Voda byla skvělá.The water was great.The water was.-1.4097806580.5066643467-464
Letecký den v Chebu.Aviation day in Cheb.The day in Berlin.-1.0712999240.47287125462-437
Příště se Honza vrátí k pentatonice a zkusíte si ji dát dohromady právě s dvanáctkou.Then Honza returns to the pentatonic, and you can try to put it together with the twelve-member group.Next time, Honza will return to the pentatonice and try to put it together with the the.-0.85584354360.41958358446-388
Ukrajinský voják zajatý separatistyA Ukrainian soldier captured by separatistsA Ukrainian soldier captured separatists-0.62918777470.651113103486-383
Lucie Borhyová: Dramatický návrat před kameru!Lucie Borhyová: A dramatic return to the camera!Lucie thongs: Dramatic return to the camera!-0.72792792930.46905280459-379
Předvolební agitka?Pre-election propaganda?The election agitka ?-1.2563852040.3021385381-376
A Lafatu trápí teplotaAnd Lafata has a feverAnd worries Lafatu temperature-1.1259192230.27982618364-346
Ale lidé dovedou vyprávět příběhy, fabulovat.But men can tell stories, whoppers in fact.But people can tell stories, fabulovat.-0.93226993870.31149143388-345
Vím, že Grigorij nepůjde.I know Georgy won't go.I know that Grigory won't work.-0.87237378990.31239456389-333
„Sice nás to nepřekvapilo, ale rozzuřilo nás to,“ řekla zákonodárkyně Emily Lau, předsedkyně Demokratické strany.It's not unexpected, but it is still infuriating, said legislator Emily Lau, chairwoman of the Democratic Party.While we weren't surprised, but we made it, she said zákonodárkyně Emily Lau, the chairwoman of the Democratic Party.-0.88171526170.28051653367-314
Jak my říkáme - přejedli se jich až po hrdlo.As we say, they're up to their necks.As we say-přejedli them up to the throat.-1.0033776220.26538632342-310
Dostaňte se blízko k fotografovanému objektu.Get close to your subjects.Bail , close to fotografovanému object .-1.2055803790.2444628316-308
To až teď.Only now.It's up to now.-0.56296467930.359304116418-302
Zvyknout si po návratu ze slunečné pláže nebo chalupy na běžné pracovní tempo může být pro mnohé oříšek.Getting used to the regular work pace after returning from a sunny beach or cottage can be a challenge for many people.He can use the return from a sunny beach or a cottage to normal work pace to be for a many nut.-0.89423713610.2713451351-300
Dnes má svůj domovský hangár na letišti v Mnichově Hradišti.Today it has its home hangar at the airport in Mnichově Hradišti.Today, he has his home hangar at the airport in Munich.-0.31568269650.486836169465-296
Byli jsme rychlí, přitom jsem nejel přes vint.We were fast, but I didn't go through with it.We were fast, but I didn't go through the vint.-0.1666191750.786075202490-288
Pojď, ještě kousek, to zvládneš aneb jak jsem si užil We Run PragueCome a little closer you can manage it, or how I enjoyed We Run PragueCome still a, bit, you will manage it, or how I enjoyed us Run, Prague.-0.40036717610.396538156437-281
Účastnice kbelíkové výzvy si vykloubila čelistIce Bucket Challenge participant dislocates her jawParties to kbelíkové calls dislocated her jaw-0.95808756340.24446237316-279
Přiberete-li třetí strunu, už můžete koketovat s melodií nějaké písničky.If you take the third string, you can already flirt with the melody of a certain song.If you will take - the third string, you can koketovat already with melody of any song.-0.4669274050.355729142416-274
Měl by proto odejít.Therefore, he should leave.It should therefore leave .-0.67647968980.27301289356-267
Abychom to pochopili, odvraťme na chvíli svůj zrak od vesmíru jako celku k něčemu přízemnějšímu, konkrétně k dlouhé a tenké zahradní hadici na zalévání.In order for us to understand it, let's shift our vision for a moment from the universe as a whole to something more down to earth, specifically a long and thin basic garden hose.To understand this, and for a moment his eyes from the universe as a whole to something přízemnějšímu, specifically to the long and thin garden hose for watering.-0.50819477910.313411128392-264
Jenom věděl, že se to od něj očekává, to bylo celé.He knew it was expected of him, that was all.He only knew that he was expected of him, that was all.-0.12330200650.59146215479-264
Měl by proto odejít.Therefore, he should leave.Therefore, it should leave.-0.16081887670.508133206469-263
Máš moc velké nohy.Your feet's too big.Your legs are too big.-0.31313511180.386097170431-261
Sama se cítila rozmrzelá, ale tíha jeho smutku ji překvapila.She felt leaden herself, but the weight of his grief surprised her.Itself felt rozmrzelá , but the burden of his grief it surprised .-0.92220762370.22718746297-251
Přestože někteří kuřáci dostanou rakovinu plic, ne všichni pacienti s rakovinou plic kouřili.Though some smokers get lung cancer, for example, not all lung cancer sufferers have smoked.Though some smokers get lung cancer, not all patients with lung cancer, smoking.-0.21365725720.421266196447-251
A jako rozbušky použijeme naše soukmenovce, kteří bydlí na jejich území.And we can use our countrymen who live on their territory as weapons.And as rozbušky , use our soukmenovce who live in their territory .-1.2539233870.196756255-249
Hala by se vyprodala, plánuje rozlučku JágrThe arena would be sold out, according to Jágr's planned going away party.The hall would be sold out, planned bachelor party Jagr-0.53916583230.282721124371-247
Svádět expozici smrtelného azbestu na jednu firmu nebo místo výkonu práce - obvykle desítky let poté, co se tak stalo - se pro pacienty s mezoteliomem usilující o kompenzaci ukázalo být obrovským problémem.In fact, pinning lethal asbestos exposure on one company or place of work - usually decades after the fact - has proved a huge problem for mesothelioma sufferers seeking compensation.Seduce exposure to deadly asbestos on one company or place of work - typically decades after it happened - for patients with mesothelioma seeking compensation turned out to be a huge problem.-0.49263013520.300237132379-247
Nejdelší rok má 10 měsíců.The longest year has 10 months.The longest has 10 months a year.-0.45028638110.307394146386-240
V příběhu Prozření uváděném mimo soutěž, který natočil oscarový Barry Levison podle románu Philipa Rotha, má čtyřiasedmdesátiletý Pacino roli, jež je mu blízká: herce na vrcholu slávy, který trpí depresemi z konce kariéry i osobního života.In the story "Epiphany", screened outside of the competition and filmed by Oscar-winning Barry Levison according to the novel by Phillip Roth, 74-year-old Pacino has a role that is close to him: a highly celebrated actor who suffers from depression from the end of his career and personal life.In the story of enlightenment placed outside the competition, which drew atmosphere Barry Levison, according to Philip Roth novel, Pacino's profane role, which is close to him: The actor at the top of the glory, who suffer from depression at the end of his career and personal life.-0.57027260040.271972113352-239
Jedná se o téměř neudržitelný monopol, který si žádá důkladnou reformu.This is an almost untenable duopoly calling for complete root-and-branch reform.This is an almost unsustainable monopoly who requires a thorough reform.-0.3293383210.331808167406-239
S Frenchovou, se kterou byl ženatý 25 let, jsou stále dobří přátelé.He's still very good friends with French, to whom he was married for 25 years.With the French, to whom he was married for 25 years, are still good friends.-0.062277974360.53934237476-239
Petr Čech: Přestup na poslední chvíli?Petr Čech: Transfer at the last minute?Petr Čech: vessel na last moment?-0.62631215890.264436104341-237
Všechno bylo způsobené tím, že auto jsme piplali více než půl roku, aby bylo na nějaké úrovni.Everything was caused by the fact that we worked on the car for more than half a year to get it to a certain level.It was caused by the fact that the car we busied ourselves for more than half a year to be on some level.-0.093908596590.483656228464-236
Luther Rabinowitz spojil konečky prstů.Luther Rabinowitz made a pyramid of his fingers.Luther Rabinowitz teamed with his fingertips.-0.87223805630.2238457292-235
Je to hlavní téma a všichni jsou rozrušení.It's the talk of the town and everyone is pretty excited.It is the main topic, and everyone is upset.-0.80413226250.22241465287-222
Samozřejmě že v uvedeném případě jsme se zrovna nepředřeli, abychom "svinutou" dimenzi ovíjející tloušťku hadice odhalili.Of course, in the specified case we did not exactly re-rub in order to uncover the coiled dimension wrapping the thickness of the hose.Of course, in that case we just nepředřeli us "together" about the thickness of the hose dimension uncovered.-0.93199096640.204444264-220
Přišly výsledky rentgenu.The results of the X-ray came back.Came the results of the X-ray.-0.21747244030.348017192412-220
Odpověď, kterou Kaluza tiše předpokládal mezi řádky a kterou jasně vyslovil a upřesnil švédský matematik Oskar Klein v roce 1926, stojí a padá s tvrzením, že prostorová geometrie našeho vesmíru může mít jak velké, tak i svinuté rozměry.The answer that Kaluza predicted quietly between the lines, and which was clearly expressed and clarified by Swedish mathematician Oskar Klein in 1926, rests and falls with the claim that the spatial geometry of our universe could have both large and coiled dimensions.The answer that Kaluza quietly assumed between the lines and you clearly expressed and clarified the Swedish mathematician Oskar Klein in 1926, stands and falls with the statement that the spatial geometry of our universe can have as large, so i curled up dimensions.-0.091553733690.431445229449-220
Je těžké si představit, že se Twitch vmíchá do Amazon Instant Video stejně elegantně, jako by ho bývalo mohlo spolknout YouTube.It's hard to imagine Twitch being folded into Amazon Instant Video as elegantly as YouTube could have just swallowed Twitch.It is hard to imagine that the twitch stir into the Amazon Instant Video as elegantly as if he might have to swallow YouTube.-0.36768518150.295152163376-213
I hráči, kteří se podíleli na zlatém hattricku.This included players who participated in the golden hat trick.Even players who participated in the golden hat-trick.0.045500605430.565393264477-213
Hráč loterie v Harvey získá milion.A Harvey lotto player is in the month.Lottery player in Harvey gets a million.-0.99730005110.1914933245-212
Soudce dočasně zablokoval zákon, který mohl zavřít všechny potratové kliniky v LouisianěJudge temporarily blocks law that could close all Louisiana abortion clinicsA judge temporarily blocked a law that could close the all potratový kliniks in Louisiana.-0.57703594380.249033112323-211
Mezoteliom je ale jiný.But mesothelioma is different.But the Mezoteliom is different.-0.10415651080.386097225431-206
Měl jsem to na noze, takové šance musím dávat.I had it on my foot, and I have to take advantage of such a chance. I had it on my leg, I have to give a chance. -0.248701896356436 0.304546 182 385 -203
Začíná být jasné, že Cameronovo odmítnutí debatovat o nezávislosti se skotským premiérem Salmondem bylo pro unionistickou kampaň vážným omylem. It is becoming clear that Cameron's refusal to debate about independence with Scottish Prime Minister Salmond was a major mistake for the unionist campaign. It is becoming clear that Cameron's refusal to discuss independence, Prime Minister Salmond Scottish Unionist campaign was for a serious mistake. -0.0566138162387936 0.396453 239 436 -197
Žáci si Bunsenův kahan stavěli na azbestové podložky Pupils perched their Bunsen burners on asbestos mats They have bunsenův kahan built on azbestové Częste -1.35628987537368 0.160366 4 199 -195
Bydliště prasete v Ipswichi na prodej Ipswich 'pig in residence' house for sale Residence pig in ipswichi for Sale -0.759424876954124 0.206932 77 269 -192
Rodičovské starosti vyměnila Lucie Borhyová alespoň pro dnešní večer za ty pracovní. Lucie Borhyová has exchanged parental responsibilities for work at least for this evening. Parental worries exchanged Lucie Borhyová at least for tonight, for those working. -0.598522008546359 0.227365 106 298 -192
Navíc si na tento závod od nás chce půjčit fabii Honza Sýkora. Furthermore, for this race sometimes he wants to borrow the Fabia from Honza Sýkora. Moreover Fabia Honza Sýkora wants to borrow from us to this race. -0.851039797749452 0.19467 59 249 -190
A ti, kteří se nyní obviněním brání, mají na své straně čas, což jejich žalobci rozhodně ne. And those defending themselves from claims know they have time on their side, which the claimants certainly do not. And those who are now fighting the accusations they have time on their side, which of their applicants, definitely not. -0.0272551925684819 0.376296 243 427 -184
Nebylo jasné, jestli chtěla ropuchu zachránit nebo jestli ji chtěla sežrat sama, ale to bylo nepodstatné. It was not clear whether she wanted to save the toad or if she herself wanted to eat it, but that's not what was important. It was not clear whether she wanted to save the toad, or if she wanted to eat alone, but that was irrelevant. 0.0951799787571987 0.502654 282 466 -184
Pro firmy ve Virginii a D.C. představuje daň z nemovitosti téměř polovinu státního a místního zdanění. Virginia and D.C. firms pay nearly half of their state and local tax bills in the form of property taxes. For companies in virginii and D.C. represents a real estate almost half of the state and local taxation . -1.0851328146992 0.162467 23 203 -180
Svět v roce 2004 zalapal po dechu, když malou Alyonu vynesl v náručí z beslanského zajetí ruský policista. The world gasped in 2004 when baby Alyona was carried out of the Beslan siege cradled in the arms of a Russian policeman. In 2004, the world gasped when a little Alyonu brought in the arms of the beslanského captive Russian policeman. -0.663072426875095 0.207874 90 270 -180
Popuzeně si to připustil. He recognised prickly. Irritably he admitted it. -0.163825930588056 0.302138 204 381 -177
Obchod by Norwegian Cruise, společnosti s tržní hodnotou 6,8 miliard dolarů, která soupeří s větší konkurencí Royal Carrebian Cruises s.r.o. (RCL.N) a Carnival Corp (CCL.N), umožnil přístup k luxusním výletním lodím Prestige Cruises a bohaté klientele. A deal would give Norwegian Cruise, a company with a market value of $6.8 billion, access to Prestige Cruises' luxury cruise ships and affluent clientele as it competes with bigger rivals Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd (RCL.N) and Carnival Corp (CCL.N). Norwegian Cruise, a company with a market value of $6.8 billion, which would compete with larger competitors Royal RCL.N s.r.o. Carrebian Cruises and Carnival Corporation CCL.N, access to the luxury cruise ship Prestige Cruises and wealthy clients. -0.0826523482860637 0.333306 232 408 -176
Neřekl bych, že je to takový rozdíl, spíš záleží na nás, jak se s tím popereme. I wouldn't say that it's such a difference, but it depends on how we battle. I don't think it's such a difference, rather depends on us, how to roughhouse with it. -0.344770214630609 0.262207 164 337 -173
Týká se to zejména článků o konfliktu Izraele a Hamásu v pásmu Gazy. It has to do with, for example, articles about the conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. This concerns of on the of especially Article conflict Israel and Hamas in a zone, Strip. -0.697246054401794 0.199617 87 259 -172
Karrathská policie obvinila dvacetiletého mladíka z neuposlechnutí výzvy k zastavení a neopatrného řízení. Karratha Police have charged a 20-year-old man with failing to stop and reckless driving. Karrathská police accused of disobeying twenties are prompted to stop and careless driving. -0.877313227363765 0.174065 55 224 -169
Zvlášť ta ryba na trámu byla výživná! That fish on the beam was especially nutritious! Especially the fish on the beam was nourishing! 0.232543472181378 0.587395 310 478 -168
Mezi lety 1865 a 1890 bylo nejméně 10 000 černochů lynčováno a důvodem bylo téměř ve všech případech znásilnění bělošky,“ řekla Hatteryová. Between 1865 and 1890, at least 10,000 black men were lynched and the justification was almost always the rape of a white woman," said Hattery.
Between 1865 and 1890, there were at least 10,000 black Negroes, and the reason was almost in all cases of rape, "said Hatteryová.-0.5399606440.223186123289-166
A když referují ke "slovu Božímu", referují k mýtům o bohu zapsaným lidmi.And when they refer to the "word of God", they're talking about myths written about God by men.And when you refer to the "word of God", refer to the myths about God entered human beings.0.033541018290.379033262428-166
Ano, je unaven, ale také slabý, protože nebyl nikdy silný... nebojuje za Ukrajinu, jen si neustále na vše stěžuje.Yes, he's tired, but he's also weak, because he has never been strong, and he doesn't fight for Ukraine, he just complains about everything.Yes, he's tired, but also weak because it has never been strong... don't fight for Ukraine, it's just constantly complains about everything.-0.14699761450.285809209374-165
Představte si, že na obvod hadice nakreslíme černou barvou poměrně hustou řadu kružnic.Imagine that on the circumference of the hose we draw a relatively thick row of rings in black color.Imagine the perimeter of the hose do we draw a relatively thick black paint a series of circles.-0.03042821070.329236241403-162
Lucie se však v hlavní zpravodajské relaci TV Nova ještě pravidelně ukazovat nebude.However, Lucie will not yet regularly appear on TV Nova's main news broadcasts.Lucie But the main news program Nova TV show will still periodically.-1.150055050.14961513173-160
Zdálky vypadá hadice stále jako tenká jednorozměrná čára.From a distance, the hose still appears as a thin one-dimensional line.Afar hose looks still like a thin jednorozměrný line.-0.97479447660.15827935193-158
Nejdřív ji pomazlit - pomazlit se stalo nejběžnějším výrazem pro erotické dráždění mezi mužem a ženou: protilátka mdlých balad o lásce, které rádio chrlilo - nejdřív ji pomazli, pak jí jednu vraž.Snog her first - the snog having become the most common expression of erotic irritation between men and women; an antidote to the bland ballads of love the console pumped out - snog her first and cuff her later.At first, the hug had become the most common expression for erotic irritation between a man and woman: an antidote to had ballads about love that the radio spat first first, then one hit.-0.70881771490.18946484242-158
Zaujal také komorní psychothriller Hladová srdce, který natočil Saverio Costanzo s Albou Rohrwacherovou v úloze ženy, jež svou scestnou úzkostlivostí málem zahubí vlastní dítě.The psycho thriller "The Hungry Heart", filmed by Saverio Costanzo with Alba Rohrwacher in the role of a woman who through her fits of rage nearly kills her own child, also received acclaim.Chamber psychothriller took also the hungry hearts which filmed Saverio, Costanza with Alba Rohrwacherová, in a role of a woman who by his scestný úzkostlivost he will kill an own child almost.-0.80410680080.17348366223-157
Jinak ve vodě nebylo nic vidět, a to jsme ji prosvítili až na dno.Otherwise, nothing was visible in the water, and we shined all the way to the bottom.Otherwise, there was nothing to be seen in the water, and we stuck it down to the bottom.0.020083648830.341149257410-153
„Doufám, že ti z vás, kteří si prohlíží fotky, které jsme si před lety s manželem pořídili v soukromí domova, jsou se sebou spokojení,“ napsala Winsteadová na Twitteru.To those of you looking at photos I took with my husband years ago in the privacy of our home, hope you feel great about yourselves, Winstead tweeted.“ I hope that those of you who have viewed pictures that we years ago with the husband purchased in the privacy of the home , are with us happy , ” wrote winsteadová on twitteru .-1.1342374780.14504116166-150
D.C. studie nehodnotila.The District wasn't evaluated in the study.The D. C. study did not evaluate.-0.68651408330.18575188238-150
Někdy se tyto knížky v podstatě půjčují v podobě elektronické licence platné po určitou dobu od distributorů jako, Chegg a Barnes & Noble Inc.Sometimes those books are essentially rented by providing the electronic license for a specific period from distributors such as, Chegg and Barnes & Noble Inc .Sometimes these books lend essentially in a form of an electronic licence valid for a certain period from distributors as, Chegg and Barnes & Noble incisit.0.019383561630.331719255405-150
Hovoříme o lidech, kteří si mysleli, že králíci jsou přežvýkavci a netopýři jsou ptáci a velryby jsou ryby a pí že je celé číslo.We're talking about people who think that rabbits chew cud, and that bats are birds, and whales are fish, and that Pi is a round number.We are talking about people who thought that rabbits are ruminants, birds and bats and whales are fish that pi is an integer.-0.52565873430.21027126275-149
Je pro mě těžké do té tělocvičny vstoupit, ale musím.It is hard for me to go inside the gym but I must do it.It is difficult for me to join in the Center , but I have .-0.49316241220.213054131279-148
Autoři této knihy to samozřejmě nevěděli.Obviously the authors of this book didn't.The authors of this book that , of course , did not know .-0.30537023910.246014172319-147
Vím, že moje řešení nebylo správné, ale přišlo mi v tu chvíli jako lidské," neskrývala rozhořčení obžalovaná, která údajně ve vztahu muži podléhala a bála se ho.I know that my solution was not right, but at the time it seemed humane to me," the accused, who allegedly submitted to the man in the relationship and was afraid of him, said, not hiding her anger.I know that my solution was not right, but it came to me at this moment as human, "he said, concealing the indignation of the defendant, which was supposed to be in the relationship of the man, and was afraid of him.-0.0016542720790.319336252399-147
Podle některých komentátorů může být na vině změna v přístupu diváků a vyšší popularita internetových serverů jako Netflix.Some commentators have suggested that changing viewing habits and the increased popularity of web streaming services such as Netflix may be to blame.According to some commentators may be due to a change in the approach of viewers and the increased popularity of web sites such as Netflix has gone.-0.10629521720.280083222366-144
Neomluvená absence v zápočtovém listu nemá stejné důsledky jako § 53 (např. nemožnost pobírat hmotné zabezpečení v nezaměstnanosti), přesto je tím ztížená možnost hledání nového zaměstnání.An inexcusable absence in your records will not have the same consequences as Section 53 (such as the inability to collect unemployment benefits), even though it hinders your ability to seek new employment.Neomluvená absence in credit worksheet does not have the same consequences as § 53 (e.g. inability to receive material security in unemployment), however, is the increased difficulty of finding a new job.-0.49009295590.211813135278-143
„Odjela jsem dvě minuty předtím, než teroristé vtrhly na dvůr, takže můj chlapeček tam tři dny zůstal sám,“ vzpomínala.I left two minutes before the terrorists rushed into the yard, so my little boy was left there alone for three days of horror,' she recalled.“ went , I have two minutes before the terrorists stormed the Court , so my baby boy there three days left alone , ” mentioned .-0.40720460860.225027152295-143
O rodině budu přemýšlet později.I will think about a family later.On a family, I will think later.0.15553877550.382603287429-142
Situace, kdy jsem v prvních třech zápasech nové sezony nechytal, je pro mě po patnácti letech kariéry nová.The situation when I have not ended up anywhere as a goalkeeper in the first three games of the new season is new for my fifteen-year career.The situation when I did not catch in the first three matches of a new season is for me after fifteen years of a career new.-0.15945957840.269515207348-141
Napište nám do diskuze, jestli se i vám trasa líbila a co říkáte na situaci v cíli.Please write to us in the discussion forum whether you liked the route and what your thoughts are about the situation with the finish point.Write to us for discussion, if you liked the route and what you say on the situation in the finish.-0.10771057730.278235221360-139
Všichni se na nás chtějí vytáhnout.Everyone wants to tear us apart.All of us want to pull out.-0.50061575870.205567129267-138
Pro řetězec pracovala devět let, od roku 1978 do roku1987, kdy dohlížela ve dvou prodejnách na sekci s oblečením - jednou z míst byla vlajková loď společnosti, obchod na Oxford Street.She worked for the chain for nine years, from 1978 to 1987, supervising clothes sections at two sites - one of which was the flagship store on Oxford Street.She worked for a string of nine years, from 1978 to roku1987, ever vigilant in two stores on the section with clothes - one of the places was the flagship company, the shop on Oxford Street.-0.22709396070.25356191328-137
Jsou to stejné děti jako ty naše.They are just the same children, like ours.The same children as it our, it is.-0.82783326270.16036663199-136
„Lidé příliš trpí a pomoc potřebují hned,“ řekl Penning v prosinci minulého roku během druhého čtení zákona týkajícího se mezoteliomu.People are suffering so much, and need help today, said Penning during the Mesothelioma Bill's second reading in December last year.People do not really suffer and need help now, he said Penning in December last year, during the second reading of the law relating to mesothelioma.-0.73540089860.16805979214-135
Všichni se na nás chtějí vytáhnout.Everyone wants to tear us apart.They all want to pull us.-0.41349813420.220896150284-134
Tři kilometry do cíle budou bolet, ale je potřeba opravdu máknout.The three kilometers to the finish are going to hurt, but it is really necessary to make it.Three miles into the objectives will be hurt, but it is necessary to really work.-0.33296420820.229568166300-134
Abychom si existenci kruhového rozměru uvědomili, museli jsme hadici zkoumat s výrazně lepším rozlišením.In order for us to realize the existence of the circular dimension, we had to examine a hose with much better characteristics.To the existence of a radial dimension is realized, we had to examine the hose with a significantly better resolution.-0.27820545720.241426177311-134
Ve zprávě Goddardu stojí, že „přítomnost azbestu není v souladu s několika předpisy.“The Goddard report noted that "the presence of asbestos has not been managed in accordance with the various regulations."In the report goddardu costs that “ the presence of asbestos is not in accordance with the rules . ”-0.23908695920.246229187320-133
Takže nějak realizovatelné by to jistě bylo.So it could be somewhat achievable.So any feasible , this would certainly be .-0.88099861140.15619754186-132
V příběhu Prozření uváděném mimo soutěž, který natočil oscarový Barry Levison podle románu Philipa Rotha, má čtyřiasedmdesátiletý Pacino roli, jež je mu blízká: herce na vrcholu slávy, který trpí depresemi z konce kariéry i osobního života.In the story "Epiphany", screened outside of the competition and filmed by Oscar-winning Barry Levison according to the novel by Phillip Roth, 74-year-old Pacino has a role that is close to him: a highly celebrated actor who suffers from depression from the end of his career and personal life.The lucidity of the story as presented out of competition, who made the Oscar-winning Barry Levison novel by Philip Roth, has čtyřiasedmdesátiletý role Pacino, who are close to him: the actor of glory who is depressed from the end of their careers and personal lives.-0.8962320650.15371350179-129
Jedna věc je dívat se ve tři ráno kamarádce přes rameno, jak hraje Resident Evil, a úplně jiná věc je pozorovat někoho cizího, jak dostane dvacet zásahů do hlavy v Call of Duty.It's one thing to look over your friend's shoulder at 3 in the morning as she creeps through Resident Evil, and quite another to watch some rando get 20 headshots in a row in Call of Duty.It is one thing to look at three in the morning, a friend over his shoulder as he plays Resident Evil, and quite another thing to watch a stranger to get 20 hits to the head in the Call of Duty.-0.2541972110.241252181310-129
Ale koneckonců, dva opravdu výtečné filmy, tedy Birdman a Černé duše, nejsou na první polovinu festivalu tak málo.But in the end, two really excellent films, "Birdman" and "Black Souls", are not so few for the first half of the festival.But , after all , two really excellent films , birdman and black soul , are not in the first half of the festival so little .-0.20039765510.253365198327-129
Ke konci vystoupení se přesune do prostoru mezi křídly letounu, kde její show pokračuje," popsal Luděk Matějíček z chebského Ultralight Clubu a organizátor leteckého dne.Near the end of the performance, she moves to the space between the aircraft's wings, where her show continues," explained Luděk Matějíček from the Cheb Ultralight Club, the organizer of Aviation Day.At the end of speeches will move into the space between the wings of the airplane, where her show goes on, "described by Luděk Matějíček from Cheb Ultralight Club, and the organizer of Airshow.-0.19789986770.251655199325-126
První den školy se tradičně slaví tak, že děti si oblečou vyšívané košile, přinesou balonky a učitelům dávají květiny.The first day back at school is traditionally celebrated by children wearing embroidered shirts, carrying balloons and giving flowers to their teachers.On the first day of school is traditionally celebrated so that the children they wear embroidered shirts, balloons and teachers will give flowers.-0.40980270150.210845151276-125
Podle předního britského odborníka na mezoteliom profesora Juliana Peta nejlepší odhad je, že mezi lety 1970 a 2050, kdy se azbestová epidemie v Británii odehrává, zemře asi 90 000 lidí.According to Britain's leading expert on mesothelioma, Professor Julian Peto, our best guess is that between 1970 and 2050, when the asbestos epidemic in Britain should have played itself out, some 90,000 people will have died.According to a leading British expert on mesothelioma Professor Julian Pete is the best estimate that between 1970 and 2050, when the asbestos epidemic in Britain is about 90 000 people die.0.19793325340.361722297422-125
Spekulovalo se také o zájmu Paris SG.Interest from Paris SG was also speculated about.Paris SG also speculated on the interest.-0.11065646680.266473219343-124
Zaprvé, vesmír má tři velké, daleko se rozléhající prostorové rozměry (z nichž jsme nakreslili jen dva), kdežto hadice má velký rozměr jen jeden.First, the universe has three large spatial dimensions far sprawling from each other (of which we have drawn only two), and only hose has a large dimension.Firstly, the universe has three large, distant echoes of spatial dimensions (of which we have drawn only two), while the hose has a large dimension only one.0.28941422550.441201329453-124
Zákon vytvořil 350 milionovou finanční rezervu, kterou hradí pojišťovny a která je určena lidem diagnostikovaným po červenci 2012, kteří mohou prokázat, že byli vystaveni azbestu, ale nemají koho žalovat.The law has created a £350m pot of money, funded by the insurance industry, for those diagnosed after July 2012 who can prove exposure but have no one to sue.The law has created a 350 ] the financial envelope are covered by insurance companies , which is intended to people diagnostikovaným after July 2012 , who can prove that they were subjected to asbestos , but do not have anyone to court .-0.64736407890.16898695218-123
Zástupce Lawrencové TMZ řekl: „Jde o jasné porušení soukromí.“A representative for Lawrence told TMZ: "This is a flagrant violation of privacy."TMZ's representative, said: "It is a clear violation of privacy."-0.44256305480.2067148268-120
Od té doby fyzici nazývají možnost dodatečných drobných prostorových rozměrů Kaluzovou-Kleinovou teorií.Since then, the physicists have referred to the possibility of additional small spatial dimensions as the Kaluza-Klein Theory.Since then physicists call the possibility of additional small spatial dimensions Kaluzovou-Kleinovou theories.0.22280938840.370132304424-120
Vedoucí výzkumu Susan Jordanová z QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute uvedla, že u žen ve venkovských a odlehlých oblastech státu byla asi o dvacet procent vyšší pravděpodobnost, že během studie zemřou než u žen v městských oblastech.Lead researcher Susan Jordan, of the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, said those living in regional and remote areas of the state were about 20 per cent more likely to die during the study than those in urban areas.Research manager Susan Jordan of the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute said that for women in rural and remote areas of the state was about twenty percent more likely to die during the study than women in urban areas.0.33881617850.470538341461-120
To Darlinga donutilo, aby volil mezi skotskou občanskou společností a londýnskými finančníky, a s grimasou padl do této pasti.This forced Darling to choose between Scottish civil society and London bankers, and this situation made him grimace.That Darling forced to choose between the Scottish civil society and the London financiers, and with a grimace fell into this trap.-0.24452638210.23278184303-119
Výkřiky jásotu, ale místo rychlého startu následovalo cupitání ke startovní čáře.Cries of jubilation, but instead of the quick start it was followed by rushing to the starting line.Shouts of jubilation, but instead of fast-start followed scurrying to the starting line.0.22705713560.37066307425-118
Na špici se dlouho pohyboval i Jaromír Tarabus, kterému chystáte vůz.Jaromír Tarabus, for you are preparing a car, was also at the top for a long time.On the top of a long and varied Tarabus, who are going to the car.-1.1290094190.12959217133-116
A zas noví prvňáci, někteří nervní a jiní natěšení, proč sem vůbec lezou?And what about the new first-graders, some of them nervous and others excited, why are they coming over here at all?And the new freshmen, some nervous and others comfortable, why not come here?-1.1487863860.12644814129-115
Další politické strany v názvech lig se podle Jana Mráky neobjeví.According to Jan Mráka, no other political parties will appear in the names of leagues.Other political parties in the titles of leagues, according to John Mráky.-0.89120659120.14566452167-115
Abychom si existenci kruhového rozměru uvědomili, museli jsme hadici zkoumat s výrazně lepším rozlišením.In order for us to realize the existence of the circular dimension, we had to examine a hose with much better characteristics.In order to realize the existence of the circular dimension, we had to examine the hose with significantly better resolution.0.42175511910.599722366481-115
Na každém následujícím obrázku se zaměříme na malou oblast obrázku předcházejícího; zvětšíme ji, aby se stala viditelnou.On each subsequent image, we will focus on the small area of the previous image; we will enlarge it so that it becomes visible.In each of the following picture focusing on a small area of the previous image; it helps to become visible.-0.11117648760.259067218332-114
Možná byl úmyslně krutý Kavern.Maybe he, Kevern, did.He may have been intentionally cruel Kavern.-0.77432071180.15619773186-113
Když napíšu něco o tom, že barevní jsou ve své vlastní zemi v pasti, je to ticho ohlušující.When I post something about how people of color are under siege in their own country, the silence is deafening.When I will write something about it coloured they are in their own country in a trap silence, it is deafen.-0.78661194180.15448871183-112
Může jich být ovšem i mnohem víc.But of course, there could be many more.Of them he can be however and much more.-0.76266001930.15619775186-111
A třída a podobné soutěže?A category or similar competitive events were created.And Class and similar competitions?-0.80346822310.14983267176-109