Main HashtagHashtagCompositesFilesAlternate HashtagsVIPFBI#AFO / AOMMPD SuspectID StatusCase StatusProfile LeadsSummary of Observed ActionsAppearance notesAssociatesThree PercentOath KeeperProud BoysPB RegionOther Group AffiliationCapitol MarkingsFunctional TeamEntered CapitolViolenceSprayerVandalismOrg. behav.LeadershipEarpiece / RadioHelmet / ArmorArrest DocsArrested or Charged NameDate ArrestedCase #StateMilitaryPolice
#IAmBugzieTheDon#IAmBugzieTheDon#Insider1148YSelf DoxxedPlea DealSelf doxxed in a now deleted YouTube video. Seen in the Rotunda, and in the crowd that first reached the House chamber doors.Red hooded tracksuit. Black letterman style jacket with white cursive writing on the front. Bald tattooed head. Long dark beard. Gold teethYBrodnax - DOJ PageBRODNAX, Antionne2/2/20211:21-cr-350VA
#CouyGriffin#CouyGriffinYPublic FigureConvictedStood on the west steps, led crowd in a prayer via a bullhorn. Founder of "Cowboys for Trump", attended rally/riot with Matt StruckBlack suit and dress coat, wearing a black cowboy hat, salt and pepper goatee#CowboysForTrumpGriffin - AffidavitGRIFFIN, Couy1/15/20211:21-cr-92NM
#IAmPamHemphill#IAmPamHemphill#Insider1867YPublic FigurePlea DealEntered the Capitol via the East side, parades in the Rotunda, and is escorted out by officers. Posts video to YouTube (later removed).Older woman with a black baseball cap that says "We the People -- Have Had Enough" in white letters on the front. Eyeglasses. Knee-length, hooded (?), black coat. Gray and bright purple scarf hanging down her front. Beneath the coat is a dark red sweatshirt (?) with a silver zipper up the front. May have a gray t-shirt beneath that. Black, fingerless gloves. Carries a smartphone with a pink case, and appears to be recording with it attached to a very short tripod held in one hand. The same images show her carrying a red and black item in her left hand. Appears to have an athletic bag hooked over her left arm. The bag is black and gray with a flourescent green stripe, and has a black strap edged in gray. Blue jeans. Sneakers?YHemphill - Statement of FactsHEMPHILL, Pamela Anne8/3/20211:21-mj-551ID
#IamAlanHostetter#IamAlanHostetterYConvictedFounder of American Phoenix Project. Recruited individuals via #RusselTaylor who engaged in planning in advance of travel to DC via Telegram. Group communicated as the DC Brigade, functionally known as the TwistedTeaPosse. Met at Ellipse with rest of #TwistedTeaPosse. Approach the Capitol via the Western side. Among the crowd on the Upper West Terrace. Seen at end of day on north side near police line.Black coat. Cranberry colored knit cap. Black cross-body bag. Salt & Pepper facial hair.#TwistedTeaPosse, #Cali3PHat, #BirdPatch3P, #FashHat3PShirt, #BlackTan3P, #RusselTaylor#DCBrigade#TwistedTeaPosse YYYDC Brigade IndictmentHOSTETTER, Alan6/10/20211:21-cr-392CARetired
#IAmFrankScavo#IAmFrankScavo#Insider1397YPublic FigurePlea DealChartered busses from the Old Forge area (Pennsylvania) to DC for the Trump rally. Is seen in a Getty Image inside the Capitol. Entered via the Columbus doors and proceded up stairs once inside the Capitol. Took video of himself inside the building.Gray hair. Open forehead. Eyeglasses without full frames. White earloop mask with a black outline and red writing on the front. Red and white striped scarf around his neck. Dark green puffer jacket that might have yellow buttons on the left breast. The jacket is worn over a gray jogging jacket with a short Zipper near the neck. This is over a light gray t-shirt. Recorded in the Capitol Building using a smartphone.YScavo - DOJ PageSCAVO, Frank J.3/25/20211:21-cr-254PA
#IAmOwenShroyer#IAmOwenShroyerYPublic FigurePlea Dealclimbs E. Capitol steps near Alex Jones, seen exhorting crowd through bullhorn next to JonesLight brown hair, a bit floppy over his forehead. Short beard and mustache. Wears a blue and red Trump scarf around his neck. Black jacket. Black gloves. Dark pants. Sometimes carries a bullhorn.#IAmAlexJones, #IAmAliAlexanderShroyer - Statement of FactsSHROYER, Jonathon Owen8/20/20211:21-mj-572TX
#BrandonStraka#BrandonStrakaYPublic FigurePlea DealEngaged it the crowd outside, recorded video of himself including a selfie video. Attempted to incite others to take a police officer's shieldBlack plaid coat, blue surgical mask, black sunglasses, black winter hat.Straka - Statement of FactsSTRAKA, Brandon1/25/20211:21-mj-134NE
#BikerBernLady#BikerBernLady#IAmBernadetteLukePittmanYPublic FigureKnown public figure (CEO of Bikers for Trump). Entered Capitol grounds, no other criminal activity observed.Long blonde wavy hair. Buff on her hair, black with skulls.#BikersForTrump
#BikersFor45Guy#BikersFor45Guy#IAmRickSarmientoYPublic Figure@TrumpsAge, @TommyWalker Observed right at point of breach with police but no violence seen. Posed with Sebastian Gorka. Prev. seen with Ali Alexander, Mindy Robinson, known assoc. of Tina Forte.Red & black sweatshirt. Leather bikers vest with patches, including a thin blue line patch. Reflective shades. Baseball hat with a flag on it. Salt & pepper facial hair.#BikersFor45
#IAmAlexJones#IAmAlexJonesYPublic FigureFirst gave speeches beyond police barricades, but then climbed E. Capitol steps (with bodyguards clearing a path through the crowd) and spoke thereOverweight man with receding brown hair and short, graying beard and mustache. Round face. Black zip-up jacket with a black US flag on the left breast. Beneath that is a black shirt. Blue jeans. Gray shoes with white soles.#IAmAliAlexander, #IAmOwenShroyer
#IAmAliAlexander#IAmAliAlexanderYPublic FigureClimbed E. Capitol steps with Alex Jones and Owen ShroyerAfrican-American man with black hair swept back from his forehead. Eyeglasses with black frames. Mustache and a stubbly chin. Black knitted scarf tucked into a black jacket. The jacket has a silver zipper and snaps down the front. Maybe a white button-down shirt beneath the jacket. Dark pants.#IAmAlexJones, #IAmOwenShroyer
#IAmAnthonyAguero#IAmAnthonyAguero#Insider0315YPublic FigureSeen inside Capitol. Also seen in the crowd chanting "heave ho" for the tunnel fight on the Lower West Terrace. He is a known ally of Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene.Black puffer coat with hood. Red MAGA hat. Black acrylic glasses. Scruffy dark facial hair.Y
#IAmAnthonyKern#IAmAnthonyKernYPublic FigureSeen at Capitol both near SW Scaffolding and on E Capitol steps. Travels with younger man, IamAnthonyKernSidekick.Middle-aged man with short brown hair graying at the temples. May have a black and white mask around his neck. Gray scarf. Gray jacket with light blue writing on the left breast. Beneath that is a gray business suit with a red tie and a white shirt. Black shoes.
#IAmAntonioLaMotta#IAmAntonioLaMotta#Insider1396YArrestedInside Capitol building.Short, black hair. Olive complexion. Wears reflective aviator sunglasses on top of his head. Black jacket. Tan or light gray scarf around his neck and tucked into the jacket. Gray or khaki pants. Light brown boots.#VetsForTrumpYYLamotta - Statement of FactsLAMOTTA, Antonio8/17/20221:22-mj-00177-ZMFVA
#IAmBlakeMarnell#IAmBlakeMarnellYYPublic FigureSeen on West side of Capitol brandishing a pitchfork. Is on MPD wanted list so may have been violent. Can also be seen on the RSBN network live stream on the Lower West Terrace and PA walkway at the end of the evening. Goes by "Brick Suit".Navy blue suit coat, white shirt, and red tie. Red "Stop the Steal" ball cap.
#IAmBrysonGray#IAmBrysonGrayYPublic FigureAfrican-American man with a red MAGA bucket hat. Faint mustache. Around his neck are a red and white striped "Trump 2020" scarf and a gold necklace that says "MAGA" on the end. Bright red hoodie with white writing on the front. One of the words on it is "Everybody". Black fingerless gloves. Dark blue jeans. Peach and gray sneakers.
#IAmCJPearson#IAmCJPearsonYPublic Figure@AbigaelAndiHad been scheduled to speak at the Stop the Steal event. Stands on top of a black SUV on the East side of the Capitol and fires up the crowd.Black suit, white dress shirt, and blue tie.
#IAmDarleneSwaffar#IAmDarleneSwaffarYEntered Capitol Grounds.Woman with long auburn hair. One selfie from the sixth shows her wearing sunglasses that have brown frames. Circular, gold earing in at least the right ear. Beige coat with a hood that has a fur lining.
#IAmDionCini#IAmDionCiniYPublic Figure@TrumpsAgeSeen on West Plaza immediately in front of police lines up against police shields. Likely violent. Buff is up over face when against lines, down otherwiseFull black tactical with patches, incl. Marines & "Proud Boys Hell Gate Bridge Crew". Erased PBHGC patch digitally in social media photos. Associate of #IAmTinaForte & NYC group. Candidate for office in PA#IAmTinaForteNY
#IAmDougMastriano#IAmDougMastrianoYBlack baseball cap that says "Doug Mastriano" and a campaign slogan on the front. Green and brown scarf around his neck. Black jacket from Eddie Bauer, over a white or pale blue button-down shirt. Dark brown or olive green shoulder bag on an Army green strap that goes over his right shoulder. Black lanyard around his neck with a white card and a bright red card on the end. Gray cargo pants. Black and white sneakers.Y
#IAmElliotResnick#IAmElliotResnick#Insider2519YPublic FigureArrestedRushed up E. Capitol steps in initial breach of police lines, inciting others to follow him. Entered Capitol and pushed police officers while trying to hold door open so that others could enter. Seen on E. Plaza at end of day.Man with short, black hair and thick eyebrows that almost meet. Dark gray (black in low light places) dress coat over a light button-down shirt. YY, Elliot3/16/2023NY
#IAmForgiatoBlow#IAmForgiatoBlowYPublic FigurePosed on a government vehicle on the E. PlazaDyed red hair. Tattoos on his forehead, cheeks, and chin. Bushy black beard but no mustache. Bright red jacket with the Skittles logo and many other corporate brands all over it. Beneath that is a plain white t-shirt. Has tattoos on the back of his hands. Distressed blue jeans. High-top sneakers, the left being black and red and the right being black and yellow.
#IAmGenevievePeters#IAmGenevievePetersYPublic FigureEntered on West side of Capitol, arrived with crew with portable stage and loudspeakers and gave a speech on the W. lawn just behind W Plaza.Woman with a blue "Trump 2020" knit cap. Short dark hair. Black quilted jacket with a white ID pass attached to the zipper. The pass says "Save America March -- VIP". Gray knit gloves. Photographed using a microphone on the West Lawn of the Capitol.
#IAmGigiGaskins#IAmGigiGaskinsYMiddle-aged woman with a black MAGA knit cap. AOne photograph shows long gray hair when the hat is off. Black scarf often around the lower half of her face. Black, hooded coat with white or silver zippers. Blue jeans. Brown, slip-on boots.
#IAmGregLocke#IAmGregLockeYPublic FigureShort, salt-and-pepper hair. Very short gray mustache and goatee. Black dress coat over a business suit. White button-down shirt.
#IAmGreysonArnold#IAmGreysonArnoldYPublic FigureOn the West Plaza, near NW Police line melee as the police cleared it out. He is a known right-wing YouTuber.Black coat and dark pants. Burgundy argyle sweater, white dress shirt, red tie. Dark brown hair and facial hair.
#IAmIanSmith#IAmIanSmith#ImIanSmithYPublic FigureSeen among the crowd on the West PlazaShort dark hair and very long (chest length) beard. Khaki brown coat worn over a black hooded sweatshirt. Lanyard around his neck. Also observed Jan 5 in tent with Roger Stone and interview with conservative "news and content" on Rumble "Salon tries to blame Roger Stone for Capitol Riots".
There is also footage of him speaking at Stop the Steel rally in DC on Dec. 22, 2020.
#IAmJenRemauro#IAmJenRemauroYPublic FigurePosed for photo on lawn with #IAmTinaForte (since deleted from social media). Mom Leticia Remaura appears next to giant Nancy Pelosi artwork, with #WhitePufferLady and #ZipTieNYCGuyWoman with a black Trump baseball cap. Shoulder-length dark hair. Hooded black puffer jacket. Dark blue jeans. #IAmTinaForte
#IAmJeremyOliver#IAmJeremyOliverYDark gray baseball cap, worn backwards, with "Project Veritas" on the side. Brown hair, long in back. Graying beard and mustache. Black jacket with a standing collar and large pockets. Small white pass card on a black lanyard around the outside of the jacket collar.
#IAmJimWatkins#IAmJimWatkinsYPublic FigureToured the West side of the Capitol attack with his film crew (documentary filmmaker Cullen Hoback and a photographer). No evidence of press credentials that permitted him to be there.Middle-aged man with longish, shaggy, brown hair. Pointy eyebrows. Gray sideburns. Graying goatee and mustache. Eyeglasses with metal frames. Black coat over a white t-shirt. Carries a (camera?) bag with a strap over the shoulder. Reportedly wears blue jeans and has light colored shoes.
#IAmJoshuaMacias#IAmJoshuaMaciasYBlack baseball cap with a circular blue logo on the front and an Under Armour logo on the left side. The cap is sometimes worn backwards. In one video he is instead seen wearing a dark blue knit cap with "US Navy" on the front over a symbol. May have a black earpiece in his right ear. Short, dark brown beard and mustache. Black and gray scarf around his neck over a stars and stripes gaiter. Unbuttoned black coat over a black workout top with a standing collar that shows a large, circular "Vets for Trump" logo on the front. Silver dog tags, one of which has a large cross on it. Black watch or bracelet on his left wrist, and a gray or silver bracelet on his right wrist. Large silver ring on his right pinky finger. Backpack with black and gray straps. Blue jeans. Dark footwear. Seen using a smartphone on the Capitol grounds.#VetsForTrumpNavy
#IAmJustinHill#IAmJustinHillYDark hair sitting high on top of his head, grayer and cut short on the sides. Dark brown, thin beard and mustache. Green and black keffiyeh. Black coat with a fur-edged hood. There appears to be a white shape on the front right side of the coat. Backpack with black straps? Blue jeans. Gray sneakers.
#IAmKellyeCrumpSoRelle#IAmKellyeCrumpSoRelleYPublic FigureArrestedWoman with blonde hair almost to her shoulders. Black sunglasses. Black jacket with some white sections. Gray and white scarf or gaiter around her neck? Photographed with a respirator hanging in front of her. The yoke is gray and the filter cartridges are pink and rectangular. #IAmStewartRhodes, Kelly8/31/20221:22-cr-00290-APMTX
#IAmKennedyLindsey#IAmKennedyLindsey#Insider0812YPublic FigureEntered the Capitol and seen on the Baked Alaska footage. She is an aspiring right wing live streamer.Female. Long dark hair. Has a nose ring and two lip piercings. Red MAGA hat worn backwards. Dark colored long sleeved shirt. Army green backpack with patches on it. Tattoos on her arms.Y
#IAmKyleBiedermann#IAmKyleBiedermannYPublic FigureSeen extensively on West side of Capitol. Entered in Penn. Walkway breach with a group of Proud Boys, helped rioters enter over barricades, seen standing up on wall to better observed. Travels with PurpleTieGuy, who also assisted in the medical evacuation #2.Receding gray hair. Graying beard and mustache. Eyeglasses with dark frames. Long black coat over a black sweater and a white shirt. Black gloves. Dark pants (jeans?). Light brown shoes. Recorded taking pictures with a smartphone on the Pennsylvania Walkway near the Capitol. Also photographed on top of a low wall near the media tower.
#IAmMarkFinchem#IAmMarkFinchemYBlack cowboy hat. Eyeglasses. Bushy, graying mustache. Black coat that appears to have a patch on the upper right arm. Red and white tie? White dress shirt. Lanyard hanging from his neck with a card at the end.
#IAmMarkoCoconut#IAmMarkoCoconutYPublic FigureRed baseball cap. Dark sunglasses with a single curve (instead of two separate lenses) and gray ears. Five o'clock shadow. Off-white or pale yellow mask around his neck. White hoodie. Black (leather?) jacket. Seen recording video.
#ClownPB#ClownPB#IAmMatthewWalterPublic FigureBaseball cap with a dark blue front and a red bill. There is a white version of the "Betsy Ross" flag on the front. Full brown beard and mustache, starting to gray. Orange and black plaid overshirt. Beneath that is a bright orange t-shirt that says "Noble Beard did nothing wrong" in black capital letters. Tattoos on the fingers of his right hand appear to be letters. Blue jeans. Tan high top shoes.Y
#IAmMichaelCoudrey#IAmMichaelCoudreyYPublic FigureDark short hair cut in a fade hairstyle that is blond on top. Light blue surgical mask. Black overcoat. Black business suit (?) with a white shirt. Black necktie. Black gloves.
#IAmMikkiWillis#IAmMikkiWillisYDark gray knit cap (looks almost black in some pictures). Salt-and-pepper beard and mustache, although the beard is grayer at the chin. Black scarf around his neck. Dark gray jacket with buttons down the front. Black gloves? Blue jeans.
#IAmMindyRobinson#IAmMindyRobinsonYPublic FigureWoman with a red baseball cap, worn backwards. White writing is on the back. Long blonde hair. Black leather jacket.#IAmPhilipAnderson
#IAmNickFuentes#IAmNickFuentesYPublic Figureseen on W. Capitol lawn after breach of fences. Gave speech at peace monument along with #IAmPhilipAndersonDark hair. Five o'clock shadow. Black business suit with a white shirt and a maroon tie.#IAmPhilipAnderson
#IAmPhilipAnderson#IAmPhilipAnderson#Insider3231YPublic FigureArrested@TrumpsAgeObserved on police body cam footage being pulled from the Tunnel pile that Rosanne Boyland was in; likely Violent but not yet seen. Entered Senate Wing Door. Used bullhorn at one point (same one as #BabyBlueHorn)Young African-American man with very short hair. Missing two front teeth. Gray Trump hoodie. Later in the day appears with a white substance around his eyes after being pepper sprayed (or something).#JoeBiggs, #IAmSiakaYY, Philip8/29/2023
#IAmRickSaccone#IAmRickSacconeYOlder man. Bright blue Trump knit cap with a US flag patch near the top. Gray scarf with thin red, white, and blue stripes along the long edges. Red jacket with a black zipper that is open enough to reveal a gray sweater that has red and white horizontal stripes at the chest.
#IAmRyanDKelley#IAmRyanDKelleyYPublic FigureArrestedAmong crowd who first climb up onto the NW Stairs railing, urges crowd on as the pull on barricade, is at front of NW Stairs breach onto Upper W. Plaza. Almost certainly helped with barricade pulling, though not seen yet. Mr. Kelley is a township planning commissioner from Michigan.Blue plaid button down shirt. Black double-breasted peacoat. Light wash blue jeans. Grey Nike tennis shoes. Black ball cap with a grayscale flag on the front. Dark aviator style shades. iWatch with a red band.Kelley - Statement of FactsKELLEY, Ryan D6/8/20221:22-mj-00133MI
#IAmRyanFournier#IAmRyanFournierYBrown hair swept back from his forehead and piled very high on top of his head. Black scarf with scattered white lines. Black coat?
#IAmStewartRhodes#IAmStewartRhodesYPublic FigureArrestedMeets with Oathkeepers on East PlazaBlack cowboy hat, sunglasses, black bandana, gray-green jacket, blue jeansRhodes, Meggs, Harrelson, Watkins, James, Minuta, Hackett, Moerschel, Ulrich, Caldwell and Vallejo - IndictmentRHODES, Stewart1/13/2022TXArmy
#IAmTaylerHansen#IAmTaylerHansen#GingerLipBroom, #Insider1953YYPublic FigureAppears to fight with police, on DC MPD Wanted list. Note that he is a right wing public figure, would be "VIP" but is upgraded for committing violence. Hoodie reads: "Baby Lives Matter." Also seen with VIP badge inside Capitol.Reddish-brown hair, cut short on the sides. Thin mustache. Black hoodie with "Baby Lives Matter" on the front in pink and blue letters.YY
#IAmThomasSpeciale#IAmThomasSpecialeYPublic FigureBlack knit cap. May be bald under that. Light brown coat with a high collar, over black hoodie. The right sleeve of the coat has a black and white US flag patch that looks worn out. May have a white t-shirt under the hoodie. Black backpack with a cross-strap. Dark gloves. Wore a different outfit on January 5. To wit: a black baseball cap and a black hoodie, both of which had a "Vets for Trump" logo on their fronts.
#IAmTinaForte#IAmTinaForteYPublic FigureBrought large artwork of Pelosi ripping Constitution to Peace Monument area. Some uncertainty about whether she crossed onto lawn, but deleted a photo taken on a lawn with Jen Remauro.Woman with a black Trump knit cap. Short blonde hair. Black and gray star gaiter. Black hoodie. Black bulletproof vest with a patch on the front that has "1776" in a circle of stars. Army green backpack with a cross-strap over her belly. Black gloves. Blue jeans?#ZipTieNYCGuy, #WhitePufferLady, #IamJenRemauro, #IamLeticiaRemauro
#IAmTyBollinger#IAmTyBollingerYShort, dark hair swept back from the forehead, shaved close around the ears. Gray goatee. Maroon and gray plaid scarf around his neck. Tan dress coat. (Not to be confused with #VipCamel.)#AntiVaxxers
#IAmVernonJones#IAmVernonJonesYPublic FigureSeen on West side of Capitol, close enough to the action that he was tear-gassed.African-American man with short hair. Faint beard and mustache. Long black overcoat. White shirt. Sometimes wears a stars and stripes scarf.
#IAmVincentJames#IAmVincentJamesYPublic FigureSeen on W. side of Capitol with IamNickFuentes and NerdFerguson, these 3 seem to travel togetherGrayish-green golf cap. Stubbly chin and upper lip. Charcoal gray cloth dress coat over a blue zip-up jogging top. Dark blue jeans.#IAmNickFuentes, #NerdFerguson
#PurpleMeatHead#PurpleMeatHead#IamJoeyGilbertYOne of the first across the East barricades, and helps pull the barricades down. Incites others to follow. Interacts with IAmAlexJones and IAmAliAlexander.Black or dark grey double breasted suit coat. Purple neck gaiter. Buzzed hair and clean shaven.#GnarleyParley, #WoodlandNorris, #KleenKutKenYY
#VipCamel#VipCamelYPublic FigureOne of the first to cross the barriers on E side, entered restricted ground. Appears in video at 2:22pm with A. Jones speaking in the foreground - 'you all are doing good work - keep it up and Trump will come'.Stop the Steal VIP on one side of badge, Save America March VIP on the other side.#IAmAlexJones, #IAmAliAlexanderY
#TilaMagila#TilaMagila#RashaAbualRagheb, #Insider1707YPlea DealEntered Capitol and posted about it on Facebook.Middle-aged woman with hair that looks like it was dyed purple or dark red. Sometimes wears a red baseball cap. Red and white scarf around her head. Red (fleece?) jacket with white piping and a white logo on the left breast. It appears to include the Olympic rings. Around her neck and hanging in front of her is a blue lanyard with "Trump" repeated in white letters.

Woman with a red KAG baseball cap. Arched eyebrows. Appears to wear a red and white stars and stripes scarf.
YAbual-Ragheb - DOJ PageABUAL-RAGHEB, Rasha N.1/17/20211:21-cr-43NJ
#ThomasAdams#ThomasAdams#Insider1253ArrestedPhotographed on the floor of the U.S. Senate.Short brown hair, buzzcut on the sides of his head. Long brown beard, brown mustache. Wears a blue Trump flag like a cape. Black hoodie (?). Black gloves. Khaki pants.YAdams - DOJ PageADAMS Jr., Thomas B.4/13/20211:21-cr-212IL
#DanielPageAdams#DanielPageAdams#Insider1851IndictedPushes back police lines, assaults an officer, enters from Western side of buildingMullet hairstyle, camouflage jacket, purple shirt, blue multi-colored hat#CodyConnellYYAdams Daniel - DOJ PageADAMS, Daniel Page1/15/20211:21-cr-84LA
#HowardBertonAdams#HowardBertonAdams#Insider0988IndictedEnters the Capitol via the East door, at about 2:26 pm according to security footage. Crosses Rotunda, and is in the crowd outside the House Chamber doors.Long dark hair and greying facial hair. Dark coat or sweatshirt. Carrying a white flagpole with an American flag with a snake on it.YAdams Howard - DOJ PageADAMS, Howard Berton3/8/20211:21-cr-358FL
#JaredHunterAdams#JaredHunterAdams#Insider1818ArrestedEnters the Capitol via the NW Courtyard, seen among the crowd in the NW foyer.Ohio State sweatshirt and a backwards baseball hat.YAdams Jared - DOJ PageADAMS, Jared Hunter3/8/20211:21-cr-212OH
#MichaelAdams#MichaelAdams#Insider1380ArrestedEnters Capitol via the NW Door. Enters the Parlemantarian's office. Among the crowd in the Brumidi hallway. Among the crowd on the North side of the Capitol after he exits the building. Long brown curly hair. Clean shaven. Red & black plaid shirt. Brown cargo pants. Brown fur hat. Puts on a blue long-sleeve shirt over the plaid shirt. Changes hat into a red MAGA ballcap. Grey jacket. American flag gaiter worn around his neck. Carries a blue Trump 2020 flag and an American flag on a white pole. Also carries a longboard with orange wheels.YAdams - Statement of FactsADAMS, Michael Gareth4/20/20211:21-mj-386VA
#HelmetBoy#HelmetBoy👤#CanadaGooseMan, #PirelliGuy, #PirelliMan, #Insider139879AFOIndicted@WatchingSlopesVerbally abusive to cops on W. Plaza, then seen off to North side under trees. Gets into Capitol early, broke windows trying to get into Speakers Lobby, leading that effort. Pushed cops, verbally abusive. frequently incites but unclear if role is planned.Expensive clothing, Canada Goose + Polo Ralph Lauren. Dark jacket. Dark shirt with “Pirelli” with a “Nike” label on the right-side and an Inter-Milan Soccer Team logo on the left side of itYYYAlam - DOJ PageALAM, Zachary Jordan1/25/20211:21-cr-190PA
#ChristopherMichaelAlberts#ChristopherMichaelAlberts#ThroatMic, #BeardieGruntStyle, #Male23ConvictedCarried an unlicensed handgun, arrested the night of 1/6. May be the same guy as the former VA National Guardsman seen on NW lawn with throat microphone appearing to supervise, who also fought on the NW Stairs and gave an interview at and of day. ; Waits in the crowd at Penn Walkway for the initial breach. Seen yelling at riot cops on the NW Lawn. Later recorded trying to get up the NW stairs using a wooden board as a shield. Also recorded throwing water bottles at cops at the base of some scaffolding.Wearing a bullet-proof vest, carrying a backpack ; Black baseball cap with a black patch on front that has white writing. The fastener at the back of the hat has a patch with the name "Alberts" on it. Medium length brown hair. Brown mustache and full, bushy beard. White earpiece in right ear attached to a narrow black collar around his neck. Sometimes wears black gasmask with a large, dark green filter canister. Black hoodie from Grunt Style, with that company's logo on the left sleeve and a green US flag on the right sleeve. Black tactical vest with a black US flag patch on front next to a silver and black yin-yang patch (resembling the badge of the US Army 29th Infantry Division). Small, camo bag hanging from the front of the vest with what looks like a radio in it, with wires coming out and attached to the vest. Camo backpack with "Alberts.C" written near the top and "US" near the bottom. Dark green bag at left hip strapped to his knee. Blue jeans.YYYAlberts - DOJ PageALBERTS, Christopher Michael1/7/20211:21-cr-26MD
#RussellAlford#RussellAlford#Insider1350ConvictedPosted a video of himself inside the Capitol to YouTube. Posted about his involvement in the riot on Facebook, claims the event was staged.Silver grey beard and mustache. Eyeglasses or safety glasses with a yellow tinge to them. Baseball hat worn backwards. Dark colored coat.YAlford - DOJ PageALFORD, Russell3/30/20211:21-cr-263AL
#TommyFrederickAllan#TommyFrederickAllan#Insider1321Plea DealClimbed wall of Capitol grounds via a rope. Entered Senate Chamber, pictured next to Jacob Chansley at the Presiding Officer's Desk. Took flag from inside the Senate Chamber. (Was later returned by a CPD officer,) Allegedly removed documents from the Senate Chamber, destroyed them when he returned home.Black hoodie over a grey hoodie, blue/red 45/Trump hatYYAllan Tommy - DOJ PageALLAN, Tommy Frederick1/20/20211:21-cr-64CA
#BostonWhiteBeanAOM#BostonWhiteBeanAOM👤211AOMID sent to FBIArrested@TrumpsAgeSmashes media equipment in #MediaSmash.Khaki pants, blue sweatshirt, camo backpack, white beanie with red B.YNortheastYYAllen Chase - DOJ PageALLEN, Chase Kevin6/30/20211:21-mj-482NV
#HeadBandage#HeadBandage#HeadBandageGuy65AFOIndictedFought inside the W Tunnel, exits with this wound on his headBrown coat, tassel hat (which he throws at officers)YAlvarado - DOJ PageALVARADO, Wilmar Jeovanny Montano1/29/20211:21-cr-154TX
#BaldGambino#BaldGambino#JohnAndersonYDeceased Before TrialIn the Tunnel fight near the front of the crowd. Takes a shield from an officer. Suffers an asthma attack and is escorted by the cops to an ambulance.Bald man, probably middle-aged. May have a stubbly chin. Camo jacket zipped at the front, over a black shirt that has a white design or words on the left breast. Red and black plaid coat, black beanie. Black shirt underneath. Heavy-set, bald man.YAnderson John - DOJ PageANDERSON, John Steven1/6/20211:21-cr-215FLMarines
#JohnAndries#JohnAndries#TrifectaTraitor, #Insider1166491AFOPlea DealSeen on BGOnTheScene footage. Among the front of the rioters at the police barricades. Enters Capitol via broken window. Also seen in the Capitol crypt.Brown knit cap with a square logo at the bottom front. Man with long brown hair. Long, full, brown beard and mustache. Brown jacket. This may be over a black shirt or hoodie. Black backpack with white piping and a white logo on back. Blue jeans. Dark footwear?YYAndries - DOJ PageANDRIES, John Daniel1/28/20211:21-cr-93MDMarines
#BlackGlove805#BlackGlove805👤#BullHornGuy, #101AFO, #e47lIeSz7r45, #Insider2009101AFOSelf DoxxedIndicted@h_SanatoriumClimbed tower very early on, later at tunnel exhorting crowd. Gives speech after 1st failed attempt, then hands bullhorn to #TunnelCommander. In video in linked thread calls himself "Anthony", gave interview (non-pro). He is seen entering the Capitol via the Left of Tunnel window.Black tactical vest with patches that include US flag, III%, Gadsden snake. Grey camo shirt underneath. Black gloves with 805 on the back of the hands. Black AR-15 Freedom ball cap. Blue Trump 2020 Knit Scarf. Ginger hair and facial hair.#TunnelCommanderY#TunnelTeamYYYYAntonio - DOJ PageANTONIO, Anthony Alexander4/21/20211:21-cr-93DE
#YellowSwimGoggles#YellowSwimGogglesPlea DealMarched in with the Proud Boys. At frontline on W. Plaza and engages with officers, pushes at the barricades and is sprayed with pepper spray.Jeans and black long-sleeve shirt. Camo tactical vest. Kneepads and gas mask. Yellow swim goggles. Orange tape across the front of the vest. Black gloves.#AxeholeYMissouri#OrangeTapeGroup#OrangeTapeGroupYYYAshlock - DOJ PageASHLOCK, Ryan2/18/20211:21-cr-160KS
#MarkAungst#MarkAungst#Insider0798Deceased Before TrialEntered the Capitol. He was one of a group who took a bus from Lewisburg, PA to DC to attend the rally.Heavy-set man, blondish facial hairYAungst - DOJ PageAUNGST, Mark Roderick1/28/20211:21-cr-144PA
#StephenMichaelAyres#StephenMichaelAyres#Insider1835Plea DealEntered the capitol, no violence observed. Affidavit mentions affiliation with "Male 1" and an unidentified femaleRed face mask, camo jacketYAyres - DOJ PageAYRES, Stephen Michael1/25/20211:21-cr-156OH
#HeartTInsider#HeartTInsider#NoahBacon, #Insider0925YArrestedSeen inside Capitol, made the MPD Wanted listBlack baseball cap with white (?) writing (?) on the front. Dark mustache and maybe a stubbly jaw. White t-shirt that says "I (heart) Trump)" worn over a hoodie. The hood is red and the sleeves are black. Backpack with black straps.YBacon - DOJ PageBACON, Noah S6/30/20211:21-mj-509MA
#Stephmb293#Stephmb293#Insider0791ID sent to FBIArrested@TrumpsAgeRecorded saying "I love the Proud Boys. I want to find me a Proud Boy." Later seen in the Capitol Crypt.Female with long hair and heavy makeup. Black turtleneck top with a grey coat.YBaez - DOJ PageBAEZ, Stephanie M.6/4/20211:21-cr-507CA
#BetaKappaMaga#BetaKappaMaga👤#Insider146948AFOArrestedDesignated based on AFO. Seen under NW scaffolding, then one of the first to go through NW door. Always w/ #GreyFleeceGadsenFlag. Seen with America First group in AMBrown ball cap with "AF" America First logo. Red Trump long-sleeve, soft black backpack, not full#GreyFleeceGadsdenFlag#CapitolAFYYBaggott - DOJ PageBAGGOTT, Matthew5/30/20211:21-cr-411TN
#StephenIgnoramus#StephenIgnoramus#Insider1837Plea DealRecorded and live-streamed events under name "Stephen Ignoramus"Short clipped beard and hair, black coat.YBaker Stephen - DOJ PageBAKER, Stephen Maury (aka Stephen Ignoramus)1/27/20211:21-cr-273NC
#DJBrawnyBaton#DJBrawnyBaton325AFOID sent to FBIArrestedIn melee in front of tunnel. Assaulted police with a baton. Threw a tabletop into the police line. Also reportedly threw an audio speaker.Black and gray baseball cap with an Infowars snake logo. Full, bushy brown beard. Black jacket over a gray or dark blue hoodie. Brown gloves with reinforced fingers. Blue jeans. Brown shoes or boots. Olive green backpack. Big watch with gold band and case, black face.YBallard - DOJ PageBALLARD, Thomas John "Cliff"8/10/20211:21-mj-529TX
#CynthiaBallenger#CynthiaBallenger#Insider0076ArrestedPosted about being in the Capitol on social media. Photos depict her and her husband entering Capitol via NW Courtyard and being inside the Senate Corridors.Woman with brown hair down to her jawline (if not longer). Black coat with a hood that has a fur lining.#ChristopherPriceYBallenger - DOJ PageBALLENGER, Cynthia Catherine8/9/20211:21-mj-550MD
#RobertBallesteros#RobertBallesteros#Insider1364Plea DealEntered the Capitol, and claims he was present when Ashli Babbit was shot. Bragged about it on Facebook and via conversation with a friend.Red and black coat. Black face mask. Dark hair.YBallesteros - DOJ PageBALLESTEROS, Robert1/20/20211:21-mj-132NY
#DawnBancroft#DawnBancroft#Insider1996Plea DealTook a selfie video of herself exiting the Capitol, says she climbed over a waist-high wall, went through scaffolding, entered through a broken windowRed MAGA winter hat, grey turtle neck sweatshirt, black coat#DianaSantosSmithYBancroft - DOJ PageBANCROFT, Dawn1/28/20211:21-cr-271PA
#ThomasBaranyi#ThomasBaranyi#Insider1044IndictedEntered the capitol, no violence observed. Eyewitness of the shooting of A. Babbitt, gave TV interview shortly after exiting Capitol.Blue NY Giants sweatshirt, navy blue baseball hat, blue backpackYBaranyi - DOJ PageBARANYI, Thomas1/10/20211:21-cr-62NJ
#EricBarber#EricBarber#Insider1150Plea DealEntered via the East side of the building. Claims he was only on Capitol grounds and did not enter the building. Pictured inside Statuary Hall and took selfies in the Rotunda. Stole a portable power station from a C-Span media station in Statuary Hall.Green combat style helmet and field jacket. Blue and black patterned gaiter.YYBarber - DOJ PageBARBER, Eric Gene2/16/20211:21-cr-228WV
#RichardBarnard#RichardBarnard#Insider0931Plea DealSeen in the Crypt inside the Capitol.Dark coat. White gaiter with the word Trump in large blue letters. Red USMC ball cap.#JefferyWitcherYBarnard - DOJ PageBARNARD, Richard Franklin2/24/20211:21-cr-235TXMarines
#JosephBarnes#JosephBarnes#Insider1783Deceased Before TrialEntered the Capitol. Shouts "This is our house!" Deceased 6/12/21Blue coat with a white collar. Black Carhartt hat. Flag bandana or gaiter on neck. Very slight dark facial hair.YBarnes - DOJ PageBARNES, Joseph Cable2/8/20211:21-cr-192TX
#RichardBarnett#RichardBarnett#Insider1519IndictedPictured sitting at the desk of Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. Bragged on camera that he stole an envelope and left her a quarter for it. Carrying a ZAP Hik 'n Strike Stun Gun.Black leather jacket, black shirt, jeans & boots, black baseball hatYYBarnett - DOJ PageBARNETT, Richard1/7/20211:21-cr-38AR
#CatSweat#CatSweat👤128AFOID sent to FBIPlea DealBeat officers viciously in fight for tunnel doors in particularly violent episode where officer was dragged.

Note that he is not the person seen in room inside lower Capitol with #TricornTraitor - that is another person in same hoodie.
Grey Caterpillar hooded sweatshirt. Grey pants. Dark ball cap. Always wearing dark sunglasses. No facial hair. Appears to make efforts to keep hoodie up, sunglasses on to conceal face.YBarnhart - DOJ PageBARNHART, Logan James8/17/20211:21-cr-35MI
#PaulineBauer#PaulineBauer#Insider1432IndictedRecorded using a smartphone inside the Capitol Building.Woman with long, curly, brown hair. Red and blue MAGA knit cap with a pom-pom on top. Black puffer jacket over a black shirt (?) that has a circular white logo on the left breast. #WilliamBlauserYBauer Pauline - DOJ PageBAUER, Pauline5/19/20211:21-cr-35PA
#RobertBauer#RobertBauer#Insider1708Plea DealEntered Capitol building through unmanned door. Attended with Edward Hemenway (cousin) & his wife, Jenna Bauer. Jenna did not enter Capitol.Wearing camo Trump 2020 ballcap.#EdwardHemenwayYBauer - DOJ PageBAUER, Robert L.1/14/20211:21-cr-49KY
#DamonBeckley#DamonBeckley#Insider1120169AFOIndictedEntered through W side of the Capitol. Self identifies on video. AFO designation implies violence.Dark jacket with a lighter grey hood with the hood down, along with a dark colored hat, and baseball cap.YYBeckley - DOJ PageBECKLEY, Damon Michael1/14/20211:21-cr-285KY
#LukeBender#LukeBender#Insider0244ConvictedEntered Senate chamber. Seen in photographs standing on the dais near #JacobChansley.Dark hair. Olive green jacket over black shirt. Camo buff. Jeans.#LandonMitchellYBender - Statement of FactsBENDER, Luke Wessley7/29/20211:21-mj-542VA
#OverstuffedPB#OverstuffedPB#AndrewBennett, #Insider1041Plea DealLive streamed Facebook video inside the CapitolBlack and grey plaid coat. Khaki backpack. Black Proud Boys hat.YYYBennett Andrew - DOJ PageBENNETT, Andrew Ryan1/22/20211:21-cr-227MD
#BradleyBennett#BradleyBennett#Insider0916IndictedPhotographed in the gallery inside the Senate chamber. Also seen elsewhere in the Capitol such as the Rotunda with #CapitolGreenTrio.Khaki baseball cap with a brown US flag patch on the front. Incipient beard and mustache. Brown and mustard yellow scarf (possibly in a chequered keffiyeh pattern). Sometimes photographed wearing a dull purple jacket or hoodie, and other times wearing a medium blue long-sleeve t-shirt. Black backpack. Dark blue jeans. Wears a large silver watch on his left wrist and one or two black bracelets on his right wrist. #ElizabethWilliamsYBennett Bradley - DOJ PageBENNETT, Bradley Stuart4/12/20211:21-cr-312NC
#LeatherOK#LeatherOK#Insider1858Plea DealPart of a group of 12-14 Oath Keepers filmed entering the Capitol building in a stack formation.Black leather jacket open with black t shirt and Oath Keepers logo in yellow on front; Black and white stars and stripes patterned gaiter and dark tan baseball cap worn backwards#TailOK, #CamelOK, #PackOK, #DuckOK, #FrontOK, #BarbieOK, #JessicaWatkins, #WhipOK, #CowgirlOK, #DonovanCrowl, #DigitalOK, #TailOKYYBerry - DOJ PageBERRY, Caleb7/20/20211:21-cr-460FL
#BryanBetancur#BryanBetancur#Insider2160Plea DealWas on parole and his location was tracked via GPS monitoring bracelet.Yellow/Gray/Black jacket, camo gaiter mask, grey proud boys T-shirtYYYBetancur - DOJ PageBETANCUR, Bryan (aka Bryan Clooney, aka Maximo Clooney)1/15/20211:21-cr-51MD
#JoeBiggs#JoeBiggs#Insider1006ConvictedKnown Proud Boy leader, from Florida. In AM is seen to lead a kind of planning meeting. At Capitol rallies Proud Boys before walkway breach, enters Capitol building first through NW Courtyard Breach, then through E Main DoorsBlack/Brown plaid shirt, black hat, salt & pepper beard, black glasses. Seen wearing an earpiece.YFloridaYYYYYBIggs - DOJ PageBIGGS, Joseph Randall (aka Rambo)1/20/20211:21-cr-175FLArmy
#StevenBillingsley#StevenBillingsleyPlea DealTrespasses on restricted grounds. Undid a metal barricade. Yells threats at police. Brown beard. Black Trump 2020 knit cap. Black jacket over light grey hoodie.YBillingsley - Statement of FactsBILLINGSLEY, Steven C.8/12/20211:21-mj-562OH
#CraigBingert#CraigBingert105AFOConvictedShoves barrier into officers and attempts to break police lines.Military camo style jacket and hoodie, blue skull cap with the words "America" visible. Carrying American flag.YBingert - DOJ PageBINGERT, Craig Michael1/18/20211:21-cr-91PA
#SeriousForehead#SeriousForehead👤#ScrumGuy, #Insider132993AFOArrestedFights with police when being evacuated from Eastern doorMan with red hair, long in back, and swept back from the forehead. Sunglasses sit atop his head. Clean shaven. Black leather jacket over a camo hoodie. Wears a gray (?) shirt beneath that. Khaki or brown pants.YYBingham - DOJ PageBINGHAM, Brian Glenn6/23/20211:21-cr-282FLArmy