Time stampName:District:Grade levels in your building:Under which SEED model are you evaluated?emailSLO #1IAGD #1Assessment #1How did you provide instruction to these students? Is there anything you would change if you were to use this goal again?SLO #2IAGD #2Assessment #2How did you provide instruction to these students? Is there anything you would change if you were to use this goal again?SLO #3IAGD #3Assessment #3How did you provide instruction to these students? Is there anything you would change if you were to use this goal again?submit another?SLO #4IAGD #4Assessment #4How did you provide instruction to these students? Is there anything you would change if you were to use this goal again?
6/1/2017 8:47:48David BilmesOxford9-12Teacher Evaluationbilmesd@oxfordpublicschools.orgTo help students improve their information literacy by learning how to use a subscription database and how to properly cite their sources.Every senior will use at least one subscription database source for their Capstone Project research paper.I looked at their Works Cited pages for their papers.I taught this lesson independently within a classroom or content area teacher's class.I needed more time in the classroom to individually conference with the students about their research sources.To have students demonstrate their information literacy by knowing how to do a proper Works Cited in MLA8 format.Every senior will have a properly formatted Works Cited page for their Capstone Project research paper.I looked at their Works Cited pages for their final submission of their research paper.I taught this lesson independently within a classroom or content area teachers class.I need more time to in class with the students to individually conference with them about their research sources and to give them feedback on the first drafts of their citations, using NoodleTools.
6/1/2017 12:06:58CookDanbury9-12District does not use
6/2/2017 13:24:55Joyce ZaldoBrookfieldPK - 2Teacher EvaluationStudents will be able to meaningfully select library materials that meet their needs for learning and/or enjoyment.Students will be assessed with same rubric at mid-year and end of year. 80% of students will move in a positive direction on rubric by end of year.Individually, students were asked to explain how people decide on which books to borrow in the library. A rubric 0-3 was used to score their answer. (0-No response or response doesn't make sense, 1-Gives one reason without details or with prompting, 2-Clearly explains one reason with details (without prompting), 3-Clearly explains 2 or more reasons without prompting)I see my students on a fixed schedule.I don't think I would change anything. However, I've been told I cannot use any goals that I've already used in the past.
8/9/2017 10:14:56Jennifer RoccaBrookfield Public Schools9-12Teacher Evaluationroccaj@brookfieldps.orgFreshman students will improve their ability to identify elements required to complete an accurate citation and discriminate between content obtained on the open web and content obtained from subscription database sources.By quarter 4 50% of students will score a 65% or higher on the post-assessment.Students will take the Resource Evaluation assessment developed by the BHS library media specialists. This assessment consisted of a Google Form with a mixture of m/c and open response questions. Students were provided with links to two different sources (a database article and a website) and were asked questions about who made the source, when it was created, whether it was a website or a database, and how they knew the answer.I taught this lesson independently within a classroom or content area teacher's class., I teach an independent course in Quarter 1 only.Evaluating student responses to explain how they knew a source was either a website or a database was difficult. I might consider changing the question, making it multiple choice, or rating that question on a scale of 0-3 rather than just "right" or "wrong".Students will improve their ability to summarize by reading nonfiction text and rewriting text using their own words.On the preassessment, the average score was 61.4%. At the end of the year we anticipate an average score of 72% on the post assessmentStudents in Skills 21 during Q1 were asked to read a news article and summarize it. Using a Summary Writing Rubric, these paragraphs were graded. At the end of the school year, students will again be asked to read a current news story and summarize the content of the article. We anticipate growth in these summary writing skills.I teach an independent course., I cotaught this lesson with a classroom teacher., I taught this lesson independently within a classroom or content area teachers class.I would like to better align the article I used for my pre-assessment with my post-assessment to ensure they are of comparable complexity.Freshman students will improve their ability to self generate quality research questions.60% of freshmen will score 60% or higher on the post assessment to be administered in the spring of 2015.We used selected TRAILS questions targeted to the skill of "Developing a Topic".I cotaught this lesson with a classroom teacher., I taught this lesson independently within a classroom or content area teachers class.I don't feel TRAILS was a good measure of this particular skill.Students will increase the amount of self-selected reading in which they engage.We currently have 19% students reporting reading for an hour or more a week. By June we anticipate 60% of students will report reading for an hour or more a week.An identical survey will be administered in the Spring of 2016 both to the target flexes as well as the rest of the school. This will allow us to compare the growth in our target students with the growth of the student body as a whole.I independently visited selected "Silent Reading" classes and worked with students 1:1 to help them find books they might enjoy.I would not use this for a goal again. I did achieve some success but it was very difficult to measure. The work with students was productive, but it did not make a good evaluation goal.
8/9/2017 12:28:31Sarah Dolan-AdamecGriswold5-8I don't know...sdolan-adamec@griswoldpublicschools.orgStudents will improve research skills by identifying and evaluating appropriate primary sources to write a research paper.Students will identify a specific number of primary sources that support their thesis statements.80% of students will identify through the production of a Works Cited document (5 sources) their understanding of credible primary sources given 3 class periods.I cotaught this lesson with a classroom teacher., I taught this lesson independently within a classroom or content area teacher's class.
8/9/2017 13:07:18Sarah ZajacWindsor Locks Public Schools3-5Teacher Evaluationszajac@wlps.orgCompletion of research projects 80% of students will reach Meets on a project rubric Project rubric given to every studentI see my students on a fixed schedule.I would change my method from just completion of the project to how well the students worked during the project.
8/11/2017 17:48:12Laura McCallWallingford3-5Teacher Evaluationlmccall@wallingfordschools.orgFourth grade students will increase their knowledge and understanding of the (insert your research model) research process.By February 2017, all students who scored 50% or less on the pre-assessment will improve at least 20 percentage points; students who scored 60% or 70% will improve at least 10 percentage points; and students who scored at least 80% will maintain or improve their overall score.

By May 2017, all students who scored 50% or less on the mid-year assessment will improve at least 20 percentage points; students who scored 60% or 70% will improve at least 10 percentage points; and students who scored at least 80% will maintain or improve their overall score.
Students completed a 10 question assessment using a Google FormI see my students on a fixed schedule., I cotaught this lesson with a classroom teacher.NoFourth grade students will increase their knowledge and understanding of the research process.IAGD 2:
By February 2017, all students who correctly completed 25% or less (1 of 4 items) on the pre-assessment citation sheet will improve by at least 25 percentage points (1 additional item); students who scored 50% will improve at least 25 percentage points (1 additional item); and students who scored at least 75% will maintain or improve their overall score.

By May 2017, all students who completed 25% or less (1 of 4 items) on the mid-year assessment citation sheet will improve by at least 25 percentage points (1 additional item); students who scored 50% will improve at least 25 percentage points (1 additional item); and students who scored at least 75% will maintain or improve their overall score.
2 Book citation sheets completed while conducting their researchI see my students on a fixed schedule., I cotaught this lesson with a classroom teacher.You could also do this using one book, one internet citation sheet
8/15/2017 15:49:33Emily BoisvertGuilfordPK - 2, 3-5
Teacher Evaluation
Students will increase proficiency with digital tools and applications and the components of effective book trailers in order to create their own trailers which peers will be able to view, use and access.By May 30, 2017: 85% of grade four students will receive an "Accomplished" level or higher score on the book trailer rubric demonstrating understanding of the components of effective book trailers and inclusion of those components in their own work. Students were assessed on the authentic performance task of creating a book trailer using an unfamiliar app based on the required components of content (storyline/plot), suspense/ending, recommendation, sound (voice and/or audio), images/graphics, text, and credits/copyright with a rubric created for the task. I see my students on a fixed schedule.Time became an issue with this project and it was an ambitious one for all third and fourth graders in my school. If I used it again, I would shorten the time students spent creating a "practice" trailer and start on final trailers sooner in the school year. Students will increase proficiency in evaluating online resources for research purposes.By May 30, 2016: 80% of grade four students will score 80% or higher on a post-assessment of evaluating web resources.Students took the same teacher-created assessment at the end of the school year as the pre-assessment given before instruction began in the library on this topic. It included a mix of multiple choice, matching, short answer, true and false concerning evaluating web sources, choosing the best sources, identifying a source's purpose, etc. I see my students on a fixed schedule.
8/16/2017 8:47:10
Laura Hedenberg
Teacher Evaluation
Second and third grade students will understand how to use a given type of resource tool to locate needed information.80% of students will achieve an 80% or higher on post assessment.
Students were given a pre-unit quiz (done with show of hands for each question). At the end of the unit, students were given a multiple choice quiz, done independently, containing 10 questions.I see my students on a fixed schedule.
8/25/2017 22:28:10Amy ReillyDerby9-12I don't know...
​In order to better communicate what the LMC has to offer I will be making better use of social media and other technology. Included in the social media (Twitter) will be a summary of what is available to students and parents both in the LMC and the Internet. This will be supported by the use of Google Classroom, the 1:1 Laptop Agreement Program, and the school's public website. The general expectation for this SLO is to better communicate with parents within the Derby district, making them aware of educational resources that our school can offer their children. The use of social media will also include announcements of what is available within the LMC, such as workshops to help students with scholarship applications, college essays, etc.B. GROWTH TARGETS What are the quantitative targets that will demonstrate achievement of the SLO?
​The quantitative target that will demonstrate achievement of the SLO will be taken from the new School Climate Survey administered in the spring.

The quantitative target will be that at least 60% of parents strongly agree that they often communicate with the teacher, compared to roughly 50% of parents from the fall survey.
A. ASSESSMENTS/MEASURES OF PROGRESS How will you measure progress toward your student learning goal/objective? ​The outcome of the SLO will be measured by the results of a survey taken by Derby High School parents at the start and the end of the school year.
9/12/2017 11:09:06Dawn M. Zillich
Hartford Archdiocese/Bristol
Employee Performance Appraisal Non-Instructional Staff
Create awareness of State and other academically rigorous digital sources, assess the credibility and accuracy of each source, and integrate the information while avoiding plagiarism.Number of students who apply for State Library cardClass participationI taught this lesson independently within a classroom or content area teacher's class.
9/12/2017 13:47:30Theresa WelchBridgeportPK-6
Teacher Evaluation
Sixth grade students in group 6A will demonstrate growth in information literacy skills.
Students in group 6a will grow from 17-50% in developing topic as measured by the TRAILS assessment by May 2017.

Students in sixth grade will grow from a 28%-50% as measured by the whole TRAILS assessment by May 2017.
I used the TRAILS (Tool for Real Time Assessment of Information Literacy Skills). It is a free, online assessment.I see my students on a fixed schedule.
9/18/2017 14:00:05
Jodie D'Alexander
Region 16 - Beacon Falls / Prospect
Teacher Evaluation
Students in 9th grade College Prep English classes will be able to gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources as well as assess the credibility and accuracy of each source. Furthermore, the students will be able to follow ethical and legal guidelines to cite their sources, using the information and technology both ethically and responsibly.

Priority of Content:
Objective is deeply relevant to teacher's final assessment. The goal will be to have 90% of the students in the two classes attain a level of Proficient of or better in regards to assessing credibility of sources and properly citing the sources used.
IAGD #1 90% of the students in Mrs. G's two college prep 9th grade English classes (* 30 students) will produce a research based writing project that includes 3 note taking cards and a work cited page that has both printed and digital sources to attain a rating of proficient or better on a teacher-made rubric. Achievement will be measured using Work Cited / Note-taking rubric data (teacher made) and on-going exit slip data.classroom assessment I taught this lesson independently within a classroom or content area teacher's class.No, I'm done and would like to submit.
9/19/2017 9:51:16ThomasStafford9-12
Teacher Evaluation
Students will improve research skills by identifying, evaluating and properly citing research sources. 73% of 9th grade students will show proficiency in source selection by finding 5 approved sources for term paper research
73% of 9th grade students will demonstrate proficiency in citing sources recieving a 3 or better on the 'Documentation' criteria in the term paper rubric
Term paper rubric and source reviewI cotaught this lesson with a classroom teacher.One more measurable SLO (per our district requirements)
10/11/2017 14:29:36Sue CreanBrookfield6-8
Teacher Evaluation
I would increase my circulation of non fiction books by x%
Circulation stasn/a
I provided resources for students to use but did not have direct instruction time., I promoted my new and pertinent titles in the library, through social media and worked with teachers
10/13/2017 17:27:12
Jennifer MacKenzie
New Fairfield High School
Teacher Evaluation
Refine and deliver a number of short, focused mini lessons that address Library Media Competencies: Information Seeking Strategies in conjunction with ELA Departmental competencies.
Students will participate in a series of mini lessons one building upon the other so that: Students will develop a good understanding of search, find, sort and evaluate online resources. Understand search engines to accomplish task. Foundations I 58 students.
Google form pretest, post test, and students final term paper -- MLA works cited
I cotaught this lesson with a classroom teacher., I taught this lesson independently within a classroom or content area teacher's class.
Don't know yet as it is a new one for this year
10/14/2017 15:59:37
Jannie Des Rosiers-Berman
Teacher Evaluation
Sixth grade students who are conducting research will be able to differentiate between different types of resources and will correctly complete source forms for three types of resources.
1. 75% of students will demonstrate that they can complete with 70% accuracy three bibliography forms (now termed “source forms”)
(book, Internet, and database) by the end of March 2015.
Students were directed to complete the three types of forms in the course of research activities.
I see my students on a fixed schedule.
Sixth grade students will improve their typing skills - including familiarity with keyboarding basics such as demonstrating the use of home row finger placement.
Seventy-five percent of sixth grade students will achieve a 70% or higher grade on a teacher created keyboarding assessment.
The assessment evaluated students on 10 areas where their skills could range from high-flyer, to satisfactory or not yet.
I see my students on a fixed schedule.
No, I'm done and would like to submit.
10/11/2017 9:40:32
Students in grade 1 will explore non-fiction library media materials and databases to research an animal of their choice. Once identified, students will distinguish characteristics of their selected animal, identify its scientific classification, and will create a research product that demonstrates the animals' unique features. Through their studies in Library Technology class, and in alignment with Art, Science, and English Language Arts grade level instruction, grade 1 students will be able to describe, draw, explain, label, and organize their animals into proper classifications. Their final projects will highlight the features
Through the Super 3 research process (Plan, Do, Review), students will practice and learn the research model, and they will be able to share their new knowledge in a cohesive and organized final project. Student peers will use a rubric to help assess targeted goals.
Exhibition of final products
I see my students on a fixed schedule., In collaboration with the Art and Science teachers, with input and feedback from grade 1 teachers
Increase collaboration with grade 1 teachers on a more regular basis
10/15/2017 17:21:58Anne PorierWallingfordPK - 2Teacher EvaluationStudents will utilize a research process to discover, create, and present knowledge. Second-grade students will use note-taking strategies to answer a research question. Read non-fiction text aloud to students. Students took notes as I read. The notes are scored on a 0-3 scale:
0 = Did not use any note-taking strategy or notes do not support the topic. (Below Standard)
1 = Showed some evidence of a note-taking strategy, however notes are unclear.
2 = Showed evidence of a note-taking strategy and notes clearly relate to topic. (Proficient/Goal)
3= Notes show a well-organized note-taking strategy with several notes related to topic. (Exemplary)
I see my students on a fixed schedule.I am using this SLO and this is one of my IAGD's for this year. Having just administered the pre-assessment I am very happy with the SLO and IAGD.