Year (CE)Year (UEC)DateLocationEventNotes
-13400000000EverywhereEverything“The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.”
-13399999999.99UnknownThe Guardian of Forever is created.Based on the best evidence scientists can glean from the damned thing, the Guardian was created within a very short interval after first light. Which by all accounts should be impossible, but...
-6000000000OyyaThe Guardian lands on - or is moved to - its current location.Whether the Guardian landed on Oyya by happenstance or design is a Matter of Some Debate among archaeologists.
-2000000000Milky Way"First Intelligence Horizon"According to our current understanding of galactic development, the Milky Way reached the point where intelligent life could develop right around this time frame. No artifacts are known to date from this earliest horizon, but some arhaeologists hold out hope that some red dwarf system or rogue planetoid holds remains from the first species to evolve in our galaxy.
-6000000Local SpaceEra of the First LeagueThe First League was a civilization composed of somewhere around two to three dozen allied sophont species that controlled an area about 2,500 light years in diameter around what would be local space.
-5990000OyyaThe First League establishes a city surrounding the Guardian.Presumably started as a research facility, the city (known now simply as “The City”) became something closer akin to a religious center over the years. Tantalizingly, digs within the City suggest it was built on the site of an equally impressive urban center predating the First League by at least a million years.
-5985000Local SpaceCollapse of the First League.The League withdrew from the galactic scene, leaving mostly random detritus behind along with a few scattered records of a series of internal and external crises that broke them. The majority of surviving League artifacts reside in Rihannsu space
-5984950OyyaThe City is abandoned in the collapse of the First League.No remains were found in the City, so the evacuation must have been orderly. Though why the Guardian was abandoned remains unknown.
-2400000XindusUnknown entities uplift a half-dozen Xindi species to the cusp of sentience, then leave them to their own devices.Based on available genetic evidence. No archaeological record of the event has been found
-600000T'Kon ClusterEra of the T'Kon Empire.Masters of subspace technology, doing things with transporters and warp drive unmatched by even the Builders. For all that they remained within a fairly tight cluster of stars rimward of Earth.
-590000T'Kon ClusterCollapse of the T'Kon Empire.Exactly what happened is unclear, but it seems that the Empire was destroyed when several stars in their cluster underwent nova events, destroying the majority of their holdings within a few years. The Empire underwent a rapid decline and vanished within a century of the event.
-250000EarthEmergence of homo sapiens.
-80000-81957EarthBeginnings of human behavioral modernity.Unaffected by any other species that might've existed at the time. Most likely. Probably. We're pretty sure.
-75000-76957BuildersEarly Builder PeriodEarly Builder finds tend to be fragmentary or things that can survive long geological timeframes like city grids. No functional technology survives from the period, but archaeologists estimate it to be at the same level as most early interstellar cultures.
-71000-72957OyyaThe Builders discover Oyya and the Guardian, adding their own architecture to the City.Based on surviving runes, the Builders were fascinated by the Guardian and spent years trying to comprehend it. The Builder's section of the City seems to have been a center of research and pilgrimage through the rest of the Builders' existence.
-70500-72457EarthBuilders arrive on Earth and begin observing the natives.Presumably the highly-advanced Builders found something interesting in humanity, otherwise they wouldn't have done what they did next.
-70000-71957BuildersMiddle Builder PeriodMost Builder finds in the galaxy come from the Middle Period. Artifacts - mostly derelict ships or other deep-space facilities -- are nonfunctional but still understandable by modern sophonts.
-70000-71957EarthThe Toba supervolcano erupts in Indonesia, causing a long volcanic winter and generally wreaking havoc on the ecosystem.Not a lot of species died out because of Toba, but quite a few primate species suffered significant diebacks, to the point that they can still be measured in genetic data today.
-70000-71957Earth, Vulcan, Shiwonee, ch'Rihan, Bajor, Kobol and othersThe Builders transpant large populations of early humans from Earth to a number of different worlds across the Orion-Sagittarius Arm region.Whether the Builders used Toba as a pretext, they set it off (un)intentionally or it was all just a huge coincidence is currently unknown.
-68800-70757PlanetosThe Builders discover Planetos.Planetos' abnormally high psionic background count intrigued the Builders, so they settled down to research what was going on. As a side project a reserve of human transplants were settled in the eastern reaches of Essos - a region that would be remembered vaguely as the Great Empire of the Dawn.
-68750-70707PlanetosThe Builders uplift the Children of the Forest and the weirwood trees to sapience.The native intelligent life of Planetos, the weirwoods and the Children had a functional symbiotic relationship that the Builders were able to capitalize on in their uplift work. Both species were highly psionic, which made them very useful in the ongoing studies of Planetos' background count.
-68000-69957PlanetosThe Builders encounter and then seal away the Unbidden in the north of Westeros.[Yeah, sorry. Spoilers. :)]
-67000-68957BuildersHigh Builder PeriodThe High Period is where Builder technology translates from "advanced but understandable" to "sufficiently advanced." All of the major, functional Builder finds in known space date from the High Period.
-65000-66957BuildersOverdrive planetary shield array created.Overdrive is a Class M world in close orbit around a flare-prone red swarf. The Builders enclosed the planet in a shield that specificially prevents excess radiation or coronal debris from damaging the ecosystem whilst allowing free passage for anything else. How the shield works has not been determined, though close study has provided some very interesting advancements in modern forcefield technology.
-56100-58057TanisThe Tanis Map is created and left behind.The Map is a nigh-indestructable building containing an interactive holographic map of 1.9 million separate locations the Builders thought to be of interest to future generations. It covers a region of space roughly 5,000 light years in diameter, backed up by powerful computers that maintain real-time stellar positions (i.e. compensating for stellar drift over the millennia since the map was created) and researchers believe that this is only the beginning of what the database contains. So far less than 1 percent of Map locations have been surveyed.
-56050-58007OyyaThe Builder City is abandoned."Come for knowledge and not conquest and all you seek will be found. Yea, and more besides." -- translation of the inscription left behind by the Builders at the Guardian antechamber.
-56000-57957BuildersThe Builders vanish from known space.Unlike previous declining civilizations that kept twitching past the boundary where archaeologists and historians write "the end," the Builders seem to have hit a species-wide wall and simply folded up and vanished. What happened and where they ended up remains a complete mystery.
-22000-23957BajorB'hala, the oldest known city on Bajor, is founded.The founding of the “First City” is used as year zero for the modern Bajoran calendar. Archaeological excavations around B'hala suggest the area was used by premodern Bajorans at least 30,000 years prior to the city's founding.
-12000-13957AndorAenar diverge from the main Andorian genetic line.An Andorian subspecies, the Aenar emerged in the mountainous southern subarctic regions of Andoria where they successfully colonized the extensive limestone cave networks beneath the ice.
-9700-11657PlanetosHuman populations begin migrating from Essos to Westeros.The migrations set off a series of wars between the human First Men and the native Children of the Forest.
-9500-11457BajorThe Empire of the Prophets rules over several systems in and around Bajor.Bajor's imperial ambitions didn't last very long, less than a century by most accounts, and only really covered a few uninhabited systems. Still, an empire is an empire and the Bajorans had one for a while prior to the creation of the current state.
-9000-10957BajorFoundation of the Bajoran Ummah.Bajor is the oldest known stable civilization in local space.
-9000-10957PlanetosThe Children shatter the Arm of Dorne in hopes of stopping the migration.Using a ridiculously powerful psionic weapon, possibly left behind by the Builders, the land bridge from Essos to Westeros was destroyed overnight. Unfortunately, there were more than enough humans already in Westeros to keep the fight going, and humans have never let a little thing like radical geographic transformations put them off doing much of anything.
-7700-9657PlanetosThe Pact between the First Men and the Children of the Forest is formed.The Pact allows the two species to maintain peaceful relations and acknowledges the primacy of the weirwood "gods" in Westerosi religious affairs.
-7500-9457TovarFoundation of the Tovarite Empire.Long-lasting and conservative beyond human conception in a lot of ways, the Tovarite Empire eventually expanded into space and built one of the very rare STL empires in known space.
-6000-7957Qo'noSThe first beginnings of Thlingan civilization.Somewhere around this point the Thlingans stopped being nomadic tribesmen and started settling down into farming villages, which grew into city-states, and so on.
-5900-7857KobolFoundation of the Kobolian Empire.Kobol's empire was created as an aristocracy of immortal transhumans using hyper-empowering technology to lord over a population of baseline serfs. It was exactly as pleasant as that sounds.
-5800-7757KobolBajoran vedek and explorer Oli Peejo spends a local year on Kobol interacting with the inhabitants.Vedek Oli was less than impressed with the "Lords of Kobol" and their methods of keeping control over the population.
-5600-7557PlanetosThe Long Night of Westeros.The Builder's seals on the Unbidden prison crack, allowing the prisoners to roam loose in the world after 63,000 years. Despite the lack of Builders to work with, a coalition of human, Children and weirwoods manages to defeat the Unbidden and stuff them back into their hole after a generation's worth of open war.
-5550-7507PlanetosBrandon the Builder creates the Wall.Nobody was entirely sure that the Unbidden would stay in their hole without the original Builders, so the Wall was built as a defensive fortification. It would remain in constant use for the next 8,000 years.
-5545-7502PlanetosRise of the Valyrian Freehold.A bunch of jumped-up goatherds discovered dragons living in the Valyrian mountains, figured out how to tame them and then used dragons as an unstoppable weapon to conquer most of Western Essos and rule it for multiple thousands of years.
-5100-7057Qo'noSKargas the Shield-Breaker rules over a coalition of city-states.Kargas has a similar role in Thlingan history as Gilgamesh: the legendary founder of ancient empires, half-divine and so forth. A few epic poems and some surviving inscriptions are all that historians have of the man at this point.
-5000-6957KobolCollapse of the Kobolian Empire.The Lords got tired of putting down serf rebellions every few generations and used their transhuman technology to create a race of cyborgs that would in theory be more tractable. This proved to be a terminal mistake. Between the cyborg revolt and infighting between the Lords roughly 99.9% of Kobol's population dies, leaving less than a million survivors total.
-4950-6907CyrannusKobolian refugees land in the Cyrannus system.The bulk of the Kobolians, led by a small group of Lords, land in the superhabitable Cyrannus binary system which becomes the Colonies of Kobol. The Lords divide the refugees into twelve separate "tribes" and seeds each habitable world with one, giving them plenty of room to grow.
-4900-6857EarthKobolian refugees land in and around the Anatolia region of Earth.The Kobolians, after many years intermarrying with the established tribes, become the ancestors of the Achaean people among others. Stories of the Lords of Kobol mix with the legends of the people they assimilate into and eventually become the basis of the Olympian religion of the eastern Mediterranean basin.
-4899-6856MarsThe Lord of Kobol known as Thetis dies.After ferrying a hundred thousand refugees across an entire spiral arm to the long-lost birthworld of the species, Thetis chooses to die alone on an inhospitable world in order to protect her charges. Cheery!
-4100-6057TovarTovarites conquer the Rabotev system.A reptillian race similar to the Tovarites, the Rabotev were just figuring out bronzeworking when the invasion fleet from Tovar came knocking.
-1500-3457TovarTovarites conquer the Hallessi system.Another reptillian race, the Hallessi were a bit more advanced but still not a patch on the Tovarite invasion fleet. Properly assimilating the Hallessi would keep the Tovarites uninterested in conquest for the next few thousand years.
-200-2157AndorThe Aenar settlement of Koganusan is founded, prospers then implodes over the course of a handful of years.Koganusan and how it went from a settlement with good prospects to a perfect storm of madness, incompetence, death and lava becomes a permanent part of Aenar history and folklore, a cautionary tale about the dangers of hubris and how little proper planning can mean when faced with sophont inability to follow said plans.
477-1480First FederationFoundation of the current iteration of the First Federation.The First Federation (also known as the Shadow Federation) consists of sophonts who have left their systems of origin and found new homes among the dim, low-mass stars and rogue planetoids that make up roughly 90% of the galaxy's mass. The current First Federation is not the first state to use that name, nor will it likely be the last.
600-1357AndorAndorian noblezhen Ankord of Jonava makes the first attempt at conquering Andoria.Ankord had quite a bit of style, panache and military force backing him up, but he didn't have the necessary administrative chops to manage his conquests and so he fell.
650-1307AndorAnkord's empire collapses with the death of his eldest; beginning of the Kieloth period.The Kieloth is characterized as the "medieval" period of Andorian history by some scholars, though it has more in common with Warring States China or the upheaval of Western Europe immediately post-Rome than it has with later points of comparison.
728-1229AndorThe Legacy of the Clans is written.Possibly the biggest legacy of the Kieloth, the Legacy records the major Andorian noble keth and sets down a code of behavior ostensibly passed down from the now-legendary ancestors of Emperor Ankord. Andorians naturally clustered in large extended family groups, but this is the first time the keth is described and codified as a thing in and of itself.
1037-920ch'RihanThe Kingdom of Llunih is founded.The ruling dynasty of the Star Empire traces its roots back to Llunih's first ruler Vriha t'Rehu.
1142-815AndorA clanless adventurer makes an attempt at following in Ankord's footsteps; foundation of the Het'rok'din Empire.The Het'rok'din himself is a figure shrouded in mystery. Scholars agree that his keth wasn't noble in origin, and he probably came from the Clorisev region based on reports of his dialect, but that's all that's known about his origins. A handful of scholars have suggested that the Het'rok'din may have had Aenar ancestry based on some of the more outlandish tales.
1174-783AndorThe ice-skimmer Kumari makes the first successful circumnavigation of Andoria.Sponsored (sort of) by the Het'rok'din's heir in search of new places to conquer, the Kumari was specially built to handle both the sea ice found near the shore and the open water beyond that - something previous Andorian oceangoing boats had trouble with. The name eventually passed into legend; at least one Kumari served with every Andorian fleet up to the modern Starfleet.
1181-776AndorThe Het'rok'din's empire collapses, mostly.The empire didn't fall and become extinguished in the same way Ankord's did. Instead, the Het'rok'din's descendants retreated to a small holding in Clorisev and let their conquests fend for themselves. Keth Het'rok'din would cycle through this expansion/contraction phase several times over the next few centuries.
1350-607XindusThe Wars of the Six Peoples.Six primitive sophont species all living on the same planet is a recipe for really bad things to happen. Skirmishes between the Six Peoples happened regularly through prehistory, but the capital-W Wars were when things reached a point where all contestants were capable of causing mayhem, and cause it they did. By the time the Wars were over the population was a good bit smaller.
1404-553ch'RihanThe Years of Strife begin.[Yadda yadda standard world war scenario, done this dance before.]
1409-548ch'RihanKing Dalok t'Rehu enters the Years of Strife with the intent of ending them.Preferably by conquering as much of ch'Rihan as he possibly can.
1415-542ch'RihanThe Years of Strife end with Llunih standing as hegemon over most of the world.Dalok didn't live to see this happen, but his daugher Ael reaps the benefits of being top predator. Historians consider this the point where the Rihannsu Empire begins in fact and not in legend.
1436-521ch'RihanFirst Rihan spaceflight.Like most early spaceflights, a pretty minor affair all told, but an important moment all the same.
1455-502ch'RihanFirst crewed mission to ch''Havran isn't as good a catch as ch'Rihan, but an unspoiled Class M world is still a good catch and there happen to be not many systems out there with two or more of them, so the Rihan decide this is the fortune of the spirits and begin moving in.
1470-487ch'HavranSurveyors on ch'Havran discover a cache of First League artifacts in the great western deserts.The First League used the ch'Rihan system as a staging base for their starfleet in this section of the galaxy. While most of the artifacts were degraded to the point of uselessness, researchers were able to glean a fair bit of information regarding theory from them and the surviving records.
1472-485AndorKeth Thara makes a bid for planetary conquest.The Thara clan were ambitious, to say the least. Driven by a brief mention in the Legacy of a Thara thaan and zhen with ties to Ankord, the keth decided to go all-out and try to reclaim their imagined rightful place on the Andorian throne.
1475-482AndorThe Tharan War comes to a conclusion with the keth largely exterminated and Andoria no more unified.Like many would-be world beaters, the Thara had drive and not much else once the dust settled.
1528-429ch'RihanRihan develop warp drive.Based largely on reconstructed First League designs, the Rihan gain a multiple-generation head start on interstellar technology compared to their peers.
1530-427ch'RihanThe Hegemony War begins.Llunih stood above all others on ch'Rihan and were poised to leap even further with an effective monopoly on space travel and warp drive. This annoyed enough people in the second-tier nations that they banded together to pull Llunih off its pedestal.
1532-425ch'RihanThe Hegemony War ends with Llunih victory over the allied nations.The allies put up a significant fight, and the tide very well could have turned against Llunih at several points, but in the end the kingdom was ready to hit harder and soak up more damage than anybody expected. Several countries are blasted off the map by the end of the war, with a total casualty count somewhere in the upper eight digits.
1533-424ch'RihanThe Kingdom of Llunih declares itself the Rihannsu Star Empire.With the surviving allied nobility bending the knee to Llunih, Queen Saavik t'Rehu saw no need to maintain any more pretense of primus inter pares and announced the formation of an empire covering all ch'Rihan. The decision was controversial but nobody wanted to say anything and risk more reprisals from the t'Rehus.
1628-329Qo'noSKhaless the Unforgettable born.The future emperor and eternal culture-hero of all Thlingans was born a peasant in the provinces of King Molor, who reportedly saw the young Khaless's prowess at war and put him to use as a soldier and general in his army. Unfortunately for Molor, he was kind of a vicious sod and Khaless was far more popular than him, which proved his undoing. The paranoid old king tried to have the bright young general arrested and killed, the army rebelled and Khaless took Molor's kingdom, his concubines and all the glory.
1632-325ch'RihanBuilder ruins are found in an isolated part of ch'Rihan, setting off a question of the origins of the Rihannsu people.The Rihan had a suspicion they weren't native to ch'Rihan just based on observation, but for the longest time this was relegated to religion - the Rihan being unique snowflakes chosen by the gods etc. - and scientifically it was a Matter of Some Debate. The discovery of the Builder ruins, and the possibility that the Rihan really were placed there by nebulous alien beings, sparked a long conversation that the Rihan are still having in the present.
1651-306Qo'noSKhaless the Unforgettable sets out to unite the Thlingan people under his rule.Before Khaless other would-be conquerors had tried to take the supercontinent that the Thlingans called home, each one failing with a certain level of misery involved. Khaless succeded through a combination of strategic skill and the benefit of good generalship: unlike his old boss Khaless understood that delegation was the key to victory, and so fostered a staff of boon companions who would fight battles where he couldn't and would always remain loyal to him. The companions would eventually grow into the core of the modern Thlingan nobility.
1660-297Qo'noSKhaless writes "Komerex Zha," his personal poitical philosophy.Probably the closest anybody ever got to understanding how the man's mind worked, komerex zha ("the perpetual game") is a treatise on early modern game theory as it relates to warfare and politics. In it Khaless lays bare pretty much all of the things he did in order to rise from a peasant conscript to soon-to-be-Emperor of the Thlingan people. He also spends time explaining klin zha as an extended metaphor for how the rulers have responsibility to the ruled.

"Players use pieces, for that is the nature of the game. However, every piece must be used well lest the player dishonor himself."
1673-284Qo'noSKhaless finishes what he started at the Battle of Three Turn Bridge.Three Turn Bridge was the last chokepoint between Khaless and the northwestern provinces of Gol. The princes of Gol decided that they'd make their stand there, and the conqueror would either fail and his empire would crumble, or he'd succeed and they'd be too dead to worry about it. The princes held off Khaless's army for ten days and nights before the exhausted army finally gave way.

Of the twenty princes of Gol who led the opposition only one, Reklaw, survived. Khaless gave the man's family rulership of Gol in his name. And so the Imperium was founded.
1699-258Qo'noSKhaless the Unforgettable dies.Unlike many a world-uniter elsewhere, Khaless had planned ahead for when his empire would have to stand without him. He had a designated heir (Khaless II World-Forger) standing ready to succeed him. The imperial system he developed allowed the noble houses input into who would rule in the chance that his heir (or his heir, etc.) died before their time, and the new aristocracy was chosen to have more to lose if they abandoned the Imperium than they stood to gain. And... the system worked. There's a reason Khaless was called the Unforgettable.
1729-228Qo'noSThe Hur'q invade Qo'noS. Khaless II killed in the fighting; accession of L'Rell I.The Hur'q are (so far as anybody knows) a gang of alien pirates who invaded the Thlingan homeworld in their pre-spaceflight days and occupied the planet for the better part of a generation before moving on. Contemporary reports suggest a group of several species, none of which seem familiar to the modern political landscape.

The sudden death-by-alien-invasion of Khaless II provided a pretty intense stress test of the Unforgettable's imperial system. The emperor's eldest had died fighting alongside him, so the throne ended up with L'Rell, the younger daughter of a younger daughter but also a fierce fighter with a glimmer of her grandfather's talent.
1731-226ch'RihanThe Vrelnek RisingTwo hundred years of imperial expansion brought the Rihan great wealth and power. It also brought quite a bit of difficulty as most of the power was concentrated in the upper nobility and most of the wealth was concentrated in the commercial classes. Internal tensions were multiplied after a protracted war to bring the Remans into the Empire, a conflict that seemed to only be for the profit of the trading combines.

The whole thing kicked off when the colony world Vrelnek was destroyed when a bored gentleman scientist "investigated" a Builder installation on the surface. To this day nobody's sure what happened, but the planet's moon was shattered and the colony suddenly overrun with strange animal-like beings hostile to everything sophont. The level of callous idiocy involved in the incident caused a major popular uprising against the old aristocracy, demanding tighter leashes on the nobility and greater representation in government.
1738-219ch'RihanThe Empire withdraws behind its borders.The Rising caused a lot of havoc to the old Imperial political and economic systems. Once the immediate dust cleared Empress Dhael declared the age of expansion officially over for now, and that the Empire needed to consolidate its gains. Reform of government, notional reforms of the trading companies that controlled the interstellar economy and improving conditons for (Rihan) imperial citizens took precedence over finding new worlds to exploit.
1740-217XindusThe Years of Smoke begin.Xindi historians backdate the beginning of the Years of Smoke to the start of the industrial revolution on Xindus.
1750-207Qo'noSHur'q abandon Qo'nos as mysteriously as they came. Beginning of the Hur'q Anarchy.What they were looking for, and why they spent so long looking for it, remains shrouded in mystery. Historians believe that the Hur'q might have been seeking for First League or similarly ancient finds based on the remains of their activities, but that's pure speculation.
1762-195Qo'noSKhaless III the Reconqueror brings the Anarchy to a close.It was a long and difficult fight against warlords armed with Hur'q castoff weapons, but the Thlingans managed.
1784-173AndorThe Last War takes place as international tensions spike.The Last War is called such by Andorians not because it was a deeply scarring apocalypse of a war - though no doubt it seemed like that to the people at the time - but because it really was the last war fought by Andorians until well into the interstellar period.
1819-138AndorThe Last War - finally - ends.The war was fought using weapons and tactics suitable for an early industrial period (think 1820s - 30s for comparison), just enough to make the actual conflict... messy... while still capable of dragging out for years on end.
1823-134AndorThe Code of Kul'Thelan is adopted by the nations and kethin of Andoria as a substitute for all-out conflict.Andorians aren't natural pacifists or anything, and the clan-based nature of Andorian society can make it difficult to let little things like grudges go. As letting things like grudges go is the way of diplomacy and not having another war, Andorian politicians came up with the brilliant method of creating an international duelling code, allowing inter-kethin conflict to be resolved with a modicum of peace and sanity. Or at least that was the hope.
1826-131Qo'noSFirst Thlingan spaceflight.The Thlingans went from pre-industrial to just about capable of launching rockets thanks to all the stuff the Hur'q left behind when they abandoned the planet. Other technologies would follow, but the Imperium's central focus was finding those bastards and getting some payback.
1848-109AndorA small Aenar community is discovered in the south polar regions.The discovery of a clearly Andorian-but-not-quite subspecies living quietly in the southern cave systems was something of a shock to Andorian society. The Aenar were for their part quite civilized, if maybe not as industrial as their bluer cousins, and luckily not situated over anything strategic.
1851-106VulcanFirst crewed spaceflight from Vulcan.
1857-100AndorAndorian Northern Customs Union foundedThe Customs Union(s) start out as a common market similar to Earth's European Union, slowly evolving greater legislative and executive power over the next generation.
1860-97VulcanFirst landing on Vulcan's companion world T'Khut.
1861-96VulcanFirst attempt at a colony on T'Khut begins.T'Khut has a lot of things that make it more appealilng to colonists than Luna or even Mars, including a thicker atmosphere and open water. Unfortunately, the Irrationalist nations & private interests were unwilling to put more than a token effort into settling T'Khut.
1864-93AndorAndorian Southern Customs Union foundedThe Southern Union cut mining deals with the Aenar (which then revealed themselves to be somewhat more extensive than the cousins first thought. Many a duel was fought over this.) that gave them more than a bit of a leg up on rapid industrializing.
1868-89VulcanSurak born
1876-81Qo'noSThlingans develop warp drive and go a-conquering.By the decree of Kor I, any non-Thlingan had to submit to the will of the Imperium, or they would have to be destroyed. This was a perfectly sane policy that would in no way shape or form backfire on the Imperium at any point in their now-interstellar history.
1879-78ch'RihanThe Empire begins to look beyond its borders again, encounters the Tholian Hegemony.
1880-77ch'RihanRihannsu/Tholian WarThe Rihan want to open Tholian space to trade and potentially annex the Hegemony, while the Tholians are having none of that. The war consists of skirmishes between Rihan trading company fleets and Tholian border patrol until the Tholians stage a few "demonstrations" around core imperial worlds.
1882-75Qo'noSThe Imperium makes its first conquest.The Dunkars were a race that had hit a sustainable technological plateau and looking forward to a nice long run watching the galaxy turn from their porch (so to speak) when the Thlingans showed up and declared them all subjects of the Imperium now. In the long run, the Dunkars would be the first Imperial race to graduate from subjects to citizens, in no small part because they helped the Thlingans fill in gaps in their technological knowledge.
1884-73ch'RihanThe Empire turns away from the spinward border, focusing on building up the antispinward reaches.Getting spanked by the crystal spiders did very little for morale. ("We didn't want those crappy worlds anyway!") Had the Tholians been a little more aggressive the Empire might have shifted back to isolationism again.
1889-68Qo'noSThe Imperium conquers the Klin.The Klin are a minor species that may have started out as a genemod of Homo neandertalensis planted by the Builders in the deep past. They put up a decent fight when the Thlingans arrived, enough to earn the Imperium's respect and a slightly elevated status in the imperial hierarchy.