ICF Mentor Coaching Assessment
Coach Bryan Hart
Find the International Coach Federation Core Competencies Here
Find the International Coach Federation PCC Markers Here
ICF Minimum Skill Requirements for Each Credential Level
Find the former ICF Competency Comparison Here
Also, find an updated ICF Competency Comparison Here
Date of Review:
CategoryChecklistBreakdownCoachReviewerExplanation and ICF Markers AssessedScore of 1Score of 2Score of 3Score of 4Score of 5
Establishing the Agreement
How well did the coach ask for or reconfirm the session subject?
1.01.0A coach should ask for or reconfirm the session's subject with the client fairly early in a coaching session to begin establishing the agreement.

Marker 3.1
The coach did not ask the client for a subject or reconfirm the topic with the client.The coach and the client both bring topics to the session.The coach asks or reconfirms the topic early in the session.The coach asks or reconfirms the topic while using the client's language and/or demonstrating empathy.The coach demonstrated a complete mastery of this element in timing, language, and presence.
Top of Mind and Potential for Transformation
How well did the coach help the client express the significance of the session agreement?
1.01.0A coach should always ask 1 or more questions concerning the significance of the subject and outcome along with the potential for change in the life of the client.

Marker 3.3
The coach did not ask about or confirm the importance and/or potential for transformation.The coach asked about the importance or potential for transformation without further exploration.The coach explored the agreement's importance and/or potential for transformation with the client.The coach naturally explored the agreement's importance and potential for transformation with empathy and/or the client's language.The coach demonstrated a complete mastery of this element in timing, language, and presence.
Areas to Address
How well did the coach help the client identify what approach to take in exploring the session agreement?
1.01.0A coach should help a client identify what they need to explore in order to get what they want out of a session.

Marker 3.4
The coach did not ask about what needs to be explored to help the client address the session subject.The coach asked what the client wanted to explore without going deeper. The coach helped the client fully explore what areas needed to be addressed to get what they wanted out of a session.The coach explored naturally what areas needed to be addressed in order for the client to get what they wanted out of the session while also demonstrating empathy and/or client's language.The coach demonstrated a complete mastery of this element in timing, language, and presence.
Result and Measurable Outcome
How clear are the measures of success for the session?
1.01.0An effective coach helps their client identify a measurable outcome or result that the client would like the conversation to provide as part of establishing the agreement.

Marker 3.2
The coach did not ask about or confirm measures of success for the session agreement.The coach asked about the measures of success without further exploration.The coach explored the measures of success with the client.The coach naturally explored measures of success with empathy and/or the client's language.The coach demonstrated a complete mastery of this element in timing, language, and presence.
Score 1 to 4:
with the Client
How supportive was the coach towards the client and his or her work in the session?
1.01.0An effective coach takes time to demonstrate support for the client and what the client is able to accomplish during a coaching session.

Markers: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 8.8
The coach did not take time to demonstrate support for the client's work during the coaching session.The coach's support for the client's work during the session was implied, but not directly demonstrated.The coach's support for the client's work was demonstrated in an acknowledgement or brief statements of support.The coach's support for the client's work in the session was demonstrated directly, indirectly, naturally and authentically.The coach demonstrated a complete mastery of this element in timing, language, and presence.
How effective was the coach at allowing the client to have space to communicate?
1.01.0A coach should be comfortable with the use of silence to allow a client time to both think about how to answer a question and to fully express him or herself during a session.

Markers: 5.4, 5.5, 6.6, 7.8
The coach regularly interrupts the client during the session and/or speaks the majority of the time.The coach tended to offer questions, statements and/or advice immediately after the client was done speaking.The coach regularly offered brief pauses and space for the client to think and speak for the majority of the time.The coach demonstrated confidence in offering broader silence and plenty of space for the client to think and speak.The coach demonstrated a complete mastery of this element in timing, language, and presence.
How well did the coach partner with the client by following the client's lead?
1.01.0A coach should demonstrate partnership by inviting the client to choose the direction of the coaching during the session and by inviting the client to respond in any way to the coach's contributions during a session without judgement.

Markers: 5.2, 5.3, 6.1, 7.5, 8.1
The coach led the client throughout the session.The coach tended to ask questions or offer statements that implied judgement and direction.The coach asked the client about the session direction after the agenda was set and generally did not offer direction unless requested.The coach demonstrated full trust in the client's leadership throughout the session.The coach demonstrated a complete mastery of this element in timing, language, and presence.
Score 1 to 4:
as a Coach
Open and Concise
How open and concise were the coach's questions?
1.01.0A coach should ask questions and offer statements that are open and generally do not seek to lead the client towards the coach's desired outcomes.

Markers: 6.7, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7
The coach's questions were regularly closed-ended and extended.The coach's questions were open and concise at least 50% of the time.The coach's questions were open and concise at least 75% of the time.The coach's questions were open and concise at least 90% of the time.The coach demonstrated a complete mastery of this element in timing, language, and presence.
How well did the coach explore the client's situation?
1.01.0An effective coach explores the What of the client without losing sight of the Who of the client

Markers: 5.2, 6.1, 6.7, 7.3, 8.3
The coach only focused on the client's situation and/or did not use information about the client's situation to guide the coaching.The coach explored the What of the client's situation with a small amount of exploration of the Who of the client.The coach effectively balanced exploring the What of the client's situation with the Who of the client.The coach almost exclusively explored the Who of the client, using questions and statements based on the What of the client's situation.The coach demonstrated a complete mastery of this element in timing, language, and presence.
Client's Awareness
How well did the coach explore the client's developing awareness?
1.01.0An effective coach helps the client explore his/her thoughts for the purpose of creating and using learning and awareness. Questions and statements from the coach should have the potential to help a client learn more about him/herself or his/her situation and how s/he will use new learning and awareness to move forward.

Markers: 6.2, 6.5, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5
The coach did not explore the client's awareness in the session.The coach explored the client's developing awareness briefly without exploring how it moves them forward in their situation or life.The coach explored the client's developing awareness and how it moves them forward in their situation or their life as a whole.The coach deeply explored the client's developing awareness and how it moves them forward in their situation and their life as a whole.The coach demonstrated a complete mastery of this element in timing, language, and presence.
Client's Identity
How well did the coach explore the client's sense of self?
1.01.0An effective coach explores the Whole Person of the Client: Values, Emotions, Perspectives, Purpose, Present Self, Future Self, etc.

Markers: 4.3, 5.1, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.2
The coach did not explore the client's sense of self.The coach explored the client's sense of self with one or two questions during the session.The coach explored the client's sense of self regularly during the session.The coach deeply explored the client's sense of self of the client as related to the client's agenda and long-term vision.The coach demonstrated a complete mastery of this element in timing, language, and presence.
Client Language
How well did the coach explore the client's language present in the session?
1.01.0To help a client create deeper awareness, a coach should listen for and use the client's language as part of powerful questioning and direct communication.

Markers: 5.4, 6.1, 6.2, 6.4, 6.7
The coach did not use the client's language to inform his/her questions and statements.The coach sparingly used the client's language to inform his/her questions and statements.The coach regularly used the client's language to inform his/her questions and statements.The coach almost always used the client's language to inform his/her questions and statements.The coach demonstrated a complete mastery of this element in timing, language, and presence.
How well did the coach demonstrate empathy during the session?
1.01.0A coach should be "observant, empathetic and responsive" towards a client by acknowledging and exploring shifts in energy, tone of voice, pace of speech, etc.

Markers: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.4, 6.1, 8.8
The coach did not directly demonstrate empathy towards the client or match the client's energy.The coach demonstrated empathy by matching the client's energy occasionally, but was not very observant or responsive. The coach demonstrated empathy by regularly matching the client's energy and occasionally offered empathetic observations and/or questions.The coach demonstrated empathy by consistently matching the client's energy and offering sincere empathetic observations and questions.The coach demonstrated a complete mastery of this element in timing, language, and presence.
Statements with Partnership
How effective was the coach's use of statements, observations, challenges etc.?
1.01.0A coach should be willing to offer statements (Observations, suggestions, acknowledgements, challenges, etc.). However, a coach should not appear attached to the content of his/her direct statements being right.

Markers: 4.4, 6.1, 6.7, 7.5
The coach uses many direct statements without permission and without inviting the client's open repsonse.The coach offered extended direct statements with some permission or invitation for the client to respond.The coach offered direct statements with permission or invitation for the client to respond, though these moments lacked confidence on behalf of the coach.The coach offers direct statements that include natural requests for permission when offering the coach's interpretation and openly inviting the client to respond.The coach demonstrated a complete mastery of this element in timing, language, and presence.
Score 1 to 4:
Action and Planning
Next Steps
How effective was the coach at helping the client develop next steps for after the session?
1.01.0A coach should allow the client to close a session around an action to take or question to consider for after the session. This next step should flow naturally from the session and align with the client's desired outcomes.

Markers: 8.4, 8.5
The client's post-session action or inquiry was implied or not stated.The client's post-session action or inquiry was created or offered mostly by the coach.The client's post-session action or inquiry was created mostly by the client.The client's post-session action or inquiry was created fully by the client while the coach supported the client through the process.The coach demonstrated a complete mastery of this element in timing, language, and presence.
Planning & Accountability
How well did the coach support the client in clarifying their plan and developing accountability around these next steps?
1.01.0A coach should explore with a client the support and accountability needed so that the client is more successful in accomplishing their next steps.

Markers: 8.5, 8.6, 8.7,
The coach did not explore with the client in building support and accountability around his/her next steps.The coach asked 1-2 questions about building support and accountability around the client's next steps.The coach thoroughly explored support and accountability around the client's next steps.The coach explored support and accountability with the client that also incorporated further exploration of the client's developing awareness and sense of self.The coach demonstrated a complete mastery of this element in timing, language, and presence.
How well did the coach partner with the client in closing the session?
1.01.0A coach should encourage a client to review what they have taken away from the session while also partnering with the client to wrap up the conversation.

Markers: 8.8, 8.9
The coach abruptly closed the session without review or partnership.The coach reviewed the session and mostly led the closing of the session.The coach and client shared the review and closing of the session.The coach naturally supported the client through open questions in reviewing and closing the session.The coach demonstrated a complete mastery of this element in timing, language, and presence.
Score 1 to
ICF Core
2 - Embodies a Coaching Mindset2.0
3 - Establishes and Maintains Agreements2.0
4 - Cultivates Trust and Safety2.0
5 - Maintains Presence2.0
6 - Listens Actively2.0
7 - Evokes Awareness2.0
8 - Facilitates Client Growth2.0
Final Score2.0
AssessmentLess than ACC
ICF Core Competency Scoring
2 - Embodies a Coaching Mindset0.0
3 - Establishes and Maintains Agreements0.0
4 - Cultivates Trust and Safety0.0
5 - Maintains Presence0.0
6 - Listens Actively0.0
7 - Evokes Awareness0.0
8 - Facilitates Client Growth0.0
Final Score0.0
AssessmentLess than ACC
Competency Specific Notes
1 - Demonstrates Ethical Practice
2 - Embodies a Coaching Mindset
3 - Establishes and Maintains Agreements
4 - Cultivates Trust and Safety
5 - Maintains Presence
6 - Listens Actively
7 - Evokes Awareness
8 - Facilitates Client Growth
Additional Thoughts