INSTRUCTIONS: Make a copy of this sheet (FILE--> Make a copy) to fill in your answers. Share email link with when finished.
FOR EXTRA CREDIT, make a short video or reel of you completing the homework and SHARE IN AN IG, TIKTOK OR FACEBOOK REEL/POST AND TAG US (not a story because they disappear after 24 hours and we might miss it). ) FOR EXTRA CREDIT
If you notice a pet might be experiencing abnormal breathing (rapid or laboured), what is the appropriate course of action?
If a pet is acting drunk or looks off-balance, 1) name the possible causes and b) list the approprate course of action.
If a pet is experiencing a seizure (or seizure-like episode) 1) name the possible causes and b) list the approprate course of action.
If a pet has a rash 1) name the possible causes and b) list the approprate course of action.
If a pet is having abnormal urination (straining, blood in the urine, more frequent urination, urinating in inappropriate places such as inside the house or ousidet he litterbox) 1) name the possible causes and b) list the approprate course of action.
If a pet has symptoms of behavioural diseases (such as fearful, aggressive, snarling, biting/snapping, fear-aggressive, fearful/aggressive in vet setting, etc.) 1) discuss why it is important to address this swiftly, seriously, and consistently b) list the approprate course of action.
a) What are some symptoms of IVDD? b) What breeds of dogs are most commonly affected by IVDD? c) What is the appropriate course of action?
a) What are some symptoms of 1) underlying heart disease 2) congestive heart failure? b) What does it mean if a pet has a heart murmur? c) How can heart disease be prevented? d) If a pet is showing symptoms that raise concern for congestive heart failure, what is the appropriate course of action?
a) What are the causes of itching in pets? b) What is the approach/ course of action for a pet with itching?
What is the best way to clean and care for a pet's teeth?
a) What does the vestibular system do? b) What are some symptoms of a problem with the vestibular system? c) What diseases/disease processes can cause vestibular symptoms?
a) What are the symptoms of GDV? b) What is the appropriate course of action if you notice symptoms of GDV? c) How can GDV be prevented? d) what pets are at highest risk for GDV?
a) What is Addison's disease? b) What are the symptoms of Addison's disease? c)What is the appropriate course of action if you notice symptoms of GDV? d) what pets are at highest risk for Addison's diseases?
a) What is diet associated cardiomyopathy? b) What 4 ingredients and are known to cause this disease in some dogs? c) What types/genres of diets are most commonly implicated in diet associated cardiomyopathy? d) Can dogs die from this? e) can it be reversed if caught early enough?
a) What are some symptoms of an allergic reaction? b) Do all pets experiencing anapylactic shock have hives? c) What is the appropriate course of action when you notice symptoms of an allergic reaction? d) What allergy medications can be fatal if given to a pet? e) True or false: It is recommended to seek veterinary advice prior to administering any medication (including over-the-counter medications) to a pet, to confirm the dosage, route of administration and be apprised of any potential drug interactions, contraindications or side effects.
a) What are the important points to bear in mind when splinting a limb? b) What are the complications of splints? c) True or False: First aid splinting should always be followed by immediate veterinary care. d) What is the purpose of applying a splint?
a) What is brachycephalic airway disease? b) What pets get brachycephalic airway disease? c) How can a pet owner tell if their dog needs brachycephalic airway surgery? d) What factors commonly cause pets with untreated brachycephalic airway disease to decompensate and end up in the emergency room? e) How much does brachycephalic airway disease cost in your area? (ask about two scenarios: when performed as a way to prevent a respiratory crisis vs. waiting for the crisis to happen). f) Average the first 10 vet bills on GoFundMe for: brachycephalic airway e) Why is it important to ask your vet for a referral to a veterinary surgery specialist and have the aiirway surgery performed at a specialty hospital that is equipped with a 24 hour emergency and critical care unit? (vs. having the procedure performed at a family vet clinic by a GP?)
a) What symptoms affecting the eyes require evaluation by a veterinarian? b) What are common breed-associated eye problems? c) Describe general first aid for ocular concerns?
Please watch this video starting at 02:41. a) Why is it impotant for owners of purebreds to know about the common genetic diseases in their breed, and to find out whether their pet has been screened for them? b) What does Dr. Enberg say has changed with respect to daschnds and frenchies in his hospital during his career?
What are the most common breed-associated surgical diseases (hint:Dr.Mike King)?
What are the most common breed-associated neurologic problems (hint: Dr.Enberg Dr. Michele James)?
a) Is there an antidote for antifreeze? b) What is the course of action if you suspect a pet has ingested antifreeze? c) Can a pet that has ingested antifreeze be saved? If so, what are the conditions? d) Search antifreeze vet on GoFundMe and average the vet bills from the first 10 posts.
a) List 10 other common household toxins/poisons for pets (besides antifreeze). b) What is the appropriate course of action if you suspect a pet has been exposed to or has ingested a toxin/poison?
a) What is the proper way to clean a pet's ears? b) What solutions should never be put in the ear (because they can cause ototoxicity or deafness?) c) what is the concern with using q tips in the ear canal?