GamePlayer ObjectiveNarrative ThemeGameplay Genre
One Inscribed Resource
One Player RelationshipOne Inscribed RuleOne Dynamic Procedure
One Cultural Layer Element
What from this game do you want to learn how to create?
Crypt of the Necrodancer
Complete various levels and bosses and beat the Necrodancer at the end
Survival, exploration, visuals and sound tell narrative
Rhythm rogue-like GoldHigh score competition
Player can only move on the beats of the music
Player has choice of what items to pursue or purchase
Speedrunning community
Programming a rhythm game like this
Crypt of the Necrodancer
To make your way through the different zones by rescuing people and killing enemies
Hero saving people from a crypt
Adventure game
A picked up broad sword
You need to move with the beat to inflict damage
Purchasing of equipment while in the dungeon
Community mods
The idea of a lobby and then levels that you enter
Crypt of the Necrodancer
To beat the boss at the end of each level
Music, rhythm? The narrative was more of an aside
Rhythm/RoguelikeWeaponsSingle player verses game
Skipping a beat loses your gold multiplier
Players stay on the beat to keep the gold multiplier and to not lose their turn
Wikis and guides
Timing events the way this game does so smoothly.
Crypt of the Necrodancer
To dance your way to the final level.
Dungeon-themedAction Rogue-likeHealth.
It is completely single player.
You need to hit your keys in rhythm with the song otherwise you won't move.
Techniques on how to beat certain enemies require unintuitive movements.
You can import your own music.
How to procedurally generate the levels.
Crypt of the Necrodancer
collect diamonds, defeat enemies, progress through levels
You are an explorer looking for some secret locked away in a crypt.
grid-based real-time RPG
weaponsco-op play availabiility
You cannot progress through hard stone.
nodding your head to keep up with the rhythm
hearing this game's music in the background at my D&D games
the grid-based RPG elements
Crypt of the NecrodancerTo survive the dungeon
Protagonist wants to find the truth
Move according to the beats
Enjoying the music
Guides on how to approach each monster
Syncing the beats of a song with gameplay
Crypt of the NecrodancerKeep the beat, beat the levelBeat Dungeon CrawlerDungeon CrawlerHeart beatProtagonistFollow the beat
The user hopping back and forth to maintain the beat
Mods allow the communit to get involved
The beat mechanism is very novel, so I would like to learn about how to integrate sound with game design
Crypt of the Necrodancer
Complete dungeons, get loot, find who stole heart
DeathRhythm/roguelike Shovel
multiple individuals vs game - players can compare scores on a leaderboard and try to have the highest score.
Diamonds will be lost if you don't return and spend them in the lobby
Learn what monsters look like one turn before they will attack so you can avoid them.
Players suggest new enemies/weapons on the official forums
I would like to learn how to make a fun, simple, fast tutorial such as the one in this game.
Crypt of the NecrodancerDefeat the necrodancer.
A necrodancer stole your hear. Defeat the necrodancer and you will get the heart back.
Single player.Diamonds.Protagonist.
You have to move at the beat of the song.
The player explore around dungeons.
Music, dance, and demons.
Writing musical code.
Crypt of the NecrodancerDefeat the NecroDancerDungeon explorationRhythm BasedDiamondsProtagonistMove to the beat
Run away from enemies instead of fighting them
It's derivative of other dungeon-style games, but it's uniqueness comes from it being beat-based
I liked the music, and I like that you can use your own music! That would be a nice feature for any game.
Crypt of the Necrodancer
To make a rhythmic way through a dungeon
Protagonist girl fighting through dungeon to find her heart
Rhythmic Dungeon Crawler
main campaign is Player vs Environment
You can only act on rhythmic pulses
player has to make decisions on preferred combat style
You can add custom music
The procedural level generation
Crypt of the Necrodancer
Advance through the levels to progress the narrative
Beast Master. You save him and he lets you train on enemies
You must input commands to the rhythm of the beat
Buying upgrades?Warlock cursed your heart
Creating timing windows for player input adds a unique element to gameplay
GamePlayer ObjectiveNarrative ThemeGameplay Genre
One Inscribed Resource
One Player RelationshipOne Inscribed RuleOne Dynamic Procedure
One Cultural Layer Element
What from this game do you want to learn how to create?
Destroy enemy ancient by defeating enemies and pushing into enemy base
Character-based story
Lane-based team multiplayer game
Experience points
Cooperative relationship between players on the same team
Turrets do damage to you if you approach them
Player can move their character to where they want in playable area
Competitive community
Modeling and animating characters and environments, environmental storytelling
Destroy the enemy towers and enemy heroes
Heroes in fight one another
The many items used to heal or increase abilities
Collaborator with other teammates
you must right click to move and attack enemies
Players can help each other or not
Online marketplace where you can buy weapons for heroes
Creating items that would better the ability of a hero/character
Work together with team to destroy the enemy's ancient.
Heroes fighting with each other to win a prize
Hopefully Social and not spoilsports
Each chosen hero has their own roles
Communicating with each other to complete the objective
Aesthetic Equipments
Different kinds of heroes and their interactions.
To destroy the core of the enemy team
None apparentMoba
Purchasable items (e.g. boots)
Team competition
Last hitting a minion rewards gold
Specific champions go to specific lanes depending on their role
Dota 2 itself is derived from a mod of Warcraft 3, and shares many elements with it
How to make a game handle and communicate so much at once and run so smoothly.
DOTA 2To defeat the other team.
It's a fantasy themed game all about battling.
It is MOBA.Health.
Players cooperate with their team to fight against the other team.
You can't leave the map.
A metagame of which characters to select based on other players' selections.
Their are really large tournaments. Like the International.
Get Money, Get damage, Kill others, Win
You are trying to destroy the enemy nexus
Multiplayer Online Battle Arena
you work with a team, to beat the other team
Characters scale off items
Creation of builds for characters which optimize the character for the current meta game
Somewhat of an E-sport
Game balancing which allows a multitude of items
Defense the core and destroy enemies' core
Control a hero to fight with enemy
Multiplayer online battle arena
Can buy different weapons or armors
Multiplayer (Player vs. Player)
Gain experience to level up by killing creeps or enemy heros
Team fights happen a lot after the early phase of the game
Ban some op heroes to balance the game
Those beautiful magic spells
Cooperate with teammates, destroy other team's ancient
Team competition - relationship between player and teammates
When you die, it takes time to respawn
Talk to other players to develop a strategy and work together
There are unofficial DOTA 2 tournaments, which are recorded and watched by other players on youtube
This game has a great UI and makes a bunch of satisfying noises when you click things, which I would like to learn to do
Help his/her team defeat the opponent team.
You are one of five heroes on your team.
Multiplayer online battle arena.
Gold.Team competition.
You get more gold by killing enemies.
Players can discuss strategy and tactics through chat apps.
The importance of teamwork is echoed through the game.
How do you start when working a big game like this.
DOTA 2defeat the enemy base
You are heroes warring against another heroic faction.
real-time strategycreepsMOBA
Towers attack the enemy closest to them.
running back and forth between the fountain
There are unkind stereotypes about people who play a lot of Dota or League of Legends.
goons like the creeps
Destroy the other team's "ancient"
Work with your team to defeat the other team
MOBAGoldCooperative PVP
you gain gold by killing your opponents things
Creep Blockingcustom games
the characters with built in abilities
DOTA 2destroy opponent's base
Destroy the enemy's ancient at all costs
mobaexperienceteam of 5 vs team of 5
you have to buy items with gold
ganking heroes that are strong midgame usually go mid.
custom games
Dota has really good multiplayer system. It would be awesome if we could cover that
DOTA 2Capture the enemy's baseMiddle Ages battleMMORPGGoldCollaborator
You can stand by the fountain to heal.
Run into the enemy's territory so you die and can't play for a few seconds.
DotA is a mod of Warcraft III, so it's really in the cultural layer of that game.
I like that the screen has a lot of information that's fairly well organized.
DOTA 2Destroy the enemy baseFight for glory
Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA)
Team Radiant vs Team Dire
Earn money by getting the killing blow on minions
Gearing up your character
Some heroes are discouraged from play
A diverse character selection
GamePlayer ObjectiveNarrative ThemeGameplay Genre
One Inscribed Resource
One Player RelationshipOne Inscribed RuleOne Dynamic Procedure
One Cultural Layer Element
What from this game do you want to learn how to create?
Every Day the Same Dream
Complete all endings to reach final ending
Repetitiveness Adventure puzzle game
Number of endings completed
Players discussing meaning of game in comments
Players can move only left and right slowly
Players can pick up or activate items as they choose
Societal commentary
Making a game on a browser
Every Day the Same Dream
To interact with 5 different events or things and break your dream
Single character, living out the same dream each day
side scroll interactive game
Your Wardrobe
Sole player attempting to beat the game. 'Protagonist'
You must complete the 5 events before the dream is broken
How the character interacts with the environment is different for each player
This game is very much an art form and a description of life
How to restart the game and remember which actions were taken
Every Day the Same DreamDo something out of the ordinarySoul Sucking working lifeLife SimulationInteractionsExplorer
The controls are limited to movement and interaction
Interact with everything
How we view the world after we play this game.
The mood of the game.
Every Day the Same DreamTo 'become a new person'
Depression/Monotony of modern life
ArtClothesSingle player vs game
You can interact with some pieces of the environment.
Players can accomplish many of the goals in one day, or go through most of the game naked
Critically acclaimed, prompted discussion on what games are and aren't
Meaningful and engaging actions
Every Day the Same Dreamfind five steps to a new personsocial commentary
side scroller / search and find
the lady who tells you how many steps are left
single player protagonist
You can only move left or right.
hitting spacebar at random intervals until stuff happens
perhaps a metaphor for everyday life
the progression
Every Day the Same Dream
Go through daily repetitive patterns.
Story of the everyday life of a cubicle worker.
Single Player vs GameEndless Life.Citizen.You can go left or right.
Turn off the TV before leaving.
Workaholic behavior in modern society.
Minimalistic but detail-oriented characters and environment.
Every Day the Same DreamInteract with the environmentCorporate lifeArtsy Game
The number of days left in the game.
It is single player.
You can't move outside certain areas.
The order of the five actions required.
This tried to say a message about labor.
Every Day the Same DreamFind all of the interactionsExestensial crisisRPG/Puzzle
Interactions/triggerable events
Single player rpg. Can't pet the cow twice
Trying to avoid doing the same thing twice
Anti-establishment sentiment
How to frustrate the user
Every Day the Same DreamFind the way to start a new life
Normal life of a working class man
Art game
Different actions can be taken for one day
Single Player vs. Game
The man will get fired if he goes to work wearing only underwear
See yourself jumping off the building
Explore the game in different order
How the character moves
Every Day the Same DreamGo to workExistential crisisArtClothesProtagonist
You may not go to work naked
Always turn off the alarm clock!
Reflection of our monotonous, fast-paced lifestyle
Emotional investment in such a minimalistic game
Every Day the Same Dream
Experience the story/message, find how to escape the daily loop
Apathywalking simulator
Ability to walk around(?)
Single player versus game
You must interact with objects in specific ways to advance the story
Try to change the daily loop as quickly as possible because doing the same loop over and over again is boring.
Players debate with each other on forums as to whether this game is boring, worthwhile, and what the message is.
This game uses very simple art assets and music to create a great atmosphere.
Every Day the Same Dreamexplore, interact with peoplerepetitive daily lifeadventure?
clothes (you can choose to put your suit on )
you can't walk past the "don't walk" sign
the player gets to choose who they interact with
this game means something different to everyone
The art style
Every Day the Same Dream
complete hidden objectives to finish the game
Exploration of mortality through a man's "life"
RPG??clothes?PvEyou get fired if you're naked
you learn not to repeat the same actions
I don't think there are any?
The changing environment based on character choices
Every Day the Same Dream
Find different ways of ending your day
Figure out what is going on
Elevator Lady gives cryptic help
Wife who never really speaks to you
Spacebar to interact with anything
Going to work
Player is dressed in what we call "business attire"
A subtle way of giving hints to players
GamePlayer ObjectiveNarrative ThemeGameplay Genre
One Inscribed Resource
One Player RelationshipOne Inscribed RuleOne Dynamic Procedure
One Cultural Layer Element
What from this game do you want to learn how to create?
Reduce enemy life to zero to win, advance through competitive ranks by winning against other players
"Adventures" tell stories through narration intertwined with battles
Collectible card gameMana
Players compete on a competitive ladder
Gain 1 mana per turn
Deckbuilding, choice of what card to play
Deck building community
Maybe like how to hold player information on a server
To eliminate the other player from the game using the cards drawn
Play as a hero, trying to defeat other heroes
Turn based strategy
The different card types
Player versus the game. Also player versus player
Specific amount of mana you can use per turn
How the cards in your hand are played, and how your opponent approaches your cards on the field
Hearthstone has a large following and plenty of cosplay
Creating cards and random decks
Collect cards/Create better decks/Win card matches with random players
I think the narrative extends from the warcraft narrative.
Coins to buy boosters
To dominate other players with their strategy and cards
30 cards per deck
To get more cards faster, players will spend real money to buy cards
Sharing of deck builds
The component of addiction
HearthstoneTo bring their opponent's hp to 0.
No narrative outside individual adventures
Collectable card gameCardsPlayer vs Player
At the start of each turn you gain a mana crystal, which are used to play cards
Many unexpected synergies between cards are found, many cards are never used outside of the Arena format
Active community
The stack that decides the outcome of the interaction of all cards.
HearthstoneDefeat other wizards.
A wizard competing with other wizards.
Player versus player.Magic Cards.Competitor.
The number on the card correspond to how powerful its spell is.
Using cards to cast spells in order to destroy your enemies.
Historical perspective on the power of magic.
Colorful graphics.
Beat your opponent with your own deck
World of Warcraft background card game
Collectible card game
Different cards including minions and spells
Player vs. PlayerDie when health is below 0
Play a combo to clear the board or kill your opponent
Create your own deck as you want
The interactions of two cards when attack
Build effective decks, defeat opponents and gain ranks
Lighthearted humorCard gameCardsPlayer versus player
Players must play against others of similar ranks
Players learn the most popular builds/cards/strategies so they can counter them
There are tons of youtube channels devoted to players showing good Hearthstone strategies and builds, which impacts what other players use
This game uses simple concepts while still allowing for the existence of complicated strategies, which makes it universally appealing
To defeat the AI/other players in a card game.
Fantasy world of Warcraft fighting
Competitive Card GameHealth.Competitive multiplayer
Every card requires a certain amount of Mana.
Which cards to use in which order.
You can play against other people so communities have sprouted around hearthstone.
How to develop an app that doesn't destroy your battery. I found it didn't do a whole lot to my battery life.
HearthstoneTo lower opponent's healthWar/battleDigital card gameMinionsProtagonist
Your minions must wait one turn before they can attack
Play cards before attacking
There's a whole subreddit devoted to discussing strategy behind this game.
I like the sound effects.
HearthstoneReduce Life of opponent to 0
Fantasy Tavern game set in the Warcraft Universe
Collectable Card GameCards
You play as a character in the world, not protagonist per se
Mana caps your play options
Meta Game, Strengths and weaknesses arise against certain decks
Popular on social media like reddit and highly streamed
Building an inventory system for characters
Hearthstonedefeat the enemy
You are a general or magician in the Warcraft series playing cards with others.
online card gamemana
one-vs.-one multiplayer competitive battle
You gain one mana each turn.
save the Arcane Blast card for when multiple enemies are the field
fan art on deviantART
voice acting implentation
Hearthstoneto get opponent to 0 lifeCard game in a tavernCard gamemanaPvP
cards have mana requirements
learning to use "combo" and other effects in cards
BMing, spamming emotes when lucky
interractions between cards is really interesting
Hearthstonebring opponent to 0 health
card game in a tavern in a fantasy world
collectable card gamecardsPvPcards cost mana to play
different decks are viable depending on the current meta
Emotes mean very different things depending on the situation
I would love to get some insight into the scalability of the hearthstone engine. They release new game types weekly with new rules, so it must be built on a very flexible framework
Reduce enemy player health to zero
Duel other heroes for glory
Card gameArmornot sure
You must have an appropriate amount of mana to summon a creature
Playing your turn til completion
You can interact with other players through pre-written responses. It is customary to say "Good game" after a game
Synergy between game elements
GamePlayer ObjectiveNarrative ThemeGameplay Genre
One Inscribed Resource
One Player RelationshipOne Inscribed RuleOne Dynamic Procedure
One Cultural Layer Element
What from this game do you want to learn how to create?
ICETake over all bases
Destroy all enemy team bases
Upgrades to your ships
Single player versus th
You can only overtake adjacent bases
Which bases are over taken at a specific point in the game
There isn't one. No mods, or fan fiction.
How to create the ships all moving in unison towards the objective.
Conquer all the other bases and eliminate other player
Conquer other worlds?Strategy Ships or BasesAchieverTap to move
Get as much exp as possible to level
Don't really know for this game
Tap controls
ICETo conquer all basesnoneStrategyShipsPlayer vs game
Ships can only be sent to one location at a time
Getting as many bases as possible to create units more quickly
How to make a game that actually makes money in two days
Take over all the ships of other armies and don't lose yours.
You are a captain and you have an army of ships.
Single player.Speed.Protagonist.
You can only take over ships that you're currently connected to.
If connected to ship, you can attack by touching it on the screen.
The game kind of prove the point that to win wars, you sometimes have to lose something.
How to design non-annoying bright color components.
ICECapture all basesMinimalismStrategyShipsSingle player versus game
You can only capture bases connected to your current captured bases
Protect bases that support the most connections first
It's similar to other games like Risk. This doesn't really have a cultural impact itself, as far as I know.
I like the fluidity of the movement of the ships.
ICETo take over the other bases.Abstract spaceAction RTSThe number of units.Compete against the AI.
You must always have at least one base to survive.
What bases to take and what order is decided by the player.
Since it's mobile, you can show this to your friends/ignore them by playing this game.
How to develop a good game AI.
ICETaking all bases to win the gameTaking bases with airshipmobile game
Level up to upgrade airships
Multilateral competition
The base is taken if health is below 0
Spawn more airships by taking over the base
Create your own strategy to beat other players
Airship that fires
Capture enemy bases, defend own bases
War/DominationRTSShipsSingle player versus game
You cannot divide your ships to multiple bases in simple mode
Players must pay attention to where enemy ships are going in order to defend their bases
There are let's plays of ICE on youtube
This game looks great while only using simple shapes
ICECapture all of the enemy bases. unclear
real-time geometric strategy
all of your shipssingle-player combatant
You need to be connected to an enemy base to capture it.
Trying to capture bases connected to the bases you want to capture.
connectivity to Facebookhive mentality
ICETake over the entire mapShape gameReal Time Strategy
Minions? Chips? Floating things that do your bidding
Your minion things must travel
Players must watch their own "bases" while trying to maximize potential to capture other bases
Achievements link to the android game server. these allow comparisons between friends
Large amounts of items on screen without lag. Also, Scaling screens, zoom in, and zoom out.
ICEcapture all the bases
You have a team of starships trying to rule the universe?
minimalist strategystarship unitsPvE
you can only attack bases adjacent to one you control
you learn to cut off other teams routes to bases they are attacking
none I can seeAI characters
ICEcontrol all nodes of the graph
pilot your space armada to victory
you must own an adjacent node to capture a given node
cutting player off is sometimes a better strategy than defending
mass unit management
ICECapture all basesSpace WarStrategyshipsTeam color
Your squad can only attack one thing at a time
Capturing a baseNot sureTactical AI
Use fleet of ships to take over game area from enemies
ConquestReal-time strategyShipsCompetition for scores
Tap a location to move ships to it
Players choose where to send ships and what strategy to pursue
Can't really think of one for this game
maybe iOS /android games
GamePlayer ObjectiveNarrative ThemeGameplay Genre
One Inscribed Resource
One Player RelationshipOne Inscribed RuleOne Dynamic Procedure
One Cultural Layer Element
What from this game do you want to learn how to create?
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
To rescue the Universe from the anti-love and fix the generator
Universe is being taken over by anti-love
The shield for your ship
Collaborator with multiple other players
You must move the ship through the
How you can control your companion. If you're playing with a second player you don't have that ability.
This game could be seen as an art form
The 2D world
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
Complete levels to free creatures and defeat the Anti-Love forces
Co-op 2D shooter adventure
Creatures collected
Intensely cooperative, collaborative gameplay between players
Shooting enemies damages them and eventually defeats them
Player(s) choose where to move to in each level and can explore freely
Fan art
Pleasant 2D graphics
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
To coordinate to rescue bunnies and keep the ship from being destroyed
Love?Co-op actionShip partsCooperative
Bunnies open doors and portals
Players alternate and coordinate different roles depending on the situation
Let's Plays
Interaction between different controllable elements and the environment.
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
To get through each level, save bunnies/defeat anti-love
Save Love from Anti-LoveAction/PlatformThe shipSocializer
2 player game, if one person plays, then he controls two characters
I like to ram the ship into things
I'm sure this game as a huge fanbase which probably contributes to the cultural layer. But I am not sure of the specifics.
This is quite a successful indie game so I want to learn the factors that contributed to this game's success
Lovers in a Dangerous SpacetimeTo collect bunnies.Space adventureCouch Co-OphealthIt's a cooperative game.
you can't leave the spaceship
Working together to ensure every station is covered.
Brings friends together.
Utilizing a controller.
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
Collect Bunnies, pilot a ship, shoot things
Space,Couch Co-opHealth
People are assigned roles and must co-operate to successfully pilot the ship.
Only players in the designated station can control the designated mechanic
Fighting over stations
Local Co-Op game, can only be played with other people.
Multiple Controller input
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
Go through each level by fighting with alien
Fight the alien with your teammate in an airship
Action, Platform
Different equipment for fighting enemy
Cooperative play
One equipment can only be used by one player
Cooperate with team to survive the attack by alien
Different players take different responsities
The gun on the airship
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
Work together, free creatures, destroy enemies
Love <3ShooterShieldCooperative play
Players can only operate one machine at a time
Players talk to each other to organize where each plans to go
Players have made fanart and captured gifs of the game to post to tumblr/reddit
I would love to make a game that's this cute.
Lovers in a Dangerous SpacetimeExplore and defend yourself.
The player is stuck in space and have to defend his/her battleship.
Single player mode.Gems.Collaborator.
To destroy enemies, shoot at them.
Collaborator can compete even when playing together.
Teamwork is important in relationships.
Color Design (colors combinations that work better together).
Lovers in a Dangerous SpacetimeFree trapped bunniesRescue love in spacePlatformerHealthProtagonist
If you run into the wall, you lose health
Make your pet do all the shooting because you can't aim
It's full of stereotypes of cuteness, like bunnies and rainbows
The graphics! The animation is perfect for promoting a light attitude.
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetimeq
save the universe from evil by using teamwork
adventure game
yamato cannon charge
you have to be at the correct station to pilot the ship
one player should drive while the other defends.
n/a?Co-op system
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
collect bunnies, kill evil things, save universe
save universe from antilove
co-op shooter/adventure
healthco-op vs Game
you need bunnies to continue to progress
you learn to have one driver and one shooter
none are evidentenemy spawning
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
Fight through enemies to rescue allies
Save the world!Co-op adventureYour healthPlayer and Pet
You can only operate one machine at a time
Unlocking a door by rescuing all the bunnies
sci fi theme
Interesting level design
Lovers in a Dangerous SpacetimeSave bunnies, traverse portals.
The heart reactor is broken; we must restore it to restore spacetime.
space adventureYour trusty space-petcooperative play
The guns on the cardinal directions can only move 180 degrees.
letting the dog use the shields
wanting to get my friends together to play this in a group
That killer dog A.I.
GamePlayer ObjectiveNarrative ThemeGameplay Genre
One Inscribed Resource
One Player RelationshipOne Inscribed RuleOne Dynamic Procedure
One Cultural Layer Element
What from this game do you want to learn how to create?
PassageReach the end Time, ageArt adventure game
The counter showing how far you have gone from the start
Discussions of the game's meaning between players
View of game world restricted to narrow passage
The player chooses which direction to go and how quickly they reach the end
Commentary about life
Hosting a game on a web page
PassageOnly lasts 5 min, you move
Experience the lifetime of the character
side-scrollerThe woman character
Single player versus the game. You are the protagonist.
you can't move through obstacles
Whether you are connected to the woman decides how you can move through out the game
The game is an art form by the developer. Made to represent the entire life of the character
Learn how to block off the sections of the map you're not currently in line with
PassageTo keep walking and exploreThe passage of lifePhilosophical TimeExplorerCan't walk through objects
Don't pair with another so that player fit in between blocks
There are different interpretation of this game and those interpretations will shape the players after playing this game.
A deep, meaningful narrative
None? Perhaps to go as far right as possible
AgingSide-scroller/artPartnerPlayer vs Game
You cannot walk through walls
Players could choose not to walk at all
Some argue that Passage is not actually a game
Hard to think of anything not done in other games
Human life, its beginning and sudden ending.
Nothing really, just unlimited lifetimes.
Single player.Death is inevitable.
Player can choose to marry or not.
Life as a whole, but mainly focusing in the brevity of our life as we know it.
Pixel art.