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1 | *required | *required | *required | *required | Click minify from the Menu | ||||||
2 | DESTINATION URL | CAMPAIGN NAME | TRAFFIC SOURCE | MEDIUM | KEYWORD | TAGGED URL | MINIFIED URL | Link to Material (e.g. FB post link) | Signups | Revenue | Conversion Rate |
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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | |
1 | Google Analytics Campaign Tagging Tool | ||||||||
2 | |||||||||
3 | The user assumes all responsibility for ensuring that their URL will function as intended | Tool based on | https://spreadsheets0.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?hl=en&key=tUA8BYKhTqKoSmVLG5kzWHg&hl=en#gid=1 | ||||||
4 | Single URL Builder: | http://www.google.com/support/analytics/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=55578 | |||||||
5 | About Campaign Tagging in Google Analytics | Instructions for using this tool | Inspiration for this tool: | http://cutroni.com/blog/2006/11/10/google-analytics-campaign-tracking-pt-2-the-epikone-link-tagging-tool/ | |||||
6 | Google Analytics can attribute a visit to nearly any type of media, so long as the URL that the visitor lands on has "campaign tags" | 1 | Use the template from Template gallery to get the latest version of this file | Presentation on "Measuring your Online Marketing Efforts" | https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0By71e2L6SonANjViYWUyOTktOGQ2Ny00NWJmLThlY2MtMDU3MzJhNWU0MDg1&hl=en | ||||
7 | Campaign tags can be used for nearly any type of link: paid search, display ads, social media links, affiliates, links within emails, etc. | 2 | Use the next sheet, called "Link Tag Generator", to create destination URLs for your campaigns | ||||||
8 | These campaign tags are extra parameters that go on the end of your destination URL, after a ? (example: www.website.com/landingpage.html?utm…) | 3 | After you're done with the urls click the menu "GA TagBuilder" and click option "Minify All Tagged Urls" | ||||||
9 | There are 5 types of tag parameters in Google Analytics "utm_source", "utm_medium", "utm_campaign", "utm_content", and "utm_term". When using tags, source, medium and campaign are required. | 4 | Always test a tagged URL first by simply pasting one of the tagged URLs into the address bar of a browser and pressing "Enter" to navigate to your site. If your page does not load as intended, or if the tags disappear upon arrival, you may need to contact your webmaster. | ||||||
10 | Dynamic Keyword Tags | TEST FIRST! | |||||||
11 | Bing | {keyword} | |||||||
12 | Campaign Tag Structure | Best Practices for using this tool | {keyword} | ||||||
13 | MEDIUM | utm_medium= | The medium should be simple, clear, and consistent. The medium is the channel e.g. email, banner, fbpost, tweet, referral, cpc, organic, fbadvert, youtubeadvert. | 1 | Refer to the presentation on "Measuring your Online Marketing Efforts" to devise a consistent tag naming strategy (link in Column I) | Yahoo | {YSMKEY} | ||
14 | TRAFFIC SOURCE | utm_source= | The source is typically obvious : it's the search engine / site / category you're buying e.g. silverpop, facebook, twitter, youtube, aftonbladet, newyorktimes, google. | 2 | In the "Link Tag Generator" (next sheet), write out all of your mediums first | ||||
15 | CAMPAIGN NAME | utm_campaign= | The campaign could be the name of the entire media campaign, or of the specific campaign name used to buy the traffic | 3 | Write out all of the sources for each medium, adding rows as necessary | ||||
16 | KEYWORD | utm_term= | The keyword is something distinguishable about the ad. It could be a text ad headline, slogan, short ad copy description, ad size/format, or combination thereof. e.g. baby_polarbear, vw_protestingpolarbear, human_banner_mexico, pooping_polarbear. | 4 | Write out all of the campaigns for each source, adding rows as necessary | ||||
17 | CONVERSION | Insert the ad link so you can find it later | 5 | Describe the ads that will be used in each campaign, adding rows if you are testing more than one ad in a campaign | |||||
18 | 6 | Match the specific landing page to each ad content | |||||||
19 | 7 | Add dynamic keyword tags if these are for a paid search campaign | |||||||
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22 | Example URLs | ||||||||
23 | http://mysite.com/landingpage.html?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=analytics-terms&utm_term=analytics&utm_content=tag-ads | ||||||||
24 | http://mysite.com/landingpage.html?utm_medium=display&utm_source=news-sites&utm_campaign=analytics&utm_content=buy-now_120x600 | ||||||||
25 | http://mysite.com/landingpage.html?utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=increase-friends&utm_content=9am-Mar-15 | ||||||||
26 | http://mysite.com/landingpage.html?utm_medium=email&utm_source=july_newsletter&utm_campaign=member-discount&utm_content=11am-Jan-20 | ||||||||
27 | http://mysite.com/landingpage.html?utm_medium=mobile&utm_source=admob-apps&utm_campaign=analytics&utm_content=tagging | ||||||||
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