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1 | Christian denomination | Country | Institution Name | Type of Institution | URL | Quotes from leaders | |||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Catholic | Argentina | Asociación Civil Eco Raíces | Lay Organization | https://ecoraices.org.ar/ | Original (Spanish):Queremos nuestra casa única libre de contaminación y dando el ejemplo es la forma además de llevar 20 años voncientizando capacitando para este fin- Miguel angel Moro, President Ecoraices EN: We want our common home to be free from contamination and setting the example is the way to follow, in addition to having spent 20 years educating for this purpose. Miguel angel Moro President, Ecoraices | |||||||||||||||||||||
3 | Catholic | Argentina | Capítulo Argentina - Movimiento Católico Mundial por el Clima | Lay Organization | Original (Spanish): Como coordinadora del Capítulo Argentina del Movimiento Católico Mundial por el Clima, me place confirmarles que hemos decidido en Comité Ejecutivo que ninguna de las instituciones que representamos invertirá en combustibles fósiles por sus enormes daños a la humanidad y a los ecosistemas y su biodiversidad que la sustentan - Silvia Alonso, Coordenadora EN: As coordinator of the Argentinian Chapter of the Global Catholic Climate Movement, I am pleased to confirm that we have decided in the Executive Committee that none of the institutions we represent will invest in fossil fuels because of their enormous damage to humanity and to the ecosystems and biodiversity that sustain it - Silvia Alonso, Coordinator | ||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Catholic | Australia | Christian Life Community | Lay Organization | https://www.clcaustralia.org.au/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | Catholic | Bangladesh | Episcopal Commision for Justice and Peace | Bishops' Conference | http://www.cbcbsec.org/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | Catholic | Brazil | Diocese de São José dos Campos | Diocese | http://diocese-sjc.org.br/ | Original (Portuguese): Após consultar o ecônomo da Diocese de São José dos Campos, Pe. Geraldo Magela, em 07/05/2020, ele nos autorizou como Comissão Socioambiental desta diocese, a assumir o compromisso em não investir em combustíveis fósseis. É tarefa de toda a sociedade em trabalhar pela transição por uma economia livre de emissões de gases do efeito estufa. E é imprescindível para nós cristãos católicos assumir esta tarefa pelo bem de toda a comunidade vivente na Terra. EN: After consulting the bishop of the Diocese of São José dos Campos, Fr. Geraldo Magela, on 07/05/2020, he authorized us as the Socio-Environmental Commission of this diocese, to assume the commitment not to invest in fossil fuels. It is the task of the whole society to work towards the transition towards an economy free of greenhouse gas emissions. And it is essential for us Catholic Christians to take on this task for the good of the entire community living on Earth. | |||||||||||||||||||||
7 | Catholic | Colombia | Confederación Interamericana de Educación Católica - CIEC | Lay Organization | www.ciec.edu.co | Original (Spanish): La Confederación Interamericana de Educación Católica asume su compromiso de trabajar por cuidar y proteger la casa común. EN: The Inter-American Confederation of Catholic Education assumes its commitment to work to care for and protect the common home. | |||||||||||||||||||||
8 | Catholic | Ecuador | Secretariado Latinoamericano MIEC-JEC | Lay Organization | Original (Spanish): Tal como plantea el Papa Francisco, debemos abrirnos a formas de energías que sean sostenibles, a través de fuentes renovables. El cambio climático trae graves consecuencias para la humanidad, en especial para quienes viven en situaciones de pobreza. No podemos ser cómplices de los responsables del sufrimiento humano. Debemos entregar una señal clara respecto del cuidado de la creación. Jorge Parra Secretario Latinoamericano MIEC-JECI EN: As Pope Francis highlights, we must open to forms of energy that are sustainable, through renewable sources. Climate change has serious consequences for humanity, especially for those living in situations of poverty. We cannot be complicit in those responsible for human suffering. We must deliver a clear signal regarding the care of creation. Jorge Parra Latin American Secretary MIEC-JECI | ||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | Catholic | Indonesia | Archdiocese of Semarang | Archdiocese | https://kas.or.id/ | In this Covid-19 pandemic days, it is the exact time to reflect again about our way of living and building our human civilization. For almost one and half centuries, our culture is built based on fossil fuels combustion. Yes, for almost one and half centuries after coal used to heat the engine of industrial Revolution, our progress is defined by how much carbon dioxide is released in to the atmosphere. In only one and half centuries, 2.3 billion years history of the formation of the atmosphere is erased. And because of that, erased also our eco-systemic brotherhood with all creatures. Nowadays, all the living creatures are under the danger of atmospheric change made by human lifestyle. In this Covid-19 pandemic days, it is the exact time, not only to reflect, but the most important is to act. We have to stop our ego-logical spiral of death. We have to revive of ecological hope, in massive repentance of human kind, by taking the pathway to more sustainable living, and more solidarity with other creatures. For this concern, we are fully with you, GCCM and other fellows in ecological justice, to act and to campaign for the divestment form fossil fuels, a divestment from our egoistic way of consumption and exploitation. - Fr. Endra Wijayanta, director of Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation Commission, Archdiocese of Semarang | |||||||||||||||||||||
10 | Catholic | Ireland | Diocese of Ossory | Diocese | https://ossory.ie/ | In response to the Laudato Si', the Diocese of Ossory is committed not to invest in Fossil Fuels.Most Reverend Dermot Farrell Bishop of Ossory | |||||||||||||||||||||
11 | Catholic | Ireland | Marino Institute of Education Trust Fund | Lay Organization | https://www.mie.ie/en/ | As part of our Ethical and Positive Impact Investment Policy, we decided to fully divest from fossil fuels from our investment portfolio in 2017. We believe that removing fossil fuel companies from our portfolio of investments is critical to doing our part in the fight again climate change. | |||||||||||||||||||||
12 | Catholic | Ireland | Missionary Sisters of St Columban | Religious Order | https://www.columbansisters.org/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | Catholic | Ireland | Little Company of Mary, Irish Province | Religious Order | https://www.lcm.ie/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | Catholic | Ireland | Creedon Educational Trust | Religious Order | |||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | Catholic | Ireland | The Order of St Augustine - Irish Province | Religious Order | https://augustinians.ie/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | Catholic | Ireland | Christian Brothers European Province | Religious Order | |||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | Catholic | Italy | Fondazione MAGIS | Foundation | https://magis.gesuiti.it/ | Original (Italian): Il nostro impegno nel campo dell’advocacy ci ha aiutati a capire che bisogna praticare un esigente discernimento affinché i beni della creazione siano davvero destinati al bene di tutti. Le risorse naturali, così spesso causa di conflitti e destabilizzazione di estese regioni, devono essere usati per la dignità di ogni persona e di tutta la persona, a cominciare dai diritti più basilari, in particolar modo della salute e della educazione. L’estrazionismo, che non è un male in sé tutt’altro è occasione di progresso e di vita dignitosa per interi paesi, diventa invece “selvaggio” quando perde il legame con quei principi etici massimi che la Dottrina Sociale della Chiesa indica nel bene comune e nella destinazione universale dei beni della creazione. Attualmente, proprie alla luce delle riflessioni appena condivise, il Magis ha già investito il 100 per cento delle proprie risorse finanziarie in investimenti etici e intende, aderendo alla Campagna, impegnarsi a non investire nel futuro in compagnie che commercino con combustibili fossili. Padre Renato Colizzi - Presidente Fondazione MAGIS EN: Our work on advocacy helped us to understand that a demanding discernment must be practiced so that the goods of creation are truly destined for the good of all. Natural resources, so often cause of conflict and destabilization of large regions, must be used for the dignity of each person, starting with the most basic rights, especially health and education. Extractivism, which is not an evil in itself but an opportunity for progress and dignified life for entire countries, instead it becomes "wild" when it loses the link with those maximum ethical principles that the Catholic Social Teaching indicates in the common good and in the universal destination of the goods of creation. Currently, in light of the reflections just shared, Magis has already invested 100 percent of its financial resources in ethical investments and intends, by joining the Campaign, to commit itself not to invest in the future in fossil fuel companies. Padre Renato Colizzi - President Fondazione MAGIS | |||||||||||||||||||||
18 | Catholic | Italy | Pro Civitate Christiana | Lay Organization | http://www.cittadella.org/ | Original (Italian): L'enciclica di Papa Francesco Laudato sì indica un orizzonte necessario e un percorso urgente. L'azione di disinvestimento è indispensabile per costruire un futuro in cui firmiamo un nuovo patto con il creato e deponiamo le armi di un conflitto disastroso e distruttivo. Tonio Dell'Olio, Presidente Pro Civitate Christiana di Assisi EN: Pope Francis Laudato Si encyclical indicates a necessary horizon and an urgent path to follow. Divestment is essential to build a future in which we want to sign a new pact with the Creation and lay down the weapons of a disastrous and destructive conflict. Tonio Dell'Olio, President Pro Civitate Christiana of Assisi | |||||||||||||||||||||
19 | Catholic | Kenya | Catholic University of Eastern Africa | University | http://www.cuea.edu/ | The COVID 19 pandemic has disrupted normal operations of many institutions all over the world, and the Catholic University of Eastern Africa is not exception. However, we are taking this time to reflect on the interconnectedness of one aspect of life to the other and learning lessons on how to respect all of God's creation and, therefore, taking care of our common home - mother earth and seek ways of protecting it. It is in this line that the Catholic University of Eastern Africa is committed to mainstream in all its activities, the care for mother Earth seeking to contribute towards the alleviation of the pangs of climate change. Hence we are committed to be part of the Catholic Divestment Campaign. Very Rev. Prof. Stephen Mbugua Ngari | Rector/Vice Chancellor | |||||||||||||||||||||
20 | Catholic | Myanmar | Karuna Mission Social Solidarity (KMSS) - Caritas Myanmar | Caritas | https://www.kmss-caritasmyanmar.org/ | As a Catholic faith based organization guided by Catholic Social Teaching and as we are strongly inspired by Laudato Si', we commit ourselves and our organization to be fossil free (no current and future investment) in the spirit of "on care for our common home". (James Pahre, Acting National Director of KMSS) | |||||||||||||||||||||
21 | Catholic | Spain | Hermanitas de la Asunción | Religious order | https://assomption-psa.org/ | Original (Spanish): En Congregación hemos decidido sumarnos a esta iniciativa de Iglesia para hacer posible la vida. Maria del Pilar Sánchez Redondo, Hermanitas de la Asunción EN: The congregation deicided to join this initiative of the Catholic Church in order to make life possible. Maria del Pilar Sánchez Redondo, Hermanitas de la Asunción | |||||||||||||||||||||
22 | Baptist | United Kingdom | Dronfield Baptist Church | Local Church | https://www.dronfieldbaptist.co.uk/ | "We wish to affirm our commitment towards a more sustainable partnership in the ongoing availability of the resources of the world not only for today but for generations to come." Revd Andrew Gore, Pastor of Dronfield Baptist Church | |||||||||||||||||||||
23 | Baptist/Methodist | United Kingdom | Wellspring Wirksworth | Local Church | http://www.wellspringchurchwirksworth.co.uk/ | "Wellspring Church wishes for investments to be made as a sign of hope, contributing to the flourishing of God’s creation, both now and for generations to come. We support the campaign for fossil-free Churches and, conscious of the impact of climate change on our sisters and brothers around the world – especially those living in poverty, we recognise the urgency of the need to shift from fossil fuels to a brighter, cleaner future." Revd Kevin A Price, Minister, (on behalf of the Trustees and Members of Wellspring Church) | |||||||||||||||||||||
24 | Buddhist | United Kingdom | Triratna Buddhist Community Highlands | Buddhist Community | https://buddhistcommunityhighlands.org.uk/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
25 | Catholic | United Kingdom | Diocese of Arundel & Brighton | Diocese | https://www.dabnet.org/ | "Care for the world that has been given to us is an increasingly pressing need. It is therefore timely that the Diocese of Arundel & Brighton divests from fossil fuels. This positive step will contribute to the common good and, I trust, pave the way for further practical action to safeguard this and future generations." Rt Revd Richard Moth, Bishop of Arundel & Brighton | |||||||||||||||||||||
26 | Catholic | United Kingdom | Jesuits in Britain | Religious Order | https://www.jesuit.org.uk/ | "Climate change is the most pressing challenge the world faces as climate disasters wreak more and more destruction, hitting poorer countries the hardest – despite them having done the least to cause them. The decision to divest is principally a response to the clear moral imperative of acting to safeguard our planet for future generations at a time when scientific evidence is mounting that we are facing a grave climate emergency." Fr Damian Howard SJ, Provincial Superior of the British Jesuits “Our trustees took the decision to completely divest from oil, gas and coal-producing companies because they felt these companies were not making enough progress towards better solutions. The severity of the climate emergency has made it crystal clear that action is needed more than words if climate action is to be effective.” Br Stephen Power SJ, who manages Jesuits in Britain’s ethical investment strategy | |||||||||||||||||||||
27 | Catholic | United Kingdom | Sisters of St Josephs of Peace (UK Province) | Religious Order | https://csjp.org/ | “The climate crisis calls each of us to conversion of heart and change in behavior. We felt compelled to divest of fossil fuels to reflect our values. We are also committed to using our resources to make positive investments that will help the transition to a zero carbon future.” Sister Bridgetta Rooney, a trustee of the Congregation’s charity. | |||||||||||||||||||||
28 | Church of England | United Kingdom | St Peter and St Pauls, Chaldon | Local Church | http://www.chaldonchurch.co.uk/ | “The moral and faith-based imperative to divest has been a part of our journey towards bearing witness to the destruction of our planet, and we hope that other churches will join us in divesting from fossil fuels now rather than later.” Rev Helen Burnett, Vicar of St Peter and St Paul's Chaldon | |||||||||||||||||||||
29 | Church of Scotland | United Kingdom | Dunscore Parish Church | Local Church | https://www.dunscorechurch.co.uk/ | “It is the opinion of the Board that it is not appropriate for Dunscore Church (or for that matter, the Church of Scotland) to profit from companies that are a cause of increasing poverty and misery in some of the poorest parts of the world.” Dunscore Church Congregational Board | |||||||||||||||||||||
30 | Methodist | United Kingdom | Lancaster Methodist Church | Local Church | http://www.lancastermethodistchurch.org.uk/ | "At Lancaster Methodist Church, we feel that avoiding fossil fuels is an essential step during the Climate Emergency. As such, divesting our funds from any investments connected with fossil fuels is a Christian imperative." Rev Steve Charman, Lancaster Methodist Church | |||||||||||||||||||||
31 | Methodist | United Kingdom | Stroud Methodist Church | Local Church | https://www.stroudmethodistchurch.org/ | "Our Church Council is very conscious of the climate emergency we all face and the need for urgent action. We did not feel it was right to be investing in further fossil fuel extraction when the scientists are telling us that we need to be investing in renewable energy now if we are to keep global temperature rise below 1.5C. The Church Council members hope their decision will act as a reminder that the earth is sacred because it is created by God and should be cherished and protected by people of faith." Revd Simon Topping, Minister of Stroud Methodist Church | |||||||||||||||||||||
32 | Methodist | United Kingdom | Banner Cross Methodist Church | Local Church | http://bannercrossmethodist.org.uk/ | "We are an Eco Church and we take looking after God's creation seriously. Most of the known fossil fuel reserves cannot be burned if we are to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius and investing in fossil fuels leaves the possibility of stranded assets. So it made perfect sense, both environmentally and financially, to join the announcement." Sean Ashton, a member of the Banner Cross Methodist Church leadership team | |||||||||||||||||||||
33 | Non-denominational/charity | United Kingdom | Oasis Churches and Global Charity | Church and charity | https://www.oasisuk.org/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
34 | Quakers in Britain | United Kingdom | Sussex East Quaker Area Meeting | Quaker Meeting | http://www.hitchin.plus.com/AreaMeeting/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
35 | Quakers in Britain | United Kingdom | North East Thames Quaker Trust | Quaker Meeting | https://northeastthamesquakers.org/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
36 | Quakers in Britain | United Kingdom | York Quaker Area Meeting | Quaker Meeting | https://www.yorkquakers.org.uk/yorkareameetings.html | ||||||||||||||||||||||
37 | Quakers in Britain | United Kingdom | Hereford Quaker Local Meeting | Quaker Meeting | http://www.smquakers.org.uk/hereford?LMCL=Mw5S02 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
38 | United Reformed Church | United Kingdom | West Midlands Synod | Synod | https://www.urcwestmidlands.org.uk/ | "I'm delighted that the West Midlands Synod has taken action to remove fossil fuel from our investment portfolio as part of our ongoing commitment to reduce the impact of humanity on the climate. We recognise that we all need work harder and faster to this end, and this divestment is just one step of a programme of actions that we are taking to support clean energy. We hope that our moves will be an encouragement not only to other investors, but also to businesses and consumers as we each bear a responsibility to act to preserve and protect the planet." Revd Steve Faber, Moderator of URC West Midlands Synod | |||||||||||||||||||||
39 | United Reformed Church | United Kingdom | Northern Synod | Synod | https://urc-northernsynod.org/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
40 | United Reformed Church | United Kingdom | Mersey Synod | Synod | https://www.urcmerseysynod.org.uk/welcome.htm | ||||||||||||||||||||||
41 | United Reformed Church | United Kingdom | Trinity United Church, Ringwood | Local Church | https://www.trinityringwood.co.uk/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
42 | United Reformed Church | United Kingdom | Westminster College, Cambridge | Theological College | https://www.westminster.cam.ac.uk/urc | ||||||||||||||||||||||
43 | Catholic | United States | Franciscan Action Network | Lay Organization | https://franciscanaction.org/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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