 t /ha to 5.73 t ha -1, fertilized increase by 1.93 t ha -1 (+37% ) (Platace 2018); Could be increased bu twoo cuts – annual dry matter yields ranged from: 3.93–11.44 t /ha in two-cut and 5.89–
13.94 t /ha In single-cut regime (Rancane et all 2017).; seeds 129-373 kg/ha depending of N availability 9rnz
hay, biomassAsh=6-8%, Carbon = 42-47%, H hidrogen = 5.4-5.9%,C/H = 1.51-1.52, N = 1,13%, Cl = 0.5-0.8%, P = 28%, K= 1.4-3.9%, S = 0.013%; energy production = 67.2 GJ/ha; Ash melting temperature -1240 °CSoilid biomass for pellets, Foder, Fresh biomass for biogass, seed productionDrugs, granulated litter for small pets, biorafinery products, phytoremediation
UNIBOPhragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud.Common reedCosmopolitan perennial wetland grass, absent only above and below the latitude of 70° N and S. Phylogeographic diversity and high phenotypic plasticity. Up to 6 m tall depending on genetics, ploidy and habitat. High ecological tolerance, including draught, salt and disturbance. Not domesticated, mostly harvested from nature. Very few cultivation experiences (paludiculture). 33033333NA01NANA23rhizome, cuttingLowNAperennial5-8
100-150 kg/ha/y of N
100-120 kg/ha of P (establishment)
90-100 kg/ha of K (establishment)
Summer to winterBaled straw5-20 Mg/ha/y (DM)LignocelluloseNAWater treatment, roof thatching, paper and pulp, energy (combustion and biogas), fodder and litterBioconstruction material, polymerisation
for textile or plastic, advanced biofuel
CIEMATSpartium junceum L.Spanish broomRetamaSpecies is native to the Mediterranean in southen Europe, southwest Asia and northwest Africa, where it is found in sunny sites, usually on dry, sandy soils. Spatium is a species of flowering plant in the family Fabaceae. Spartium could be used to produced biomass in short rotation, biomass yields are about 6 -10 tdm/ha year), becase Spartium has high regrowth capacity and is a good N fixer in the soil.NANA321331NA13NA22NASeed, plantletsNA15-22Perennial1no need NWinterBaled6-10 Mg/ha/y (DM)LignocelluloseOrnamental plant, biomassFibre
CRESCarthamus dictorius L.SafflowerHighly branched, herbaceous, thistle-like annual plant. Plants can be up to 2 m tall. Differently from sunflower, sufflower is able to withstand low temperature, and winter types are available. It is commercially cultivated for vegetable oil extracted from the seeds but also as a source of orange-yellow pigments.SeedAnnual
Urtica dioica L.NettleStinging nettlePerennial fiber and medicinal plant crop. Native to Europe and Asia. Dioecious or monoecious plant, stems are single or sparsely and lightly branched, usually with a height of 0.4 m to 1 m, although sometimes reaching up to 3 m high.33322222NA2NANA333Seed, mostly rhisomesLow8-30Perennial4160-240 N kg/haSpring to fall depending on final use
Manual or mechanical
ephemeric fiber production, leafs widely used as medicinal industryBiologically active substances, fiberFiber ca 16%Mainly pharmacy as medicinal raw materialphytoremediation
UNICTCynara cardunculus L.CardoonCardoon, Cynara, Castile thistleCardoon is a perennial, dicotyledonous, herbacesous, lignocellulosic (C3) plant belonging to the Compositae (Asteraceae) family, closely related to globe artichoke (C. cardunculus var. scolymus (L.) Fiori), native to Mediterranean environments. It has been traditionally cultivated as vegetable in Mediterranean regions for century to produce edible stalks. For bioenergy purpose, it is a good candidate to be grown in the dry lands of the Mediterranean region as lignocellulosic and oilseed crop.00311222NA233322Seed or suckersMedium20-45Perennial3-1550-50-100Summer
Baled straw (forage harvester mounted with a robust header or a biomass harvester-baler)
3.7-13.8 Mg DM/ha/y (lignocellulose biomass), 0.5-1.5 Mg DM/ha/y (seeds)Lignocellulose, OilHemicellulose= 16-19%
Cellulose= 45-48%
Ash= 7-11%
Whole plant Higher Heating Value (HHV)= 13-16 MJ kg-1
Traditional Food, Forage, CHP, erosion mitigation, wildlife habitat Advanced biofuels, bioplastics, phytoremediation, Oil based products
WURParthenium argentatum A.GrayGuayule
UNIBOThlaspi arvense L.Pennycress
Stinkweed, field pennycress, fanweed, frenchweed, mithridate mustard,
pennycress, bastard cress, wild garlic
Pennycress is a common winter annual weed species, native of Eurasia, it is a C3 species. Although largely considered an agricultural weed, pennycress is an attractive biofuel feedstock as it can grow in a widerange of habitats.330221NANANA32NANA13SeedMedium0-30Annual80-15050-50-50 kg/ha NPKlate springCombine threshing1-1.5 Mg/ha (DM)OilSeed: 30-35% oil. Main FAs: C18:1=9-12% ; C18:2=18-20%; C18:3= 12-14%, C20:1= 9-10%, C22:1=37-40%BiofuelAviation
IBCSalix spp.WillowSallow, OsierThe genus of deciduous woody plants includes 350-370 species. Most willow species can be easily reproduced with winter cuttings. For energy feedstock, fast-growing cultivars of Salix viminalis L. and closely related species are grown. Willow does not require rich soil; it can grow in low-fertile and acidic soil, but requires a lot of moisture. Therefore, plantations of energy willow should be established in the areas of adequate moisture, floodplains, and other places with high levels of groundwater.331323322213323CuttingsHigh5-35Perennial1.2-1.5
20-30 Kg N/ha; 3 kg P/ha; 13 kg K/ha
Cut-and-chip harvesting
20 Mg/ha/y (DM)LignocelluloseNDF< 40%
ADF= 40-45%
Lignin= 18-24%
Ash=1- 2%
Whole plant Higher Heating Value (HHV)= 18.1-18.3 MJ kg-1
CHP, erosion mitigation, wildlife habitat Advanced biofuels, phytoremediation
LSFRI SILAVAPopulus spp.Poplar
White poplar, Balsam poplar , Lombardy poplar, Cottonwood, Aspen poplar and others Poplar is name of genus containing several species.
(Plants) any tree of the salicaceous genus Populus, of N temperate regions, having triangular leaves, flowers borne in catkins, and light soft wood. ( - Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014).2223133331231NA1Stem cuttings of different size, seedlings from seeds or tissue cultures, root cuttings.High1-40Perennial
Plants per ha :800-2000 rotation upt o 5 years,) more plants rotation less than 5 years.
50-100 Kg N /ha y
All season ussualy leaveless – winter- spring-autumn
harvester, motor- manual, special self moving chippers
4-10 t dray per year, 250-450 m3/ha at 15-20 year, key factors are lenght of vegetation season and availability of nutrients.
energy wood, chips pellets, boards and furniture for saunaSoild biofule – biomass, fire wood, pelets, boards for palets, plywood for venerand, wood for sana furniture,Phytoremediation, biorafinery. Roof material – schindlers
CRESRobinia pseudoacacia L.Black locustFalse acaciaIt is a medium-sized hardwood deciduous tree. It is a leguminous species able to fix atmosferic nitrogen. Being native of eastern USA blacklocust became an endemic invasive species also in Europe. Plants can grow up to 30 m tall. Robinia is a honey plant and its wood finds several applications as solid fuel
FCT UNLEucalyptus spp.EucalyptusEucalyptus is a highly adaptive and fast growing flowering trees species (C3) from the Myrtaceae family. With most than 700 subspecies, mainly native from Australia is very well implemented in Mediterrain Europe, mainly in the Iberic Peninsula. Adult plants attain a height of up to 90 m. Eucalyptus species can be grown successfully not only in the regions where they occur naturally, but in the most parts of the tropics, subtropics and warm temperate zones.1 to 01 to 03323333222333Seeds, cuttingsHigh5 - 30Perennial0.5-2
None to the limit of 40 kg (N)/ha; 18.8 kg (P2O5)/ha; 50 kg (K2O/ha)
3-20 years
Mechanical harvesting: Cut-to-length
32LignocelluloseNet heating value: 17.3 up to 18.4; ash content: 2-3% (stems), 4.5% (branches)Cellulose and paper industry, fuelwood, charcoal, poles, shelterbelts, railway sleepers and hardboard production.production of cellulosic ethanol, phytoremediation, floral nectar for honey, bark for tannin and rutin, leaf oil for industrial purposes and pharmaceutical applications
CIEMATUlmus pumila L.Siberian elmLitleleaf elmSiberiam elm is native to Asia, widely distrubuted throughout China, Korea, Mongolia, East Russia and Central Asia. Siberian is resisteance to Dutch elm disease and adaptation to all growing conditions, particularly its hardiness, drought tolerance and adaptation to different environments. In Spain it grows naturalized in ditches, slopes and marginal lands. Siberian elm is an extremely hardy tree, decidous, rapidly-growing to 25 m tall . It could be used to produced biomass in short rotation, biomass yields are about 3 -15 tdm/ha/y33321331NA00NA22NASeed, plantletsMedium/Low15-25Perennial0.3-0,660 kg N/haWinterBaled, chips3-12 Mg/ha/y (DM)LignocelluloseOrnamental plant, biomass
UNICTSaccharum spontaneum L. aegyptiacumWild sugarcaneAfrican fodder canePerennial herbaceous warm-season grass (C4) native to from Egypt, endemic in Sicily. Erect and caespitose plant, 1.5-4 m tall. Sterile plant, propagate exclusively by vegetative propagules (rhizomes). Small degree of genetic variation due to clonal reproduction, wide distribution on sites close coastal sea. It is able to thrive in hot, drought prone environments, as well as wetter habitats, steep slopes, sandy and poor soil textured.00333232NA1NANANA2NA3121Rhizome, cuttingsLow10-45Perennial1-250-100 Kg N/yFall to winterChopped20 Mg/ha/y (DM)LignocelluloseHemicellulose= 24-26%
Cellulose= 37-39%
Lignin= 20-22%
Ash= 3-5%
Whole plant Higher Heating Value (HHV)= 16-18 MJ kg-1
NAAdvanced biofuels, (under investigation for bioplastics, non-wood materials, and ecosystem services)
WULupinus mutabilis SweetLupinTarwi, Chocho, tremoçoLupinus mutabilis is an annual C3 crop of the Fabaceae family. It is mostly a self-pollinating species but depending ont he genotype and climate it can experience up to 30% cross-polynation. It is one of the “new world” lupin species with a centre of origin and diversity in the Andes. It is a robust crop tolerant to salt and low temperatures. Its initially application was as protein crop, but given the high yield of biomass produced, namely stems and leaves, it has become an interesting crop for biobased applications.N/A3223food and pharmaceuticals/cosmeticsunder inversigation in LIBBIO
CRESNicotiana glauca GrahamWild tobacco (tree)Tree tobaccoTree tobacco is native to South America but it is now widespread as an introduced species on other continents. It's an evergreen shrub growing up to 3 m by 3 m. It contains the toxic alkaloid anabasine and ingestion of the leaves can be fatal. It is being investigated for use as a biofuel.
CRESAtriplex spp.SaltbushOrache, OrachBelonging to the Chenopodiaceae family, it can be an annual or perennial shrub. It's able to grow under desert conditions, and shores under high salinity levels. Leaves are able to retain salts. It can be use for soil rehabilitation of mining sites.
UNIBOHelianthus tuberosus L.Jerusalem artichoketopinambur, sunchoke, sunroot, earth applePerennial herbaceous tuberous species (C3) native to the southern states of North America, 1.5-2m tall. Grown both for the tubers and for the stems, it adapts to a wide range of climatic conditions. Particularly relevant is the inulin content (especially in tubers), a fructose polymer with both medical and nutritional implications. Allogamous species, it reproduces mainly agamically and rapidly colonizes the areas in which it grows spontaneously.11212NA31NANA22233TuberMedium10-25°C
perennial crop, grown as an annual
130-150 Kg N/ha; 70-80 Kg P2O5/ha; 200-250 Kg K2O/ha
Machine harvest: tubers with potato picker and stems with mower.
90 Mg/ha/y of tubers (= 4-5 Mg/ha/y of carbohydrate)Fresh tubers, carbohydratesTubers: 20% dry matter of which fibers 15-25% (cellulose), 2% proteins, 3% ashes, 70-80% inulin.alcohol, fructose, fresh tubers, animal feedPharmaceuticals, industrial production of fructose and inulin, biofuel
CRESHibiscus cannabunus L.KenafDeccan hemp, Java juteIt's a native species of Asia which has been introduces worldwide. It is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant growing to 1.5-3.5 m tall. From the stem, 20-25% of bast fibers are obtained with outstanding insulation properties. From seeds an oil with food and non-foos uses is obtained.SeedAnnual
UNIBOCrotalaria juncea L.Sunn hempbrown hemp, Indian hemp, Madras hempAnnual summer legume (C3), native to India. It is a fast growing and high yielding lignocellulosic crop with a great potential as a feedstock for advanced biofuels. Even though its tropical origin, sunn hemp coul be coltivated in temperate climates where it can reach 1.2 m height in 60 days. It can be integrated into traditional cropping system, increasing crop diversification, soil fertility (N fixed into the soil)11231332231NA33NASeedMedium10 - 30 Annual30-50100 kg P2O5 ha-1Late summer, fallShredder + baler10 - 15 Mg DM ha-1 y-1fiber, lignocelluloseFiber fractions: 67% cell. 11.8% hemicell. 8.8% lign. Ash 2.5%. Volatile matter 2.5%Green manure, cover crop, nematode suppressor, fiber cropAdvanced biofuels, bioplastics, phytoremediation
UNIBOEuphorbia lagascae Spreng.Caper spurge / euphorbiawild spurge, vernin spurge, moleplantIt is an annual spurge native to south-eastern Spain and Italy (Sardinia). It produces a central primary shoot, which can reach1m height, and the secondary shoots connect to the base of this. The generative organ is called cyathium (characteristic inflorescence of the spurges); It consists of a cup-shaped involucre of fused bracts enclosing several greatly reduced male flowers and a single female flower. Uneven maturation creates problems at harvest.00300NA23NANA2NA1NANASeedMedium18-22Annual3,6-14,3NAFall to springMachine harvest0,4 to 1,6 Mg/haOil, plant extractsSeed: oil content 48–52% characterized by cis-12,13-epoxyoleic acid called vernolic acid (58–62%); Oleic acid C18. Leaves: Quercetin; p-coumaric acid; Ferulic acid. Latex: L-dopa; B-sitosterol.Biofuels, paints, varnishes, adhesives, industrial coatings, medicinal and pharmaceutical productIndustrial applications like epoxy coatings and resins; pharmaceuticals.
IBCBeta vulgaris L.Sugar beetsDue to a high concentration of sucrose in roots, sugar beet is grown as a feedstock for sugar and ethanol production. Sugar beet can be grown worldwide in regions without severe frosts. It prefers relatively cool temperature between 15 and 19 °C. The ansestors being coastal plants, sugar beet tolerate saline soil and drought. The crop grows best in rich soils with additional introduction of Sodium and Boron.331212313133122SeedHigh2-40Annual8-10
90-150 kgN/ha, 60-90 kgP/ha, 90-180 kgK/ha
AutumnCombine harvestingRoot yield 90-120 t/ha, sugar yield 14.4-19.2 t/haSugarSugar content of roots 14-21%Food and forageAdvanced biofuels, butanol
WURCalendula officinalis L.Calendula
Lavandula angustifolia Miller, Lavandula angustifolia L., L. intermedia Emeric
True lavender English lavender Lavandin
Spike lavanderSmall, non-hardy perennial evergreen shrub native to the Mediterranean, with a typical productive life of about 10 years. It can grow on coarse, rocky soils, and coastal climates. 00330330NA32NA23NACuttings, seedsmedium10-30Perennial280 kg N/haSummerMay be mechanized50-100 kg oil/haOilFlowers: oil content of 0.5 to 1.1%Essential oil; perfumes, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, personal care and home maintenance productsAromatherapy, integrative medicine, food supplement