OrganizationPoint of Contact name and emailCPS VendorOverviewGrades and/or schoolsOpportunitiesScience Year at a Glance CPS NGSS Topics NotesWebsiteOffering Summer 2022 Programs (blank indicates data not yet available)
4-H OSU Extension Hamilton CountyJoe Boggs,, Claire LinepenselYInnovative "learn-by-doing" curriculum in a wide variety of topics --- Customized programs to meet the needs of schools
- Uses research-based, ready-to-use curricula to help young people to achieve social, emotional, physical, and academic success
- Also offers a variety of camps including Sea Camp which invites teens to "get their feet wet" and learn about Lake Erie
NGSS plant-based learning- Financial Education
- Environmental and Earth Science
-Healthy Nutrition and Lifestyle Education
-Personal Development, and Leadership
School Enrichment

Adventure CrewYTraditional Crew program: Outdoor weekend adventures provided in kayaking, hiking, biking, swimming, skiing, rock climbing, fishing, etc. Introducing and acclimating youth to the great outdoors through exciting adventures where they come to then feel safe and comfortable in nature. This then leads to a genuine interest in learning about and caring for the earth. CREW CARES: a program of Adventure Crew that provides a unique outdoor approach to fostering positive mental health for teens. Through thoughtfully and professionally designed clinical recreation and group counseling sessions, we empower young people with new tools to help overcome depression, anxiety, attention deficit disorder, and more. Modeled after a combination of Adventure and Wilderness Therapy, Crew Cares engages and supports youth in a goal-oriented physical activity that has transferable social-emotional learnings. The adventure is designed to carefully challenge and simulate struggles students may face at home, in school or with friends, and with on-going support and professionally led debriefings, they learn how to navigate similar situations in their personal lives.
• Physical activity
• STEM initiatives
• Conservation efforts
Science and Engineering PracticesBIOLOGY:
HS LS2-6
HS LS2-7
HS LS4-5
HS LS4-6

Engineering: forces and motion PHYSICAL SCIENCE: Nature of Science
Traditional program offers introductory level conservation, ecology and biology concepts woven into recreational adventures in nature.This is where students first come to know and care about our natural world, realize their impact and become curious about "green" learning and opportunities to pursue work in environmental fields. Our Crew Pathways program connects students to advanced learning and job opportunities.Currently in all CPS high schools and most junior high. Transportation, gear, adventure fees, lunch and snacks all included for free. - will be offering a bridge program for Crew Cares mental health readiness for school anchored in the experiences of outdoors. Based on interest, we will also accommodate kayaking advventures. Yes
Camp Campbell-Gard (YMCA)Dom Coffey dcoffey@gmvymca.orgYOffers a variety of classes and programs for students-Class offerings including Living History, overnight programs
-Field, team-building, pioneer, animal encounter and recreational activities
MS-LS2: Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy and Dynamics

Disciplinary Core Ideas:
LS2.A: Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems
LS2.C: Ecosystem Dynamics, Functioning, and Resilience
- hands-on learning
- early Ohio history
Outdoor EducationNo
Camp JoyTia Draper YThe Outdoor School Program at Camp Joy offers student leadership programs and outdoor education programs. As well we offer Faculty Development programs throughout the year.5 - 12-Student leadership programs for HS and college students
- Outdoor school programs (most relevant): environmental awareness, cultural history, and adventure. (on-site)
- provides camps Leadership Program- (Grades 5-12) Customizable leadership and teambuilding programs utilizing high and low challenge courses and workshops to reach your desired outcomes, including but not limited to; trust, communication, leadership, responsibility, cooperation…Outdoor Education (Grades 5-8) Natural History / Environmental Awareness- 3 hour classes utilizing our 315 acre land lab, games and nature center for hands on learning focused on grade specific standards. See link in column G for a list of class offerings. Cultural History- Pioneer homestead visit. Adventure- Leadership/Team building, self-esteem, and wilderness skill development outcomes are met through our challenge courses, map and compass and wilderness survival classes.Residential facility with overnight accommodations, meeting spaces, meals prepared and served in Dining Hall. Customizable and traditional 1-5 day programs options available onsite or offsite at your school/campus or nearby facility/park. Located in Clarksville OH.Student leadership programs

Outdoor school programs
Camp KernDave Moran dmoran@daytonymca.orgYMeaningful, customizable outdoor experiencesK-9-serves over 6,000 students from 100 schools every year with experiences promoting appreciation of the natural world and hands-on learning
-programs can be tailored to any school's needs
MS-LS2: Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy and Dynamics

Disciplinary Core Ideas:
LS2.A: Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems
LS2.C: Ecosystem Dynamics, Functioning, and Resilience
- STEM learning
- hands-on learning
- early Ohio history
-creek and river walk
We do offer some scholarships and occasionally reduced rates. There is no formal process, Dave mainly asks what kind of reductions are needed to get students to camp and we are usually able to work something out.Environmental Education

Camp Kern overview
Camping and Education Julie HorneY•Urban Wilderness Program Overview: Empower Cincinnati youth through outdoor experiences across the city. Students learn wilderness skills and how to work as a team, gain confidence being outdoors, develop a respect and appreciation of nature. •CEF Overview: Operate summer camps in International Falls, MN. Kooch-i-ching for boys & Ogichi Daa Kwe for girls, serve campers grades 3 to 12. CEF offers camper scholarships based on financial need.GRADES: 5 - 12 CPS SCHOOLS: Boatbuild projects at Aiken, Clark, Dater, Gamble, Kilgour, Parker Woods, Pleasant Hill, Rockdale, Sands• BOAT BUILDING: grades 5-12 class project. Over two-week period at school students build a 2-person "skin on frame" canoe using hand tools.
• CANOEING & WOODCRAFT FIELD TRIPS: 5th & 6th grade field trip to Burnet Woods Park & canoe on Burnet Woods Lake; 7th-12th grade field trip to Otto Armleder Park & canoe on Little Miami River. + OUTDOOR SUMMER JOB OPPORTUNITIES for teachers and older students.
Experiential and STEM based learning- customize with teacher's curriculum objectives. BOATBUILDING students learn handwork techniques from lashing to steam-bending wood, employing math and science concepts. CANOEING basics from paddling and portaging to river reading and water rescue techniques. WOODCRAFT skills rooted in Native American traditions, include campfire cooking, shelter making, fire by friction, and wildlife identification.Another CEF education partner is the University of Cincinnati: •CEF sponsors a problem solving course "Inquiry to Innovation." Currently working with UC to develop its "Experiential Leadership in the Outdoors" certificate program into a four year degree program. •CEF hosts an UC student independent study trip to the north woods of Minnesota and Canada. See UC course #ORGL 4091 "Wilderness Immersion Course." Urban Wilderness ProgramNo
Cincinnati Museum CenterContact Tony Lawson, with questions or for school-year and Summer Scholars opportunitiesYes"A place where people can learn more about the world through science, regional history, and engaging educational experiences.
In-person, virtual and outreach experiences available."

Field Trips: preK-12th

Outreach: preK-12th
Cincinnati Museum Center NGSS Science, History, Early Childhood, Social-emotional development; Learning Through Play Science + History focus; children's museum uses 'learning through play' concept; *each of our programs and exhibits connects to science and social studies learning standards

Yes-see link below. Outreach programs are at capacity for June. Availability remains March, April, May, July, August
Cincinnati Nature CenterMelissa Sabo msabo@cincynature.orgYFocus on interpretation
Ecosystem interactions, Food chains
Habitats, life cycles and adaptations
Inquiry Outdoors
Native school garden design and installations
Schoolyard programs focus (as much as possible) on the natural resources each school has at their disposal
PK-6th• Field trips
• Teacher PD (any site or ours)
• Summer Scholars (at a small scale)
• HS teacher partnerships on conservation topics
• Student research summit
• Schoolyard consultation and plantings (native) and trainings for use
Schoolyard programs (availabiity varies by year) science, earth science primarily. ELA ties possible. Native pollinator garden installations can hit all content areas. High schools can be a part of the annual teen conservation summit. School Programs
Events and Programs
Not sure we have the capacity to go off-site routinely. Depends on the need and timing. I could get out there with a new intern 1x per week maybe? We haven't hired additional staff to work in this capacity.
Cincinnati Observatory CenterNatalia Tooley and Samantha Pepper samantha@cincinnatiobservatory.orgYA variety of field trips and programs available for free k-12-website has extensive links to online resources for learning and activities
- online programming offered
- Virtual field trips
- daytime visits: field trips are free for all schools, and they will even pay for busses
- multiple programs available for free learning, planets, constellations, stars, space rocks, rockets, deep space, anything astronomy related

School Programs
we offer outreach, field trips, and virtual programs year round
Cincinnati Parks Explore Nature!Rachel Rice rachel.rice@cincinnati-oh.govY• Nature Next Door program (standards-based programs and activities for eligible schools)
• Field trips & outreach
Cincinnati Parks Explore Nature NGSS• Habitats & relationships
• wildlife classification
• Trees and plants
• Cultural history (Native American and pioneer)
• Water
• Weather
• Geology/soils
• Underground Railroad
• Survival literature
• Seasonal studies
PDF link provided includes programs provided in 2019-20 school year Yes
Cincinnati Recreation CommissionY• Athletic programs
• Nature playscape (Evanston)
• Youth and teen programs
• Aquatic programs
• Therapeutic and inclusive programs
• After school programs
• Specialty camps
• Outdoor education
• Outdoor areas
• After school snacks & meal programs
• Partner with CPS Athletics
• Golf, Tennis
2-LS4-1, 2-PS1-1Complete list on website
Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical GardensSarah.navarro@cincinnatizoo.orgYonsite and virtual school programs• Zoo Academy (Hughes HS)
• Standards-based field trips (optional add on tours and animal experiences)
• Overnight Adventures / Sunset Safaris
• Wild Chats - Virtual, standards-based programs
• Living Classroom Education Access Fund - free admission for schools with 50% FRL
• Teacher professional develompment (inquiry based learning)
CZBG NGSS program tie insZoo-based education that aligns with many LS-related standards such as food webs, inheritance, survival, biodiversity, and human impacts on nature.
Civic Garden Centerfor k-6 contact Ellie Falk at For 7-12 contact Erin LeFever at elefever@civicgardencenter.orgYOnsite and school-based prgramsK-12• Compost Kids field trips grades K-6
• STEM field trips grades 7-12 (green infrastructure, water quality testing, composting)
• School garden lessons and assistance
• Teacher workshops (quarterly)
• Seed giveaway days for teachers
• Green Girls in STEM (yearlong program HS girls)
NGSS (CGC)School Garden lessons connected to science standards. Hands-on scientific investigations and inquiry based field trips related to composting, urban water cycle, CSO's, green infrastructure, urban gardening. High School Green Girls in STEM summer camp and school year programFree bus transportation offered for 7-12th grade field trips
Gorman Heritage FarmKrystal Gallagher kgallagher@gormanfarm.orgYOn-site field trips (2-4 hours long), Customizable Farm-to-Classroom programs for all ages. K-12th-in-person and virtual field trips of the historic farm, with a variety of customizable offerings for learning and engagment
- engagement with topics including agricultural awareness, life science, and Ohio history
- farm-to-classroom experiences offered including the Tower Garden semester program
NGSS (Gorman Heritage Farm)Farm-based education aligning with Life and Earth & Space science standards and social studies (history) standards, many health and wellness components. Food Sources, Structure and Function, Soil Science, Local Ohio HistoryScholarships available for field trips and farm-to-classroomgormanfarm.orgYes
Great Parks of Hamilton CountyYcomplete school guide found at websitePK-12• Established curriculum for all grade levels
Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs)SEP 1: Asking Questions and Defining Problems SEP 2: Planning and Carrying Out Investigations SEP 3: Analyzing and Interpreting Data SEP 4: Developing and Using Models SEP 5: Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions SEP 6: Engaging in Argument from Evidence SEP 7: Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking SEP 8: Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information
Natural & Cultural history of our region. Connects to the state standardsWill work with teachers to customize programs. Grant funding covering cost of program for Hamilton County schools during the '20-'21 school
Greenacres FoundationKatie Brown, Education Administration Coordinator, kbrown@green-acres.orgFREE on-site field trips and events K-12 (primarily K-6)- Provides on-site field trip experiences in three categories: arts, environment, and agriculture
- Hosts "Children's Discovery Day Events" such as Seasonal Change, Habitats and Ecosystems, Life Cycles, and Water in Our World
- research
- provides summer camps
Green Acres NGSS- natural history, science, social studies, arts, agriculture
- based on academic standards
- nature awareness & connection
All experiences offered are on-site. Field trips are FREE and bus reimbursement is available for eligible schools.Field Trips and Education ProgramsNo
Groundwork Ohio River ValleyAlan Edwards Sophie Revis srevis@groundworkorv.orgPrograms for young adults with an emphasis on experiential learningMS-HS• Classroom sessions and fieldwork (water quality, sampling, and analysis)
• Service learning
• Rooftop gardens (Oyler)
• Install raingardens
• Workforce development
• Green Team - summer job program (paid positions)
• Green Corps - year round advance training programs (age 18-23)
• Experiential learning at the Lighthouse Green Learning Center
Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs)SEP 1: Asking Questions and Defining Problems SEP 2: Planning and Carrying Out Investigations SEP 3: Analyzing and Interpreting Data SEP 4: Developing and Using Models SEP 5: Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions SEP 6: Engaging in Argument from Evidence SEP 7: Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking SEP 8: Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information-ecological restoration
- green industry
- natural resource management
Hamilton County Environmental Services

Elise Erhart
The District offers free field trips, including limited transportation reimbursement. To quality, schools must be registered with the District's Let's Stop Waste at School (LSW) Program and be willing to submit student reflections (PDF) after the trip.
Register for a Field Trip
To register for a field trip, complete the Field Trip Registration Form (PDF) and email to Elise Erhart. To register for the Nature of Recycling, visit
To quality, schools must be registered with the District's Let's Stop Waste at School (LSW) Program
Location: Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden
2022 Date: Check back in late summer for November 2022 date
Itinerary: Students will use a passport to explore the grounds of the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden to learn how recycling helps not only people but creatures all over the world.
America Recycles Day at the Zoo Compost Kids Farms and Food Waste Nature of Recycling Trash Talk Where Does All the Garbage Go?Bus Reimbursement Your school may qualify for bus transportation reimbursement to the landfill, recycling center, or other locations with the District's education programs. The Bus Reimbursement request is page two of the Field Trip Registration Form.
Hamilton County Recycling and Solid Waste DistrictTony StaubachTony.Stabach@hamilton-co.orgOffers field trips and programs to students; works with schools to implement responsible waste management programsK-12-offers free field trips such as "Compost Kids" and "Nature of Recycling" (mostly canceled for COVID)
- offers education programs through Keep Cincinatti Beautiful, Crystal Clear Sciences and Mother Nature
- aids schools in designing recycling and composting programs
-Green Classroom (see link) provides educator resources such as classroom instruction units
MS-ESS3-1, MS-ESS3-3, MS ESS3-4, HS-ESS3-1, HS-ESS3-2,HS-ESS3-4, HS-ESS3-6- waste management
- composting, recycling
Green Classroom organization - see linkSchools - Main Page

Education Programs

Green Classroom
Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation DistrictGwen Roth gwen.roth@hamilton-co.orgYNatural resource focused programs are free, designed around standards, and interactive (found on website)-5• $500 grants available to teachers for field trips, supplies, classes, etc.
• Loaner programs for supplies needed to teach lessons on rock cycle, weathering/erosion, OH fossils, rock identification & topo maps
• Caring For Our Watersheds - PBL environmental contest for implementing student ideas in community, $$ available for proj. implementation. Students & schools win prize $$.
• Free classroom presentations based on curriculum standards. List of all programs available on website.
• Agriculture Education Day (3rd and 4th) - field trip to Gorman Heritage Farm (free)
• GCEE Ultimate Education Expo (9.24.19 at Cincinnat Zoo) lots of available resources.
MS-ESS3-1, MS-ESS3-3, MS ESS3-4, HS-ESS3-1, HS-ESS3-2,HS-ESS3-4, HS-ESS3-6, Water: 5-ESS2-2 • Water
• Geology & Fossils
• Soils
• Weathering & Erosion
• Trees and plants
• Human impact on the Environment
• Natural Resource Conservation
ImagoChris Clements
YEnvironmental sustainability education and awarenessPleasant Ridge
Academy of World Languages
Reese E.Price
• Workshops and community engagement
• Field trips to 16 acre nature preserve
• Summer camps
• Partnerships in developing and teaching outdoor curriculum
• Connecting community members to nature through activities such as monthy sit-spots
Keep Cincinnati BeautifulKirsten Brademyer Kirsten@keepcincinnatibeautiful.orgEnvironmental education programPK-12• Classroom presentations
• Schoolwide assemblies
• Field trips
• Service learning
MS-ESS3-1, MS-ESS3-3, MS ESS3-4, HS-ESS3-1, HS-ESS3-2,HS-ESS3-4, HS-ESS3-6• Litter prevention
• Waste reduction / recycling
• Natural resource conservation
Developing New Virtual Resources www.kcbecoed.org
Mill Creek AllianceJohn Dwyer jdwyer@themillcreekalliance.orgYEnvironmental education programGrades 6-12• Classroom sessions and fieldwork (water quality, sampling, and analysis
• Service learning
• Rooftop gardens (Oyler)
• Install raingardens
• Workforce development
• Green Team - summer job program (paid positions)
• Green Corps - year round advance training programs (age 18-23)
• Blue Team - focus on water quailty
Mill Creek Alliance NGSS • Watersheds and water quailty
Northside Bill Berger20 years of invasive species removal, trail maintenance and improvment in Northside PreservesPWM• Kids and parents involved with invasive species removal
• Modest funding for PWM Green Club
Office of Environment and Sustainabilityoliver.kroner@cincinnati-oh.govY6 - adult• Classroom presentations
• Job shadowing/internships
MS-ESS3-1, MS-ESS3-3, MS ESS3-4, HS-ESS3-1, HS-ESS3-2,HS-ESS3-4, HS-ESS3-6• Recycling
• Energy efficiency
• "A year of living sustainably"
Green Workplace Committee for working professoinals to implement bottom-up sustainability practices
Ohio River FoundationRich Cogen
YESOfferings - 2 programs: (1) in-classroom 2-week program (Mussel in the Classroom) and (2) field trip (River Explorers) -thousands of students per year participate at neighborhood creeks and streamsK-12- River Explorer, Mussels In the Classroom, and Student Conservation Leadership programs (SUMMER)
- enhancing STEM learning and developing interest in environmental and conservation careers
NGSS Ohio River Foundation-STEM learning -connects to state standards
- water quality - aquatic species - ecosystems
- watersheds -and Ohio River tributaries
www.ohioriverfdn.orgYes - High School students - Conservation Leadership Program -- changes annually from work/study to fee paid program--depending on funding
ORSANCONick Callahan
programs offered through Foundation for Ohio River Education (FORE)K-12- educational programs such as in-class presentations with FORE instructor, River REACH Floating Classrooms, Students in the Stream, etc.
- professional development programs for teachers
- Ohio River Sweep event

ORSANCO Programs

FORE Programs
University of Cincinnati Arlitt Center for Education, Research & SustainabilityVicki Carr
yesLab school staff provide research--based professional learning opportunities based on discussions with school personnel. There are also prepared in person and online learning opportunities for teachers and school leaders. UC Online offers a bachelor's degree focus in nature-based early learning. Courses may be of interest to teachers seeking re-certrification PreK-2• Professional development with or without college credit
• Houses Arlitt Child Development Center
• Undergrad certificates (15 credits) - Education for Environmental Sustainability
• Arlitt Professional Educator Learning Series
• Research
• Program evaluation
Service-based, PD, Research, EvaluationSTEM learning in the early grades; nature-based early learning; earlly childhood education for sustainability; nature playscape conceptualization with referral to experienced landscape architect's for design and construction services
The Bug ChicksJessica Honaker or Kristie Reddick, or hello@thebugchicks.comyesDIFFERENT: social emotional learning using arthropods is an award-winning, evidence-based program that combines the science of entomology with personal development and social enrichment goals for students in grades 6-12. This STEM + SEL program includes 10 educational videos and accompanying lessons, a tech-based student project and a post-program assessment. Teacher professional development and student events can be added to the program depending on school/district needs. NGSS + CASEL aligned for grades 6-12. 6-12NGSS Connections DIFFERENT: social emotional learrning using arthropodsSTEM learning; entomological science; adaptations; survival strategies; predator/prey dynamics; inquiry; niche; habitat; niche; arthropod defenses; mimicry; camouflage; morphologyThis program is primarily teacher-led, but The Bug Chicks can be scheduled to come in for teacher professional development and/or in-person student events as per school/district requests.

This program is also award-winning and evidence based! You can read the paper on the pilot study in Frontiers in Education.
The Bug ChicksJessica Honaker or Kristie Reddick, or hello@thebugchicks.comyesSongs of Science: How insects communicate. Interactive assembly program for elementary-age students transforms the auditorium into a forest at night, with students helping to create a magical auditory experience! The Bug Chicks will bring your school to the Peruvian Amazon Rainforest, the Sonoran Desert and the African Savannah to learn about the incredible ways that arthropods communicate through song. The audience will collaborate to recreate an insect symphony. Students will get to see LIVE bugs projected onto the big screen using a digital microscope and learn from real entomologists!
K-5/6Songs of Science NGSS Matching K-6entomological science; habitats; arthropod communication; adaptations; niches; human impact; conservationwww.thebugchicks.comY
The Bug ChicksJessica Honaker or Kristie Reddick, or hello@thebugchicks.comyesNot so DIFFERENT:
how bugs can teach us about ourselves
Using bugs as a vehicle, this engaging talk inspires students to challenge their perceptions of themselves, others and the natural world through empathy-building and growth mindset practices. The Bug Chicks introduce students to the world of entomology and the fascinating biology of these amazing animals. By talking openly about assumptions & misconceptions, the audience goes on a journey with these world traveling scientists, from fear to fascination. Students will get to assist with LIVE bugs projected onto the big screen using a digital microscope and learn from real entomologists!
6/7 - 12Not So DIFFERENT: how bugs can teach us about ourselvesentomological science; adaptations; predator/prey dynamics; population dynamics; biology; arthropod communication; morphology; survival strategieswww.thebugchicks.comY