CategoryBill NbrLinkBill TitleBill DescriptionPrimary SponsorWFRC PositionWFRC PriorityStatus/Notes
Air QualityHB091 Credit for Alternative Fuel Heavy DutyReenacts a tax credit related to certain alternative fuel heavy duty vehicles, extends the availability of an income tax credit related to certain alternative fuel heavy duty vehicles, and makes technical and conforming changes. Rep. StoddardSupport3Passed
Air QualityHB123 Study for Air Quality LaboratoryThis bill directs the Division of Air Quality to conduct a feasibility study regarding the creation of an air quality and changing climate solutions laboratory, as recommended by the Gardner Policy Institute Air Quality Roadmap.Rep. HandySupport2Did not pass
Air QualityHCR05 Resolution Encouraging Statewide Emissions Reduction GoalsThis concurrent resolution encourages the adoption of emissions reduction goals, as recommended by the Gardner Policy Institute Air Quality Roadmap. Recognizes Utah's tradition of modeling collaborative and innovative solutions to challenges. Rep. HandySupport2Did not pass
Air QualitySB015 Solutions for Air QualityRequires Department of Human Resource Management (DHRM) to cooperate with state agencies to provide and measure teleworking options for state employees during bad air quality days; and provide an annual written report regarding teleworking by state employees during bad air quality days.Sen. McCaySupport2Passed
Air QualitySB146 Testing AmendmentsThis bill removes the end date of a pilot program requiring emissions inspections of certain diesel-powered motor vehicles, making the requirement permanentSen. BrambleSupport3Passed
AppropriationsHB003 Fiscal Year Supplemental AppropriationsThis bill supplements or reduces appropriations otherwise provided for the support and operation of state government for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020 and ending June 30, 2021.Sen. StevensonSupport1Passed
AppropriationsHB006 and General Government Base Budget Includes UDOT base budgetIGG Appropriations SubcommitteeSupport1Signed into law
Appropriationslist prioritized by IGG Appropriations Subcommittee$50M for Cottonwood Canyons transportation enhancements. $6M for Rural Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure. $500,000 for Innovative Rail Market Assessment (aka Statewide Comprehensive Rail Plan)IGG Appropriations SubcommitteeSupport2Cottonwood Canyons funding provided through HB433. The other items were not funded.
Appropriationslist prioritized by Executive Appropriations CommitteeEconomic development funding items: Item 21: Infrastructure Development Account (revolving loan fund) $115M. Item 24: MIDA Military Recreation Facility Project Area Underpass and Transit Funding $4,680,000. Item 32: Trails, Outdoor Recreation, Open Space, and Parks $39,000,000. Item 16: Economic Development Grants $20,000,000. Item 28. Rural Fiber/Broadband/Wifi $10,200,000. Item 18. Falcon Hill MIDA Project Area Funding $40,956,000. Item 107: LeRay Mcallister Fund $1,000,000. Item 163 Freight Logistics Electrification Demonstration Project (F-LED) $5,000,000. Item 187: Box Elder County Air Quality $200,000. Item 198: Jordan River Improvements $1,500,000. Item 330: Homelessness and Housing $50,000,000 (see below).Executive Appropriations CommitteeSupport2Tracks to SB2/HB3/SB3
Appropriationslist prioritized by Executive Appropriations CommitteeSocial Services Approprations: $15M for Homeless to Housing to be matched by $15M from philanthropic, community and local government sources to support direct homeless services and associated homeless service system needs statewide as determined by the new Utah Homeless Council. $10 million for gap financing of private activity bond financed multi‐family housing, matched by $200M in private funding. $25 million to match private dollars for the preservation and rehabilitation of affordable housing units for low‐income individuals through the Utah Housing Preservation Fund, matched by $500M in private funding. Executive Appropriations CommitteeSupport2Tracks to SB2/HB3/SB3
AppropriationsSB002 Fiscal Year Supplemental Appropriations ActThis bill supplements or reduces appropriations otherwise provided for the support and operation of state government for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022.Sen. StevensonSupport1Passed
AppropriationsSB003 AdjustmentsThe "bill of bills" appropriates funding for bills with fiscal notes.Sen. StevensonSupport1Passed
AppropriationsSB006 Offices and Criminal Justice Base Budget Includes GOMB base budget to include WFRC $140,000 ongoing line itemEOCJ Appropriations SubcommitteeSupport1Signed into law
Economic DevelopmentHB254 Recreational Grant Program AmendmentsThis bill allows the use of up to 4% of the Outdoor Recreation Grant Program fund for children-specific education programs, and also provides some flexibility in the membership of the grant project selection committee.Rep. WinderSupport3Did not pass
Economic DevelopmentHB348 Development AmendmentsThis bill renames the Governor’s Office of Economic Development (GOED) to the Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity (GO Utah office). This bill will establish a Unified Economic Opportunity Commission that will develop, direct, and coordinate statewide economic strategies. The commission will oversee the Economic Opportunity Act, with a mission to catalyze strategic opportunities statewide with the goals of catalyzing targeted industry growth, supporting economically thriving communities, workforce development and stimulating economic growth in rural and multicultural communities. In addition, this bill will create a talent development grant program, create the Utah Broadband Center which will establish a broadband access grant program and create subcommittees to assist the review in areas such as sustainable growth and outdoor recreation. The bill requires the new commission to coordinate with "economic opportunity agencies" including Utah's associations of governments (such as WFRC) which serve as federally recognized economic development districtsSen. Milner, Rep. HawkesSupport1Passed
Economic DevelopmentSB037 Infrastructure District Revisions Removes public infrastructure districts (PID) from special districts part of code and places it in a new section of code. Sen. McCayMonitor3Passed
Economic DevelopmentSB065 Reinvestment Agency AmendmentsOption for existing CRA/RDA; for RDA that is sunsetting, option would allow agency and certain taxing entities to enter into an interlocal agreement that allows them to transfer project area incremental revenue.Sen. HarperMonitor2Passed
Economic DevelopmentSB243 Subdivisions AmendmentsCreates an "infrastructure bank" to make loans for projects relating to the Utah Inland Port Authority, the Point of the Mountain State Land Authority, and the Military Installation and Development Authority. This is anticipated to be initially capitalized with $75M in appropriations. Sen. StevensonTBD2Passed
Environmental Quality HB215 River Improvements AmendmentsThis bill directs the Jordan River Commission to work with UDOT regarding issues related to state highways and the Jordan River
Rep. Acton Monitor3Did not pass
GovernmentalHB019 Classification AmendmentsThis bill increases the population thresholds for classification of counties of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd class.Rep. SniderSupport2Passed
GovernmentalHB052 of the Mountain Development Commission Act ModificationsExtends the repeal date of Utah Code Title 63C, Chapter 17, Point of the Mountain Development Commission Act by two years to July 1, 2023. Specifically requires the Commission to coordinate with WFRC, MAG, UDOT and UTA. Requires the Commission to evaluate alternative methods for funding infrastructure. Includes $39,600 for expenses and planning work.Rep. SnowSupport2Passed
GovernmentalHB098 Government Building Regulation AmendmentsThis bill allows applicants to opt out of an inspection and engage their own licensed building inspector.Rep. Ray-3Passed
GovernmentalHB261 Reference Center AmendmentsThis bill changes the name of the state GIS office from its well-known, but somewhat outmoded name -- Automated Geographic Reference Center (AGRC) -- to the Utah Geospatial Resource Center (UGRC).Rep. BrooksSupport3Passed
GovernmentalHB326S02 Reporting and Efficiency RequirementsThis bill modifies provisions related to government performance reporting and efficiency requirementsSen. Ballard
GovernmentalHB364 Lake AuthorityCreates the Utah Lake AuthorityRep. Brammer-2Did not pass
GovernmentalSB072 and Public Meetings AmendmentsModifies a provision relating to open and public meetings, prohibits a vote in a closed meeting, except to end the closed portion of the meeting, and provides that a motion to end the closed portion of a meeting may be approved by a majority vote. Sen. Fillmore-3Passed
HousingHB082 Housing ModificationsIn areas with permitted ADUs, legislation would make it so that the use of internal ADU is a permitted use; and may not establish restrictions/requirements for construction/use of an internal ADU, including a restriction or requirements governing: size of ADU unit in relation to primary dwelling, total lot size, parking, street frontage; removes "unrelated" from 10-9a-505.5; modifies building code to prohibit HOA from prohibiting certain ADUs and creates program for loan guarantees for ADUs. Rep. Ward-2Passed
HousingSB164 Housing Affordability AmendmentsThis bill authorizes local governments to “contribute” public-owned property toward “affordable housing” (defined in the bill) projects and requiring, through a deed restriction of at least 30 years, that 20% or more units remain affordable; allows for the creation or financial support of a mediation program for landlords and tenants designed to minimize the loss of housing for low-income persons ($300K); enables the Olene Walker Housing Loan Fund to award predevelopment grants for preparation activities relating to the construction of new low income housing units in small cities and rural areas ($500K); directs AGRC, the state GIS office, to work with MPOs and County Assessors to develop a housing unit data inventory to support infrastructure planning and economic development in 1st and 2nd class counties. Appropriates funding where noted above.Sen. AndereggSupport1Passed
JazzHR003S01 Resolution Honoring Donovan Mitchell Over Shaquille O'NealHouse Resolution Honoring Donovan Mitchell over Shaquille O'Neal.Rep. BirkelandSupport3Passed
Land UseHB063 Fees AmendmentsThis bill amends provisions related to impact fees, defines terms, modifies provisions regarding the calculation of impact fees, and makes technical and conforming changes. Rep. PierucciMonitor2Passed
Land UseHB115 Boundary ModificationsThis bill amends provisions related to municipal boundaries, defines terms and establishes a procedure for filing an annexation petition proposing a cross-county annexation. Rep. WaldripMonitor3Passed
Land UseHB211 and Referenda AmendmentsThis bill provides more standardization to forms, requirements, and procedures for state and local initiatives and referendaRep. ThurstonSupport3Passed
Land UseHB317 Domain AmendmentsThis bill revises provisions related to eminent domain. This bill: requires the Department of Transportation to obtain a property owner's consent to acquire private property in certain circumstances; modifies the requirements for a political subdivision to exercise eminent domain; allows a property owner to assert as a defense in a court proceeding to challenge an eminent domain action that a taking is not necessary for a public use; requires a political subdivision to show in a court proceeding that a taking is necessary for the public use in certain circumstances."Rep. PetersenOppose2Did not pass
Land UseSB061 Advertising AmendmentsProhibits a municipality from enacting or enforcing an ordinance that prevents conforming and non- conforming signs from upgrading to an electronic/mechanical changeable sign.Sen. SandallOppose2Did not pass
PlanningHB368 Planning Agencies AmendmentsRenames Governor's Office of Management and Budget to Governor's Office of Planning and Budget. Creates within GOPB a repository for planning information and studies. This is intended to elevate planning. Utah has been the fastest growing state in the nation over the past ten years, which continues. Stakeholders must work together across jurisdictional boundaries to collaborate, share data, and develop plans. Not intended to supplant any activities currently being done by other entities, but rather to build upon and enhance the coordination among those entities. GOPB, through the State Planning Coordinator, is uniquely situated to help facilitate alignment across state agencies, and to help coordinate federal, state, regional, and local government planning efforts towards shared priorities. Better aligns planning activities with budget analysis and development, with consideration of Utah's long-term needs.Rep. Spendlove
PlanningSB194 Main Street ProgramThis bill creates the Utah Main Street Program (program) within the Governor's Office of Economic Development (GOED). Potential technical assistance to local communities, funds for revitalization of downtown/commercial areas. Sen. OwensSupport2Passed
PlanningSB199 AmendmentsDirects the Legislative Water Development Commission to support the creation of a unified, statewide water strategy. Appropriates $2M for financing the cost of secondary water metering for a commercial, industrial, institutional, or residential user by a small secondary water retail supplier.Sen. McKell-3Passed
Public InfoHB027 Information Website ModificationsAmends provisions related to certain pubic information websites. Requires the Division of Archives and Records Service to create and maintain the Utah Open Records Portal Website to serve as a point of access for Government Records Access and Management Act requests; renumbers and modifies provisions applicable to the UPN website, and clarifies provisions relating to the membership and duties of the Utah Transparency Advisory Board.Rep. PierucciSupport3Passed
Revenue and TaxHB223 Fuel IncentivesThis bill modifies incentives for the production and use of alternative fuelsRep. BallardSupport2Passed
Revenue and TaxSB088 Option Sales Tax Distribution AmendmentsThis bill modifies provisions related to county option funding for botanical, cultural, recreational, and zoological organizations or facilities. Sen. Fillmore--Passed
Revenue and TaxSB095 Tax RevisionsThis bill exempts certain tangible personal property from sales tax. This would reduce local government tax collection by $3.3M in FY23.Sen. Fillmore--Did not pass
TransportationHB031 Minors in Autonomous VehiclesThis bill establishes a workgroup on unaccompanied minors and autonomous vehicles.Rep. KwanSupport3Did not pass
TransportationHB142 Traffic AmendmentsHB142 provides that an individual operating a bicycle approaching a stop sign may proceed through the intersection without stopping at the stop sign if:
(i) the individual slows to a reasonable speed; and
(ii) yields the right-of-way to:
(A) any pedestrian within the intersection or an adjacent crosswalk;
(B) other traffic within the intersection; and
(C) oncoming traffic that poses an immediate hazard during the time the individual is traveling through the intersection.
HB142 recognizes and supports that more people are using biking as a form of commuting. Evidence from other states with similar rules in place have shown that this does not increase safety risks or accidents.
Rep. MossSupport2Passed
TransportationHB151 Infrastructure Bank AmendmentsThis bill amends the Transportation Code to prohibit the use of State Infrastructure Bank revenue for the construction or improvement of a parking facility.Rep. Brammer-2Passed
TransportationHB160 Driver AmendmentsThis bill prohibits certain uses of a handheld wireless communication device while operating a motor vehicle on a roadway. It also provides limited exceptions to the prohibition.Rep. MossSupport2Did not pass
TransportationHB209 Registration Fee RevisionsThis bill increases vehicle registration fees on electric, hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and other vehicles. Rep. Christofferson -2Did not pass
TransportationHB244 Class County Highway Road Funds AmendmentsBeginning in FY22 and continuing or 15 years, directs revenues from the "county for the first class highway projects fund" - which is funded by county vehicle registration fees - to the following cities for "priority projects to mitigate congestion and improve transportation safety": $1,100,000 to Salt Lake City; $1,100,000 to Sandy; $1,10,000 to Taylorsville; $1,100,000 to West Jordan; $1,100,000 to West Valley City; $800,000 to Herriman; $700,000 to Draper; $700,000 to Riverton; $700,000 to South Jordan; $500,000 to Midvale; $500,000 to Millcreek; $500,000 to Murray; $400,000 to Cottonwood Heights; and $300,000 to Holladay. And in the first year, FY21 only, $2,600,000 to South Salt Lake City; $1,100,000 to Salt Lake City; $1,100,000 to West Valley City; $1,000,000 to Millcreek; $700,000 to Sandy, $700,000 to West Jordan; $500,000 to Muray; $500,000 to South Jordan; and $500,000 to Taylorsville. Directs 20% of county vehicle registration fees, or roughly $2,000,000, to be transferred to the Legislative Body of Salt Lake County. Beginning in FY24 and continuing for 15 years, directs a portion of the revenue that is transferred to the Legislative Body: $300,000 to Kearns Township and $225,000 to Magna Township.
Rep. DunniganSupport2Passed
TransportationHB433 Related to Infrastructure FundingAuthorizes $1.1 billion in investments in state roads, public transportation and active transportation through a combination of the authorization of new bonding and the appropriation of available one-time revenues. <a href="">Here is a summary of the bill</a>. Rep. SchultzSupport1Passed
TransportationSB071 Acquisition AmendmentsThis bill provides a property owner the opportunity to petition the Department of Transportation to acquire the entire fee interest of a property affected by transportation corridor acquisition or preservation, and if the Department of Transportation does not acquire the fee interest, the Department of Transportation may not limit or restrict the development of the affected property. Sen. FillmoreMonitor3Did not pass
TransportationSB082 Usage Charge Program Special RevenueThis bill creates the Road Usage Charge Program Special Revenue Fund. Sen. HarperSupport2Passed
TransportationSB101 Vehicle AmendmentsThis bill amends the definition of "handheld wireless communication device" to exclude certain two-way radio devices as related to the use of such a device while operating a motor vehicle. Sen. HarperMonitor3Passed
TransportationSB113 Funding and Governance AmendmentsTransportation "omnibus" that makes numerous, mainly technical modifications, including: allows UTA Trustee to hold-over until their successor is appointed and qualified, amends provisions related to the disclosure and uses of accident reports; amends provisions related to the recovery of costs due to damages caused by an accident; changes the rulemaking authority related to school bus safety from the Department of Transportation to the Department of Public Safety; removes the requirement for certain vehicles transporting livestock to stop at a port-of-entry; creates a pilot program related to the Department of Public Safety and contracting with a towing management company; and makes other technical changes. Limits the use of Transit Transportation Investment Funds (TTIF) to public transit projects that "directly" increase capacity, and provides that they cannot be used for "facilities ancillary to the public transit system."Sen. HarperSupport2Passed
TransportationSB217 and Transit Reinvestment ZonesHTRZ is intended to get "all hands on deck" to help Utah tackle its housing crisis by facilitating development in the key areas around FrontRunner stations, capitalizing on the anticipated State investment to improve FrontRunner. <a href="">Here is a summary of the bill</a>. Sen. HarperSupport1Passed
TransportationSCR003 Resolution Encouraging the Development of a Multi-State Passenger Rail Commission This concurrent resolution encourages the analysis of opportunities for expansion of Utah's rail infrastructure. Sen. EscamillaSupport2Did not pass