A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | ||
1 | Organization Name | Priority Org? (medium, high or leave blank) | Org Location | Primary CCL Contact(s) | CCL Contact Level (see key) | CCL Contact Level Notes | Org Focus Area(s) | Org Contact | Title | Phone Number | Contact log (most recent contact date first) | Next Step | Notes / Actions | ||
2 | California Climate Voters | High | formerly California League of Conservation Voters | Build the political will and power to solve the climate crisis, use climate action to advance justice, and create a global roadmap of innovative solutions that can be exported globall | Fatima Iqbal-Zubair | Legislative Affairs Manager | fatima@envirovoters.org | ||||||||
3 | California Environmental Voters | High | Build the political will and power to solve the climate crisis, use climate action to advance justice, and create a global roadmap of innovative solutions that can be exported globally. | Melissa Romero | Deputy Legislative Director | melissa@envirovoters.org | Contacted Melisa Rombero (by Cynthia 3/16/2023) focus on CA legislation and legislators' environmental rating. Per Tony Sirna: CEV runs a group called Green CA that convenes groups across the environmental space to work together on bills in the legislature. CCL was a member of Green CA with me as our rep. This is the place to go to get people to join Sign On letters. I’m not sure if a volunteer could play this role. The person who coordinates Green CA is Marquis Mason Marquis@envirovoters.org | ||||||||
4 | Climate Action California | High | California | Pete Marsh | Leaders in this organization were originally working with 350 Bay Area. They are focusing on California legislation that will reduce short-lived GHG emissions, transportation, and "whatever gets us off fossil fuels an moves to a low carbon economy." | Janet Cox | CEO | 7/22/24 (Gregg); name extracted from AB 2329 support letter. Per Tony Sirna's note: his is a volunteer led organization that has a handful of super volunteers who are very engaged. Very policy oriented. They actively comment on CARB proceedings and follow dozens of bills and write letters of support or opposition. I know Janet from work on divestment years ago. This is a great organization for individual volunteers to work with directly, or for CCL CA to coordinate with. | |||||||
5 | Climate Action Campaign | San Diego | Gregg Lichtenstein | 0 | Stop the climate crisis through effective policy action. Among foci: 100% clean energy and electric bldgs | Anthony Dhang | Policy and Community Outreach Coordinator | anthony@climateactioncampaign.org | 619-419-1222 | ||||||
6 | Climate Hawks Vote | High | National | Pete Marsh | Gregg Lichtenstein has interacted with RL Miller in Climate Safe Pension meetings | Identify, train, and elect individual climate hawk leaders, while generating a political environment in which those leaders have the power to advance policies needed to address climate change. | RL Miller | Political Director | |||||||
7 | Climate Reality Project CA Coalition | High | Gregg Lichtenstein | 4 | See CPR LA Chapter | True Net Zero future | |||||||||
8 | Climate Resolve | Pete Marsh | Pete Marsh is listed as their CCL contact | Build collaborations to champion equitable climate solutions, connect communities, organizations and policymakers to address a global problem with local action. We inclusively develop practical initiatives that reduce climate pollution and prepare for climate impacts. Our purpose is a just and resilient future. | Enrique Huerta | Legislative Director | ehuerta@climateresolve.org | 213-634-3790 | |||||||
9 | Climate Safe Pension Project | High | Gregg Lichtenstein | 4 | Member, representing CalPERS retirees; dialogue with Cassie Cain | Distributed network of city, county, state and national pension divestment & engagement campaigns which are active in over 20 jurisdictions across North America; coordinated and supported by Stand.earth. | Cassie Cain | Climate Finance Campaigner | cassie.cain@stand.earth | 415 863 4563 ext 308 | 7/22/24 (Gregg)- Cassie Cain confirmed she's best contact for us at Stand.earth | ||||
10 | Environment California | HIgh | Los Angeles | Working together for clean air, clean water, clean energy, wildlife, open spaces and a livable climate. | (213) 251-3688 | ||||||||||
11 | Environmental Defense Fund in both Sacramento & SF | High | Sacramento | Al Grumet | 0 | Marin CCL Chapter leader (Peter Joseph) has relationship with President of EDF, Fred Krupp; Katelyn Roedner Sutter California State Director has expertise in California climate policy, environmental justice, cap and trade. | Katelyn Roedner Sutter | California State Director | kroedner@edf.org | (415) 293-6050 | Per Tony Sirna notes: Katelyn also serves on the IEMAC. So she is very knowledgeable about cap and trade and carbon pricing. (AB858 notes). EDF is probably the most likely to pull together a coalition on cap and trade extension and has values that align pretty well with CCL. | ||||
12 | Fossil Free California | HIgh | Oakland | Gregg Lichtenstein | 4 | Gregg has communicated directly with Sarah Norr at meeting of Climate Safe Pensions 7/20/24 | Working to end financial support for FFs and promote transition to a socially just and environmentally sustainable society. Efforts also include legislative and executive action to foster climate stabilization and develop a just, zero-carbon economy. | Sarah Norr | Senior Campaigns Organizer | sarah@fossilfreeca.org | 8/8/24 Agreed to forward bills we support to their legislative review group 7/30/24 (Gregg) established contact at Climate Safe Pensions Meeting | 7/30 Sarah will email Gregg with more info | |||
13 | Friends of the Earth | High | Oakland | Stop catastrophic climate change by promoting policies and actions that will cut carbon emissions. | Karen Orenstein | Climate & Energy Justice Program Director | asky@foe.org | 202-783-7400 | |||||||
14 | NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) | High | Al Grumet, Connie Sullivan | 1 | Al has a contact at the national organization | ||||||||||
15 | NRDC West | High | Santa Monica | Al Grumet | 0 | Al has a contact at the national organization | Victoria Rome | Director, California Government Affairs, Center for Campaigns & Organizing | vrome@nrdc.org | Per Tony Sirna's notes: Did not build as close a relationship with NRDC. They are not as big of fans on dividends, but supportive of carbon pricing. | |||||
16 | Sierra Club | High | Oakland | Educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to carry out these objectives. | Ben Jealous | Executive Director | |||||||||
17 | Sierra Club California | High | California | 8/8/24 email from Gabriela Facio, Senior Policy Strategist, asking to call ASM member on certain bills | see priority bills at https://www.quorum.us/spreadsheet/external/iKObqIoUzyfrxJbbtiwa/ | Gabriela Facio | Senior Policy Strategist | Gabriela.Facio@sierraclub.org | |||||||
18 | Stand.earth | High | San Francisco, Vancouver Canada | Gregg Lichtenstein | 4 | Member of Climate Safe Pension team that is under umbrella of Stand.earth; dialogue with Cassie Cain | Challenges corporations and governments to treat people and the environment with respect. | Cassie Cain | Climate Finance Campaigner | cassie.cain@stand.earth | 415 863 4563 ext 308 | 7/22/24- Cassie Cain confirmed she's best contact for us at Stand.earth | |||
19 | The Climate Center | High | Santa Rosa | Pete Marsh | Rapidly reduce climate pollution at scale, starting in California. | Barry Vesser | Chief Operating Officer | info@theclimatecenter.org | (707) 525-1665 | 7/22/24; name extracted from AB 2329 support letter. Per Tony Sirna's notes: Exceillent relationship. Connections with Ellie Cohen, Barry Vessar, Marc Victoria, Woody Hasting. They run a California Climate Summit and lobby day which I think it would be good for CCL to continue to promote and connect with. They are supportive of carbon pricing and dividends but it is not their highest priority. Strong relationship with our Santa Rosa chapter. I think CCL CA volunteers can continue to work directly with TCC. | |||||
20 | Third Act | HIgh | National | Climate change, social justice | Vanessa Arcara | President and Co-Founder | |||||||||
21 | Third Act SoCal | High | Del Mar | Gregg Lichtenstein | 4 | Member, involved in action teams | Climate change, social justice | Sally Richman | Team Lead, Legislative Task Force | sheiladoctors@gmail.com | 6/19/24 - Gregg attended meeting | ||||
22 | California EPA Independent Emissions Market Advisory Committee | High? | Danny Cullenward | Member, IEMAC | dcullenward@ghgpolicy.org | Per Tony Sirna's notes: Key player in the AB2329 work. Key ally in working with CARB and on any cap and trade reform in California. | |||||||||
23 | CERES | High? | Boston & San Francisco | Working to accelerate the transition to a cleaner, more just, and sustainable economy- key issues are climate change, water scarcity and pollution, and nature and biodiversity loss. | Anne L. Kelly ,leads the Ceres Policy Network, Business for Innovative Climate and Energy Policy (BICEP), a coalition of 89 leading companies advocating for meaningful climate and energy policy at the state and federal levels. | Vice President, Government Relations | info@ceres.org | (617) 247-0700 | |||||||
24 | Earthjustice | High? | Los Angeles | Pete Marsh | Fights for the rights of all to a healthy environment; fight to protect the magnificent natural spaces and wildlife found in California; we fight to transition California to a zero-emissions future where cars, trucks, buildings, and power plants run on clean energy, not fossil fuels. | caoffice@earthjustice.org | (415) 217-2000 | ||||||||
25 | League of Women Voters Greater LA | High? | Los Angeles | Encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. | info@lwvlosangeles.org | (213) 368-1616 | |||||||||
26 | Nature Conservancy | High? | Arlington, VA | Conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends | Jennifer Morris | CEO | CEOAdvanceTeam@tnc.org | 703-841-5300 | |||||||
27 | QuitCarbon | High? | San Francisco | Pete Marsh | Home energy upgrade advice | Colin Bovet | Head of Growth | HelpUsQuit@QuitCarbon.com | (415) 498-1182 | 7/22/24 (Gregg); name extracted from AB 2329 support letter | |||||
28 | Sacred Places Institute | https://www.sacredplacesinstitute.org/ | Marina del Rey | Build the capacity of Native Nations and Indigenous Peoples throughout California, the United States, and around the world to protect sacred lands, waters, and cultures. | admin@sacredplacesinstitute.org | (310) 424-6250 | |||||||||
29 | Center for Biological Diversity | Y | Tucson, AZ | Pete Marsh | Work to secure a future for all species, great and small, hovering on the brink of extinction | Brett Hartl | Government Affairs Director | https://www.biologicaldiversity.org/about/staff/# | (520) 623.5252 | ||||||
30 | Climate Reality Project Long Beach | Y | Long Beach | Gregg Lichtenstein | 4 | Laurel works with Pete Marsch CCL Long Beach Chapter | Laurel Grzesik-Mourad | Legislative Tracking Lead | lgrzesik@gmail.com | 562-370-8260 | 7/29/24 (Gregg) gave her info on attending CCL CA meetings; 7/22/24 (Gregg) met at Zoom of LA area Legislative Committee | ||||
31 | Community Environmental Council | Y | Santa Barbara | Builds on-the-ground momentum to reverse the threat of the climate crisis. Does policy analysis, leg support | Farah Stack | Senior Climate Programs Associate | fstack@cecmail.org | (805) 730-0878 | |||||||
32 | Consumer Watchdog | Y | Los Angeles | Providing an effective voice for taxpayers and consumers in an era when special interests dominate public discourse, government and politics. In-house team of public interest lawyers, policy experts, strategists, and grassroots activists | contact@consumerwatchdog.org | 310.392.0522 | |||||||||
33 | Earthworks | Y | Washington, D.C. | Multiple foci including protecting Climate from Oil & Gas Methane Pollution | info@earthworks.org | 202-887-1872 | |||||||||
34 | Elders Climate Action (ECA) Northern California (NorCal) Chapter | Y | Al Grumet | 3 | Collaborate with influential member | Mobilize elders throughout the United States to address climate change while there is still time to protect the well-being of our grandchildren and future generations. | Todd Weber | Chapter Co-Leader | 7/22/24 (Gregg); name extracted from AB 2329 support letter | ||||||
35 | Elders Climate Action, SoCal Chapter | Y | Pete Marsh | Mobilize elders throughout the United States to address climate change while there is still time to protect the well-being of our grandchildren and future generations. | Richard Burke | Founder, Chapter Leader | richardb@eldersclimateaction.org | 7/22/24 (Gregg); name extracted from AB 2329 support letter | |||||||
36 | Elected Officials to Protect America (EOPA) - Code Blue | Y | Rockland, ME | Create a safe, prosperous healthy planet we empower bold leadership from elected officials and civic leaders to protect our environment, and fight the climate crisis. | Alex Cornell du Houx | President & Co-Founder | acornellduhoux@gmail.com | (207) 319 4511 | |||||||
37 | Environmental Defense Center | Y | Santa Barbara | Protect our local environment requires that we stand up against destructive fossil fuel projects while advocating for safe, clean, renewable sources of energy | Alex Katz | Executive Director | akatz@EnvironmentalDefenseCenter.org | 805 963-1622 | |||||||
38 | Food & Water Watch | Y | Ventura | Xander Bernstein | To protect our food, water, and climate, we organize people around the country to build political power. | (805) 507-5083 | |||||||||
39 | San Diego New Green Deal Alliance | Y | San Diego | Advocate for climate, jobs, and justice. | Ali Marie Dressel | Chair | Advocates for bills per site | ||||||||
40 | CleanEarth4Kids.org | Y? | Protect children’s health & future; broad group of concerns; support legislation at https://cleanearth4kids.org/california-bills-to-support | ||||||||||||
41 | East Bay Housing Organizations (EBHO) | Y? | Oakland | One focus is endorsing state policy/legislation that advances our goals of protecting tenants, preserving existing affordability, and producing new affordable homes | Jeffrey Levin | Senior Director of Policy | jeff@ebho.org | (510) 663-3830 ext. 316 | |||||||
42 | Fractracker | Y? | Johnstown, PA | Supports groups across the United States, addressing pressing extraction-related concerns with a lens toward health effects and exposure risks on communities from oil and gas development. | Kyle Ferrar | Western Program Director | ferrar@fractracker.org | (415) 890-3722 | |||||||
43 | Grid Alternatives | Y? | Oakland | Build community-powered solutions to advance economic and environmental justice through renewable energy. | Christopher Walker | Vice President, Policy and Programs | info@gridalternatives.org | (510) 731-1310 | |||||||
44 | 11th Hour Project (Schmidt Family Foundation) | Restore a balanced relationship between people and planet. We partner with communities around the world in working for renewable energy, resilient food systems, healthy oceans and the protection of human rights. | Joseph Sciortino | Executive Director | info@tsffoundation.org | ||||||||||
45 | 100 Black Men of Long Beach | Long Beach | Pete Marsh | Website not updated | Programs mirror that of the 100 Black Men of America, Inc. which are Mentoring, Health & Wellness, Education and Economic Empowerment | the100blackmenlbc@yahoo.com | |||||||||
46 | 1000 Grandmothers for Future Generations | Bay Area | |||||||||||||
47 | 350 Bay Area Action | Al Grumet | 3 | Strong relationship with 350 Marin leadership | Building a grassroots climate movement in the Bay Area and beyond to eliminate carbon pollution and achieve a clean energy future with racial, economic, and environmental justice. | Signed on to AB2329 support letter | |||||||||
48 | 350 Conejo / San Fernando Valley | Frances Lee | Alan Weiner | Chapter Lead | 7/22/24 (Gregg); name extracted from AB 2329 support letter | ||||||||||
49 | 350 Contra Costa Action | ||||||||||||||
50 | 350 Long Beach | Pete Marsh | |||||||||||||
51 | 350 Marin | Al Grumet | 4 | Strong relationship with 350 Marin leadership | Working to avert the intensifying global climate crisis through action and advocacy in Marin County | Jody Timms | Founder | 7/22/24 (Gregg); name extracted from AB 2329 support letter | |||||||
52 | 350 Sacramento | Will Brieger | Chair, Legislation Team | 7/22/24 (Gregg); name extracted from AB 2329 support letter | |||||||||||
53 | 350 San Diego | Chiwah Slater/Stephen Tanner | |||||||||||||
54 | 350 Santa Barbara | Kirk Peterson | |||||||||||||
55 | 350 Southland Legislative Alliance | Working to enact good climate related policy and legislation in California; membership includes those from other orgs as well as 350 | Steering Cte: Jan Dietrick Anita Ghazarian Sherry Lear Diana Mielke Michael Rochmes | 350southland@gmail.com | |||||||||||
56 | 350 Ventura County Climate Hub | Frances Lee | Jan Dietrick | Policy Team Leader | 7/22/24 (Gregg); name extracted from AB 2329 support letter | ||||||||||
57 | Act Now Bay Area | Hailey Pietz | Connect the general public to climate actions they can take in their own lives, at their work, and in their communities. | ||||||||||||
58 | Acterra: Action for a Healthy Planet | Karl Danz | Is a convener organization that works hand in hand with community partner organizations as well as local and regional governments | ||||||||||||
59 | Active San Gabriel Valley | San Gabriel Valley | Support a more sustainable, equitable, and livable San Gabriel Valley. | ||||||||||||
60 | Activist San Diego | San Diego | Information, communications and mobilization organization networking for social justice | Yusef Miller | Executive Director | yusef@activistsandiego.org | |||||||||
61 | After the Fire USA | Sonoma | Wildfire recovery and resiliency | ||||||||||||
62 | AjO Center for Sustainable Agriculture | Ajo, AZ | Support the development of a sustainable and just local food system in Ajo, Arizona and the Tohono O’odham Nation. | ||||||||||||
63 | Albany Climate Action Coalition | Albany, CA | Harry Chomsky | working to create a sustainable and equitable carbon neutral future for our city. This starts with activating our network and working tog | Nick Peterson | Founding Member | 7/22/24 (Gregg); name extracted from AB 2329 support letter | ||||||||
64 | Algalita | Long Beach | Bill Nash | End plastic pollution | |||||||||||
65 | Alliance for Market Solutions | Washington, DC | Engage directly with influential conservatives, including policymakers, to cultivate support for a revenue-neutral carbon tax. | Alex Flint | Executive Director | press@amsresearch.org | 202-864-0860 | ||||||||
66 | Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments | Maryland | Promoting healthy people and healthy environments by educating and leading the nursing profession, advancing research, incorporating evidence-based practice, and influencing policy. | Sarah Bucic | Policy Consultant | info@envirn.org | |||||||||
67 | American Conservation Coalition | Washington, DC | Ddicated to mobilizing young people around environmental action through common-sense, pro-innovation, and limited-government principles for a cleaner, more prosperous world, Fosters collaboration in the pursuit of environmental conservation. | Sarah Jensen | Policy Director | sarah.jensen@acc.eco | |||||||||
68 | Americans for Democratic Action of Southern California | Culver City | Promote democratic and liberal values and ideals in American policy. | info@adasocal.emailnb.com | |||||||||||
69 | Amigos de los Rios | ||||||||||||||
70 | Anahuak Youth Soccer Association | Los Angeles | Empowering Asian & Pacific Islander communities to achieve LGBTQ, racial, and social justice | ||||||||||||
71 | API Equality-LA | Gardena, CA | Empowering Asian & Pacific Islander communities to achieve LGBTQ, racial, and social justice | ||||||||||||
72 | Ashby Village | Bay Area | Building an inclusive membership organization and culture that advances access to practical services, support, and social programs for older adults | Julie Freestone | Elder Action Group | freestonejulie@gmail.com | |||||||||
73 | Asian Pacific Environmental Network | Oakland, CA | Develop an alternative agenda for environmental, social and economic justice focusing on Asian immigrant and refugee communities. | Elle Chen | Legislative Director | info@apen4ej.org | |||||||||
74 | Audubon, Sea and Sage | Irvine | Protect birds, other wildlife, and their habitats through education, citizen science, research, and public policy advocacy. | Jonathan Aguayo | President | nkenyon@seaandsageaudubon.org | 949-261-7963 | ||||||||
75 | Azul | Working to conserve marine resources, Latinx perspective | |||||||||||||
76 | Ballona Institute | Playa del Rey, CA | Networking arena and repository for research and restoration of the greater Ballona Wetlands ecosystem | ||||||||||||
77 | Ban SUP (Ban Single use plastic)/ My Zero Waste Store | Help individuals and organizations reduce plastic and other types of waste by providing alternative solutions including refills, unpacked products, sustainably packed products, and reusable items. | Cheryl Auger | President | (626) 590-9482 | 7/22/24 (Gregg); name extracted from AB 2329 support letter | |||||||||
78 | Basin and Range Watch | Conserve & educate about the deserts of Nevada and California, | basinandrange@gmail.com | ||||||||||||
79 | Bay Area Clean Air Coalition | Bay Area | Al Grumet | 0 | This is a coalition and I have collaborated with the facilitator. But she indicated that we would need to contact the members individually for sign-on. | Working to reduce harmful air pollution from gas appliances | Melissa Yu (Sierra Club) | ||||||||
80 | Bay Area-System Change not Climate Change | Bay Area | Eco-socialist network | ||||||||||||
81 | Benicians for a Safe and Healthy Community | Benecia, CA | Stop crude oil transport by rail to local refinery | info@safebenicia.org | |||||||||||
82 | Berkeley Electrification Working Group? | ? EWG of Berkeley Climate Action Coalition? | |||||||||||||
83 | Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists | ||||||||||||||
84 | Better APC? | ||||||||||||||
85 | Black Mountain Democratic Club | San Diego | Stephen Tanner/Gregg Lichtenstein | 4 | Both are members; Stephen has presented legislation to group for approval | Lee Finney | President | wlfinn@aol.com | |||||||
86 | Bolsa Chica Conservancy | Orange County | |||||||||||||
87 | BQuest Foundation | San Diego | artner with organizations dedicated to creating equitable community solutions for reducing carbon emissions, increasing renewable energy, and advocating for policy changes towards a zero-carbon future. | info@bquestfoundation.org | |||||||||||
88 | Braver Angels | New York, NY | Xander Bernstein | Bridge the partisan divide and strengthen democracy | |||||||||||
89 | Breakthrough Energy | Kirkland, WA | Inspire the world to develop and scale the critical solutions we need to reach net-zero emissions—so everyone can enjoy affordable, abundant clean energy. | Jack Andreasen | Manager, Carbon Management, U.S. Policy and Advocacy | 425-497-4300 | |||||||||
90 | Breast Cancer Action | San Francisco | Achieve health justice for all people at risk of and living with breast cancer by focusing on systemic interventions, which includes policies, institutions, practices | ||||||||||||
91 | Bridge Housing | San Francisco | Creating safe, healthy, and affordable housing communities up and down the West Coast | ||||||||||||
92 | Brightline Defense | San Francisco | Blend public policy advocacy and on-the-ground partnerships to promote sustainability and opportunity in frontline communities. | Eddie Ahn | Executive Director | frontdesk@brightlinedefense.org | 415-252-9700 | ||||||||
93 | Building Healthy Communities, Monterey County | Activating resident voice and power to build an inclusive, anti-racist democracy and safe thriving communities | |||||||||||||
94 | Business for Good San Diego | San Diego | Stephen Tanner | 1 | Met with Mikey Knab 9/24/24 at Chris Ward's environmental roundtable | Chaping policy in the four areas: immigration, environmental health, business resources, housing | info@businessforgoodsd.com | ||||||||
95 | Butte Environmental Council | Chico | Protect and defend the land, air, and water of Butte County and the surrounding region through action, advocacy, and education | staff@becnet.org | |||||||||||
96 | CADEM Renters Council | Connie Sullivan | Act as a driving force in the development of a tenants’ rights and protections agenda within the California Democratic Party | ||||||||||||
97 | Cafe Coop? | ||||||||||||||
98 | CalFACT | Grassroots organization promoting effective, efficient, and equitable carbon pricing in California | |||||||||||||
99 | California Alliance for Community Energy | Promotes affordable, resilient, local renewable energy resources, prioritizing low-income communities | |||||||||||||
100 | California Botanic Garden | Claremont | Promote botany, conservation and horticulture to inspire, inform, and educate the public and the scientific community about California’s native flora. | Lucinda McDade | Executive Director | info@calbg.org | (909) 625 8767 | ||||||||
101 | California Democratic Renters Council | Alfred Twu | Secretary | 7/22/24 (Gregg); name extracted from AB 2329 support letter | |||||||||||
102 | California Efficiency Demand Management Council (CEDMEC) | Statewide trade association of non-utility companies that provide efficiency, demand response and data analytics products and services in California. | |||||||||||||
103 | California Environmental Justice Alliance | Contacted Tiffany Eng (by Cynthia 3/16/23) tiffany@caleja.org | |||||||||||||
104 | California Environmental Justice Coalition | Bring about systemic change in industry and government policies and practices to protect health and promote justice and resilient communities by uncompromisingly following the EJ Principles | |||||||||||||
105 | California Green New Deal Coalition | Coalition of community organizations, advocates, unions, and allies across California who believe that the future of our state and planet depends on rapidly transitioning to a clean energy economy with justice at its core | info@greennewdealca.org | ||||||||||||
106 | California Greenworks | Los Angeles | Bill Nash | Strives to improve the quality of life in the urban communities across South Los Angeles | info@calgrnwks.org | ||||||||||
107 | California Interfaith Power & Light | Oakland | Pete Marsh | Network of 750 congregations who are faithful stewards of Creation by responding to the environmental crisis as a moral issue | |||||||||||
108 | California Latino Environmental Advocacy Network | Advocate for clean air, clean water, and neighborhoods to be free of toxins and pollution | |||||||||||||
109 | California Nurses for Environmental Health and Justice | Help coordinate nurses’ environmental health engagement in California | info@calnursesforehj.org | ||||||||||||
110 | California Public Interest Research Group (CALPIRG) | Los Angeles | Speak out for the public and stand up to special interests on problems that affect the public’s health, safety and wellbeing | (213) 251-3680 | |||||||||||
111 | California River Watch | Sebastopol | Strengthen the ability of citizens to protect water quality in rivers, tributary watersheds, oceans, bays, wetlands, surface and groundwater in California. | us@criverwatch.org | |||||||||||
112 | California Youth vs. Big Oil | Committed to moving Governor Newsom towards rapid and equitable climate solutions through public pressure, creative actions, direct advocacy, and organizing young people C | |||||||||||||
113 | Californians Against Fracking | Statewide coalition to ban fracking and ensure a just transition off fossil fuels in California. | organizers@californiansagainstfracking.org | ||||||||||||
114 | Californians for Disability Rights Inc | Pete Marsh | Same as Disability RIghts California? | Coalition of organizations and communities using the State's 2002 Community Choice energy law to help our communities get electricity from cleaner, less expensive and locally managed source | |||||||||||
115 | Californians for Energy Choice | Coalition to help our communities get electricity from cleaner, less expensive and locally managed sources | (415) 756-8844 | ||||||||||||
116 | Californians for Western Wilderness | San Francisco | Secure protection for remaining wilderness area in western U.S. | Michael Painter | 415-752-3911 | ||||||||||
117 | Carbon Free Group / Collaboration Energy | Al Grumet | 4 | Collaborate with CEO | Address the biggest barriers limiting the electric revolution for home appliances. | Jack Policar | CEO | 7/22/24 (Gregg); name extracted from AB 2329 support letter | |||||||
118 | Carbon Sink Farms | Pauma Valley | Incorporate farming methods to increase soil carbon capture and improve climate resilience | Bea Alvarez | Climate Resilience Project Coordinator | solidarityfarmsd@gmail.com | 760.297.0838 | ||||||||
119 | Carlsbad Sustainability | North San Diego County | Lucian Toma | lucian@reearthconsulting.com | (949) 330-0788 | ||||||||||
120 | Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Stockton, Environmental Justice Program | Stockton | ej@ccstockton.org | (209) 396-6934 | |||||||||||
121 | CBFD Indivisible | San Diego | Organize volunteers, educate the community, connect candidates with the public and provide leadership in civic engagement | info@cbfdindivisible.com | |||||||||||
122 | Center for Climate Change and Health | Oakland | Engages local leaders, community-based organizations, public health and health care workers, scientists, policymakers and civil society in mainstreaming the protection of health across a wide range of policies and sectors | 510.285.5501 | |||||||||||
123 | Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice | Inland Valley | Create intersectional solutions that transform communities “to bring people together to improve their social and natural environment.” | Ana Gonzalez | Executive Director | admin@ccaej.org | 951-360-8451 | ||||||||
124 | Center for Community Advocacy (CCA) | Salinas | Advocate for farmworkers, especially health and housing | (831) 753-2324 | |||||||||||
125 | Center for Community Energy | Encinitas | Energy efficiency and electrification | Jose Torre-Beuno | Executive Director | 7/22/24 (Gregg); name extracted from AB 2329 support letter | |||||||||
126 | Center for Sustainable Energy | San Diego | Accelerate adoption of clean transportation and distributed energy through effective and equitable program design and administration. | Larry Goldenhersh | President | 858-244-1177 | |||||||||
127 | Center on Race, Poverty & the Environment | Delano | Pete Marsh | National environmental justice organization providing legal, organizing, and technical assistance to grassroots groups in low-income communities and communities of color. Supports cap and trade | 661-720-9483 | ||||||||||
128 | Central California Asthma Collaborative | Fresno | Provide education and direct services, build regional capacity and advocate for sensible policies that improve health and address inequities by reducing environmental impacts and emphasizing the prevention and management of chronic disease. | admin@centralcalasthma.org | (559) 272-4874 | ||||||||||
129 | Central California Environmental Justice Network | Central Valley | Empower our communities and secure our children’s future by eliminating negative environmental impacts in low income and communities of color in the Central Valley | info@ccejn.org | |||||||||||
130 | Central Coast Climate Justice Network (C3JN) | Central Coast | Forge a regional partnership between social justice and environmental movements to expand our collective power, so we can advance restorative actions and systems change centering on communities who bear the greatest burden of climate change impacts. | ||||||||||||
131 | Central Coast Environmental Voters (CCEV) see California Envirovoters above | Central Coast | |||||||||||||
132 | Central Valley Air Quality Coalition | Central Valley | Ensure that all communities – of all races, cultures, classes and creeds – have the opportunity to be involved in the policy development and regulatory processes improving regional health. | Katie Valenzuela | Senior Policy Advocate | katie@calcleanair.org | (559) 960-0361 | ||||||||
133 | Centro Binacional para el Desarrollo Indígena Oaxaqueño | Fresno | Organize and make sure our communities’ culture, languages, and knowledge are recognized and respected by the systems and institutions that impact our lives. | (559) 499-1178 | |||||||||||
134 | CERBAT | Arizona | Transform our society into viable, thriving, self-sustaining communities with a regenerative environment and economy, by cultivating sustainable building practices and a thriving cooperative economy. | Lisabeth Ryder | 510-326-2644 | ||||||||||
135 | Change Begins With ME | San Diego | Stephen Tanner | Working together to encourage civic engagement and drive political change – starting at the local level. | Tamara Becker-Verano | Lead Organizer | 7/22/24 (Gregg); name extracted from AB 2329 support letter | ||||||||
136 | CHN, Sacramento Climate Coalition, SacAct | Sacramento | Grassroots alliance of Sacramento groups and individuals working to advance the broader movement for civil rights, justice and our environment | info@sacclimate.org | |||||||||||
137 | Clean Coalition | Hailey Pietz | Accelerate the transition to renewable energy and a modern grid through technical, policy, and project development expertise. | Ben Schwartz | Policy Manager | info@clean-coalition.org | |||||||||
138 | Climate Action Campaign | San Diego and Orange Counties | Stephen Tanner | Stop the climate crisis through effective policy action; regional climate implementation in SD/OC. Limited state-level lobbying; this year supporting AB68. | INFO@CLIMATEACTIONCAMPAIGN.ORG | (619) 419-1222 | |||||||||
139 | Climate Action Campaign of Humboldt Unitarian Universalist Fellowship | Humboldt County | Sue Y. Lee Mossman | Chair | |||||||||||
140 | Climate Action Mendocino | Mendocino | Create an engaged, diverse team of community members who work with local government and other groups. | climateactionmendocino@gmail.com | |||||||||||
141 | Climate Action Network | Global | Hailey Pietz | Driving collective and sustainable action to fight the climate crisis and to achieve social justice. | |||||||||||
142 | Climate Brunch | Los Angeles | Focused on drilling in Signal Hill | info@climatebrunch.com | |||||||||||
143 | Climate Cents | Culver City | Organizes crowd-funding campaigns to rebuild natural ecosystems, sequester carbon, and support local communities with climate adaptation, education, and sustainable development. | hello@climatecents.org | |||||||||||
144 | Climate Collective - meetup group? | Los Angeles | Fossil Fuel Divestment of pension funds | ||||||||||||
145 | Climate First: Replacing Oil & Gas (CFROG) | Ventura | Advocate for positive changes that promote a fossil fuel-free future: clean power, green jobs, and environmental justice. | Haley Ehlers | Executive Director | info@cfrog.org | 7/22/24 (Gregg); name extracted from AB 2329 support letter | ||||||||
146 | Climate Health Now | Albany, CA | Xander Bernstein | Organize and mobilize the California health community to advocate for equitable systems-level climate | connect@climatehealthnow.org | ||||||||||
147 | Climate Leadership Council | Washington, DC | Dedicated to championing the most effective, fair, and lasting climate solutions. | Catrina Rorke | Senior Vice President, Policy and Research | info@clcouncil.org | (202) 919-4900 | ||||||||
148 | Climate Reality Project | National | Recruit, train, and mobilize people of all ages and backgrounds to work for just climate solutions that speed the global transition from dirty fossil fuels to clean, renewable energy. | Jeremy Liskar | US Legislative Manager | ||||||||||
149 | Climate Reality Project Bay Area | Bay Area | Al Grumet | 3 | Member of subsidiary "squads" in Marin County | Promote climate action and climate justice in the SF Bay Area, with specific focus on pushing local and state governments to adopt electrification and clean energy programs, advancing climate justice, and education around the realities and solutions to the climate crisis. | Pam Allio/Antonia Markoff | Chapter Chair | andrwhatt55@gmail.com | 7/22/24 (Gregg); name extracted from AB 2329 support letter | |||||
150 | Climate Reality Project LA Chapter | Los Angeles | Gregg Lichtenstein/ Pete Marsh | 4 | Gregg, member of CRP San Diego, also on LA chapter email list | Building just and sustainable true net zero future. | Andrew Ellis | Co-Chair, Legislative Committee | Acellis@sbcglobal.net | 818-480-0815 | 7/19/24 Added Gregg as member of their meetings 4th Monday monthly. | ||||
151 | Climate Reality Project Monterey Bay | Monterey | |||||||||||||
152 | Climate Reality Project OC | Orange County | Pete Marsh | ||||||||||||
153 | Climate Reality Project Pacfic Region | Andy Hattala | Temporary Pacific Regional Organizer | 7/22/24 (Gregg); name from Charles Miller, Chiar of CRP LA | |||||||||||
154 | Climate Reality Project San Diego | San Diego | Chiwah Slater | Stephanie Weiner | stephaniew4climate@gmail.com | ||||||||||
155 | Climate Reality Project San Fernando Valley | San Fernando Valley | Pete Marsh | Kathy Schaeffer | Legislative Coordinator | sfvclimatereality@gmail.com | 7/22/24 (Gregg); name extracted from AB 2329 support letter | ||||||||
156 | Climate Reality Project Silicon Valley | Developing our community’s advocacy skills, creating action campaigns and providing the tools for effective action. | Adam Sweeney | Chair | 7/22/24 (Gregg); name extracted from AB 2329 support letter | ||||||||||
157 | Climate Reality Project Ventura County | Ventura County | Pete Marsh | ||||||||||||
158 | Climate Resilient Communities | Palo Alto | Xander Bernstein | Assist under-resourced communities to take action to stay safe in the face of climate change impacts. | crc@crcommunities.org | (408) 359-8912 | |||||||||
159 | Climate Resolve | Los Angeles | Pete Marsh | Builds collaborations to champion equitable climate solutions. | info@climateresolve.org | (213) 634-3790 | |||||||||
160 | Climate Xchange | Boston | Pete Marsh | Achieve a rapid and equitable transition towards a zero-emissions economy by advancing state climate policy. | State Climate Policy Network Manager | info@climate-xchange.org | (617) 624-0919 | ||||||||
161 | Coalition for Clean Air | Los Angeles | Connie Sullivan | Protect public health, improve air quality, and prevent climate change. | Bill Magavern | Policy Director | bill@ccair.org | (213) 223-6860 | |||||||
162 | Coalition for Environmental Equity and Economics | Xander Bernstein | Community power-building, environmental and economic justice, social equity, and energy democracy. Diverse Coalition of Tenant Rights , Environmental & Climate Justice, Immigrant Rights,& Faith-based Coalition | info@ceeetruth.org | (510)264-7400 | ||||||||||
163 | Coastal Lands Action Network? | Xander Bernstein | |||||||||||||
164 | COFEM (Federation of Clubs and Associations of Michoacanos in North America) | Empower immigrant communities to be full participants in the social, political, economic, and cultural life of the United States and their home country. | admin@cofem.org | (213) 417-8390 | |||||||||||
165 | Comite Civico del Valle | Brawley | Serves various California communities [especially IV "Lithium Valley] through collaborative efforts with other established Environmental Justice organizations and in partnership with researchers, academia, and government agencies. | contact@ccvhealth.org | (760) 351 8761 | ||||||||||
166 | Comité Pro Uno | Huntington Park | Build people’s power in California’s communities of color and low income communities to achieve environmental health and justice by preventing and reducing pollution and building green, healthy and sustainable communities and environments. | (323) 560-1111 | |||||||||||
167 | Communities for a Better Environment | Huntington Park | Pete Marsh | Achieve environmental health and justice by preventing and reducing pollution and building green, healthy and sustainable communities and environments. | Bahram Fazeli | Director of Research and Policy | 323 826 9771 | ||||||||
168 | Community Clean Water Institute | Sonoma County | Dedicated to protecting water quality and public health throughout Northern California by identifying pollution sources through the collection and analysis of water quality data. | Lynn Hamilton | President | ccwi@communitycleanwater.org | |||||||||
169 | Community Water Center | Building a movement for community-driven water solutions. | Kyle Jones | Policy & Legal Director | info@communitywatercenter.org | 916-706-3346 | |||||||||
170 | Congregational Community Church of Sunnyvale (UCC) | Sunnyvale | (408) 739-3285 | ||||||||||||
171 | Conservative Coalition for Climate (C3) Solutions | Falls Church, VA | Promote free market solutions for climate change. Look at economic impacts, accelerate energy innvotation & infrastructure resiliency, promote agricultural & forestry practices | Nick Loris | VP of Public Policy | info@c3solutions.org | 202-832-6589 | ||||||||
172 | Conservative Energy Network | Lansing, MI | Champion secure, reliable, affordable, clean American energy leveraging the powerful forces of free markets over government mandates. | Connor Marley | Policy Manager | 517-258-1459 | |||||||||
173 | Cool OC | Tustin | Building sustainable, resilient, and community rich blocks, one neighborhood at a time | admin@cooloc.org | |||||||||||
174 | Cool the Earth / Ride & Drive Clean (collaboration) | Al Grumet | 4 | Collaborate with Executive Director and Board members | Leading an equitable transition to clean transportation. Educate and engage individuals in fighting climate change by motivating them to take significant climate actions to reduce their personal carbon footprint. | Lawrie Mott; Carleen Cullen | Board Chair; Founder | 7/22/24 (Gregg); name extracted from AB 2329 support letter | |||||||
175 | Courage California | Los Angeles | Unite and equip Californians to hold leaders accountable and take courageous action for change. Priority Legislation | info@couragecalifornia.org | |||||||||||
176 | Courageous Resistance and Indivisible of the Desert | Palm Springs | |||||||||||||
177 | Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES) | Washington, DC | Engage Republican policymakers and the public about responsible, conservative solutions to address our nation’s energy, economic, and environmental security while increasing America’s competitive edge. | Christina Baworowsky | Vice President of Policy and Advocacy | cbaworowsky@cresenergy.com | |||||||||
178 | Davis United Methodist Church Service & Justice Ministry | Davis | Brandon Austin | Pastor | revboffice@davisumc.org | 530-756-2170 | |||||||||
179 | Defend Ballona Wetlands | Oppose wetlands restoration on grounds that FF industry wants to renew extraction efforts | |||||||||||||
180 | Del Paso Heights Growers' Alliance | Sacramento | Build sustainable neighborhoods and circular economies through policy, advocacy, and experiential education. | Fatima Malik | Executive Director | info@dphga.org | |||||||||
181 | Democratic Club of West Orange County | Fountain Valley | Ron Varasteh | President | dcwoc@demclubofwestoc.com | ||||||||||
182 | Democratic Socialists of America - San Diego | San Diego | Building progressive movements for social change in San Diego while establishing an openly democratic socialist presence in our communities and politics. | ||||||||||||
183 | Designing Accessible Communities ?defunct | ||||||||||||||
184 | Eagle Architects | Chico | Alan Chambers | Owner | (530) 898-0123 | ||||||||||
185 | Earth Island Institute | Berkeley | Provides support to environmental action projects and to the next generation of environmental leaders in order to achieve solutions to the crises threatening the survival of life on Earth | 510-859-9100 | |||||||||||
186 | East Area Progressive Democrats | Los Angeles | Hans Johnson | President | eapd.la@gmail.com | 323 992 0211 | |||||||||
187 | East Los Angeles Boyle Heights Coalition | Los Angeles | Supports development that empowers the community by promoting cultural and historical | ||||||||||||
188 | East Valley Indivisibles | San Fernando Valley | Championing democratic values in all our elected officials by supporting strong progressive candidates and holding them accountable once in office | nfo@eastvalleyindivisibles.comi | |||||||||||
189 | Eco Chicos | Santa Clarita Valley | Student environmental group at Canyon High School | ||||||||||||
190 | EcoClimate Society (youth) | Global | Al Grumet | 4 | Mentor founder of organization | Raise awareness about climate change's impact on us, not just on plants and animals | Candace Tang | Founder & President | 7/22/24 (Gregg); name extracted from AB 2329 support letter | ||||||
191 | EcoEquity | Berkeley | Focused on political and theoretical work on global climate solutions that are fair enough to actually work. | Tom Athanasiou | Founder | toma@ecoequity.org | |||||||||
192 | Ecology Center | Berkeley | Improving the health and the environmental impacts of urban residents. | info@ecologycenter.org | (510) 526-1131 ext 701 | ||||||||||
193 | Electric Vehicle Association California Central Coast & Other California Chapters | Accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles | |||||||||||||
194 | Elkhorn Slough Foundation | Santa Cruz County | Conserve and restore Elkhorn Slough and its watershed. | questionsforus@elkhornslough.org | 831-728-5939 | ||||||||||
195 | Endangered Habitats League | Protect diverse ecosystems of Southern California and to sensitive and sustainable land use for the benefit of all the region's inhabitants. | Dan Silver | Executive Director | dsilverla@me.com | 213-804-2750 | |||||||||
196 | Environmental and Political Action Alerts? | ||||||||||||||
197 | Environmental Center of San Diego | San Diego | Protect and enhance San Diego’s natural environment through education, advocacy and direct action, and to ensure access to the coast where feasible. | contactecosd@gmail.com | 805-835-1833 | ||||||||||
198 | Environmental Justice Coalition for Water | Stockton | Educate, empower, and nurture a community-based coalition that serves as a public voice and an effective advocate for environmental justice issues in California water policy. | Myrah Vivanco | Executive Director | myrah@ejcw.org | 209-590-4646 | ||||||||
199 | Environmental Protection Information Center | Arcata | Advocates for the science-based protection and restoration of Northwest California’s forests, rivers, and wildlife with an integrated approach combining public education, citizen advocacy, and strategic litigation. | epic@wildcalifornia.org | (707)-822-7711 | ||||||||||
200 | Environmental Working Group | Sacramento & D.C. | Empower you with breakthrough research to make informed choices and live a healthy life in a healthy environment. Has an energy focus | Bill Allayaud | (916) 307-5680 | ||||||||||
201 | Equity Transit | Capitola | Representing the Underserved Voices Vital to our Community by Working to Ensure Affordable, Equitable, Environmentally Wise Public Transit Essential for our Vibrant Future | info@equitytransit.org | |||||||||||
202 | Extinction Rebellion America - Santa Cruz | Santa Cruz | Non-violent direct action and civil disobedience to persuade governments to act justly on the Climate and Ecological Emergency. | xrsc@protonmail.com | |||||||||||
203 | Extinction Rebellion Los Angeles | Los Angelels | Spark and sustain a spirit of collective, creative rebellion which will enable much needed changes in our political, economic, and social landscape. | ||||||||||||
204 | Extinction Rebellion San Francisco Bay Area | San Francisco | |||||||||||||
205 | Families Advocating for Chemical and Toxics Safety | Oakland | Serve as clearinghouse for evidence-based information and expert resources in children’s environmental health focusing on Colima communities | FACTStoAction@gmail.com | |||||||||||
206 | Federación de Clubes Colima | Colima, MX/ Lynnwood, CA | alvagarcia.pro_migrantes@yahoo.com | ||||||||||||
207 | Federación de Clubes y Asociaciones? | ||||||||||||||
208 | Federación de Guanajuatenses | Last Facebook post 2022 | |||||||||||||
209 | Federación de Nayaritas en Estados Unidos | San Diego | Immigrant community support | fenay.usamex@yahoo.com | |||||||||||
210 | Federación Duranguenese USA | Huntington Park | Immigrant community support | (323) 537-9338 | |||||||||||
211 | Feminists in Action, Los Angeles | Los Angeles | unable to access as on X (Gregg) | ||||||||||||
212 | First Church Berkeley UCC | Berkeley | Has Green Team | info@fccb.org | (510) 848-3696 | ||||||||||
213 | First Congregational Church of Long Beach | Long Beach | Bill Nash | ||||||||||||
214 | Fossil Free Mid-Peninsula | San Mateo County | Want elected representatives to acknowledge that the climate crisis; focus renewable energy, electrification | ||||||||||||
215 | Fossil Fuel Free UCD | Davis | Part of a UC-wide movement to make the 10 University of California campuses fossil free. | ||||||||||||
216 | Friends of Fitzgerald Marine Reserve | Moss Beach | Educate about local reserve | info@fitzgeraldreserve.org | |||||||||||
217 | Friends of the Climate Action Plan? | ||||||||||||||
218 | Friends of the Los Angeles River | Los Angeles | Pete Marsh | Build capacity for communities, students, and future leaders to advocate for nature, climate, and equity on the Los Angeles River | contact@folar.org | 323.223.0585 | |||||||||
219 | Friends of the Urban Forest | Plant trees in San Francisco | Brian Wiedenmeier | Executive Director | 415-561-6890 | ||||||||||
220 | Gallaher Community Housing | Windsor | Affordale housing in Sonoma County | info@gallahercommunityhousing.com | 707 535-3200 | ||||||||||
221 | Glendale Environmental Coalition | Glendale | Pete Marsh | Ensuring a healthy and sustainable environment for all | contact@gec.eco | ||||||||||
222 | Good Neighbor Steering Committee of Benicia? | Watchdog group over Benecia Refinery air quality | |||||||||||||
223 | Grades of Green | El Segundo | Educate and empower students to take action and lead environmental change. | info@gradesofgreen.org | (310) 607-0175 | ||||||||||
224 | Grassroots Institute - Climate Crisis Workgroup | Mendocino | Collaborating for a brighter, cleaner, climate future, in Mendocino County | grassrootsinstitute707@gmail.com | 707-593-6084 | ||||||||||
225 | Greater Harvest Church of God in Christ? | ||||||||||||||
226 | Green Change | Al Grumet | 5 | Member of organization leadership team | A climate action network of concerned citizens helping eachother to live sustainably and fight climate change. | Fabrice Florin | Executive Director | 7/22/24 (Gregg); name extracted from AB 2329 support letter | |||||||
227 | Green New Deal at UC San Diego | San Diego | |||||||||||||
228 | Green the Church | Oakland | Sustainability initiative designed to tap into the power and purpose of the Black Church Community and expand the role of churches as centers for environmental and economic resilience. | Rev. Dr. Ambrose Carroll | Founder | info@greenthechurch.org | (510) 369-3541 | ||||||||
229 | Greenbank Associates, defunct? | Piedmont | Green building (CHPS/LEED) and sustainability consultancy | (510) 658-8060 | |||||||||||
230 | Greening Committee of Kehilla Community Synagogue | Piedmont | Ralph Silber | ralph@kehillasynagogue.org | |||||||||||
231 | Greenpeace LA | Los Angeles | Pete Marsh | ||||||||||||
232 | Greenpeace USA | Washington, DC | Peaceful protest and creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems and promote solutions | Tefere Gebre | Chief Program Officer | connect@greenpeace.us | 800-722-6995 | ||||||||
233 | Habitat for Humanity | Atlanta | Build homes, communities and hope. | Jonathan Reckford | CEO | (800) 422-4828 | |||||||||
234 | Hammond Climate Solutions Foundation | San Diego | Pete Marsh | Correcting our Planet's Trajectory | Justin Hammond | Founder | connect@hcs.foundation | (858) 215-4483 | |||||||
235 | Hang Out Do Good (HODG) | Los Angeles | Making our world more just | hangoutdogood@gmail.com | |||||||||||
236 | Heal the Bay | Santa Monica | Pete Marsh | Making the coastal waters and watersheds in Greater Los Angeles safe, healthy, and clean. | Tracy Quinn | CEO | (310) 451-1500 | ||||||||
237 | Hills for Everyone | Brea | Protect, preserve and restore the environmental resources and natural environs of the Puente-Chino Hills and surrounding areas | Mike Hughes | President | info@HillsForEveryone.org | 714-687-1555 | ||||||||
238 | Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association | Sacramento | Protection of Proposition 13 and the advancement of taxpayers’ rights, including the right to limited taxation, the right to vote on tax increases and the right of economical, equitable and efficient use of taxpayer dollars- Has PAC | Jon Coupal | President | info@hjta.org | 916-444-9950 | ||||||||
239 | Human Impact Partners | Berkeley | Transforms the field of public health to center equity and builds collective power with social justice movements. Climate justice is one focus | Lili Farhung | lili@humanimpact.org | (510) 452-9442 | |||||||||
240 | Humboldt Progressive Democrats | Arcata | Pete Marsh | Humboldt County-support candidates and issues through a combination of education, community organizing, and direct action at the local, state, and national levels | HumProgDems@gmail.com | ||||||||||
241 | In Good Company | San Diego | Deliver accessible climate education to drive justice-centered action. | Adrienne Fusek | Executive Director | hello@igc.earth | (619) 717-2810 | ||||||||
242 | Indivisible Alta Pasadena | Pasadena | |||||||||||||
243 | Indivisible CA Green Team | Statewide | Pete Marsh | Jennifer Tanner | Leader | 7/22/24 (Gregg); name extracted from AB 2329 support letter | |||||||||
244 | Indivisible CA-34 | Los Angeles | |||||||||||||
245 | Indivisible East Bay | East Bay | Working to expand and protect our democracy and enact a progressive legislative agenda. | info@indivisibleeb.org | |||||||||||
246 | Indivisible Marin | Marin | Advocacy with elected officials and other influential leaders to promote a government that functions by and for the people. | Susan Morgan | Founder | info@indivisiblemarin.org | |||||||||
247 | Invisible Resisters Walnut Creek | Concord | Hold our members of Congress accountable for representing our needs and values | ||||||||||||
248 | Indivisible Ross Valley | San Anselmo | indivisiblerossvalley@gmail.com | ||||||||||||
249 | Indivisible Sacramento | Sacramento | Defend those norms and institutions by sharing information with its members about current events and issues, promoting civic engagement and voter turnout, and communicating regularly with our elected officials. | indivisiblesacramentoca@gmail.com | |||||||||||
250 | Indivisible San Francisco (Occupy SF) | San Francisco | Peacefully protesting politico-economic corruption | admin@occupysf.net | |||||||||||
251 | Indivisible San Jose | San Jose | Protect our democracy through empowering all people, | indivisiblesanjose@gmail.com | |||||||||||
252 | Indivisible San Pedro | San Pedro | |||||||||||||
253 | Indivisible Santa Cruz County | Santa Cruz | Focuses on our local state and federal elected officials in California. | Amanda Harris Altice | Co-Chair | indivisiblesantacruzcounty.com | |||||||||
254 | Indivisible Sonoma County | Sonoma | Political action to protect the values, freedoms and institutions that are the foundation of our democracy. | Indivisiblesoco@gmail.com | |||||||||||
255 | Indivisible Stanislaus | Modesto | Holding our representatives accountable for their policies that are adverse to our interests | ||||||||||||
256 | Indivisible Ventura | Ventura | indivisibleventura@gmail.com | ||||||||||||
257 | Indivisible Westside LA | Westwood, LA | indivisibleca33@gmail.com | ||||||||||||
258 | Inland Equity Community Land Trust | Riverside, San Bernardino | Promoting social equity and sustainable development by providing high-quality, affordable housing | Maribel Nunez | Executive Director | maribel@inlandequitypartnership.org | |||||||||
259 | LA Compost | Los Angeles | Support a healthy transition where food is never wasted, but returned to the soil for the next cycle of life. | Michelle Barton | Board Chair | info@lacompost.org | |||||||||
260 | LA Conservation Corps | Los Angeles | Pete Marsh | Create equitable opportunities for young people to build resilience in themselves, their communities and the environment through a program of work, education and support. | Wendy Butts | CEO | |||||||||
261 | La Familia Sana | Cloverdale | Sustainably improve the health and wellness of underserved communities through empowerment, education, direct support services and advocacy. | Jade Weymouth | Executive Director | info@lafamiliasana.org | (707) 669 0289 | ||||||||
262 | Labor Rise Climate Jobs Action | San Francisco | Union members working to amplify labor’s voice in the climate struggle. | ||||||||||||
263 | LaPlaca and Associates LLC | Boone, NC | Gas & Electricity egulatory expert | Nancy Laplaca | |||||||||||
264 | Last Chance Alliance | Pete Marsh | Replace exploitive and polluting fossil fuels with clean energy, healthy communities, good jobs in a thriving future for all. | ||||||||||||
265 | LAX Area Democratic Club | Los Angeles | Connie Sullivan | Alfred Lay | President | al_lay@hotmail.com | 7/22/24 (Gregg); name extracted from AB 2329 support letter | ||||||||
266 | LIFT Economy | San Francisco | Consulting firm whose mission is to create, model, and share a racially just, regenerative, and locally self-reliant economy that works for the benefit of all life. | Ryan Honeyman | Partner | ryan@lifteconomy.com | |||||||||
267 | Livermore Indivisible | Livermore | Support national issues and closely related state and local issues involving human rights, voting rights, civil rights, racial justice, the environment, immigration, education, the judiciary, and health care. | info@livermoreindivisible.org | |||||||||||
268 | Local Clean Energy Alliance | Oakland | Pp\romote the development and democratization of local renewable energy resources as key to addressing climate change, advancing social and racial justice, and building sustainable and resilient communities. | info@localcleanenergy.org | |||||||||||
269 | Long Beach Alliance for Clean Energy | Long Beach | Pete | Dave Shukla | Co-founder | dave.mvmt@gmail.com | |||||||||
270 | Long Beach Community Table | Long Beach | Pete Marsh | Foster sustainable community to support the well-being, empowerment, and self-determination of food- and housing-insecure residents in the greater Long Beach area with dignity and compassioF | Kristen Cox | Executive Director | LBCommunityTable@gmail.com | 562-548-0774 | |||||||
271 | Long Beach Democratic Club | Long Beach | Bill Nash | Activate the community in advancing the ideals and goals of the California and National Democratic Party in the City of Long Beach | Greg Hollins | President | thelbdemclub@gmail.com | ||||||||
272 | Long Beach Environmental Alliance | Long Beach | John Kindred | Co-Founder | lbenvironmental.alliance@gmail.com | 7/22/24 (Gregg); name extracted from AB 2329 support letter | |||||||||
273 | Long Beach Gray Panthers | Long Beach | Connie Sullivan | Provide education and advocacy on Older Adult issues in social and economic justice; a clean sustainable environment; etc. | longbeachgraypanthers@gmail.com | (562) 336-1595 | |||||||||
274 | Los Angeles Neighborhood Land Trust | Los Angeles | Operate urban parks & community gardens | Tori Kjer | Executive DIrector | communications@lanlt.org | 213-572-0188 | ||||||||
275 | Los Cerritos Wetlands Land Trust | Long Beach | Bill Nash | Saving and restoring what remained of this unique estuary. | John Fries | President | |||||||||
276 | Lucky Duck Ranch? | ||||||||||||||
277 | Lutheran Office of Public Policy-California | Sacramento | Advocate with and on behalf of others in the quest for economic justice, the protection of human rights, reconciliation, and responsible stewardship of God’s Creation. | Savannah Jorgensen | Legislative Coordinator | Savannah.Jorgensen@elca.org | 916.208.5334 | ||||||||
278 | Lutherans Restoring Creation | Braintree, MA | Grassroots movement promoting care for creation | info@lutheransrestoringcreation.org | (617) 599-2722 | ||||||||||
279 | Madera Coalition for Community Justice | Madera | Educate and assist low-income residents of Madera County by working together to obtain appropriate and sufficient food, clothing, health care, educational and employment opportunities and other fundamental needs. | Linette Lomeli | Executive Director | info@maderaccj.org | (559) 661-1879 | ||||||||
280 | Marin Conservation League | San Rafael | Al Grumet | 4 | Active member of Clean Energy Group | Acquire and preserve some of Marin's defining public lands. | Bob Miller; Ken Strong | Director; Board Member | mcl@marinconservationleague.org | (415) 485-6257 | |||||
281 | Marin Interfaith Council | San Rafael | Al Grumet | 0 | Celebrate faith, advocates justice and builds community. | Scott Quinn | Executive Director | programs@marinifc.org | 415-456-6957 | ||||||
282 | Martin Luther King Jr. Freedom Center | Oakland | Advance youth and family civic engagement, ethical leadership, and economic and educational equity. | Roy Wilson | Executive Director | 510-434-3988 | |||||||||
283 | Mercy Housing California | San Francisco | Create stable, vibrant, and healthy communities. | Doug Shoemaker | President | DShoemaker@mercyhousing.org | (415) 355-7100 | ||||||||
284 | Monterey Bay Aquarium | Monterey | Inspire conservation of the ocean | 831.648.4800 | |||||||||||
285 | Monterey County Renters United | Monterey | Esther Malkin | Founder | RentersVote1@gmail.com | ||||||||||
286 | Moore Institute for Plastic Pollution Research | Los Angeles | Bill Nash | Expand our knowledge about plastics and how they impact our environment and our health& provide the results of our findings to governmental policy makers and industry decision makers | Shelly Moore | Executive Director | shelly@mooreplasticresearch.org | (562) 726-3365 | |||||||
287 | Morongo Basin Conservation Association | Joshua Tree | Advocate and educate for a healthy desert environment which nurtures wildlands and supports our communities’ rural character, economic well-being, and culture. | Steve Bardwell | Presdient | info@mbconservation.org | (760) 366-9862 | ||||||||
288 | Mothers For Peace | San Luis Obispo | Hailey Pietz | Diablo Canyon and other nuclear reactors, nuclear weapons, and radioactive waste; promote peace, environmental and social justice, and renewable energy | Jane Swanson | (805) 440-1359 | |||||||||
289 | Mothers Out Front | Boston | Build our power as mothers to ensure a livable climate for all children. | Beth Shipp | Executive Director | 617-520-4970 | |||||||||
290 | Move Faster | Stephen Tanner | |||||||||||||
291 | Napa Climate NOW! (350 Affiliate) | Napa | Advocate a just and socially equitable transition to clean energy, reducing emissions of highly potent climate pollutants, restoring natural climate systems, etc. | ||||||||||||
292 | National Wildlife Federation | Reston, VA | Uniting all Americans to ensure wildlife and people thrive in a rapidly changing world | Collin O'Mara | President & Executive Director | info@nwf.org | |||||||||
293 | Neighbors for Progressive Action | FB doesn't look active | |||||||||||||
294 | Newport Bay Conservancy | Newport Beach | Protect and preserve the Upper Newport Bay through education, restoration, research and advocacy | Heather Cieslak | Operations Director | heather.cieslak@newportbay.org | (949) 923-2269 | ||||||||
295 | NextGen Policy | Progressive policy change to address environmental, social, racial, and economic inequities in California through justice-centered legislative advocacy, grassroots partnerships, and democratic civic engagement. | Samantha Seng | Legislative Director & Policy Advisor | |||||||||||
296 | North County Climate Change Alliance | San Diego | Susan Kobara | Empower people and organizations to take action on climate disruption through education, collaboration and mobilization | Marian Sedio | Secretary | 7/22/24 (Gregg); name extracted from AB 2329 support letter | ||||||||
297 | Northridge Indivisible | Northridge | Drive political change starting at the local level. | info@trnindivisible.org | (323) 642-8683 | ||||||||||
298 | NSI Services, Inc ? | ||||||||||||||
299 | Oakland Education Association | Oakland | Building a more racially and socially just school district- | Ismael Armendariz | President | info@oaklandea.org | (510) 763-4020 | ||||||||
300 | Oil and Gas Action Network | Berkeley | Support grassroots and frontline movements taking action for a just world beyond fossil fuels, including training organizers | Matt Leonard | Director at Large | info@OilGasAction.org | |||||||||
301 | Oil Change International | Washington, DC | Exposing the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitating the ongoing transition to clean energy. | Elizabeth Bast | Executive Director | ebast@priceofoil.org | 202.518.9029 | ||||||||
302 | Open Air Collective | Austin, Tx | Karl Danz | 4 | Karl has worked with them on attempting passage of SB308 in 2024 | Global network to advance, accelerate and co-invent carbon dioxide removal (CDR) through collaborative advocacy, and research & development missions. | Chris Neidl | Co-founder | cneidl@gmail.com | 917-676-1153 | |||||
303 | Orange County Climate Coalition | Max Wang | Max is CCL member of steering committee | Reach zero carbon by 2030, leading the world on effective, equitable climate action | |||||||||||
304 | Organización Regional de Oaxaca Por El Respeto y La Defensa De Nuestra Cultura | Los Angeles | Promote and preserve indigenous Oaxacan culture in California | Mauro Hernandez | President | info@guelaguetzaoro.com | 310-869-4738 | ||||||||
305 | Orinda Community Church | Orinda | Elizabeth Robinson | Pasto | elizabeth.orindachurch@gmail.com | 925 254 4906 | |||||||||
306 | Our City San Francisco | San Francisco | Linking families, neighbors, communities and elected officials with a shared vision of a better San Francisco and California. | info@our-city.org | 415-756-8844 | ||||||||||
307 | Pacific Energy Policy Center | La Mesa | Don Wood | Senior Policy Advisor | Dwood8@cox.net | 619-463-9035 | |||||||||
308 | Pacific Environment | San Francisco | Granting and training programs for grassroots environmental leaders that nurtures creative activism and leadership | Shannon Wright | Executive Director | 415.399.8850 | |||||||||
309 | Pacoima Beautiful | Pacoima | rovides education, impacts local policy, and supports local arts and culture in order to promote a healthy and sustainable San Fernando Valley. | Veronica Padilla-Campos | Executive Director | info@pacoimabeautiful.org | 818.899.2454 | ||||||||
310 | Palos Verdes Democrats | Palos Verdes | Connie Sullivan | Rob Wynne | President | pvpdems@pvpdemocrats.org | 7/22/24 (Gregg); name extracted from AB 2329 support letter | ||||||||
311 | PDA-CA (Progressive Democrats of America-California) | San Diego | Promote and empower progressive local and state candidates, office holders, coalitions, activists, initiatives and legislation. | Michael Thaller | President | info@pda-ca.com | 619-962-9670 | ||||||||
312 | Peace Action | Silver Spring, MD | Committed to organizing a powerful peace movement | Jon Rainwater | Executive Director | jrainwater@peaceaction.org | 800-949-9020 ext. 106 | ||||||||
313 | Pelican Media | San Francisco | Production of films with environmental themes. | Judy Irving | Executive Director | films@pelicanmedia.org | 415.362.2420 | ||||||||
314 | Peralta Federation of Teachers | Oakland | Sejal Barbaria | Executive Director | sejal@pft1603.org | 510-807-8155 | |||||||||
315 | Physicians for Social Responsibility Los Angeles | Los Angeles | Pete Marsh | Envisions a democratic, equitable, and just society powered by thriving communities and a regenerative economy that values the environment, human rights, and health | Martha Dina Argüello | Executive Director | info@psr-la.org | ||||||||
316 | Physicians for Social Responsibility San Francisco Bay | San Francisco | Promote public policies that protect human health from the threats of nuclear war and other weapons of mass destruction, global environmental degradation, climate change, the epidemic of gun violence, and other social injustices | Robert Gould | President | info@sfbaypsr.com | 7/22/24 (Gregg); name extracted from AB 2329 support letter | ||||||||
317 | Physicians for Social Responsibility Sacramento | Sacramento | info@sacpsr.org | 916-955-6333 | |||||||||||
318 | Pink Panthers? | ||||||||||||||
319 | Placer Earth Care Action | Placer County | Committed to work to protect, restore, and heal our Earth home for the well-being of all beings with whom we co-exist | Beth Gonzales | Co-Director | beth@ppoft.org | |||||||||
320 | Plastic Pollution Coalition | Washington, DC | Collaborates with an expansive global alliance of organizations, businesses, and individuals to create a more just, equitable, regenerative world free of plastic pollution and its toxic impacts. | Dianna Cohen | Co-Founder and CEO | info@plasticpollutioncoalition.org | (323) 936-3010 | ||||||||
321 | PowerCA Action | California | Advances a progressive agenda for justice and equity for all Californians by engaging, mobilizing and building the leadership of young voters of color and their families. | Angelica Salas | Chair, Board | info@powercaaction.org | |||||||||
322 | Power San Diego | San Diego | Provide electric service at a fair, reasonable, and affordable rates while maximizing economic benefit to the people of San Diego. | Bill Powers | hello@wearepowersandiego.com | ||||||||||
323 | Presente.org | Advance Latinx power and create winning campaigns that amplify Latinx voices; expand the political imagination and traditional boundaries; and foster inspiration for freedom, equity, and justice. | Matt Nelson | Executive Director | info@presente.org | ||||||||||
324 | Progressive Democrats of the Santa Monica Mountains | Woodland Hills | Democratic club | Dorothy Reik | President | dorothyreik@pdsmm.org | |||||||||
325 | Project Green Home | Palo Alto | Xander Bernstein | LEED Platinum, Zero Net-Energy, Passive House | sven@projectgreenhome.org. | ||||||||||
326 | Protect Playa Now | Playa del Rey | Shut down Playa del Rey gas storage facility | ||||||||||||
327 | Public Power San Diego | San Diego | Susan Kobara/Gregg Lichtenstein | 4 (Gregg) | Advocates for a community-owned, independently run, non-profit electric utility committed to locally produced and distributed clean and sustainable energy. | Craig Rose | Member, Steering Committee | info@publicpowersd.org | |||||||
328 | Rachel Carson Returns? | ||||||||||||||
329 | Rainforest Action Network | San Francisco | Preserve forests, protects the climate and upholds human rights by challenging corporate power and systemic injustice through frontline partnerships and strategic campaigns | Aditi Sen | Climate and Energy Program Director | answers@ran.org | (415) 398-4404. | ||||||||
330 | Redeemer Community Partnership | Los Angeles | Create a safe, healthy, opportunity-rich community where children, youth and their families thrive. | Richard Parks | President | admin@redeemercp.org | (323) 248-1780 | ||||||||
331 | Redwood Energy | Pete Marsh | Collaborative, innovative design firm working on electrification of housing complexes | Sean Armstrong | Managing Principal | admin@redwoodenergy.net | (707) 234-7573 | ||||||||
332 | Reform & Sustain | Orange County | Educate and connect young people to ways they can take action on environmental issues | reformandsustain@gmail.com | |||||||||||
333 | Resource Renewal Institute | Fairfax | Advance environmental leadership and solve complex environmental challenges with inventive land and water management | Chance Cutrano | Director of Programs | admin@rri.org | (415)-928-3774 | ||||||||
334 | Rise South City | South San Francisco | Create a new center of gravity in the climate movement by uniting frontline communities, allies, and organizations toward resilient, regenerative, and equitable neighborhoods. | Julio Garcia | Executive Director | julio@rise-southcity.org | (650) 461-0397 | ||||||||
335 | Rising Sun Center for Opportunity | Oakland | Build career pathways for economic equity and climate resilience | Julia Hatton | President & CEO | hatton@risingsunopp.org | 510-665-1501 ext. 305 | ||||||||
336 | RiverLA | Los Angeles | Gring people, water, and nature together while pursuing a sustainable revitalization of the 51-miles of the Los Angeles River corridor. | Kate Moulene | CEO | info@riverla.org | (323) 221-7800 | ||||||||
337 | Rooted in Resistance (Indivisible) | Pasadena | rootsresist@gmail.com | ||||||||||||
338 | RootsAction.org | Sacramento | Galvanize people who are committed to economic fairness, equal rights for all, civil liberties, environmental protection and defunding endless wars. | ||||||||||||
339 | Saddles That Fit! | Plymouth, CA | Educate our clients, and help them find a saddle that works for them. | Saddlesthatfit@earthlink.net | 209-245-3789 | ||||||||||
340 | Samuel Lawrence Foundation | Del Mar | Susan Kobara | Promote human interaction and encourage broader community access to science, education, and the arts, esp nuclear waste at San Onofre | Bart Ziegler | President & Co-Founder | admin@samuellawrencefoundation.org | ||||||||
341 | San Diego Building Electrification Coalition | San Diego | Marc Friedmann/Susan Kobara | Accelerate electrification in residential and commercial buildings in the San Diego region | |||||||||||
342 | San Diego Democrats for Environmental Action | San Diego | Provide a forum and opportunity to stimulate the active interest within the Democratic Party, to support a broad platform of environmental and green issues, and to contribute a greater understanding among the Democratic activist base for more comprehensive and dedicated approach to these issues. | Richard Ram | President | ||||||||||
343 | San Diego Green Building Council | San Diego | Susan Kobara | Promote sustainable building and community practices to bring the San Diego region closer to achieving its climate, water, waste, and energy goals. | Colleen FitzSimons | Executive Director | |||||||||
344 | San Diego Progressive Democratic Club | San Diego | Promote an activist base, and to assist and enable Democratic candidates to run and win on progressive principles. | Brendan Bargman | President | info@SDProgressives.com | |||||||||
345 | San Diego Veterans For Peace | San Diego | Speak out for peace; has climate focus | president@sdvfp.org | |||||||||||
346 | San Francisco Baykeeper | San Francisco | Hold polluters and government agencies accountable to create healthier communities and help wildlife thrive. | Sejal Choksi-Chugh | Executive Director | 510.735.9700 | |||||||||
347 | San Francisco Climate Emergency Coalition | San Francisco | Lindsey Alami | Propel San Francisco to equitably achieve deep emissions reductions at emergency speed. | info@sfclimateemergency.org | ||||||||||
348 | San Joaquin Urban Native Council | Stockton | Provide a voice and support for Urban Natives in the San Joaquin Valley of California while building strong networks, encouraging indigenous representation, environmental justice, socicultural and historic preservation, and promoting family values. | sjuncouncil@gmail.com | |||||||||||
349 | San Joaquin Valley Democratic Club | Fresno | Educate eligible voters in our service area and motivating them to vote | James Williams | President | (559) 312-3925 | |||||||||
350 | San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace | San Luis Obispo | Educate on dangers of nuclear power, weapons and waste on national and global levels. | slo.mothers.for.peace@gmail.com | (805) 440-1359 | ||||||||||
351 | San Mateo Climate Action Team- Part of Silicon Valley 350.org | Pete Marsh | Support local solutions to the climate crisis that protect the health and economic vitality of the San Mateo community and promote equity for all. | Robert Whitehair | Co-Leader | sanmateocity@350siliconvalley.org | |||||||||
352 | Santa Barbara Standing Rock Coalition | Support #NoDakota Pipeline, the Rights of Indigenous peoples/Mother Earth | |||||||||||||
353 | Santa Cruz Barrios Unidos | Santa Cruz | Promote multicultural social justice, nonviolence, and economic equity through cultural healing, civic leadership, and community development. | Daniel “Nane” Alejandrez | Executive Director | nane.scbu@gmail.com | (831) 457-8208, ext. 13 | ||||||||
354 | Santa Cruz Climate Action Network | Santa Cruz | Pete Marsh | Address the current Climate Change Emergency, recognizing that failure to act quickly will have devastating effects on future generations | |||||||||||
355 | Santa Cruz for Bernie | Santa Cruz | Hailey Pietz | info@sc4b.org | |||||||||||
356 | Save CA Solar | Pete Marsh | Ensure that rooftop solar continues to grow and benefit every Californian | ||||||||||||
357 | SAVE THE FROGS! | ||||||||||||||
358 | Seed Library of LA | Los Angeles | Provide info on seed libraries in LA area | membership@slola.org | 310.666.9278 | ||||||||||
359 | Sequoia ForestKeeper | Weldon, CA | Protect and restore the ecosystems of the southern Sierra Nevada – including both the Sequoia National Forest and the Giant Sequoia National Monument – through monitoring, enforcement, education, and litigation. | 866-533-7873 | 8/22/24 site in flux | ||||||||||
360 | SFUU Social Justice Committee | Auburn | Educate and engage with the UU congregation and local groups regarding social justice issues | Carol Koons | Chair | admin@mysfuu.org | 530-823-0923 | ||||||||
361 | Showing Up for Racial Justice Ventura County | Ventura | surjvc@gmail.com | ||||||||||||
362 | Sierra Club Angeles Chapter | LA & Orange Counties | Pete Marsh | Morgan Goodwin | Senior Chapter Director | morgan.goodwin@sierraclub.org | (213) 728-7543 | ||||||||
363 | Sierra Club Marin | Berkeley | Al Grumet | 4 | Sierra Club Marin is constrained by positions of its parent organizations | Chance Cutrano | Exec Committee member | ||||||||
364 | Sierra Club San Diego | San Diego | Gregg Lichtenstein | 1 | Member | 1 of 64 national chapters to educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment | Linda Ross | Chair, Executive Committee | scoffice@sierrasd.org | (858) 569-6005 | |||||
365 | Sierra Club San Francisco Bay | Berkeley | Al Grumet | 3 | Collaborate with head of Sierra Club Marin. Sierra Club SF Bay is constrained by positions of its parent organizations. | Sarah Ranney; Melissa Yu | Director; Senior Energy Campaigns Representative | info@sfbaysc.org | (510) 848-0800 | ||||||
366 | Silicon Valley Youth Climate Action | Empowers teens and young adults to combat climate change immediately through impactful education and policy initiatives. | Monica Mallon | Program Coordinator | monica@svyouthclimate.org | ||||||||||
367 | Siskiyou Habitat for Humanity | Yreka | Dedicated to eliminating substandard housing locally and worldwide through constructing, rehabilitating and preserving homes; by advocating for fair and just housing policies | Pat Vela | Executive Director | ||||||||||
368 | SLO Climate Coalition | Hailey Pietz | Champion high-impact, regional climate solutions by bringing together community expertise, creativity & resources. | Laura Albers | Executive Director | ||||||||||
369 | SoCal 350 | Southern California | Organize, activate, and engage across class, gender, racial, and ethnic lines to build a mass movement across Southern California for a healthy climate and a 100% clean energy future with full employment. | Sherry Lear | Legislative Committee Coordinator | socalclimateaction@gmail.com | |||||||||
370 | Social Compassion in Legislation | Laguna Beach | Promote legislation that saves and protects animals in California and beyond | Nick Sackett | Director of Legislative Affairs | (949) 627-5048 | |||||||||
371 | Social Eco Education? | ||||||||||||||
372 | SocioEnergetics Foundation- defunct? | ||||||||||||||
373 | SoHum Housing Opportunities | Redway, CA | Explore all options for creating this, including safe, legal camping, transitional housing villages, and eventually permanent housing. | Patte Rae | President | sho.patterae@gmail.com | |||||||||
374 | Solar Rights Alliance | San Diego | Pete Marsh | Alerts when there is a threat or opportunity to your solar investment, and provide you with simple and clear ways that you can make your voice heard. We provide information about buying, maintaining or improving your solar system. | Dave Rosenfeld | Executive Director | info@SolarRights.org | 619-292-8740 | |||||||
375 | Solar United Neighbors | Washington, DC | Pete Marsh | Help people go solar and fight for their energy rights. | Anya Schoolman | Executive Director | 202-888-3601 | ||||||||
376 | Sonoma County Climate Activist Network (SoCoCAN!) | Sonoma County | Unite local groups and concerned citizens so that we can meet this new decade with a clear vision of actions that address the social, political and environmental challenges of our time. | sonomacountycan@gmail.com | 707-595-0320 | ||||||||||
377 | Sonoma County Tenants Union | Santa Rosa | Affordable housing | sctu707@gmail.com | |||||||||||
378 | Sonora USA? | ||||||||||||||
379 | South Bay Progressive Alliance | San Jose | Unite diverse individuals, communities, and organizations into an inclusive coalition that fights to elect local corporate-free candidates, enact progressive policies, and build institutions and a society based on democracy, equity, cooperation, compassion and sustainability. | Rob Means | Co-Coordinator | Info@SouthBayPA.org | 408-262-8975 | ||||||||
380 | South Bay Sustainable Communities Network | Chula Vista | Build healthy and sustainable communities by encouraging people to create lasting change in their daily lives through education and community engagement in environmental conservation, neighborhood composting, and sustainable urban farming. | Tina Matthias | Executive Director | sbsustainablecommunities@gmail.com | |||||||||
381 | Stand Strong LA Indivisible | Janeen | Leader | 818-825-1490 | |||||||||||
382 | Stay Cool for Grandkids | San Diego | Stephen Tanner, Gregg Lichtenstein | Speak for those too young to have a voice regarding climate policies: our children and grandchildren. | Linda Giannelli Pratt | Advisory Council Chairperson | sdstaycool4grandkids@gmail.com | 8/21/24 Gregg knows Geri Ingram, a membmer of the executive team | |||||||
383 | Stop OAK Expansion Coalition | Oakland | Stop Oakland Airport expansion | ||||||||||||
384 | Strategic Concepts in Organizing and Policy Education (SCOPE) | Los Angeles | Build grassroots power to create social and economic justice for low-income, immigrant, woman, femme, black, and brown communities in LA | Gloria Medina | Executive Director | gmedina@scopela.org | (323) 789-7920 | ||||||||
385 | Sunflower Alliance | El Cerrito | Xander Bernstein | Ccmmitted to environmental justice and the health and safety of all Bay Area communities threatened by toxic pollution and climate change. | action@sunflower-alliance.org | ||||||||||
386 | Sunrise LA | Los Angeles | Force the government to end the era of fossil fuel elites, invest in Black, brown and working class communities, and create millions of good union jobs | sunrisemovementlosangeles@gmail.com | |||||||||||
387 | Sunrise Movement Long Beach Hub | Long Beach | Pete Marsh | Force the government to end the era of fossil fuel elites, invest in Black, brown and working class communities, and create millions of good union jobs | sunriselongbeach@gmail.com | ||||||||||
388 | Sunrise Movement Orange County | Orange County | Pete Marsh | Force the government to end the era of fossil fuel elites, invest in Black, brown and working class communities, and create millions of good union jobs | contact@sunriseoc.org | ||||||||||
389 | Surfrider | San Clemente | Pete Marsh | Protection and enjoyment of the world’s ocean, waves, and beaches, for all people, through a powerful activist network. | Chad Nelsen | info@surfrider.org | |||||||||
390 | Surfrider Long Beach | Long Beach | Bill Nash | ||||||||||||
391 | Surfrider South Orange County | Orange County | Bill Nash | Henry Chou | Chairman | 949-625-5700 | |||||||||
392 | Surfrider San Diego | San Diego | |||||||||||||
393 | Sustainable Claremont | Claremont | Hailey Pietz | Engage people in education and action to create a more sustainable community – environmentally, socially, and economically. | Stuart Wood | Executive Director | (909) 625-8767 x238 | ||||||||
394 | Sustainable Contra Costa | Contra Costa | Desig and build pathways to ecologically sustainable, economically vibrant, and socially just communities for all. | Tina Neuhausel | President | 925-222-5251 | |||||||||
395 | Sustainable Energy Group? | Grass Valley | Solar installer | Brian Gardner | Owner | info@seg.energy | (530) 273-4422 | ||||||||
396 | Sustainable Marin | Ross | Al Grumet | 4 | I lead an organization that is fiscally-sponsored by Sustainable Marin | Wendi Kallins | President | info@sustainablemarin.org | 7/22/24 (Gregg); name extracted from AB 2329 support letter | ||||||
397 | Sustainable Marin Schools | Al Grumet | 4 | I collaborate with the founder / ED | Zero Waste, Energy Efficiency/Electrification, Environmental Literacy, Greening Schoolyards | Lisa Clarke | Executive Director | 7/22/24 (Gregg); name extracted from AB 2329 support letter | |||||||
398 | Sustainable Mill Valley | Al Grumet | 5 | I lead the organization | Build a community that is zero carbon, zero waste, water smart, and environmentally safe | Al Grumet | Co-Chair | team@sustainablemillvalley.com | 7/22/24 (Gregg); name extracted from AB 2329 support letter | ||||||
399 | Sustainable San Mateo County | San Mateo | Stimulate action to make San Mateo County more sustainable on economic, environmental, and social equity issues through empowering information and advocacy. | Terry Nagel | Chair | info@sustainablesanmateo.org | 650-918-1992 | ||||||||
400 | Sustainable Systems Research Foundation | Santa Cruz | Create a sustainable Central California Coast through local, participatory community development of sustainable systems and practices. | Ronnie Lipschutz | Co-founder & Senior Analyst | sustainablesystemsresearch@gmail.com | 831.708.5836 | ||||||||
401 | SustainUS | Youth-led organization advancing justice and sustainability by empowering young people to engage in advocacy at the domestic and international levels. | Aneesa Khan | Executive Director | aneesa.khan@sustainus.org | ||||||||||
402 | Take Action San Diego | San Diego | Gregg Lichtenstein | 4 | Acquaintance | Provide activists with the tools they need to help elect progressive candidates and adopt progressive policies at the national, state and local levels. | Wendy Gelernter | Group Leader | wgelernter@gmail.com | 7/22/24 (Gregg); name extracted from AB 2329 support letter | |||||
403 | Temple Israel Long Beach | Long Beach | Bill Nash | Scott Fox | Rabbi | RabbiFox@tilb.org | (562) 434-0996 | ||||||||
404 | Tenants Together | San Francisco | Dedicated to defending and advancing the rights of California tenants to safe, decent and affordable housing. | Executive Director | info@tenantstogether.org | (415) 495-8100 | |||||||||
405 | The Climate Justice Team of First UU of San Diego | San Diego | Create a spiritually grounded, informed, and action-oriented community that provides hope for all living beings through systemic action that stops climate change and heals our planet. | Armin Kuhlman | arminkuhlman396@gmail.com | (619) 298-9978 | |||||||||
406 | The Community Action League (TCAL) | Antelope Valley | Promote equality, to assist, empower, improve, elevate and advance the economic, political and social conditions of community residents within the Los Angeles County and the Antelope Valley. | Pharaoh Mitchell | Executive Director | info@TCAL.info | (661) 382-TCAL | ||||||||
407 | The Society of Fearless Grandmothers-SB | Santa Barbara | Commit to non-violent action, demanding urgent measures to address our Earth’s climate emergency. | fearlessgrandmotherssb@gmail.com | |||||||||||
408 | Third Act Sacramento | Sacramento | Climate change, social justice | Sacramento@ThirdAct.org | |||||||||||
409 | Todos Unidos? | ||||||||||||||
410 | Torrance Democratic Club | Torrance | Connie Sullivan | Elect candidates and promote causes important to our core democratic values. | Jimmy Gow | President | TorranceDems@hotmail.com | (310) 538-0245 | 7/22/24 (Gregg); name extracted from AB 2329 support letter | ||||||
411 | Tree People | Beverly Hills | Xander Bernstein | Inspire, engage and support people to take personal responsibility for the urban environment, making it safe, healthy, fun and sustainable and to share our process as a model for the world. | Daniel Berger | Executive Director of Operations | dberger@treepeople.org | (818) 753-4600 | |||||||
412 | Tri-Valley CAREs | Livermore | Work toward global abolition of nuclear weapons, watchdog for Lawrence Livermore Labs | Scott Yundt | Executive Director | scott@trivalleycares.org | (925) 443-7148 | ||||||||
413 | Trust for Public Land | Sacramento | Create parks and protect land for people, ensuring healthy, livable communities for generations to come. | Rico Mastrodonato | Legislative and Policy Director | Rico.Mastrodonato@tpl.org | 916-557-1673 | ||||||||
414 | Tubb Canyon Desert Conservancy | San Diego | Preserve habitat and biodiversity, protect native plants and wildlife, and conserve scenic vistas and historic sites in the vicinity of Tubb Canyon and the larger Anza-Borrego Sonoran Desert | J. David Garmon | President | (800) 204-3656 | |||||||||
415 | UCAN - Utility Consumers' Action Network | San Diego | Protect San Diego County residents and small businesses from unjustified rate increases and other adverse policies and practices proposed by utility companies | Ed Lopez | Executive Director | 619-696-6966 | |||||||||
416 | Union of Concerned Scientists | Cambridge, MA | Put rigorous, independent science into action, developing solutions and advocating for a healthy, safe, and just future. | Daniel Barad | Western States Policy Manager | (510) 843-1872 | 7/22/24 (Gregg); org from AB 2329 support letter | ||||||||
417 | Unitarian Universalist Church of Long Beach | Long Beach | Bill Nash | Actively support any campaign or legislation, approved by our Board of Trustees, to mitigate climate change on the local, state and national level. | Lissa Gundlach | Minister | revlissa@uuclb.org | 562-597-8445 | |||||||
418 | Urban Habitat | Oakland | Democratize power and advances equitable policies to create a just and connected Bay Area for low-income communities of color. | Bob Allen | ballen@urbanhabitat.org | ballen@urbanhabitat.org | (510) 839-9510 x304 | ||||||||
419 | U.S. Green Building Council | Washington, DC | Transform buildings and communities to advance human and environmental wellbeing. | Peter Templeton | President & CEO | info@usgbc.org. | 800-795-1747 | ||||||||
420 | UU Church of Palo Alto | Palo Alto | Amy Zucker Morgenstern | Pastor | uucpa@uucpa.org | 650-494-0541 | |||||||||
421 | UU Fellowship of Sunnyvale – Social Justice Team | Sunnyvale | Johnnie Bloom-Ramirez | Minister | connections@uufs.org | (408) 739-0549 | |||||||||
422 | Valley Women’s Club of San Lorenzo Valley | Ben Lomond | Work to protect the watershed and to educate the public on forestry issues, erosion control, hazardous waste, recycling, and other issues. We also monitor government policies and procedures. | 831-338-6578 | |||||||||||
423 | Verdani Partners | Carlsbad | Provide industry leading corporate sustainability and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategies to help businesses | Daniele Horton | Founder & CEO | info@verdani.com | 213 281 5990 | ||||||||
424 | VISIÓN (Voices in Solidarity Against Oil in Neighborhoods) | Bring together community groups and allies who are concerned with the impact of oil and gas extraction on communities in Kern and Los Angeles Counties. | Has co-sponsored setbacks legislation SB 467 (Wiener) | ||||||||||||
425 | Voices for Progress | Washington, DC | Galvanize the advocacy of business leaders, entrepreneurs, philanthropists, and other prominent individuals who unite to champion a healthy climate and environment, strengthen our democracy, and ensure economic and social justice for all. | Sandra Fluke | President | info@voicesforprogress.org | 202.499.5256 | ||||||||
426 | Vote Solar | Oakland | Pete Marsh | Make solar more accessible and affordable across the United States. | Sachu Constantine | Executive Director | Sachu@votesolar.org | 415.817.5060 | |||||||
427 | Environmental Justice Coalition for Water (EJCW) | Stockton | Build a collective, community-based movement for democratic water allocation, management, and policy in California. | Esperanza (“Espe”) Vielma | Chair | info@ejc4w.org | 209-590-4646 | ||||||||
428 | WEHANA (West Harmon Area Neighborhood Association)? | ||||||||||||||
429 | Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club | Berkeley | Serve as a bridge between social justice movements and electoral and legislative politics. | Ann Schwartz | Administrative Coordinator | support@actionnetwork.org | |||||||||
430 | West Berkeley Alliance for Clean Air and Safe Jobs? | ||||||||||||||
431 | West LA Democratic Club | Los Angeles | Connie Sullivan | Marc A. Saltzberg/ Cara Robin | Chair, Environment and Clean Energy Committee/President | 7/22/24 (Gregg); name extracted from AB 2329 support letter | |||||||||
432 | Western Center on Law and Poverty | Los Angeles | Fght in courts, cities, counties, and in the Capitol to secure housing, health care, and a strong safety net for Californians with low incomes. | Brandon Greene | Director of Policy Advocacy | 213.487.7211 | |||||||||
433 | Wildcoast | Del Mar | Committed to conserving coastal and marine ecosystems and addressing climate change through natural solutions | Serge Dedina | Executive Director | info@wildcoast.org | (619) 423-8665 | ||||||||
434 | World Wildlife Fund | Washington, DC | Build a future in which people live in harmony with nature. | Alejandro Pérez | Senior Vice President, Policy & Government Affairs | communications@wwfus.org | (202) 293-4800 | ||||||||
435 | Yes We Can Democratic Club | Long Beach | Bill Nash | Organize and promote actions that support the Democratic values of community, social justice, equality, opportunity and service. | Christopher J. Duvali | President | |||||||||
436 | YIMBY (many chapters in CA) | Advocate for research-backed policies to increase the supply of housing, both market-rate housing and government subsidized housing. | |||||||||||||
437 | Youth Climate Strike Los Angeles | Pete Marsh | Fight to enact progressive climate policy and ensure climate justice for a truly equitable, just transition, | connect@ycsla.org | |||||||||||
438 | Youth For Earth? | ||||||||||||||
439 | Youth v. Oil | San Diego | Phase out fossil fuels and stopping oil drilling in California | McGarrah Wilson | Program Coordinator | mcgarrah@sandiego350.org | |||||||||
440 | Youth Will | San Diego | Create a more equitable future for every individual under the age of 25 through community organizing, grassroots advocacy, and political reform. | Liliana Soriano Garista | Director of Policy & Fiscal Affairs | liliana@youthwill.org | |||||||||
441 | ZEV2030 | Oakland | Advocate all new vehicles purchased in California will be zero emission vehicles by 2030. | Doug Linney | Founder and Executive Director | doug@ZEV2030.org | |||||||||
442 | More orgs at https://www.savecaliforniasolar.org/our-coalition |
A | B | |
1 | Relationship level | Description of level |
2 | 0 | No relationship with organization |
3 | 1 | On mailing list of organization, but no other connection |
4 | 2 | Attend membership meetings of organization, but no other connection |
5 | 3 | Have relationship with leadership or policy sign-on team of affiliated (e.g., subsidiary) organization |
6 | 4 | Have relationship with leadership or policy sign-on team of organization |
7 | 5 | Member of leadership or policy sign-on team of organization |
A | B | C | |
1 | |||
2 | Organization Name | Location | Focus |
3 | Amigos de los Rios | ||
4 | Audubon, Sea and Sage | ||
5 | Bolsa Chica Conservancy | Orange County | |
6 | Braver Angels | ||
7 | CalFACT | CalFACT is a grassroots organization promoting effective, efficient, and equitable carbon pricing in California | |
8 | California Environmental Justice Alliance | Contacted Tiffany Eng (by Cynthia 3/16/23) tiffany@caleja.org | |
9 | California Environmental Voters | Contacted Melisa Rombero (by Cynthia 3/16/2023) focus on CA legislation and legislators' environmental rating | |
10 | California Interfaith Power & Light | Organizing a statewide religious response to climate change, since 2000 | |
11 | Climate Action California | California | Leaders in this organization were originally working with 350 Bay Area. They are focusing on California legislation that will reduce short-lived GHG emissions, transportation, and "whatever gets us off fossil fuels an moves to a low carbon economy." |
12 | Climate Action Campaign | San Diego and Orange Counties | Regional climate implementation in SD/OC. Limited state-level lobbying; this year supporting AB68. |
13 | Climate Action Network | National | |
14 | Climate Cents | ||
15 | Climate Collective - meetup group | Los Angeles | |
16 | Climate Reality Project | ||
17 | Climate Reality Project, OC | Orange County | |
18 | Climate Resolve | ||
19 | Climate Xchange | ||
20 | Earth Island Institute | ||
21 | Earthjustice | California | |
22 | East Valley Indivisibles | ||
23 | Elkhorn Slough Foundation | Santa Cruz County | |
24 | Environment California | ||
25 | Environmental Defense Center | ||
26 | Bay Area | ||
27 | Food & Water Watch | ||
28 | Friends of Fitzgerald Marine Reserve | San Mateo County | |
29 | Friends of the Earth | San Francisco | |
30 | Friends of the Los Angeles River | Los Angeles | |
31 | Friends of the Urban Forest | ||
32 | Grades of Green | ||
33 | Greenpeace LA | Los Angeles | |
34 | Heal the Bay | ||
35 | Hills for Everyone | Orange County | |
36 | LA Compost | Los Angeles | |
37 | LA Conservation Corps | Los Angeles | |
38 | Last Chance Alliance | ||
39 | League of Women Voters | National | |
40 | Los Angeles Neighborhood Land Trust | Los Angeles | |
41 | Monterey Bay Aquarium | ||
42 | National Wildlife Federation | ||
43 | Nature Conservancy | National | |
44 | Newport Bay Conservancy | Orange County | |
45 | Northridge Indivisible | Northridge | |
46 | NRDC | ||
47 | NRDC West | Santa Monica | |
48 | Pacoima Beautiful | Pacoima | |
49 | Rainforest Action Network in SF https://www.ran.org/ | San Francisco | |
50 | Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden | Rancho Santa Ana | |
51 | RiverLA | Los Angeles | |
52 | San Diego Building Electrification Coalition | San Diego | |
53 | Save CA Solar | ||
54 | Seed Library of LA | Los Angeles | |
55 | SF Climate Emergency Coaliltion | San Francisco | |
56 | Sierra Club | National | |
57 | SoCal 350 | Southern California | |
58 | Solar Rights Alliance | ||
59 | Sunrise LA | Los Angeles | |
60 | Surfrider | California | |
61 | Third Act | National | |
62 | Tree People | Southern California | |
63 | Trust for Public Land | ||
64 | Union of Concerned Scientists in Oakland | Oakland | |
65 | Wildcoast | Del Mar | U.S & Mexico coastal & marine ecosystems |
66 | World Wildlife Fund | International |