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STEP 1: Download or Make a Copy of this file.
1. If you do not have a Gmail account: Click File → Hover over Download → Select Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
2. If you do have a Gmail account: Click File → Click Make a Copy → Rename the file (Optional) → Save to your Google Drive

STEP 2: Use the new file.
1. Open downloaded Excel file from Step 1 in your Downloads folder, or Click into your copy of Google Sheet that opened in a new browser tab.
2. Select the tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet labled with the Built In market your company is featured in.
3. Ensure that the same market name displays at the top of the tab.

STEP 3: Select the name of the Built In Best Places to Work list your company is featured on in this market.
1. Click into Box 1.
2. Click the dropdown arrow on the righthand side of the box.
3. Select the name of the list you are featured on.

STEP 4: Type your company name in.
1. Click into Box 2.
2. Type your company name exactly as it appears on the Best Places to Work list you selected in
Box 1.
3. Press Enter.

STEP 5: Test your anchor tag link.
1. Click into
Box 3. Do not double click. Do not type or delete in Box 3.
2. Copy the link and Paste the link in the search bar. Press enter.

If the link does not work, (1) Check that selected the correct Market tab in Step 2. (2) Check that you selected the correct list from the dropdown in Box 1. (3) Check that you spelled your company name correctly and exactly as it appears on that list in Box 2.